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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15401261 No.15401261 [Reply] [Original]

Will humanity ever accept the fact that God and life after death don't exist?

>> No.15401263

God probably doesnt exist but you are a midwit if you dont realize what death actually is

>> No.15401301
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>life after death don't exist
You were dead before you were alive dumbass

>> No.15401305

What do you know about time travel?

>> No.15401318

>you are a midwit if you dont realize what death actually is
do tell us
I don't think anyone classifies nonexistence as life

>> No.15401324

It's hard to accept false things.

>> No.15401330
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>coming from a hairless ape that doesnt know where he is, where he came from, or even what he is
Yah I'm good bro.

>> No.15401346

you can't say it doesn't exist just as much as you can't say it can

>> No.15401362

God does exist, but he is a troll and an asshole.

>> No.15401367

is not existing after your life different from not existing before your life?

>> No.15401370

question 1: why do i see you popping up like a stenchful pimple in every thread on /sci/
question 2: how the HECC do you manage to have a retarded take on everything?

>> No.15401376

Surprise it was you who was the retard all along!

>> No.15401404

look who it is, the shit spamming retarded nigger fuckwad.... the sorrowful bastard of sci......

care to explain why you'd insult me, you vituperous sack of shit? I'd punch you, but I'm afraid you'll burst with shit

>> No.15401407


>> No.15401411

God's existence is something that can't be proven nor disproven using the information available to us in our universe so there's no reason to believe he doesn't exist.

>> No.15401416
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x4235, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit eating schizo having a schizo meltdown
Why are you so obsessed with shit you schizo freak?

>> No.15401419

If you really think god doesn't exist, at least prove it.

>> No.15401428

KEK im giving you a bad name you faggot

burden of proof is on you, God isn't real

>> No.15401429
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>I don't think anyone classifies nonexistence as life
nonexistence is death, you'll just be reborn again as some other consciousness in the universe, you'd never have a memory of it because whatever memories you form are limited to your physical form and the way it processes information, which would disappear with whatever body you had, all consciousness is the exact same thing, just on a different level of complexity and identity

>> No.15401434

you are a psychotic schizo who is completely out of touch with reality. The only thing you ever do is sperg out like a retarded fucking schizo on an anime forum all every day.

>> No.15401438
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so? suck my dick nigger!
cry for my untaken medication while i live rent free in ur head and ur moms labia

>> No.15401441

btw @bodhi feel free to further expand your infographic thingy

>> No.15401444

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.15401473

Nothing doesn’t become something without an outside force.
Now please explain our universe and it’s creation within this parameter.

>> No.15401494

So everything need a creator, how did the creator come about? Your argument is just a more contrived path to the same conclusion.

>> No.15401521

immigration is the sincerest form of flattery. i know your busy drips just thinking about my massive IQ while you shovel down mountains of steaming shit into your gut

>> No.15401524

fucking phone, immitation

>> No.15401527

i answered this question here a long time ago but you are fucking stupid so you can't process it

>> No.15401556

The life after death question comes to down a very basic gap in our understanding. Everybody knows what its like to sleep and then wake up. We can't know we've fallen asleep until we've woken up, so if death is to fall asleep without ever again waking up, what is the nature of the last sleeping point?

idk, do you? Can we have a last reference point? This is where all of this speculating comes in about existence and we draw whatever line we can to another waking up point to make sense of the end point. Pick your flavor, it could be based in mysticism, science, just plain unknown unknowns. This is our struggle to keep and as long as no one subjectively knows we'll always divide into factions over the possible answer.

Its real "find out when you find out" type shit and the best you can do not waste time trying to know.

>> No.15401933
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Another unfalsifiable topic. Let's discuss it

>> No.15401942
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Humanity as a whole has never accepted anything.

>> No.15401951

Picrel was the gay reboot.

>> No.15402001

>tfw you find out god let you make this post
how high will your embarassment level be?

>> No.15402035

>religion vs. science thread