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15394539 No.15394539 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, do medical students learn how to make a vagina from a colon? What kind of medical discipline is that?

>> No.15394549

Do no harm.

>> No.15394560

Plastic surgery

No, it’s a residency (postgraduate training)

>> No.15395950

The surgery would've been successful if he hadn't been on HRT before he was 18

>> No.15395973

Remember all those predictions about life and human accomplishment in 2020s, pic rel is how it turned out.
This is what happens when kikes run things, the strongest nation in human history absolutely destroyed, turned to dust.

>> No.15396772

How did it happen? The people in politics were not Jews, they were just greedy moneyfags

>> No.15396776

Jews are greedy moneyfags.
They are the reason zoomercels like me have no purpose anymore other wage slaving for this evil corrupt "society".

>> No.15396787

same result though, since according to activists he probably would have anheroed at age 18 without the puberty blockers and hormone therapy

>> No.15398201


Once again I am asking you to stop forcing me to give Lacan (may Allah forgive me for mentioning him) his due. The sexual relation is impossible. Stop trooning, please.

>> No.15398269

I like how this will be the only response in the entire thread that gives a seruous answer to OP's bait. The rest of this thread will be /pol/ containment

>> No.15398818

I think they have gender affirmation and microsurgery fellowships after plastics to focus in on this field now too desu
But yeah, the most that your typical med students will interact with transgenderism is through patient interaction and histories

>> No.15398828 [DELETED] 

muhammed/mohammed however you spell that faggots name is a goatfucker
those that practice the goat-fucking, sister-raping, mentally incapacitated religion of piss are all faggots, the same as trannys and jews

>> No.15398843
File: 195 KB, 604x580, 1667127102259692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't put him on puberty blockers at ten years old he'll die
>if you don't give him elective castration surgery he'll die
>*dies anyway*

>> No.15398853

Dunning Kruger ass mf doesn't know what the word "elective" even means

>> No.15398856

>(of a medical treatment) done at a time chosen by the patient, rather than needed urgently:

>> No.15398859

You're the dunning kruger

>> No.15398874

Yeah because not having the surgery immediately won't kill him like you said before, Mr. Retard

>> No.15398877

Congratulations, you finally figured out the point of that post. Maybe next time you'll be able to do it without publicly embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15398882
File: 812 KB, 1200x940, Unwanted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant get hormomes
>cant get SRS
Fuck this shit

>> No.15398883


I can presume that's bullshit. vaginoplasty is needed for any trauma injury to vagina including child birth. More women have it done than trannies. I know you guys are retarded so probably are unaware of that.

>> No.15398924
File: 31 KB, 475x284, mfw non corporate-approved media sources.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between repairing something that's already there and gutting someone like a thanksgiving turkey then sewing part of their poopchute into the hole where their reproductive system used to be.

>> No.15398940

Learn to speak English

>> No.15398945

What causes people to make posts like this?

>> No.15398948

Yes goyim, we’ve made you so confused with our buzzwords that you don’t even know what gender you are anymore! You should pay my good friend Dr.shekelstein 80 thousand US dollarinos to permenantly mutilate you. Better hurry because you will only ever feel good about yourself again if you do this quickly!
>hey another one died
>80,000, what did you borrow 90,000 for? This life changing operation only cost 100,000. 110,000 is nothing compared to the life you will have afterwords(;

>> No.15398954

Cool it with the antisemitism buddy

>> No.15398956

Imagine seething at being too retarded to get into medical school/into plastics

>> No.15398962

Plastic surgeon uses anything they can. Quick search shows vaginas have been made out of inner lining of mouth and placenta. You're obsessed with trannies.

>> No.15398966

I’m certainly not seething about having a moral compass so there’s that.

>> No.15398968

Trannies literally cannot comprehend that they have a mental disorder (gender dysphoria is 100% mental)
Even schizophrenics have more self awareness.

>> No.15398969
File: 95 KB, 690x504, wombs-for-men-large-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmmon now, its 2023 allready
wheres stem explant culture and organ printing

in fact wheres SIMPLE trransplant from road donors ? esp in those tranny cases
and yes i know one would need Immunosuppressants for whole life, but dasnt that be still better ?

>> No.15398976
File: 81 KB, 892x1024, 8A9C668B-2586-442F-ABE8-356B3DF786E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go through school
>take on heavy debt
>it’ll all be okay because I’m a doctor now(:
>your first patient
>”yes mr. Surgeon I need my balls cut off and turned into a vagina in order to reaffirm my twisted fantasies”

>> No.15398979

>yes i know one would need Immunosuppressants for whole life
… so 6months?

>> No.15398982

If men were aloud to conceive children then there would be no use for women anymore at all. They are statistically worse at almost everything.

>> No.15398995
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, artificial womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, men would still need those donors lol
i agree with you, are you familiar with "sex wars" concept, when both gender would like to genocide other half? each society would be mono gendered, like only men or only women (amazonians)

in theory future lies in artifical human breeding ay more then in womb tranplant, and that kind of breeding would be controled by state, and theres certain advantage in that.. - for example that would solve overpopulation problem,
For that to work, state just need to sterilise population worldwide with some agent, like vax of smth...

>> No.15399004

>and yes i know one would need Immunosuppressants for whole life, but dasnt that be still better ?

funny thing, I read that a lot of people are taking these recently because they expand lifespan. Was going to make a thread about it.

>> No.15399005

That's just some homoerotic nonsense

>> No.15399009

technology is still underdeweloped, so its song of distant future like at least 50-100 years? but its going to happend... after earth hit 12-16B population (10B is prognosed on 2050) and mass human migration from waterless region wipe most of civilisation



>> No.15399021

Except nature and reality follow the law of carnage, which men are 1000x more capable. Logic tells me they will be wiped out by natural selection.

>> No.15399204

>if I cut my arm I can put a bandaid over it

>> No.15399310

>gender dysphoria is 100% mental
That's great and all, but what do you do with that knowledge? It's completely useless. Being gay is also 100% mental, yet unsurprisingly, people don't magically turn straight once they come to realize that.

>> No.15399352

Right but cutting off someone’s reproductive organs in the name of mental illness exploitative and morally disgusting to support. The way it’s been spun is so twisted I can only feel sadness for trannies.
>show clear signs of mental illness
>told to mutilate your body for “affirmation relief”
>wow it didn’t work how shocking
You won’t change my mind on this

>> No.15399355

Show me one other mental illness that is properly treated by this method >>15399352
Body modifications are not the solution to mental problems

>> No.15399373

Us schizos believe in souls, so we don't mutilate ourselves when our ideas and feelings don't conform to physical reality. Science should acknowledge the existence of the soul and treat transgender people by helping them interdimensionally travel to other worlds where they can express the gender they feel, rather than chopping off their generative organs and neutralizing the life energy needed to create and project an astral body.

>> No.15399377

> successful
If you consider not dying to qualify as a success.

>> No.15399393

I mean you say this but is there any evidence at all that suicide rates are dropping?

>> No.15399415

is there any good evidence that SRS changes the suicide rate one way or the other compared to transgender people who did not undergo SRS

>> No.15399416

>Forced to be who you are
Reality wins again.

>> No.15399454

Treating transgenderism as a mental illnes in the vein of correction therapy has already been tried, and it didn't work at any point in history. It's likely something you get born with, and we have no idea how to cure it, or even if it can be cured. Again, you'd sooner cure homosexuality.
Alleviating the symptoms currently is the only thing at our disposal. Unlike the "mental" approach, HRT actually does have tangible results in increasing psychological well-being. I'm not advocating for sex reassignment surgery. I don't think changing the body is inherently wrong, but the results just aren't good enough at this point, so I'm not planning to change anyone's mind in this regard.
I just wanted to say that the mental illness label doesn't say much about how it should be treated. It just comes down to which approach is more feasible. Give an actual female body to the mentally ill male and you'll generally get a mentally healthy female. Give a mentally healthy female a male body and she becomes a mentally ill male.

>> No.15399468

> I just wanted to say that the mental illness label doesn't say much about how it should be treated.
K you can say whatever you want but you are wrong.
>Give an actual female body to the mentally ill male and you'll generally get a mentally healthy female. Give a mentally healthy female a male body and she becomes a mentally ill male.
You are on a science board, any legitimate papers you’d care to share that even remotely suggest this?

>> No.15399482

>K you can say whatever you want but you are wrong.
Well akshually anon, you can do exercises that can improve mental health conditions
But the point of body modifications is correct. It’s why they don’t recommend plastic ops for people with body dysmorphia because it can make it way worse

>> No.15399521

>K you can say whatever you want but you are wrong.
You can say I'm wrong, but you offer no alternative. You only have a vague idea of how you think it should be approached (even though it was tried and didn't work in the past) with no actual results to support it.
>any legitimate papers you’d care to share that even remotely suggest this?
Sure, after you share legitimate papers that present a method of successfully curing transgenderism while approaching it as a mental illness.

>> No.15399536

“Cosmetic Surgery” is basically carte blanche to perform medical experimentation on willing subjects. Completely lacking in ethics.

>> No.15399577

The number of staggering assumptions in that post alone you hold to justify doing this to people is astounding.

If trans people are a real thing and this amazing hormone treatment is the only way to save them from suicide, where is the unbroken chain of mass child suicide that should be painfully obvious throughout all of human history? Child suicide wasnt even a statistically significant thing until about 40 years ago.

You ask whats the solution because apparently mental health treatment has never worked and on the other hand hormones do work (Everything Ive read on those topics seems to indicate the opposite if anything). The answer is to stop exposing kids to the disastrous ideologies that blur the lines between men and women and socilise them independent of degenerates on the internet. For those adolescents who have already been confused beyond repair, you leave them the fuck alone and allow them to develop through their puberty induced phase of insecurity, where they will probably end up gay rather than sterile, hospitallised for life and suicidal.

>> No.15399631

Well said anon

>> No.15399699

Simply look at historical rates of suicide versus the rate of suicide today. These people have always been part of the population yet only recently began getting encouraged to act on their fantasies.

>> No.15399704

First, do harm

>> No.15399712


>> No.15399827

Well, you make a lot of assumptions as well. You talk about the suspicious absence of the chain of mass child suicides because you assume I was talking about children - I wasn't, and that I claimed it prevents suicide in children - I didn't. Treating children in this way is controversial, and I don't think I know enough to take a definitive stance on it.
It does seem to reduce suicide rates, but in the long run. Don't cite me on this, but in my experience, they only become suicidal later in life, typically in their 30s when the weight of their predicament fully sinks in. I only argued it alleviates symptoms (like dysphoria), and didn't claim it's the only way, just that alleviating the symptoms (in any way) is the only approach known to produce actual results rather than trying to cure it like you would, say, a depression.
Actually, you are right that mental counseling does that as well, but not the kind you imagine. The kind of counseling that does help is the one that affirms their perceived identity, not the one that tries to cure the underlying cause by dispelling their "delusions", and attempting to change the identity to reflect their biology. I don't know what you've read, but there's a pretty neutral summary on wikipedia referencing a lot of different sources, or at least more so than the current hearsay on /pol/.

>> No.15399835

The causes and overall nature of our subjective experiences will never be known to us. We likely use the same labels to describe different experiences and have the same experience ans use different labels at other times. There are a number of models that can explain an internal experience, ranging from personal narratives that are decades long (or longer) or physiological measurements of hormones, neurotransmitters, and the day-to-day actions that created the circulating levels of each. The model of internal experience that "helps" is almost certainly going to be the one that is overwhelmingly affirmed by figures of authority and their community. If these people were born in 1400 in Madagascar, their internal experience would be labelled as something else, treated differently, and lead to different outcomes. Essentializing any theory of mind is as foolish as it is conceited.

>> No.15399858

Serious question. Is there an actual scientific branch of medicine, like maybe a branch of psychiatry, that is not tainted by politics and big pharma, that studies transgenderism and proves that it is mental illness?

>> No.15399895

I agree, but on the other hand I wouldn't condemn any theory of mind just on the basis that it can't be essentialized. It might serve at least some purpose in our current cultural and historical context.

I honestly don't think there is one where you could say it with certainty, although I wouldn't say it necessarily makes all of them 100% malicious in everything they do or say. Mental illness mostly is a useless label though - "a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning". A sadistic psychopath is mentally ill, and so is your average depressed dude, even though their conditions and the way you should approach them are clearly very different. I'm not a psychologist, but the significant distress does seem to apply to transgenderism. Still, even if you slap that label on it, it doesn't really tell you anything useful about it.

>> No.15399918

I think the most useful conclusion is that it is not something that needs to be accepted as normal and encouraged but should rather be treated and discouraged especially among young children. Unfortunately they've been lumped together with the rest of the LGBT alphabet but unlike "gender dysphoria" you can't help being gay and even if you could that is not mental illness but just a way certain people prefer to live and that doesn't affect their mental state.

>> No.15399922

you're rejecting information because you fear the reality

>> No.15399933

thats why its called mental illness

>> No.15399936

humans reproduce sexually, so being gay is literally mental illness. the whole identity alphabet is mentally ill. FACT!!!!!

>> No.15399945
File: 42 KB, 713x430, images - 2023-04-28T094412.798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender dysphoria is 100% mental
Its body based first, as the brain is late to the game of Evolution.

>> No.15399968

I don't know, anon, people can't help having disphoria either, and discouraging it might make it invisible, but it likely won't make it disappear. It apparently worsens the distress just like the experimental treatments of homosexuality did back in the day when it wasn't as widely accepted as it is now.
I believe adults should be able to do whatever they want, but I already said once itt that I'm not sure where I stand when it comes to children.
At the very least I agree that it shouldn't be advertised as completely normal, and a rigorous diagnostic process should be used to minimize the misdiagnosed cases as much as possible. On the other hand, I believe that in some individual cases, encouraging it might be justified because it's pretty much the only thing we can do to lessen their mental distress and help these people exist as more or less productive members of society.

>> No.15400595

>people can't help having disphoria
they can be conditioned out of it through beatings and mockery

>> No.15400706

Why is f2m transgenderism highly contageous?

>> No.15400733

Any doctor willing to hack at internal organs for an elective surgery should lose their license. Plastics is is barely medicine to start.

>> No.15400904

Yeah I guess there will always be two oppose outcomes for every false positive and false negative case: a kid is left alone and outgrows this "phase" by himself, or some other person may actually need help but will be ignored which could do him even more harm. And the opposite policy: "help everyone", so the latter person will benefit from it and the former will be unnecessarily mutilated and have his life ruined. Which is why the culture war between, say, parents and teachers, "leave my kid alone, don't talk to him in secret" vs "i am going to save this kid from his monster parents and help him transition".

>> No.15400908

Also, case in point: Matt Walsh (or Billboard Chris vs that trannie activist, Carballo?), that's what I mean.

>> No.15401021

That was a terrible idea and lawsuit incoming. At least the family made money off the death though. They wouldn't have if the surgery was "successful" and a suicide to follow

>> No.15401123

>results produced
>56% suicide rate in post op
>mental illness persists in later life even with HRT
yeah so your solutions make literally zero difference except for making the extreme cases kill themselves.
You know how after a spouse dies they tell the remaining to not make any big life decisions for awhile until they are thinking clearly again? That’s trans people, except it never ends.

>> No.15401146

No refunds, he signed all the “risky elective surgery” waivers

>> No.15401449

Everything I’ve found about affirmation being the best form of treatment for gender dysphoria is TRASH.
>Doctors determine affirmation to be best treatment based on anecdotal evidence from patients that of course can’t be named for patient confidentiality reasons
>100% unverifiable
>Same doctors that get kickbacks for the prescription hormones
>Same doctors that get referral kickbacks for the operations
>The patients still suffer greatly afterwords
>The patients still don’t find mental peace
>irreversible physical damage from both HRT and operations

>> No.15401537

you mean his parents signed for him?
he is 18 not 21. can't even drink

>> No.15401598

At 18 in the US you can legally sign away all the rights to your body and well-being, yes.

>> No.15401957

Actually retarded.

>> No.15401989

If you want to become a troon, you can do that even before 18 now.

>> No.15402003

Instead of trying to learn how to heal a whole human body from a brain stem and stem cells we do this. Eh, maybe this is a step towards that. What do I know?

>> No.15402011

>cutting a piece of intestine is good or bad, depending on where to put it.

>> No.15403106

>Scientifically speaking, do medical students learn how to make a vagina from a colon?
Apparently not, seems like the surgeon tried to freestyle and nothing of value was lost

>> No.15404426

its good that they're self-holocausting

>> No.15405475

thats just a photo of an incubator

>> No.15405501

It's good that they're self-holocausting, that nigga is coping hard