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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, DE411DAF-A429-413A-B924-2174E5F11CD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15398035 No.15398035 [Reply] [Original]

Manifest Destiny Edition

Previous - >>15395898

>> No.15398042
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>> No.15398045

Based ring watcher

>> No.15398046
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Not much progress yet, they have been inspecting the site and equipment thoroughly I guess

>> No.15398049

inb4 page 1 schizo

>> No.15398048
File: 683 KB, 1286x737, 002996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some weird yellow crane

>> No.15398050

>there are 9 ships and 7 boosters currently being worked on
Holy shit

>> No.15398052
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>> No.15398054
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>> No.15398055

Two falcon 9 launches coming up

Starlink Mission in 4h

ViaSat-3 Americas Mission in 13h

>> No.15398056

Stop shilling your YouTube Baylor

>> No.15398061

>Viasat 3 Americas
>Delayed from 3rd Quarter and December 2022. Delayed from January, March 2023, April 8, April 18, April 24, and April 26.

>> No.15398062

jump out of an airlock fag
or better yet, a specially made contraction that spins and can rope you even in 0g

>> No.15398067

When will we get the updated one?

>> No.15398069
File: 1.74 MB, 1287x767, 003000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fraser Cain, Scott Manley and Marcus House discussing OFT-1


>> No.15398071
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>> No.15398073
File: 209 KB, 680x1002, casc-cz9-slides-2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't take those CZ9 roadmap dates too seriously; CASC changes their minds all the time. Probably, the real constraining factor for China is how fast they can get their 2MN ffsc mox Raptor clone working. If the engine proceeds rapidly then the CZ9 schedule might be accelerated.

That CASC recently decided to shift from kox to mox for CZ9 suggests that they made key breakthroughs with the mox engine development. They previously said 2035 for the mox CZ9, then this April they said 2033. In the previous slides a reusable upper stage wasn't included in the roadmap, in the April slides they were.

If Starship works well then CASC might decide to skip the expendable second stage on CZ9 and go directly for a Starship clone.

>> No.15398074

Stainless steel really is the cutting edge in material sciences

>> No.15398079

NASA: plays with helicopter drone on Mars
Elon: plays with rocket debris on Earth

>> No.15398082
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x1755, FpTDXvXacAE3CR9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows, I think it was months between this one and the previous one
pic related is 9 weeks ago (february 19th)

I scrolled a year back on the twitter feed and didn't see a picture in the same format as >>15398042
a lot of ones where they show a 3d diagram of the production site itself (like pic related)

>> No.15398084

only material rockets will ever need

>> No.15398087

so there's another stack ready to go?

>> No.15398091

This guy kind of looks like an android

>> No.15398092

yeah in some 6 months to a year once they fix the launch site. He hasn’t even developed or tested the in-space refueling concept yet…that would take years to perfect, esp. if the launch pad needs 6 months of repairs after each launch.

>> No.15398095

post some relevant videos

>> No.15398096

almost 2, with a million more well on the way

>> No.15398098

I think 2 stacks, thats what people have said at least
ship 25 is not going to be used for some reason
but ship 26 + booster 9 should be pretty ready, just static fires first

>> No.15398100
File: 345 KB, 460x517, 1682516362080932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thundercuck alert.

>> No.15398102

pouring some concrete and installing the water cooled steel plate shouldn't take 6 months

>> No.15398106

aerospace concrete takes 2 years to cure and hundreds of millions of dollars

>> No.15398111

if you are oldspace then yes

>> No.15398112

look at all the debris at the 50 second mark

>> No.15398118
File: 995 KB, 1837x1044, 003001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you could see that in other videos too but this is probably the clearest showing just how many pieces of debris there are

>> No.15398120
File: 573 KB, 920x964, 003002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you also see the big slab that just goes above the sand/dust cloud (lower right hand side in pic related) at 53-56s

>> No.15398124
File: 380 KB, 2302x1297, firefox_2023-04-27_11.53.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this shit to me
why won't they just go to the moon and back on starship?

>> No.15398130

Grift, pls andarstand.

>> No.15398131

well, crew rating Starship might be difficult, but they could just take up people in a dragon that then transfers people to Starship and then go to the moon with that
the reason they don't is because SLS exists as a jobs program in the end
the Artemis program itself exists as a way to use SLS pretty much

>> No.15398132

yeah but what about the rest of the damage such as the damaged methane tanks?

>> No.15398134

Why do they want to use SLS?
This is true
They are doing this because they have already sunk so much cash into the SLS program, how could they not use the SLS?

>> No.15398136
File: 423 KB, 752x768, 1682063406185716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited for you weebs

>> No.15398137

frankly this last launch came daringly close to a climate catastrophe which is the releasment of hundreds of tonnes of methane. Hope the FAA and other government agencies really take their time with this.

>> No.15398140

Jared talking at least from 30min forward, the UI is pretty cancer still on twitter spaces
Jared mentioned that this is unprecedented in many ways, one of them is that Starship is basically privately funded


>> No.15398142

doing everything in one launch is oldspace. Artemis will use multiple flights of multiple rockets including refueling and various crew transfers.

>> No.15398144

maybe you should familiarize yourself with what an orbit is

source? there is some superficial damage to the outer cladding, not sure there is actual info about the tanks being fucked

>> No.15398150

>there is some superficial damage to the outer cladding
you think that won't need any fixing?

>> No.15398154

I have this feeling we only need to wait a few more years before SpaceX reinvents the space shuttle claiming they nailed reusability

>> No.15398163
File: 1.14 MB, 1800x1247, Artemis-I-Aug-19-2022-9057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are hydromeme first stages the ultimate old space move? As real examples I can only think of the Shuttle which doesn't really count since it was the upper and its bastard child the SLS

>> No.15398164
File: 111 KB, 995x745, Roy Gjertson Convair, Orbital Transfer Vehicle shuttle station a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravity wells self assemble post scarcity quantities of matter.
Then why leave Earth at all, Casey?

>> No.15398169

Because we want a 2nd post scarcity quantities of matter for another branch of humanity so that we can advance civilization to another world.

>> No.15398172
File: 23 KB, 672x389, Wernher von Braun X-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if Mars were absent from the solar system or was as dry as the Moon, spaceflight would be a dead end?

>> No.15398175

don't forget the tower got absolutely pelted
imagine how much of the pipes are wiring are just swiss cheese right now

>> No.15398177

Very likely we wont have a 2nd lifeboat. Right now, Mars is the only possible/likely candidate within our civilization's capability for the forseeable and far future (until we can become a galactic civilization).

Its still possible that we can harvest asteroids and have some small outposts here/there, but earth would be the only real safe haven in the solar system, if its wiped out for some reason, all life is toast.

>> No.15398179

yes unironically
we might not even bother trying to go to another solar system if we think earth just got lucky

>> No.15398181

starts to talk about the polaris mission at about 1h 5min

>> No.15398186

how about europa or enceladus and possibly other moons? sure they are harder than mars, but still easier than going outside the solar system, aren't they?

>> No.15398211
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>> No.15398216

Europa is completely radiated hellhole and and destroys all life instantly. Unless its submerged deep inside and can withstand the cold temp -160C, even then its a death trap for humanity.

Enceladus is another -200 C temp moon thats eating a ton of radiation from Saturn.

Venus is close to 500 C.

Mars is ~-60C on avg but can go ~10 C in day time in summer.

>> No.15398229
File: 141 KB, 1177x815, colony l45 a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars is handy, but not vital. Without it we would still have the Moon and asteroids (and in the far future, Mercury and the outer system) to build what we need.

>> No.15398232

so you're saying we have better chances on proxima b?

>> No.15398236
File: 2.28 MB, 1868x1032, 003004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the pictures before this seems to be after road opening but before the storm
haven't seen any close ups after the storm yet

>> No.15398239
File: 99 KB, 960x720, mercury_colony_location.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Temperature ~1 meter under of the surface of Mercury in a ring near the poles averages 22 C. 9,159 W/m2 of sunlight for electricity production and ample metal resources, one of the only reasons why there isn't more interest in it because it's very difficult to reach with chemical propulsion and there is no real atmosphere for aerobraking.

>> No.15398243

>spincuck a soiboy, no real accomplishments, trying to ride off someone elses accomplishments for SPEEEN. Complains when Musk is not Bezos.
>marschad an actual chad, PhD, actually worked in space industry, content to realize the better world he envisions through his own actions. Fully believes in Martian Manifest Destiny.
It really doesn't look good for spinners.

>> No.15398246

You’re actually Chinese aren’t you? Mainland or born overseas?
I appreciate your posts a lot, no one else is making effortposts about China

>> No.15398248
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>proxima b
Likely worse than Mars. Mars rotates, has water and isn't deep in its stars gravity well getting battered by flares. Red dwarf worlds are crappy

>> No.15398255

Aside from the problem of getting there, proxima B has a very fast orbital period around its sun. Just 11 days. I dont know how that would affect humans living there. So thats not a guarantee either.

>> No.15398256
File: 321 KB, 548x498, nro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder the NRO is still the most advanced and well funded space agency ever.

>> No.15398257
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It takes 6 months to get there

>> No.15398260

What actually happens at BO? are there any employees or is it just Bob Smith in a Hangar?

>> No.15398263
File: 1.18 MB, 1824x2499, NGC3572_Campbell_1824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Martian Manifest Destiny
And when Mars is fully developed, then what? We stop expansion because ewww spinhabs?

>> No.15398265

nobody knows other than the conditions are bad and they are treated kind of badly
not sure what they are actually accomplishing
they have a gorillion different simultaneous projects and never seem to finish anything

>> No.15398270
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>> No.15398273

It seems like a weird mix of blueskying without actual projects to show for it, and overbearing managment and middle managment, all operating hardware poor

>> No.15398276

the moon and asteroids are a joke for sustaining life

>> No.15398283
File: 172 KB, 1011x702, ron miller space asteroid blowout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a skill issue. All necessary elements can be found there.

>> No.15398285

do you even understand how little the mass of the asteroids actually are
once you get a few million humans trying to live off those resources they will rapidly dwindle

>> No.15398287

>Mars is
shit. Venus would be viable if it was not yeeted in the solar formation and turned into a failed earth

Wanking over foreign bodies as some sort of must have destination is pretty cringe and retarded anyway. Usually sign of narrow minded foresight. Main attraction is getting to leo cheap which opens up a whole range of options like orbital dockyard building orbital only cargo ships transporting materials between industrial sites like mines. Most of the solar system colonial existence wont be romantic star trek office space larps on Mars or wherever the fuck. It will be blue collared marine and manufacturing technician jobs on ships and factories

>> No.15398289

it will be mostly robotic

>> No.15398296

>no one else is making effortposts about China
well yeah as they are complete meme with their knock off soviet copies. That and obnoxious wumao turd warrior posting across the entire site has ensured they will be mocked and ridiculed even if they manage to come up with something that is not just stolen and copied from somebody else

>> No.15398303

you say that, but they are the only ones that come close to spacex's launch rate.

>> No.15398312

See? Not an effortpost in sight. There are no turdie Chinese shills on /sfg/, I’m sorry you’re still butthurt about /pol/ and /k/.

>> No.15398325

>yes goy live in a literal 500C hell where even the metals start to melt

>> No.15398332
File: 111 KB, 982x655, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the 2nd time in a row /sfg/ was staged off pages 2 by a desperate attention whore looking to start
>muh vanity thread
/sfg/ is no longer about spaceflight, pathetic

>> No.15398343

Last thread was at page ten when this one staged
And it only staged early because the thread before that was a disaster. Please don’t try to restart tard drama, we’ve only barely just wrangled our tards

>> No.15398344

wtf are you talking about, this was staged on page 10

>> No.15398349

main belt alone has enough resources to build up 3000 Earths worth of surface area

>> No.15398354

Behead schizos, roundhouse kick schizos into trash compactors, slice schizo heads off with a katana, throw schizos out of an airlock, asphyxiate schizos with carbon dioxide, crush schizo skulls against the pavement, use schizos as a meat flame trench, use schizo blood to cool steel flame diverter

>> No.15398362

mars isn't a much better option than earth if we want life to survive more than a billion years form now

>> No.15398367

so pretty close right?
>easier than going outside the solar system

>> No.15398368

jannies will sometimes nuke bunches of threads after /sfg/ stages, that's what happened

>> No.15398398
File: 84 KB, 1008x670, Dr8qDrlXgAAnS5K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is china going to get there with? This? Let's see a reusable engine first

>> No.15398402

My friends. We do not need to fight. The future of our species is like modern dating. You do not have to impregnate just one woman and stay with her. You can bang and impregnate as many as you want. Like ghengis. And these planetary, astroid and spinning women do not get to say no! The universe can’t abort them all.
We should put our cocks in every virgin well, and we should never, ever wear a rubber

>> No.15398408

Most of the mass of the earth is just there to create gravity.

>> No.15398413

Thats fine, but only one of them has a viable womb and all other are sterile.

>> No.15398419

We will make them fertile

>> No.15398421


>> No.15398435

for all we know proxima b can have better conditions for life than mars
we should be sending probes there as fast as possible

>> No.15398440

Its likely a faster probe in 1000 years will reach proxima centauri before we launch one today.

>> No.15398456

That's a dumb reason not to start today.
"Someone else will do it later probably, no reason to bother now"

>> No.15398463

Why don't you build a dyson sphere around the solar system (not the sun, but the solar system) today?

>> No.15398465

yeah, thats what caused the 50 year old lull in spaceflight
people seem to think technology just trudges along and gets better by itself, but that is just not the case
its people using their time, effort, precious brain cycles to drag technology forward

>> No.15398470

Why don't you go fuck yourself?

>> No.15398474

how do we build a faster probe if we don't start with slower ones?

>> No.15398477

that's a good point actually, we could actually start building the infrastructure for starting a dyson swarm (sphere is retarded) around the sun (why would we built it around solar system?) today,

>> No.15398480

Launch finally? Weather is better than yesterday.

>> No.15398481

Stream is up.

>> No.15398485


>> No.15398487

3 minutes

>> No.15398491

>SN11 flashbacks

>> No.15398492

Clear is cute once again today

>> No.15398495
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>> No.15398496

>tumblr meme

>> No.15398500
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When does it spin around and explode?

>> No.15398504
File: 153 KB, 1080x1080, space_hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here tourist

>> No.15398506

187th landing

>> No.15398508

Unironically because congress said so.

>> No.15398510
File: 1.86 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_4566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should make a new rocket garden at the Kennedy visitor center with all the new rockets like Falcon 9, Neutron, Terran R, Vulcan, Starship, New Glenn etc

>> No.15398513

Viasat mission is a heavy, not 9.

>> No.15398517

Nice landing.

>> No.15398529

no, seriously
they must have given some justification for this
possible starship can be unable to land safely on earth on time or something?

>> No.15398532

Basically, starship is unproven with crew, and moon starship doesn't have the reentry tiles anyways,

>> No.15398533
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Have never used such thing, Asuka best girl btw

>> No.15398535

It's probably difficult to make a non-ablative heatshield work in a Lunar reentry?

>> No.15398536

Congress mandated SLS and mandated Orion. That's it.
Program would not be allowed to move forward without these stipulations. Welcome to pork barrel politics, the pork must flow.

>> No.15398540

There is no launch escape system on SS. So it better be reliable before humans fly on it.

>> No.15398542

I regret to inform you that the meme started on tumblr. Tumblr likes day of the week memes, all the way back to the heady days of topless Tuesday, before people thought
>hey maybe we shouldn’t encourage highschool girls to post their tits on a weekly basis

>> No.15398547

A capsule is just better for now—safer, more understood, will be ready quicker. NASA would need to certify starship for human spaceflight and that would take a long time.

>> No.15398550
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, 33E7A760-455A-4756-800A-0CF6DC45752C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is the congressional mandate.
If you want to stay happy don’t look into this. Once you know the truth about SLS and shuttle and congress, the d*pot ban, the red dragon fatwa, the SRB mandate, SLS as moon-to-mars… and god help you if you ever find out about the Alabama river rocks. Every one of these things is real, and your ignorance is the only bliss you’ll find. Don’t take the black pill anon, just focus on spacex

>> No.15398567

You have to go back

>> No.15398573



>> No.15398579
File: 167 KB, 1920x1080, 1682605845092573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at the hunks of rebar and concrete everywhere
Also, that poor fucking tree.
>hoooollleeeeeee shiiiittttt...

>> No.15398586

how many of you have watched this?

>> No.15398588
File: 450 KB, 3840x2160, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plovers shortly before they flew into the exhaust and died. dude trust me

>> No.15398594

heavy is just 3 F9s strapped together

>> No.15398595


>> No.15398600
File: 397 KB, 1920x1080, aaaaastarshhhhiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cfucjk

>> No.15398602


>> No.15398603
File: 2.81 MB, 1920x1080, braaaap[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmyharf.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15398604

ignorance is bliss

>> No.15398607
File: 1.34 MB, 3000x3000, as17-134-20382~orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American Moon

Damn right it is

>> No.15398609

>well dwellers arguing about which hostile shithole they want to exist in again
wells aren't for living in

>> No.15398610

this board is full of normies and redditors

>> No.15398611
File: 1.72 MB, 2800x2779, AS17-134-20386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15398612

They’re for cumming in

>> No.15398614
File: 303 KB, 653x966, 003021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a leak or something? Why would one engine have such a visible flame

>> No.15398617
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>> No.15398618

it broke

>> No.15398621
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>> No.15398625
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I hate normies

>> No.15398626

https://apolloinrealtime.org maximum comfy

>> No.15398627

He’s ESL so who cares. Maybe he can bitch to chavez about it

>> No.15398631

I want to spread my seed throughout the solar system. I was thinking a glass vile of cum that breaks on impact when impacting Mars or a moon like Ganymede. Would it instantly evaporate but leave some traces of DNA? Or would drilling and putting the vile in a hole be better. The vile lid could then breakdown when it reaches a certain temperature or humidity and release my cum. Thoughts?

>> No.15398632


>> No.15398634

>NASA Planetary Protection funding increasing

>> No.15398635

leaking fluid from HPU getting lit

>> No.15398636
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>> No.15398637

you won't find clueless ESL 3rd worlders here to convince with your tripe my man. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.15398639
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1632429294716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/tards now coming in to /sfg/ posting their garbage trying to "convert" anons here to their conspiracy theory side

Collagefag will pay.

>> No.15398642

I will nuke Romania to end his rein of terror

>> No.15398643

>truth is a conspiracy theory
the number they've done on you guys..

>> No.15398644
File: 573 KB, 1455x573, 003022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 8k tracker shots are pretty good, better than what spacex stream had

>> No.15398645

it's been surprisingly schizo-free here, it's sort of incredible than within 2-3 minutes of posting a space thread on /tv/ or /pol/ or /k/ or /g/ (probably others) you get the saaameeeee webms and jpgs from ~2 people.
It used to be the same on /sci/. Just look in the archive for .webms around 2019. I do sort of miss the LIE.webm / space rat poster.

>> No.15398648

You're out of your element

>> No.15398649
File: 2.90 MB, 1080x1080, Falcon9LaunchFromPlane.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically paying attention to flat earth conspiracy theorists

>> No.15398652

I'm done arguing with them on /pol/, gradually I came to hate them.

>> No.15398653

flat earth was spread to combat moon landing realism

>> No.15398655

Proof that NASA fakes the sun rising “over the horizon” …. Biden will pay for this

>> No.15398656
File: 220 KB, 1748x2185, FuraqpQXwAYr0_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night shots are kino

>> No.15398657

when taking off from a tidally locked moon, is it more efficient to take off from one side or the other? I wouldn't think so, but mechanics can be weird

>> No.15398658

why are you scared of a little documentary if you're so sure of yourselves?

>> No.15398661
File: 2.80 MB, 720x720, SoyusLaunchFromSpace56.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15398662

would gravity be stronger on one side versus the other? I would think the side facing the planet would be easier to ascent from the more altitude you gain.
t. KSP engineer

>> No.15398664

because it's like posting a documentary about Finland being a hoax in a nordic /int/ thread. It's 'useless', for lack of a better word.

>> No.15398668
File: 1.88 MB, 2400x2476, Apollo_17_Cernan_on_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same old tired arguments that I've debunked countless times which everyone just repeats again the next day like nothing happened

Yeah no thanks, stay in your ignorant little bubble where the reach of Man is limited and I'll be here celebrating the Faustian spirit and mankinds limitless potential.

>> No.15398670
File: 1.25 MB, 964x720, 1660242038550513.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watched a few of them, safe to say people that make them don't understand elementary geometry, logic or math. It's kinda like a religion

>> No.15398672
File: 307 KB, 1536x2048, 1681964730571621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're cultists of the frontier here on /sfg/ and we don't tolerate disgusting heresies.

>> No.15398675
File: 132 KB, 1034x605, a16LM11Menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15398679

for me, its cubes (6)

>> No.15398680

reminds me of Demo 2
>we took 2 bottles from bag A and put wrappers into bag C
>uh yeah update for you we each had 1 bottle of water each and stowed them into the crew bag

>> No.15398684
File: 452 KB, 1199x718, GdAC1dW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12$ buy 39 grams of peaches
Biden's America.

>> No.15398689
File: 50 KB, 250x309, 0459F495-DFF3-4AD5-835D-BD4955055168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we ready for Starship OFT-2?

>> No.15398690

>apollo 14 mission report
>The translunar injection trajectory lay closer to the plane of the geomagnetic equator than that of previous flights and, therefore, the spacecraft traveled through the heart of the trapped radiation belts.
i thought they solved the radiation issue by avoiding the belt?

>> No.15398695

They also solved it by passing through the belt in a matter of hours if not minutes, where any sort of deadly exposure would take days.

>> No.15398697

Not ready, and it won't matter since we aren't even two weeks away yet.

>> No.15398698

you think this is funny?

>> No.15398700

No, it's hilarious

>> No.15398703
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, firefox_2023-04-27_11-29-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to wait ~7 hours for the next rocket launch and it might scrub to weather



>> No.15398706
File: 208 KB, 1200x1218, 1671882538792100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radiation is a meme

>> No.15398707
File: 250 KB, 1458x981, ap13-S70-35145HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya'll ready for a Starship rescue mission in the near future

>> No.15398708

depends on who they're rescuing.

>> No.15398710

>Lemon Food Bar
Brings connotations to "Real American Cheese Product".

>> No.15398711
File: 1.15 MB, 2816x2936, ap13-70-HC-482HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>travel to space on a billion dollar rocket
>have to eventually depend on some rickety navy recovery gizmo to grab you out of the ocean
always made me laugh

>> No.15398712

tim dodd

>> No.15398715

Might as well row back to land after splashdown

>> No.15398717

>Elon looking more like the American president than the American president, he even has the amount of daily pushback youd expect for a president

>> No.15398718
File: 1.26 MB, 1701x1701, a12traverses_ani_small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thomas Schwagmeier and Eric Jones have created a detailed traverse map derived from LROC low-periapse image M168353795R (released 6 September 2011) and traverse details extracted from the Journal Text

>> No.15398719

Imagine watching Tim dodd become Tim drown live on national television as a microfracture at no fault of SpaceX itself has occured and now they are choking to death, the kino is simply too much for a man to handle

>> No.15398724
File: 1.02 MB, 2835x2244, ap12-69-H-1766HR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15398725
File: 30 KB, 1047x816, main-qimg-f7b4fe341c226e2810b9e40162f3247b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15398728

Top ramen costs ~$0.1 dollar or 10 cents. It can feed a hungry for a meal. 2x that per day = 20 cents.

>> No.15398729


>> No.15398730

not great, not terrible

>> No.15398732

Wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.15398737
File: 91 KB, 1050x1030, 41598_2016_Article_BFsrep29901_Fig1_HTML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15398738
File: 42 KB, 557x629, 5771_Wimmer-2-pia17601-full2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhhhh Conjunctionbros I'm not feeling so good...

>> No.15398745

>During the Apollo 17 review, Jack Schmitt recalled that some geologists had been critical of Buzz's use of the term "biotite" which, formally, is a black to dark green form of mica. What Buzz was looking at was not biotite; however, as Schmitt points out, the description gave an excellent first impression of the appearance of the minerals Buzz could see in the rocks. Schmitt believes that the criticism was entirely unwarranted and, more than twenty years after the fact, still gets angry when he thinks about it.

>> No.15398746

Geology is the least interesting thing about the Apollo program desu

>> No.15398750

just spin the habs bro, just water jacket your living quarters senpai

>> No.15398753
File: 319 KB, 506x433, 1678153502285943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think it was that bad until I noticed the logarithmic scale. I guess, uh, the regolith is there for a reason?

>> No.15398754

How much water would you need? How many launches is that?

>> No.15398756

Doesnt matter, Starship will do everything

Starship will solve everything.

>> No.15398758

Honestly, I went all the way to a geological institute to confirm if some Nepherite was indeed nepherite, the german guy there kept misunderstanding no matter how many times I repeated the name in English or german that I was saying meteorite
Tl;dr there is a lot of rocks out there, and not even geologists knows every rock

>> No.15398764

engine rich combustion

>> No.15398768

quite a bit to bring it down to background earth levels according to a quick search, like 1m thick which covering an entire shit would he hundreds of tons.

>> No.15398772

>Let me spend months more time loitering in orbit instead of underneath regolith with practically no radiation exposure and then ignore how much more delta-v this takes compared to a conjunction transfer, resulting in lower payload and less shielding
Starship can do both types of transfers depending on the window, it's just that opposition transfers are retarded. Old space is wracking its head around how it can get contracts to build a nuclear electric or nuclear thermal Mars vehicle despite that there isn't a real use for one and it would become a massive boondoggle.

>> No.15398774

>When asked in early 2014 about the source of speculation about spontaneous combustion of lunar dust when exposed to oxygen in the LM cabin, Jack Schmitt wrote, "This was another stink bomb that Tommy Gold threw over the transom - that is Tommy Gold of 'sinking out of sight in dust' fame. NASA could never say 'shut up' to Gold, so we played lip service to worrying about pyrophoricity but basically ignored the question. There was no scientific rationale to think this was a problem." See also, pages 18-19 in Donald A. Beattie's Taking Science to the Moon: Lunar Experiments and the Apollo Program.

>> No.15398777
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, Kaijuu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15398778

usa, russia and china cooperating on something that built trust and layed a framework for reactors in space would be a good thing.
>things that will never happen
i cope by taking fusion hopium

>> No.15398779
File: 729 KB, 1029x992, 003026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no one commonly acknowledged system of classification for minerals right now nor really a strict definition of mineral
IMA exists, but what if you have something that is in a transition zone? lets say between 50% albite and 50% anorthite
according to the picture it could be either andesine or labradorite
and this is one of the most common minerals

biotite itself is also more of a group of minerals than a specific mineral
geologists should get their shit together and come up with a coherent system first

>> No.15398781


>> No.15398782
File: 395 KB, 1125x1972, FusiuRQXgAAXsrG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> CNSA/CASC published a preliminary analysis paper on the first flight failure of SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy. It mentioned that the take-off drift around the launch pad might have been actively controlled for safety of the tower.

>> No.15398785

/sfg/ speculated that on the day

>> No.15398786

>This is Apollo Control at 169 hours 28 minutes. Apollo 11 is 118,542 nautical miles from Earth approaching at a velocity of 5,225 feet per second. Crew is still asleep. Performance of all systems continues to be normal. Mid-course correction number 6, which was scheduled for an elapsed time of 172 hours, has been canceled. The trajectory is such that it will not be required. From the Manned Space Flight Network we have a report of a contribution to the Apollo 11 mission from a 10 year old boy in Guam. The Guam tracking station is receiving telemetry from this mission and had a problem with one if its antennas - a bearing. The bearing was replaced with the assistance of a 10 year old boy named Greg Force who had an arm small enough that he could work through a 2 and a half inch diameter hole to pack the new bearing. We're now showing entry interface with the Earth's atmosphere 25 hours, 33 minutes, 30 seconds from now, and the Green Team of Flight Controllers, led by Cliff Charlesworth, is now taking over from Glynn Lunney and his Black Team of Flight Controllers. This is Mission Control Houston.

>> No.15398791

I imagined that it was written by a chatbot that can analyze a video and make point by point event based descriptions

>> No.15398794

I feel like Starship got off the pad pretty quickly. What's it gonna look like with all engines firing?

>> No.15398795

>ignoring that the OLM has to be redone if not replaced
It’s not just the concrete and dirt

>> No.15398797
File: 153 KB, 1080x648, cia bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lunik: Inside the CIA’s audacious plot to steal a Soviet satellite
>The boastful Soviets had sent their Luna rockets on a world tour. At one exhibition in New York, American spies had confirmed that a Luna on display was legit. The CIA plotted to kidnap the spacecraft, loot it, and put it back without the Soviets knowing. But they dared not tamper with it on American soil.
>Then the CIA learned that on November 21 the Soviet exhibition was headed to the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City. An intercepted shipping manifest described “models of astronomic apparatus.” The dimensions of the crate matched the Luna rocket: 17 feet long and 8 feet wide. Jackpot. The CIA just needed several hours alone to disassemble, photograph, scrape the rocket for remnants of liquid fuel, and inspect the parts for factory markings that could give them intelligence on Soviet operations.
>Eventually, they settled on a plan. Silveti and his team of spies would need to hijack the truck carrying the spacecraft on the evening it left the exhibition. They would re-route it to a lumber yard owned by his brother-in-law, where CIA engineers would arrive in the dead of night to dismantle and inspect it. They would have to somehow return it to the Soviets by seven o’clock the next morning

>> No.15398799
File: 611 KB, 784x1019, 003027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Rogers is one of the big three telecom companies in Canada

>> No.15398800

It took 10 seconds to get off the pad when it shouldve taken 6, and it was only running at 90% power. It was on the pad much more than anticipated and clearly had an effect on the engines by fucking up the concrete and sending it to them.

>> No.15398801

just replace the wires that need replacing, they already tested some of it and it seems to work
fix the shit that is broken, you don't need to rebuild it all

>> No.15398802
File: 2.10 MB, 2000x1333, 98CF8823-9E86-49B9-8979-EA6B35F46327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15398803

50s-70s cia was something else

>> No.15398804

lol, did they do it?

>> No.15398805

at what speed is starship (theoretical for now) travelling at maxq?

>> No.15398806

It is an excellent move from SpaceX if they can partner with large telecom operators inside the country and have them sell Starlink as part of their packages to rural people, where SpaceX doesnt have to be the ones to handle all the legal issues and customer service issues

>> No.15398807

looks more like a smartphone translation from chinkian

>> No.15398809
File: 98 KB, 878x535, US Air Force posters 1983 space 7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're goddamn right they did!

>> No.15398814

the countdown timer on the stream is wrong; engine startup absolutely 100% happens at t-6 but on the stream it was at t-2 for startup. (that's a delta of 4 seconds and 10-4=6, which is the expected amount of time spent on the pad after t-0). The launch profile was fine sans 3 missing engines. Got a source for that 90% throttle though? I never saw a concrete figure but the estimates I found based on the rate of acceleration all said close to 95% throttle

>> No.15398836

I am sure half of that shit was terrible by the time they ate it. Peach Ambrosia, that is left to reconstitute back to its original parts after six days? Nah, pass.

>> No.15398852

Isn't that jack shit compared to what plane captains/crew get?

>> No.15398857

Why do Americans think they can colonize other plabets when they consistently fail to colonize 3rd world shitholes filled with farmers armed with old soviet surplus?

>> No.15398872

<1 mSv in a year is on average received by aircrew where all routes flown do not exceed an altitude of about 9000 metres. 6 mSv in a year is a typical radiation doses received by aircrew flying long-haul polar routes.
Yeah i don't know to to tell radiation apart because the idiots use msv for fucking everything

>> No.15398879

we WILL colonize Mars with robots

>> No.15398884

You never heard of the wait calculation?

>> No.15398886

we have no way to know how long technological progress will take

>> No.15398892

Yeah thats why you wait

>> No.15398894

no that is why you go, the tech might never progress in the speed department

>> No.15398898

Put a trip on so i can know when your 70 iq ass posts in the future

>> No.15398899


>> No.15398900
File: 87 KB, 285x213, raptor0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there you have it.
Starship lost 9 engines during ascent
Credits: the basedbean astronaut.

>> No.15398901

2 months? Damn that's fast.

>> No.15398902
File: 159 KB, 380x365, Screenshot 2023-04-27 133307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based, AA is ripping NASA to shreds even when Starship just fucked up OFT-1

>> No.15398904

we're entering a period of a technologically driven dark age. it will take centuries at best to recover from what will come in the next decades.

>> No.15398906

what a compelling argument
tech just doesn't progress by itself
if you have a clear path towards some tech and a reasonable estimate on how much you would wait, then waiting makes sens
if there is nothing like that, by your logic you should never leave because the tech might improve at some point
so you just wait and wait and never leave

>> No.15398910
File: 40 KB, 682x407, 003028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it, doomers on suicide watch

>> No.15398914
File: 3.50 MB, 1100x618, 1682358101353644.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHHAHA Doomers ETERNALLY BTFO I fucking KNEW I was right to trust Elon

>> No.15398916


>> No.15398921
File: 25 KB, 600x800, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15398925
File: 1.35 MB, 1272x758, 003029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




FarView is a low frequency (5-40 MHz) radio telescope array comprised of 100,000 dipole antennas, dispersed over ~ 200 km2. The observatory is manufactured in-situ, utilizing Lunar Resources’ developed technologies that first extract metals (along with oxygen) from lunar regolith then manufacture most of the required elements of the observatory: dipole antennas, solar cells, power lines, from those materials. FarView will be built on the lunar far side to shield it from the Earth’s ionospheric and anthropomorphic radio interference that compromise these observations from being made on Earth.

>> No.15398927

all those doomers insisting it woukd take a year to pour concrete into a hole

>> No.15398932

That's 8 off in that picture though.

>> No.15398934

LITERALLY this. I said from the beginning that it wouldn't take long since they already had all the parts on site and the actual OLM and tower didnt take much damage. All you have to do is pour concrete, move over the system thats LITERALLY already made, install it, repair anything else that needs it (tank farms take literally no time its a FUCKING cylinder) and start your engines.

>> No.15398941


>> No.15398943

>spacex has consistently build things fast (out of nonsensical regulatory delays)
>people still get confused and make prediction about why spacex will take a long time

>> No.15398946

>they really think that SX cant pour some concrete when they are building 9 ships and boosters all at the same time

>> No.15398951
File: 20 KB, 588x186, Screenshot 2023-04-27 135225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This ANNIHALATES the oldspace company

>> No.15398955

boeing is like a cockroach in a nuclear war

>> No.15398957

Wheres the livestream?

>> No.15398958

I've had the walking/waiting dilemma before. I think the decision depends on some bus arrival time probability distribution

>> No.15398961

I think NASA also said the first test flight was gonna be months before it actually was

>> No.15398970
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-04-27 12-54-02 - 0.00.15-0.01.03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15398971
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-04-27 12-54-02 - 0.01.04-0.02.53.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15398973
File: 3.89 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-04-27 12-54-02 - 0.08.36-0.08.56.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15398975
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Replay 2023-04-27 12-54-02 - 0.07.24-0.08.54.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15398983

the cum dump at the end

>> No.15398989

This fucking inkwell has a 4chan pass, notice post times.

>> No.15398991

what did they mean by this?

>> No.15398996

Venting leftover fuel?

>> No.15398997

punching through the clouds is a pretty cool visual

>> No.15398998

dumps remaining propellant for safety

>> No.15398999

oldspace still rules

>> No.15399001

vented oxygen makes spilled kerosene burn more vigorously

>> No.15399003


>> No.15399011

Who's hyped for Falcon Heavy launch later tonight?

>> No.15399014

I am. Unfortunately got noone irl to watch with

>> No.15399015


>> No.15399016

got work early so will likely miss it

>> No.15399017
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.06.20-0.06.46.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399018


>> No.15399020
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.07.31-0.08.10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399023
File: 3.91 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.08.11-0.08.41.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399025
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.08.50-0.09.35.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399026
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.09.36-0.10.20.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399027

>watching the science committee hearing
>ranking member speaks final words
>sometimes the lowest bidder is not always the best option



These clueless boomers have no idea how SpaceX operate and do things even when told so by Nelson

>> No.15399029

good webms

>> No.15399030
File: 3.88 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.10.21-0.11.24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399032
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.11.25-0.12.13.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399033

come watch the fun


>> No.15399034
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.12.15-0.13.27.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399035
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.13.29-0.14.34.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399037
File: 1.92 MB, 853x480, rocketsFuelDepleting45.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for posting these wonderful WEBMs

>> No.15399038
File: 3.91 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.14.36-0.15.01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399042
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.00.12-0.00.36.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399043
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.00.38-0.01.38.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399044

I love his footage because you can clearly see it went straight up before veering from the tower. Which I now think was planed.
Literally 9 engines out Raptor is shit.

>> No.15399045
File: 182 KB, 2433x406, matrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15399046

two based rockets and two abominations in one WEBM

>> No.15399047
File: 3.71 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.01.50-0.02.24.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399048
File: 2.78 MB, 720x1080, Xwavojfpdzzml 8B-1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HALO being built in Turin.

Yep I'm thinking we're going.


>> No.15399050
File: 3.89 MB, 1280x720, Starship Test Flight 4K Slow Mo Supercut w Tracking and Incredible Audio (2160p 30fps VP9 LQ-160kbit Opus) - 0.03.39-0.04.29.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399052
File: 83 KB, 639x518, A8ADD205-5C5E-4045-8D38-23B717AD11AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15399054

hm people there climbing on the base of the statue

>> No.15399056

it is both wonderful to know we'll get to see tim die and it will be streamed in real time on his own channel. for that i might respect his grift a little.

>> No.15399062

A lot of people got tickets too for parking their cars wherever the fuck they wanted along the side of the road in the park instead of finding a parking spot. It was enjoyable to watch. The traffic leaving the place a gridlocked mess. I left my car and walked down the beach for breakfast. Saw a bunch of SpaceX engineers drinking beers and celebrating. It was a good day.

>> No.15399066
File: 828 KB, 1442x1080, 1676705938449514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>64 Sv: Nonfatal dose to Albert Stevens spread over ≈21 years, due to a 1945 plutonium injection experiment by doctors working on the secret Manhattan Project
Radiation is a meme. I don't care. Send me to Mars, I'm ready.

>> No.15399069

I don't think the dearMoon crew will be able to livestream that much
wouldn't that necessitate a lot of satellites orbiting the moon? also I don't think starlinks can communicate in outward
i haven't seen any plans from spacex to do moon communication starlinks yet

>> No.15399070

You want a nice and wholesome man like Tim to die? You are a pathetic incel, he will be laughing at you on his way around and back down. Vile angry little manlet

>> No.15399077

You can dig much bigger holes on planets without native biospheres and surface oceans.

>> No.15399086

just a brap

>> No.15399090


>> No.15399091

t-minue 4 hours till falcon heavy launch

>> No.15399092

this is a nice one for showing one of the engines or APU exploding with debris

>> No.15399095


>> No.15399097

grifting isn't wholesome, tim.

>> No.15399099

interesting how in the latter part of the video you can see one of the central engines flickering

>> No.15399101


btw hearing livestream

>> No.15399103
File: 737 KB, 1170x765, D7EEDF31-9442-4BB9-BD1F-8E0EA101024F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designs the SLS jobs program
>throws Boeing under the bus anyways
>likes SpaceX
Chaotic Neutral

>> No.15399105
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>> No.15399106

He clearly only appreciates the SLS side of Boeing lmaooo

>> No.15399111

Centaur V dying an hero leads me to believe nothing about EUS is going to go smoothly

>> No.15399112

>found a nice asteroid with lots of useful mineral
>crash it on the dark side of the moon
>mine it there then launch it to earth
im going to be so rich bros

>> No.15399114


>> No.15399115

Gas lighting from democratic house is another politicization

>> No.15399117

LMAO the amount of snark and subtle passive aggressiveness in these hearings

>> No.15399123

Pretty good idea my fren

>> No.15399124

Be careful of the lunar demiurge

>> No.15399125

just crash it on earth, cheaper to mine there

>> No.15399130

>45 states
>28k jobs

>> No.15399134

Yo Frost is based

>> No.15399136

Because flat earth is a glownigger psyop. They're always trying to get you to leave 4chan and spend hours watching some playlist. No sir I'm staying right here.

>> No.15399137

tbf keeping on top of nuclear warhead delivery but doing some other stuff is worth it at a geopolitical level. but it will never get us into space.

>> No.15399141
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>leave 4chan
What's here

>> No.15399147

Mr casten is such a faggot

>> No.15399150

a broadly free and anonymous forum of discussion + funni shitposting. it's not our fault normies joined the internet and along with silicon valley with web2 ruined everything.

>> No.15399151

The "best option" is whatever brings the most pork for their district.

>> No.15399156

Why don't the glowies simply do what they did with reddit and compromise the mods.
You control the jannies you control the site.

>> No.15399157


>> No.15399160

cause everyone would leave. /sci/ and /sfg/ at least along with most low traffic boards have done far better than the utter cluster fucks that are /pol/ or /k/. hiromoot should have nipped (lol) all the generals in the bud because its broken the site and it spills over everywhere.

>> No.15399163

>muh Russia
>muh China
>muh STEM
>muh jobs

Congress is so boring

>> No.15399164

They were going to have to dig that concrete up to run all the pipes and then place the metal plates flush with the OLM foundation anyways...

>> No.15399165


ARTEMIS IV is gonna be fuckiing 2028 AAAAAAA

>> No.15399166

phew, I was already getting worried SS would be the bottlneck

>> No.15399172

Now that would be very embarassing

>> No.15399175

might still be to Artemis III

>> No.15399184

Is NASA able to circumnavigating their contracts and hire someone else to do the job? I mean it will probably cost more because duping but.. if it saves 4 years then it might be worth it

>> No.15399186


>FTS never activated

Bold claims and conjecture from CSI

>> No.15399190

a Redditor spacex employee said they did. SpaceX said they did. Pretty sure FAA said they did. Our eyeballs say they did. What?

>> No.15399192

I think CSI needs to lay down the crackpot for a day or two

>> No.15399193

FAA said they did too yeah

>> No.15399194

reminder that the rocket exploded the moment FTS was activated. Scott Manley is wrong on this issue

>> No.15399210

Is this nigger on crack? Ahh who am I kidding

>> No.15399211

>Carl Sagan: The preeminent astrophysicist and cosmologist of modern history, Carl Sagan smoked marijuana regularly. He went on to become a strong advocate for its use in enhancing intellectual pursuits.
didn't know Sagan was a drug addict

>> No.15399212

the pic of ss intact with sh wrenched of the side with the coupler still intact says otherwise.

>> No.15399215

I "only" count 8:
>2 center
>2 SW
>2 SE
>2 NE
Are you saying the SW cluster has 3 engines out?

>> No.15399219

this issue will finally be settled when SpaceX release 4k onboard footage

>> No.15399223

>Nelson praised SpaceX and falcon/dragon again, called it the workhorse of the commercial and government space sector
>mentioned how it was developed/built by SpaceX with substantial NASA help & incentive
>wants to see the same success on the moon with both landers (SpaceX and whoever wins the 2nd)

This guy is based wtf, he clearly loves how commercial cargo/crew ended up for NASA

>> No.15399225

Time for a puff!

>> No.15399228
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>whoever wins the 2nd

>> No.15399229

stoners will not be allowed in space

>> No.15399231


Raffaeolo to Axiom

>> No.15399235

meth is the spaceman's drug

>> No.15399237

Its not like getting second options is bad, but-.. it would be so sad to see one of these wet farts get there first

>> No.15399238
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Yep. They don't make pop sci astronomers like they used to.

>> No.15399239
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>> No.15399243

I unironically think the left two have much less risk

>> No.15399244
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But Musky smokes weeeed

>> No.15399247

geminin and kilroy linked up ohshittt

>> No.15399249

he also does coke

>> No.15399252

ahahaha not happening

>> No.15399259

there will be mandatory drug tests at a minimum

>> No.15399271

>cant minimum wagie on earth driving a forklift without a piss test
>"yea bruh we'll smoke all the way to mars 420 blaze it"
you will never leave this well

>> No.15399272

also drinks alcohol, takes quaaludes and has talked positively about psychedelics

>> No.15399276

can confirm that you can drive a forklift without a piss test

>> No.15399288

not in anywhere serious.

>> No.15399293
File: 67 KB, 737x721, esa space hibernate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hibernation drugs will be the only ones allowed

>> No.15399296

but what about SPACE WEED

>> No.15399302

that joke is too easy

>> No.15399306

European sleep agency is a very serious rocket company, funded and bank rolled by the European mafia, you are all wonderful, thank you, and have a good day

>> No.15399307

>Hibernation drugs
sci-fi shit

>> No.15399308

actual pop sci. ESA is not a serious space agency. Very embarrassing.

>> No.15399313

does a medically induced coma even seriously inhibit the metabolism?

>> No.15399318
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wrong you dumb nignogs
>Human torpor: translating insights from
nature into manned deep space expedition, Biological Reviews (2020

>> No.15399330

i could rape her and she would never find out

>> No.15399331

Never demonstrated in humans, also, note the random 'data collection and AI'. It's garbage.

>> No.15399345

2 more months

>> No.15399351

Why are ISS spacesuits so thick? Do they really get hit by meteorites up there?

>> No.15399353

CSI and Hullo went full retard about the FTS

>> No.15399363

common sense skeptic

>> No.15399365

Micrometeorites are deadly and malicious, never underestimate them: recently they took out two baseduzes in exactly the same way (hit in their most vulnerable spot). They're learning.

>> No.15399381

>During a long-duration manned spaceflight mission, such as flying to Mars and beyond, all crew members will spend a
long period in an independent spacecraft with closed-loop bioregenerative life-support systems
Sci fi sleep pods will never be possible. Just because some Chinese "researchers" shit out a paper theorizing on it doesn't make it possible

>> No.15399385

they... sold a space shuttle lab module to axiom?

>> No.15399386

What will people eat in deep spess? Algae?

>> No.15399388

rep med vitapaste

>> No.15399391
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aeroponic fish

>> No.15399394


>> No.15399395


t-2 hrs

>> No.15399396
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It's waiting for us

>> No.15399398

seems good to find some use out of that module

>> No.15399401


>> No.15399402

It's wild that Apollo astronauts and mission control probably eyeballed the Moon landing and back since they didn't have modern computers.

>> No.15399409

50 years later with 100 times faster computers a series of countries and companies fail to make a trivial moon landing. the Germans that did the moon landing really were something else

>> No.15399410

I graduated bros :)

>> No.15399413
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When will he get an assignment?

>> No.15399425

ESGfag just posted the most blatantly obvious deliberately staged photo of roadkill thats obviously taxidermy and people are falling for it lmao

People like Chris Combs actually taking it seriously too

>> No.15399426
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It's literally fucking over.

>> No.15399433

Post it here?

>> No.15399436

They sold an unused ISS module to Axiom.

>> No.15399438

By the time the OLM fixes are in, they'll have 3 stacks ready to go, potentially 4. The only thing unclear is if they have engines on hand to populate all 4 stacks. That said, based on S24/B7 flight, I would consider B10 and 11 and S25-34 engines to be subject for revision/reengineering based on all sourced and analyzed data from the latest test flights.

So overall, S25/B9 is the only real stack that would be ready for actual flight.

>> No.15399440

great now I have to go to Twitter

>> No.15399443
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>> No.15399445

Thanks, but uh. Yeah. This is very obviously roadkill

>> No.15399446

just a staggering amount of shrimp

>> No.15399449

Some very interesting Images were captured by field biologists following the SpaceX fiasco last week.

>> No.15399451

>the tesla driving away from it

>> No.15399455

Dumbass cat. Wild small cats are the most skittish thing in the fucking world and this one couldn't stay away from cars?

>> No.15399456
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this is antisemitic

>> No.15399466

The posted pictures was the cat and a nest with eggs, apparently taken by local biology conservationists?
The nest had some sandy eggs so idk if the parents were just off getting food
Roadkill is not even relevant to the launch, they were saying that FAA asked for shuttle buses for employees + signage to be used? Even so I doubt it's high up on the priority list, not to mention that it's a local highway

>> No.15399472

What I find spooky about this isn't EGS or the other guy, like those are just obsessed armchair people that don't actually do anything, but the fact a bunch of biologists were potentially walking around for two weeks to find any dead animal or potentially controversial images and put them up is quite concerning, shows that potentially some big organization is attempting to prevent work at the site from being done? I understand that someone might have concerns about the wildlife, but at some point it begins to become obstructive to the efforts being made there

>> No.15399477

Angry posted a cringe video for once.

>> No.15399479

The FTS is designed to break apart the rocket in to little pieces. If it was a RUD, we would have seen larger chucks.

>> No.15399484


>> No.15399486

>Yeah. This is very obviously roadkill
Doesn't look damaged to me.

>> No.15399490

Wait, he thinks FAA will delay for a hole year? How did he fall for that

>> No.15399492

No I mean, it's irrelevant to SpaceX, if it was posted from the actual launch site it would be a different story

>> No.15399493

>Venus would be viable if it weren't for all the things that make it not viable
Mars would be habitable if it had a 1 bar, 80% nitrogen, 20% oxygen atmosphere.

>> No.15399494

Environmentalism is a cult, once you understand this you understand that they can and will resort to cheap, emotionally manipulative, disingenuous tactics to reach their aims of obstructing human progress in the name of the environment

This is likely some Si*rra club shit, maybe ESG is even one of them, or maybe just a TSLAQ shitter

Now watch CNBC follow up eager to make another hitpiece too

>> No.15399495

>Dumb animal runs into a noisy work environment
Where is the issue?

>> No.15399497

All of his videos that aren't interviews are cringe.

>> No.15399498
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>weather conditions are currently 20% favorable for liftoff

>> No.15399503

I do understand, I have been seeing their nonsense for decades. It's not like it's always all bad, but often they will act based on emotions or feelings over a certain project and deliberately plant evidence or obstruct when the actual project impact is very small and very important for local community and providing jobs

>> No.15399506
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Oh no, 300 mSv, how horrible.

>> No.15399505

What about the big holes in the side?

>> No.15399509

Anyone else soured on Chris Combs now?

Retweets obvious ESG emotional manipulation bait (complete with waiting conveniently for a Tesla brand car to drive by on the road before taking the photo) and then posts someones random twitter comment next to it for more emotionally manipulative juxtaposition

Guy is practically a SpaceX fudder the likes of ESG/CSS themselves

Its obvious what the point of ESG's little photo op was and yet people are still falling for it

>> No.15399513

Why is he posturing as a SpaceX fan with the iterative design in his name? No way he wasn't Chris combing through anything he could find to talk badly on it

>> No.15399515

Imagine if humans were the size of rats. We'd be able to freeze and unfreeze ourselves without any problems.

>> No.15399516

That’s their job though, to find if the launch had an impact. Why would that make you mad?

>> No.15399519
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Ballast Bill would be irrelevant if it wasnt for all the work jimbo put in during the last administration. but i guess its good he knows enough to not hamper spacex and let them do their work

>> No.15399522

>100mSv: Lowest one-year dose clearly linked to increased cancer risk
>250mSv: Dose limit for emergency workers in lifesaving operations.
>400mSv: Dose causing symptoms of radiation poisoning if received in a short time.
yeah I'm thinking covering the base with regolith is mandatory.

>> No.15399523

I said it year or so ago that he's suffering from EDS, he's just more open now.

>> No.15399525

Where did I write it makes me mad? I am concerned

>> No.15399526

Thats without any protection. Crew quarters covered with feces/water/plastic would negate most of that.

>> No.15399527

Combs has been posting a lot of SpaceX FUD ever since Elon bought twitter.

>> No.15399539


>> No.15399551


>> No.15399553

there were no holes

>> No.15399556


>> No.15399558
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Why isn't Elon working on a shrink ray?

>> No.15399564

Anyone got a summary of thunderf00ts video about Starship?

>> No.15399568

I left one here yesterday, go back to previous thread

>> No.15399569


>> No.15399572

muskrat (derogatory)

>> No.15399575

kek how did I just now find out about the Dalai Lama tongue thing

>> No.15399576
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>> No.15399579

You should go spend more time on the internet so you can catch important historical moments like that

>> No.15399581

Weather looking grim supposedly.

>> No.15399585

inb4 scrubbex

>> No.15399586
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>> No.15399592


>> No.15399605
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>closed-loop bioregenerative life-support systems

>> No.15399613

already delayed to the end of the 70 minute launch window, but probably scrubbed altogether for today

>> No.15399626

How do you plan to live on Mars then?

>> No.15399627
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>> No.15399628

Two weeks * 4 bros WE ARE BACK

>> No.15399629

wind should be ignored.

>> No.15399630

it scrubbed

>> No.15399632

Good, I wouldn't be at home to watch this

>> No.15399634
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they looks so small when landing

>> No.15399635

giant tents

>> No.15399638
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>> No.15399641
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why do shock diamonds form?

>> No.15399644
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>> No.15399646
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About that...

>> No.15399648

ESGhound is TSLAQ yes. He has an entire substack devoted to investment advice, that’s actually what he does on twitter (EDS is just his side hustle) and he’s basically an environmental compliance manager for kinder morgan. IE he does PR work to make sure a petrochem giant appears to give a fuck about clean water and ocelots.
Of course he shorts Tesla.

>> No.15399649

>nozzle exhaust ends up being lower pressure than air
>air compresses the exhaust
>exhaust becomes hot and pushes air out
>exhaust pressure becomes low again
>the whole process repeats

>> No.15399650
File: 2.24 MB, 1819x1213, 23-01884_roman_gsfc_srcs_installed_lowres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's being assembled

>> No.15399651

Never thought they’d admit that tbqh. Was dimi the problem all along?

>> No.15399652

Will is was nice when he was angry to get things done this video was pure defeatism.

>> No.15399654

>nozzle exhaust ends up being lower pressure than air
why is the exhaust overexpanded? Why not just expand to exactly atmospheric pressure

>> No.15399656

yeah some anon posted a twatter interaction where he's jerking-off with that niedermeyer fag, who's a longtime teslaq-ueer

>> No.15399657
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honing in

>> No.15399661
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never forget

>> No.15399663
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>> No.15399664
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OK, /sfg/, since we are not GAAN in at least two years, there is some time to read.
Give me your must-read space flight books, and I'll add them ALL to my buy list.

>> No.15399665
File: 76 KB, 892x1230, recup_EAP_503_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399666
File: 1011 KB, 750x1334, 179B4F51-0CF1-476E-BC71-D1894605E505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15399673
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>> No.15399674
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>> No.15399679

This is no longer fine, pls stop.

>> No.15399680
File: 41 KB, 800x450, weedlon musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dynamics of an Asteroid by Moriarty

>> No.15399682
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Geofag here (not mineral fag though), there are some systems that attempt to classify most of the major rocks types, such as Total Alkali Silica or QAPF charts, but as for the minerals, that's almost impossible.
I struggled enough with ternary diagrams and triangle charts, i can't imagine how awful a unified mineral chart would be.

>> No.15399684

>KSC in a tornado warning
it's over

>> No.15399685

>This is no longer fine

>> No.15399689

You'd need a variable nozzle/throat ratio to adjust to a constantly changing atmospheric pressure.

>> No.15399693

so at higher altitudes there should be no shock diamonds?

>> No.15399695

A mineral chart would be a three dimensional mess driven by chemical composition and... relative masses for size or something? It'd be less useful than just a book of pictures.

>> No.15399696

Kessler Cascade might actually happen, I guess?

>> No.15399698

Extract oxygen from the atmosphere and exhaust CO2 back into the atmosphere. There are advantages to living on a planet.

>> No.15399709

reminder that we would need to process only the first 2 meters of the surface regolith on the moon to extract enough oxygen to give the Moon a breathable atmosphere

>> No.15399710

go produce oxygen from the dirt in your backyard you fucking clown thats not how it works

>> No.15399711

Imagine the day those will be assembled in or it
Imagine all the kino

>> No.15399718
File: 337 KB, 538x815, 5CDE52DC-83E0-4CDF-8168-7F83E1F20F81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bible of pre-Ariane french spaceflight history.

>> No.15399719

>and then it le exploded hon hon hon

>> No.15399724

hope so

>> No.15399725

You don't like the 30' ladder of doom?

>> No.15399726

apparently the US is already launching satellites with heavy shielding to protect against kessler syndrome

source:trust me bros

>> No.15399727

Wtf these frogs foldin space n shieeet

>> No.15399744

Wouldn’t that actually be pretty easy? Squeeze some water out of it then electrolyze it.

>> No.15399748

any good books about soviet spaceflight history?
can be in russian or english, either is fine

>> No.15399750

The moon is more useful for cheap vacuum for easy smelting and manufacture, while still having gravity for industrial processes.

>> No.15399752

>Elon and Isaac Arthur are into the same fetish
Not so funny now, is it?

>> No.15399756


>> No.15399757


>> No.15399758
File: 1.52 MB, 2121x1368, ApplicationFrameHost_kTuEgQTrzk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.15399760


>> No.15399763

Left or right? Dynetics sucks but isn't unsafe aside from NEGATIVE MASS.

>> No.15399764

>negative mass
QRD on Alpaca?

>> No.15399765

it was literally impossible for the initial design to get to the moon

>> No.15399766

The rocket was overweight and they had nowhere to cut it back.

>> No.15399767


>> No.15399770

do any of them other than starship even have any hardware? blue balls is blue balls and i think all dynetics has is some shitty mock up

>> No.15399771

that sounds like a hard read, and probably depressing

>> No.15399775


Trust agencies to make responsible findings
Inform, but do not involve the public
Disallow most judicial injunctions of agency decisions
Establish a national interest exclusion from NEPA

Umm based, fuck NEPA as it is right now, almost impeded Starbase

>> No.15399776

>choose starship, basically a ready made surface base for the initial landing
>choose one of the two cuck sheds for the actual surface base

>> No.15399780

kek so this is what anon looks like

>> No.15399783

imagine being stuck in that thing for months on end

>> No.15399784

NASA sent them a K-12 education link to "rocket principles" in their rejection notice. The burn was harsh enough to deorbit a spacecraft.

>> No.15399785

I read it just after Chertok’s Rocket and people, Vertical empire (blue streak and black arrow) and a bunch of pdf on Brazilian spaceflight, compared to those it’s downright joyous

>> No.15399788

ive disproven several anons on /sci/ by sending them links to mathsisfun.com

>> No.15399790

once the exhaust pressure is higher than ambient, yeah

>> No.15399804

>SLC 40 struck by lightning
>Starbase on fire
What the fuck is happening

>> No.15399807

the four horsemen of earthers (bezos, thunderfag, FAA, shelby) are coming

>> No.15399829
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Because Interstellar was a good movie and Downsizing was a bad movie.

>> No.15399834
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>McCulloch put his experimental updates on Patreon

>> No.15399840

Because he's working on a diaper array.

>> No.15399845


>> No.15399850

The schizo behind quantised inertia which one fag here genuinely believe is possible and the future

>> No.15399853

>locking unsubstantiated updates to your spook theories behind patreon
does he actually not want anyone to take him seriously?

>> No.15399855

rip babu

>> No.15399857

I think he is a complete crackpot, but anon is so invested I'm actually interested to see how the orbital demonstration goes. If McCulloch is actually going to test this thing, I'm going to suspend my disbelief for a little while at least. The explanation of how it's supposed to work is also hilariously fascinating.

>> No.15399862
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Worse, he claims it's his lab notes he's paywalling, which he would eventually have to make available anyway to trust his experimental setup.

>> No.15399869

He's just another alt-right grifter, same as Nurse John Campbell and Ssethtzeentach

>> No.15399872
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Are you a sedtard? Minerals and geochem are based

>> No.15399873

Do we have any updates about the pad in florida?

>> No.15399874

Solid bait, 8/10

>> No.15399878

>easy smelting and manufacture
Please anon tell us more about how easy it is to manufacture things on the moon

>> No.15399882

When did the concept of hiking become a thing? Like did people hike for fun after the agricultural revolution? How did people hike in the victorian era when “common fashion” meant lots of heavy wool suits or whatever

>> No.15399884

its easy
just bring a few of these
free oxygen and metals

>> No.15399885

Wrong species. That is some kind of lynx, not an ocelot.

>> No.15399889

Mars's national bird should be the PIPING PLOVER

>> No.15399891

The planetial bird of Mars is the fucking dodo

>> No.15399896

It will be really funny when Martians eventually go extinct lmao

>> No.15399899

People hiked a lot in the Victorian era, that kind of think is literally the pillar of the romance era of art and literature. I can’t speak to all of history but you can see that “outdoorsmaship” became extremely popular in the 17-1800s, especially in the anglosphere. Presumably because of colonialism, homesteading, the age of exploration etc. one could probably argue that people like Marco pollo fit into this tradition, or that one Italian who pretended to be an Muslim moor to go on Hajj and found Petra

>> No.15399923
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>I think he is a complete crackpot, but anon is so invested I'm actually interested to see how the orbital demonstration goes. If McCulloch is actually going to test this thing, I'm going to suspend my disbelief for a little while at least.
Thank you for humoring my autism. I fell into the EmDrive rabbit hole many years ago and QI is by far the least crackpotty product of that era.
>The explanation of how it's supposed to work is also hilariously fascinating.
It's even weirder if you realize that if Unruh radiation is a form of light, QI is the grand unification theory.
>gravity is a gradient in Unruh field pressure
>Unruh fields are the waveforms of extremely long wavelength photons
>therefore for objects too small to interact with a photon, gravity does not exist

>> No.15399924

Focus sunlight onto regolith, get aluminum and oxygen. Use aluminum to make more mirrors because it stays shiny in the vacuum.

>> No.15399929

I just can't buy that inertia is caused by radiation pressure. Why is this radiation undetectable?

>> No.15399935

People do claim to have found it in the lab. My PC is dead and I'm phone posting so I don't have the link handy.

>> No.15399983
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rats will become the interstellar species

>> No.15399992


>> No.15399994

So what was up with that Masseys fire?

>> No.15400011


>> No.15400012

does nasa have any testing equipment like this?

>> No.15400015


We literally just say Al50/An50 in that case.

>> No.15400018

Very random question; I’m just bored and curious
What is your VERY earliest memory of a computer? Knowing what it is, using it for this first time, etc
Also what is your absolute earliest memory of rockets and human space flight?
Think as far back as you can remember

>> No.15400021


>> No.15400023

My earliest memory was using a Macintosh my mom got from the school she taught at when it was being retired. I played addicting games and neopets on it

>> No.15400025

A friend of my parents lent us an Atari and we played Wizard of Wor. This was about 1990.
Then my parents got a Windows 3.1 computer for the office, maybe 1994.

>> No.15400038

So so so close to unfollowing and muting Chris Combs right now, you think you get any actual insights from him but he just posts FUD directed at SpaceX all day, replying to ESGfag and CSS both (hes probably TSLAQ) and now gangs up on some other space industry guy for daring to question DEI initatives in space lmao, you can tell he wants to cancel him so badly on twitter too, even calling out his workplace by name, the passive agressiveness is through the roof damn this is pathetic

>> No.15400039

I literally only heard of rockets this year.

>> No.15400045
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Good times, didn't know what I was doing. Earliest spaceflight? Probably Challenger but I didn't understand everything happening at the time.

>> No.15400047

Oh shit, I know for computers it was watching my brother play N64 and janes aircraft simulators on our beige gateway family desktop. And then we had typing lessons in elementary school, some sort of video game thing?

For space flight idk. I went to KSC a lot growing up and had an obsession with astronaut food and black holes. Some of my earliest computer memories are trying to search up info on black holes and stars and stuff via yahoo lol

>> No.15400048

I remember my mom having a computer in the attic sometime between '98 and '01. I was born in '96.
My earliest memory of spaceflight I can recall is probably footage of a shuttle launch spliced for a countdown on tv. I cannot recall anything specific though.

>> No.15400054

I'm 21, born 2001.
>VERY earliest memory of a computer?
my father using a shitty thinkpad. first time using a computer is trying to pirate gta san andreas on a terrible pc
> absolute earliest memory of rockets and human space flight?
my father showing me footage of the buran when i was 5 or so. human spaceflight is watching a soyuz launch a few years later

>> No.15400059

windows 95, the shittle or old saturn v footage. i remember being baffled that they were so large going up yet so small coming back.

>> No.15400070

>earliest memory of computers
Watching my dad work on his doctoral dissertation on a shitty 286 PC in the early 90s. I would later get that PC for schoolwork up through 1998.
>earliest memory of rockets or spaceflight
I became aware of the Shuttle fairly early on but no specific launch memories until watching John Glenn's ride on the Shuttle at school.

>> No.15400076

Each answer is so interesting. I asked my whole family these questions today and the answers were so different. I figured I’d ask here too haha
I was born in 97. My earliest memory of a computer is probably from movies that had computers in them. Goldeneye comes to mind
And I had some illustrated atlas spaceflight books on the bookshelves from my older brother’s collection. I would flip through the pages and think of all the different types of rockets and astronomical objects and stuff

>> No.15400079

Everyone always talks about watching shuttle launches at school. Was this common? I grew up during the tail end of shuttle, aka the early 2000s. It didn’t seem very popular anymore

>> No.15400083

It was something that happened for the major ones with an important crew member. You're right, once the ISS started construction normie attention waned. I thought that was bullshit and did a whole school project on the ISS as it existed at the time.

>> No.15400089

I think the Apple II? I really can't say for sure. Growing up I never thought much about space flight as I thought we were a space faring species until I was like 12. So I really couldn't say what my earliest memory was. Don't ask me why I thought that but I think it was a combination of the Jetsons and knowing we landed on the moon in 69 which obviously meant we would have space colonies 40 years later.

>> No.15400093

We totally could have.

>> No.15400095

Kek I think a lot of people assume this growing up. It’s a real let down once you start discovering the truth, in a way

>> No.15400098
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i found oldspaces skateboard

>> No.15400101

The QI version would be a surfboard.

>> No.15400107

Will newer probes like new horizons last just as long as the voyager probes? Those things are built like tanks. I just saw that JPL engineers plan on fiddling with a voltage regulator or something and extending Voyager 2’s mission even further

>> No.15400109

Probably not New Horizons.

>> No.15400113
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Elon is so stupid building the Starship. He should just use the already perfect Falcon Heavy and tie 3 of them together.

>> No.15400118

I thought they were rolled by the Ukrainian merchants’ guild

>> No.15400119

Playing Zuma on my father's lap when I was like 5
Also the Mia the mouse pc game
I don't know, I didn't really care about rockets until Falcon 9 landed, and there was nothing interesting before that

>> No.15400122

The original iMac my dad had (the transparent blue casing one), playing some dinosaur game while being sick at home due to chickenpox. Maybe around 2005-2006

>> No.15400124

I don't see any hardware for a Falcon Heavy Heavy, except that he's going to take three Falcon Heavies and put them together and that becomes the Heavy Heavy. It's not that easy in rocketry.

>> No.15400126

For many years I thought I would not live to see another moon landing

>> No.15400127


>> No.15400131

>earliest memory of a computer?
Sitting at my father's lap or at his side while I watch him using DOS
>using it for this first time
Me playing something that could be either RCT, The Sims or some random kid games collection.
>earliest memory of rockets
Hard to say because my interest in space was in planetary science, not spaceflight. Probably something about Saturn V.
>human space flight?
Apollo astronauts at the Moon.

>> No.15400133

I mean is that I expected to never see a live moon landing, I'd just have Apollo recordings and anything else would happen many years after I died. Sometimes I still doubt I'll live to see that.

>> No.15400141

Playing Space Cadet pinball.
When Columbia blew up. I was with my dad visiting my grandparents near Dallas at the time, I was ~6 years old. Apparently we heard it but I don't remember it that well, I was mostly just aware of what happened because he told me.

>> No.15400144

Probably something shuttle related, I didn’t really decelop an interest for space until around 2009-2011 when I started looking into soviet space exploration.
Then in 2012 when Curiosity landed, I got fixated on planets for awhile

>> No.15400147

My stoner art teacher in middle school just didn't do anything for class on the day of the final shuttle launch, he said he was going to sit and watch it at his desk and if we didn't feel like watching it with him we could just do whatever. So I, one other kid, and the teacher spent 45 minutes eating candy corn and watching the end of an era.

>> No.15400149

Bro...her tits are HUGE

>> No.15400154
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I'll space exploration advancements in the next few decades be worth me not killing myself?

>> No.15400162

He has always been cunt, what are you talking about?

>> No.15400171

Only if you like watching but not participating, unless you bust ass at uni and learn skills. It’ll be very interesting if you do like watching and learning, though. I think anyone under 20 will get to experience really incredible advancements in our understanding of the out systems, and possibly even the first outer systems manned missions

>> No.15400179 [DELETED] 


>> No.15400182

Knower here
BIG announcement on monday

>> No.15400184

can i have a hint

>> No.15400186

From whomst

>> No.15400190
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it came

>> No.15400193


>> No.15400194

Seems kind of dumb to get a patch if you aren't a part of the project

>> No.15400195

that's what she said

>> No.15400198

elon will sell twitter?????

>> No.15400202


>> No.15400203
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those will be quite long weeks

>> No.15400210


>> No.15400215

>Imagine not buying an Apollo 4 patch in 1967
patches are a piece of spaceflight history. many people collect them. starship is important

>> No.15400216
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>> No.15400218

Lt? makes no sense

>> No.15400223
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>> No.15400235

just like nasa said starship will launch in december, right? lmfao

>> No.15400240

I'm less worried about the pad than the lead time to replace damaged tanks and other equipment in the tank farm.

>> No.15400244

pretty good video, reaching a different sort of audience than the usual rocket fans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8QLhIuk5OA
(e.g. boomer aviation fans)

>> No.15400245

Two more months

>> No.15400249
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>> No.15400251

elon was looking for her and he like when she jump on him :3

>> No.15400252

love how every chucklefuck parrots the hydraulic TVC meme. it never lost TVC

>> No.15400253

Still, the video gets the important part right, which is that failures are expected during testing, it doesn't mean the project itself is failing.

>> No.15400255

The vehicle begins a roll to the side that basically rotates the vehicle 180 degrees before it flips sideways into the airstream. Something indisputably went wrong from a controls standpoint.

>> No.15400256
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Based neptuneposter
But yeah, hopiumchads and SteelGODS just can't stop winning over and over again.

>> No.15400257

I really enjoy this webm.

>> No.15400258

At https://youtu.be/W8QLhIuk5OA?t=106 T J Cooney says the hold down clampps are released. Didn't SpaceX stream tell us they were already released at T-15 minutes? Otherwise intresting video, still watching, he implies gimbaling was still operating even at 2 minutes?

>> No.15400259

Just like F9, Starship performs a roll maneuver shortly after launch. The purpose of this maneuver is to align the rocket with its intended launch azimuth, which is the direction in which it will orbit the Earth. The roll maneuver simplifies navigation and saves fuel and energy by putting the vehicle on the correct trajectory

>> No.15400260

He's a spacex fanboy, not an expert on anything. what were you expecting?

>> No.15400262

It’s a fucking cylinder it doesn’t take that long to fix or replace
I’ll see you in 2 months shitter

>> No.15400264

>damaged tanks
They're fucking cylinders, the OG starship welders could get them built in a few weeks

>> No.15400271
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Believers will leave this rock, doomers will not. I’ll see you steelplate chads on Mars.

>> No.15400275

Isn't that called a pitch maneuver? The Shuttle used to perform a roll in addition to pitch optimise the aero stresses, and maybe also for comms alignment.
More analysis of trajectory observed versus expected? After 6 minutes the video was fluff for me, but at least it was short.

>> No.15400298
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Friday is not looking good either.

>> No.15400300
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>scoot munley says gleefuly that next launch is probably next year
h-he's wrong, right?

>> No.15400303

>new launch every couple of days
>nobody cares because it's boring
just like what happened to space stations... spaceflight is only interesting when we're treading new ground

>> No.15400306

he has mild EDS
also contrary to what musk said earlier and what nasa said a number of hours ago >>15400223

>> No.15400311

He's just an old senile Scott, do not take him so seriously anon

>> No.15400316

It's odd seeing everyone writing in a much more jovial tone across 4chsn today compared to yesterday, did the moon shift or something

>> No.15400321

There was a Trump rally.

>> No.15400325

He's running again?

>> No.15400326

>starship welders could get them built in a few weeks
I doubt it's that easier in cylindology

>> No.15400328

I bet starship welders could weld a cylinder so long and mighty it could cover half the planet, and then they begin rolling it... The friction of the cylinder causing so much heat only an ocean of flames is left behind in its wake..
Fear the eternal cylinder, for it is not your friend

>> No.15400330

Yes. He's up like 40 points in the Republican primary polls right now.

>> No.15400332

Where do you think the two more weeks meme came from?

>> No.15400335

It's cylindrology*
Cylindology is a scam pseudoscience.

>> No.15400341

It came from COVID-19, newfag.

>> No.15400345


>> No.15400348

Okay I'll reword it then fag, why do you think two more weeks sticks on Elon?

>> No.15400354

2 months is the new 2 weeks

>> No.15400364

I bet we will keep saying 2 months when someone asks how long til next starship launch and then we wake up one day and realize it is already here

>> No.15400391

>sending trump to loose again
yay 4 more years of biden

>> No.15400405

42% vs 42% approval rating, let's see how hard the average American can lose in this upcoming election

>> No.15400412

A bit late to the party but, my first exposure to space fairing was a short program on the tv about the future of space, an old astrophysics guy was talking about the future of space travel where humanity would build a interstellar vessel to go to another solar system by 2050, and they would start designing it in 2020
I bet the sources used was the same crackpot his family had been smoking for generations
First exposure to a PC was my old mans work laptop, 2007 I'd wager? Played a lot of C&C on it

>> No.15400458
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>> No.15400463

Frankly desantis and trump are going to maul each other in the primaries and whoever comes out on top isn’t going to be able to gain the votes of everyone who wanted the other guy. And, well, I could imagine trump running even if desantis gets the republican ticket.

>> No.15400465

>I could imagine trump running even if desantis gets the republican ticket.
he can't actually

>> No.15400477

DeSantis lacks the charisma to maul anyone. Have you heard the man speak? He's like a stereotype of a dull smalltime politician, like the town mayor or something.

>> No.15400505



>> No.15400769

>clover on patch
>it failed