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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15395240 No.15395240 [Reply] [Original]

If scientists are all so smart and high IQ, why don't they just use their powerful science magic to take over everything and then use their enormous brains to create a science utopia?
Is the fact that they haven't done so evidence that scientists are just midwits with delusions of superior intelligence?
Scientists should be able to pretty easily build AI robots with lasers that shoot out of their eyes and use them to conquer the Earth, so why aren't they doing it? None of the scientists seem to be all too happy with the way things are currently run or with the non-scientists (mostly lawyers) who are making all the big decisions. I don't see how lawyers are higher IQ than scientists, but thats what all the results seem to point to.

>> No.15395395

>Scientists should be able to pretty easily build AI robots with lasers that shoot out of their eyes and use them to conquer the Earth
Not only is that not feasible there is nothing to be gained from killing people and conquering the planet, you'll just be the same shitty bureaucrat no different from the retarded faggots in power today.
The true path to enlightenment requires humanity to abandon retarded shit like money and violent tendencies, but good luck with that, I don't expect the people of this planet to last the next 500 years.

>> No.15395461

low T

>> No.15395589
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If you want to know who rules you, ask yourself who you are not allowed to criticize. Scientists are slaves. Epstein was one of the enslavers. I will give you one guess as to what other citizenship he held.

>> No.15395669

Society doesn't reward intelligence. Power doesn't stem from intelligence. Politicians are basically never intelligent; they're just good at manipulating the stupid.

>> No.15395816

if there are baddies making bad decisions either convince them to make better decisions or overpower them if they won't listen.
if you lack the power to enforce correct decisions, why do you lack that power? if you get the power, why aren't you making correct decisions?
perhaps there's a reason you're not in charge of anything.

who should reward your intelligence? if you're intelligent, go get your own reward.

>> No.15395853
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>who should reward your intelligence? if you're intelligent, go get your own reward.
Exactly, if they were smart then they could figure it out, but they're just midwits with fancy titles and preposterous pomposity, so the only thing they can figure out is begging their masters for >muh research grants, which they get in exchange for unwittingly playing their parts in the master's manipulative schemes. The king of science himself said that scientists are comparatively stupid.

>> No.15395879
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>who should reward your intelligence? if you're intelligent, go get your own reward.
You don't get it: there are many exceptions but more often than not you care either about getting rewards or about having a positive impact in the world.

To align reward with positive impact would be the thing to do but that requires large collaboration so not sth any individual can do. I agree more scientists should work on that and it sometimes feels strange to see so few other than myself working on that and similar meta things. It doesn't need much academic work at this point but engineering.

>>15395240 Concerning laser robots: that would just create chaos with even worse things replacing current things.

Other than that you're partly right. I'm wondering why policy studies and studies relating to policy-making and advanced policy proposals within studies etc are so neglected.

Lawyers don't make big decisions.

>> No.15395918

It's power that corrupts and leads to bad decisions, humanity needs to abandon the concept of ruling over eachother and work in unity for the entirety of mankind, but that's never gonna happen

>> No.15395994

I don't need to do my own research, educate myself engage in critical thought, I just listen to popular Disney owned black science man talk on Joe Rogan while I take my 50th bong hit of the day

>> No.15396187

Kinda looks photoshopped to me. Are those really legit photos?

>> No.15397804


>> No.15397836

Their brains have been damaged from being slammed into so many lockers

>> No.15398501

scientists are too greedy and shortsighted for it ever to happen

>> No.15398512

Stop crying about being less intelligent than us. It's not our fault you fucking morons can't do math and aren't even smart enough to use flashcards to memorize shit.
Stop shitting up this board with poltard whining

>> No.15398527

Your brains has been damaged from being slammed into so many lockers

>> No.15398531

I have never been bullied.
It's not my fault that you're an idiot. Read some books and learn math and stop crying about poltard nonsense.

>> No.15398541

>precocious schoolchild who isn't even an adult presumes itself intelligent because teacher gives it goodboy points.
you have age group peers who have already joined the adult world and started families, but you're still in school like a baby, you're holier than thou act is a coping mechanism you use to hide them shame you feel over your developmental delay

>> No.15398552

How about you stop making up headcannons about me, and instead you take my advice and learn some math and read some books.
Why are you afraid of learning math?

>> No.15399357
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>precocious schoolchild who isn't even an adult presumes itself intelligent
daddy still pays all your bills

>> No.15399623

Obviously two people with an IQ of 130 are each better at their own specific field. This is not really a competition, all parts of society are needed for progress

>> No.15399637
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>Their brains have been damaged from being slammed into so many lockers

>> No.15399642 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up worthless talentless tranny

>> No.15399675

>Politicians are basically never intelligent; they're just good at manipulating the stupid.
Approval of politicians, even among the dumbest of us, is rock bottom. They aren't very good at manipulating the stupid, but the pain involved in changing the status quo is immense and doesn't guarantee anything better. You basically have to slit your collective throats before anything will really change, and given the maniacs on the fringe who are trying to take power, it simply isn't worth the risk to your family's livelihood.

Plus, in the case of the USA, you can't make any major changes or have any sort of revolution without risking the world reserve currency status, and suddenly having the past fifty years of debt working against you instead of for you. You basically have to burn the nation to the ground, and most likely, it won't be reborn better, but instead either under total foreign control, or under the tyranny of religious zealots and destitution.

It isn't a lack of intelligence, it's a lack of viable alternatives. So they work with the world they were given, instead of trying to fulfill fantasy.

>> No.15399691

Well, that, and in the USA's case, the status quo you're complaining about has left you one of the richest and arguably the most powerful nation on the face of the planet. Real change means giving that up. Things might be bad enough to even make you want to do that, but doing so risks your nation's wealth and sovereignty and thus your ability to make anything better.

>> No.15399702

If it was the Scandinavian countries, or maybe even Japan, that was going to take over global control, I wouldn't mind the USA releasing the wheel for a bit.

But as it is, the next in line are China and Russia, both of which are the sort of tyrannies bent on world domination that make the USA look like a free utopia. So "status quo" it is, I guess. Not that we can't work within the lines to try and make things at least a little better, and stop them from contracting any further.

>> No.15400440

money printer output isn't wealth, its only a means of devaluing people's savings. the word "money" originates from the juno moneta cult, they ran the mint in ancient rome, they invented and perfected currency debasement and used as a means of siphoning off everyone else's wealth, same as whats going on today.

>> No.15401396

Capitalism is far too effective to be going anywhere. No fixed currency can compete with a fiat currency, and even where you "officially" manage to eliminate usury, through religion, it simply takes other forms.

Suffice to say, in that global situation (and pretty much every other situation), much better to live in a rich country than a poor one. Yeah you might give some speech about how people in poor countries live more fulfilled lives or something, but you know full well that's bullshit. They spend all their waking hours just trying to survive, and most would give their first born up to live in a place like the USA or Europe, and often literally risk just that or their own lives to do so.

>> No.15401667
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> most would give their first born up to live in a place like the USA or Europe, and often literally risk just that or their own lives to do so.
They often regret it when they get there

>> No.15401670

Because they're actually dimwits who have been overeducated.

>> No.15401737

but muh based russia fighting jewkraine neonazis...

>> No.15401763

A cow fully matures in less than three years, so that must mean cows are really smart, right?
You're a retard who thinks teen pregnancies are a good thing so probably trying to explain this to you is useless.

>> No.15401784

Limited capacity.
As discoveries are found and technologies develop, scientific field become more individualized.
The only hope is for scientists to create AI to do the work for them, but then, why would you need scientists after that?

>> No.15401790

why are these threads allowed?

>> No.15403020

Did you use the report button or do you just like to complain and whine like a little bitch?

>> No.15403154

>If scientists are all so smart and high IQ, why don't they just use their powerful science magic to take over everything
Because the greedy ones (Rulers) figured out that they can use useful idiots (society) to scare/hurt the smart ones.
After many iterations, Scientists and such are memetically engineered to agree with the Rulers.
simple stuff really

>> No.15403172

that kind of long term play sounds pretty smart. you can hate them, but why do you think they're dumber than you?

>> No.15404495

Buying allies via sinecures has been around a long time, its nothing ingenious or new

>> No.15405353

>Politicians are basically never intelligent; they're just good at manipulating the stupid.
If thats the case then it should be easy for a high IQ scientist to outwit the politicians and seize power, so why don't they do it? Are they too stupid to? Too lazy? Too cowardly?

>> No.15405360

>If thats the case then it should be easy for a high IQ scientist to outwit the politicians and seize power, so why don't they do it? Are they too stupid to? Too lazy? Too cowardly?
All 3. Rulers use systems like university tenure and "peer review" to select for those traits.

>> No.15405365

>outwit the politicians and seize power, so why don't they do it?
It's called morality

>> No.15405465

High IQ scientists are too interested in being scientists to be politicians or otherwise running the world. That's a full time job, no time for science.

Other high IQ individuals don't become politicians because they realize that's really just middle management, plus it's a full time job with a whole lotta legal exposure and little to no benefits if stroking your ego or gaining even more money through massive corruption isn't your thing. (Even then, there's much better and much more efficient ways to accomplish those goals.)

...Or as Lex Luthor once said to Superman, "You think I want to become president? Do you have any idea how much power I would have to give up to become president!?"

>> No.15406002

>i can't tell the difference between comic books and irl
IQ below 110

>> No.15406081

>Other high IQ individuals don't become politicians because they realize that's really just middle management,
So they become the priest class who take orders from politicians to find convenient data instead?

>> No.15407004 [DELETED] 

How many billionaire US politicians can you name? Probably less than five, as there’s only ever been a baker’s dozen, maybe two of which are “old money”. (Maybe you’re thinking Trump, but it turns out he wasn’t a billionaire before he went in, though getting $3 billion from the Saudis alone, he certainly was after he left.) Most politicians aren’t even millionaires, or are barely so. Lower upper class, at best.

Money is what rules the world. Politics just provides a place where mutual agreements between massive financial entities can take shape and differences can be resolved peaceably. Politicians fail to get votes when the economy fails, so even in the bottom up sense, money still rules over them, as the people make sure of it. The various billionaires have far more cultural influence through their various media arms and talking heads, than any politician, and far more raw power than anyone save maybe the president. Even there, the president has to delegate to those he assigns to cabinet positions, is under a microscope of constant scrutiny, and even his direct orders can be blocked and tied up in court at every turn. Meanwhile, when the owner of a multinational says jump, the whole company jumps without question, and billionaires are untouchable by the law. The only time the law does more than annoy one, is when they’ve stolen from other billionaires.

Sure politics control the military machine, officially, but when it comes down to it, the military acts on the economy’s behalf, and only with the blessing of a good chunk of its actual owners. (Most of the military actions are aimed at preventing threats to the world reserve currency status, as that’s a mutual interest of all the rich.)

>> No.15407014

How many billionaire US politicians can you name? Probably less than five, as there’s only ever been a baker’s dozen, maybe two of which are “old money”. (Maybe you’re thinking Trump, but it turns out he wasn’t a billionaire before he went in, though getting $3 billion from the Saudis alone, he certainly was after he left.) Most politicians aren’t even millionaires, or are barely so. Lower upper class, at best.

Money is what rules the world. Politics just provides a place where mutual agreements between massive financial entities can take shape and differences can be resolved peaceably. Politicians fail to get votes when the economy fails, so even in the bottom up sense, money still rules over them, as the people make sure of it. The various billionaires have far more cultural influence through their various media arms and talking heads, than any politician, and far more raw power than anyone save maybe the president. Even there, the president has to delegate to those he assigns to cabinet positions, is under a microscope of constant scrutiny, and even his direct orders can be blocked and tied up in court at every turn. Meanwhile, when the owner of a multinational says jump, the whole company jumps without question, and billionaires are untouchable by the law. The only time the law does more than annoy one, is when they’ve stolen from other billionaires.

Sure politics control the military machine, officially, but when it comes down to it, the military acts on the economy’s behalf, and only with the blessing of a good chunk of its actual owners. (Most of the military actions are aimed at preventing threats to the world reserve currency status, as that’s a mutual interest of all the rich.)

>> No.15407030

Lol you're the same retard who claimed genetic engineering is not real

>> No.15407893 [DELETED] 

Lex Luthor is just a comic book character, Reddit brain. TV & moooovies & comic books are not IRL life, learn to differentiate between fantasy & reality, grow up

>> No.15408024

Because we are living in a science utopia. All modern technology is due to the work of scientists.

>> No.15408037

Sometimes we slip a little truth into the media.

>> No.15408159 [DELETED] 

the so-called scientists love to take credit for the work of people like thomas edison, the wright brothers, karl benz, basile bouchon, joseph jacquard, louis daguerre, william sturgeon, samuel morse and alexander graham bell because they have nothing of their own creation to credit themselves with.

>> No.15408204

Eh, at least half of those guys called themselves scientists.

>> No.15408237

if it's so easy, then do it yourself, do it better, and win. why do you think they're dumber than you?

it's generally considered morally acceptable to kill to save the life of an innocent victim so why isn't it morally acceptable to seize power from big bad manipulators?

art can be interesting as it represents the perception of reality for that artist. it can be used as an anchor point to reference a commonly shared cultural meme. but looping back to >>15407014 it appears the closest thing in your mind to Lex Luthor would be Trump, who according to you, more than trippled his wealth and launched into billionaire status through becoming president.

>> No.15408411
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you're fucking dumb! KYS.

>> No.15408766 [DELETED] 

none of them did

>> No.15408779


>> No.15410026

Clyde Tombaugh goes on the list too, he had a high school diploma when he made the 20th century's biggest astronomical discovery.

>> No.15411015
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Can you imagine an astronomer that was actually capable of building a working telescope? Used to be par for the course back in Tombaugh's day, these days none of them can, they don't even know how the telescopes work, its all built for them by defense contractors.

>> No.15412320

Trump was a bottom rung elite before he was president, being worth several times over the Clintons and Epstein he hung out with combined, and with a international criminal real estate empire to boot. It was one of those rare instances where such an individual deigned to lower himself to politics. He exploited a perfect storm of politics to make himself a lot of money and power, but he already was quite wealthy and influential. As with nearly everything, he’s an exception to the rule.

But I’d instead peg Musk for your Lex Luthor brought to life. Trump has the career criminal aspect, but not the mad scientist aspect. Of course, real life billionaires aren’t comic-book evil like Luthor, all having their own competing human motivations, sometimes benign, sometimes not. Though the most fictional part of the story is that Superman, occasionally manages to put his evil billionaire in prison.

>> No.15412326 [DELETED] 

He was a scientist in training when he found Pluto and soon after became a fully accredited one.

>> No.15412379

He was a scientist in training when he found Pluto and soon after became a fully accredited one, though something similar can be said of every other person on that list, mostly accredited scientists.

>> No.15412495

>but not the mad scientist aspect
You have no idea how much he learned from Uncle John

>> No.15413060

Uranus was discovered with a home made telescope too, so were Jupiter's 4 major moons

>> No.15413100

During a time when most of them were, and Galileo was accredited at the University of Pisa, being one of history's preeminent scientists.

>> No.15413350

>If scientists are all so smart and high IQ
they aren't, all the midwits dishonestly claim credit for the work of the tiny minority of high iq successes while accomplishing nothing

>> No.15413767
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>> No.15414969

right, roasties should be career women and sluts and then look for someone rich to settle down with after they're too old to bear children. people who start families when they're young and healthy are all stupid and low iq. only 40 year old alcoholic cat ladies with careers should have children

>> No.15414985

Yup, and it's beyond infuriating. At least in the past the geniuses got recognition and respect for carrying the advancement of society. Now the parasite class has abolished objective standards so that they can give degrees to any retard and diversity candidate with a pulse. And they've convinced average midwit to value the retards and frauds just as much as the few geniuses still willing to put up with the bullshit.

>> No.15415121
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Because most of them are actually brainlets, and can only focus on one thing. Hence an intellectual prostitute doing its one field. Plus the current global system is based on control and deception. Though although we have reached the pcb age and a mini Atlantis at the most everything is really fragile due to its infancy. So any super terrestrial would realize he would have to kill millions if not billions of humans to get anywhere. At that point it’s easier and less tedious; to build a craft to leave the interplanetary medium.

>> No.15415295

>scientists are just midwits with delusions of superior intelligence?
Honestly, that's mostly the case these days.

>> No.15415475

You can't "outwit" stupid people and make them do what you want, anon. That's like a normal person trying to "outwit" a 2-year-old. No matter how much smarter he is than the toddler, it's just going to continue screaming and throwing shit.

>> No.15416937
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sure you can

>> No.15417005

Hey, if you can convince the Republicans to vote for a New York billionaire, who was best buddies with the Clintons and Epstein, all in the name of fighting an elite cabal of rich pedophiles, you can convince anyone of anything.

You can even convince them a man who did nothing to expand his narrow base over four years that failed to win him a majority vote, even against the most hated woman in the country, and who presided over the greatest economic crash of the past two centuries and a plague that killed over a million people, was somehow robbed of his rightful reelection.

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.15417320

>why don't they just use their powerful science magic to take over everything
Who would want to "take over" this fckn global shitshow?

>> No.15417338


>> No.15417727

>sour grapes
lame excuse

>> No.15417742

>The true path to enlightenment requires humanity to abandon retarded shit like money and violent tendencies
The true path to enlightenment is realizing that that is what our nature is and to work with that.

We *are* violent glorified monkeys. That's why having elaborate systems based on morality and 'fairness' doesn't work. I'm not saying rules of nature in the classical way of "strongest rule". I'm saying 'rules of nature' in the way of 'we have a nature, and we have to use that as the starting point for policy'.

>> No.15419081

>If scientists are all so smart and high IQ
scientists are low IQ

>> No.15419168
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The official mantra in the academia is "shut up and calculate".
They are "high IQ" the same way your calculator is "high IQ".
Taking over everything is another word for the art of influencing people, which is something completely foreign to the autists on this board.
Consciousness cannot be reduced down to simple mathematical equations. Those who understand it are the ones who rules the heart and mind of the people, and therefore this Earth.
The Elites at the very top are always going to be /x/ schzios.
/sci/entists are just high level slaves.

>> No.15419795

>/sci/entists are just high level slaves.
>high level slaves.
they're extremely low ranking, thats why they only get 5 figure salaries

>> No.15419996

I don't recognise your premise. Being smart and good at science doesn't make you some marvel character you autistic retard. It's also unrelated to politics and ruling, you need a certain emotional temperament (i.e. lack of one) to be a politician.

>> No.15420811

>If scientists are all so smart and high IQ
They aren't

>> No.15421419
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>> No.15422476

>no answer

>> No.15423594

he was given a title afterwards in order to help cover up the fact that an amateur made the biggest astronomical discovery of the 20th century. it took the professionals six decades before they were able location another kuiper belt object.

>> No.15423656

Guy spent years getting a bachelors and masters in astronomy at University of Kansas to become a professional astronomer then got his dream job working at the Lowell Observatory. It wasn't an honorary degree, he worked for that shit.