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15369462 No.15369462 [Reply] [Original]

Cosmic microwave background radiation proven fake

>> No.15369468

>eu garbage
into the trash it goes

>> No.15369472
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She votes.
He peacefully protests.
I kneel.

>> No.15369510
File: 121 KB, 410x164, 1567219072231-Planck_SZEffect_410_Xb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robitaille is a fraud and has no idea what he's talking about. Note that Planck had two instruments which used different detection methods, Robitaille only talks about one and yet both LFI and HFI get consistent results.

No matter how many times this shit is spammed it has still already proven wrong with empirical evidence. The Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Effect which shows where galaxy clusters have boosted the energy of CMBR photons to higher energies via the inverse Compton effect. Now this could be explained if it was just increased intensity from clusters adding to the local background BUT it's not just that. In certain frequencies it reduces the background radiation because photons have been promoted to higher energies. These galaxy clusters leave shadows on the CMB as we observe it, like this beautiful example from Planck. This is not explainable in a local model and it is commonly observed where we detect these signals and find an cluster in optical or x-ray. Furthermore the SZ effect is not only observed in known galaxy clusters but has actually been used to find hundreds of new confirmed ones. This would absolutely not be possible if Robitaille was correct, yet it is, finding hundreds is not an accident. More recently gravitational lensing of the CMB has been measured, this is further disproof of Robitaille's strange claims.

Robitaille isn't a scientist. He declares all this shit without ever doing an experiment or reducing observational data himself. He's a dogmatic hack, who isn't interested in what reality has to say.

>> No.15369527

>religion religion religion
When is this fag going to get to the point?

>> No.15369554


>> No.15369565

I'm sorry you're incapable of understanding anything not presented on a YouTube video. The effect is quite real however.

>> No.15369583

even the found says its total trash

>> No.15369591
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>> No.15369606

So by this logic we can just reject OPs video because it comes from the intellectual-sewer that is YouTube.

>> No.15369612

You deserve to be cut in half with a chainsaw, starting in your groin and going up to your stupid head.

>> No.15369618

>electric universe
>still based on the globohomo space model

>> No.15369625

Why do people keep posting this? P.M. Robitaille doesn't believe in the Electric Universe.

>> No.15369644
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There is an entire pit of pseudoscience freaks who can't into math, but want to pretend to be scientists for some reason. So they decide to declare that all the scientists are conspired and its math which is wrong , not their retarded hypothesis


>> No.15369660

They are the only people who take him seriously. And he has attended their "conferences".

>> No.15369661

Because Epstein's arrest was a psyop, like with Jimmy Saville.

>> No.15369665
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>> No.15369749

yeah, they smuggled him out and faked his death, whole thing stinks
I wasn't aware of saville what do you mean?

>> No.15369753

Hard to believe epstein was a dirtbike chad

>> No.15369762

I don't know why someone who actually knows something about science is bothering to defend cosmology on this Mongolian grasshopper forum, but I have a suspicion that when I get around to investigating this I'm going to discover that your argument comes down to spurious correlations and a general abuse of statistical methods.

>> No.15369812

Maybe try forming an argument next time. I suspect you are not going to disprove an effect detected in hundreds of publications by dozens of instruments on fucking 4chan.
>spurious correlations and a general abuse of statistical methods
You can see the huge SNR of that Abell cluster from Planck yourself. Who are you going to believe, Robitaille or your own lying eyes?

>> No.15369830

Anon, I can't believe I have to tell you this but you're being trolled.

>> No.15370250

We should have embeds from video sharing sites that aren't owned by ZOG fronts, Jootoob is pure propaganda.

>> No.15370410

>I suspect you are not going to disprove an effect detected in hundreds of publications
I suspect that even if I did, I wouldn't be able to publish my disproof in any of those journals.

>> No.15370538

>even if I did
But you won't.

>> No.15370621

>self-fulfilled-prophecy-thinking-induced self defeatism
schizos are so predictable

>> No.15370675

>Robitaille is a fraud and has no idea what he's talking about.
he knows exactly what he's talking about
you don't
>These galaxy clusters leave shadows on the CMB as we observe it, like this beautiful example from Planck. This is not explainable in a local model and it is commonly observed where we detect these signals and find an cluster in optical or x-ray.
fully explainable with a local model
>gravitational lensing
you're too far gone
>Robitaille isn't a scientist.
except he absolutely is
a brilliant one at that
you, on the other hand, are not
talk about the dirty old pot calling the stainless steel pan black

>> No.15370700

>fully explainable with a local model
Go ahead then.

>> No.15370750
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>But you won't.
Yeah, I probably won't. If a professor of radiology has already deboonked the CMB that's good enough for me.
>schizos are so predictable
Nah I just don't really care that much.
Cosmology is bullshit, however much the establishment tries to dress it up there are problems it can't hide. Dark matter, dark energy, the vacuum catastrophe, superluminal observations, flyby anomalies, galaxies older than the estimated age of the universe and yada yada. The BICEP experiment was recently exposed as fraudulent, I wouldn't be surprised if the CMB was a scam as well.

>> No.15370778

>If a professor of radiology has already deboonked the CMB that's good enough for me.
Your favourite word again, "if". It's almost as if you know it's bullshit.

>> No.15370813

Because a professor of radiology has already deboonked the CMB that's good enough for me.

>> No.15370850

Ghislane is a fucking cutie and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.15370853

If it really has been refuted then explain the SZ effect in his local model:
But you can't, because he hasn't.

>> No.15370855

Maybe you should ask him to do so politely via email if it concerns you so much.

>> No.15370860

>make my argument for me
In other words, you're full of shit and you know it.

>> No.15370872

Well you're the one who's so upset about it. If you want him to answer you can just ask him to instead of complaining why he doesn't accommodate you for something he probably doesn't think is relevant for his audience.

>> No.15370881

What concerns me is people spamming this nonsense here without ever looking at it critically.
People have pointed out the obvious to him, he literally ignores it and just repeats his original claims.

>> No.15370886

He always addresses criticism thoroughly. If you ask him to make a video on his explanation for your claimed effect then he will.

>> No.15370901

Nope. "Professor Dave" made a video debunking "Sky Scholar", one of the points he made was the SZ effect. Robitaille made a counter video but never mentioned the point.

>> No.15370908

Considering all the nonsense he had to wade through I don't blame him. "Professor" Dave is one of the most bloviating midwits on youtube. Maybe if you asked nicely he would address it for you.

>> No.15370932

You just said he addresses crisism thoroughly, now you accept the fact he completely ingored many points.
And I have discussed the matter with one of his "esteemed co-authors" (Crothers) who had literally no explanation. He just dismissed it as "wishful thinking". Hundreds of new galaxy clusters discovered by positive thinking. That's their level of science, if it doesn't fit it cannot be considered.
It's obvious the SZ effect has no explanation in a local model. I don't need Robitaille's permission to think.

>> No.15370934

>It's obvious the SZ effect has no explanation in a local model.
>self-fulfilled-prophecy-thinking-induced self defeatism
schizos are so predictable

>> No.15370939

So tell us, how it can be explained?

>> No.15370943

Maybe you should ask politely via email and you'll get an answer.

>> No.15370951

I'm not asking him, I'm asking you. Can you not think for yourself?

>> No.15370953

I'm not interested in explaining some nonsense statistical artifact to a halfwit.

>> No.15370957

So how were hundreds of new galaxy clusters found with a "nonsense statistical artifact"? This is exactly what Crothers did, completely shut down and refuse to think.

>> No.15370959

>So how were hundreds of new galaxy clusters found with a "nonsense statistical artifact"
The burden of proof is on you if you believe this is true.

>> No.15370966


>> No.15370978

Oh I see where your problem is. This is a case of big data schizophrenia. They didn't discover "new" anything, but rather compared known visible galaxies in a huge dataset and using spurious statistical correlations assigned them to groupings that weren't considered to exist beforehand. Like a schizophrenic, an algorithm designed to produce correlations between objects in a large enough dataset will do so based on almost any metric you give it, true or not.

Subsequently declaring that you've "discovered new galaxy clusters" because you can create artificial groupings in certain regions is a classic map vs territory problem.

>> No.15370992

>They didn't discover "new" anything, but rather compared known visible galaxies in a huge dataset and using spurious statistical correlations assigned them to groupings that weren't considered to exist beforehand.
Bullshit. Hundreds of these clusters were unknown. Many of them had no imaging at the depth you could see cluster galaxies in. A cluster is not just some galaxies, they are rare and extremely obvious once found because the galaxies have a very high velocity dispersion and are x-ray confirmed. The x-rays confirm the hot halo. And no these catalogs were built from CMB data, not catalogs of galaxies.
Lel. You're just making shit up to try and force something into this wierd claim.

>> No.15371010

You just don't understand the subject. If you applied similar rules to any stretch of space without the "SZ Effect" you would also find galaxies that appear to be clustered, and some which may genuinely be clustered. In fact you will usually find some that are connected but don't appear clustered by the rules you've set up, like the galaxies and quasars in Arp's famous book of anomalous galaxies.

>> No.15371037

>If you applied similar rules to any stretch of space without the "SZ Effect" you would also find galaxies that appear to be clustered
Galaxy clusters=/= clustering. See how they're different words. Galaxy clusters are gravitationally bound, they are not normal galaxies. And again these clusters are x-ray confirmed.

>> No.15371039

>And again these clusters are x-ray confirmed.
And so are the ones that don't conform to your presuppositions, but this study didn't look for them because it was designed to fit the data to the model not the other way around.

>> No.15371053

>And so are the ones that don't conform to your presuppositions
Post these magical non-clusters and the x-ray confirmation.

>> No.15371057

Your vaunted authors failed to look for control clusters to confirm they weren't seeing fake patterns, so the data doesn't exist. If you have some telescope time you could find them yourself though.

>> No.15371059

Post them.

>> No.15371061

No counterargument then, after I proved your source was misleading? Thank you for conceding.

>> No.15371095

lel. Waving your hands and making up some objects is not a fucking proof. You also never dealt with the actual point of the SZ detections, which shouldn't exist at all.

>> No.15371475
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>> No.15371491
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he was a big poser, liked dressing up in costumes. probably just sat on the bike for a photo op. he owned a bunch of airplanes and never bothered to learn how to pilot them, odds are he wasn't too competent with other vehicles

>> No.15371939

you just know ghislaine could suck a golf ball through a garden hose

>> No.15372439 [DELETED] 

she inherited about $200million when her father died, at the time of her court case she was worth about 10% of the original inheritance. not an intelligent person.

>> No.15373111

>Waving your hands and making up some objects is not a fucking proof
You should be telling that to the authors of those papers

>> No.15377192

>You should be telling that to the authors of those non-replicable papers
non-replicable = non-science

>> No.15380317 [DELETED] 

the so-called cosmic background radiation is really just the heat signature of the milky way's dark matter halo. it is not cosmic in origin, it is local

>> No.15381519

I wish I could find a woman as cute as Ghislaine.
(not the pedo/jew part or whatever)

>> No.15383671 [DELETED] 

That seem like a more reasonable explanation than "the big bang" AKA "The Book of Genesis for Atheists"
At least theres evidence that dark matter actually exists. "The big bang" is just a soience fairy tale
>one day, for no reason at all, the universe started

>> No.15383932

Nope. The SZ proves it's not local. Read the thread.

>> No.15383999

>Cosmic microwave background radiation proven fake
>in a youtube video
as if you were targeting the illiterate.

>> No.15384013 [DELETED] 


>> No.15385539 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 636x382, maxwellhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she fucking loves soience too, she'll be out of prison next year, she isn't dead

>> No.15386682

you made me look her up for whatever reason since I had almost forgotten about her, and what the fuck. her father owned mcgraw hill which publishes k-12 school textbooks and was part of an equity firm worth half a trillion dollars, and her father also was a Mossad agent

>> No.15386704

he was also a close associate and buisness partner of both rupert murdoch & si newhouse.
newhouse's kids own reddit, thats why ghislaine was the boss of moderators on reddit until she was arrested, she'll get her old job back when she gets out of prison next year if she wants it. he has a humanities degree, but she was and soon will again be controlling the public science narrative.

>> No.15386877 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15386984 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15388481

Ken Lay's convenient sudden heart attack death was fake too

>> No.15389534

I'm sorry your level of literacy does not allow you to read texts so you have to watch videos instead.

>> No.15389538

absolutely. intelligent people write things down. total retards share videos.

>> No.15389662

Bin Laden is also definitely still alive, they never released to supposed video of him being killed or his funeral

>> No.15391414 [DELETED] 

Everything in the world was going along normally until picrel's arrest, as soon as the happened, chaos ensued and it still hasn't let up yet. ZOG's secrets are out of the bag, so they're instigating tyranny to avoid the repercussions of their misdeeds

>> No.15392432
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Covid-19 was released about 2 month after Epstein was declared dead.

>> No.15394542

CMBR is the heat signature of the Milky Way's dark matter halo

>> No.15396072

I'm amazed that kind of thing isn't common knowledge. Do people really just trust the media without wondering who owns it and what their motives are?

>> No.15396098

Yes and they are so stupid they call you schizo for pointing out how stupid they are for doing so. Golem gonna sheeple what can you do

>> No.15397465
File: 457 KB, 643x466, media ownership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets briefly review media ownership

>> No.15397487

Co-opting anti-Semitism and right wing view points does not suddenly make your science credible
As based as those two things are otherwise

>> No.15398483

"Cosmic" microwave background radiation is fake

>> No.15398747
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>on fucking 4chan
Back to fucking plebbit, you filthy subhuman

>> No.15398855

>Muh anime math
Funny I don't remember this millennium problem.

>> No.15398895

What's funny is how anime mathematicians outperform you

>> No.15399196

the paper that was published in has 0 citations, it was never worth publishing to begin with

>> No.15399392

The fact that you believe that the number of citations is indicative of the validity of the proof speaks volumes.

>> No.15399947

Epstein unironically donated more to science and scientific research than all the spergs who accused him of this of all that made up nonsense put together

>> No.15400557

its not significant in any way, just pointless vanity publishing

>> No.15402024

Love story, over children cadavers.

>> No.15403196

jewish tradition

>> No.15403209 [DELETED] 

>what is the global economy

>> No.15403216 [DELETED] 

Reddit users are literal well known figure heads from all academic institutions retard.

>> No.15404700
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>> No.15404720

cmbr was not the beginning.

>> No.15405740

This article suggests that its fake

Alternative explanations of the cosmic microwave background

>> No.15405763

Robatille gets a hard time, unfairly in most cases. Play the ball, not the man

>> No.15405770

His research on the Harouni null measurement is fantastic.

>> No.15405795

Read the thread. His bullshit is quite easy to refute.

It's really just a demonstration of how horribly biased he his. He rejects all other measurements without even considering the hundreds of instruments that made them. He accepts blindly the one result that fits his claims, that is the definition of confirmation bias. Harouni never published his measurement seriously, there is no consideration of systematics or errors. And he only claimed many years later that one random measurement of his failed to find the CMB. He did not experiment with calibration loads either.
The SZ effect shows both of them are wrong.

>> No.15405797

>The SZ effect shows both of them are wrong.
That's just selection bias though, it's a bunch of autists finding patterns in noise.

>> No.15405845

Explain how it is selection bias. Explain how you determined it's not significant.

>> No.15405853

He BTFOs reddit BBT.

>> No.15407277 [DELETED] 

Cosmic microwave background radiation is fake

>> No.15407333

And what observational evidence do you have to support this?

>> No.15407474


>> No.15408551 [DELETED] 

Scientists say its real and scientists lie about everything.

>> No.15408578

Explain the axis of evil?

>> No.15408679

So you have to base your beliefs on someone else's opinion? You aren't capable of thinking for yourself?

>> No.15410038
File: 258 KB, 835x1080, Sheeple-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every major media outlet is jewish owned.
All of these outlets are also constantly shilling "diversity"

>> No.15410261

He also fucked more child slaves than all 4chan users combined.

>> No.15411134

Its all based on observed evidence

>> No.15411137

Do you also believe the earth is flat?

>> No.15411195

>first video
>one giant appeal to credentialism
Uh.. ok.

>> No.15411204

>second video, only 5 minutes in
>actually quotes articles, without any huffing and puffing and moronic bloviation
Uhhhhhh.... bro.......

>> No.15411208

The biggest irony of this exchange that you linked is that the Robertaile or whatever guy actually has the credentials, while the Dave idiot seems to be a total funkie. So, uhhhhhhhh.... bruh moment?

>> No.15411218

>15 minutes into the 2nd video
>the "crank" quotes textbooks and shit
>the "deboonker" just keep bloviating with "trust me bro I'm an expert" while giving no citation to any of his claims, or being any sort sort of uber-expert on the subject
I think I can now close the video.

Robitaille may well be a fraud, but whatever you and this insufferably obnoxious Professor Dave are selling: I am not buying. Not even if you pay me to buy it. Sorry.

>> No.15411219

Ignoring the substantial arguments and focusing only on the authority aspect is a stawman. If you can't actually respond to the arguments don't try to bullshit your way through.

>> No.15411222

I should probably note that the videos linked ITT are the only material from Robitaille that I have ever watched. So if your goal was to deboonk him you messed up bad. (Not going to continue watching tho. I'll just stick to my area of study.)

/2 cents of a lurker

>> No.15411224

Huh??? Not my problem. I didn't even watch any of the two videos to the end, and refuse to do so.

>> No.15411232

I should also note that I have no idea what the SZ problem thing is that you were talking about with that other anon. I am merely procrastinating and was curious to see what the exchange was like.

The crank won big. Professor Dave is probably a net negative for anything he touches. I know this is a bold claim, given that I've literally only seen 15 minutes of a 40+ minutes video of his, but he is insufferable. Reminds me of idiots on bygone forums who would quote mine and quibble over minor shit (which it just so happens that were even often wrong about) in other posts by splitting them up into tiny chunks. Immensely off-putting and uninformative.

>> No.15411233

You also see the exact same behaviour here at times. Autism gone wrong.

>> No.15411250

>I have no idea what the SZ problem thing is
Clearly. And yet you feel informed enough to assert Dave is wrong. But you admit you don't even understand the question. Get a grip.

>> No.15411255
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lmao i bet you believe in the holocoaster

>> No.15411307

> And yet you feel informed enough to assert Dave is wrong.
Are you dyslexic, by any chance? I said no such thing. Here, pick my posts apart and point out where I stated he's wrong:

There, these are all the posts I made ITT. Have a go at it.

>> No.15411314

To spoonfeed you: I merely pointed out that Professor Dave is not just unpersuasive, but grossly off-putting. And that, although Robitaille may well be a complete loon, he actually comes across as the more reasonable one in the exchange, If this was supposed to instruct me and encourage me to get closer to the truth, then it was a massive backfire. Not sure what kind of mental defect one must have to freely subject himself to the intellectual abuse of this Professor Dave fellow, but my intuition tells me that one must in fact have a defective intellect to do so.

Who among the two is right, I have no bloody clue.

>> No.15411366

the "deboonker" just keep bloviating with "trust me bro I'm an expert" while giving no citation to any of his claims, or being any sort sort of uber-expert on the subject
>Whine about appeals to authority
>He's not an expert

>>giving no citation to any of his claims,
Lie. From the description:
Research relevant to this video:
Using the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect to discover galaxy clusters: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1063773719020063
More SZE stuff: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1203.4219.pdf
Planck results on Sachs-Wolfe effect: https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf......
Use of CMB polarization to detect gravitational lensing from galaxy clusters: https://news.fnal.gov/2020/01/data-from-antipodal-places-first-use-of-cmb-polarization-to-detect-gravitational-lensing-from-galaxy-clusters/
CMB lensing: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2041-8205/753/1/L9/pdf
Planck results on gravitational lensing-infrared background correlation: https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2014/11/aa21540-13.pdf
More CMB lensing stuff: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2041-8205/753/1/L9/pdf
CMB is not redshifted starlight: https://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/stars_vs_cmb.html
An easy read on the CMB: https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/this-is-how-we-know-the-cosmic-microwave-background-comes-from-the-big-bang-90c85af092e
Study on liquid metallic hydrogen: https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.01634
The black hole image paper: https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1906/1906.11238.pdf
Derek explains the black hole image: • How to Understand...
More black hole stuff: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-637X/729/2/119

>> No.15411397

>Who among the two is right, I have no bloody clue
And yet you felt compelled to make half a dozen posts, which say literally nothing of substance. Complain about Dave's "moronic bloviating" while going on a pointless multi-post rant yourself. Whining that he crticises Robitaille credentials, and then making the same appeal yourself one post later. You say Dave is awful and off-putting and all you've done is copy him. The difference is at the end of all the bullshit he had something substantial to say, you don't.

>> No.15411635

>And yet you felt compelled to make half a dozen posts, which say literally nothing of substance.
That's like, just your opinion man.

>> No.15412819

The big bang narrative is just a thinly disguised soience rewrite of biblical cosmology
>in the beginning god said "let there be light"
>in the beginning soience said "let there be background radiation"

>> No.15412878 [DELETED] 

>The difference is at the end of all the bullshit he had something substantial to say
But he didn't.

>> No.15412881

>in the beginning god said "let there be light"
Lr2genesis, Apostate:
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

>> No.15412884

He fucked like a 17yo, not really a crime

>> No.15413152

this guy has sex

>> No.15413343
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yep, all part of the jews white genocide agenda as outlined in the protocols

>> No.15413734


>> No.15413824

Rule 2 go back to v

>> No.15413925 [DELETED] 

>Scientists say its real and scientists lie about everything.
So by this logic the Earth is flat top?

>> No.15413956

>Scientists say its real and scientists lie about everything.
So by this logic the Earth is flat too?

>> No.15414970

If its not a crime why is his client list being covered up? Why was he arrested twice?

>> No.15415559
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sup jidf

>> No.15416840

Jimmy Savile, formerly a famous TV presenter for the BBC. Had ties to many influential people in the company and Britain as a whole. Even had ties to the royal family. He got exposed for abusing children, and it's suspected that he wasn't the only one who was doing it.

>> No.15417343

Prince Andrew publicly admitted to it

>> No.15417720

nice word salad skizo

>> No.15418909

>CMBR is the heat signature of the Milky Way's dark matter halo
It could just as easily be the Oort cloud

>> No.15418966

Absolute NPC content right here.
>who isn't interested in what reality has to say.
The irony is that you don't care about what reality has to say.
The universe will not remember you, Anon.
It will forget us all.

>> No.15419448

or just instrumentation error

>> No.15419856

its pure schizophasia

>> No.15420860
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>> No.15421386

that was immediately covered up for him by the media

>> No.15421420

Robitaille has a collection of these followers that are haters, but their arguments are insta-moot and I think it is shilling to promote interaction with his content.
As for your direct refutation, the model is calibrated with what they assume the background radiation to be and they make another mistake in trying to photoshop away the universe in order to prove what they assume. Make no mistake, your science is dead. JWST will kill all of it. The only thing the institutional scientists fears more than god is data.

>> No.15422482

if jwst produces evidences that debunks popular astro theories, they astronomers will just hide the evidence and data as a means of hiding their embarrassment and low iqs, which are already self evident anyway

>> No.15423272

That or they'll ascribe the discrepancy to "dark matter" or some other unobservable phantom

>> No.15423704
File: 80 KB, 618x410, ghislaine-maxwell-kevin-spacey-throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghislane sat on the thone before charlie did

>> No.15423853

>As for your direct refutation, the model is calibrated with what they assume the background radiation
Nope. There is no model here.
>make another mistake in trying to photoshop away the universe in order to prove what they assume.
So how did they find new galaxy clusters with this effect of it isn't real?
>JWST will kill all of it.
Post this paper where they claim this.
>The only thing the institutional scientists fears more than god is data.
And yet here you are dismissing observation as "Photoshop", because it doesn't fit your biases. You've never even looked at the real data (nor has Robitaille) and you're both convinced that it must be fake.

>> No.15425562

>Post this paper where they claim this.
nice typo, you're a low iq npc

>> No.15426663

jews have run the british monarchy since the battle of waterloo

>> No.15426710
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italians win again!

>> No.15426721

>Pajeet effect

>> No.15426914

every science is fake unless there is 4K 60FPS footage on it on internet with every angle and different types of cameras, all data involved in the experiment, so basically only 1% of modern science is actually real

otherwise you're just tax fraud kike from academia

>> No.15427853
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>> No.15428499

or heliopause

>> No.15428537

Nope. See:>>15369510

>> No.15429712
File: 135 KB, 800x1039, business-commerce-corporate_ladder-interviews-cvs-resumes-name_dropping-ksmn5201_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

namedropping and schizophasia doesn't prove anything other than the dishonesty and low iq of those who engage in those practices

>> No.15429724

>So how did they find new galaxy clusters with this effect of it isn't real?
It's just cognitive bias. You could go to any place in space and find new galaxy clusters if that's what you wanted to find.

>> No.15429733

Are you seriously offended by an effect being named the people who predicted it? Get a grip.

>> No.15429759

>You could go to any place in space and find new galaxy clusters if that's what you wanted to find.
The Milky Way is not in a galaxy cluster. Nor are most galaxies. Clusters are rare systems, they have a number density of 1 per 100,000 cubic megaparsecs. About 1000 times rarer than bright galaxies. You cannot point to anywhere in the universe and find one.

>> No.15429767

You will eventually find one that meets your spurious criteria if you look for long enough. Basing your criteria on statistical noise just ensures that it takes longer.

>> No.15429804

>You will eventually find one that meets your spurious criteria if you look for long enough.
Show us your calculation.
Also note that if this was true people wouldn't need SZ surveys at all. They could just "look for long enough", but that doesn't actually work.

>> No.15429809

What makes you think you need SZ calculations? It's just statistical noise. People found galaxy clusters before it and they will after it.

>> No.15429836

>dark matter

>> No.15429875

The more you learn about astrophysics the more you realize that astrophysicists are just really really smart con artists. It's beyond disingenuous how "scientists" represent "facts" about space to normies. They speak like they have literally visual photos of these things when in reality it's mostly CGI based off raw math. Astrophysicists NEVER explain how little data they really have nor do they EVER try and convey how much of what they are telling you is pure conjecture based on the most slim of evidence. It's impossible for an astrophysicist to know as much about a black hole as a doctor knows about an asshole, that's a stone cold fact.

>> No.15429887

Because Planck significantly expanded the known number of clusters. If the SZ effect provided no information as you claim then cluster astronomers would have no use for it.
>It's just statistical noise.
And where is your analysis proving this?

>> No.15430604

where is your analysis proving it isn't?

>> No.15430615

So you don't have anything to back up your claim.
There are hundreds of papers which detect the SZ effect.

>> No.15431428

peer review is just collusion by liars

>> No.15432273
File: 6 KB, 259x194, biblical big bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CBMR soience is just part of the big bang narrative, which in turn is just an atheistic rewrite of the book of genesis

>> No.15432650

So you don't have anything to back up your claim, none of your replication crisis publications have data outside statistically significant margins of error.

>> No.15432654

not having anything is just collusion by idiots

>> No.15432685

>replication crisis
>literally hundreds of papers
lel. Do you think before typing or you you just copy paste these pop-sci buzzwords?

>none of your replication crisis publications have data outside statistically significant margins of error.
How many did you look at? Which papers specifically?

>> No.15433886

nobody believes in any of that replication crisis literature, it is all lies. peer review is a system designed to allow liars to collude

>> No.15434644

Cosmology is an inherently religious topic and should be banned from this board.

>> No.15435052
File: 177 KB, 745x997, soyence articles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20th century science comedy publication
now its irl science
clown world

>> No.15435279

You literally just cited them.
>none of your replication crisis publications have data outside statistically significant margins of error.
So apparently you believe in it. It's difficult to be consistent when you're talking out your ass.

>> No.15436488
File: 147 KB, 1024x954, nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry kid, but your idea that you know everything about the whole universe is just a narcissistic grandiose delusion. your astronomy is all a big pack of lies peer reviewed and rubber stamped by a bunch of back slapping liars.

>> No.15437288

these are all more likely explanations than "the big bang"

>> No.15437354

Post your proof and collect your noble price.

>> No.15438310

contradicting einstein's cosmology is not permitted in mainstream science

>> No.15438528
File: 2.54 MB, 1210x7724, emn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obliterate the assumption and then everything else falls into place.

>> No.15439028

Halton Arp was the last guy to contradict the big bang mafia without having he career sabotaged and destroyed, and that was in the 1960s. Once peer review came into full force it became impossible to publish anything that contradicted Saint Einstein's sacred cosmology

>> No.15439823

yeah its religious dogma, not science

>> No.15439848

Arp continued publishing papers in peer-reviewed journals up until he died 10 years ago. So that's a load of shit.

Why don't you post this incredible evidence here? No peen review here. Post the big true true.

>> No.15441045

Arp was the last one to make it in under the wire and establish himself before the cosmology of St. Einstein became unquestionable dogma, by the mid 1970s it had already gotten to the point that dark matter had to be invented to explain away faults in the indubitable theories of precious St, Einstein, the jew god of the atheists.

>> No.15441152

You seem to forgotten to drop the evidence. If it's so obvious that modern cosmology is so badly wrong then I'm sure you can cite the evidence proving that.

>> No.15441780

Do we even have a definition of dark matter? Like is it just more matter or is it intangible gravity ghosts?

>> No.15442403
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>intangible gravity ghosts

>> No.15442431 [DELETED] 

It's supposed non-baryonic matter - ie. matter that doesn't react electromagnetically. The standard model predicts the existence of non-baryonic matter, just maybe not in the quantities required to hold this shit together. But, the standard model also predicted anti-matter, which it turns out exists, but also says about half the universe should be made up of the stuff, and it is apparently not. So who the fuck knows. It just foots the bill better than anything else, for the moment.

>> No.15442473

There is a model which describes the cosmological properties, cold dark matter. By comparing simulations to observations one can constrain it's properties. From simple initial conditions one can simulate how dark matter halos form, floattening rotation curves. What's it could be on a particle physics level is unknown, but the requirements from CDM rule some things out (e.g. normal neutrinos). The standard model of particle physics also doesn't describe gravity, so it's by no means complete.

>> No.15442679

>hen I get around to investigating this I'm going to discover that your argument comes down to spurious correlations
Take a look at the frequency in his graph and compare to CBR

>> No.15442731

>matter that doesn't react electromagnetically
>intangible gravity ghosts

>> No.15443465

Retard. What's the peak frequency for a 2.7 K blackbody? 160 GHz.

>What are neutrinos?

>> No.15445175

>What are neutrinos?
something that has been observed in our solar system.
supposedly dark matter is 95% of the universe, but it is mysteriously absent from our solar system

>> No.15445689

computer simulations are just a figment of the programmer's imagination, they do not reflect reality

>> No.15446801

>intangible gravity ghosts invented by atheists who are 100% certain that god couldn't possibly be real

>> No.15447043
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>> No.15447705

atheists always lie, they have nothing holding them back from lying, they do not know how to be truthful, they can't do it, they do not understand how to be truthful

>> No.15447715



>> No.15448037
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, 1600663147382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hard to believe epstein was a dirtbike chad!

>> No.15448040
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>not really a crime
but this was

>> No.15449392

fake af
worse than snopes

>> No.15450679 [DELETED] 

The protocols also outlines the use of false science narratives as a means of controlling populations and separating them from their traditional cultures and belief systems

>> No.15450725

He discusses the S-Z effect here:

>> No.15452057

that pretty much proves its fake

>> No.15452373

All random noise will have high points and low points. Acting like they're meaningful is an easy way to dishonestly announce you've discovered something everyone else didn't notice. Liars use this trick in science all the time

>> No.15452730
File: 149 KB, 1080x608, atheist religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the atheist bible

>> No.15453956 [DELETED] 

sounds like bullshit made up for the same of convenience

>> No.15454075


If they "weren't meaninful" then it couldn't be used to find new galaxy clusters. And yet it is, hundreds of new ones. That is a fact.

And it's clearly not random noise. Cross correlation analyses show that.

As usual Robatile offers nothing of substance. He points at one single publication and says "I don't like that", not disproving anything. Doesn't answer how it finds new clusters, or look at other analyses. As usual he hasn't done his research, he hasn't looked at the data himself and his claims don't make any sense. You don't prove anything if you haven't even looked at the data.

Then it should be easy to come up with a simpler model which explains all the same data.

>> No.15454890

>he didn't watch the P-M Robitaille video
Many such cases, sad!

>> No.15454897

Oh look, childish deflection instead of an actual rebuttal.
So how does he explain the discovery of hundreds of galaxy clusters with the SZ effect then?

>> No.15454901

Did you watch the video? He explains it there better than I can. It's just a click away, anon. You wouldn't be afraid of...experts, now would you?

>> No.15454903

Only americans think 16 yo are children

>> No.15454917

I did watch the video. He doesn't mention it. I guess you're full of shit.

>> No.15454919

He literally discusses this. Those S-Z clusters are data artifacts. They don't exist in the raw data. Removal of the galactic foreground is impossible.

>> No.15454932

Yes, well done. You've repeated his core point without ever actually considering my response. If they were "just artifacts" then how could these detections be used to discover hundreds of new clusters? It makes no sense, because they're not artifacts.
He's also looking at one study, cross-correlation studies do not have to subtract the foreground.

>> No.15454938

They haven't. Those clusters literally are not there, they exist only as hallucinations of the data.
>cross-correlation studies do not have to subtract the foreground.
Least deranged Robitaille hater

>> No.15454949

>Those clusters literally are not there
Nope. The hundreds are confirmed with optical and xray. Try again.

>> No.15454965

>>cross-correlation studies do not have to subtract the foreground.
>Least deranged Robitaille hater
Maybe try responding with an actual argument. He doesn't mention these analysis in the video so you're going to have to think for yourself. Gasp.

>> No.15454984

Do you have the pictures? Of galaxies first found with the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect, then imaged using optical and x-ray.

>> No.15454989


>> No.15455003

No I mean pictures of galaxies that weren't ever known, discovered first solely using S-Z analysis, then confirmed later by optical and x-ray, and imaged. These just look like S-Z results.
Basically, I'd like to see pictures of these clusters.

>> No.15455023

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1006.5639.pdf Fig 1.

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.0850.pdf Fig 8

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.04121.pdf Fig 8

And again these are galaxy clusters, not just galaxies.

>> No.15455058

But why did the original Planck list have so many clusters, that was then whittled down to only a few hundred? This just seems like they picked ones that just happened to have clusters in them, and threw out the ones that didn't (after cleaning).

>> No.15455061

Or worse, they're adjusting the data to fit the optical and x-ray results

>> No.15455076

The original list contains many clusters already known. The hundreds I reference is the new ones. The catalog contains 1653 detections, of which 1203 are were confirmed at the time the second catal was published. There is no whittling down.

So you finally admit that these are real clusters and no nothing is being ajusted. The coordinates for the Planck ones were published for all to see. That is pure cope.

>> No.15455092

>oh noes, facts
fuck off retard

>> No.15455190
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>> No.15456030

its easy to make fake data out of random noise. soientist lie about everything. covid was fake af, global warming is fake and your stupid bullshit is fake too

>> No.15456870
File: 42 KB, 376x564, 1-s2.0-S0379073817301263-gr7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until Electric Universe becomes the prevailing hypothesis.
Fun times ahead.

>> No.15457218

any paradigm shift would be an improvement over the dogmatic retardation we're presently stuck with

>> No.15457232

>soientist lie about everything.
But you still won't consider that Robitaille is lying. Question everything, appart from YouTube man and his baseless claims which he makes no attempt to verify.
>It's all fake
This is literally flatearther logic, "NASA lies". But like the flatties you and Robitaille don't feel the need to actually provide a test of your claims. This mental gymnastics can be used to save any retarded claim, it's not science.

>> No.15457235

>But you still won't consider that Robitaille is lying. Question everything, appart from YouTube man and his baseless claims which he makes no attempt to verify.
Well he's an engineer, so he's not always lying.

>> No.15457244

Not going to happen. It is literal pseudoscience. It's basically dead now anyways, it peaked years ago.
And EUers have no explanation for SZ either. The observations derefute both Alfven and Peratt's claims about the CMB.

>> No.15457247

String Theory became popular despite being pseudoscience made up by one guy who never planned to test his proclamations. Since EU proponents do direct experiments, they're at least more likely to make it than most charlatan physicists.

>> No.15457251

He's not an engineer, and you said so yourself
>>Robitaille isn't a scientist.
>except he absolutely is

>> No.15457255

Is "you" in the room with you right now?

>> No.15457264

>Since EU proponents do direct experiments
Name three that aren't SAFIRE. And no Alfven and Birkeland, as they were both dead before EU was actually a thing.

>> No.15457265

If you're unaware of the extensive plasma crater experiments being done then I suggest you do more research into the subject and come back later.

captcha: arp0x

>> No.15457284

So you can think of one. They talk and talk about experiments but their record is disappointing. SAFIRE itself didn't do any electric sun experiment before it transitioned to a cold fusion scam, and now it's top secret no more tests.
They claim to know how galaxies and the universe works but none of it has been tested in the lab. Worse they have not done any observational tests.

>> No.15458480

Did a bot write this?

>> No.15458488

A redditor, which is close enough that you can be forgiven for mistaking one for the other.

>> No.15459452

>they're at least more likely to make it than most charlatan physicists.
but the charlatans control the peer review system and thats what counts

>> No.15460784

not possible, who controls the universities? why controls the media, including journal publishing?

>> No.15461590

good question, who nose what kind of secretive, manipulative cabal might control those institutions

>> No.15461931
File: 53 KB, 1050x509, bmui49x66al21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a safe assumption for any modern """science""".

>> No.15461932
File: 69 KB, 850x400, Tesla quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, math isn't science. Hope this helps.

>> No.15461938

How about believing 96% of the universe can't be detected. The current model is painfullly obviously wrong. Mental illness like yours can't be debated.

>> No.15461941
File: 270 KB, 1203x713, alcohol study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly Reminder: literally EVERYONE still believes that moderate drinking is healthy because Transheuser-Busch literally paid off scientists to say so, despite having been exposed years ago as a giant fucking fraud. The problem with the replication crisis isn't just bad papers, it's that they have real world effect and once they're out there, they NEVER go away, even when exposed as bullshit.

>> No.15461942

based tesla 10/10
fuck academia

>> No.15461963

Often it is. In a lot of fields, people don't even have scientists critique their work. Everyone just agrees with every new paper that comes out even if it contradicts everything else in the field and they just have a round of circlejerking. Academia is little more than a social club at this point. Very little actual science is going on.

t. scientist

>> No.15463472

has been well known to be the case ever since the bogdanov brothers widely publicized it at the start of the century

>> No.15463609

>It's beyond disingenuous how "scientists" represent "facts" about space to normies
Assuming this is true, then why? And to what end?

>> No.15464535

To make money.

>> No.15465451

in this case why would a misrepresentation of the facts about space make more money than just telling the truth about space to the best of their abilities?

>> No.15465573

Because you wouldn't be basedfacing over 3 pixels of a telescope image. With the magic of photoshop they can sex it up for the public.

>> No.15465811

I don't see how anyone could take science seriously after the Bog affair, yet here we are almost two decades later and ppl are still acting like peer review means something is undeniably true.
Just to review for newfags: the Bogs published gibberish strategically sprinkled with soience buzzwords and it passed review and nobody noticed for about half a decade that what was published was utterly meaningless and completely nonsensical

>> No.15465828

Attracts more grant money because it makes your research look more exciting than it is.

>> No.15466543


>> No.15467177

They use AI to generate JWST images, the telescope was never built and the billions spent on it were all pocketed minus the cost of the fake launch and a fancy computer for the guy who does the AI

>> No.15467726

>They use AI to generate JWST images
Wouldn't be hard to do, just take HST pics and alter the color layers a little bit

>> No.15467805
File: 103 KB, 1200x675, qjepstein090705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Jeffrey
bunch of faggot losers and trash bag fuckers itt you will never make it in a million years

>> No.15468073

Bombastic nonsense gets attention and sells journal articles like tabloids. This is a problem present in all fields at this point.

The horrors that will be visited upon the rich childfuckers in the coming years are beyond your comprehension.

>> No.15468107

>The horrors that will be visited upon the rich childfuckers in the coming years are beyond your comprehension
Having sex with young women in their absolute prime is only natural but you wouldn't understand a dumb simp enjoy your 45yo used up ready to settle roastie

>> No.15468551

Your children will die in front of you.

>> No.15468571

No need to lash out at others just because your fertile age is over and you missed having children because of all that fun. Just get a cat like all roasties do.

>> No.15468648

You think you're funny. Your plan to have total power over the riots or prevent them and/or escape to bunkers won't work.

>> No.15468653

What riots?

>> No.15468658
File: 172 KB, 1200x900, D.C. on Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol as I thought. You're so stupid you actually think you can prevent it or that there's no possibility of it. Lol you're gonna die.

>> No.15468669

lol blm riots have nothing to do me

>> No.15469013

You mean corona lockdown riots.

>> No.15469029

unvaxxed here, I have escaped and no one can catch me anymore

>> No.15469156

Same. Any more lockdowns mean dead politicians' kids.

>> No.15469963

>Bombastic nonsense gets attention and sells journal articles like tabloids. This is a problem present in all fields at this point.
Its almost as if scientists are as low IQ as the average tabloid consumer

>> No.15470312

Most of them are. That's why we need to get rid of all the math requirements in STEM degrees and replace them with critical thinking courses.

>> No.15471106 [DELETED] 

you can't say that all you want, but one day you'll be the victim of a random act of negro violence. thats what it takes for most people to realize that they are actually being affected by the permissiveness being shown to violent criminals

>> No.15471689

I've been far more negatively affected by the policies of the rich childfuckers.

>> No.15471904

they're the ones enabling and instigating the negroes

>> No.15472397
File: 998 KB, 1568x2146, 1552763454670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, as a distraction for low IQ boomers.

>> No.15472427

Radiology is the use of radioactivity in medicine.

>> No.15472440

Bruh, there is so much fucking data in astronomy. You're right that they're not photographs, because no one uses photography anymore, they use digital cameras. Hubble et al. take bona fide digital pictures. The digital pictures ARE data. Oh, sure, they aren't colorized 100% how our eyes would (especially when they're outside of visual range), but they are a true representation of how much light hit the camera. Don't be one of those morons who says "JWST is fake because you wouldn't really see those colors" because no shit you can't see infrared. The point is to visualize the data, which you claim doesn't exist.

>> No.15472510

You're in the wrong thread. You're arguing with people who have decided the CMB is fake because youtoob says so. Youtoob man doesn't need to analyze any data, or do a single experiment himself. He knows. Why would anyone on the internet lie? It's not like they would seek attention by posting nonsense. I mean we can't trust journals, but surely we can put absolute faith in anything said on the internet.

>> No.15472929

>no one uses photography anymore, they use digital cameras.
AKA digital photography

>> No.15472970
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>> No.15473144

OP has been fact checked.
Status: true.

>> No.15473181

Science is Free State, anon. We calculate things outside of existance (space-time).
It goes against intuition but you proving it works in this model does not disprove the other model

>> No.15473572

you dont understand this quote

>> No.15473679

you don't

>> No.15473730
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>> No.15473739

it's funny how beta cucks believe that they are alphas for providing free orgasms to sluts. Imagine being a pussy janny and being proud of it kek

>> No.15473788

>It goes against intuition but you proving it works in this model does not disprove the other model
So explain how it could possibly occur in Robatilles local model.

>> No.15473813

thats male feminist outlook on life, they greatest thing they ever hope to achieve is to serve their master, a penis envying bitch who hates them.

>> No.15474073
File: 97 KB, 1024x541, 1669914655571128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what mankind chose over the stars.

>> No.15474679

circumcised men can't get sexual pleasure for themselves, the best they can hope to achieve is bringing pleasure to a woman

>> No.15475307

the sºyence fanbois would never know the difference, they can't even tell the difference between jwst pics and pics of sausage

>> No.15476282

I would rather look at pics of sausage than at meaningless colorful psychedelic space blobs that will never have any impact on human life here on Earth. Sausage is is more important and theres all sorts of interesting different types, its more worth learning about than astrofaggotry.

>> No.15477273

Donald Trump's uncle John is the guy who invented radiation therapy for cancer

>> No.15478226
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>> No.15479013
File: 37 KB, 386x569, Augusto-Dembo-386-569-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes mid, look at the chimp nose on her and she has sideburns, wtf.
circus freak tier

>> No.15479979
File: 115 KB, 889x1280, YgF1UZDTHMij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they always pull that same trick, once proven wrong, instead of correcting their own belief systems, they just categorize the information that disproved them with flat earth as a means of dismissing it. its a really cringey desperate cope

>> No.15480780

>its a really cringey desperate cope
Also displays an unwillingness and lack of desire to learn. How can anyone do science if they don't want to learn new things? Why would anyone want to do science if they hate learning?

>> No.15480818

They do it to make money.

>> No.15481966

scientists don't make good money, anyone who goes into science for the money must be an idiot

>> No.15482694

see the PDF in >>15413343
its in protocol 2 part 2
just do a word search for "science"

>> No.15483750

>The digital pictures ARE data.
so are chemical photographs

>> No.15484616

That video proves its fake very conclusively

>> No.15485450

Scientists have been claiming its real for decades, thats all you need to know to know its fake. Scientists lie about everything, when they open their mouths, only lies come out

>> No.15485757


>> No.15486815

truck drivers make more money than scientists

>> No.15486903

Truck drivers improve the quality of civilization for millions. They deserve their earnings.

>> No.15487728

too bad the same can't be said of scientists

>> No.15487944

Uh oh CMB chuds...

>> No.15488755
File: 501 KB, 544x680, TP0dgzLdvHwU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

believe in the cosmic nature of the background radiation is an act of faith, the people who believe in that narrative simply choose to ignore all other possibilities

>> No.15489756

>believe in the cosmic nature of the background radiation is an act of faith
Its the atheists' religion

>> No.15490700
File: 267 KB, 1908x1146, maxwellhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people who believe in that narrative

>> No.15491701

the way her jaw juts out shows that she has negro genes