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15392516 No.15392516 [Reply] [Original]

>50+ years
>still unbeaten

ok but srsly, how? what did nazis know that we don't?

>> No.15392532

"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war" ~Joseph Goebbels

>> No.15392535

turns out material science, engineering and rocket science hasnt really improved substantially since the 1950s

the same problems are still there and the technical know how and manufacturing was lost in the mean time thanks to the dissolution of the soviet union and the lack of will to dominate space

>> No.15392543

Nothing. Engine science hasn't improved since the '50s and the lack competition has allowed for cheap trash like the starship.

>> No.15392545

The Nazis were socialist

>> No.15392550

mmmmm. give us more of your hot takes

>> No.15392555

They wrren't as lead deficient as people today, their neocortexes still worked at least partially.
>the technical know how and manufacturing was lost in the mean time thanks
Absurd excuse. Where did they get it from in the 60s?

>> No.15392576

This isn't a 'hot take' despite what musktards say. Fully-fueled (empty) starship can't even make it to LEO, and even then the first stage needs to be fueled to get to the moon and refueled to get back. SpaceX is a glorified delivery company and true frontier-pushing innovations have stopped since the space race ended.

>> No.15392593
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SLS is better on every conceivable metric...thrust, efficiency, payload, astronauts, safety, etc. Problem is congressional commitment when you have some fucking shyster telling politicians he can do it all cheaper with his exploding silver dildo that still needs a dozen refueling flights even if it limps to orbit.

>> No.15392599

We traded those Ns for putting other Ns on a pedestal. And these other Ns cannot really help us build rockets; in fact, and it pains me to say it, they can't do much at all, including even graduating high school, much less studying math and physics.

>> No.15394051

SLS is equivalent.
But the primary problem of space travel remains:
>literally burn billions of dollars to take a close-up picture of a giant space rock (or a giant fart... or a giant fart with rings).
Nothing has changed about it since 1960.

>> No.15394130
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Can't here you over 150 tons to orbit
Could the natzis launch a disel electric train to space? Didn't think so faggot