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15391951 No.15391951 [Reply] [Original]

Why are college kids so full of themselves these days? I keep having these wet behind the ears ninnies coming to me and insisting that they're going to solve some big problems or other thats been untouchable to the professional community. They all seem to presume that they're uniquely insightful geniuses rather than reliant on ignorance to enjoy a rich, self-flattering fantasy life entirely disconnected from reality. This didn't happen back in the 20th century, back then people would generally have to display some level of competence before they started to think they'd have a chance taking stabs at the biggest problems, but these days I have undergrads coming into my office trying to tell me that I've been doing it all wrong and that they know better than me, a lot of them aren't even good students.
Where do the kids get their presumptuousness from? Is it the "everyone wins a prize" childhood that gives them the usually outsized sense of entitlement? Is it the fact that they're all on feel-good pills "for medical reasons"? Is social media & iphones the cause? I used to enjoy office hours and chatting with the kids about scientific topics, but the last half decade or so had really been a turn for the worse. Its gotten so bad that I'm considering making a new rule next year that office hours discussion is strictly limited to topics related to coursework and that I don't want to hear from them on any other topics. Either that of I'm going to get a dartboard for my office just so I can justify injuring the mouthy brats "by accident".

>> No.15391967

Maybe they think taking a stab at it now while underprepared will help them prepare for future efforts ins solving these problems by granting them a greater understanding of the underlying principles

>> No.15391991

>I keep having these wet behind the ears ninnies coming to me and insisting that they're going to solve some big problems or other thats been untouchable to the professional community.

Ninnies? Why are you talking like you’re from the 1950s you freak lmao

>> No.15391995

language flows back and forth like a tide

>> No.15392119

The ignorance of youth.

>> No.15392141

Because they do know better than you. They aren’t limited by personal experience like every other generation throughout history. They have access to the internet and the ability to learn from every notable human who has ever lived. The luxury kids these days have with access to information is beyond comprehension for old geezers like yourself. The future is now old man.

>> No.15392150

I wish I was that old, I could retire. I want to homeschool my great grandchildren, which I don't have yet. I might even be able to beat my internet addiction, which is now over 3 decades long.

>> No.15392158

t. nincompoop

>> No.15392276

Nobody wants a race war more than stormfags and a bunch of people on pol. See when the media changes the color of someone's skin, which is very rare but has happened, you know what I do? I ignore it. It's very simple. You simply just ignore it. Nobody really knows what it's designed to do but if it is to enrage white people then you're literally playing into their hand when you could just simply ignore it. If you get angry then you're no better than some far leftist getting offended over nothing

>> No.15392282

balderdash, homosquire

>> No.15392305

Bait post, but for lurking newfags, they whiten the criminal niggers so that normies don't realize it's niggers committing crimes (and not whitey). (((They))) don't really want a race war, because they'd lose, but they do want to keep the goyim confused and divided.

>> No.15392312
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>Why are college kids so full of themselves these days?
This has happened literally since the very first Universities. Throughout all of history, institutions of superior education have been the breeding grounds of firebrands and revolutionaries who are convinced they will spearhead change for a million and one things (and sometimes they do). You are bitching about something as old as time.

>> No.15392406

>Why is he talking like he's from the 1950s
...bcoz he's an old boomer from the 1950s nostalgic for
the mid-Twentieth Century, when he was a young adult.

>> No.15392408 [DELETED] 

>criminal niggers
>race war
Hit all the buzzwords, didn'tcha?!

>> No.15392409
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the jews have been making war on europeans since the 1800s if not earlier

>> No.15392416

No lightening up!

>> No.15392446

You are a bit fucking thick aren't you? What you do is play along a bit and then place the burden on the students.

"You know Anon, your ideas contain serious merit. What I would like you to do is organize a meeting where you can deliver your views to your peers for evaluation and debate. I am sure much worthwhile discussion will come from it. Lecture Hall 3 is available on Monday at 3pm"

Then you book the next two dozen students into the same venue at the same time. Let them bitch it out for a couple of hours while you are getting on with your work. Make sure at least one of them is recording these sessions for utube, you stipulate that comments can NOT be disabled. After several sessions and uploads of this I guarantee you will never be bothered again.

>> No.15392506
File: 1.56 MB, 1183x896, foxvscnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My example of the whitening is actually true, and better than yours.
You sure about that?



Either Fox blackened the image, or CNN whitened it.

That's not contrast or resizing.

You can check the RAW RGB values, and each of these versions of the image are still live on FOX and CNN servers, respectively.

>> No.15392533

>I ignore it
good luck with that while the media makes the rest of the country openly hate white people

>> No.15392552

Also, I have notified Snopes. They are going to have to update their article claiming that CNN whitening is misinformation, or make a new article indicating the Fox blackens images. ;)

>> No.15392640

i think the opposite is even a bigger problem. a project gets funding and you have 3 months to get up to speed, become "an expert", no matter the domain. tons of guys with "but it's not my specialization" attitude, learned helplessness. and it can be institutional, guys telling newbies "you have to have 10 years of experience before you can even do that", to secure their position. the average age of the nasa engineers at the time of Apollo 11 was 28, 26 for the mission control room.

if a guy is willing to bang his head against a problem, gets the results, i don't care. i'd even fuel their delusions of grandeur to keep them motivated.

>> No.15392745

Update, due to each image BOTH being accredited to Waukesha County Sheriff's Office by Fox and CNN respectively, I have actually notified Waukesha County Sheriff's Office.

Expect cease and desists for the altered version. I have also asked Waukesha County to confirm with me, which version is the original copy they provided to the media.

The only way the altered version flies, is if Waukesha County Sheriff's office provided the altered version themselves, OR explicitly gave permission for the image to be altered by the news company and attributed to them.

Grab your popcorn boys, this is gonna be good.

One of these news companies is about to get GRILLED.

>> No.15392754

You acknowledge changing the race in a pic is a problem and your solution is to ignore it. Yet you identify what you see as a problem here and don't ignore it. What's the difference? Oh yes you're trolling. Enjoy your vacation

>> No.15392834

It's designed to get a cease and desist, is what it's fucking designed to do. :D

>> No.15392882 [DELETED] 

Well, the problem might be this:
Most people are just stupid "gears in the machine" (in the past, this was not seen as stupid).
You are not a "gear in the machine".
-> You are intelligent
(At least that is why I think of myself as above average intelligent, even though I'm at best 1SD from normal)

Please, could you summarize some discussions you had over time? I really wonder what you mean (I am too young to judge).

>> No.15392899
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>no matter the domain. tons of guys with "but it's not my specialization" attitude, learned helplessness. and it can be institutional,
This. Academics who are technique oriented rather than problem oriented are incredibly lazy and annoying.
>"I didn't study that :("
Try reading a book?

>> No.15393250

>the average age of the nasa engineers at the time of Apollo 11 was 28, 26 for the mission control room.
Holy shit, serious?

I need to get my ass in gear

>> No.15393290

Mission Economy, p. 68

>> No.15393312

Wow, students using their brains? This is a national tragedy. Let them get smacked down by reality. You made an entire blogpost to tell us your ego is bruised?

>> No.15393371

And indeed I'm correct in every word. Cope, tranny nigger.

>> No.15393378

the op is valid, it's just the wording that's obscuring the problem. the self-entitlement went through the roof the last 5 years or so, and there are still no answers why is that happening. personally i'm a fan, salary negotiations became piss easy. before that it was "we can replace you with two freshmen", not anymore.

>> No.15393537

Good post, and I agree completely.

Back to OP's point though, you have to have some basic competence developed first. The fact is that people learn this at vastly different rates. I know 50 year old researchers who are shit at their job, I know 23 year olds that are brilliant and more knowledgable.

>> No.15393769

>They have access to the internet and the ability to learn from every notable human who has ever lived.
And yet 99% of data coming in is sophisticated professional propaganda.

>> No.15394283

i have almost no respect for the dogmatic professional community and i will do better than you by making my own way not because i'm special but because you are retarded and it is easy as fuck to do for anyone who actually cares

>> No.15394325

This generation is so retarded that basic literacy already feels like an intellectual superpower. Kids who can solve a quadratic equation feel like geniuses compared to their mouth breathing tiktok classmates.

>> No.15394352

it's the zoomer mentality

these kids grew up with little to no normative social contact to give them perspective on others in their peer group, substituted with endless exposure to online content selected for extremeness and shock value

They're incapable of telling reality from fiction, they're not even aware they're being absurd when they make claims that they think sound reasonable but are completely out of touch with their position in life

>> No.15394359

Yes anon I’m sure you’ll be the one to end world suffering. The universe has paved the way in gold for you, all you have to do is follow your heart.

>> No.15394381

And I'm sure your middle managerial role makes you oh so wise and important

>> No.15395319

>They have access to the internet and the ability to learn from every notable human who has ever lived.
and yet they don't
why not?
too low IQ?

>> No.15396087

the n word is racist

>> No.15397249
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>> No.15397253
File: 18 KB, 640x480, 16-01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my internet addiction, which is now over 3 decades long
tell us again the tales of the before-time, the long-long-ago

>> No.15397263

Saying "N word" is the same thing. In fact that is even more racist.

>> No.15397336

This behavior is nothing new, just children underestimating the difficulty of problems.

>> No.15397374

Use tiktok for a week and you'll understand

>> No.15397433

Nonce is not tied to race.

>> No.15397440
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>> No.15397555

Get a load of this pea brain.

>> No.15397557

>They have access to the internet and the ability to learn from every notable human who has ever lived.
They watch veritasium and think they're getting an education.

>> No.15397565

How new are you? They're just going to ignore you.

>> No.15398003

Woudn't that create estoppel?

>> No.15398278

You ain’t truly openminded. I even doubt you are competent enough to feel like you can remain in control while in your office no matter what.
Lol, stupid ass troll.

>> No.15398613

>I am immune to propaganda
>but the agencies and children pretending to be extremists on /pol/ have convinced me racism is a problem

>> No.15398622

Not in any sense that matters to them. They'll drop all your letters and emails straight into the trash can and go on with their lives as if they'd never heard from you.

Unless you're willing to lawyer up and drag things into court yourself, all involved parties can simply choose to ignore the issue. And if you do lawyer up and drag it into court, it will almost certainly be tossed out immediately because "you don't have standing".