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File: 806 KB, 2809x4065, pKuuIc3y4HJY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15370558 No.15370558 [Reply] [Original]

"the soience" says the world is coming to an end because of overpopulation? is this true or is it just another manipulative lie intended to play on the emotions of low iq mental cases with messiah complexes?

>> No.15370576

My understanding is overpopulation is only an issue due to Africa and other third world cunts. In addition once those third world countries climb up the latter their birth rates should fall in line to what western counties are now at. Now if someone tries telling you that you shouldn't have kids they are either dumb or not acting in your best interest.

>> No.15370595
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The world is coming to an end because we haven't forcefully executed criminals yet, kill all the corrupt politicians, kill all the drug cartels, kill all the violent nigs/arabs/indians/chinks/whoever, kill all the jews, kill all the trannies, breed next generation of humanity to be crime free and cooperating under a single cause

>> No.15370603

Nuking Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia will solve the problem in minutes.

>> No.15370644
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science knows how to kill you now without actually engaging in physical contact so you'd better get in line and obey your new overlords


>> No.15370696

Working on it with pills already and if finances allow I'll go the surgery route within 2 years.

>> No.15371293


>> No.15371428

you just need to do the jews and the rest of the problems will go away

>> No.15372430 [DELETED] 

they are the ones who circulate the overpopulation rumors, in order to trick ppl into becoming antinatalists

>> No.15372453

The problem isn't over- or underpopulation, it's having in place a global system that optimizes the population's utility. A few million self-actualizers and several billion retards starting forest fires and killing each other over stupid shit maybe isn't the most harmonious system to have. Putting those useless retards in tiny boxes and forcing them to eat bugs and wear smart watches and dance in front of cameras while their cognitive dissonance grows, also maybe not the best.

I think what eugenicists get wrong is not putting stupid people in a benign zoo and letting them run wild while the people who do work peacefully are allowed to operate outside those pools of negative energy. They also get wrong the litmus test for a good person, which to them is my buddy's kid who went to the good school because my buddy was rich and so am I and we're the best.

So the problem is the system not the number.

>> No.15377322
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>> No.15379033

>tiny boxes and forcing them to eat bugs and wear smart watches
are you implying that you wont face the same fate? the elites themselves also succumb to the environment they inflict on the masses (go to switzerland and you see on the rich zoomers at private schools unironically eating bugs and frying their brain with youtube and tiktok).

>> No.15379872
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>go to switzerland
nauseating prospect, europe is even more disgusting than america, i'd rather go to swaziland

>> No.15380543 [DELETED] 

NatGeo is actually owned by Rupert Murdoch's son, he isn't jewish (but he is a buisnss partner of Geroge Soros' on a number of different ventures)

>> No.15380608

I thought cantons can vote in any laws.
Why don't they deprive illegal people of all human rights and just put them to death or use them for medical experiments or turn them into dog food?

>> No.15383597
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they do that in swaziland, which is more civilized and intelligent than switzerland. europe and america used to eliminate undesirables, then they stopped and now they're both on the verge of being overrun by the problem they cause for themselves.
not so in swaziland, swaziland's biggest problem is foreign lgbt activists, which they have firmly under control

>> No.15383651
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Basedjak's doomsday clock.

>> No.15383732

>"the soience" says the world is overpop'd
>is this true
Yes, eight billlion iws *way* too many.
>it just another manipulative lie intended to play on the emotions of low iq mental cases with messiah complexes

>> No.15384241

the way i see it, the less people there are on the planet, the more stuff there is for me to have.

In other words, i have to work less to get more stuff.

>> No.15384589

There is no reason Earth can't support 8 billion people. Natty Geo really reaching with this clickbait coverpage. I haven't bought an issue since we canceled our subscription in 2005 but it looks like things have gotten dire.

>> No.15385251

Nobody claimed Earth can't support 8 billion people.
Earth is not the problem.

>> No.15385307
File: 93 KB, 720x578, 1631845062259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>globohomo earth model
>overpopulation meme
The earth is flat with a dome. Climate change is a hoax, though the zones with good temperate climate are not that many.

>> No.15385314

No, the Earth cannot support 8 billion people *sustainably*. This is why we have the Earth overshoot day, it's the threshold when we use up our allotted yearly resources.

We have two choices going forwards: population decline or lifestyle changes. If everybody on the planet lived like India, then we could support 10 billion people. Conversely if everybody lived like Americunts then we'd probably only be able to support 2 billion max. Make your choice.

>> No.15385350

>This is why we have the Earth overshoot day, it's the threshold when we use up our allotted yearly resources.
Who allotted them to you? The UN? God?

>> No.15385384
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I read the hardcover of this natgeo, OPs image is photoshopped.
Also, the issue talks about how pop growth is slowing in lots of places and how a peak population will probably be reached, it doesn't say anything about the world coming to an end

>> No.15385604 [DELETED] 

you should kill yourself to alleviate the problem. once you're dead you won't have to be so upset all the time

>> No.15385635

surely it will work this time
of course if you don't change the conditions that created these people and murder them all they'll go away and a new crop of people behaving the exact same way won't rise

>> No.15386911 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 520x302, ghana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africans don't tolerate faggotry, they're smarter than us

>> No.15386966

Why would I do that? Lmao did I sound upset? I simply made a statement about the future of humanity if we don't want to experience a real collapse.

>> No.15387065

I think this is the right thread to mention that Malthusians are almost always wrong when they make concrete predictions. Paul Ehrlich especially. What a moron (gotta respect the hustle though).

>> No.15387607
File: 159 KB, 1013x537, guardian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG overpopulation! must have draconian eco restrictions!
OMG declining birth rates. Must import more savages!

doesn't seem like both things can be true at the same time. it's almost like everything that comes from the msm and governments is a fucking lie.

>> No.15387612

China has less pop, they will be a stable country
India is decreasing
Southamerican jungle and Africa are the problem, they burn nature and will get cars in 20 - 30 years

>> No.15387617

Yeah this too
Africans aren't reading the guardian or buying national slopgraphic

>> No.15388512
File: 19 KB, 520x302, ghana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are not stupid enough to do that

>> No.15388565

Overpopulation is cope alarmism by environmentalists who ship their plastics to Africans who then proceed to just throw it in the ocean anyway.

The biggest issue is birth rates are declining and we don't even know why. There's very little overlapping elements between all countries experiencing it. Maybe working women is the common thread? It's hard to know for sure but until we can successfully bring countries back up to a 2.0 birth rate with minimal immigration we're in a disaster spiral that affects every country on the planet, even African nations are declining in rates faster than people expected.

>> No.15389065

Its very simple, everyone except Africans and Muslims is headed for massive population contraction while muslims level off and Africans continue to expand

The idea of most whites and asians going extinct and being replaced by Africans is so unacceptable at every level, that it evokes both a conscious and subconscious reaction of disgust and horror

This leads midwits to try to show their moral superiority by overcomibg the immediate reaction of disgust and horror and coming up with rationalizations about how its actually a good thing and the only possible objection is mere racist bigotry that needs to be confronted and stamped out

Midwits dominate the intellectual discourse so it's politically incorrect to even acknowledge the fact that humans are not replaceable parts that can be plugged into different societies as needed for economic stability with no repercussions, let alone acknowledge the fact that the 20 point IQ difference could possibly exist at all

>> No.15389119

>niggers, chinks and poos are reproducing at unheard of levels
>it’s destroying the planet
>it’s somehow white peoples fault
I’m not trusting this science desu

>> No.15389140


fucking based, redpilled and kek

>> No.15389833

>they burn nature
where you live every last scrap of nature has been wiped out since the 20th century.
>3rd worlders are destroying nature
the largest remaining wild animal in europe is a rabbit

>> No.15389860

Ackshually it's over consumption without a care for the negative effects

>> No.15389869

It's not inherently being jewish that's the problem, the problem is we have too many assholes in society who perpetuate their shitty ways across generations with their shitty behaviour and it's ruining society
And therein lies the curse of life, that's probably why there aren't many civilizations around

>> No.15389930

>their shitty ways

>> No.15391875
File: 90 KB, 982x514, 1682227310217144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15392307

>the world is coming to an end
...said no scientist, ever.
>messiah complexes
What is the reason for the fixation on melodramatic "messiah complexes"?

>> No.15392492

what if you're a low iq mental case with a messiah complex and you're too dumb and insane to realize it?

>> No.15392607

>peak oil
>wet bulb
>eArTh OvErShOoT dAy

>> No.15392655

The Swiss are too nice. If he did that in Saudi Arabia, he would be in prison now, dead, or they would have found somewhere to deport him to.

>> No.15392662

Who the fuck goes outside and thinks "there aren't enough people here"? Of course the world is overpopulated, it was overpopulated even in the 60s. Take a look at Google maps, there's hardly an wilderness left.

>> No.15393992

There are too many people. There is no way to argue against this>>15392607

>> No.15394123

That's one thing I notice. Every time someone draws the population projection of Africa it's always a straight line continuing up, when that is never what happens it usually slows after a while. How can people make such predictions and actually believe them?

>> No.15395313

>theres not enough planet earth for me
>you're breathing MY air
>how dare you!!

>> No.15395324 [DELETED] 

White Americans are inferior to niggers, so that fails.
But peak oil is obvious and a good thing because you'll all die.

>> No.15396154

the n word is racist

>> No.15396769

Food is running out, do with that information what you will

>> No.15396819

The problem are godless liberals, those morons are good for nothing and should be exterminated to save the planet.

>> No.15396825

Exterminate the J and the N numbers will go down. Is simple as that.

>> No.15397193

National Geograph and NATGEO = anti-science and pure political propaganda.

>> No.15397206

It used to be owned by Rupert Murdoch

>> No.15397214

>used to
Murdoch = old school leftists.
His son = yuge Obama supporter, and reason they fired Tucker.
Now NatGeo is owned by government/communists.

>> No.15397328

Peak phosphorus incoming. The world was ending in WWI but then they solved peak nitrogen. But peak phosphorus isn't solvable. 80% of out atmosphere is nitrogen, but phosphorus is harder to get your hands on. It's over. Oil/climate change/etc. is just a red herring. The elites know this and they're starting their depopulation project. They won't need you anymore now that they've got robotics and AI golems.

>> No.15397338

>but phosphorus is harder to get your hands on
Read "Brave New World".
Human bones.

>> No.15397364

Why not animal bones? There's tons of animals too.
Look, lil nigga, if you think we're going to compost our way out of not having enough fertilizer for 8+ billion humans AND the billions of chickens, cows, pigs, etc or even le bugs you are retarded.
>Read "Brave New World".
>Human bones.
How retarded do you have to be to write type this out and hit "post"? I hope you were simply trolling.

>> No.15397368

>8+ billion humans
Did you count all of them yourself?

>> No.15397386

>8 billion people is fake
>space is fake
>nukes are fake
>viruses are fake
>spherical earth is fake
Okay, everything's fake and a psyop. What now? Such a braindead way of thinking. Why don't you do what actual smart people who deny society and have no place in it do and go live in the woods/on a monastery. Why shit up discussion with your horseshit here when you can just move on like they did?

>> No.15397388

Because having to think upsets you this much.

>> No.15397391

It's not really that conspiratorial, it's just that things that don't matter and don't have consequence in the real world are fake.
What's true is mustangism https://desuarchive.org/k/thread/51949490/#51949490

>> No.15397407

You're not thinking. Your whole ideology is just "no it isn't" pure contrarianism. You haven't created or built anything. You're not doing anything differently than "trust the science" fags other than putting the word "don't" at the start. You don't have any provable theories, no tested hypotheses. Your only "evidence" that everything else is a lie is that others act incredulous when you so "nope, it's actually the opposite" because that must confirm that they're in on the conspiracy and trying to shut you up so others don't wake up to the "truth". You are a fool.

>> No.15397410

Your use of emotional language suggests that, when asked to provide some grounding for your grandiose beliefs, you faced a significant intellectual challenge.

>> No.15398064

happy days come to an end, overpopulation of economy.

>> No.15399206

If overpopulation is such a problem then why are all the people complaining about it also calling for massive immigration?

>> No.15399582

>How retarded do you have to be to write type this out and hit "post"? I hope you were simply trolling.
NTA but it seems the anon's post went completely over your head.
YOU will be recycled soon, as you are too stupid to understand things.

>> No.15399587
File: 22 KB, 314x348, Ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your use of emotional language suggests that, when asked to provide some grounding for your grandiose beliefs, you faced a significant intellectual challenge
That's one of the Turing Tests for left-wingers.
Makes them easy to identify.

>> No.15399886

i would like to know the answer to this also

>> No.15399920

>If overpopulation is such a problem then why are all the people complaining about it also calling for massive immigration?
It never was about the planet, resources, or overpopulation.

It is about crashing the USA and western countries so that China is numba-wan.

The politicians pushing the crash are all well compensated by China and promised to be protected and ensconced in their New Zealand bunkers.

>> No.15400156

So does this picture imply a majority of child sex abuse cases are non-lgbt? Definitely don't believe that.

>> No.15400174
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>> No.15400175

I wonder who funds this trash these days

>> No.15400196

It's not overpopulated at all.

>> No.15400201

>very time someone draws the population projection of Africa it's always a straight line continuing up, when that is never what happens it usually slows after a while.
Because Bill Gates among other NGO's or grifters can use those projections to push for their pilot projects or ideas. You can make proposals and if you just throw enough buzzwords at you they will throw money at you no questions asked.
t. know people in the aid industry.

>> No.15400225

It just makes them look retarded though. I'm a nobody and I take one look at the graph and see someone just extrapolated it out in a line on a logarithmic graph. So surely anyone who is someone is going to see through that even more easily than me.

>> No.15400353

Socialists have problems with overpopulation because they pass on the costs of having children to others.

>> No.15400357

>So surely anyone who is someone is going to see through that even more easily than me.
In theory yes but you really don't know how much organizations/states just throw money at any charlatan that comes their way or their "this guy/plan is total bullshit" senses have gotten weak.

>> No.15401637

If that were the case they should want more "others" around, the more "others" there are to pay their bills, the more gibes they get

>> No.15402276
File: 36 KB, 576x432, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's almost like everything that comes from the msm and governments is a fucking lie.
just noticing that?

>> No.15403189 [DELETED] 

>screenshot reply
a retard is a retard

>> No.15404682

closet cases don't identify as lgbt even if they are, instead they just lie
>did you molest that child?
they answer "no" even though they did
>are you gay?
they answer "no" even though they are

>> No.15404982

excellent. only 0.5 bln must remain.

>> No.15405145 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15405167
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>> No.15405888
File: 52 KB, 577x433, or-just-embracing-my-narcissistic-streak-of-savior-complex....-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
