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File: 211 KB, 1082x1355, di8p2eCS7A6O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15389866 No.15389866 [Reply] [Original]

Good news fellow environmentalists! It turns out that greenhouse gasses aren't as bad as had previously been reported.
We're saved! Global warming is now a total non issue

>> No.15389868

Anyone who genuinely believed that cow farts and burps were causing climate change was retarded.

>> No.15389898


Did you read the article past the headline
"So rather than adding even more thermal energy to the atmosphere, as previously thought, methane’s solar absorption sets off a cascade of events that reduces its overall warming effect by about 30 percent, researchers report March 16 in Nature Geoscience."
2nd paragraph. This is only a small amount. We really still all ought to stop eating meat to save the planet.
GO VEGAN (it's the only morally justifiable diet)

>> No.15389904

One of the leading experts in this field essentially confirmed to me that we've never actually measured the methane production by cattle.

Basically this combined with the anti-meat lobby is about lowering the price of feedstock for biodiesel. This is why I support EVs so much, I want these cunts and their whole industry to die. Our people are rapidly losing IQ points due to lowered protein intake and these greedy Jews just give zero fucks.

>> No.15389910

>This is only a small amount. We really still all ought to stop eating meat to save the planet. GO VEGAN (it's the only morally justifiable diet)
Rope yourself you mouth breathing retard. You are probably too stupid at this point to realize how much damage the lack of proper nutrients has done to your brain. The damage is probably permanent so just don't bother. Save the planet by roping yourself so we can at least rewild/ use the several square km of wildlife they destroyed to plant your monocultures on something more useful and optimised.

>> No.15389919

Imagine being baited this hard

>> No.15389939

Okay I'll kill your babies and eat them. That's no more morally evil than killing a baby cow then, right? You evil animal torturer

>> No.15389945

What bait? They are 100% serious. I have colleagues like this and without fail they have all turned into actual retards who can't comprehend more than two full sentences at a time. Literally they fell for this shit then switched to Vegan diets and in less than 6 months their performance took massive hits (and they ALL start mouth breathing for some reason; extremely unpleasant). Now, after only 2 years, not a single Vegan at my institute is getting their contracts renewed. Most of them have failed to publish anything at all, nevermind anything noteworthy. They burned through their grants and never accomplished anything despite mostly needing to work more than 40 hours a week just to keep up.

Never before in my life have I seen otherwise intelligent individuals devolve into depressed, whiny, low IQ proles so rapidly.

>> No.15389952

>Okay I'll kill your babies and eat them.
You can try stickman.
>That's no more morally evil than killing a baby cow then, right? You evil animal torturer
You're killing baby deer and birds, displacing their existence and habitats permanently to grow your monoculture foods. Your existence has a price and you are delusional for thinking Veganism distances you from that price. It is an ever more disconnected, selfishly cruel and unnatural Fastian existence that you live. Baby cows are fed with surplus inedible plant material (which they want to use for biodiesel instead of our optimised agriculture) and this optimal agricultural usage saves us from turning the last into monoculture plantations for food.

You would kill the last vestiges of wildlife left on Earth just to feel better about yourself. If you really care stop eating anything that could instead be fed to the wild mammals you are displacing everywhere on Earth.

>> No.15389960

Fucking idiot. Plant-based diets consume way less land.

>> No.15389966

Wasn't it also methane trapped in ice pockets? That was the main one I heard about.

>> No.15389969

Wrong, retard. Plant based consumes way, WAY more land due to low nutrient density and plant byproduct waste. Pasture land also supports far greater biodiversity.

Delusional fucking self-rightheous White first worlders should just kys.

>> No.15389970

Not that anon, but you plant pushers need to learn some nuance so that you don't look like a fucking idiot yourself. Look around in social media land and see that most plant pushers don't survive on local beans and potatoes, but on low nutrient garbage imported from the other side of the world.

>> No.15389972

Yeah, but all those farms that got closed due to methane are *definitely* as closed as previously thought.

>> No.15389974

I'm still waiting for us to die from that.

>> No.15389981

>dude growing plants to feed cows that get tortured for meat consumes less land than just eating the plants themselves

>> No.15389989

>Okay I'll kill your babies and eat them
your out of luvk there anon.
green haired trannies don't make babies.

>> No.15389995

Go ahead and live off of grasses and weeds, then. What's that? Unlike a cow, you can't live off of grass and weeds alone? We have to displace an entire ecosystem to grow your food, while a cow can just stroll through, eat some veg, drop some fert, and leave?

>> No.15389997

Strawman again plant pusher. You're arguing specifically against factory farming. Meanwhile how much water and land do you waste by growing lettuce? You're not interested in science. You're not even interested in encouraging people to be more conscious. No you're a fire hose on the loose spewing your inconsiderate ideology all over the place while pretending to be morally superior.

>> No.15390163

I'm angry they never brought up desalination in the ocean or ocean current stoppages. All they ever brought up was storms or sea level rises. Doesn't a large portion of our oxygen come from algae?

>> No.15390181

Also from articles:
>Recent estimates suggested that methane might contribute up to 15 percent more thermal energy to the atmosphere than previously thought, due to this additional shortwave absorption.
Click bait article. Really a waste of time.

>> No.15390185

>dude growing plants to feed cows that get tortured for meat consumes less land than just eating the plants themselves

>> No.15390664

Just in time for a new world war! What a coincidence huh?

>> No.15390818

daily reminder to all vegans, christians etc.: if trolls larp as one of you, it means you are obnoxious as fuck.

>> No.15390823 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15391161 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15391376
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>Anyone who genuinely believed that cow farts and burps were causing climate change was retarded.
They are our "leaders".

>> No.15391383

>Doesn't a large portion of our oxygen come from algae?
Roughly 60-70% of the planet's oxygen comes from phyto-plankton. Trees and land plants account for about 30%.

>> No.15391392 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, great news!!! Its so wonderful to find out that global warming isn't as severe of a problem as had been previously reported, what a lucky day.

>> No.15391397

Ok, time to plant more algae.

>> No.15391418

You still have to pay ze higher taxes, eat ze bug and corn paste, and live in ze pods though.

>> No.15391439

But why? There is no problem anymore.

>> No.15391447
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Silence peasant! Do not question Big Brother!

>> No.15391493

Fertilize the ocean with rust:

>> No.15391542

>iron and rust make growth
>human blood has iron in it
>pouring human blood in the ocean would affect CO2 rise
Ok fellas, we got us a ritual. Now to convince climate activist to bleed themselves into the ocean.

>> No.15391603 [DELETED] 

Why do you think us chads have been throwing car batteries into the ocean all these years?

>> No.15391696

>Now to convince climate activist to bleed themselves into the ocean.
It's for Gaia!

>> No.15391789
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>retarded climate change denier makes worthless bait thread

Many such cases.
Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15391816

>the third one
God made evolution.

>> No.15391886 [DELETED] 

I still don't understand why environmentalist get upset rather than happy whenever someone posts good news about the environment, can you explain it to us?

>> No.15392353

They are urbanites that hate the environment. What they want is social media attention and moral purpose.

>> No.15392358

He won't even comprehend your post Anon. The closest he's been to "nature" in his life is the city park.

>> No.15392453
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>> No.15392614


Evolution is Catholic fabrication.

>> No.15392624

Most cows don't live on grass and weeds, but on seed and feed.

>> No.15393455

Lighten up Morrisey

>> No.15394516
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>> No.15394792

Infants learn at a very young age that they can get what they want by crying. Some people mature out of that phase of life, others do now.

>> No.15395379


>> No.15396120
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virtue signalers would never do anything to solve the problems they complain about

>> No.15396444

didn't the bacteria fart change the planets gas to mainly oxygen that one time like a billion years ago?
it's not absurd to think that gas coming from million of cows is nothing, but the way you put it makes it sound like so.

>> No.15396452

I agree with this 100%, but the author is still a jack ass that needs to get fucked.

>> No.15396727
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If you think growing and torturing millions of sentient animals is justified then that's more of a problem for you than anyone else. The human cancer is destroying the biosphere and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future until every viable part of the planet has been converted into a techno-industrial desert full of poisonous metabolic byproducts.

People in the future are going to be much dumber, not because of meat, but because of industrial poisons and plastics being part of everything they eat, drink, and breathe.

Industrial societies are a dead end, you just haven't caught up with the reality. Good luck with your research tho, I'm sure you're doing something worthwhile while eating factory farmed and tortured protein.

>> No.15396731

I survive on beans, grains, rice, and other local produce so what exactly are you talking about? California is basically entirely self sufficient

>> No.15396732

you're still selfish for eating meat. even if eating meat is better for us those animals are paying for it.

>> No.15396735

You're fucking retarded. How the duck is growing food for cattle more efficient than just eating the plants directly? This is basic logic and you're failing entirely

>> No.15396740

Cow pastures can be used for more than growing cows on grass. Grass is extremely bad for biodiversity and you morons need to learn basic ecology before mouthing off like cannibals. Meat is murder, plain and simple.

>> No.15396741

>Save the planet by roping yourself so we can at least rewild/ use the several square km of wildlife they destroyed to plant your monocultures on something more useful and optimised.
Vegan diets are more efficient in terms of land use. If we all went vegan, we could rewild a decent amount of the farmland we currently use.

>> No.15396747
File: 55 KB, 680x510, ezb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remove the meat out of my plate and I remove your hands out of your body you stupid ignorant moron.

>> No.15396748

It would be better to start with the meat eaters because they have higher iron content and more clogged up arteries. If you don't volunteer then it doesn't matter that much anyway because you will croak from a heart attack soon enough and we'll just dump you into the ocean as you would have wanted. For Gaia, of course.

>> No.15396751

True and real. They just want to pretend they are not evil pieces of shit.

>> No.15396752

You're not gonna convince these meat eating retards. Their brains are full of plastic plaque so they can't even think properly any more.

>> No.15396753

I don't eat meat and I am 100% less evil than you.

>> No.15396783

>cow farts are killing the planet!
>dispossess normal people of their farm land and give it all to international megacorps
>oops science just updated, turns out farming is ok, thanks for the land though

>> No.15396878

You have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.15397150
File: 499 KB, 1280x720, wef schwab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cow farts are killing the planet!
>>dispossess normal people of their farm land and give it all to international megacorps
>>oops science just updated, turns out farming is ok, thanks for the land though
Nice short explaination of the "Great Reset", aka the uber-rich Socialist-Oligarchy stealing from the masses.

>> No.15397155

>Vegan diets are more efficient in terms of land use. If we all went vegan, we could rewild a decent amount of the farmland we currently use.
Dead vegans = more space for actual humans and spotte

>> No.15397903
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>Industrial societies
Veganism is the ultimate expression of the worst elements of industrial society. You are displacing trillions of ha of wildlife and ecosystems to grow monocultures which then gets turned into disgusting processed goyslop imitating real food.

Wrong. Humans evolved to be hypercarnivores, every paper on the topic published in the last 5 years has concluded this. This is now proven beyond all doubt. Our natural state is to hunt. Humans who have never hunted remain amoral, apathetic, evil mental infants. Out of touch with nature and ungrateful for their existence. The ideal world population would be much lower with farmland rewilded and humans forced to hunt for their food again. Either way you DO replace wildlife, your existence kills other animals and your cope does not absolve you of this reality. Putting yourself on a vegan diet makes that even worse because now you are not even living life meaningfully and appreciating your existence while killing off even more wildlife ecosystems. Vegans are NPC mouthbreathers who are making the impact of humans on the planet so much worse than it has to be. The religion exists for people who are not doing anything meaningful with their lives and find the worst way possible to cope with that fact.


>> No.15397906

> How the duck is growing food for cattle more efficient than just eating the plants directly? This is basic logic and you're failing entirely?
Can you eat chaff dumbfuck? You are probably too stupid to even know what the word means. The overwhelming majority of plant material we grow is inedible to humans. A huge portion of that is used as animal feed, this is how we use our farmland optimally to maximise nutrients per hectare.

The people that have convinced you to slowly kill yourself and your IQ are not interesting in rewilding, they want to use that feed for biodiesel instead.

You will notice how much steam that lobby loses with every EV breakthrough we make. You double digit vegans just need to hold on for us carniChads to make enough research breakthroughs so we destroy the motivstion for this psyops forever and save you all.

>> No.15397908
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>> No.15398507
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None of the people who circulate global warming rumors believe them, they're all just demons who tell lies in exchange for money

>> No.15399289

True of politicians, but I'm sure some people are deluded enough to do it for free.

>> No.15399946

Animals have been farting and burping for over millions to billions of years, yet only in recent history a mere single species, cattle, are responsible for affecting the entire globe?
Complete bullshit, pun intended, that was never taken seriously by people who didn't unironically have brain damage

>> No.15399951

>Veganism is the ultimate expression of the worst elements of industrial society.

>> No.15400565

Why do vegans want to eat ersatz burgers anyway? I thought they don't like eating meat.
Same goes for ersatz milk.
Why can't they just eat a tofu sandwich?

>> No.15401032

You sure care a lot what other people eat. Perhaps you should work for WEF.

>> No.15401567

Thank goodness! Has someone told Greta yet?

>> No.15401581

the best diet to save the planet is cannibalism

>> No.15401594
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But the Holy Jane told me that Methan will kill us all


>> No.15402958
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>> No.15403131

>he thinks they will dump their cash cow

>> No.15403593

Next you're gonna tell me there isn't enough carbon ppm to make a greenhouse effect?

>> No.15403617

>noooooooo you dont understand I have to murder animals and feast on their body parts and if you try to stop me i will murder you too!

you're unhinged

>> No.15404777

>murder animals
no such thing, the word "murder" specifically refers to the killing of humans.

>> No.15405074

By that logic eating animals that die of old age or injury is fine.

>> No.15405862
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Hooray!! good news about the environment!!
Oh lucky day!

>> No.15407001

I'm so glad global warming is finally over! Now all the activists can retire and never need to eat another bug.

>> No.15407590 [DELETED] 
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>killing animals is evil
>abortion is a human right

>> No.15408608 [DELETED] 

soifags are so ignorant that they don't know the basics of their own language.
is it brain atrophy due to poor nutrition?

>> No.15410217

>oh no!! good news about the enviornment
>reeeeeeeeeee its a conspiracy!!!
>muh messiah complex muffugguh
>i'm gonna save the world!!

>> No.15411130

The two largest natural areas in my state outside of the national park are both privately owned and are both financed by the cattle grazing. One of them has the world's greatest steakhouse at the west end.

>> No.15412514
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Oh no, not good news about the environment!!
That makes me angry!!!

>> No.15413280
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>> No.15413585

ZOG can't make money demanding fees and taxes to fix a problem if the problem doesn't exist, so they make up fake ones, shill it in the media, including here on /sci/ and then the lowest IQs are all tricked and that justifies ZOG stealing everyone's money.

>> No.15413593
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but black people and that one photo of a heckin crying refugee, so we must destroy the west and kill whitey

>> No.15414588
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>> No.15415437
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Wow, excellent news, all the climate doom an gloom was just made up, nice to know. Maybe I'll buy an oceanfront property like the 3 Obama owns now, Bernie has a nice one too

>> No.15415786

you're still selfish for eating plants. even if eating plants is better for us those plants are paying for it.

>> No.15415802 [DELETED] 

>t. dirty low IQ redneck loser

What are you doing on sci, anon? Don't you have some lawns to mow or some garbage to collect, or whatever it is that a stupid hick like yourself does for a living?

>> No.15417267
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racism is banned on 4chan outside of >>>/b/ which is where you belong

>> No.15417301

there's no "global warming", no "climate change"

>> No.15417705
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>> No.15418919

nice to finally get some good news about the environment

>> No.15419438

plants are too important to eat, plants make oxygen

>> No.15419863

i know you're joking, but they really do chimp out over seeing good news

>> No.15419901

man made contribution to global warming is incredibly small. this is just another way to take power from ordinary people. But people eat it up like the shit gobblers they are.

>> No.15419914

>Evolution is Catholic fabrication.
it's all a jewish psy-op anyways

>> No.15419926

>Grass is extremely bad for biodiversity
I can’t handle this level of retardation. Maybe vegans really do eat grass.

>> No.15420801

they smoke it, thats why they're so stupid

>> No.15421376

so all the hysterics who've been chimping out over cows have all been lying, nice to know

>> No.15422420

can vegans eat bugs?

>> No.15423411

They can only eat the mysterious unspeakable legume that we're not supposed to talk about, which is bug food. Just think about all the helpless cute little insect that have to die of starvation because of the greedy selfish vegans

>> No.15423444
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The least vegan thing you can eat on this planet is an avocado.
Read what it does to animals and the earth. Hundreds of thousands of animals dead for a decar of avocadoes, many of them bees.

Fuck you

>> No.15423466
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>> No.15423478

Already on it anon. Wish me luck.

>> No.15423490

Anon have you realized that the pic you posted is from high sugar, cereal / cookies processed products that pretty much count as vegan or at least vegetarian? Well the pic is right even if you're not though, high sugar is whats killing americans and not meat.

>> No.15423555

Darwin was an atheist (or, at least, not a Christian)

>> No.15425210

They scream "the science is done," yet they post these "surprises" all the time.

>> No.15425671
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Wonderful news, thanks for brightening up my day OP. We should all try to be more like OP, I'm gonna do my best to be more positive and make the world a better place

>> No.15426658

Darwin was Christian

>> No.15426799

He literally said he wasn't. He abjured a God, let a lone a Christian one, when he found out about that wasp that plants its eggs in a spider so that they'll eat it alive on hatching.

>> No.15427858

He was raised Christian, people don't get to choose their own imprinting, culture, childhood memories, subconscious, etc

>> No.15427990

Yes people who actually use their brains already knew this

>> No.15427997

>can vegans eat bugs?
If it has/had a "face" or comes from something with a "face", then you cannot eat it on a vegan diet.

>> No.15428547

what about oysters?

>> No.15428559
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>> No.15429729

animals other than mammals exist, mammals are less than 1% of all animals

>> No.15430055

bugs are animals too, eating bugs isnt vegan approved

>> No.15430078

I don't know why environmentalists went after cattle, methane is a literally a loss in feed energy for ruminant farming and any competent famer will try to minimise methane production as much as possible to make more money.

>> No.15430268

Where there are now cattle in America there used to be bison herds as far as the eye could see. Native ruminants have been replaced by cows all around the world. If your serious about greenhouse gases look to petroleum usage, not motherfucking cattle.

>> No.15430319

Because they're vegans and want to make it hard to eat meat.

>> No.15430628

lying and poorly hidden ulterior motives

>> No.15431425

no face so they're vegan

>> No.15432180

what other animals have no face?

>> No.15432626

nobody eats the face, except maybe with sardines. with pigs, cows, chickens, you just cut the face off and eat the meat

>> No.15433847

Another intentionally misleading infographic from the climate hysterics. They lie about everything.

>> No.15434631

sea urchins, very popular in japan.

>> No.15434864

Nice to see some good news about the environment

>> No.15436274

Sea cucumber too (sea cucumber is an animal)

>> No.15437009
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>> No.15437362

she deleted that to hide her shame and embarrassment at being wrong

>> No.15438635

Too rare. Now that spring is here, the news is filling up with doomscrolling.

>> No.15438706

>Our World in Data
Totally legit guys. We all implicitly trust Soros' infographics. We're all hecking science loving queens here, right!?

>> No.15439205
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>> No.15440438
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>i just want to complain and be demanding like a little bitch

>> No.15441169

beef tongue is pretty good, so are pork jowls

>> No.15441174

So anyone listening to mainstream sources?

>> No.15442306
File: 122 KB, 752x1200, dead npr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but those people all got the vaxxx too, they'll all be dead and out of the way before too long

>> No.15443050

> nocebo
shills make 4chan MSM, with boobs