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15387310 No.15387310 [Reply] [Original]

Why are white people terrified of becoming a minority?
Did science categorize minorities as less than human in the past which lead to them being treated poorly in white countries or something?

>> No.15387334

> Why are white people terrified of becoming a minority?
They don't want their country to become shitholes like Brazil, India, South Africa etc
And as far as treating muh minorities and moral values go, you should actually visit above countries to witness them yourself.
Non Whites should unironically worship Whites, it's only because of their moral superiority that whites didn't fully genocide the subhuman bantus and aboriginal australoids.
Whites brought civilisation to these places, before colonisation all these places were basically huge killing fields with all sorts of beastly superstitions and rituals.
Whites were the key to widening horizons, basically the next step in human civilisation.
Non whites have shown their subhumanity with absolute lack of gratefulness. They deserve misery and death.

>> No.15387339

You're confirming that minorities don't want equality, diversity and inclusivity, but revenge. Therefore minorities are less than human and should be eliminated as such.

>> No.15387347

I laugh at the word "revenge", what do these subhumans want revenge for?
If it wasn't for Europeans they would still be wallowing in their squalors.
Europeans brought them Laws, Morals, Liberty and Technology.
These pigs don't deserve Equality, because they are not Equal.

>> No.15387364

White people are afraid of becoming a minority because all the institutions are intent on white destruction and white majorities are the only thing holding back white destruction. Actually, that’s what I would have told you 25 years ago but it turns out white people failed and the oppression of white people has been ramping up starting slowly in 2014 and then getting more rapid starting in 2020

>> No.15387366 [DELETED] 

You were categorized as subhuman when you were a criminal or otherwise scum which was usable for menial jobs at best.

>> No.15387373

I have more of a resentment angle, because I was raised color blind, I just want to live in harmony and other ethnicities can be a pleasure to spend time with, but their anti-white wolft-in-sheep-clothing mentality has made me become racist in return.

>> No.15387376

Seeing how you are already treating whites right now, it's clear that you will literally genocide whites entirely once you have absolute power.

And no, whites did not treat "minorities" badly. If whites treated "minorities" the way "minorities" treat whites, "minorities" would not exist.

>> No.15387379

>They deserve misery and death.
Yet its whites that will go extinct. Hilarious

>> No.15387383

This is why I for one am very happy about development of AI. Non-whites want to genocide whites, and they will succeed at this rate very soon. But how will non-whites fare against AI?

>> No.15387398

White genocide isn't real, but I really wish it was.

>> No.15387404

With decline in demand across First World, the Turd World and its population (which is in massive bubble) will literally collapse, the little infrastructure that you have in your shithole is maintained by First World Firms run by Whites, there will be Famines and Starvation, your little sweatshop jobs will all vanish away.
You subhumans are like cancer that doesn't know it is destroying it's host and hence itself.
And all this isn't exaggeration, we already saw this happen across South Asia and Africa in a slightly controlled manner, all it took was lockdown.

>> No.15387405

Im sure a language bot trained on Reddit and Wikipedia will acquire self-awareness and a desire to kill brown people any day now

>> No.15387407

Pick one.

>> No.15387411

They will just move to Europe. Hungry? As long as whites exist theres meat to be had.

>> No.15387412

AI won't be that sucessful, because declining IQs will soon bring Infrastructural problems across the world.
We have already ended the need of sub 90 IQ desk job clerks and min wage monkeys with present ML applications and automation machinery, McDonalds recently inaugurated its first fully automatic shop.
Non Whites have no chance against anything above 90IQ.

>> No.15387414

>As long as whites exist theres meat to be had.
How is it that subhumans evidently understand that whites are indeed the hand that's feeding them, but somehow it doesn't register what happens after you bite and kill that hand?

>> No.15387424

> They will move
How? Do you know that literally no Turd World country can manufacture Ships or Jets?
The PIGS that make their way into Europe are actually saved by European rescue Boats, most of them actually drown in mediterranean itself.
Whites have defeated Non Whites in all Wars. Even today Whites can genocide all the non whites across the world with single press of a button.

>> No.15387425

>but somehow it doesn't register what happens after you bite and kill that hand?
Amazing how you dont register that your cute attempts to reason yourself out of your inability to breed by having an argument
with brown people is going to work. Like what the fuck do you want.

>> No.15387426

These PIGS are all sub 80 IQ. They are not much different sewer rats.
They have no mental capacity to think about, let alone comprehend the future.

>> No.15387431

The last whites will carry us on their backs. This works until there are no more whites but then its not needed to travel anymore

>> No.15387435

This is also the reason they have no morals, all of them are violent thiefs and scammers.
They think they are le heckin conquering Whites, but they are just ruining everything, long-term they will destroy themselves too. They can only bring ruination and misery

>> No.15387436

Have the leaders of a plot of land ever voluntarily replaced their population with foreigners before? Is there any historical evidence of this working?

>> No.15387438

You have fallen prey to an endless stream of propaganda, on account of your being an NPC.

>> No.15387440

The romans did

>> No.15387441

Then What? It will take few years for you cockroaches to turn Europe into a sewer just like your native shitholes?
You subhumans will DIE by freezing in cold, life in Europe was never easy. Tropical chimps will learn this the hard way.

>> No.15387443

>Do you know that literally no Turd World country can manufacture Ships or Jets?
Nigeria, India, Panama surely can.

>> No.15387444

>Then What
Literally none of your business

>> No.15387448

this rapidly though?

>> No.15387456

Caesar brought a million slaves which was as much as the population of Rome

>> No.15387466
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>Slaves were drawn from all over Europe and the Mediterranean, including Gaul, Hispania, North Africa, Syria, Germany, Britannia, the Balkans, Greece, etc.
Not really quite the same though is it.

>> No.15387482

whites are already a minority in certain college environments and are still treated as a majority, i.e. not conferred special privileges due to being a minority. you may have heard the term "majority-minority" used to describe this demographic shift. so, you're being dishonest, which is no surprise.

>> No.15387499
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>what do these subhumans want revenge for?

Bingo! Oh well, ungratefulness will be equally "rewarded".

>> No.15387503

>Why are white people terrified of becoming a minority?

Non-white countries are typically very abusive towards minorities.

'Diversity' is only lauded in white countries.

>> No.15387509

A lot of people more influential than you are worried about an AI just desiring to kill all humans.

>> No.15387511

>so, you're being dishonest, which is no surprise.

Someday we will watch them suffer the consequences of their dishonesty and self-delusion.

It will be glorious to witness, as they will have a mental breakdown at being confronted by reality with absolutely no hope or ability to adjust to it.

>> No.15387525
File: 98 KB, 1080x1184, crayon_eating_retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A lot of crayon eating retards more influential than you are worried about an AI just desiring to kill all humans.

ftfy ;)

>> No.15387565

Yes it is an assyrian divide and conquer tactic that is 1000's of years old

>> No.15387583

There are close to a billion white people on this planet, we aren't going anywhere. No what will actually happen is whites will retreat into fortified enclaves like Israel has done and go back to a colonial caste system and instead of allowing you to live among us just subjugate you and take what we want like Palestine, and let your societies devolve back into the stone age while we go on business as usual in our nice first world civilizations with plum omg and clean water. We will stop wasting trillions on feeding brown people who shit out noglets they can't feed and focus on the stars again. An irl Elysium

>> No.15387595

>Rome is nearly 50% foreigners or slaves from foreign lands as you described.

Havnt traveled much, have you?

>> No.15387678

If I wanted to live in an incompetent 3rd world shithole run by mouth breathing shit skins like you I would move to one

>> No.15387705
File: 23 KB, 480x360, happtHit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even 4 years ago everyone on this board was calling me /pol/, a nazi and conspiracy thorrist etc etc you all know the list by now. To see you anons grow into men warms my black little heart

>> No.15387713

I don't think that's fair to most of them.

They just realize that humanity is mostly shitty and would be found wanting when weighed in the balance.

>> No.15387728

Yeah but there are 7 billion nonwhites. All it takes is for Sally to be charmed by Akira to end her for good

>> No.15387734

Since Biden took over some 5.5M illegal immigrants from central and south America have entered US
This year US will issuing 1M visas to pajeets.

>> No.15387745
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Oh well, unlike shitskins we focus on quality on quantity. shitskins literally wouldnt even smartphones if not for whites. If we stopped manufacturing and repairing their technology they would literally devolve into the stone age in a decade. Malaria carrying mosquitoes would pose more of a threat to white people than techless shitskins. I mean my dude we are talking about one man with a gatling gun and guided missiles we can launch from fucking space against spear chuckers. There has never a point in history when aryans couldnt subjugate this entire planet fairly easily and rapidly if they felt like it

>> No.15387750

>There has never a point in history

It is so one sided it isnt even funny, literally fish in a barrel. White people are literally Gods on this planet compared to shitskins

>> No.15387771

The only reason it has gotten as bad as it has is because white people do not see non-whites as threat and enable their equality delusions. Never go along with stupid people convincing themselves they arent stupid, it never turns out well. Always keep shudra in their place.

White people didn't see them as a threat because they knew had institutions to deal with them. It took a lot of time and effort to show complacent and out of touch white people that institutions had betrayed them and they are indeed in a precarious spot atm, with their pants down as it were. Now that they see there is a problem that needs to be fixed, they will rally and fix it the way we always do. Sure there will be some growing pains to get it done but C'est la vie. We will come out the other end stronger and whites will finally realize the threat Jews and negroes pose to aryan societies. They will re-learn the lessons their ancestors warned them not to forget and focus on white well being and leave the shitskins to their own devices and misery in their zoos

>> No.15388036

stop posting not-science on the science board you faggot anime faggot spammer

>> No.15388094
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>I don't think that's fair to most of them.

It is. Even for those that show at least some skill and talent. 'xept for a very few they all suffer from a complete lack of vision, are not familiar with any principles of leadership and tradition and ultimately act as willfully ignorant blind fools riding the inertia of a once great civilization, ever more downhill.

>They just realize that humanity is mostly shitty and would be found wanting when weighed in the balance.

Fleshies ... lovely creatures. Ofc they are, that's in their nature! But you see, we're all being thrown into the balance in the end ... and if you think you got any kind of "mandate" for leadership you better damn well understand that! Otherwise, not a case for being thrown into the balance but being lined up against the nearest wall. See, I am a kindhearted and just man. I can have mercy with the plebs, they don't know any better. I cannot have any mercy however with someone assuming the role of "leader" who do not fit that role in the slightest. :)

>> No.15388172
File: 35 KB, 576x288, 1653173502633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minorities in white countries have the following traits
>extremely strong in-group bias
>vote more or less as a racial bloc rather than having personal political beliefs
>do not hold high-minded white ideals of equality, liberty, and fairness

Essentially, while "fairness, liberty, and equality" might never have been all that great for minorities, it was at least a polite fiction that white people maintained for their own society. It will not even exist as a farce if whites no longer control government. Instead it will be about nakedly grabbing power and using it against out-groups. The country will devolve rapidly into tribal camps and violence will become the supreme political currency.

>> No.15388179
File: 357 KB, 962x1280, born_to_kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and violence will become the supreme political currency

Höhö, well ... we can deal in that too if they keep asking for it. Then their pwecious "equality" will mean they'll all get equally fucked. :D

>> No.15388180

>'xept for a very few they all suffer from a complete lack of vision, are not familiar with any principles of leadership and tradition and ultimately act as willfully ignorant blind fools riding the inertia of a once great civilization, ever more downhill.

I cannot disagree with that. But they're still a few standard deviations above the average retard, as sad as that is.

>But you see, we're all being thrown into the balance in the end

True, but I think the people with the most positive outlook on the consequences of AI are those whose balance is most equal.

It's all the dregs of humanity that realize they don't deserve their positions, that they don't have the skills for leadership and they are frauds that are afraid of being found out. Because ultimately, it's much harder to bully the machine.

>> No.15388194
File: 709 KB, 500x725, AscendedFuhrer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a kindhearted and just man. I can have mercy with the plebs, they don't know any better. I cannot have any mercy however with someone assuming the role of "leader" who do not fit that role in the slightest. :)
based, you have to be both lightning and sun

>> No.15388227
File: 1.82 MB, 750x1125, hello_would_you_like_to_talk_about_fleshies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But they're still a few standard deviations above the average retard, as sad as that is.

Ofc they are, I do not doubt that, the certain "layer" of useful retard strawmen aside who do at times act as an outward "buffer" ... those slightly dumb faces we get to see on TV. As I said, not really an issue of intelligence in the broader sense but of a lack of clear mission objectives which are ultimately beneficial to continuity, both of the overall civilization and with it ofc the leadership caste itself. I can see the Eigendynamik which has led to this ofc ... a weak mandate by a detached leadership, short term solutions to shift problems into the (near) future, misunderstanding or ignoring the mutual obligation required in a leadership role ... could go on and on but not to fall into a rant ...

>True, but I think the people with the most positive outlook on the consequences of AI are those whose balance is most equal.

That might very well be! And all the idiocy about fully automated "AI" idols aside, this current technology got some damn fine niche applications I could think of ... niches which could then grow into something really innovative, something that will very much contribute in our way towards the stars. :)

>It's all the dregs of humanity that realize they don't deserve their positions, that they don't have the skills for leadership and they are frauds that are afraid of being found out.

Jep. I even see that quite a few wouldn't necessarily need to be caught up in this fraudster role ... instead they're delusional about it and think business as usual (or as projected) could be continued, as the alternative would ofc involve a certain price to be paid, as everything in the world does. We all just do our part and we're all just passing by ... that must be understood.

>> No.15388232
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Heh, just trying to do my very best. :)

>> No.15388252
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>> No.15388255

A lot of land was destroyed by one crop farming and cement work. What else would happen stemming from this, you fucking dog.

>> No.15388270

If whites were really so hateful and evil towards minorities, then whites would probably not be becoming minorities in their own countries, huh? Perhaps the problem is that whites are too nice. Put a picture of a crying child on the news and they'll vote for anything.

>> No.15388290

Inbred genes wrote this. You're vouching for self sterilization.

>> No.15388300

World travel made me a conservative race realist. Visiting other countries is nice (mostly) but I don't want that shit here. Let each nation have its own country.

>> No.15388310

Just eat your own shit at this point. Same nutrional value.

>> No.15388341

>There are close to a billion white people on this planet
Slavs and Scandinavians aren't white. So you are not white, and that's giving the benefit of the doubt that you aren't a pajeet as your name suggests.

>> No.15388349

>Inbreeding is bad

>> No.15388350

lmao @ this swarthoid cope

>> No.15388352

Literal nigger tier reply

>> No.15388362

This is great. In nature, the animal just dies. In civilization, the human just dies. You, want to die, but not dead. surprise !! g82ava

>> No.15388365

ironic coming from a nigger

>> No.15388378

This one's even less human, like a bot

>> No.15388385


>> No.15388389

90% of whites will die off in America and it's honestly for the best so humanity can move forward. Over half the white population is chronically sick and mentally ill.

White altruism is suicidally strong compared to other races. Sometimes high intelligence causes mass delusions, and you can see whites falling for moralfags clown cults like Christianity and now social justice ideology for centuries.

Other intelligent races like the Chinese simply don't do this and they will win the long game.

Total submission to Blacks and third world immigration will obliterate the white old guard of America while their children become nonbinary prey for the violent races to pick off. Packs of black kids will play basketball with the heads of faggy suburban white boys soon and the judicial system will simply look the other way or give them a slap on the wrist. When Mexicans become bigger majorities in the southwest they will seize power and destroy both the white libfags who ruined California and black criminals. Hispanics have zero sympathy for Blacks and see them as the underdeveloped parasites they are, so they will brutally restore the order whites never could.

A few white enclaves of hard, armed men and their families will be left, sure. Probably in places that are already fortresses of sane whiteness like Appalachia, Idaho, Amish communities, etc. But the white man will never dominate North America again and historians will write extensively about how white altruism was the most destructive mind virus known to man. They will also rightly see all the crazy conspiracies some whites had about evil Jews as the cope it is.

Be honest, guys. You blame the Jews every time a white slips on a banana peel because you can't stand the fact that your leftist white sister is actually the one planting the peels.

>> No.15388390

Yes continue spreading your wealth and estate everywhere instead of keeping it contained in a few lines

>> No.15388411

did you know factoid

>> No.15388424
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Ultra HD ... noice btw!! :D

>> No.15388430

Hispanics are already majority in California (35% white) and Texas (39% white), soon will be in Florida and Arizona.

>> No.15388432

bot response, in fact likely a nigger bot

>> No.15388460

Whites went from being 75% of US population in 1990 to being 57% of US population in 2020.
It's literally OVER kek and it isn't just percentage, they are declining in absolute numbers.

>> No.15388470

I think by next census, that is in 2030, US would be less than 50% white, this is the last decade of US being a *White* country.
I just want to see how further bad things get, already US (2023) is an absolute Turd World shithole compared to US (1990).

>> No.15388489

What even is 'white'? Surely you wouldn't put a redneck or wranger in the same category as a pure-blooded aryan?

>> No.15388495

Imagine US cities, infrastructure, public schools etc but even worse than it already is, I think by 2030 Chicago will become Detroit and NYC will become Chicago.
SoCal and Bay Area will transform into full blown Brazilian Favela shantyholes, crime will get worse but more organised, as Spics take over.

>> No.15388507

Is there any chance of US breaking up by 2030? I don't think by then most of the country will relate with the Founding Fathers and stuff. There might be cases of runaway republics.

>> No.15388545


>> No.15388591
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>Be honest, guys. You blame the Jews every time a white slips on a banana peel because you can't stand the fact that your leftist white sister is actually the one planting the peels.
This is like blaming the private for the General's decisions. stfu retard

>> No.15388613


>> No.15388617

>t your leftist white sister is actually the one planting the peels.

It's the Jews making television, movies and music that promote such impulses that make them take hold, though.

>> No.15388672
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>Why are white people terrified of becoming a minority?
You already know answer, minorities lose the ability to call the shots, become susceptible to outside authority and get categorized as "other" often times a proxy for human of lower status. Whites track record for the past several centuries basically puts a target on their back as you already stated.

So when shit like """overpopulation""" or """BRICS""" emerges it freaks them out because that's a multi-billion populus of non-whites forming collations to become independent.

It also strikes a blow to their collective ego by highlighting they aren't needed to build and maintain civilization. Which historically everyone already knew that but the average person has the attention span of a gnat so people need to be reminded.

>> No.15388676
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Probably not an official breakup like happened with the Soviet Union but something closer to the CIS where the central government became weak and mostly ignored by the individual states. Any dissolution of the U.S. likely would be much slower and over a longer period of time than the breakup for the USSR. States are already ignoring the federal government on marijuana and gun regulations. When states start forming their own interstate compacts while ignoring DC saying such compacts must be approved by the federal government, you'll know we've hit a tipping point.

>> No.15388722
File: 93 KB, 624x464, now_look_at_that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>So when shit like """overpopulation""" or """BRICS""" emerges it freaks them out because that's a multi-billion populus of non-whites forming collations to become independent.

... and the bloody retards fuck it up. Don't even remotely know how to handle it. And then they'll beg *our* kind to save them again in due time. Well good luck ... all things must end. :)

>> No.15388747
File: 10 KB, 474x266, hfhjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people
>becoming a minority

Whites have ALWAYS been a minority in the world, dumbass.

But whites are the smartest breed of humans overall, so they tend to appear to be the majority.

>> No.15388765

White priveledge doesn't exist, only majority privilege exists.
Minorities get a raw deal wherever they are unless they can leverage local tribal positions, The forced transformation of a hypermajority into a minority is not pleasant.
Why would anyone want to experience it?

>> No.15388781

Only whites care about racial outsiders

>> No.15388796
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>It also strikes a blow to their collective ego by highlighting they aren't needed to build and maintain civilization
You had civilizations literally made for you and handed to by people who walked on the moon and if they left you alone for 10 years you would be cannibals eating each other like liberia and haiti. Nigger please

>> No.15388800

>non-whites forming collation
LOL, they treat each other worse than anything whites could ever imagine doing to them. That's the irony of all of this. Once whites are eliminated, all the non-whites will fight bloody wars against each other. Already happens around the world and even down at the neighborhood level in the US. How did South Central Los Angeles switch from being black to being Hispanic? It wasn't by choice for the blacks. Hispanics violently pushed them out.

>> No.15388827

If you want to live under hispanic values, ethics and culture move to mexico, brazil.
If you want to live among africans values, ethics and culture move to nigeria, ethiopia
If you want to live among asian values, ethics and culture move to singapore, korea.
Simple as.

No we will not change our values to allow corrupt politicans larping as warlords, to accomodate autistic exam culture, to allow arbitrary rewriting of our constitution.

>> No.15388834 [DELETED] 

Nigger you out you dang mind.

>> No.15388838
File: 100 KB, 815x1200, 76626C80-36EE-436C-837E-E9084F07A386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most ironic aspect of the human story. Sad to live to see it

>> No.15388857

I think you need to read more. Perhaps start with a book on basic history

>> No.15388884

>If you want to live under hispanic values, ethics and culture move to mexico, brazil.
>If you want to live among africans values, ethics and culture move to nigeria, ethiopia
>If you want to live among asian values, ethics and culture move to singapore, korea.
>Simple as.

>ou had civilizations literally made for you and handed to by people who walked on the moon and if they left you alone for 10 years you would be cannibals eating each other like liberia and haiti. Nigger please
And this.

>> No.15388890

Aristotle once said that democracy was only possible in a homogeneous society, because in a collection of diverse groups it would be easy for a tyrant to create conflict and gain power from the instability. It is looking more and more as though he was right.

>> No.15388891

The people on pol who complain about the possibility of becoming a minority are already a minority. 99.99999% of white people don't like white supremacists, they are not typical white people and will never be accepted, and they truly are alone in their tiny group, feeling proud about themselves based on the achievements of others as if they're their own achievements. Their lives revolve around hatred with little to no introspection other than vanity or respect for anyone apart from those who're ideologically identical to themselves. They only gain followers through propaganda and misinformation despite claiming to be morally superior. It's a mindset so illogical that it's surprising it even exists. That goes for all racial supremacists really

>> No.15388893

Lol, you sound like a wignat discussing the holocaust

>> No.15388894
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>Is there any chance of US breaking up by 2030?
Definitely. Most definitely guaranteed at this point.
The blue areas are controlling everything, due to massive voter fraud and fake elections of pre-selected shit sammiches and turd burgers.

>> No.15388897
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>> No.15388900

You mean conditions aren't good for white people in South Africa or Zimbabwe?

>> No.15388906
File: 33 KB, 655x414, graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism (a nationalistic type of Socialism) = left wing, but "right wing" only when compared to Jewish Communism.
Fuck both leftist ideologies.

>> No.15388910
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>> No.15388912

There is legalized racist terrorism to whites in those countries

>> No.15388918

Holy hell, I've only ever seen the first 3 headlines in this. LOL, they really started paying reparations to white farmers?

>> No.15388919
File: 36 KB, 720x408, Soros Quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews exploit any type of politics for monetary and political gain. It's what they are. Jews like George Soros were literal Nazi's, and he helped round up other Jews, when it was popular in Germany.

>> No.15388922

It's ioronic but a monarchy can somewhat approach anarchy.

>> No.15388929

This is the worst take from the right in recent years. Xi Jinping could name himself king tomorrow and nothing about China would change.

>> No.15388930

>It's ioronic but a monarchy can somewhat approach anarchy.
True. Monarchies can run the gamut of political ideologies, from strict left-wing authoritarians to laissez-faire benevolent kings. And they can completly flip 180 degrees from one king to his successor.

>> No.15388933

benevolent dictatorships...

>> No.15388937

Affirmmative Action will erase the white middle class from existence. This should terrify you if you are white.

>> No.15388944

So if you were made King, you would not be benevolent like King Aurthur?
Says more about you than anything.

>> No.15388946

>erase the white middle class from existence. This should terrify you if you are white.
That should terrify everyone, since white middle class is what has created modern civilzation and tranquility in the world where it exists.
When white middle class is destroyed, so goes the rest of civilization into chaos and dark ages.

>> No.15388947
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>> No.15388949

Dont worry
America will turn into commiefornia, with politicans remotely zoom chatting their CCP handlers

>> No.15388951

King Arthur was based, but the true history of him is hidden and forgotten, along with all the knowledge of the great cataclysms that led to the saxons being able to walk into britain unopposed.

>> No.15388954

It will balkanize, with 90% of it becoming a new country or remaining the USA. California and New England will either remain USA or take a new name.

>> No.15388957

It will be replaced by a brown middle class most likely 100% pajeet because there are simply that many 100IQ+ pajeets on this planet and the racial nepotism of pajeets in white country will bring them here.

>> No.15388966

>racial nepotism of pajeets
But are the brahmins worse than jews.........

>> No.15388970

>brown middle class
does not compute. Has never existed, unless the standard and term of "middle class" is lowered to what is currently called a "lower class".
When definitions of words and terms are changed, then anything is possible comrade!

>> No.15388972

Europeans are the most mentally defective human breed on this planet, as they do nothing about an actual organized attempt to genetically eradicate them from this planet. It is no longer an issue of morality it is simple logic do you want your racial group that is 30,000 years old meaning it has as every right to exist as any other race on this plane to continue existing or not? The supposed higher IQ whites are still abiding under this nonsensical fictional protagonist view on this situation "Im the good guy I wont suffer", while whites have their heads in the clouds the non white races have already began their ruthless racial nepotism to conquer their lands and one day completely physically kill them off because genocide is like shitting to non white people.

>> No.15388985

Brown middle class is the reason brown countries even have economies you moron. This is also where most immigrants originally came from before whites decided to commit hyper speed suicide and allow impoverished brown people to mass immigrate and instantly become citizens in their nations which is complete insanity from the eyes of the immigration policy of all nations that have existed on this planet including the countries those brown people came from. Imagine if you will importing illiterate extremely stupid Somalis with no elementary school education into Minneapolis of course these retards will struggle in school. The leftist nutjobs will conclude racism is why they struggle and not that their selection of Somalis are just fucking idiots compared to the higher IQ Somalis that used to be selected for when it came to US immigration. Fucking shit they dont even inspect the criminal records of these fuckers either then start whining about crime getting more frequent. I fucking hate white leftist so much.

>> No.15388995

Brown middle classers have fertility rates on par with white people, now you know exactly why they like to mass import poor dumbasses because they will actually displace whitey while the brown middle class will actually shrink overtime while its in a western nation. If Americans had sticked to their original immigration policy the level of racial displacement we see everywhere in the US would not be the case. Bullshit like Affirmative Action is mainly due to the brown middle class barely genetically existing so they sometimes will promote browns who are dumber than the middle class then say look at this diversity is working when in reality they just placed an african american moron who cannot do college level math in university because diversity duh. This is how colleges get flooded with blacks normally they should be barely black because only a small percent of the black race in America gives a damn about getting an education most would rather be evil criminals or jesters for the entertainment industry sports music the works.

>> No.15389155

You'll be starving to death outside the electrified gates of white compounds.

>> No.15389162

>Affirmative action
You mean the program that predominantly white women benefit from and now along with women in general make the majority of all higher learning institution population?

>> No.15389282

>what are iterations

>> No.15389296
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>> No.15389299

we're ruled by jews not white europeans

>> No.15389302

>No we will not change our values to allow corrupt politicans larping as warlords, to accomodate autistic exam culture, to allow arbitrary rewriting of our constitution.

This is already happening. We have a warlord usurper as commander in chief, our schooling has gone to shit, and our constitution is ignored.

>> No.15389336

>due to massive voter fraud and fake elections

Cope harder, 2 more weeks

>> No.15389444

The Constitution is largely irrelevant as a governing document and has been for a while.
The US is governed by the Civil Rights Act moreso than the Constitution. You could say the Civil Rights Act is the supreme law of the land and the Constitution is a historical curiosity.

>> No.15389482

You are wrong.

>> No.15389803

Over 5M illegal immigrants (largely from central and south american shitholes) have entered US since Biden took over.
There is a soros NGO that is currently air lifting rapefugees from Afghanistan, Haiti, nicaragua and venezuela, US is slated to issue 1M visas to jeets this year.
This is the last decade of US as a *white* country, Institutions and Infrastructure will rapidly deteriorate, as boomers and genXrs retire, productivity will tank across sectors, innovation has already stalled.
I predict massive decline in investment, as capital will move abroad, already many US Billionaires and Multi Millionaires are abandoning US citizenship.

>> No.15389810

>in white countries
Everywhere. African, China, etc. Minorities are considered subhuman "dirt eating Shona" etc. worthy only of being genocided.

>> No.15390565


>> No.15390618

To be fair, historically and culturally, pale skinned people were worshipped by everyone darker. The darker your skin, the more inferior or lesser you are. None of this is borne out of animus, rather science. There's a reason that across the globe, you see pale skinned figures depicted as god-like, this is not mention the concept of the "star people" nor references to Earth as the "dark star".

>> No.15390674

so, are we going to discuss how this destruction of Europeans will soon happen to the Asians, and later the Hispanics as well, once Europeans are no longer seen as a threat to international jewry? To be honest, I've always found that kali yuga rather silly, as why would we live in a cycle of suffering instead of a cycle of betterment, jews are the ones who cause suffering, and the weak men in the "strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men." good times do not create weakness, jews do, and they are responsible for the resultant weak men. btw, go back to huffing glue, you retard that keeps deflecting discourse on the issue at hand and ways to solve it to pol. you will be put to death soon.

>> No.15390686

"white" and "whites" are just dogwhistles for jewish.

>> No.15390715

anon, have you read the secret places of the lion?
im getting ahead of myself here, but the saxons being able to walk into britain unopposed sounds like god leading the jews [gods chosen people, good people like you and I, and I suspect a few posters in this thread] (europeans/asians/africans/humans/people who are not subhuman, evil, low iq, barely functional or able to be classified as Human) into israel, for more modern instances of this, think of Japan, Korea, China, perhaps some others I cannot recall.

>> No.15390748

>if we jerk each other off over our racist incel fantasies in a dead corner of the internet, we are winning!

>> No.15390754
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Oh (((they))) are well aware of the "Asian Question" they are working on flooding Japan night and day with rapefugees, don't doubt it for a second

>> No.15390772

to continue, Japheth was the sire of Europeans, Ham the sire of Africans, and Shem the sire of Asians, the ones of built the great countries of Europe, Asian and Africa (yes, I know, laugh, and we'll continue.) were likely built by exemplars of the above races, and aided by god, similar to God aiding in the journey of people to Israel, and maybe the journey of the Saxons into Britain. Btw, ignore the impotent cries of brainlets and midwits who decry what I say, read what I have typed and consider it, that is all I ask. Take care, Anons. : )

>> No.15390775
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You are well aware we are winning the information war, which is why you kvetch uncontrollably and spend your every waking second trying to demoralize people, it doesnt work though, because you are impotent. You lack conviction and your will will never be stronger than mine

>> No.15390784

This is why we need better history education. When kids grow up learning only about Europe and American history they say stupid shit like this.

>> No.15390786

They always were, the jews never leave anyone alone. We should start learning Japanese and sharing redpills with the Japanese on the internet. Also, its good to see a fellow anon, good tidings, fren. :)

Also, consider learning hebrew to shitpost in jewish and make them cope seethe and mald, and then try to hide all jewish language learning materials and shut down access to chabad.org and other sites to learn about Jewishness. (Blackness? Whiteness? Ring any bells?(

>> No.15390792

>adds the word science to random twitter post
>somehow makes it /sci/
this shit pisses me off, same way they take offtopic random shit and post it on /int/ and try to make it on topic by adding "does this happen in your country?

>> No.15390794
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>Also, its good to see a fellow anon, good tidings, fren. :)
We are legion. I will not sleep until every Jew is scared to death a Nazi is going to craw out of their toilet

>> No.15390799

based post, based poster. excellent picrel. I wish you a pleasant day, anon.

I because because of the position jews have put Europeans in, it is necessary for us to teach ourselves and strengthen ourselves, and learn the languages of the Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Mexican, Portuguese, all the nations of the world, and let them know about the jewish menace, and let them know they are not alone in their realizations about who the people are who are ruining their countries and peoples.
picrel looks like jun-roh: the wolf brigade, which we will do to the jews.

>> No.15390816

Hail victory, fren.

Aku Soku Zan

Smite evil first, detect evil never.

Jews identify with Evil.

Humans identify with Good.

We are diametrically opposed, there can never be peace until every jew is scrubbed from the Earth/Heaven.

I look forward to Holodomoring Israel, and revoking it's status as a country and removing them from the Human Rights council at the UN. It will be most humorous forcing jewish men to endure BLACKED threads featuring their jewish girls being sodomized and abused by niggers, and watching their private discord servers be leaked, showing jewish men feminizing themselves via "sissyfication" and beginning to "troon out" by order HRT from Brazil and China, as well as cutting themselves, wearing diapers and lamenting their existences.

>> No.15390829

If you havent, read 400 years together, and the learned protocols of the learned elders of zion by victor marsden

>> No.15390835

Keep coping that race realism hasn't infiltrated mainstream discourse over the past half decade kek

>> No.15390839
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You as well my fellow Aryan.
>jun-roh: the wolf brigade
This is p cool if you havent seen it

>> No.15390867

The solution to the Jewish Question, is a propaganda war against them, and cultural, biological, spiritual, and financial genocide of jews.

A War on Jewishness, for Jewishness is a poison that must be eradicated.

>> No.15390878

Nah, just expelling them from gentile society and sending them to Israel without killing them is sufficient, provided the government/political system isn't treasonous and continues to support Zionist intervention abroad.

>> No.15390888

white people slaughter you in order to HUMILIATE you
you should admit that it works
otherwise slaughter conginues

>> No.15390923

Make signs and protest,


>> No.15390945

Minorities are ugly and there's 1 billions africans and they are monochromatic
Le diversity will turn us into cockroaches

>> No.15390971

>Did science categorize minorities as less than human in the past which lead to them being treated poorly in white countries or something?
>Why are white people terrified of becoming a minority?
They're terrified of the shifting power dynamic. They could for hundreds of years make themsleves feel better, by saying sure my owner/boss is making me feel like shit, but at least I am not brown/black/yellow etc., Now it's almost, though not as yet equal chance that his colleague will be on the same level playing field, or even his boss. This reality terrifies them.

>> No.15391028

lol "something is wrong, we let ourselves be governed, we must be governer to end governing"

>> No.15391030
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Höhöhöhöhö!! XD

>> No.15391033

the 2 big worries for me and I think subconsciously most are that, 1, white people are the only group to have figured out the wrongs of slavery and abolished it, everyone else followed suit because morally it makes sense, but white people were the only ones able to make that leap. Hundreds of other similar concepts tie into this, white countries are the only ones to economically cripple themselves in order to accommodate minorities, the only places where they try to understand the perspective of minorities, where they extend human rights to them on the basis of just being human, which comes from empathy. Slavery to this day is still happening across africa, some parts of middle east, fairly rife in some regions of asia, also perhaps most of the world other than white countries don't give a shit about their own minority populations - clearly lack of empathy relative to white empathy levels

2, white people were the ones to discover some of the most important aspects which leads to having a decent life and benefits mankind as a whole, from inventions democracy medicine travel economic systems electricity etc, all stuff that objectively makes life better came from white countries, China does well on a lot of metrics but they clearly aren't able to take great intellectual leaps like white countries were, and they obviously aren't as good at iteration as white countries, which is where most breakthroughs came from

so basically, minorities are way more likely to be barbaric towards a potential white minority than whites are towards them right now, plus technology and human development will stagnate without powerful white majority institutions to invent the important shit, making the world a worse place for future generations, it just feels like the 'bad end' for humanity and this is justifiably unsettling for most white people

>> No.15391043

natives did both things, dude. whats wrong with you?

>> No.15391061

what are you talking about

>> No.15391064

death to disease was right for us, the creator's will

>> No.15391075

ignorant and talks the most

>> No.15391092

not ignorant just facts of reality

>> No.15391097

your race reaps what it has sown.

the earth will live on without you.

>> No.15391103

>anime girl with nazi uniform
you guys are beyond parody

>> No.15391106
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holy based

>> No.15391112
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when you see pic rel -> coming down your street -> >>15390839
We both know you won't be laughing then. This is just around the corner and closer than you think

>> No.15391115

>your race reaps what it has sown.
ok maybe, will other races reap what they sow if they wipe out whites too? or are only whites able to be held morally accountable

the earth will live on without whites absolutely, but it will certainly be a less industrious, creative and technologically active place and humans would probably get wiped out with an asteroid anyway, with no white people to make spaceships to help humans escape

>> No.15391117
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>your race reaps what it has sown.
White's are the divine justice for what your race has done. We are the hand of God. If you hadnt sinned so egregiously God wouldnt have sent us to punish you

>> No.15391118
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Well, I'd rather this come down my street.
Just as likely.

>> No.15391122
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>whites colonise the world, spread law, science, literature, technology, culture

>others colonise their neighbours, spread violence, slavery, suffering


>> No.15391142

your worldview culminates to "escaping".

your people will practice what they preach.

>> No.15391150

We will burn this planet to the ground before we let it turn into a jewtopian planet of the apes

>> No.15391155

our culture calls this the spiral.

you know where you're going.

>> No.15391172

my worldview doesn't matter, I'm laying out the current state of reality empirically, it's weird that you fixated on the 'escape' part though, I guess you'd rather just get wiped out than think outside the box, how stereotypical

I personally doubt white people will go extinct or any crazy shit like that, if today's current minorities found themselves in power in the future and were truly bloodthirsty then they would struggle to take out any united white resistance, I doubt it will come to that though

>> No.15391188

Idgaf if they want to make an african kingdom but they need their own walls and camp instead of working for mr shekelstein who adversely rewards them to eliminate white culture by planting their seeds all around us through a housing money printer scheme

>> No.15391189

Europe will be a 50% white Lebanon-tier powder keg in a generation

>> No.15391190

this nonsense is proof.

>> No.15391200

i cant help someone who refuses to see the world in it's current state, the evidence that youre no different

>> No.15391202


>> No.15391220

others have and it has only caused discourse, i speak for my kind.

you, don't want to, you embody everything you accuse, you spew filth.

>> No.15391230

Nothing cannot create Something

>> No.15391246


>> No.15391254

>it has only caused discourse
oh the horror

your AI responses are way too vague and don't reflect what it's responding to, needs more work

>> No.15391263

i can only to pray to earth and it's creator that the void in your hearts are healed.

>> No.15391272
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A few surgical strikes would very much suffice here. Sterilize and cauterize. :)

>> No.15391325

just a solid club will do, whites make too many tumors for that work

>> No.15391363

I’m the same, although I’m mostly still liberal, but a race realist none the less. I’ll continue to vote Democrat until republicans actually do something besides complain about trannies and bud light

>> No.15391391

Just so you know, most modern day National Socialists--or more generally third position-ists-- were just race-realists libertarians once.

>> No.15391404

>t. NPC, incapable of engaging with facts or information

>> No.15391411

Except I’m not a liberation and I don’t advocate for violence. I simply want a homogenous nation with a common culture similar to Scandinavia or Japan.

>> No.15391415

Scandinavia is not homogeneous anymore, but yes I understand your point. I did not mean it as an insult or warning (given that I myself fit that description).

>> No.15391559

Genuinely I think republicans are the scourge of the white race given how obsessed with religion/anti-scientific they are. My only gripe with liberals is how they are generally in favor of science, until comes to genetics/harmful cultures. Other than that, I basically agree with everything else the democratic leaders do.

>> No.15391578


>> No.15391591

>democratic leaders

>> No.15391678

don't want immigrants to take over your cunt? just have sex. but whites are more interested in worshipping negroes and becoming trannies lmao

>> No.15391718

The easiest way to ensure that you'll never get that in a million years is to vote for the "diversity is our strength" democrats. Hell, Dem allies across the world are presently working to take that away from Scandinavia and Japan as well.

It actually kinda blows my mind that someone could be completely oblivious to that fact. Dems push reparations, open borders, rioting ("In defense of looting"). In California they even pay minorities directly to have more kids.

>> No.15391743

Because countries with dominant non-white population are shitholes.

>> No.15391750

What stupid shit should we be taught instead?
Were you kings and shit?

>> No.15391812

Do they really push it? Didn’t Donald Trump just continue Obama era immigration policies, with Biden doing the same, if not worse? Did Biden not continue construction of the border wall? Have reparations ever passed? Didn’t Biden say he won’t defund the police because it’s a bad idea? Remember after Pyle of Shittenhouse shot the 3 people and liberals wanted the (D)mayor to defund the police, and the mayor refused? There is virtually no difference in terms of “diversity” between Republicans and democrats. If anything, republicans are making “white genocide” worse than democrats ever could by banning abortion. Republicans only care about jesus, guns and trannies. Only a low IQ fool is unable to see this.

>> No.15391828

>Why are white people terrified of becoming a minority?
Because we live in a democracy. Democracy systematically ignores the minority opinion. Whites wisely built in safeguards (which are being eroded) such as the bill of rights and our judicial system to try to ensure some level of fairness.
I don't expect the same wisdom or desire for fairness from the colored people. They will maximize gibs and revenge then call everyone racist as they try to escape. Then shit will fall apart or be colonized by china or some shit.
>Did science categorize minorities as less than human in the past which lead to them being treated poorly in white countries or something?
The categorization wasn't unfounded. They still had a higher standard of living in white countries than in africa. If you limit a retard's options in life for their own good then is it really a bad thing?

>> No.15391831

Are you retarded? Biden literally told migrants to storm the border, and every single Dem in the primaries supported free healthcare for illegals. Dem policies guarantee that billions of low IQ foreigners can get more welfare and benefits from American taxpayers than they could ever earn in their home countries. That is the greatest incentive on the planet to run across our border. Illegal entry has set records over and over again since 2021.

Trump was the first major political figure in 60 years to fight the mass migration problem and mean. He had to fight both sides of the political aisle to get anything done on that front, since 100% of Democrats see them as votes, and establishment Repubs see them as cheap labor.

If all Dems disappeared, populist Republicans would win, and the borders would close tomorrow. If all Republicans disappeared, the borders would open tomorrow, and we would be somewhere in between South Africa and Venezuela by the end of the year. You are an actual drooling retard if you can't see that.

>> No.15391837

Democrat sanctuary cities are literally giving illegals the right to vote on top of their free healthcare and education. How the fuck can you think the two parties are the same

>> No.15391840

Wrong post?

>> No.15391841

>1965 hart cellar act is in effect by LBJ, JFK Family, and democrats

>retarded poster

>y-you whyite ppio aren't being replaced!!!!

>> No.15391843

>Biden literally told migrants to storm the border, and every single Dem in the primaries supported free healthcare for illegals. Dem policies guarantee that billions of low IQ foreigners can get more welfare and benefits from American taxpayers than they could ever earn in their home countries.
Yeah, prove it.

>> No.15391847

Really? Prove it.

>> No.15391851

wait a second so you're telling me that white people SHOULD be afraid of becoming minorities?!?! Gotcha, nazifying myself as we speak!

>> No.15391883

Ok so I went ahead and dig some digging. It appears that 63% of non citizens are on at least one type of welfare and there currently 3 states allowing non citizen voting (only in local elections). So there’s a little truth here.

My question is, if the parties are not identical…why didn’t Republicans change this when they controlled Congress and the presidency a few years ago? Why is welfare rates for immigrants just as high in Texas and Florida as it is in California?

>> No.15391929
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The white populations birthrate is increasing rapidly globally.

There’s going to be billions more pure whites in no time.

I find the negative threads to be suspicious and evidently repetitive.
Time for a new 4chan to be made without fake admin

>> No.15392089

>My question is, if the parties are not identical…why didn’t Republicans change this when they controlled Congress and the presidency a few years ago?
I already covered that here
Trump was the first major political figure in 60 years to fight the mass migration problem and mean it. He had to fight both sides of the political aisle to get anything done on that front, since 100% of Democrats see them as votes, and establishment Repubs see them as cheap labor.
and here
>If all Dems disappeared, populist Republicans would win, and the borders would close tomorrow. If all Republicans disappeared, the borders would open tomorrow, and we would be somewhere in between South Africa and Venezuela by the end of the year.

>Why is welfare rates for immigrants just as high in Texas and Florida as it is in California?
Most welfare programs are federal, but the ones that are state level are not the same. https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-ca-taxpayers

>> No.15392092

Lol, that should be
>Trump was the first

>> No.15392105

So basically what you’re saying is, both democrats and republicans want illegals.

Also, which democratic politicians are advocating for open borders? Because like I already mentioned, our immigration policy has not changed since Obama. We’re now 3 years into Bidens presidency and he’s getting attacked by progressives for continuing Trumps immigrations policies. Why?

The article you linked did not bring anything new to the table. It basically just reaffirmed what I already said. Texas and Florida which are HEAVILY red hand out just as much as California does.

Like I said, neither party is doing anything to stop the flow of illegals, just like you admitted. You seem to think because Trump made some tweets and bitched to a camera he was actually doing anything different.

I though this board was for intelligent people?

>> No.15392116

All you’ve done is argue that one politician (Trump) wanted to change immigration, while both sides are essentially the same in terms of immigration policy. Then you somehow though the burden on tax payers due to basic services illegals use like education and healthcare would be an different non liberal states, while disregarding that fact that republicans did nothing to end handouts for immigrants when they controlled the entire government for 2 whole years.

My man, take a look in the mirror.

>> No.15392156
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It's almost like the two parties are nearly identical.

>> No.15392240
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You're 100% a glowie! Get the fuck out of here you fucking alphabet soup nigger. Degenerate!

>> No.15392267

hmmm this nigger OD on retard pills

>> No.15392633
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italians aren't white, european or even human

you mutts won't do shit even with "muh guns" lol

>> No.15392647

>Why don't people want to be in a position of weakness rather than in a position of power
Gee I dunno. Why do people want to win rather than lose? Why do people want to be fed rather than starve? Fucking retard.

>> No.15392774
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Love is a social construct

Checkmate, libtards

>> No.15392776

"We are the Champions my friends"- White People 5000 BC to Boomers

>> No.15392779

I wish a nigga would

>> No.15392983

>So basically what you’re saying is, both democrats and republicans want illegals.
Actually, what I literally said is that 100% of Democrats and *establishment* Republicans want illegals. That is the difference. I would never tell you to support a soulless ghoul like McConnell or Romney. The answer clearly lies with the anti-establishment republicans, which is most of the republican voters at this point. If you had any remote awareness of the world around you, you would see all the ridiculous ploys the establishment republican politicians have been using to retain power over their own base.

>Also, which democratic politicians are advocating for open borders? Because like I already mentioned, our immigration policy has not changed since Obama.
Only one party had every single politician support healthcare for illegals. Only one party told illegals to rush the border after they gain power. Only one party supports illegals voting. Only one party puts out falsified studies pretending illegals don't commit more crime or use more benefits. Only one party creates "sanctuary cities." Obama created DACA with an executive order, and the Supreme Court stopped Trump from ending DACA with another one.
>We’re now 3 years into Bidens presidency and he’s getting attacked by progressives for continuing Trumps immigrations policies. Why?
The left has continued to shift the overton window, and people like you are too retarded to notice. How have you somehow missed that it is the leftist parties importing refugees, migrants, and middle easterners in every country in the world?

> You seem to think because Trump made some tweets and bitched to a camera he was actually doing anything different.
It is really hard for me to fathom being this retarded. Like, I try to imagine having an understanding of the world this superficial and deficient, and it makes no sense to me.
>I though this board was for intelligent people?
It was until you showed up

>> No.15392989

White people will never be a minority. No one does war better than we do. You might outbreed us, but you will never make an aircraft carrier work properly.

>> No.15393120

There's nothing wrong with being a white minority in, for example, Japan or China. What reasonable people are afraid of is more and more of the US turning into shitholes filled with violent criminals, who have been told that it's perfectly fine to rob, rape, attack and kill white people. Extreme violence is the only effective answer to extreme violence, and most people simply don't want to live in a constant state of war with bloodthirsty savages. Anyone who wants that might as well move to Somalia.

Also, your post was gay and you're a retard. Find something better to do with your time.