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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15385043 No.15385043 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15385060

Your point?

>> No.15385062 [DELETED] 

That's why Russia must nuke Amerisharts in wallmarts

>> No.15385083

I’m just glad the headline doesn’t claim that it’s been unproven for 2000 years

>> No.15385769

The last time I tried to showcase the brilliant minds behind these two, the trannyjanny banned me. I guess the mods are just racist, keeping the black (woman) down.

>> No.15385780

Is the one to the left Asian or black?

>> No.15386922 [DELETED] 

show the children

>> No.15387313

You expect random newscasters to understand mathematics? Do you not remember the med student who "invented integration"?

>> No.15387322

That's actually quite impressive, good on them

>> No.15388414
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>> No.15388459 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself worthless negrotic monkey, I did that in high school

>> No.15388964


>> No.15388998


>> No.15389141
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>> No.15389638

how long does a theorem have to be around before it ages out of needing a proof?

>> No.15389664

all theorems have proofs
before they are proven they are called "conjectures" or "hypothesis"

>> No.15389901

thank you for this. however isnt relying on an infinite series a stronger assumption than pythagoras? most geometrical theorems become trivial if allowed analysis.

>> No.15389929

recommendation engine tossed this up

>> No.15389937

>hundreds of thousands of views
>thosuands of comments, everyone fellating the two girls
I'm a huge racist, so that for sure clouds my judgement, but surely this can't be such a big deal? Why is one new proof such an amazing discovery, when there are already hundreds, and everyone knows at least one?

>> No.15389948

if you watch the video he expresses skepticism towards the validity of the proof

>> No.15389998

>"i'm too retarded to understand the significance of this so could someone spoonfeed me"
About as much as I expected

>> No.15390004
File: 12 KB, 220x238, 220px-Illustration_to_Euclid's_proof_of_the_Pythagorean_theorem2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand. Why isn't this sufficiënt proof? Is it because it hasn't been tested with enough fractions?

>> No.15390036

chud hands wrote this

>> No.15390088

I am simply seeking information.

>> No.15390140

He didn't

>> No.15390143

their proof is pretty cool but in their interview they sound like illiterate morons. I’m not convinced that they created the proof independently.

>> No.15390147

How can you not discern between joke posts and serious ones?

>> No.15390165 [DELETED] 

They are worthless negroes and this board is full of talentless midwit college kiddies and schizophreniacs, it's literally trivial

>> No.15390184

stonetoss is not racist but he has black friends right?

>> No.15390879

Why are you so weak that you get triggered that easily and end up giving an utterly pointless non-reply with nonsensical insults?

>> No.15390883

You're not racist, but you really want to humiliate, degrade, and even genocide whites, right?

>> No.15390889

She's bolivian.

>> No.15390903

nice projection nazi. nobody was talking about you but about the nazi stonetoss.

you are exposed.

>> No.15390924 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 682x1024, VwIZBEJwHPIU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is a nazi website, go somewhere else if that bothers you

>> No.15391579

That's right, speciesist scum. If you eat meat you should be sent to a concentration camp.

>> No.15391584

Seems like they actually have a new proof and racist anons thinking it couldn't be true were the retarded ones. I'm shocked.

>> No.15391585
File: 46 KB, 420x420, facee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was left-wing cuck scum. If he had been an actual Chad, he could have cleaned up Europe.

>> No.15392442
File: 94 KB, 656x960, trot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Racism" is a psyop. Genetics is destiny, read the twin studies thread

>> No.15394390

>infinite series

>> No.15394458

Imagine reposting this stupid shit.

I have a theory for a really cool looking space ship. Evidence? No just believe me bro.

>> No.15395344

Well, what else are they going to say?
If they're white boys people would say "geniuses stutter"

Gosh guys, get over it, this is why it's hard for young people to show their talents cause there's people unnecessarily skeptical like you

>> No.15395351

My post about asking why the world went shit got removed and I got banned. I thought 4chan is open to discuss thag topic, it's general, but it encompass economy, science, social - which is exactly the thing we're discussing about

>> No.15395383

Since when did /sci/ turn so vehemently against scientific discourse? Leave prejudice aside. The proof is valuable because it does not make use of the Fundamental Theorem of Trigonometry, starting instead with the Law of Cosines.
Yes, you could've sketched the same proof as a high-school student, but you didn't. You might even have done it, but you published nothing.
You could argue the efforts are more or less their teachers' based on their air of insecurity and inexactness, but that is a subjective issue. Not only was this board nuked into philistinism by the departure of great posters who actually were into science and mathematics, it was also damned to death by prejudice and baseless animosity.

>> No.15395391

>Yes, you could've sketched the same proof as a high-school student, but you didn't. You might even have done it, but you published nothing.
The issue is someone wrote a paper about these kinds of proofs 30 years ago. It's old news in mathematics and anyone who thinks it isn't is a normie outside the field.

>> No.15395411

Could you provide the name of the author or the publication(s) on these proofs?

>> No.15395417

Jason Zimba's On the Possibility of Trigonometric Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem (2009) is the one I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.15395442

AHAHAHAHAHHAHA so they're not getting approved, are they...

I'm the same anon who wrote that fancy pantsy artsy fartsy post above... I was larping as a moralfag 4 bait... in reality im a racist chudcel just like you guise

Holy shit thank you for posting this I'm so happy the niggresses will have their muh proof rejected... I hate nothing more than niggers especially niggresses

once again:

>> No.15395448

What I really want to know is how they got their proof. Did they plagiarize Zimba or Luzia (he's a Brazilian guy who posted another trig proof on vixra 8 years ago), or did their teacher put them up to it or what.

>> No.15395454

nah, the niggresses are simply there for the clout and diversity

in reality, either a HS teacher or a professor involved them in what will soon be a massive plagiarizing scandal that will further destabilize the utter joke Academia is (especially given the current reproducibility crisis) and dismantle the diversity meme

their mentor is a based racist chudcel just like us fren, he's /ourguy/

>inb4 nothing ever happens until it happens

>> No.15395524

>meds: not taken

>> No.15395526

This is a very impressive proof. Chuds BTFO

>> No.15395536 [DELETED] 

u ST00PID m8 u root for niggresses big EW from me and big L + ratio for u

>> No.15395619

>Euclid’s proof
Of course it is sufficient, but it is always interesting to find more proofs of things. That said, I have low confidence that the claim in OP is true—I doubt the method is novel if it works. Hard to know since none of the media coverage actually describes it at all

>> No.15396128

so the pythagorean theorem has already been proven, never heard of it referred to as a conjecture, so why is this such a big deal? why good is proving something that already had a proof?

>> No.15396138

last i heard stonetoss is a black woman

>> No.15396468

The new proof is more elegant and complete.

>> No.15396520

the HRT ITT is an overwhelming stench that is choking me with its acrid taint

>> No.15396522

Is this what a mathematician looks like?

>> No.15396561

Wrong. The proof they made is notable because it proves the pythagorean theorem using trig. The point is that for a long time everybody just assumed that trig has to be derived from the pythagorean theorem, and thus it should be impossible to do the proof.

>> No.15396577

Oh shit, whitey's so salty they fabricated an article from 2009 just to keep da niggas down

>> No.15396613

They presented it to American Mathematical Society. They don't care about irrelevant personnel's such as yourself

>> No.15396614

Their proof is actually impressive. They prove the stereotype about blacks and women false. Chuds can seethe in the thread as much as they want.

>> No.15396617

thas rite

>> No.15396697 [DELETED] 


>> No.15396734


>> No.15398395

they're both fat

>> No.15398433

Hitler is a confirmed homosexual pedophile and molested his nephew

>> No.15399177


>> No.15399297

>Barnes credits his family and friends and faith in God for his accomplishments.
>“I am a God-fearing young man; I keep God first,” he said.

>> No.15400049 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 183x232, anxiety ridden kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler is a confirmed homosexual pedophile and molested his nephew

>> No.15400137

>we used exclusively high school-level trig to begin with, rearrange and arrive back at pythag
well done griffindor, well done

>> No.15400602

move over black soience man
prepare to share the spotlight with the obese black triggonometry twins

>> No.15400698

god damn what a pathetic soi lord

>> No.15402281
File: 968 KB, 827x827, school makes you dumber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in 10 years ,when these women are doing postdoc mathematics, they will no longer have the ability to conceive of such novel proofs.
they only had primitive tools available as high schools, so thats what they worked with.
more proof that the midwit mountain meme is true.

>> No.15402289
File: 193 KB, 1786x1172, kekshahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler is a confirmed homosexual pedophile and molested his nephew
Well Hitler was a socialist, so it fits the mold.

>> No.15402305 [DELETED] 

>He thinks those worthless niggers will get to this level
Funny delusions

>> No.15402326

>he presumes that the black women won't be coaxed along and pampered until they they have phds
out of touch with reality

>> No.15402337

Kind of ironic Stonetoss would make a comic like that considering his most famous work is seething about interracial couples.

>> No.15403247


>> No.15403252 [DELETED] 

Why the jealousy sci?
What did you accomplish in your life?

>> No.15404624
File: 241 KB, 932x944, 1523333191823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what words mean

>> No.15405659

so what?
ascribing emotional content to mathematics is pure faggotry

>> No.15406272

Copium addiction can cause psychosis, try to cut back, okay?

>> No.15407561

>jacob zuma's

>> No.15408506



Yeah, elegance is actually a thing math nerds look for when they are working in these areas. Its a noted thing or whatever.

>> No.15408758
File: 430 KB, 1800x1800, Q1y1Zqm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15408914

more authoritive points to you

>> No.15409152

>bull is Chad even though the entire analogy is about the white mans idiocy and shortsightedness

>> No.15410329

Its a noted thing that they're all faggots too.

>> No.15411121
File: 1.55 MB, 420x480, 1640166945330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets hope all the mathtrannys decide to subtract themselves sooner rather than later

>> No.15412557

lmao at all the mathfags who were beaten by high school girls
maybe spend more time working on math and less time jacking off to pedo cartoons and kiddie porn, faggots

>> No.15412605

2016 was a mistake for the internet

>> No.15412611

Nigress to the right actually looks autistic enough to be believably intelligent

still they probably got 99% help from a white male, like always

like when that black hole image was published as some s oy story about girl power in soience but it turned out a white male did most of the work

sexism and racism are the most reliable intuitions a human can have.

>> No.15413261

Yep, this episode just goes to show how useless university mathtrannys are.

>> No.15413578

mathtrannys want to be girls, thats why they're bad a math

>> No.15414600

because they're prancing queers

>> No.15415004

The left has obvious Asian admixture and has all the pokemon gym badges.

>> No.15415640
File: 18 KB, 330x222, traditional scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one on the right wears glasses, that means shes smart

>> No.15417086

OP mathematicians soon to be ftm, thats why they're good at math