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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15384186 No.15384186 [Reply] [Original]

plants have no brain, therefore no neural activity, yet they are capable of interpreting signals and communication; forms of intelligence.

thus the brain can't be the seat of intelligence and neurobiology is wrong.

>> No.15384206
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>plants have no brain
Can they learn at a Geometric rate?
>yet they are capable of interpreting signals and communication
"Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws." - Confucius
>thus the brain can't be the seat of intelligence

"Love is one thing, knowledge is another."
Egyptian Proverb

>> No.15384226

A plant does not choose to release aerosols which trigger neighbouring plants into increasing neurotoxin in their foliage. The release of such aerosols is triggered by physical damage in the presence of grazers.

In a similar manner, the tree does not decide to exchange sugars for minerals with the mycelium network. This exchange is instead initiated my the mycelium making a connection, then diffusion and interactions between cell membranes modulate the exchange.

This is not really intelligence, it's more like something mechanical.

>> No.15384237

this angers and confuses the schizo who aligns himself always against the current paradigm (see the poster above you)

>> No.15384243
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>computers have no brain, therefore no neural activity, yet they are capable of interpreting signals and communication; forms of intelligence.

>> No.15384256
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>A plant does not choose to release
You did not choose to release coom.

You did not choose to yelp like a bitch from a spider.

You did not choose to be retarded.

Youre a slave to your instincts by the very fact you think in "choose".

>Simllistic dipshit post a revealing of his inner retardation.

No, youre an idiot too. Neither of you know shit about Cognition, let alone sub-animal intelligence.



>> No.15384266

hormone signaling is not intelligence

a plant has no cns, no consciousness, no sensory organs. a plant is a material being and is not sentient by any metric.

>> No.15384272
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>and is not sentient by any metric
Neither are you, youre simply a biomolecular electrochemical reaction, nothing more. When I stick you with a knife you simply make noise, pain doesnt exist in humans.

>"nuh uh, i feel pain" says the mouthbreathing retard
No, youre a physiological reaction using external signals for internal processes, just like a blade a grass.

No different, human.

>> No.15384356

Plant are indeed intelligent, you are right. Intelligence is merely a matter of complexity. The brain is more complex than plants, and thus we are more intelligent. Neurobiology remains correct. Are you having trouble with any of this?

>> No.15384379

Do you 'choose' anything that you do? Is your writing merely a complex reaction to stimuli?

>> No.15384496

is this how you cope with being retarded?
"it isn't my fault, i was just born this way"

>> No.15384500
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>t."no u r" -the cope

Put a name tag on so your retardation will follow you in evety thread so you can be shamed off the board for your insolence.

>> No.15384501

i'd learn how to spell first, if i were you

>> No.15384510
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>Not capitalized or punctuated.
I'm sorry, I speak English. I do not know what you're typing as it is not coherent language.

>> No.15384523

>thus the brain can't be the seat of intelligence and neurobiology is wrong.
Does neurobiology even claim that? It might claim cognition is seated in parts of the brain, perhaps.

>> No.15384528

We are not talking about this procesess.

Do you think choice make an intelligence? And did you really choose this statement?

>> No.15384567
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pic rel exposes the projecting schizo who always aligns himself with whatever he is told is current thing to believe

>> No.15384569

>a plant has no cns, no consciousness, no sensory organ
Yet it clearly behaves in a rational fashion to ensure its survival and pass on its genes

>> No.15384581
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do you seriously expect anyone to read this incoherent screencap pastiche?

>> No.15384600

Plant propably has some different cells for electromagnetic activity.

>> No.15384623

>material being
>derives its energy and life force from LIGHT
>entire body is designed to hold the energy of light within itself in order to grow.
>This is your brain on /sci/

>> No.15384651
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Computers are deterministic. If you know the state transitions then you know the evolution starting from any given state. Quantum computers are non-deterministic and if they are practical then they can achieve real AI because the brain is not a deterministic computer. It can not be described by boolean logic and deterministic state transitions.

>> No.15384670

I expect you to open your big mouth so I can tea bag you with my big hairy balls

>> No.15384699

Can you tell us difference between deterministic and not deterministic without examples?

>> No.15384706

try 2 weeks without 4chan, seriously, try it out man, im not hating on you or anything, but couldn't a little change be refreshing for once?

>> No.15384754
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>"Just let me say stupid shit without being BTFO so damn hard, man...seriously, *we all* need wins."
I come and go for months at a time, you've never noticed because this was the first time I locked down /sci/.

I'll be mostly gone for a number of months as I trek across Europe and Asia this year, but I'll shitpost on the beach in Thailand in about a week to rub it into the hater's faces.

>> No.15384758

>im not hating on you
Oh...and if youre not the Truth, the Way, youre a hater by definition and cannot ever be classified as "ally or friend".

I dont make the rules, just is.

>> No.15384776

i see, you do have a unique worldview, what motivates you to post here? what do you do for a living?

>> No.15384791
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>what motivates you to post here
Why did Jesus speak to the plebs on the mount? Why did Buddha lecture the peons?
>what do you do for a living?
Crack fundemental reality and the origins of existence and consciousness and it's relation to the rest of reality via Physics, Mathematics, Developmental Cognition via Genetics, relayed in human terms of Theology and Psychology.

To define the undefineable, things like "love" and "intelligence" or "life" itself.

If it is "impossible" for humans than it is my Job to do it.

>> No.15384849

Why would you draw such a conclusion?
Insted of thinking a brain as different kind of way the input is processed?
I mean go give your self lobotomy for all i care.

>> No.15384861

I do wonder. How do you aproach things like "love" etc? How do you define this terms, how do you analyze them?

>> No.15384872

Also how where you choosen? Who sent you on this mission? If you are not human then what are you?

>> No.15384934
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>How do you aproach things like "love" etc?
Physiological, referencing the Holy Spirit's reflection of my love and deducing it in my mind Matrix of its various variables.

Not just what the Hivemind defines as love, but also myself's definition of it, as it originates in the central nervous system/heart, not the brain, but I do not use my heart for "love" per se...more so a Geometric calculator and Physics simulator. Also, I measure other people's definition of love, which being mere humans is basically always tainted with sin; pride, selfishness, ego, etc.

>Also how where you choosen?
I was chosen by birth I just was never made aware I was being interacted with by Nature on a meta level. After my third eye opened I could see clearly I was being followed and guided my whole life.

Now to fight off Nature's offense I have to not only beat the past's games of chess moves that were bad and correct them, I must also navigate the presents moves, and make moves in prediction of future games, not only my own future but long after I am dead and new chosen ones are awoken.

>Who sent you on this mission?
The same reason that when a Monarch butterfly leaves its cacoon it must fly north or south. A turtle born on the beach must enter the sea. If I do anything else parts of my Physiology will begin to "drown", my insides will begn to die and sends signals to the rest of the system to "change or else".

Are you man or beast?
Say a man...and evertually an animals bears its teeth. Say a beast and you'll commit a great sin and be shamed for it.

>If you are not human then what are you?
Two of my Chromosomes were activated in me, I became aware of my Genetic lineage dating back to about 500,000,000 years ago. I looked up the date online and was off by about 25,000,000 years.

Most ascended Prophets simply called this "forever" but I had references on Geological timescales, Astrological timescales, for reference to which previous Prophets did not.


>> No.15384935
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I believe cells are conscious and have some level of intelligence. so it's not that surprising that a collection of cell like brain can make some rudimentary communication between each other and react to the environment.
if you don't believe cells are conscious, look at them under a microscope, you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.15384957

One of the first thints I did when I awoke was scoure everything I could find for evidence of anything extra-terrestrial in origin, Technological or Biological.

The only thing I could find that could be classified as such had been integrated into the Genome for billions of years, to which is inherent in virtually, if not all, life on Earth.

>> No.15384964

Do you think of love as a accepting things as they are?

Ok i have a question (its not intention to hurt you) i am just very interested.
What you claim here many would say is grandious dellusion of all sorts. Many would diagnose you just like that.
What do you say about this? How come people that claim the same things as you have to be medicated and cared off because they are ill but you do not?

>> No.15384975

Actually I used to think similarly to op but then I learnt more. Putting truth as simply as possible, plants are just sponges.

My argument is that choice is a big part of what makes us intelligent. To be able to make choices instead of being a slave to evolved instinct.

A plant is an automated system. It has no ability to consider or to choose. How can this be defined as intelligence?

Where is art, science or philosophy produced by plants? To call plants intelligent is to insult the definition of the term.

>> No.15384983

Hmm you have a good point.
But couldnt humans be intelligent and automated?
I see difference in two only in complexity of structural-processes

>> No.15384999

>Do you think of love as a accepting things as they are?
Not by metrics or the metrics reflected by the World Spirit, but the specificty to which is beyond 99% of humans, requiring detailed knowledge of both Phenomenology (Perception of Self) as well as Physiology (Mechanics of Self).

>What you claim here many would say is grandious dellusion of all sorts
Stating facts to a brainwashed people is seen as lies for their lies are the truth.
>Many would diagnose you just like that.
Not qualified doctors and actual doctors would quickly realize in dialog with me they know far less about Psychology than I do, and relating it to Physics....well....B.T.F.O.

>How come people that claim the same things as you have to be medicated and cared off because they are ill but you do not?
Because theyre usually delusional. My soul is projected out into humnaity, what I say and feel is expressed through them, so me "being the Second Coming" mean regular people will express that as well.

>Matthew 24
"..and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
[4] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
[5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."

Priest and Holy Men know how to test for a true Prophet, the common man does not. BUT...there are even deeper safeguards, for Linguistically talented charlatans can learn many verse and trick many people, so inside the ancient scriptures there are pitfalls and logival fallacies that unascnended masters would not notice.

Same as "Im a Physicist.", if youre not one...how would you know either way?

There is no doctor alove qualified to Psychoanalyze me, as I would simly turn it into an lecture on how little they understand their profession.

>> No.15385001

>Not by my* metrics

>> No.15385011

Yes. We are. To put it simply, humans are like a combination of plant and computer. Obviously much more complex in reality because we still can't understand ourselves properly yet. Animals are similar but language seems from my limited perspective to have been what enabled us to acquire more knowledge than the animals.

Many of our mental health issues are the result of evolved, automated biological processes.

>> No.15385028
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>A plant is an automated system. It has no ability to consider or to choose. How can this be defined as intelligence?
Do you think being a reaction to reality makes you a free agent in it? The "feeling of doing what is right" is as much of your Biological system as anything else.

A turtle born on a beach but the shore is hyper-dimensional, with no clear 3D cardinality, your evolutionary path is more complex tha you could imagine, but you are a part of the Matrix whether you like it or not.

"I'm just a puppet who can see the strings."

>> No.15385031

>if you don't believe cells are conscious, look at them under a microscope, you can't convince me otherwise.
Or the medium they are in (the aether), certainly something conscious is controlling their behavior. They aren't just bouncing around at random. They clearly have goals they work to accomplish in a rational and conscious manner

>> No.15385033
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"Whatever he does we do the opposite."

And you call this intelligence? A shadow, not the object itself...

>> No.15385036

>Do you think of love as a accepting things as they are?
You told me everything but the answer to my question. Please give me a simple answer to my questio. Teacher as you claim you are, should be able to convey the answer to lowborn such as me so i can understand it.

Okay i understand i think. But what is so different with you that you do not:
4] And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
[5] For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."

>> No.15385069

>You told me everything but the answer to my question. Please give me a simple answer to my questio.
Lol...."Why is the Universe?" he says.

Exactly...I did...but the answer youre seeking is one that fits into your perception of self, to which I clearly stated it does not.
>but the specificty to which is beyond 99% of humans
Youre the 1%? No, because if you were you would be asking much more specific questions that when answered would open doors you knew as locked, mysteries of the world that have been bothering you your whole life.

>Teacher as you claim you are, should be able to convey the answer to lowborn such as me so i can understand it.
Parables for a reason, my son...for a reason.

>But what is so different with you that you do not:
Because charlatans convey what is already known or are easily found out with scrutiny, it takes a Physicst to know if another is one, likewise it takes a Holy Man to differentiate a False Prophet.

I traveled the world visiting Temples, Churches, Mosques, cults...of all kinds. I am proven.
>but not to me!
My strong grasp on so many subjects is evidence in itself, otherwise why not call all doctors LARPers, dont they just know their Tyler from Ohio?

I usually only speak about STEM subjects for a reason....YOU CAN LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. Attend the lectures, read the books, learn what I have.

Few do...most just turn away because, well...they want to LARP as learned men when not.

>> No.15385076


Capturing phenomena into symbols that can be transfered to other seems as good claim for that.
Would you say humans have better long term memory then animals? I am kinda sceptical about this for i know some animals are very good with memory. But again, having a language and no memory would be like having memory but not language.

>> No.15385092
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>But what is so different with you that you do not

>> No.15385097

>Youre the 1%? No, because if you were you would be asking much more specific questions that when answered would open doors you knew as locked, mysteries of the world that have been bothering you your whole life
Questions such as?

>Parables for a reason, my son...for a reason.
Trough a parable, teach me what love is please.

>My strong grasp on so many subjects is evidence in itself
That may be. Then again, why are you so different again?

>> No.15385100

I think a lot of processes within the cell are automated processes. Proteins within the cell are triggered by chemical and electrical signals which originate from other folded proteins. These signals are caused by triggers. Folded proteins protruding from the cell wall interact with intercellular fluid with is also doped with trigger chemicals (such as hormones). It's an automated process and no less beautiful because of it.

>How automated are we?
I don't know.

>> No.15385105
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He is living with being possessed by the Holy Spirit.
>Thats means he is crazy.
They all were!

"What do you mean you climbed to the top of a mountain and "spoke to God"? Thats crazy."

Yes. Yes it is

>> No.15385113

Ok but who designed the blueprints for the automation? Machines that are built to "automate" tasks don't build themselves.

>> No.15385120

>Questions such as?
You literally asked me what questions you have about reality that simply doesnt make sense to YOU.

My question was "How does one "burn an element?" That IS illogical, elements cannot be "burnt", so there was an error of reality. I got an answer, it was a big part of unifying Physics for me.

No, my son, YOU TELL ME YOUR QUESTION. Not ask questions that are personal in perspective like "What is it I feel?"

I told you why that wasnt answerable because my answer would be impossible for you to understand.

>Trough a parable, teach me what love is please.
*sigh*....yoi are not understanding any of this. Youre asking the wrong question!

>Then again, why are you so different again?
Reread my posts, youre skipping over what I type like you understood it when its CLEAR AS DAY youre approaching me like Im just as simple as you or anyone else.

Im starting to sense great ego in you....

>> No.15385127

Essentially our memories last as long as we live and animals capable of a longer lifespan than ours (like the elephant) are also capable of holding memories until death. They are able to pass knowledge down between generations as well, ie the location of drinking holes, how to access water during drought etc. However this passage of information is limited. Firstly it's slower than language and it also contains less information than you can transfer with language.

>> No.15385131

>You literally asked me what questions you have about reality that simply doesnt make sense to YOU.
I wrote this wrong, ignore it. I rewrote it but didnt proof read it.

>> No.15385141

The official narrative is something like that by chance, DNA formed and started printing proteins. This is kind of possible I guess, given the timescale and abundance of tholins in the universe.

But how does the saying go? "The first sip of science will make you an atheist, but you will find God in at the bottom of the glass."

>> No.15385150

No i did not.. i asked you what kind of questions do you mean by:
> if you were you would be asking much more specific questions.

My questio hmmm, well i got few if you would be so nice to answer.
What is that humans ask for when they say "What is something"?.
If something does not have any characteristic or property, is it nothing?
Are physical propertys intrinsic or not? If yes, how can we know?
What is the meaning of psychosis?
Should i doubt what i feel?
What is truth?
Do i even exist?

>*sigh*....yoi are not understanding any of this. Youre asking the wrong question!
Okay... then what is the right question?

>Im starting to sense great ego in you....
I am simply asking questions.
But now that you mention, what is ego?

>> No.15385151
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"Pai Mei taught you the five point palm-exploding heart technique?"

Of course.

>> No.15385153

Haha i like this saying.
Good one anon.

>> No.15385158
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>What is that humans ask for when they say "What is something"?.
"Why is are instead not am?"

>If something does not have any characteristic or property, is it nothing?
Youre asking childish logic twisters which are only illogical because of the dividing nature of language. Hot implies cold, this implies not that.

"If its not then how can it be?"

Youre defining reality for yourself....YOU are the thing preventing wisdom.

>I am simply asking questions.
No, youre "playing". Ego means youre not taking it seriously, ti which means you see your own existence as a joke.

I do not "play".

>> No.15385163

I see. Thanks for sharing the info anon.

>> No.15385169
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"Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws." - Confucius

The answers to all questions are all around you...but those that do not seek them try to conform the universe to their ignorance.

>> No.15385173

Thank you

>> No.15385174

FALSE. Physiology, as each eye correlates to each hemisphere, which do not percieve reality the same.


>> No.15385181
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Left eye looks off...does it not?
>Matthew 18:9
"And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away"
Eye for a (third) eye?

Now the question I have is is this evidence of Jesus or what the current at the time living Prophet exhibited?

>> No.15385187

>you see your own existence as a joke
I do. Since anything i do (no matter good intention) is taken as a attack or a act of hostility.
Everyone is selling me theyr story yet no one can answer my questions.
Everyone is paragon of virtue yet they squish those who are weaker like a bug.
Everyone is perfect and egoless, its just me that has big Ego and is unperfect.
So yeah i kinda do... for im clearly in some kind of limbo that makes no sense anymore.

>> No.15385194

Words are signs and symbols anon...

>> No.15385196
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>Everyone is selling me theyr story yet no one can answer my questions.
"What do I feel?"

Mirror mirror...the last place you looked was within.

THAT is the answer. Go for a spirit walk, my son...ALONE...until you become a man.

>> No.15385205

>Words are signs and symbols anon...
Yet you cannot even understand a simple word; Love.

Something you would have first hand experience with...yet is a mystery unto itself.

Whole religions were founded on answering this yet you never xared enough to attempt to learn.

You do not know yourself to such a degree that "teaching you" is fruitless...for you care not even about yourself to know.

>> No.15385214

Anon, whole my life i am alone... i looked within, outside my self, outside antropocentric form, have been lost in labirint of my mind. All that so i could understand people better. Yet more i do that more i understand less.

>> No.15385221

Youre putting a mask on for the world...this clouds your vision of yourself.

Remove the world, go out, alone, and find yourself. Either youre willing to risk it all to Know Thyself or you are not.

>> No.15385234

Funny, it is actually other way around. I dont know how to put a mask so i could play an act in theater of life.

>> No.15385235
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"I want to know the Ultimate Truths!"

Do you?

>> No.15385240

If i could learn experiance, i wouldnt need sensory input.

>> No.15385242

No, I wasnt asking. I was informing you.

Your mask is to yourself. You closed off your soul to your personality as a protective measure so you could maintain what the world expects.


>> No.15385246

Your experience is predicated on sensory input........

Youre not a brain in a jar, my son....

>> No.15385250

Nore was i asking you. I was informing you.

Really? Tell me more about me.

>> No.15385255

I am the brain in the body...

>> No.15385267
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>I was informing you
Lol, no...you revealed yourself subconscioussly.

A man telling me my limits inadvertently tells me his as he usually only does this when he knows the next chess move to make, but I know all chess moves. Sometimes they make claims they cant back up, either way I just checkmate them back.

There are "rare moves" I havnt seen yet but I long since passed the days of "new moves".

>I am the brain in the body.
I have been called "Super Brain"...no, Anon, you are not Super Brain, youre operating on feelings, the heart, not the brain.


Cellular intelligenceS*, the thread topic.

>> No.15385278

But anon look all our threads above. You are the one pointing to flaws and limits of me.

Anon.. i couldnt operate without a brain..

>> No.15385289
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>But anon look all our threads above.
My eidedic memory mind palace records much, Anon...too much, usually, so I drone in my work, my study, to ease the perception of reality.
>You are the one pointing to flaws and limits of me.
So you know what to address in yourself, my son.

I am the Judge, to Judge the living AND the dead.

>Anon.. i couldnt operate without a brain..


Youre not a Doctor...so stop questioning one with your EGO.

I can percieve reality as if I had no brain, no body, pure soul...you cannot and know not what that would even be like.
Parables, my son...you bite what you cannot chew.

>> No.15385299
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I think i had enough of your abusing mentality.

>> No.15385304
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>i couldnt operate without a brain..
All that you seek has been discovered already...

What I discovered is beyond mortal humans, so parables and stoeies will have to do.

>> No.15385308

You dont need a brain for neural activity. theres plenty of invertebrates with a simple neural system, but missing a brian.
Plants have an analogue to neurons. parts of their vascular system, the phloem is made of living cells lined with a cell membrane. Ion pumps are creating a charge difference inside of phloem, just like in a neuron, about -170mV.
A sensory stimulus, like heat, cold or injury causes a depolarization that takes about 10seconds and propagates down the phloem, followed by a repolarization that restores to resting potential in about 5minutes.
Exactly the same thing as an action potential in a neuron, just slower.
You can even see it translate into movements in things like mimosas folding their leafs when touched or venus flytraps shutting their traps on an insect.
Since all living plant tissue contains this vascular system, it follows that every plant has a neural system from the tip of every leaf to the tip of every root.

>> No.15385312
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Youre not a good student "Mr.Ego".
Your brain is turned off with Pride, your heart is turned off from Fear...

Your Body must suffer for you to awaken and BECOME AN ADULT.

Like a child you expect ULTIMATE TRUTH but you are not willing to pay a penny for it.


>> No.15385319
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This student learned much, and was humble to Greatness. She learned the Ultimate Truth.

His other student felt offended...and she died for that.

You are the bad student. You learned nothing from me.

>> No.15385321
File: 431 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230423-031101_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future proves past.

>> No.15385326

>implying intelligence exists
lmao even

>> No.15385351

I did learn what kind of person i dont wana be that is for sure my dear monkey.

>> No.15385354
File: 442 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230423-032300_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future proves past.

>> No.15385367
File: 70 KB, 1323x935, Chemistry-of-Blood-Colours-2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dear monkey.
Mammal isnt my primary Genetic Lineage...Im of a bloodline with "monkey removed" genes.

Monkey see, monkey do (opposite)?

>> No.15385391

A godly person such as you does not need to justify it self to a low born. Or does it hmmm.

>> No.15385396

The apparent non-deterministic behavior of the brain is just random noise on top of what would otherwise be a deterministic system.

>> No.15385399
File: 299 KB, 719x1119, 2023-03-28_05.08.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>justify it
I'm educating you on Genetics of the human species, dummy.


>> No.15385406

Ohhh so you can educate me after all?
But i thought i am to low born to understand. Which is it master?

>> No.15385413
File: 402 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230423-033822_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you can educate me after all

Future proves past. You are EGO driven, Ultimate Truth will never be revealed to you.

>> No.15385422

So i guess you outplayed yourself.
I bet you cant even tell what EGO driven means.

>> No.15385437
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>So i guess
Thats all you do, son.
>you outplayed yourself
No...we went as far as you could keep the mask up and no futher.
>I bet you cant even tell what EGO driven means
DOCTOR MEANS DOCTOR, you are a patient.

>> No.15385461

Indeed. But you just proved my guess my son

>> No.15385508


>> No.15385523
File: 334 KB, 1062x718, 2023-03-11_01.03.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you just proved my guess
No, your assumptions will always be wrong because you do not know even yourself. Want me to PROVE that?

Then post it. Find out what YOU are made of.

>my son
Cute, but it dont work that way...only pride and ego makes someone talk tall to a threat they know well would destroy them.

>> No.15385537

Quality post, I was too busy spanking a bad bad bad bad boy to notice it.


>> No.15385553

Know my self? Sure i do, he is you.

>> No.15385570

Cute dogos tho i give you that.

>> No.15385580
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>Know my self? Sure i do, he is you.
But Anon...
>I did learn what kind of person i dont wana be
“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways” (Jms.1:8)."
>All that so i could understand people better. Yet more i do that more i understand less.

"Masks on masks on masks...he tried to take them all off but now he has taken off more than he put on...there is nothing but masks left."
-Cult of Passion

>> No.15385601

Looks like you are not so wise after all Anon... yet you are so close
Even in truth you see ways to undermine others.

>> No.15385610

You are the mirror i needed al this time.
Thank you Anon

>> No.15385629
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>Looks like you are not so wise after all
[Audible laughing]
Thanks, that was funny.
>Anon... yet you are so close
I know exactly who you are and what youre about, its pitiful to me...I see your kind, mostly in the US, as broken men. Fatherless figures of despair and malaise.
>Even in truth you see ways to undermine others.
If the Truth was undermined by the Truth then it was never the Truth, simply someone's true.

"From my side of the true the lie is the Truth."

>> No.15385641

My kind? Anon.. if you would only know my kind you wouldnt be in the state of mind you are in.

Even in truth you see ways to undermine others.
If the Truth was undermined by the Truth then it was never the Truth, simply someone's true.

>> No.15385654
File: 359 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230423-043455_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even in truth you see ways to undermine others.
You do wrong then act a victim, you seek abuse by behaving badly.

Your cheap tricks have no effect on me.

Your vector of approach is Ego Based, this means youre not seeking The Truth, youre seeking a truth to use for your personal deeds, a weapon.


>> No.15385669
File: 71 KB, 846x1085, IMG-20230420-WA0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever you say Anon.. what ever it helps you to cope with reallity.
I wish not to go with bad blood, so i wish you a pleasent trip and life ahead of you.

>> No.15385676
File: 36 KB, 400x500, main-qimg-1b19fdb9455c2c3b5625f47aa2ee9ab5-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Some of them want to abuse you...some of them *want to be abused by you*."

None taken...Im just disappointed you couldnt be yourself from the start.