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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 145 KB, 1080x774, 16466638291655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15382039 No.15382039 [Reply] [Original]

The tremendous volume of anti-SpaceX spam that /sci/ is currently seeing is all strictly political in nature.
Musk committed the sin of removing Yoel Roth's censorship scheme from Twitter and that made Musk the enemy of Yoel Roth's fellow homosexual pedophiles. They are now using result of SpaceX's test launch as an excuse to spam /sci/ with anti-Musk propaganda as much as they can.

>> No.15382169

It's not just did to twitter. It's also because he rejected many of the covid protocols, moved from California to Texas, and went on the Rogan podcast. Add in those who hate him because they lost money shorting his companies, hate the idea of electric vehicles, and those who hate that he gets government subsidies for some of his companies, you get the perfect storm of hate across the political spectrum.

>> No.15382171

post the link where that screenshot is from

>> No.15382362

This screenshot is older than you and hating Elon Musk is an apolitical matter. He is retarded.
You are delusional if you think the efforts of SpaceX are massively spearheaded by Elon Musk himself. This is the same man who removed verification to sell it to people, realized after he enacted it that verified accounts exist for a reason, and then remade the concept of verified accounts with different branding. This is after spending 44 billion dollars on a business that barely turns up a profit.

>> No.15382575
File: 1.38 MB, 1488x1488, new board logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IFLS crowd wants to see SapceX fail because they professed love of science is false front for their political desires. If they truly loved science then they'd be ecstatic at seeing the world's richest man pouring his fortune into space exploration, but instead they hate him because he refuses to mouth their soft headed midwit political beliefs.

>> No.15382898

SpaceX simply would not exist without Musk.

>> No.15383136

They are failing because anyone that gives two shits about space exploration knows it wasn't a failure.

>> No.15383146 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 474x550, poltard_incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15383225
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>> No.15383251 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 828x499, nazitroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you seem a little obsessed and a little triggered.

>> No.15383260

Why do trannies always project like this? Like who is this for? Yourself? People that see you do this retarded shit.... it does the opposite of what you want it to. It doesnt bring anyone to your side. It shows them utterly fucking retarded and dishonest you are

>> No.15383263

It shows them *how*

>> No.15383328

A lot of NASA fanboys hate Musk too, and a lot of space commies hate him for exemplifying capitalism in space, which was "supposed" to belong to governments and not corporations.

>> No.15383348

He's also proving that private space companies are 1/10th the price as socialist space organizations for better capabilities, which is an affront to the notion that we should pay higher taxes and socialize everything.

>> No.15383383

communists are ignorant of their own history.
stephan mikyoan, son of anastas mikyoan (stalin's chief diplomat) and nephew of artem mikyoan (the "Mi" in MiG, which is shorthand for mikoyan and gurevich design bureau) wrote a wonderful 900 page autobiogaphy which details his family's history as well as his time as a MiG test pilot (got the job via nepotism), tells all the details of communism from the inside, including the cutthroat competition in the aircraft industry. lobbying, bribery, intellectual property theft, same as in he west, but with higher levels of poverty of the working class
belief in communist always relies on ignorance of it as well as absurd power fantasies
>this is what i would do if i was in charge
>things would be so much better and everyone would love me for it
popular daydreams with people who have nothing to offer as individuals

>> No.15383405

Sounds like a very interesting book, thank you for the recommendation.

>> No.15383504

you're the one who is spamming the same image repeatedly while making no attempt to at all to post board relevant content.
you're just here as a political activist, go home >>>/pol/

>> No.15384195 [DELETED] 
File: 607 KB, 1873x1200, 1662226389739233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/10th the price
NASA never spent less than $100,000/kg to orbit back when they were still competent enough to launch their own spacecraft.
Now that they can't even do that, why does NASA still even exist?

>> No.15384211

he is literally a chud lmao no amount of hair transplant can hide that fact

>> No.15384218

As if anything posted on 4chan matters or has any effect on the world at large.

>> No.15384224

> He is retarded
Are you sure? Or maybe its because you've cut off your penis?

>> No.15385505 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 544x653, muskmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15385518
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This post.

>> No.15385674

SpaceX would exist without Musk, it would not exist without Tom Muller. It would have a different name and a different finacer but Tom Muller would have still done his thing. The company might have even been more successful without Musk, think if the money Musk spent on Twitter had been put into SpaceX.

>> No.15385699 [DELETED] 

how does that mean spacex would have been more successful without musk? if he wasn't involved with spacex & hadn't wisely invested his money in a media outlet to promote spacex then how would that have benefited spacex?

>> No.15385703

>SpaceX would exist without Musk,
No. See Amazon rocket.

>> No.15385730
File: 98 KB, 581x307, hr-interview-ai-7977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody would hire Muller. Retard building rockets in his garage. Red Flags all over. Just NO. Big Stop!

>> No.15385734

Amazon Rocket didn't have Tom Mueller

>> No.15385738
File: 482 KB, 1080x774, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tremendous volume of pro-SpaceX spam that /sci/ is currently seeing is all strictly political in nature.
Musk committed the virtue of removing Yoel Roth's censorship scheme from Twitter and that made Musk the ally of Yoel Roth's fellow homosexual pedophiles. They are now using result of SpaceX's test launch as an excuse to spam /sci/ with pro-Musk propaganda as much as they can.

>> No.15385739

Musk is doing a horrible job promoting SpaceX

>> No.15385749

>Nobody would hire him
Except TRW that he worked at for 15yrs before SpaceX, someone else would have picked him up is Musk didnt

>> No.15385751
File: 38 KB, 600x338, Falling_Down_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ofc because no sane HR would ever hire such guy.

>> No.15385771

He passed interview there before he became weirdo. When he was just normal graduate not some crazy conspiracy theorist building rockets in his garage.

>> No.15385778

BS, If Muellers dad had been the owner of a Emerald Mine, we would already be colonizing Mars. Musk is holding back SpaceX

>> No.15385809
File: 53 KB, 626x417, 1569390026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why you are not satisfied with your current employer?
>bunch of diversity hired busy bodies, they would never finish anything. I am building rockets in my garage btw.
>... ....

>> No.15385927 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 2048x2048, 5w2MtGnfBcxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the emerald mine meme

>> No.15386217

>The tremendous volume of anti-SpaceX spam that /sci/ is currently seeing is all strictly political in nature.
More of your tax dollars at work by illegitimately "elected" politicians scamming a now fake-ass system.

>> No.15386250 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, the UN is funded by the federal government and the UN funds an army of over 100,000 internet shills (soon to be replaced by much cheaper AI shills)

>> No.15386304 [DELETED] 

>muh conspiracy!!!!
Who even cares, surely you people can judge an argument based on its own merit without invoking any politics.
Musk is a highly overrated snakes-oil salesman, he never started anything new and got rich off investments. I think the anti-spacex posts are justified seeing how much of a fucking failure the launch was and the high prevalence of musktards here who would vehemently defend any criticism of his ludicrous claims. The spam isn't some fantastical leftist-pedo propaganda scheme, it's just the collective expression of contempt ppl here have for musktards.

>> No.15386306

>>15382039 (OP)
>muh conspiracy!!!!
Who even cares, surely you people can judge an argument based on its own merit without invoking any politics.
Musk is a highly overrated snakes-oil salesman, he never started anything new and got rich off investments. I think the anti-spacex posts are justified seeing how much of a fucking failure the launch was and the high prevalence of musktards here who would vehemently deny any criticism of his ludicrous claims. The spam isn't some fantastical leftist-pedo propaganda scheme, it's just the collective expression of contempt ppl here have for musktards.

>> No.15386310

>t. Leftypol

>> No.15386413

The irony in this post is enough to build a skyscraper.

>> No.15386498

He's been in the naughty book way before twitter. He's too autistic to follow narratives

>> No.15386503

Musk is 'IFLS' reddit energy personified though.

>> No.15386570

the trannys hate musk

>> No.15386756

Mass producing rockets was always the least cost effective thing NASA did. They're much more efficient at training astronauts, building space exploration equipment, and performing fundamental research to hand over to companies later. Jim Bridenstine said in 2020 he hoped SLS was the last rocket NASA would ever build. His replacement Bill Nelson is also eagerly awaiting Starship so this isn't some partisan thing.

>> No.15387069

good pic

>> No.15387111

But he's not a communist tranny, you probably are drinking the commie juice.

>> No.15387124

maybe ask research what tom mueller or many other people in spacex's opinion of elon is lmao. most of them claim he was integral in many ways tranny.

>> No.15387130

But he didn't ban literally everyone with heterodox views on twitter. That makes him a heretic. If he's not with us, he's against us.

>> No.15387410

I'm a liberal who despises Elon Musk and I'm perfectly happy to acknowledge SpaceX is a great, important company and that Elon deserves a ton of credit for making and running it. Yes he posts cringeworthy cope about everything ever, due to his being a narcissist, and that includes the recent explosion, but that sort of personality probably does correlate with ambition and drive. Almost all the hatred towards SpaceX and Tesla is motivated reasoning from people who hate him as a person.

>> No.15387507

SpaceX and Tesla (and electric vehicles IG) are highly overrated. SpaceX is just a glorified delivery company using tech figured out in the '60s. The hate is mostly motivated by musktards who buy into the marketing.

>> No.15387587

You say delivery company like that would be a bad thing. Moving stuff from point a to point b has always been a core part of civilization. It's also laughable that you claim most of this is tech from the 1960s like we had similar engines or the ability to land our rockets at sea back then. The funniest thing however is how much one man makes you seeth.

>> No.15387603
File: 299 KB, 1229x835, elonFugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15387621

They spam /co, /k, /a. Some came from the corpse of infinity instead of migrating to neo-inginity
Someone got mad and d...ed a janny in /g

>> No.15387628

Delivery companies aren't bad, but they're not impressive either, spacex has been selling these fantastical claims about mars and whatnot which musktards eat up. Self-landing rockets were a cake walk ever since GPS, and the engines are pretty much '60s tech.

>> No.15387660

>Self-landing rockets were a cake walk ever since GPS
Are you retarded?

>> No.15387736

Nope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas_DC-X
The problem was already figured out, they just needed the funding, but NASA spent most of it on the shuttle.

>> No.15388379

tranny jannie doesn't seem to mind all the sjw spam

>> No.15388386

commies hate Elon because he's the emblem of the capitalistic self-made man.
They always try to say that he was born rich already or exploited an emerald mine (which didn't make him rich by the way), so he's a class enemy or whatever.

>> No.15388387
File: 46 KB, 626x551, 322 spacex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat with a dome. Elon Musk is a globohomo puppet. SpaceX is a fraud like all other space "agencies".

>> No.15388392 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, so real it's fake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15388404
File: 17 KB, 694x968, x bingoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking die and then go back to >>>/x/

>> No.15388428
File: 49 KB, 255x255, jannie the glownigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flat earth truth is censored on /x/ for obvious reasons, whole board narratives would collapse if the truth were to run unchecked.

>> No.15388433

Pfft, there's ton of impressive self-made billionaires who've actually created their own companies and successful novel products. Elon has done neither, getting rich solely off investments and creating retarded snake-oil scams. He attracts redditards and the like by spamming shitty memes on twitter and making ludicrous claims.

>> No.15389166
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>> No.15389495


>> No.15390699

so is 4chan

>> No.15390728
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>> No.15390811

That was a toy, it could never go anywhere near orbit.

>> No.15391440

MSM has scared off people on 4chan by making it radioactive to others. Thats why 4chan didnt grow as much. Reddit/twitter has pretty much replaced the function of 4chan in making memes. In the past, both of them were controlled by the media elites, but now they've lost control of twitter (thats why they're trying to claim its dead/toxic/unsafe/etc) with all the garbage articles over the last year or so nonstop.

>> No.15391455

I think the labels on that picrel are backwards. The elites are the poofs in pink.

>> No.15391490
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>> No.15391550

reminder that elon stole the "flare for paypigs" monetization scheme from 4chan

>> No.15392131

of course not, they ARE the jannies, since nobody else can be bothered to apply

>> No.15392132

those subhumans are only capable of clique bullshit and ideological witch hunts
4chan is and will always be the only hub for genuine content creation, as the shrieking faggots have no power here

>> No.15392162
File: 147 KB, 1348x495, lowtax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was an SA invention

>> No.15392493
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>pass user

>> No.15392564
File: 78 KB, 528x660, 1676574955311018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's funny how the narrative changed so fast
redditors used to love this guy
But now he's a dumb evil nazi
It's all political, and it's hilarious
Of course kike-chan is just a mirror because most oldfags left and you cunts are all discord trannies

>> No.15392571
File: 118 KB, 720x714, 1641217469258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The earth is flat with a dome. Elon Musk is a globohomo puppet. People are merely slowly waking up to the true nature of our reality.

>> No.15392623

Fuck off tranny

>> No.15392944

what's next for spacex now that starship has proven to be a colossal failure? are they going backrupt?

>> No.15394575

inb4 mass shooting staged by FBI in order to frame Twitter as responsible

>> No.15396010

>Of course kike-chan is just a mirror because most oldfags left and you cunts are all discord trannies
They are, but 4chan is not a safe space. Thats how its worked for a long time, lamers from hugboxes decide to raid 4chan, they get a faceful of redpills and before long half of them have seen the error of their ways.

>> No.15397444

We now know where many of the fake takes come from. Dark money being poured into NGOs from gov and other WEF activists.

>> No.15398438
File: 24 KB, 490x640, nasa meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the DC-X technology was completely transferred to NASA, which upgraded the design for improved performance to create the DC-XA. After a test flight of DC-XA in 1996 resulted in a fire, the project was canceled.
when NASA "upgrades" tech

>> No.15399287

If the transhumanist trannys have to have organized spam campaigns to get their message across then doesn't that mean that their beliefs aren't convincing on their own?

>> No.15399439

How long did you believe in the holohoax?

>> No.15399459

>Musk thread
Edit: Wow thanks for the reddit gold, kind strangers!

>> No.15399912
File: 136 KB, 1000x1020, 73026b994ab1894338dbb6340994d61a90ae9d60e945009ed1e69daa0a153f35_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a video of Anne Frank's stepsister Eva Schloss point out how she knows that the Soviet photos and films of the liberation of Auschwitz were faked
Given that all of the supposed "death camps" were in what was the Soviet sector after the war, maybe all of the USSR's holocaust evidence was faked. Why would the Soviets only fake Auschwitz? The USSR was well know for it's lying and propaganda, they could have easily fabricated they entire holocaust tale, they had the means, the opportunity and the motive to do so.

>> No.15400476

>The USSR lied about absolutely everything from 1917 - 1991
>except for a brief period of truth telling in 1945 when they were discussing to holohoax
how dumb do you have to be to fall for that ruse?
>noooooo the holohoax is srs biz, they would never lie about that
>sure they lied about driving millions of their own people to death by starvation
>but they would never lie about the sacred holohoax

>> No.15401681

Reddit hates Musk

>> No.15401701

Haha imagine the boredom of running a psy-op on /news/.
There's like 2 or 3 people there.

>> No.15401736

Only since 2020. Before that he was Le Epic Iron Man over there.

>> No.15401745

>hating Elon Musk is an apolitical matter
It used to be but he's definitely crossed the bipartisan rubicon. The easiest way to tell is the reddit hiveminds default position regardless of subject or context and with Musk it's now 100% default hate.

>> No.15401840
File: 35 KB, 679x313, Screenshot 2023-04-28 145329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15403024

You mean since 2018, when Tesla stocks exploded

>> No.15403027

The amount of hate/skepticism towards his company is a litmus test on how far left/deranged you are.

>> No.15403060 [DELETED] 

the one who talks about culture often lacks the culture

>> No.15403371
File: 1.03 MB, 640x814, 1578481907926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The narrative on Reddit changes rapidly and the changes are always convenient for the political influencers who own and operate the site, Si Newhouse's kids.

>> No.15404636

They destroyed it intentionally, if that had been an accident with something they wanted, they would have just built another one.

>> No.15405307
File: 267 KB, 2048x2048, 5w2MtGnfBcxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the emerald mine meme

>> No.15405434

>Moving stuff from point a to point b has always been a core part of civilization.
In fact it is one of the three industries with the highest CAPEX.
Power, transportation, and more recently computer electronics, are the three industries with the highest capital expenditures.
Historically true as well.

>> No.15407215

Reddit is epic fail

>> No.15408178


>> No.15408269

>Si Newhouse's kids.
lmao that reddit commies devote themselves to further enriching a pair of brothers who inherited a multibillion dollar fortune

>> No.15408277

>This is after spending 44 billion dollars on a business that barely turns up a profit.
Actually the company's worth is about half what he paid for it now and lost shit tons of advertisers with none returning, per himself. Not looking profitable whatsoever, that considered.

>> No.15408279

Twitter never turned a profit. It's about who controls the public square, not how much money a platform produces.

>> No.15408283

Well now the public square is going to be a smoldering crater, so good job.

>> No.15408702
File: 232 KB, 544x653, muskmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
