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File: 94 KB, 521x800, 3SM8tQ7RKA7K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15381969 No.15381969 [Reply] [Original]

They made pepper spray illegal in Europe.
What are some equivalents that could be whipped up in a home lab?
Should be fairly easy to do, some kind of alcohol extraction maybe? But what should be dissolved in the alcohol for maximum impact? And how to propel the spray quickly in effective volume and distance?

>> No.15382010

Based westoids won't do shit and globohomo will win in the end

>> No.15382013


>> No.15382044

>what should be dissolved in the alcohol
pepper, dipshit. are you really

>> No.15382054

girls vote for left parties
left parties implement left polices
immigrants come in your country
girls get raped by immigrants
left government protects the weak
left government protects the immigrant
in america there are only 2 parties and they are both right parties

>> No.15382089 [DELETED] 

elections have consequences

>> No.15382111

Pepper spray is indeed made of peppers:

>> No.15382135
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Women Vote, YES!

>> No.15382151

chilli peppers retard.
what are you going to do grind black pepper at them?

>> No.15382178
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>in america there are only 2 parties and they are both right parties

>> No.15382191
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>> No.15382392

Is Europe actually a democracy?

Not a European but I've complained about the lack of pepper spray before, not many seemed to listen. And I know Europe is touted as the bastion of science and high iq, but I'm not all that impressed with them politically.

>> No.15382397

That information is easily found on youtube but is it to the point where you are afraid to browse the internet over there.

>> No.15383366
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>What are some equivalents that could be whipped up in a home lab?

A gun. Eliminates your rapists quickly and permanently.

>> No.15383438

Pepper spray. Basically soak chilli powder in alcohol, filter, mix the resulting liquid with some oil and put it into a pump up pressure sprayer like the ones you can buy from the local nursery or just a squirty bottle. If you get caught using that...

>> No.15383445

This story is from 7 years ago.
She was fined $50.

>The police stated that in total there had been nine cases of pepper spray being used in self-defence, with just one of these being an attempted robbery. On the other hand, from 2018 to 2019 the number of illegal uses of pepper spray doubled to 1,660.
Statistically speaking. If op is asking how to make pepper spray, they're most likely seeking to do illegal activities with it.

If you're actually scared of getting raped, just buy the pepper spray and pay the fine for using it. Then you'll get to bitch and moan about having to pay a fine to defend yourself, but only IF that actually happens do you get that right.

>> No.15383447

Ireland voted overwhelmingly "No" on their EU membership referendum. Ireland is currently a member of the EU. Knowing this, do you think Europe is a democratic place or not?

>> No.15383449
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Can you carbonate an oil/ethanol mix the same way you would with water? That would make the spray blast out better.

>> No.15383464

You can probably still buy it for use against bears. Most governments don't want citizens carrying weapons with the expectation of using them against other people. Only they are allowed to do that :). Fuck I want to handcuff a cop and beat the living shit out of them so bad.

>> No.15383485

many women dont though

>> No.15383488

What, that's not true.

>> No.15383663

Looks like you'll have to go back to older methods. Perhaps something more gentlemanly. What you'll want to do is buy a large amount of curry powder, then make a nice curry dinner and consume it, then the next day you'll want to dump ass into a long sock. Then you can swing the sock around for massive damage. One hit in the head from a curry crap sock can be devastating to your opponent

>> No.15383674

Sometimes I wonder if that isn't true and their elections are just "fortified" like ours. Then I remember that article about the pro-refugee activist who was raped by Haitians and then declared that they had no choice because of white supremacy.

Maybe it's a little bit of both.

>> No.15383677

>in america there are only 2 parties and they are both right parties
You were doing well until this. This is European girl-tier retarded

>> No.15383681

There aren't any bears in Europe. Europeans have long since destroyed all of their nature. They chimp out at countries like Brazil & America for cutting down a few trees instead of doing anything at all to restore what they once had in Europe. Rabbits are the largest wild animals that still inhabit Europe.

>> No.15383779 [DELETED] 

That isn't true. There are still bears in southeastern Europe and Scandinavia, and pigs pretty much elsewhere.

>> No.15383781

That isn't true. There are still bears in southeastern Europe and Scandinavia, and pigs pretty much everywhere else as well.

>> No.15383830

shartmerican education is truly something to behold.

>> No.15383839

>They chimp out at countries like Brazil & America for cutting down a few trees instead of doing anything at all to restore what they once had in Europe.
Not only that, but they also chimp out at Australians for culling imported pest animals. Look at how many native Australian species that have been directly effected by wild cats, yet they freak the fuck out when we dare start campaigns to kill them.

>> No.15383848 [DELETED] 

one of my dream vacations is to go to australia and spend a few weeks or a month having a great time shooting all of your pest animals. i don't know about cats, but the pigs, emus & camels are all good to eat. and i'd come home with a mountain of skins, that'd be my wardrobe for the rest of my life.

>> No.15383851
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Ironic and uninformed shitpost, as both bears and wolves have come back even to Germany due to reforestation and rewilding programmes.

Europe has doubled its forest area since 1990. The global North has reforested so much that it replaced the Earth surface are of green that was lost in the South.

I personally don't care if Brazillians turn their country into a Bangladeshi tier thirdie hellscape woth flavella aesthetic, just don't expect a ticket to Europe we're full (of Africans) and don't bitch when all your crops start failing either like what happened in Africa.

>> No.15383852

>just pay the fine lol
This is bait right?

>> No.15383863
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look man, I understand /pol/ is fast and you're not getting enough (you)s between all the botposts, but at least attempt to make it on topic

>> No.15384150

>On the other hand, from 2018 to 2019 the number of illegal uses of pepper spray doubled to 1,660.
holy shit lmao

>> No.15384194

isn't that what they voted for? if democratic process was fair and square that means public wanted it
>but I didn't vote for them
someone did
>okay I voted for the ruling party but I don't agree with their doings
then maybe you voted wrong
>but I didn't know they were going to impose such a controversial law
you don't even know who you are voting for then
>no one could foresee that
that's what you get for voting for deranged parties
>it has been like that for years, politicians come and go, I didn't vote for girls to be charged for defending themselves against rape
then indirect democracy is inherently flawed
>n-no it's not we just need to-
you didn't protest when they were imposing that law, you will do nothing now as well

>> No.15384201

representative democracies are a farce, only direct accountability works

>> No.15384225

Immigration policy is never voted on. Party A wants 1 million per year, Party B wants 800,000. There is no good option.

>> No.15384232

It isn't as demonstrated by France and their pension reform.

>> No.15384233

>Is Europe actually a democracy?
Europe is an anarcho-tyrannical mediacracy.

>> No.15384255

Its a variation of " i'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6".
Bitch and moan, meanwhile just pay the fine.

>> No.15384276

Democracy doesn't exist, your leaders are pre-elected puppets

>> No.15384331

just buy chilli essential oil it's savage

>> No.15384409

If pepperspray is illegal in UK how is it for over-the counter sale? Or are they just buying it from some dodgy websites? I'd assume sites like Amazon would not sell pepper spray to UK customers.

>> No.15384415

Egalitarians and their muh fairness caused this crap where people get charged if they fight off criminals

>> No.15384952

>This story is from 7 years ago.
>She was fined $50.

>The police stated that in total there had been nine cases of pepper spray being used in self-defence, with just one of these being an attempted robbery. On the other hand, from 2018 to 2019 the number of illegal uses of pepper spray doubled to 1,660.

>She was fined $50.
>Illegal uses of pepper spray increased

She was fined $50.
for using pepper spray illegally?
but she was defending herself from a rapist
>yes, but that's illegal
So let me get this straight; using pepper spray in self defense against a rapist is illegal, and the number of illegal uses of pepper spray is increasing in a literal perfect 1-to-1 relationship with the incidence rate of rape, but somehow the fact that a few people weren't charged after using pepper spray means that all legitimate self-defense uses of the spray are actually committed by people seeking to actively use it in illegal ways - despite them being in a defensive situation which they likely didn't provoke intentionally?

At this point your only option is to unironically double down all the way to "they were asking for it" and "if a muslim rapes a woman it is the woman that committed the crime" which you will not do (because you are not based enough).

>> No.15384977

I have considered using pepper spray against rowdy youths.

>> No.15385156

Any sources for her actually being charged and fined? I notice all these articles just end up citing the Knud Kirsten quote and leave it at that.

>> No.15385599 [DELETED] 

it was voted on by the learned elders of zion

>> No.15385820

globohomo is like one of those insects that consume themselves in the interest of saving their life when endangered.
There is no other road than self destruction for this woke conglomeration

>> No.15385833

>imagine being this retarded

>> No.15385838

Just think of it as a $50 Rape Avoidance Fee. Don't want to pay the fee? Well, let the rape happen. It's her choice.

>> No.15385847

Just don't live in Denmark. It's legal everywhere else.

>> No.15385849
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As far as I can tell, European leaders literally HATE their native civilians.

>> No.15385852

>be me
>go to germany
>spot arabs and niggers everywhere
>go to train station by taxi
>try to tip taxi driver, he says "verpiss dich vallah"
>get into train station
>niggers approach me
>they are now revolving me like the moon earth
>one nigger tries to stab me with a knife whilst the other nigger tries to get his hands on my phone
>avoid knife and punch the nigger
>the other nigger calls the police
>the nigger who wanted to stab me know filed a police report against me
>his nigger friend says they didn't do shit
>3 weeks later
>get letter from lawyer from stabbing nigger
>they demand 5000 eur because i ATTACKED him (first)
welcome to europe

>> No.15386227

>They made pepper spray illegal in Europe.
Pathetic, you cannot even have hot sauce there. KEK!

GET SOME FUCKING GUNS! There is this thing called the "black market" that exists everywhere.

>> No.15386230
File: 86 KB, 668x680, US government now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in america there are only 2 parties and they are both commie-fascist-socialist fucks.

>> No.15386231

>European leaders literally HATE their native civilians.
They are WEF and CHINA puppets, installed in office by voter fraud, to destroy the countries so CHINA is "Numba Wan!"

>> No.15386241

I live in Denmark and the doors to immigration are pretty much shut at the moment. But everyone is extremely legalist so if they can find something they'll screw up your case or charge you. It's better to talk and provide as little information as possible

>> No.15386255 [DELETED] 

How do you enjoy being a defenseless sissified cowardly cuck?

>> No.15386263

>doors to immigration are pretty much shut at the moment
Yeah right. You have a land-mined DMZ with the borders of other countries? If not, then it is wide open.

>> No.15386326
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When I read about American cops going to the wrong house and shooting people for no reason, I feel better for living in this country. Thankfully I've never seen anything happen.

You won't be happy even if nignog skulls were mounted at every road leading to your country.

>> No.15386890 [DELETED] 

>When I read about
fake stories in the sensationalist fake new media

>> No.15387251

>personally don't care if Brazillians turn their country into a Bangladeshi tier thirdie hellscape woth flavella aesthetic, just don't expect a ticket to Europe
Rich coming from an europeon, next time the germans do their generational chimpout or the Russians roll up to France remember your words and stay where you are. Its like you dont have any historical memory or think Francis Fukuyama was right and we reached the end of history.
Also, part of staying in your shithole is keeping your mouth shut, we dont want your opinions. Dont make any posts in an American website either.

>> No.15387255

All of these girls were heroin addicted whores with deadbeat fathers
That never happened

>> No.15388241
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>Eastern Europe
lol, accurate

>> No.15388552
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imagine going from viking to that in less than 1000 years

>> No.15388744 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15388757
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>> No.15388766
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>do you think Europe is a democratic place or not?
Really no country is a Democracy, since Democracy is almost the worst form of government to exist. (Note that ALL forms of government = evil and unnecessary and just scams by corrupt gang leaders.)

>> No.15388768
File: 30 KB, 420x244, Talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Democracy doesn't exist, your leaders are pre-elected puppets
Unless ballots are BLANK, you are just choosing between the pre-selected puppets the "government" allows you to pick.

>> No.15389647

Non-violence is a spook. Africans keep the troublesome members of their communities in check by regularly setting examples via lynchings

>> No.15389707

>All of these girls were heroin addicted whores with deadbeat fathers
Which means it’s okay to rape them? Okay Sanjit.

>> No.15389788

go back to >>>/pol/ fuckers this is science board

>> No.15389993

two years krav maga + unbreakable umbrella + just walk the women home like gents.

>> No.15390074

or ballots in the trashcan
no need to give the official blank vote to something that is illegitimate

>> No.15391073

1) grow red peppers
2) extract capsaicin with isopropanol or ethyl acetate
3) dilute to desired concentration
4) aerosol

>> No.15391094

>They made pepper spray illegal in Europe
It took you 7 years to figure that our or is that the only article you could find?

>> No.15391099

Degrees of lewdity was not supposed to be a guideline.

>> No.15391394

>two years krav maga + unbreakable umbrella
gayest post yet.

>> No.15391460

>two years krav maga
Cardio, just learn to run faster than 99% of the population and you are 100 times safer

>> No.15391485

Defeating a single opponent is not that difficult for someone who is trained and an alpha male muscular.
Defeating multiple opponents, even for the most massive and talented of fighters, is impossible.

>> No.15391508

>Is Europe actually a democracy?
Iron Law of Oligarchy demands the answer to this to be no.

>> No.15391514
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There's no way an actual human being wrote these posts and thinks these things

>> No.15392425

Democracy is a spook, its always a lie. In America they let 18 year olds vote for president, but they also won't let anyone under 35 be president because they're too immature, so under the same logic how can 18 years old be trusted to vote for president?

>> No.15392445

Even retards get to vote. That way, to get the vote, the candidate needs to make everyone happy, even the retards. Representative democracy means, ideally, you get a say in who is ruling over your life, regardless of whether or not you're an idiot or qualified for office yourself.

...Which would be fine and even laudable, if we actually had qualification requirements for posts in high government. If every candidate had a certain level education and experience matching their office, then it wouldn't much matter who the retards vote for, but they still get their say.

But as it stands, we have almost no requirements for office to speak of, so the retards get to vote for anyone who says something that appeals to them, even if they have zero political experience and are only famous because of their time on reality TV. (All a pedophile elite billionaire has to do to get elected is imply he hates the Mexicans, and be pitted against the most hated woman in America.)

>> No.15394603

The 18 year old voting age was instituted nationally in order to justify drafting 18 year olds and sending them to Vietnam

>> No.15394637


>> No.15396101
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>What are some equivalents that could be whipped up in a home lab?
Any halfway competent Chemist can whip up something much more dangerous than pepper spray, up to and including homemade explosives, acids or toxic gas,
why would that change anything? shit would still be illegal and they'd just put your ass in jail for using it same as OP pic.

>> No.15396157

how did they know he was trying to rape her if nothing happened? was she raped? no. so why call the guy a rapist? this is retarded, if she killed him and just said she was trying to rape her, she would be a murdered and the guy would be the murder victim, not a rapist.

>> No.15396356


>> No.15396564

>sir open up this is the IRS, you haven't paid your taxes this year yet. they're not due yet but you basically tried to evade taxes you're going to prison now do not try to resist

>> No.15396600

HPeroxide and Hair Conditioner are dangerously close in everyday use.