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File: 3.62 MB, 3464x3464, 1682007002224539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15379966 No.15379966 [Reply] [Original]

real 33 engine fire test edition

previous thread >>15376428

>> No.15379971
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>> No.15379973 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15379974


>> No.15379975
File: 371 KB, 2072x1179, 1D69950E-ECFF-43BF-B25F-65E8C5EA6C16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really, REALLY like the Starship stream graphics. So much better than the current F9 graphics. I hope these become standard

>> No.15379977
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1681430576326578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't someone think of the beetles and plovers >https://futurism.com/wildlife-starship-explosion

>> No.15379978
File: 78 KB, 626x552, 88601BE4-D709-4AC8-AE8F-A5F938173BC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An image from a perfect alternate universe

>> No.15379979
File: 6 KB, 225x224, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15379983
File: 269 KB, 1463x2048, 1682021017858294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000fps engineering camera footage when

>> No.15379984

We made it boys. Applause all around.

>> No.15379985

It still would’ve failed though, sadly.
People actually predicted that OFT-1 could’ve at least made it to stage sep by burning Superheavy for an extra minute. Despite the decreased thrust, the margins exist for contingency.
Then the HPU exploded and the engines became locked in their final orientations

>> No.15379986
File: 2.12 MB, 1365x2048, 079B2A5C-FF3A-4C80-A46B-C6295FAE4D9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Starship at night? Holy shit I’M COOMING

>> No.15379987

And also like a quarter of the LOX leaked out. And the thrust was very low overall anyway, barely reached 2000km/h with almost all of the fuel burned.

>> No.15379989

Surreal that it finally flew

>> No.15379990

Humans should migrate to more massive galaxy groups

>> No.15379991

I’ve heard that the LOX thing was actually untrue and a bad sensor. Same as SpaceX not picking up engines that obviously weren’t working. Take it with a grain of salt tho.

>> No.15379993
File: 91 KB, 1200x675, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rocket science "success" seems to be more about massive explosions and crashes these days, i dont remember them celebrating over rockets exploding in midair in the 60s

>> No.15379995

That's because they were quite literally competing with Russia to make the best ICBM

>> No.15379996

reminder that the oft could've gone all the way to starship re-entry if they only launched from a proper launch pad with trenches

>> No.15379998

why couldn't they just let it flip until it ran out of gas

i'm sure it wouldnt' explode

>> No.15379999
File: 199 KB, 1125x797, 20AD8666-1F51-409D-853A-252A26720EB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don’t cry Anon. I can rest now

>> No.15380001

at least we got to test how robust the motherfuck is

>> No.15380002
File: 5 KB, 302x167, 1DB31832-8E55-4FFD-9548-BA16C25ABD40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA is SpaceX

>> No.15380005

It is rather doubtful anything Starship could do would even remotely threaten the environment around the launchpad even if something blew up before clearing the tower. This isn't hypergolics and toxic metals like the early days of rocketry.

>> No.15380008

The HPU exploding and lox leak is almost certainly the result of them getting blasted to shit by roggs, I think it would have worked if the OLM wasn't retarded

>> No.15380009

bros....image the smell...

>> No.15380010

>complaining about the environment
fucking fags

>> No.15380011

How the fuck will they build a flame diverter at Boca though?

>> No.15380014

They won’t, too difficult plus e*rthers. They will just put metal plates underneath the OLM and increase the water deluge system. It’s that or boat out to Cape Canaveral which nobody thinks they will allow.

>> No.15380015

They won't. They'll build something like cryo cooled steel plates and a big water deluge. It won't stop heavy damage, but it'll significantly lower damage enough to allow the stack to reach orbit and maybe be ready for another flight within 2 or so months, not 5-7. And after 3-5 flights, they'll start launching in Florida as well.

>> No.15380017

Use archive links, you faggot


>> No.15380018

They won't, either some alternative solution like liquid cooled metal pipe pad and deluge system will work or it won't and boca will become a factory and ship starships to the cape

>> No.15380020

This or they finally follow through with that oil rig launch pad idea

>> No.15380022

They sold the rig

>> No.15380024

So buy it back, they got too cocky

>> No.15380027

They sold both rigs. They won't do sea launch probably until they've already launched dozens of times in Florida and are transferring to high cadence operations. For now though, they just need a solution that allows them to launch probably 2 more times from boca within the next 18 months so they can get NASA to let them launch from the cape.

>> No.15380031

Explain the reasoning. Is it to cuck shitty websites out of clicks?

>> No.15380035

Back in the 50s and 60s we blew up a shitload of ICBMs and early orbital rockets, it just wasn't publicized.

>> No.15380036

they will have to if they expect to land on pad or anything like that
I was skeptical of that extreme rapid reuse and the test shows we probably won't see that until the end of decade (if ever)
>>15 already 380020
I can't imagine oil rig surviving the full blast
it would have to be custom build from ground up

>> No.15380039

SLS put Orion around the moon and was a stunning success by all measures but we don't have ledditors basedgaping over it. It's just a SpaceX thing.

>> No.15380040

Maybe the real Starship was the friends we made along the way

>> No.15380041
File: 93 KB, 900x900, D2D641C3-BA0A-4252-8D7D-3A3435342D6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I get tiles to attach to this bird? 3D print or should I just buy small basic hex tiles and glue/cut them to the ship.

>> No.15380042

Rigs stopped making sense when mechagodzilla became a thing, they unironically underestimated the size and complexity of their launch complexes. They were still legbrained but now they’re chopstickpilled
Maybe when they’ve sorted it out and finalised a design they’ll go back to it. The costs of just owning, maintaining and berthing those platforms use to be quite high, especially since they didn’t know what to do with them yet.

>> No.15380043

What if they just dug a really deep hole in the center and let it fill in with ground water? Can't damage the pad if there's no pad to damage

>> No.15380044

> builds expensive pad with fancy trenches
> water suppression
> ruds on the pad anyway
well that was a waste of time
time to build a new pad

>> No.15380045
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1659844763007941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flash vaporizing a pool of water with rocket engines

>> No.15380046

SLS crippled American spaceflight almost unrecoverably.

>> No.15380047

>build an expendable turtle sanctuary directly beneath the pad
Based. I don’t understand this reusable turtle meme

>> No.15380048

an explosion wont irreparably damage literal holes in the ground

>> No.15380049

cerakote + a cnc mill or a dremel

>> No.15380050

hexagonal punch and dies for modeling
where do you think you'd find hex tiles in scale?

>> No.15380051

Funny way to spell Commercial Crew Program.

>> No.15380052

Yeah, they won't start preparing for sea launch again until they have a good understanding of what they need for infrastructure capable of supporting rapid reuse.

>> No.15380056

Idk online.

>> No.15380057

I think its possible SpaceX already had a good idea of the amount of pad damage that would occur, even assuming no RUD at ignition, and already are prepared to quickly began repair work as well as whatever type of system they have in mind to reduce damage caused at liftoff. It might really only take like 4-5 months until next launch.

>> No.15380058

If Commercial crew didn't exist, american launch capacity would be a couple of centaurs, some still unlaunched paper rockets, and the ISS would be scrapped due to no way to get Americans in space.

>> No.15380059

> ruds on the pad anyway
the main contributing factor for the test's rud was because of flying shit that wouldn't have been there had they had a flame diverting trench

>> No.15380060

It’s not like I’m making the tiles out of metal, I’d really just be gluing on some small tiles, why would I need a dremel if they’re cut out/made before hand?

>> No.15380061

Would it really hurt for Starship to have landing legs, at least for the first few years of operation?
This flight has shown that even “nominal” situations can fuck up the pad

>> No.15380062
File: 131 KB, 648x484, 1662740059320776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Private industry are the only ones capable of creating a man rated rocket.

>> No.15380063

Surely a thick metal plate should be sufficient. If it burns through, make it thicker.

>> No.15380064
File: 443 KB, 2395x1234, C74AD15F-98CA-4E98-BCD5-DAF7C2534B0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I meant Superheavy. Would it really hurt for SpaceX to skip tower catch for now and just land them like Falcon 9s?

>> No.15380065
File: 105 KB, 800x673, chinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that rocketry is literally an archaic technology and mass ejection propulsion systems will be the reason this primate species remains forever stranded on this rock (and extinct in the not too distant future).

>> No.15380066
File: 14 KB, 193x270, Dsp+is+that+you+_bec881ff35403505431e5a4696682a64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>build shitty pad
>pad obliterates the rocket

>> No.15380067

actively cooled metal plate so we could boil water for electricity

>> No.15380068
File: 100 KB, 1289x1262, 2023-04-21 13_10_53-Greenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear did the fucking math wow

>> No.15380069

>muh chinese gunpowder
I'd love to find out how many fire crackers shoved up the ass of a chinaman it takes to make him pop.

>> No.15380071

huge ass vapor chamber + huge ass copper tubes then have it all water cooled

>> No.15380072
File: 1.45 MB, 4096x2736, FuMqHYjWYAM3VlN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate nic ansuini god DAMN he has such amazingly framed photos yet he FUCKS THEM UP EVERYTIME WITH POSTPROCESSING WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS EVEN

>> No.15380073
File: 43 KB, 590x547, 1674051251303693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so wonderfully autistic.

>> No.15380074
File: 1.19 MB, 254x387, 1671002969296219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, no, you don't get it bro, literally no one has ever made a launch pad that didn't self destruct at rocket launch so the SpaceX pad disintegrating is actually good because the data will let them build a state of the art rocket pad that will be the first to not explode at launch.

>> No.15380076

>Clear beating hullo to the punch

I kneel

>> No.15380077

What is the y axis measuring exactly? Not watching the video

>> No.15380078

luv ria

>> No.15380080

It does kind of seem like they anticipated some damage because they had bought hardware to improve the pad and didn’t install it before the test

>> No.15380081

read the manga

>> No.15380082

>a simple graph is hard math
This was already done by people on twitter, simp

>> No.15380083

They anticipated total pad destruction (they planned to move spare tower parts from florida)

>> No.15380084

silence fool! science is about billion dollar failures! keep putting your hopes into our bullshit while everything around you becomes woke garbage!

>> No.15380085

ok twitter troon

>> No.15380086
File: 55 KB, 1298x527, 2023-04-21 13_10_23-Greenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so mad, foxfucker?

>> No.15380087

Marsship will have legs.

>> No.15380091

Wow /pol/ really has broke a lot of young men with emotional issues. Schizoid or schizotypal do you reckon?

>> No.15380100

Because the fox will never be real and spaceflight related like Clear. Lmao.

>> No.15380101

>/vt/umor calling someone a tranny
Pottery, but you have to go back

>> No.15380104

Both HPUs exploded, probably all the hydraulic fluid ran dry and the pumps oversped into oblivion. Either the concrete fragged both hydraulic lines or one of the engines that ate shit fragged the lines. I really doubt they installed hydraulic fuses on this test vehicle either.

>> No.15380105

that's the biggest black pill of all

>> No.15380107

Methane is odorless. Oxygen as well. Even the combustion products are. The smell would be that of the swamp.

>> No.15380108

i doubt you can even imagine it

>> No.15380109

Unironically the easiest solution to SpaceX's OLM problem is to lift up the launch table and make the OLM legs 3x taller, then move the BQD and SQD higher up the tower. Maybe even making the tower itself higher

I always thought superheavy was wayyyyyyy to close to the ground for how long and strong the Raptor exhaust is. The engines getting damaged by concrete doesn't surprise me at all

>> No.15380110
File: 97 KB, 1920x1080, reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Animefags still mad at the Krystalfag because he can draw better than them and because his forced meme is actually humorous rather than just pure off-topic spam
lol, lmao even

>> No.15380112

Do mobile cranes go that high or will they have to build a crane for that tower extension?

>> No.15380115
File: 163 KB, 632x482, 002770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up people
we are going btw

>> No.15380117
File: 134 KB, 861x770, some smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times was Musk planning onusing his recyclable moon rocket anyway?

>> No.15380118

I'm sure there is a reason but what would happen if there was a giant tub of cheap non newtonian fluid under the launch mount?

>> No.15380119

>I always thought superheavy was wayyyyyyy to close to the ground for how long and strong the Raptor exhaust is. The engines getting damaged by concrete doesn't surprise me at all

Ditto and anons called me dumb "muh super congrete :DDDD" Nigger it's like lighting two Saturn Vs 10 meters or whatever off the ground, I don't give a shit what conrete you use, it's gonna get fucked.

>> No.15380121

Samefagging yourself is cringe you furry fuck

>> No.15380123

it would turn into newtonian powder or dust

>> No.15380124

I guess a swamp smells like rotting vegetation. I worked in greenhouses when I was young so I think I can imagine.

>> No.15380126
File: 323 KB, 800x800, 1675493769984107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lowest IQ post in the thread from the lowest IQ SEAnig fanbase.

>> No.15380127
File: 261 KB, 1543x2160, 1649141462469312512_FuLr7TQakAAOd-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting kino from SpaceX twitter. Hoping they'll post more on flickr soon

>> No.15380130


>> No.15380131

I'm a third party speaking the truth and crying samefag when the anime schizo is the biggest samefag this general has ever seen is just sad.

>> No.15380132
File: 1.82 MB, 3072x3840, 1649089801797378048_FuK9jYiaAAIg1QO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15380133
File: 1.86 MB, 3840x3651, 1649089801797378048_FuK9icGaYAE13GS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15380136
File: 1.94 MB, 3840x2856, 1649089801797378048_FuK9j_4aEAAqfjG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15380142
File: 1.81 MB, 4076x3748, Krystalcopy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawfag here, Thanks anon, i'm glad some here are enjoying my work. My favorite reply to this gets to decide what I'll draw this week.

>> No.15380145

The Schizo was easily the biggest Samefag since he just copy pasted other peoples posts to have conversations with himself
You’re both retarded though. This is like the downie version of solar vs nuclear retards of yore

>> No.15380147


>> No.15380149
File: 465 KB, 833x1250, 1649050828169428995_FuKaygoaIAQcfL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Kraus

>> No.15380150
File: 28 KB, 668x200, Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 8.43.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380151
File: 21 KB, 738x220, dfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380152

nice photoshop and vpn retard. nice slamming your keyboard on the second png. it's obvious you're using the same program to screenshot

>> No.15380153

So it’s like spinchuds vs wellchads fights of now?

>> No.15380154

That reminds me, is the samus-poster still among us?

>> No.15380155

This is bordering on schizophrenia all I wanted was suggestions on what to draw anon

>> No.15380156
File: 280 KB, 1638x2048, 1649218819364204545_FuMzxoqWwAE_j6_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erik Kuna

>> No.15380157

I’ve seen you do this before, someone calls you out for samefagging then you post two screenshots with separate (You)s consecutively. We all know what Inspecf Element does you dumb nigger, you’re not fooling anyone

>> No.15380158

Those were at least on topic and ironic in their vitriol rathe that… whatever this cancer is.

>> No.15380159

It’s not photoshop or vpn you dumb fuck it’s called inspect element and snipping tool

>> No.15380160

Stop being an attention whore and derailing the thread. Yes the other guy is a schizo retard but that doesn’t mean you aren’t being a faggot.

>> No.15380161

looks like we know who the real autismo is now. holy moly it's you my dude

>> No.15380163

Oh and don’t forget the changing of the hour just to make it a bit more convincing. Doesn’t work the first time, nor the second dumb fuck

>> No.15380162

>retard doesn’t know what a timestamp is
Many such cases

>> No.15380167
File: 43 KB, 2774x198, sdafsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So within seconds I can photoshop or inspect element different time zones, different font, different monitor resolutions, and disable 4chanX? Take your meds

>> No.15380168

whoops that was meant for >>15380159

>retard doesnt know what posting from two different IPs at the same time is
you're see through

>> No.15380169
File: 87 KB, 1181x897, 04_21_23_02_49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually every post in this thread. Even (You).

>> No.15380170

see >>15380163, time stamp can also be editted with inspect element, anything on the page can. We are not stupid enough to fall for this. Fuck off

>> No.15380171

Oh and change VPNs

>> No.15380172

All me

>> No.15380175

This is genuinely the worst breakdown since the equation

>> No.15380176
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x1600, 1649079603980296192_FuKya1sXwAAewkJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trevor Mahlmann

>> No.15380179

How are you, anon? Lovely post-Starship era we are living in

>> No.15380180

Can't the mods see that were separate people?

>> No.15380181

Everyone who uses MS snipping tool is the same person and it's not because I'm butt hurt or anything

>> No.15380183

>how was I suppose to know that exploding concrete would ruin my rocket?!

>> No.15380184

are you scared? obvious

>> No.15380186

what upgrades do the new starship models have? has anyone seen the changes they've made?

>> No.15380187
File: 63 KB, 1978x276, Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 8.55.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380188
File: 24 KB, 728x208, eafaefse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you use separate devices with two different IPs but samefagging isn't even against the rules which is how the anime schizo has managed to get away with it for years

>> No.15380192

When did the newfags show up?

>> No.15380194

All me btw

>> No.15380195

As soon as the thread was made, when we’re under the bump limit we’re always the first thread they see

>> No.15380197
File: 186 KB, 574x520, Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 8.58.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... all I wanted were art suggestions.

>> No.15380199

just fucking be creative by yourself for one second

>> No.15380201
File: 30 KB, 400x400, E5AD6948-8F25-4CBA-880C-A94A541F6A24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that starship failed spectacularly, what's the new meme launcher?

>> No.15380202

How about you kill yourself, furry.

>> No.15380203

Fuck off krystal nigger. Draw Starship Chan in the hand from >>15380041

>> No.15380204

New Armandaleg from Blue Urine aka Blue Pee

>> No.15380206

It was certainly spectacular, but still theyre miles ahead of any other memelaunch company. No new one

>> No.15380207

I too am a semi popufur nsfw artist, I'll take the mantle if you quit

>> No.15380208

from the leaked memo he was expecting 2 launches a month to break even

>> No.15380209

Don’t attention whore dude, you’re borderline avatar fagging
Post OC, avoid drama, don’t try to be a thread personality.

>> No.15380210

BO heavy launch vehicle in 10 years

>> No.15380213

He could always public sale a portion of SpaceX if money were an issue

>> No.15380214

Who makes Starship-chan drawings? We need a mini version like the Starship torch

>> No.15380216

Electric TVC. No big HPUs which means that the cause of death for B7 shouldn’t be an issue anymore.

>> No.15380217
File: 772 KB, 1272x813, 002784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently CSS dropped a video yesterday before tha launch, long time since I watched one of these but might be good for a few laughs
If you get upset by people saying dumb shit don't watch it


>> No.15380218
File: 238 KB, 665x665, 1627102204326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take this opportunity to thank Elon. With everyone watching Starship I was able to start a conversation with someone and make a new friend at work. Thanks man.

>> No.15380219
File: 12 KB, 233x216, 0838195B-252D-4CA6-B64C-5B214090F482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380220

I hope the semi-succesful test makes it easier for SpaceX to ram through redtape quicker with the help of parties that are interested in Starship
this should also make it easier for payload companies to get funding from investment capital

>> No.15380221

i dont want negativity in my life anon

>> No.15380222

Oops wrong image

>> No.15380223

Why are post-2016 reaction images so disgusting…I miss epic troll face and shoopdawhoop

>> No.15380224

Masturbating to anthropomorphic fox girls is actually less cringe and autistic than masturbating to anthropomorphic rockets, and that's just a fact.
You have to understand that a large percentage of /sfg/ is so autistic that any conflict makes them irrationally angry and they'll strike out at both parties regardless of who was in the right, even if you're just defending yourself or stating that you're not who they're alleging you to be.

>> No.15380225
File: 41 KB, 1080x803, 79ccd3c079cb027c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you talked about starship?

>> No.15380226

Apparently, yes. At least in the US nowadays.

>> No.15380227

I’m like 90% sure SpaceX doesn’t install a diverter and instead just uses a deluge

>> No.15380228
File: 139 KB, 1400x1400, BackyardBaseball_Getty_Ringer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice hat anon :)

>> No.15380229
File: 514 KB, 1242x1890, 535F81E7-6D27-43EE-BD99-A373BEC278D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check on spaceguy5 for lawls
>40 odd posts seething in the last 13 hours
Can’t even be fucked to read it at that point
Reminder that this dude claims to work on the HLS program for NASA

>> No.15380230

how does an electric thrust vectoring solve the problem of the launch pad being obliterated, launched debris destroying multiple engines and possibly causing a LOX leak

>> No.15380231

Cooming to rockets is as based as it gets. Why are you even here otherwise?

>> No.15380233

Key word is claimed, thanks for letting me know who to block

>> No.15380236

Lox leak didn’t kill the ship though and it’s also unconfirmed. Losing 3 engines at startup also wasn’t a death sentence. Losing the HPUs did it in

>> No.15380237

>common incensed septic
thank you, but no thank you

>> No.15380238

Yes, we both thought it was neat. I had to hide my power level though so I didn't sperg out though lol

>> No.15380239

thank god new versions won't use HPUs

>> No.15380240
File: 37 KB, 1089x609, secrete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy this leaked photo from just before detonation

>> No.15380241
File: 211 KB, 805x945, 1672063132720102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muskrat is a twatter user obsessed with literally whos
the jokes write themselves lmao

>> No.15380244

It also puts into perspective how old B7 was in starship terms. It’s Raptors were built a year ago and were among the first Raptor 2s

>> No.15380245

I think so too.

Will it really take more than 2 months to install the deluge? S26 and B9 are already almost ready for their engines, aren't they?

I don't feel as doomer as everybody else

>> No.15380246


>> No.15380247

This dude has been a lawlcow for years now. I just like seeing how people seethe and or cope.

>> No.15380248

Stage 1 FTS already went off here

>> No.15380249

Um akschully this is at detonation. That big cloud is booster prop.

>> No.15380250
File: 323 KB, 636x366, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only becomes based when you're sneaking into Starbase to try to fuck Starship, masturbating to some crudely drawn anime version is proof you don't truly love it

>> No.15380251
File: 919 KB, 1179x1462, C5D42EF0-D0B9-4F57-B6C6-DF6DF7681293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Berger no longer has le cheque

>> No.15380252

I don’t know. But they can at least get some of B9/S26 testing done.
I cannot wait to see the seethe if SpaceX just patches the hold and skips the diverter

>> No.15380253

im sorry i assumed wrong. this is what i get for being fucking dumb

>> No.15380255

Imagine what it would feel like inside an exploding rocket.

>> No.15380256

it's just a misfiring of the same neurons, anon

>> No.15380257

Honestly Booster 7 was a fucking trooper it’s insane how much abuse she survived.

>> No.15380259

>he’s a 2
Based and 2pilled. The 1s can cope and seethe and the 5s will mald as always.

>> No.15380260

I bet my ass would hurt. Big time

>> No.15380261

He. Manly things are he

>> No.15380262
File: 6 KB, 229x220, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380263

What boosters and Starships are at Starbase currently? When are they launching again?

>> No.15380264

>0 likes or comments
sounds like an obsession

>> No.15380265

I fuck men. It's a she

>> No.15380266

Weren't there already parts labeled "Flame Diverter" spotted a Starbase a week or two ago?

>> No.15380268
File: 90 KB, 493x498, angry-wojak-sussymon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homer Hickam quote

fuck homer. boomer ass oldspace MAGA faggot blocked me on twitter because I told him to shut the fuck up about Donald Trump once.

>> No.15380271

Would you want to be inside a man?

>> No.15380272

Is this a bait post

>> No.15380273

They literally have too many.
Boosters 9 and 10 are done
Ships 26 and 27 are done
Booster 11 to 13 and Ships 28 to 30 are at various points of construction

>> No.15380274

I just want everyone to know I found an archive of hundreds of rocket girls from a single artist and it's actually pretty good quality girls. Do you have any rockets you like? I'll check if they are there

>> No.15380275

/g/ is laughing...

>> No.15380276

No, I'm just a self aware butthurt libtard who loved the movie October Sky when he was a kid.

>> No.15380277

Send link

>> No.15380278
File: 62 KB, 1400x179, Screenshot 2023-04-20 155847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380281

has anyone ever made a red arrow rocket girl?

>> No.15380282

how do people living on mars improve my life in any measurable way

>> No.15380283


>> No.15380285
File: 151 KB, 1080x1220, kikah20ie6481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone seems to be saying either 6 months or 1 year from now

The only stuff that got damaged from what I could see was the concrete. The important bits all got big fuckoff armor plates installed over them prior to launch. I think the only three things preventing the next launch are
>refilling the concrete and cleaning Starbase
>installing a massive deluge for the pad
>finishing up the flaps and engine tests for the next booster/ship set

>> No.15380286
File: 377 KB, 2000x2000, 20230420_014417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can find on twitter too. here is N1-chan being pouty. she lost the mantle today

>> No.15380287

/g/ is retarded and unironically leftpol

>> No.15380288


>> No.15380289

>why didn't he just make a better version of the shuttle?

I don't like Elon but c'mon now.

>> No.15380290

That’s what I see too, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

>> No.15380293
File: 932 KB, 1200x2000, 106692640_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, that's cute. Thanks, anon.

>> No.15380294
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, C27976CD-C0C8-4E9F-A01D-79EF116B5FFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it. One struggle.

>> No.15380295

Not that I know, but it likely exists at least somewhere

>> No.15380297

>recover spacecraft by letting it run out of fuel and crash into the sea
why isn't felon husk taking full advantage of this new era of rust belt spaceflight

>> No.15380300
File: 63 KB, 900x503, FuLANV0WcAAmcoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tank farm is fucked up so bad that one of the lox tanks has a leak. I'm not saying they can't fix it rapidly but saying that the pad is the only thing damaged is cope

>> No.15380302
File: 808 KB, 1080x1435, c0dcc08f-3ae7-4028-babc-e4c746b6627a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you post here sbarky, you dumb slut. Why dont you make nsfw art for once?

>> No.15380303
File: 125 KB, 1395x1107, FuLD75wXwB8mU9K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380305

Good job anon, I'm happy for you

>> No.15380307
File: 58 KB, 527x527, 1652386217014375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea that Musk rushed to launch a barely complete memeship because he wanted to beat Vulcan after already getting btfo by SLS and ended delaying the memeship even more by detonating the launchpad is immensely amusing to me and I 100% believe it.

>> No.15380309
File: 2.81 MB, 1464x2220, pixivimage2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn anatomy. your foot should not be larger than your head.

>> No.15380311

ML extra crispy

>> No.15380314


>> No.15380319
File: 892 KB, 1179x2253, 65709E23-47AB-42E6-9934-E5478BDB9490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.15380321
File: 96 KB, 362x393, 1620184732023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfff I havent been able to hide my power level AT ALL. both my next-door neighbors, my parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, aquaintences, and coworkers are all well informed of the power of Starship. I was going full autismo all day long at work

>> No.15380323
File: 108 KB, 640x600, 1669140844016855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX niggers were calling this damage severe

>> No.15380324

>self advertising your twitter

>> No.15380326

The need to check out and repair the tanks at least. No flaps or tiles for the next set, right?

>> No.15380327

no i do not post on twitter. But I appreciate your art very much

>> No.15380328
File: 68 KB, 690x634, 1620488742201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok anon fine, tell us your twitter

>> No.15380329

Where did you get this schizo rrat from? Genuinely curious.

>> No.15380330

personally I think it was soft retaliation from engineers. Elon said "no deluge and no flame diverter and I wanna launch on 4/20" and wouldn't budge because he's a dictator sperg so everyone just said "I want it in writing that you can't fire me when shit gets fucked up" and gave him exactly what he asked for. Wouldn't be the first time.

>> No.15380332

why did you just reply to yourself?

>> No.15380333

Not even whozzit you mentioned or think I an. I went and checked out the page, it looks like a bunch of channels follow this artist, and I thought it was you since you just suddenly bring it up.

>> No.15380336
File: 139 KB, 1499x1596, 4B70A2E9-A845-4ED0-B52A-582900126E56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380338
File: 181 KB, 1000x666, 1000w_q95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me back launch day tourists any day over this cringe blogging.

>> No.15380339

Based boomer. He sent some reply tweets with sovl to Elon and SpaceX wishing them the best before the launch.

>> No.15380340

>the idea that musk's ego would drive him to do retarded things like build a launchpad for a super heavy rocket without a flame diverter is schizo
I bet you thought that Starship was gonna be around the moon this year, didn't you?

>> No.15380342


>> No.15380343

Does anybody have the webm(s)?

>> No.15380344

Retarded retards

>> No.15380345

Both of these are symbols of a nuclear arms race really
Second one lead to the Cuba crisis and numerous events that got buried deep
Humanity won't survive to see the effects of global warming

>> No.15380346

>Source: my internalized EDS

>> No.15380347
File: 50 KB, 804x802, 1F017E6A-E188-4971-9AB7-0158788C51F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ

>> No.15380348
File: 889 KB, 1920x1080, 1682063070431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't Elon Musk do what Nazis sixty years ago?

>> No.15380349


You're right he'd never just make up some bullshit and lie to everyone

>> No.15380350

they needed data on how to build launch pads that don't disintegrate since no one had ever done that before so this was a success.

>> No.15380351

Way too obvious

>> No.15380352

I don't think that's the reason why.

>> No.15380353

There are diverter parts on site, your fanfic is shit.

>> No.15380355

OFT and it's consequences (tourists from /a/) have been a disaster for /sfg/

>> No.15380356

What does it look like?

>> No.15380357
File: 323 KB, 800x600, 1659480334712808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally have diverter parts on site
>dont wait a couple months for installation and end up destroying your launch pad causing an ever longer delay

>> No.15380359
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, Elons_Junkyard_v8 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the blogging

>> No.15380360

Rate this fanfic: SpaceX wasn't sure that 33 engines wouldn't resonate and pogo themselves to death lifting off the pad, so they didn't install additional hardware that could be lost in a pad explosion.

>> No.15380361

the fact that there are diverter/deluge parts on site and Elon pressed for a launch anyways only proves my point, dipshit.

>> No.15380363

Is it true that a steel plate lined flame diverter would be melted by the exhaust?

I've seen a lot of people stating this as fact but my intuition is that an inch or two of steel plate would be enough to prevent any melting.

>> No.15380364
File: 68 KB, 1054x526, 1681705201897759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380365

Today I got a real sense of who our friends are (those speaking up to wish SpaceX well/congratulate) and those who should have yet remained so silent.

>> No.15380367
File: 1.94 MB, 290x162, v2ack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, blow up rockets in testing?

>> No.15380368

Why don't you complain about the furries? They spam their shitty art as well and you don't say shit. Now shut the fuck up and talk about spaceflight.

>> No.15380370

>Why can't Elon Musk do what Nazis sixty years ago?
Maybe because it was impossible after all, for Nazis to have overclocked their furnaces to burn at that rate in the first place. Musk cannot repeat it even if he wanted to because it never happened.

Okay jokes aside it is like apples and oranges, V2 was a ballistic missile, Starship and stage 0 was designed to be "the airplane of rockets," the bar is set really high and both have to be re worked ad nauseam to achieve the desired specs for that kind of rating. Especially on their Texas test site because lets face it, it exists as a demo for the entire operation nothing more, it will continue to change until it reaches the specs or fails.

>> No.15380371
File: 129 KB, 469x626, vengeful_god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he is the furry
it's so true. we never had rocketgirls until today. fucking tourists GO BACK

>> No.15380373
File: 3 KB, 124x125, 1678473441975233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit tourist-chama... Spacex already beat vulcan, with Falcon 9 1.0 in 2010. Completely mogged that meme rocket with block 5 reuse in 2018...
It's owari for vulcan, and has been since announcement.
Twitter tourist-chama... That architecture that tabloid was talking about was entirely cancelled... They moved to an entirely different program... Might as well call Ares V or apollo 18 a "lie".

>> No.15380375
File: 258 KB, 640x512, ty81985cmiaa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe NASA gave HLS contract to these retards who can't even sort the launchpad issues here on Earth, yet pretened they are going to the Moon and Mars.

They can't even launch it properly in its expandable version, so don't even begin dreaming about reusing Superheavy and Starship, they can't even fucking launch them undestroyed to orbit. Without reuse, there is no quick cadence needed for filling the orbital depot with tankers, and without full orbital depot, there is no Starship HLS going to the Moon even in its unmanned demonstration version.

>> No.15380376
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, My_Autotrack_software_captures_the_moment_that_Starship_lost_control._Excitement_was_very_much_guaranteed._Great_first_attempt_by_the_SpaceX_team!_-_(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saved this one. i rarely save webms so it is probably good

>> No.15380378
File: 85 KB, 750x545, 1662040677866103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cost is everything tard

>> No.15380380

they were only chosen because Congress didn't give them enough money to choose literally anyone else.

>> No.15380383

>he doesn’t know about the suits
>he doesn’t know about the mobile launch tower

>> No.15380384

Because the images aren't accompanied by retarded takes like >>15380117 and >>15380348

>> No.15380386

Should have chosen no-one, literally NASA director should have written a letter to congress saying "They are ALL SHIT, we need the option to refuse them all and repeat the solicitation next year, when they present better variants".

>> No.15380387

why are you autists replying to obvious bait

>> No.15380389

KEK AngryAstronaut channeling Walter Cronkite

>> No.15380390

>bringing up the mobile launch tower when starship just sent chunks of concrete into its tank farm on its first (failed) launch.

>> No.15380391

>he doesn’t know

>> No.15380392
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, 1682064108318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Jews made normies like this spend trillions in exploding rockets because they think they will live on Mars

>> No.15380393

NTA but furries posting shitty art is supposed to be a meme, they don't claim they have a right to do it and then report anyone who tells them to fuck off while samefagging multiple replies so they can pretend there is some type of consensus in support of them when any rational person knows it off topic trash that only degrades the quality /sfg/

>> No.15380394

Don't worry. SpaceX could expend all their boosters filling up the depot with their current build rates. NASA doesn't exactly shit out SLS rockets in the Artemis program.

>> No.15380395
File: 172 KB, 500x374, 1681315464006780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of ITT's low IQ rrats, this is the best.
>N-no, evidence to the contrary only proves my point...
No. Reliability is also important (Falcon wins, most reliable and trustworthy rocket in human history), availability (Falcon wins, one every week), total capacity (Falcon wins, via FT or FH), ease of purchase (Falcon wins, one a week), scheduling (Falcon wins, one a week)

>> No.15380396

It's good

>> No.15380397
File: 153 KB, 1176x882, 0e1441b56093622ce83d7ff8e81b0456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, guys, why SpaceX wouldn't just move all of their operations to the Cape right now. Like legit - right now? What stops them? Or there are some reasons they don't want to launch from Cape?

>> No.15380398

Poe's law. We fucked up bros :(

>> No.15380399

>supposed to be a meme
No. Stop pushing your fetish and claiming it's being done as a joke. Leave if you're not going to talk about spaceflight.

Verification not required.

>> No.15380400

Yeah this is probably the worst part so long as OLM foundations are ok, remember the massive fuck around to get this shit certified? It's probably going to be more work to fix and recertify the fucked tanks than just replacing them aka starting from scratch

>> No.15380403

Why can't they just build a better launchpad in Texas?

>> No.15380405

How much would it cost? Expending the superheavy and expensive tanker with all of their engines and electronics?
Because THE TANKER would be much more complicated than Ship 24, it would have docking mechanisms, solar panels, communications, orientation and all of this shit.

>> No.15380406

Funny how Vulcan has more payloads on its manifest than the Memeship, isn't it? Also funny how ULA are still launching Atlas's at roughly the same frequency pre-SpaceX despite SpaceX's launch rate. (Hint hint: they launch their own payloads because there aren't enough actual commercial payloads to support a re-usable rocket.)

>> No.15380407

It's an elaborate method of overwhelming the stock shorter spammer with unfiltered autism to keep SpaceSex publicly traded stock up high, in hopes that maybe one day Felon's lies come true so they can trade them in for the death of all Boca Chica beetles and as bribery for every FAA employee.
Btw yes the official currency of Mars will be shitcoin. Yes I am a 1.

>> No.15380409

Water deluge system discharging into protected wetlands / digging below the water table in protected wetlands. Permit fun.

>> No.15380412
File: 916 KB, 2048x1536, 1681610980004920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a joke.

>> No.15380413


>> No.15380414

>pad damaged but salvageable
>booster structure and engine clustering validated, no catastrophic issues
>flight terminated after hydrualics lost
Could've gone a lot worse like hitting the tower on the power slide and totalling the pad.
The booster just needed to burn another 70s or so to give Starship enough margin to reach Hawaii, but hydraulic lines drained out.
They could've just scrapped B7 and gone on to B8 with its electric TVC in another two months on top of that. Your mentality would result in never flying.

>> No.15380417

They are, can't you tell from that giant crater beneath the pad? Either the exhaust diverter will be a long shallow tube that outputs straight to the beach or ocean for maximum environmental destruction (Roesch told me this), or they will install a water cooled steel plate to finalize the flat exhaust diversion design, supplemented with the water deluge.
Alternate theory given by the csi starbase snitch is that SpaceX will buy or build extremely large offshore platforms, since their previous ones were too small and offshore eliminates the issue of fondag debris.

>> No.15380418


>> No.15380420

fuck this dude, i legit opened his twitter few month ago and its just filler with "KILL ALL THE RUSSIANS, NUCLEAR WAR NOOOOOOW, NOOOOOOOOOW, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!"

>> No.15380423

>Stop pushing your fetish and claiming it's being done as a joke.
It could be both. The difference is that some Krystal posting is mildly funny but in four years since /sfg/'s conception I've literally not once laughed at a rocket girl post or found the accompanying text insightful and they're not spammed at nearly the same rate so it's a false equivalence. Stop pretending you just want to talk about spaceflight when you're seething over this.

>> No.15380425

Based. Nuclear holocaust now

>> No.15380426

I just pooped my pants

>> No.15380427
File: 3.28 MB, 430x242, flex-tape.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The tank farm is fucked up so bad that one of the lox tanks-
There, fixed it. Can we launch again now?

>> No.15380429
File: 182 KB, 860x767, 205-2050115_rage-crying-meme-png-download-wojak-crying-transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380430

Put a Starship in your pampers

>> No.15380432

I don't want to wait, just freeze me until the next launch attempt


>> No.15380431 [DELETED] 

towa just farted
anyone else heard?

>> No.15380433

Launches aren't hitting like they used to, I'm already feeling it I need another.

>> No.15380434
File: 167 KB, 680x680, 1678160293702541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The platforms were always a good idea for refuel (alongside the cape for crewed vehicles and payload launching), but they needed to validate the forces on launch. They believed that it'd be fine and now they know that it isn't fine, so now they know what to expect. I imagine that they'll go for another BC launch in six months.
What I'm interested in is in seeing what happens on the Cape, they might switch the pads around and launch Falcon from the new pad, while giving SS the Nova dimensioned pad.
>thundercuck talking points

>> No.15380435

Thats the thing. For a guy who has his whole personality built on going to Mars, its against all of his intrests to plunge humanity into the nuclear war scenario, because it would set back our space colonisation plans for hundreds of years. Legit, countries would start targeting satellites with nukes, and spaceports would also become targets, every factory producing rockets would be destroyed, whole world would be filled with radiation and NO ONE WOULD GO TO MARS.
This guy should understand this and be pretty chill, anti-war, instead of advocating war to end human civilisation. And for what? for ukraine, eewwww, because out of all places this is the hill to die for, as if without ukraine there is no mars.

>> No.15380438

it looks so peaceful but it wreaked absolute havok on beetle habitat...

>> No.15380441
File: 347 KB, 1014x1336, 14BD7FBA-143F-495D-9586-6CF3C1A6D8D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He kind of went off the rails back in 2011 when he re-released “Why we Must” as “The Case For Mars” and added this plot out of nowhere about why Elon is trying to get to Mars. The whole thing honestly felt like him pushing his fetish on the reader.

>> No.15380443

I would have been happy if it made it to orbit/past stage separation, since that's 90% of the fun stuff and they're not planning a landing burn for Starship anytime soon

Pulling a Kraken at 60km after a 2 year wait really sucks, even if it is better than no launch at all.

Stupid fucking OLM. They should have known it would destroy the engines and HPUs

>> No.15380444

He just hates Russians a lot, and he’s obsessed with freedom and deregulation and democracy so Ukraine becomes a frontier of democracy under threat from authoritarianism which destroys human progress. Just listen to any interview or speech he’s ever given

>> No.15380445

>The difference is that some Krystal posting is mildly funny

Fuck off and die samefag furry

>> No.15380447

Meant to reply to >>15380420

>> No.15380448

Didn't he used to shitpost at Rogozin a lot before he got sent to Ukraine?

good times

>> No.15380449

It is good for animals that we try to extract resources from the Universe instead of waiting for the gradual extinction of life

>> No.15380450
File: 256 KB, 1200x543, jackrabbit-strip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a furry but I have posted rabbits here before

>> No.15380453

I remember the wen hop era. Good times.

>> No.15380454
File: 392 KB, 1200x1600, 8BAB8390-9581-4038-8BA0-17E2CCBFB786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thirdies are seething about spacex in threads on almost every board

>> No.15380456

wen lob?

>> No.15380457
File: 423 KB, 1402x759, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 13-35-42 Mars Society China Takes Off - The Mars Society.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessed with freedom and deregulation and democracy

Lol, if he cares so much about democracy, why he went to China then just recently? The lack of voting rights didn't upset him there.

>> No.15380458

what the fuck

>> No.15380459

My poopy underwear stinks of shit. I fucking smell bad bros

>> No.15380464

You have to go back

>> No.15380466

They are a reflection of those that make and post them.

>> No.15380474

I'm trans btw

>> No.15380478
File: 1.00 MB, 2835x2244, 1682002757645761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk stools coupled with tower extentsion have been bought up already more times then one. Biggest thing with them is they must build a new crane system as the one they used to build this thing is already at its max limits on a global scale

It is by no fucking means "easiest" solution. Quite the opposite

>> No.15380479

he's simply a neocon jew i.e. an earther

>> No.15380481

Official /sfg/ meme rankings from best to worst:

>bunny posting
>dolphin posting
>Tom Muller bathroom posting
> Pepe/apu spaceflight memes
> Krystal posting
>NASApone posting
> all other unspecified/ sfg/ memes
> two weeks posting
> garbage
>cubic kilometer
> cancer
>newfag tourists posting
> X is a spaceplane posting
> Zubrin posting
> rocket girl spam

>> No.15380483

if this is supposed to be a massive failure then what is your cope going to be when it eventually succeeds? Memoryhole?

>> No.15380490

Same thing they did when Falcon9 and Falcon Heavy became the most successful rocket ever.

Cope, then denial

>> No.15380491
File: 181 KB, 661x627, 002785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


reposting SpaceX employees losing their shit, no sound makes the video kind of pointless so not going to rip them here

>> No.15380501

kys collagefag

>> No.15380505
File: 48 KB, 600x542, 1681069062781317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humanity won't survive to see the effects of global warming
Nu-uh. Humanity wont survive women stop giving birth for some reason! Followed by le heckin nuclear ice planet based off 1980s hippies prophecies with a massive agenda

>> No.15380506

No, "we need a space board" posting would go in the cancer section but I don't consider it a meme

>> No.15380507

Haven’t seen the first 3 in a while but this is pretty accurate. Replace stamps with Zubrin though. ARCA posting goes right above rocket girl spam too.

>> No.15380509

>Tom Muller bathroom posting

>> No.15380511

this but rocket girls at top spot
zubrin is high tier too

>> No.15380512

If you know you know

>> No.15380513

Go back to /pol/

>> No.15380515

please explain I've been away from this board for a while

>> No.15380519

all the newfags need to join the official /sfg/ discord btw

>> No.15380522

The meme is that we don’t explain the meme
But if you ever see mueller in a bathroom, just hold it in

>> No.15380521

go back to /pol/

>> No.15380524
File: 69 KB, 1071x720, 1682020370043026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ftfy and yes, I detect heavy vatnik and wumao seethe specifically. Make a few yucks at their ancient Sojuz derivative nothingburgers and observe the reaction

>> No.15380528


>> No.15380533

How tingled is your autism when you see FTS activation conflated with RUD. Mine is very.

>> No.15380546

Well, the FTS activation wasn't in the scheduled flight, so it's still an unscheduled event.

>> No.15380550

> those who make them
anon it's literally slavbot factories who pump out wojaks, their whole life is sowing discontent in developed countries
this is what sucks about /sfg/ getting big, they'll devote more time to their psyops here instead of focusing on other boards

>> No.15380553

>zubrin sniffing is low-brow content
I beg to differ

>> No.15380557
File: 1.13 MB, 1434x968, concrete spill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apollo 17

>> No.15380558


>> No.15380560
File: 324 KB, 641x655, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 14-19-57 Why Not Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy buckbroke thousands of mars fanatics with just one article


>> No.15380562

just visit any cow farm

>> No.15380566


>> No.15380572

surely there are ways to build pits in swamps?

>> No.15380576

I was going to ignore this off topic retardation but jannies wont do a thing so I'll declare it. The 'Jaks are being made on a splinter site, it is that simple.
You lunatics have an entire website, hell, Internet, to frolic with impunity and it is still not enough you MUST destroy every single general like sfg by injecting yourself as usual. Fuck off and at least let the usual circlejerks take place like spaceplane autism or meta discussion about self referential humor, not your revolting self absorbed narc bullshit. Fuck off seriously.

>> No.15380577

Is the road still closed because of the LOX leak?

>> No.15380583

>they were so focused on reusable rockets they didn't think about reusable launch infrastructure.

>> No.15380586

>where should we put this giant expensive ass fragile tank farm
>idk just put it right next to the launch pad, it'll lower pipe costs

>> No.15380587

How did so many engines fail? I can understand the initial blast took a few out, but what about the later ones.

>> No.15380591

Okay but can SpaceX just surround the exposed tanks in a giant structural shell similar to the Chernobyl reactor?

>> No.15380595

Sure but they're still gonna have to fix or replace them, both of which are probably going to take a similar amount of time as the initial installation did.

>> No.15380600

I've read it. His argument is immediately invalidated by the fact that if he were in charge when europe was at it's height, nowhere would have been colonized. Wanting to go to mars isn't a religion, it's part and parcel of the most fundamental urges of any given lifeform.

>> No.15380602

at least 3 blow up mid-flight

>> No.15380607
File: 50 KB, 980x551, indiapoverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting to go to mars isn't a religion, it's part and parcel of the most fundamental urges of any given lifeform.

I think these poor Indians might disagree. Bet if they offered a warm meal or to go a distant cold planet without any vegetation where their life would totally depend on the technology working - i bet they would just pick the good old meal. Going to Mars is just some luxury you begin to care about after you live in a priveledged cozy society that pampers you all the time and provides you all basic needs due to high GDP around you, so you have free time to larp as a white explorer in your daydreams, without ever leaving the comfort of your room.

>> No.15380613

That's a fair argument so I'll reword anons post for him

>it's part and parcel of the most fundamental urges of any given human

>> No.15380619

yeah, the meme is you post a fake official twitter of somebody space related or a pdf of a fake leak and get fox tits instead
it's bait and switch - a rickroll variant, if you want

a lot of animu posters are just avatarfagging

>> No.15380622

If you check his about page you will see that he is a Polish immigrant yet calls himself American despite not passing through the filter event that forged the nation, for this I cite the mighty tome of Albion's Seed. It is ridiculous, poles did not colonize America, his lineage went through no such strife. What would he know about it? It is not etched into his blood: this is the fundamental issue, and Zubrin wrote that Mars is yet another filter, this principle carries over to Mars and it will be beautiful, if circumstance allows.
8 engine failures seen from multiple perspectives.
>Your logically sound investment into long term familial security, derived from your own surplus, is invalid because poor indians exist.
Lol delusional

>> No.15380625

All the more reason to bottleneck earth cultures who couldn't figure shit out in 15,000 years.

>> No.15380627

reminder that the steel on the OLM took the launch no problem, but the concrete failed

>> No.15380629

The record for the most engines fired at once still stands at 31.
There will *never* be 33 engines lit simultaneously. You hear me? NEVER

>> No.15380631

I didnt like Elons speaking ability, but it was tolerable
CSS on the other hand infuriates me

>> No.15380637
File: 81 KB, 800x566, Galaxybrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX is actually a leader in space. Elon just doesn't have anything to do with running the company and accidentally hired a bunch of extremely competent people to run it

>> No.15380638

Being able to see into the engines was completely unexpected. It's like how sci-fi space engines tend to be portrayed.

>> No.15380642

Clearly wrong given this shitshow that has more or less evolved while he has been working on birdshit app.

>> No.15380645
File: 46 KB, 833x1250, FuMmEwpXwAQCddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things i will say is pure speculation. My 2c of yesterday launch :

-SpX wont install any type of flame trench or any other hole into the ground. Why ? First its very difficult , second its very time consuming and third it will imply tons and tons of paperwork and approvals from the govs

-What they are planning ? Concrete base + Actively cooled steel plate + water deluge system .

-THEY NEED to get at least another Starship off the ground (and be successful ) before the end of the year per NASA . They also need 3 more successful launches to be allowed to launch from the Cape

-The Raptor 2's in the booster were old as fuck, probably made in the first 50th batch .

-Thanks god the HPU's are gone

-What saved SpX yesterday from a horrible disaster is the kevlar shielding of the engines . B4/S20 would have exploded on the pad 100%

-How much delay for the next launch ? Im not that pessimistic as other people but also not optimistic . Between 3 to 6 months

-The fact that it flew at some point with 8 engines down and no TVC because of the HPU's , gives me hope for the next flight.

>> No.15380647

They had sims no doubt of what it would do to the ground station, but they also didn't know if 33 boosters would just kerbal pad explode from vibrations so they said fuck it and full sent. Better to get the dynamic spinning shit show RUD first than later in the program.

>> No.15380660

>-THEY NEED to get at least another Starship off the ground (and be successful ) before the end of the year per NASA

What happens if they can't launch again this year?

>> No.15380662

Frankly considering the OLM legs didn't melt they might just not need to have actively cooled steel plates. But they could inject more water into the engines exhausts this will lower velocity and temperature greatly

>> No.15380663

someone last threat mentioned a Soviet system where there's a metal tube at 45 degrees to the exhaust through which water flows? Can someone sauce me up with that system?

>> No.15380666

What if Actively cooled steel plate explodes?

>> No.15380667

You can't risk creating droplets of molten steel going in every direction. Just over-engineer it and put some sort of cooling

>> No.15380670

1) Musk sends out another FURIOUS internal memo about bankruptcy, sugar, donuts, and paperclip counting, or something
2) NASA stretches the timeline because they can
3) Another lander selected for the moon in the stead of Starship (idk if that is even possible to do in time), not sure about how a contract dissolution would go down in regard to the funding.

Oh but Mars missions can happen without the moon.

>> No.15380675

Even if they changed the contract they would be better jerry rigging a moon mission on Dragon infrastructure than any currently available company.

>> No.15380676

But the floor is perpendicular to the engine exhaust, while the legs aren't, so they're hit with much less energy. They might get away with several inches of steel, but if it fails it's nkt gonna throw sand, it's gonna be molten steel and the econiggers are going to have a field day.
Besides they're already working on the tank farm, so they might get away with cooling it with LN2.

>> No.15380681

look at the plume

>> No.15380682
File: 9 KB, 256x256, fyhrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3) Another lander selected for the moon in the stead of Starship

Who else is capable of proposing new lander designs other than already morally, financially and technologically bankrupt corporations that had their chance but blew it, but if given another chance would just take 12 years to develop their dogshit designs similar in reliability to Starliner?

>> No.15380685
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, FuKyiGVXoAEkS2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tf did this ball of concrete and rebar reached the main street ? kek

>> No.15380687


>> No.15380688

Methalox can't melt steel plates.

>> No.15380691

yes it can , as jet fuel of course

>> No.15380693

I can't, running a website is hard.

>> No.15380695

Looks like km/h

>> No.15380696

99999 giganigganewtons of fuck you will send things a long way

>> No.15380698

>ram through redtape quicker
environMENTALists are having a field day with the wreckage anon

>> No.15380705

just ignore them
they will keep whining whatever happens pretty much

>> No.15380708

A master class in motivated reasoning. Everything he mentions and omits carefully designed to present the shuttle in the most favorable light. Probable cause: autistic imprinting on the STS as he grew up.

>> No.15380709

>just ignore them

Not really an option when all their faggot NGOs, some of which are owned by certain ethnic groups start filing court injuctions and lawsuits backed by infinite money. Life isn't twitter anon.

>> No.15380710

Tom Scott, Pheonix fire guy (he does chemistry and engineering videos), Scott Manley
Whats this event all about?

>> No.15380715

It looks amazing even when it's shitting itself.

>> No.15380717
File: 13 KB, 501x501, 1679627099975657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expandable launchpads

>> No.15380719

Who’s the blue hair girl

>> No.15380721
File: 63 KB, 686x824, elon Pharaoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its schizothread time!
>Musk just launched his Mars bound Starship rocket for the first time today after moving the test back 3 days to do it under a hybrid solar eclipse
>In this thread I'll be explaining why I was able to predict that Musk would do this (under the cover of 4/20 jokes) through Egyptian, Masonic and Thelemic occult knowledge and rituals

>> No.15380724
File: 198 KB, 803x1164, graphite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380725
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 1682074680779228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citing three separate occult traditions when everyone knew it was a Hitler weed day joke
schizos are weird

>> No.15380726

RUD effect on thick concrete is way gentler than these ablative torches from hell at a perpendicular angle.

>> No.15380729
File: 819 KB, 4096x2304, 1620048481914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Starships exploded during static fires? How many exploded before they finally succeeded in taking off, flipping, landing (and not exploding after)? Exactly.
We are ALL going to make it frens

>> No.15380731

How would I know
I am an ancient old fossil man, I dont know anything about the social medias

>> No.15380732
File: 229 KB, 1172x1600, 1682002319542539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't get over how fuckhueg the cloud was at launch. Like it nearly engulfs the rocket. But imagine how kino it would be if the entire pad was covered in a cloud and then Starship comes out of it.

>> No.15380735

That was me, I got it from.. I dont like admitting this but I got it from What about it german guy

>> No.15380737

All of these pictures are the kind of Kino you see from copers that cope about a space future we never thought would come about, it feels good to finally be able to cope with real imagry

>> No.15380739

I wish we had better footage from SpaceX themselves

>> No.15380740
File: 801 KB, 719x591, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the cameras focused on Elon, he seemed thoughtful, extra focused, not even a million cameras pointing to his face could distract him, like "its time to go back to work" . I really wish this launch made some clicks on his head , like this thing needs to work, we are running out of time.

I want engineer Elon back so bad

>> No.15380742
File: 60 KB, 1080x720, 5a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL go to orbit
You WILL visit the moon
You WILL go to Mars
You WILL drop rocks on earf

>> No.15380744

First off, the stoichiometric mixture used on Raptor can. And the heat can and will weaken it to the point where the flow will tear superheated chunks and throw them away.
Methalox can't melt concrete either, but here we are, fusion points and free atmospheric burning temperature isn't everything.

>> No.15380745

dude... imagine if we waited until thursday to launch... ship 24... booster 7... 24/7... april 20th... 4/20... it would be insane... 4/20 24/7... smoke weed erryday... dude WEED lmao

>> No.15380746

You will genocide earthers by dropping a giant space colony on the americas

>> No.15380747

His twitter fuckery and focus on hoes has been a massive time sink the past few years

>> No.15380748

Total environmentalist death

>> No.15380750

He knows he is powerless to make things move faster at SpaceX so rather than feeling impotent for the two years between SN15 and yesterday he found an infinite sink for his attention (Twitter and hoes)

>> No.15380751

>Couldn’t sleep last night because of Starship launch

>> No.15380755
File: 122 KB, 1024x683, 1651478097150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumps 100 tons of moon regolith in earf orbit across multiple planes

>> No.15380756
File: 2.44 MB, 1785x874, 002786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol one of they youtubers is wearing a mask
they give such a little shit about the launch that 20 people are watching it from one little screen?
what kind of degenarte conference is this

>> No.15380757

This could be very bad or very good .

This could let his rocket autism go full beam again and be at Stabase 24/7 giving guidance to the team .

>> No.15380759

Maybe he will wake up and start doubling down on operations

>> No.15380761

is that tom scott

>> No.15380762

Watch the launch again from the beach at 4k. Very cool


>> No.15380765

Okay, almost a day later, and I think the first thing I have to say is it lost a couple of engines, BUT THEY DIDN'T BLOW UP THE OTHER ENGINES WHEN THEY FAILED.
Starship may not have separated like it was supposed to, but it stayed connected to fucking dance with the booster, and had to be stopped with FTS.

>> No.15380766

are you ready to buy tiles?
if you are still in the area you might find some on the beaches
also another thing for the environmentalists to reee about

>> No.15380767
File: 471 KB, 1152x2048, 20230421_140003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiles starting to appear on South Padre Island beach

>> No.15380768

Holy moly imagine HLS on this. WEW

>> No.15380770
File: 73 KB, 651x323, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could this mean ? Hes feeling blue ?


>> No.15380771


>> No.15380772

yes, what a fag lmao

>> No.15380773

mission was a success according to SpaceX employees. We sort of knew that already, but still

>> No.15380775

I hate zoomers.

>> No.15380777
File: 25 KB, 660x287, 002788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a more accurate timeline for repairs etc would be nice

>> No.15380778

he just doesn't want to get covid because britain still has tough rules on it

>> No.15380780

Is the asian furry Krystalposter

>> No.15380781
File: 25 KB, 209x180, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone already order a specifically configured salami pizza?

>> No.15380784
File: 138 KB, 656x870, moon check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380785

Of course "r3ddit is too edgy for me" Scott is wearing a mask. What a cuck

>> No.15380787
File: 61 KB, 834x871, mustard sharp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>britain still has tough rules on it
no we don't

>> No.15380790

I'll put every spaceoid whining about muh earfers into a large ball, then drop that on earth. Two flies one rock.

>> No.15380791

you do for travel

>> No.15380792
File: 1.46 MB, 576x734, 1682069390786760.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we hop

>> No.15380793

There is no timeline since they haven't yet committed to a solution.

>> No.15380795
File: 876 KB, 1282x725, 002790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much activity yet, will non-spacex employees be able to get close soon to get their equipment and look at the damage more closely? should be interesting


>> No.15380796

Spejs is hart

>> No.15380798
File: 299 KB, 577x239, 002791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Road remains closed until 2pm
so like 7h still

>> No.15380799
File: 755 KB, 1268x717, 002792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380806
File: 195 KB, 942x2048, 1678695586218651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15380808
File: 748 KB, 1080x1527, 1679822634402649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what would the SX crew say when euros would swallow down their pride and make the american an offer to create a dedicated launch corridor & production area in their spaceport where they can launch as many rockets they want as many times whenever. No loicense boomer in sight. In exchange for a joint euro-SX venture that makes Falcon rockets (and eventually SS) under license so euro engineers can catch up faster by learning how the americans are making and operating them.

A pipe dream given euro space is primarily frenchy centric and their ego can never allow it. What other way do they have to faster catch up the already wide gap?

>> No.15380809

Why does he wear the mask?

>> No.15380810

Ariane wields too much power and pride to ever allow this

>> No.15380814

cause covid is still a thing

>> No.15380816

There's probably good footage on that IMAX camera but they won't be able to access it until the road opens

>> No.15380821

Because hes a midwit? idk man

>> No.15380823

The only way Europe ever becomes a serious space power is to federalize the EU and relocate a bunch of industry to create a develop-test-fly region akin to the southeastern US. It's more likely at this point for the EU to get annexed by the US.

>> No.15380824

He was probably sick

>> No.15380825
File: 14 KB, 484x481, spin kings a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well dwellers will never have this -
>The low-gravity swimming pool. At one-twentieth or, more likely, one-fiftieth normal gravity, the water will certainly stay in place in its cylindrical pool. Also the human body has just about the same density as water. So when swimming under water people will find that, just as on Earth, the main forces on them are from their own swimming and from the drag of the water. But in few other respects will the colony’s swimming pools (which double as the local reservoir) resemble Earthside pools
>They will not be flat but will curve around in a circle. You can stand on the tile deck beside the pool and look around. Nearby everything will look pretty normal. But as you raise your gaze you will see the pool curving upward, then arching overhead. Directly above people will be shouting and splashing in the water, and it will be easy to spot the newly arrived Earthsiders by their amazed reactions to this.
>What also will take getting used to will be the slow measured motion of the water and the people in it. Waves and ripples in an Earthside swimming pool usually are small and travel rapidly across the surface. When someone jumps in from the high diving board there is a splash, a spout of water, a wave, and then the usual smooth pool surface. But the low gravity in the colony pool means that waves will be much higher. They will be like waves at an ocean beach, yet will travel quite slowly. When someone jumps in, he will make a noticeable hole in the water which will take a second or so to fill up. You can sit on the water in an inner tube or rubber raft, and the waves lifting you will make you think of a slow-motion movie of a shipwrecked sailor in the middle of the ocean.
>A popular sport will be the walk-on-water game, in which you slap the water with the soles of your feet to stay on top of it. But you will have to be careful not to trip over a wave.

>> No.15380826

>As of April 12, 2023, the current 7-day average of weekly new cases (14,491) decreased 17.3% compared with the previous 7-day average (17,519). A total of 104,348,746 COVID-19 cases have been reported in the United States as of April 12, 2023.
jeez i wonder why

>> No.15380827

It must be so chaotic getting back into the swing of things after launching a project you probably had all your attention directed towards for years

>> No.15380828
File: 60 KB, 1024x576, 1670712933610713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you'd want to know.

>> No.15380830
File: 29 KB, 284x296, 1682011907676855.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. Daddy is so proud

>> No.15380831
File: 96 KB, 1132x450, 7K1c3y7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I insane or is the pad smoking?

>> No.15380836

Because symptoms tends to decrease over time with specific diseases because less noticeable also means better spread? I am pretty sure very few Americans actually wear a mask these days if you are insinuating its due to mask wear, and you can also go ask Dr Campbell about its efficacy and he will laugh at you and tell you there is none

>> No.15380837

Yooooo, 420 lmaooooo dudeeee

>> No.15380838
File: 63 KB, 1024x575, 1681647859382166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if US were imperialist like turdies like to project they would have turned west europe into new states after WW2. In oldspace terms euro was on track of being a big name in space market with Ariane as it is very good for what it is. But when it comes to reusables everybody is just sitting on their asses twiddling their thumbs as a fucking reusable Apollo on steroids is slowly coming online

>> No.15380840

>it actually did a 180
>and lived
what the fuck

>> No.15380843


>> No.15380845

Might just be nitrogen to purge the lines (or even check for leaks), kinda hard to imagine how something there would randomly be on fire now instead of right after liftoff.

>> No.15380847

Big steel rockets are very strong.

>> No.15380848
File: 83 KB, 1180x1152, 1652450668828889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure on this frame the booster rips away from starship

>> No.15380850

multiple ones at that. The explosion happened because of a self destruct order from command. Otherwise it would have kept spinning towards the ocean

>> No.15380852
File: 292 KB, 1170x1392, ED7EFA0A-BFAF-4DC0-B2CA-42638AC50166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15380853

>they would have turned west europe into new states after WW2
And give them Congress seats and Senators and Electoral College votes and legal standing in US courts?
lmao even

>> No.15380855

wouldn't that just get demolished?
but, even if that was something that got sacrificed in a controlled way it would still be better than digging a crater and blasting everything in the are with concrete shrapnel

>> No.15380860

>in a controlled way
I highly doubt that whatever you put directly underneath the Booster would be destroyed "in a controlled way". I could easily imagine the remains of a strut or some plate just spinning up and into the engines.

>> No.15380861
File: 95 KB, 653x490, 1389645397406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15380863

I don't use them except when its a paywalled site and archive.is has a non-paywalled copy (usually has, but not every time)

>> No.15380872

/sfg/ is hungover

>> No.15380880

/sfg/ had a one night stand with a black man

>> No.15380885

krystal giving starship a big hug

>> No.15380887

>dedicated launch corridor
You have to actually have the proper geography for a launch corridor first. And that's before the obvious political problems of Ariane uber alles.
I know you have those feelings of yuro inadequacy, but think about reality a moment to understand that it's not all just wet noodle government.

>> No.15380891
File: 137 KB, 1600x1200, 42-29421947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where, faggot? Where is the evidence of this diverter material everyone copes with?

>> No.15380894
File: 88 KB, 655x849, lem larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to actually have the proper geography for a launch corridor first.
Just launch retrograde from the Portuguese coast :^)

>> No.15380895
File: 1.55 MB, 1812x1416, 1680892356456 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys, I have an idea...

>> No.15380896


>> No.15380899
File: 460 KB, 2048x1153, FtIZwphXoAAtFsN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like some shit from alibaba

>> No.15380900

>Ask for source
>Anon posts source
I'll be damned, thx. While it isn't much of anything and wouldn't have been ready for months, at least now I know such a plan existed

>> No.15380905

how quickly would that be vaporized? like 0.5s? lmao

>> No.15380906

krystal posters on suicide watch
clear is my new queen

>> No.15380907

Not even

>> No.15380908

just lower the OLM a couple feet and let the ocean flood in

>> No.15380909
File: 946 KB, 1920x1082, moltenThrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you watched Game of Thrones? It wouldn't create droplets

>> No.15380910

>~8000 tons of thrust
>vs kiddy pool made of plastic
We're in picosecond territory here if not magnitudes lower.

>> No.15380913

the exhaust temperature is like 700 C or something. At those temperatures steel is still plenty strong for this purpose. There are missiles that fly through air faster than the raptor exhaust

>> No.15380915

And right of Tom Scott the fraud Portugese youtuber. And I recognise s3everal others

>> No.15380918

>the fraud Portugese youtuber
what makes him a fraud

>> No.15380919

pretty lame if some gay youtube event is truly more important than seeing starship launch to hullo

>> No.15380921

Portugal is a fraudulent country.

>> No.15380924

Not much of that was accurate, it was a Japanese dude named Clear

>> No.15380926

This explains some .pt flag posters on /int/ and /pol/.

>> No.15380932

what makes him Portuguese

>> No.15380936

So what’s the bigger problem, Raptors still being unreliable at this point? Or lack of shielding that, in turn, fucks over otherwise good Raptors

>> No.15380940

those were the first raptor 2s, there have been significant changes (don't remember the source, but trust me bro)

>> No.15380941

guess we will just have to wait until we hear from SpaceX whats up, I am sure they will take another two weeks to get back to us on that

>> No.15380944

I don't know why people think the raptors were the problem, it was almost certainly pad induced damage that caused those additional 5 engines (and the TVC) to fail.
And these are early Raptor 2s anyway.

>> No.15380949

I assume the technology and materials used to build tiles is well understood and not under ITAR?

>> No.15380952
File: 1.16 MB, 969x930, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I you put a big hunk of steel under it it would bend and melt away instead of explode.
Concrete is hard but breaks. Steel is softer.

>> No.15380953

Bunch of his builds are fake and a lot of stuff he doesn't design himself

>> No.15380955

It's the same material as the Space Shuttle's.

>> No.15380956

They are the same as the STS tiles, of which thousands were scattered over the US and you can buy eBay.

Indeed every SS failure would dump thousands of tiles, so it would be pointless to control.

>> No.15380959

Because it's a chicken or the egg problem, the first three engines may have failed at startup, lowered the TWR which could have lead to it fucking up the pad excessively which then took out the other engines, plus the TVC

>> No.15380965

It WILL do its best.
It WILL rise
Because it's completely owari and now it's time to wait for FELON HUSK the notorious slave owner and one-man emerald cartel to be detained.

>> No.15380966

seems like your nitpicking

>> No.15380967

Yikes why did they lose tiles?

>> No.15380970

Yeah exactly, this is my thought too. Hard to tell what came first. Hopefully the newest set of Raptors are really reliable

>> No.15380971

Gee I wonder... >>15380830

>> No.15380972

Anon it exploded

>> No.15380974

Maybe it was because of the Olympic tryout maneuver. Just a guess.

>> No.15380978

>Next week: The Shape of a Mars Mission

Part 2 fucking when

>> No.15380981

any tiles shed at that point wouldn't have made it back to land

>> No.15380984
File: 67 KB, 634x750, 184192D1-5E4F-47EE-BC9D-DAC54D506A42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pendulum rockets don’t wor-

>> No.15380985

How would the human mind react to the scale of Saturn?

>> No.15380986
File: 425 KB, 637x815, AspiringToHaveNoFlameDiverter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no new crater pics?

>> No.15380987
File: 415 KB, 1186x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets turn the launch pad into a shaped charge
I get that blowing big craters is fun and satisfying, but aren't you guys exaggerating a little.

>> No.15380990
File: 561 KB, 1170x1586, 064E5E4E-724E-4C15-8D78-353F5AD30682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek bringing back a classic for you guys

>> No.15380992

Imagine fucking starship-chan but when you try to pull out she clamps down really hard, so you try beating her up but she gets even tighter and you end up exploding inside her

>> No.15380994

Comfort me bros will we ever have a daily pill we can swallow to prevent radiation damage to our cells? I want to vacation on inner Jupiter moons someday

>> No.15380995
File: 1.02 MB, 656x1027, 002737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.15380996


>> No.15381001

cloning would solve the radiation issue for your body
uh not so much luck with your brain

>> No.15381004

read this as "krystal giving a handjob..." at first

>> No.15381007

I was thinking of making a Starship dildo, but now I'm thinking of making a Starship fleshlight.

>> No.15381008

are you sure about that? I think he just hates Musk, but to be frank I haven't really analyzed the videos enough to see where the hate is coming from
CSS was a Musk hater long before it went mainstream

>> No.15381011
File: 135 KB, 1077x465, mars btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mars, the focus of so many hopeful dreams, might be bypassed. It will see its research centers for geology and other studies, but it appears to have few resources which cannot be had elsewhere. Even if it did, its gravity would make it costly to lift them out. Its atmosphere is just thick enough to prevent the use of a mass-driver. Yet the atmosphere is too thin to screen the solar ultraviolet or permit the use of aircraft for transportation. Mars of the great volcanoes, Mars of the deserts, of the frosty nights and the whistling winds in the canyons—if it is to be colonized, it will be done as an afterthought in the history of the human reach into space. It may remain a vast dry land, far from the major centers of commerce or population, thinly populated and of interest mainly to the people that live there. Mars may be the Australia of future centuries.

>> No.15381014

-. . ...- . .-. / --. --- -. -. .- / --. .. ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / ..- .--. --..-- / -. . ...- . .-. / --. --- -. -. .- / .-.. . - / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- .-- -.

>> No.15381017
File: 36 KB, 1089x609, FuLUpcoWYAA64es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the week off /sfg/
we all agree it's over, right?

>> No.15381020
File: 25 KB, 600x400, 5d95c138adc24_decollage_toucan_pl_large_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the whining about starbase's environmental and social effect made me search a bit about the French Guyana space center, and frankly it's not pretty either

>400 people had to be evicted to build the space Center in the 60s
>a native Americans tribe was relocated to a poorly built neighbourhood of kourou that is now prone to coastal erosion and flooding
>About 400 km2 of primary forest had to be flooded to make a hydroelectric dam to power the additional Ariane 5 facilities in the 90s
>this dam halved the biodiversity in the Sinnamary river and worsened the pollution caused by alluvial gold mining
>Ariane 6 launch pad construction over an area wealthy in biodiversity was twice refused by the French nature protection agency, but still went ahead on the conditions the CNES would fund an equivalent protected natural park, they lobbied their way having a cheap French foreign legion weapon testing ground designated as the protected area

>> No.15381021

knower here
the clamps didn't release completely
clamps are completely fucked from the booster ripping them off

>> No.15381024

if the environment didn't want to be destroyed it should have evolved thumbs and invented guns
sucks to suck

>> No.15381025

So how many years ago was this?

>> No.15381028

So no launch escape system still?
No actual payloads in development that will actually let people live on Mars?
No prospective customers beyond NASA being forced to use them for the lunar program because they were the cheapest?
No actual demonstrations of orbital refueling at even a small scale?
No developments in life support technology that would actually allow for long term living on a Martian surface?
Still no actual economic incentive for going to Mars beyond "muh multi planetary species"?


>> No.15381029
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, firefly logo boom 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Firefly take down its official recap video of its first launch (source of pic rel)? Really needing to see that right about now.

>> No.15381030

Article from 2013

>> No.15381031

ESL edition

>> No.15381034

No lmao its only just begun. They literally already had flame diverter parts on site before the launch they knew all of this would happen. It's unironically over for doomers if they think it's over after launching the oldest most outdated shitter Starship there is

>> No.15381038

You took the week off to do what? Watch an hour long (at most) launch? Are you mentally deficient?

>> No.15381039

>don't need it.
>moon comes first
>there are two commercial flights already booked, plus 100+ internal flights (starlink) + who knows how many tentative commercial or government flights (NRO, big NASA sats)
>ISS is refueled in orbit
>What exactly is unique about Mars that we already haven't done on station?
>That's an excellent incentive. And beating the Chinese to it.

>> No.15381040

>In exchange for a joint euro-SX venture that makes Falcon rockets (and eventually SS)
I'd rather something like this with NASA

>> No.15381042

Not off work, off /sfg/. I didn't even watch live.

>> No.15381043

>ksp2 is shit
>sls is 13 billion + tip a launch
>starship kaboom and left OLM a nice crater, next launch two weeks elon time
>nasa budget shenanigans in risk of postponing or killing titan and venus missions
owari da..

>> No.15381046

>-Thanks god the HPU's are gone
Where did they go?

>> No.15381048

For a moment, it looked like Man was to conquer the solar system

>> No.15381049

they fell off

>> No.15381051

>KSP2 is shit
>SLS is $13b + tip
who cares
>Starship blew up and OLM dead
they already had flame diverter parts on site they knew this was happening, they would've had to make modifications either way.
>NASA budget shenanigans
The only Titan mission was Dragonfly which WOULDNT EVEN GO TO THE FUCKING LAKES. Venus missions are also fucking stupid because we're never going there and there's no life. Both should be cancelled anyways unless they decide to actually make Dragonfly go to the lakes

>> No.15381052

That sounds serious. Were they supposed to?

>> No.15381056


>> No.15381057

>the first three engines may have failed at startup, lowered the TWR which could have lead to it fucking up the pad excessively which then took out the other engines which were not reinforced enough which led to the Starship lifting off briefly before losing enough engines to drop TWR <1 causing the rocket to slam back on the pad leading to the colossal explosion that wiped out the launch infrastructure

This really could have happened, and likely would have if it was B4/S20, crazy to think about

>> No.15381059

>no no no dudes, they TOTALLY planned for the launch pad to disintegrate and send chunks of concrete into the tank farm and delay any other launch for months. TRUST THE PLAN!
You niggers are cultish.

>> No.15381060

Do you really think something as serious as rocket engineering could have anything unforseen happen? Duh, of course it was meant to fall off

>> No.15381063

>we have a ton of customers: us
Holy shit lmao

>> No.15381069

see >>15380896

>> No.15381074

link reddit
don't care sue me
>I just had a conversation with one of the SpaceX engineers...

>Key takeaways:

>1.) No, the booster did not lose hydraulic power as far as he knew. Everything was fine except for the engine anomalies.

>2...(This is wild)...The initial "loss of control / tumble" that we observed was not a loss of control...it was supposed to be the stage separation maneuver, but the stages did not separate properly. The separation failure lead to a true loss of control due to the inability of the vehicle to understand or respond to its condition. The person I spoke with clarified that the maneuver was to be much more dramatic than what people were generally anticipating; a very substantial change in attitude that would look really odd to us. The ship was then supposed to use TVC to straighten itself out and continue.The person I spoke with is uncertain as to why the stage separation failure occurred.

>3.) The person I spoke with was definitely pleased with the test and did not express any sort of disappointment or concern for the program.
>The engines were intended to remain lit the entire time. Nothing was wrong. It was supposed to flip sideways, then flip back the way it came (under full power + TVC) and throw the ship. MECO was intended to occur on the way back, but the maneuver never completed due to the failure of stage separation.

more on the link

>> No.15381084

Yeah r*dditor toootally isn’t lying about this. Fucking stupid brainlet, never post here again and stay on that fucking site

>> No.15381085

>The engines were intended to remain lit the entire time. Nothing was wrong. It was supposed to flip sideways, then flip back the way it came (under full power + TVC) and throw the ship. MECO was intended to occur on the way back, but the maneuver never completed due to the failure of stage separation.

>My contact says essentially the same. They were legitimately ecstatic over today's events.
>I'm not going to reveal the source.

>The source described it as a two-stage swing. Use TVC to flip sideways to build up a throwing force, then MECO, then stage sep.

>Go back and watch the SpaceX stream. You can hear the team cheering at "unusual" times. Like it's totally sideways and I get the distinct impression that they're clearly still expecting it to work. And you can hear Insprucker announce that the flip is underway. Everyone cheers as the ship approaches the normal attitude, and then they become disappointed when the ship doesn't release.

>> No.15381087

kys newfag
the source is from nsf
>Someone on the NSF forums claims to have talked to a SpaceX insider (thanks to u/clio8k for bringing this to my attention), who says that it was actually a stage separation failure and that there was no loss of hydraulics.

>> No.15381089

starlink makes money. It's the same thing business wise.

>> No.15381091

>This is honestly what I initially thought, given that the flip started at the time planned for the separation, and I was sure I could see the engines gimbaling in an effort to make it flip properly, but I doubted myself after seeing a lot of people arguing that the HPU had gotten fragged and all the Raptors immediately stopped gimbaling.

>It makes sense, though. There was already a thrust imbalance from engine-outs. If all gimbal authority was instantly lost, it would have instantly spun out of control a la Challenger.

>> No.15381093

If the source is NSF forums, then link to the NSF thread/post instead yah?
Its only if you havent read the original source that you use the desemenated one

>> No.15381095

Unless that's Eric Berger or Jeff Faust's account, they need proof. I'm not going to take the word of some anon on that.

>> No.15381096

This tracks more with the reactions of John Insprucker. None of the SpaceX webcasters are mere talking heads. Especially not him.

>> No.15381097

I heard some rockets are built so the hydraulics don't fall off at all.

>> No.15381101
File: 1.15 MB, 1046x1210, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 10.46.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the pics?

>> No.15381105

holy tranny seethe

>> No.15381112
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1681930291553669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't a religion
Repent and you may still be saved, unbeliever

>> No.15381114

>I think these poor Indians might disagree.
they were migrants themselves colonizing the continent, failing to invent the wheel and establishing cannibal stone age empires

>> No.15381117

Alright I am willing to bet he actually did speak to an insider. But I am also willing to bet this ‘insider’ is retarded and doesn’t even have access to the telemetry, and is just repeating what his coworkers think.

>> No.15381118

What's wrong with some of you? Humans will conquer THE UNIVERSE. Not just planets or asteroids, we will live around stars and black holes and deep in the intergalactic void. The separation between planet and habitat dweller is next to nothing.

>> No.15381119

what about the rocket running low on one propellant?

>> No.15381122


>> No.15381124

>I know you have those feelings of yuro inadequacy, but think about reality a moment to understand that it's not all just wet noodle government.
who was talking about that? the post was referring to how is the most down to earth fastest way of catching up to the reusable revolution between trusted allies. You arrogant retard

>> No.15381126
File: 28 KB, 554x508, human ladder system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will live in a pod.
You will climb the ladder.
And you will be happy.

>> No.15381128
File: 145 KB, 1773x1773, 73hd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely forgot about this kek

>> No.15381130
File: 170 KB, 879x494, dynetics-sld-lander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Steals the contract*

>> No.15381132

Based pioneer poster.

>> No.15381134

When is the second lander downselect decision expected? I really want to see if Natty Lite bid the same thing or offered a brand new design from scratch

>> No.15381135

It's called French Guiana. It's France proper. There is no location that is more politically stable and equatorial than that. If you can handle rainy days.

>> No.15381136

>negative mass constraint

>> No.15381138

you are now remembering the people screeching about Starship HLS because it would need an elevator and 'oh well if the elevator breaks the astronaut dies lmao'

>> No.15381139

Negative. Mass.

>> No.15381140

so im a retard. why not just do away with the meme concrete and just pour a bunch of high thermal metal down in there?

>> No.15381141
File: 199 KB, 1080x1410, 1682061992965530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomer posting? yeah it is mostly over and you are a week off compared to your comrades

>> No.15381142

sue me

>> No.15381144

I want the 2nd lander to be designed around Starship to get it to the moon in the first place lol

>> No.15381143

Okay, Pierce

>> No.15381146
File: 94 KB, 800x507, FuPvv2mXgAIJgui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15381147

>the source is from nsf
...may I see it?

>> No.15381151

click the link

>> No.15381152

its over

>> No.15381153

HOLY SHIT hahahahahahahah

>> No.15381154

Imagine if they had just held it down.

>> No.15381155

its genuinely over
6+ months

>> No.15381156

The whole damn OLM would have probably tipped over, with the rocket

>> No.15381160
File: 25 KB, 960x552, 1664106444782039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15381163

i wonder how damage the tower foundation took

>> No.15381165

Bullshit, comms on stream called for boster cutoff while the vehicle is flipping

>> No.15381166

I just don’t get this reusable GSE meme

>> No.15381169

lmao ok I was not an OLM doomerposter before but like bro that's bad

>> No.15381170 [DELETED] 

whose skull is in the top middle?

>> No.15381171

>Probably like TEN TONS of rubble ejected
>Only 3 engines out initially, B7 still chugged along to 30km

>> No.15381172

Weren't they still way too low and too slow for stage sep?

>> No.15381173

whose skull is in the top middle?

>> No.15381174

Sure, unless the west gets taken over by low IQ retards. It's already happening, it's this century or never. Unless something dramatic happens.

>> No.15381175

they stage sep extremely early now

>> No.15381177

Not an argument

>> No.15381180

I want the names and addresses of every doomer in this thread

>> No.15381181

Bros... it's worse than I thought

>> No.15381185

712 Red Bark Lane, Henderson, Nevada,

>> No.15381186

I guess they could've just separated from the doomed booster and seen how far they could get. Surely Starship must have a huge margin when it's completely unloaded and doesn't do any insertion, landing or reentry burns.

>> No.15381191

What's with the weird OLM vent that's happening right now?

>> No.15381193
File: 2.23 MB, 4096x2304, Fi0sIapWYAEwymp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Lockheed bid was this, or MADV

>> No.15381192

9764 Jeopardy Lane, Chicago

>> No.15381195
File: 2.49 MB, 490x490, 1681663187682463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao. This is what the doomer have been sperging out about? Seen worse damage from archive material of different failure states. All the DIY flame diverters shows is that required minimum height elevation or flame trench is a lot smaller then the doomers make it out to be

>> No.15381197

Anyone else surprised NASA 'allows' this?
etc. idk.

>> No.15381200

Yes NASA explicitly allows use of their name.

>> No.15381201

it's probably worse than it should have been because the launch was tilted and firing at an angle

>> No.15381206
File: 19 KB, 507x561, FTAr1wmUYAAS8uB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But instead we would get this monstrosity.

>> No.15381208

This is simply unacceptable. I am outraged. Enough is enough. The American government must stop wasting taxpayer money on spaceflight and the armament of fascist terrorist rogue states.
John Redsmith, Texas Oblast.

>> No.15381209

he's traveling almost everywhere so that's probably why

>> No.15381210

Is the SpaceX cauldron bubbling?

>> No.15381214

>Lockheed before Jeff
>Lockheed after Jeff

>> No.15381216
File: 25 KB, 343x575, Screenshot 2023-04-21 092401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf that's jeff foust?

>> No.15381217 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 841x855, 1682090694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15381219

Im literally speechless

>> No.15381221

Ok but who?

>> No.15381222

how large is the /sfg/ /k/ overlap?

>> No.15381223


>> No.15381225

just newfags showing up

>> No.15381228


>> No.15381229

How many consecutive successful flights would you need to observe to fly on Starship?

>> No.15381230

cold weld chads, there's hope

>> No.15381231

t. newfag

>> No.15381232
File: 102 KB, 828x740, FuPqlGtX0Agmkmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

astra bros, expect a stock boost to.... 40 cents

>> No.15381234

People will throw out big numbers. 100, 200, whatever. But I imagine it's surprisingly low in practice. After all, look at the Shuttle. Failure rate of ~1/100 and people still went on.

>> No.15381235

like 36? If I remember correctly from my graduate statistical methods course that's around the magic number for significant consecutive reliability if or something

>> No.15381244

Minor, usually over Starship as orbital strike ship, FRIGGIN RODS FROM GODS, space lasers, etc

>> No.15381246
File: 1.37 MB, 2560x2129, we&#039;re gonna need bigger lightning towers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this rocket so much

>> No.15381248
File: 927 KB, 1795x686, Selection_412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense. They recently opened an office in silicon valley. That building isn't going to pay for itself.

>> No.15381253
File: 825 KB, 1447x507, delugepool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my deluge pool idea

you don't need a large retention pond if 90% of the water fucking evaporates

>> No.15381255

Working underneath the OLM gets more challenging though

>> No.15381257

Has this pic ever been deleted any time it's been posted?

>> No.15381267

Just dig a deep hole, like 100 meters

>> No.15381269

So you are telling me that the booster literally has to slingshot Starship WHILE hes on full throttle ?

I can't believe that .

>> No.15381271

looks like an angry hydropump with legs

>> No.15381272
File: 36 KB, 1362x482, 1668096668859415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like this

>> No.15381274

reddit is telling you

>> No.15381278
File: 14 KB, 587x637, 1679855939723392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait for the first manned launch livestreams. The soigapes will be the stuff of legends

>> No.15381279

Holy shit ... Your know what ? i see Elon entering a room full of engineers and screaming : "I WANT TO SLINGSHOT STARSHIP WHILE ON FULL POWER "


>> No.15381288


>> No.15381290

>chopsticks catch
So many new and interesting advancements being tested on the same architecture at the same time.

Are they moving too fast?

>> No.15381296

Makes sense when you realize SS weighs 1200 tons.

>> No.15381295

Im discovering so much MADNESS im overwhelmed . 5m deep hole under OLM . The fucking slingshot procedure .

This is too much for me .Too much craziness

>> No.15381297

not fast enough since they didn't launch for 2 years
jesus christo sn15 was forever ago wtf

>> No.15381298

>no bleeding methane cooling system
>No huge glass windows spotted yet
>no deployable solar arrays spotted yet
what they are working on now are the BASIC REQUIREMENTS for the starship system. Tricky fiddly bits comes later

>> No.15381299

make a mound 100 ft tall then dig down 100 ft.

>> No.15381303

>>no bleeding methane cooling system
that got scrapped

>> No.15381308

The term you're looking for is territories. Like Puerto Rico.
I really don't see how they're gonna both fix this and come up with a solution to not have it happen again any time soon.

>> No.15381309

BAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH https://www.democracynow.org/2023/4/21/spacex_gulf_coast

AMY GOODMAN: So, Bekah, last year, you were violently arrested after police broke into your home without showing you a warrant. You were detained for, what, more than a day, for 26 hours. Police took your glasses. They placed you in a cold cell, after you were interrogated, charged with what? A misdemeanor? Accused of spray-painting these words “gentrified” and “stop SpaceX” under a mural in downtown Brownsville. The outgoing Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez posted a photo of you on his social media, thanking the police for your arrest. He also wrote, quote, “Ms. Hinojosa has been quoted in several anti-SpaceX articles.” Can you talk about the former Mayor Mendez’s ties to SpaceX, and how local officials have come after environmental and community advocates, like you, over opposition to SpaceX? You’re still fighting these charges?

BEKAH HINOJOSA: You know, I’m still — I’m steal dealing, fighting to have this charge dropped against me. You know, SpaceX is growing into our community. SpaceX and Elon Musk are actively handing out money here and there, and it’s becoming political hush money. You know, it’s buying out politicians. We’ve seen when a SpaceX testing goes wrong, which it always goes wrong, and burns down wildlife refuge, you know, political officials just turning the other way.
And I’ve been personally impacted now by SpaceX buying out community member — buying out politicians, when, you know, last year, four police broke into my apartment. When I asked for a warrant and tried to put on my shoes, they threatened me with resisting arrest. They jailed me for 26 hours. And then I come to find out, once I’m released, that Mayor Trey Mendez, who’s still in office for the next month, has doxed me. You know, he posted my mugshot on his official Facebook page.

>> No.15381311
File: 25 KB, 652x233, 002799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


people are way too doom and gloom here
its not a big deal to fix stage 0

>> No.15381312


>> No.15381313

I would not go on that rocket unless there was a surefire way for Starship to accelerate clear of the booster without any flips if there was an emergency. But then again i don't have the right stuff.

>> No.15381314

Just remove the concrete and you have a natural deluge

>> No.15381316
File: 209 KB, 2556x1179, 1679621829433221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the top of it
look at the clamps
its melted and fucked

>> No.15381318

holy fucking shit, is this official?

>> No.15381320

Wildlife refuge.

>> No.15381321
File: 1.39 MB, 1808x600, bridges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is genius. Let the OLM get destroyed so you know exactly how strong to build it.

>> No.15381324

space is hard
but innovation is harder

>> No.15381325

I heard Elon talking about "a slight movement of the booster to help SS separate" BUT NOT THIS . THIS IS MADNESS , CRAZINESS , MENTAL ILLNESS

>> No.15381328

well the booster has to turn around to boost back anyway

>> No.15381329
File: 68 KB, 695x461, Power Satellite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Starship make power satellites feasible cost wise? It's supposed to be like $20/kg to get into LEO right?

>> No.15381330

nigga just build a new better one
its that easy

>> No.15381331
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>> No.15381334
File: 102 KB, 679x1000, blasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15381336

Bro , what will happen when there are people inside ? I mean CMON ! doing fucking 360º's while full throttle while at 60km while mach 5-6 . Holy shit its incompressible for me

>> No.15381337

You forgot the archive link

>steal dealing

>> No.15381340

its a couple g's
no biggy

>> No.15381342

Unless it moonwalks away, I'm not impressed.

>> No.15381344
File: 9 KB, 661x113, 2ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shitty translation takes always make me laugh.

>> No.15381345


>> No.15381347

Maybe. But it is not happening because the green and tinfoil fags are never going to tolerate evil space lasers destroying the environment, giving people cancer, and above all else inflicting financial losses to responsible clean petro companies and states.

>> No.15381352
File: 253 KB, 1024x805, huutista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he seems very upset

>> No.15381362

>people are way too doom and gloom here
reddit tourists and plebs who consume WEF/MSM propaganda

>its not a big deal to fix stage 0
Ofcourse it isn't. They know the core problem and has taken measures to augment it months ago, they just decided to skip it on this particular launch to find out what could go wrong on launch pad.

>> No.15381363
File: 124 KB, 955x1005, 1681736963312710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what will happen when there are people inside ?
We will stuff women like you in there and have a laugh at the hidden cam footage

>> No.15381367

The guy runs the reddit SLS subreddit as well as wiki editor priviledge afaik.

>> No.15381373

I think this test was important for 1 big reason. We learn that SS/SH is extremely structurally stable.

Just the idea of spinning the first stage to throw the upper stage is something only Starship would be designed for and no other rocker in the world could match that

>> No.15381376

not spaceflight, go back to pol or stormfront or whatever shithole you came from

>> No.15381377

holy tranny seethe

>> No.15381380

fuck off

>> No.15381382

shut the fuck up, no one cares about your /pol/ bait article. Go back to /pol/ unironically, like I say that in the meaning of the phrase and not the meme

>> No.15381385

no he's right youre offtopic posting. fuck off.

>> No.15381389

Based. Former nuclearfag here, it has been fun watching the industry crash and burn but we can't let this guy have the nuclear waste depository codes

>> No.15381393


>> No.15381396

Vulcan? Nobody gives a shit about vulcan, nobody even knows it exists
its pretty much as irrelevant as meme smallsat rockets

>> No.15381399
File: 61 KB, 600x600, vvn14e20sg1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems easy and simple

>> No.15381401 [DELETED] 

Wrong, newfag. Sam Brinton has been discussed in /sfg/ long before you came here, before you transitioned, before he was even arrested. One of the Anons here went to school with him.

>> No.15381403

based, I've tried to talk about it to a few family members and friends but they don't really give a shit

>> No.15381404

and it was off-topic then too. if I started discussing my favorite porn stars here it would get (You)s as well

>> No.15381405

see >>15381404. fucking retard.

>> No.15381409

Same. I mean i dont judge them. They also like things that i dislike/dont care .

Thankfully this kinda threads exist .

>> No.15381411 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself coomer. Literally the only reason why you're jumping in front of the gun to defend this guy is because you're trans, otherwise you would have just ignored the original inoffensive shitpost

>> No.15381413

they have waited long enough, it has to fly someday
this also reveals problems with stage 0 so its good

>> No.15381414

are you the argie?

>> No.15381418


>> No.15381423

the what ?

>> No.15381425

can you show me anyone defending the freak?
start a new thread if you want to talk about the dude

>> No.15381427

the what?

>> No.15381438
File: 445 KB, 736x490, xv8zar3im7va1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean , how do you build this thing in Boca ? Impossible

>> No.15381439

>thin mild steel rebar survived
>concrete obliterated
Steelplatebros... we won!

>> No.15381442

Start a new thread if you want to shit yourself about how triggered you are that a single post that was made about him. Just because you're backpedaling doesn't make your position any less obvious, now take your antipsychotics before you snap and shoot up a school like that other tranny.
Let's hear it

>> No.15381444

you didnt win, deluge bros and flame diverter bros already won b4

>> No.15381450

favorite power cycle?

>> No.15381452


>> No.15381453

jail time for stealing packages or something. Would would've though a person like this is mentally stable

>> No.15381454

you are deranged and off-topic posting. You posted a blatant (you)-farming /pol/ article that is not related to the general's subject matter. Go away. obviously no one wants to anti-transgender circle-jerk with you. Your repeated random TRANNY TRANNY insults are also 'extremely low quality posts'. You have the rest of /sci/ to fuck up, but don't bring your idiocy to /sfg/.

>> No.15381456

frankly if given the choice I would've flown on the first orbital test flight

>> No.15381461

>No windows
I would have wanted windows at least, and a large band to play me off

>> No.15381463


>> No.15381468

Stole clothes/purses etc at airports, the outfit he is wearing in the article was stolen from some famous African American dress designer lady, only one in the whole world

>> No.15381469

i hate trannies, but this isnt the place to spam (You) farming /pol/ posts. if you want to exclusively hate on trannies go to the rest of /sci/ or /pol/

>> No.15381470

microwave beam makes me nervous

>> No.15381471

> You posted a blatant (you)-farming /pol/ article that is not related to the general's subject matter.
No I didn't and you admitting you reported me because I called you a tranny is absolute pathetic, also fucking hilarious lmao

Are you the von Braun tranny or a new one? What would you like to be called?

>> No.15381477

business idea
you're out camping and want to heat up noodles? Use a phone app to call in satellite-beamed microwaves to the 10x10cm spot of land where the pot is sitting.
Nothing can go wrong

>> No.15381478

the problem is the cranes

>> No.15381481

holy shit this is thread is so bad, can /pol/ tourists fuck off already? its been a day already. btw some faggot early staged the thread and never announced it, not sure if it got deleted since i last checked but yeah.

>> No.15381488
File: 3.91 MB, 5400x2700, EclipseMap_nasa_5400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's amazing what one retard can do to a thread.

anyone going to the eclipse coming up?

>> No.15381490

BTW , the reason they cant build a flame trench like in the photo earlier is because you need to compact the soil so much (to not sink) that it takes probably 1 and half years to be fully stable + the construction of the infrastructure time = 2 and a half years

Thats why

>> No.15381496

>source: trust me bro

>> No.15381505

Loose soil takes time to settle naturally, this isn't an issue if you compact it with a plate compactor or steam roller. They'll probably fill it with gravel
btw im trans

>> No.15381515

go shit up the other thread retard

>> No.15381523
File: 472 KB, 591x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how has spaceflight impacted you personally?
ever since high school ive been studying nearly every day and working out because i know i wont go to mars if i was a fat retard

>> No.15381525

>just build a new better one
They can just fill the hole with water. ;^)

>harden it
Their special concrete literally got blown to bits.
Maybe, just maybe a device to re-direct the the blast. Maybe add water to dampen teh shockwave and keep things cool.

I guess they knew they'd have to re-build the OLM. Or they realy underestimated the blast.

>> No.15381527

I don't post in any new /sfg/ threads unless the last one has reached page ten

>> No.15381529

I have been saving up cash whenever I can and been fusbar + investments, I understand the option is to either pay something like 300 000$ upfront or get hired to work on Mars itself and just refuse to leave

>> No.15381528

Same, I became a bio major and now I'm working with some guys to try and focus on astrobiology. Giga cardio and squats to withstand the Gs.

>> No.15381534

Do you know what happens when metal is liquefacted and sprayed everywhere by 33 raptor engines?

>> No.15381538

i want to be fit, but college makes it very difficult when youre restricted to what is basically mush that will make you gag for vegetables or junk food. when i go home this summer i want to eat healthy and get in shape, more so for myself.

>> No.15381545

>but college makes it very difficult when youre restricted to what is basically mush that will make you gag
nigga, are you in a community college?

>> No.15381544

the engines get extra plating for protection once the metal hardens kek

>> No.15381546

Tim Dodds forehead will be hit by a supersonic droplet on SPI.

>> No.15381548

>The flip maneuver really seems crazy, but IIRC Starship and Saturn V are the only rockets that big that need to separate quickly
why do they need to separate quickly?

>> No.15381549
File: 1.81 MB, 5464x3072, 55C1ED7A-A568-464E-83CA-70AB88EE5F5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to professionalism?

>> No.15381550
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1200, shuttlemir_nasa_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the other /sfg/ up right now is a /SFG/
it isn't even real

>> No.15381551

Im a telecomm engineering grad. Pretty happy

>> No.15381556

how is it? i was considering going into electrical engineering but got massive imposter syndrome, so i chose aerospace

>> No.15381558

doesn't matter because that won't happen

>> No.15381565

basically, its a small uni out in the middle of nowhere. i like it there, and theyre like a dedicated engineering school, but the food options are horrible if you want to eat healthy. when i say out in the middle of nowhere, i mean the closest stores are like 15 minutes away minimum, and usually you need to drive 25-30. i cant shop for my own food often, and the cafeterias are absolutely disgusting other than burgers, hotdogs, and sandwiches that they always serve every day.

>> No.15381570

Putting on a suit, vest and tie doesn't get shit launched. That's what happened to "professionalism".

>> No.15381572

>I really don't see how they're gonna both fix this and come up with a solution to not have it happen again any time soon.
Water deluge and flame diverter.

>> No.15381575

Sounds like cope. Just buy food and eat it.

>> No.15381578
File: 339 KB, 1737x1152, EkDgmxeWoAIe7Bu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I...

>> No.15381580
File: 2.67 MB, 576x1024, 1679454365904077.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta wear a hat, otherwise people will see my dark secret.

>> No.15381579

>Same source as the picture claims the hydraulic power pack that was supposed to release starship just before/during the flip got killed by debris and that is why staging failed. Flips were booster trying to do flip and boost back with starship still attached ..

>> No.15381586

Potters used to walk around in suits while sitting knee deep in a clay ditch digging out the clay by hand
Professionalism is dressing to the occation, not to appear as a professional imo

>> No.15381590

Saw partial eclipse yesterday bro

>> No.15381591

Yeah but that's exactly what I mean.

>> No.15381598

not even once

>> No.15381600

Next year I’ll buy shit tons of carrots as snacks or fall back if the food is bad at the cafeteria.

>> No.15381601


>> No.15381609
File: 511 KB, 946x983, THAT&#039;S OUT OF REGULATION AND UNPROFESSIONAL, MISTER YOU&#039;RE FUCKING FIRED!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there's this joker.

>> No.15381614

How do they even come up with this? I thought it was supposed to twist off, not swung?

>> No.15381615

As you expect first and second year is common in all engineering grads . Calc , Lineal Algebra, tons of electromagnetic waves theory , etc . After that a lot of low level electricity and electronic components , how they work and a lot of theory in that regard too .

Nothing crazy

>> No.15381624

Reminder, we're just in the cusp of a new Space Revolution.

Post-Starship world.

>> No.15381637

Just heard about the annular one yesterday, it's a few hours drive to the core path so sure why not.
Wanna see the total eclipse but I saw the 2017 one so missing it wouldn't be the end of the world. Highly recommended though.

>> No.15381641
File: 37 KB, 883x191, 1682096451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX success is because Elon isn't involved
These backhanded compliments are really something. EDS from the far left commies are delusional.

>> No.15381644

I am a submarine nuke tech, in 10 years I will be my country's third astronaut. WAGMI

>> No.15381646
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>> No.15381647

where are the packs located on ss?

>> No.15381648

NSF forum : 33 engines at 100% is 200GW of heat.

>> No.15381651
File: 50 KB, 500x491, 1681510789869399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State of this thread

>> No.15381654

Day of the air-lock cannot come soon enough

>> No.15381657

The first agenda for the new Martian coalition of martians will be to forbid any new arrivals permanent stay until they have been vetted and approved by the martian coalition made up of martians

>> No.15381659
File: 1.10 MB, 540x540, 1670005384600373.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flips were booster trying to do flip and boost back with starship still attached

>> No.15381660
File: 2.92 MB, 480x360, space_sleep.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go away, no one was talking about trannies until you showed up

>> No.15381661
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>> No.15381665
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>> No.15381671
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>> No.15381672

totally obliterated

>> No.15381675

Brap flight general

>> No.15381676
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>> No.15381678

ah they are right at the bottom. im still betting severed lines which is what allowed it to carry on for as long as it did until it ran out of oil rather than pump failure itself. hydraulics are pretty resilient as anyone whos worked with mobile plant will know.

>> No.15381679
File: 41 KB, 1362x482, 1682091587878880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars launch 2034

>initiate spin maneuver
>180º full throttle
>MECO !!
>Starship engines ignition !

Holy based

>> No.15381683

What's second best after mars? A Saturn moon?

>> No.15381686

ksp ass staging maneuver

>> No.15381687
File: 853 KB, 876x560, tumblr_inline_omi6w0JXhq1tzhl5u_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least all of them are white men kek.

>> No.15381688

Next best or second best? Next best is Ceres for asteroid belt harvesting, second best is moon

>> No.15381690
File: 3.79 MB, 1920x1080, SpaceX-1649172873494556679-20230420 170707-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15381693


>> No.15381695

easier solution: KILL earthers

>> No.15381697


>> No.15381701

am i the only one who wants to go to the moon more than mars? it would be far more kino to see earth in the sky and if something goes wrong you can go back home in 3 days rather than 6 months

>> No.15381704

Have you never seen a spaceshuttle take off?

>> No.15381706

Why the fuck would you want to go back to Earth if you get a chance to leave? You know what, don't answer.

>> No.15381712

to go to japan

>> No.15381715

Berger agrees, one year from now to starship orbit. it's over https://twitter.com/SciGuySpace/status/1649457590114418696

>> No.15381717

but why did the HPUs explode then

>> No.15381718

i was expecting krystal porn when i clicked that link

>> No.15381719

The lack of an atmosphere makes the Moon look much more alien than Mars. The only weathering that happens there are the meteor impacts. The whole landscape looks like something generated through simplex noise.

>> No.15381720

Europa, very cute fishies up there

>> No.15381721

Moon dust is really bad for you, and it sticks on everything, mars dust wont have this problem because of atmosphere.

>> No.15381723
File: 62 KB, 675x601, boomer-computer-monsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, those were the days, and we didn't even build a flame trench

>> No.15381725
File: 599 KB, 1600x1025, 7705_nasa-jpl-mars-women-science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is that man?

>> No.15381726

Can someone make a comic of anime starship stomping and kicking the launch pad please

>> No.15381727

First the martian population must reach 100 000

>> No.15381733

Holy shit its so over :

Some rando : "Barring some miracle with the pad repairs, we're probably at least a year out from our first succesful fully orbital Starship flight. Getting from there to regular operations, full-reuse, in-space refueling, and reliable aerocapture operations isn't going to happen overnight..."

Berger : "I would not disagree with any of this."

>> No.15381734

why? only around 200 people are needed to start a new population without getting into incest

>> No.15381735

dude that's a dangerous ugly fetish you have. that's a serial killer fetish

>> No.15381737

>all those engines in the last second
Holy kino.

>> No.15381739

Or, according to Heinlein, like 5.
man that's a weird book of his, the nuclear blast time travel one

>> No.15381741

I don't like regolith. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.

>> No.15381743

>30gw bearing down on some rebar only bends it a little
>they want us to believe some jet fuel turned steel beams into liquid
something doesn't add up...

>> No.15381745

wowzers https://twitter.com/yosoybimbo/status/1649176934482432004

>> No.15381747

Starship-chan is a femdom confirmed

>> No.15381749

careful anon , you are entering in a swampy area

>> No.15381750

go back. this is a thread about space

>> No.15381751

Acording to the steintists paper I read it was claimed that to avoid inbreeding you must have a population of minimum 10 000, and 100 000 is a comfortable number
All of Heinleins book are weird, unironically the sanest book I have read of his was Dune

>> No.15381753

Heinlein didn't write Dune.

>> No.15381757

Oh fuck, I am so sorry - Robert A Heinlein vs Herbert the pervert. I mixed them up

>> No.15381758
File: 150 KB, 1080x780, 1555195162651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I worked at Spacex

>> No.15381762


>> No.15381764

If you are an American you got a chance

>> No.15381766
File: 21 KB, 352x395, 1651982086678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a thread about space

>> No.15381770

Huh, no requirements on origin according to this

>> No.15381773
File: 8 KB, 255x253, 787bc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yfw yuro

>> No.15381774
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>> No.15381775
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x1500, freeflyer_nasa_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15381776

i want to work at JAXA

>> No.15381778

>xe is too new to remember the nuclear vs solar wars

>> No.15381780

Hey anon I was too quick to speak, I read the joblisting the other anon posted here
Doesnt seem to be any requirements on origin country

>> No.15381782

>To conform to U.S. Government space technology export regulations, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) you must be a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident of the U.S., protected individual as defined by 8 U.S.C. 1324b(a)(3), or eligible to obtain the required authorizations from the U.S. Department of State. Learn more about the ITAR here.

>> No.15381784
File: 49 KB, 369x604, heinlein grok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heinlein was a bigger perv than Herbert

>> No.15381785
File: 118 KB, 680x583, pepe_space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking over

>> No.15381788
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>> No.15381791
File: 333 KB, 1000x1250, FuHUDYQakAE8GXP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15381793

Is this actually possible with muh swamp?

>> No.15381794

did they actually explode or is that a laymans way of saying they ran dry and burned out from lack of oil? genuine question.

>> No.15381796

Really? He seemed so much tamer than what I read from herbert, like Herbert brings incest into his books, or in one he had to have amazon girls kidnapping a CSI agent, like whyyyyy

>> No.15381798

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.15381799

Outcome: decisive victory for Solar Chads

>> No.15381800

I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.15381801

Ever tried playing DF on an aquafer map?

>> No.15381802


>> No.15381803

in your dreams basedlar fag

>> No.15381804

florida is also a swamp but that isnt a problem for the cape

>> No.15381805

Nuclear sister got arrested. Solar Chad WINS!!

>> No.15381808

Wouldn't it be submerged? I have no idea how geology works

>> No.15381809

do you not remember the scene in Harsh Mistress where Heninlein is describing the breasts of the 12yo that was just shot by the earth troops or the under-14-yo prostitutes? bro

>> No.15381810

>Outcome: catastrophic loss for Solar Chuds

>> No.15381811

itar says only american citizens. us euros have 0 hope.

>> No.15381812

Anon, video games are not based on physics but based upon programmer's rules.

>> No.15381813

Rare berger curse

>> No.15381818
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>> No.15381819
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, ux8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'est fini

>> No.15381822

if you aren't working on becoming american citizens then you are retarded and we don't want you
literally anyone over 110 iq leaves europe

>> No.15381824

simply drain the swamp

>> No.15381825

can confirm, i was born in russia and now have dual citizenship. studying aerospace engineering and ideally will either leave for japan or mars

>> No.15381827

Its a joke.


No one knows how geology works but we know that we can dig tunnels in just about any area in the world both in water and on ground.

>> No.15381828

I get the idea to integrate it, because SH needs to flip anyways. But this just looks like extra work
Whatever. Anything they try is bound to work eventually once the flight computer gets enough attempts under its belt. It was the same with F9. All early landing attempt data was fed into a main computer that ‘learned’ from each attempt and iterated the approach on the next launch

>> No.15381830
File: 72 KB, 714x800, soy_zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15381832
File: 80 KB, 283x475, i-will-fear-no-evil-by-robert-heinlein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heinlein has an old man get his brain transplanted into a nubile young woman the start fucking dudes - the ultimate troon out

>> No.15381831

I have 114 IQ according to FSIQ but I'm a dropout

>> No.15381835
File: 82 KB, 752x242, spoilers for Moon is A Harsh .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah Heinlein was a dirty old man. So were all other 1900-1999 sci fi authors

>> No.15381836
File: 230 KB, 850x811, mermaidm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15381838

How is this bullshit supposed to be better than normal stage separation? Isn't a lot of fuel going to be wasted there?

>> No.15381840

if you aren't stem or south american you don't want us. i spend my waging days fixing one of your most popular american made mobile plant platforms, i would be well qualified for tech work at starbase, but you don't gives visas for those kind of hands on jobs.

>> No.15381842

1% savings of fuel over 100,000 launches is a lot of wasted upmass potential

>> No.15381844

should be doing the green card lottery and attempting to get a work visa too

>> No.15381845
File: 1.35 MB, 8616x752, 09442E5C-816D-470C-B12C-2B5D482FBBBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15381848

can someone draw superheavy cartwheeling while starship clings onto her for dear life?

>> No.15381849

yeah they actually exploded. And yes excavators and hydraulics are very reliable

>> No.15381851
File: 1.65 MB, 326x244, 5BD85F12-273D-4780-9407-367A6421F4F3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And draw them ass naked fingering each other while this happens

>> No.15381854


Why the heck would the OLM be squirting something cryogenic? They aren't launching anything for months.

>> No.15381856

Will the delicate cargo even withstand this? Also seems very shitty for any human passengers

>> No.15381857
File: 124 KB, 500x500, 51F93A59-6AA1-4722-9A94-0D640392F4E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OLM squirting
Don’t tempt me

>> No.15381858

Spoiler alert: nearly all authors are lonely, pervy, people.
This was not restricted to sci-fi, or the 20th century, or even men.

>> No.15381860

that pic was wrong
its more like this >>15381818

>> No.15381859

You say this, but SpaceX proved we are all really just running on a modern release of KSP

>> No.15381864

No I dont remember that, I have too many SF books man - my current bookcase is a mess, I can barely fit my books as is

>> No.15381865


>> No.15381866

this is so fucking retarded

>> No.15381867

KSP doesn't run on physics, it runs on programmer rules.

SpaceX doesn't run on KSP, it runs on physics.

Don't confuse the two.

>> No.15381868


>> No.15381869

The other day in this board someone shared an article on how many pedos are star trek fans.
There are also many examples of this with /co/ and /a/ fans AND creators.
I swear, this shit has been haunting me.

>> No.15381874

Even Aldous Huxley and George Orwell?

>> No.15381876
File: 107 KB, 805x628, star-trek-connection pedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15381878

Not as you much as one would think because when you pitch up from prograde you're adding less horizontal velocity but the altitude of your apogee is increasing at faster rate so it kind of balances out

>> No.15381882

>reusable booster
>reusable ship
>expendable launch pad

>> No.15381883

>expendable earth
He took the earther memes too far.

>> No.15381887
File: 25 KB, 640x436, 70B75237-3063-48C7-BA29-7DD04B8A9CF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15381889
File: 35 KB, 645x713, sssh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about character designs for the starship/super heavy girls. I originally drew starship with omegahuge tits but I looked st Super Heavy and realized her tits should be bigger than Starship's so here we go. I'll try to do some of your suggestions from last night later

>> No.15381890

Damn, I guess there are two kinds of pedos - the Star type and then there is the Podestas at home with all their custom ordered art and paintings

>> No.15381892

Shit that was to >>15381838

>> No.15381894
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, falcon 9 air.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be here for it but remember to make a new thread at page 10 as to not encourage the thread splitting newfag who thinks it's /SFG/

>> No.15381895

you think they can test hls landing engines and such without the orbital flights?

>> No.15381897


>> No.15381901

good shit and don't listen to the retards

>> No.15381902


"Same source as the picture claims the hydraulic power pack that was supposed to release starship just before/during the flip got killed by debris and that is why staging failed. Flips were booster trying to do flip and boost back with starship still attached .."

>> No.15381903

I always remember this discussion on /co/: https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/135194682/#135195892
I wonder if there is any neurological link between creativity and sexual deviancy. And if yes, why?

>> No.15381904

all posters here could fit into two starships

>> No.15381905

Looks good but don't go overboard with the engines on the feet. The "accurate" shoes with 30+ engines looks weird. Just give them pumps and platform shoes respectively.

>> No.15381906

deffo why the engines didn't light then. raptorhaters btfo.

>> No.15381908

Would them have enough fuel to go downwards into the sun?

>> No.15381910
File: 236 KB, 1750x1600, landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot one: rocket girl sharing

>> No.15381911

You know, I'm pretty happy given the less than optimal result. Starship was the biggest thing on my "to do" list for the year, now thats partially completed. I'd love a full orbital run, but I'll take this partial launch.

>> No.15381913

If you squeeze em like the Boeing 747, a single Starship can easily carry ~500 people with enough space.

>> No.15381918

so.... no new launch until 6-12 months later?

>> No.15381920

Thanks, I added it to the bottom

>> No.15381925

depends, two weeks can last anywhere no time to heat death time depending on time dilation

>> No.15381926

no, two weeks can last from two weeks to two weeks+

>> No.15381930

the bottom?

>> No.15381931
File: 516 KB, 1306x1306, Fallen_Astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight lil fella

>> No.15381932
File: 3.72 MB, 498x560, 1681577704554651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.15381935

Depends on your reference frame.

>> No.15381940

Scientifically speaking I think the next launch will actually unironically be in about literary the next two weeks, not sooner though

>> No.15381942

no way in hell. they're spending two weeks just inspecting the damage

>> No.15381943

i think anon was joking

>> No.15381947

oh my god yes

>> No.15381958

if they keep launching from the same hole eventually it'll be deep enough where it won't matter

>> No.15381960
File: 113 KB, 1079x862, FuQhXRMWIAoVK3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITS OVER (this time for sure)

Sources in heavy haul industry have indicated to me that the launch deck in Hangar M at Canaveral is to be barged to Brownsville to replace the current damaged one. Dimensions are 78'×78'× ~2 million lbs.

CSI Starbase : "That sounds about right. This will take several months for the new Orbital Launch Ring to arrive. HW4 repairs will have to be completed before something like this can be moved. This will be the heaviest object to ever travel on HW4"

>> No.15381963

If we had industrial-class cargo airships we could move shit wherever, whenever

>> No.15381964

kek. they're gonna fix it.
these pseuds are hilarious

>> No.15381973

Ah yes, when your house sustain serious damage you replace the entire thing instead of just repairing the damage.
Even when its the very foundation beneath the house that has cracked you still make efforts to repair it rather than to replace the whole house just to lay a new foundation kek

>> No.15381974
File: 1.35 MB, 1170x1554, D0892326-C8DC-424B-8453-17E673556A9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Energia flame trench, Site 250, Baikonur

>> No.15381976

??? do they mean Antares 2.0?

>> No.15381983

does this really save mass?

>> No.15381984
File: 64 KB, 680x680, chirno_deth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally expendable launch pads

>> No.15381987

Flame trenches do not exist. They're a myth.

>> No.15381994

stubbornness or elon is too short on cash to build a trench?

>> No.15381995

I coom

>> No.15381996

>you're not allowed to see her as a fertile woman
Americans are fags

>> No.15381997

My guess is that it would have been too much for the environmental review

>> No.15382009

>the redditors in this thread treating this unsourced gimp creation as if it's official spacex flight plan

>> No.15382012

Anything that involves excavation adds a lot to a budget, since it's price per volume. I'm talking big numbers. He probably expected to get around that with his Bunsen burner stand.

>> No.15382014

The best part is no part. This applies to stage 0 too.

>> No.15382019

Where is new glenn?

>> No.15382027

Orbiting Bezosian VIII

>> No.15382030

So it didnt even blow up on the pad and everyone is still maximum doomer? the pad is fine, just pour a little concrete and refly

>> No.15382031

a permanent launch platform could serve decades and is cheaper than blowing the pad apart. maybe they don't see boca as a long term prospect idk.

>> No.15382034

>entire OLM being shipped
>while en route you pour some concrete and do the next ship testing on the suborbital pad
>no 'real' delays

>> No.15382037
File: 35 KB, 550x550, 96f88e2d02207d04cf0dd3b7e3c2aecb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more renders

>> No.15382038
File: 798 KB, 1224x814, wizard in penguin boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this arcane wizardry?
Is it possible to learn such otherworldly communist powers?

>> No.15382041
File: 1.54 MB, 334x251, UnrealisticOptimalAustraliankelpie-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moving something that weighs 1000 tons using lighter than air transportation.

>> No.15382043
File: 92 KB, 564x752, 3e77857669ab12d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these use such a horrible background color

>> No.15382047
File: 486 KB, 557x661, oft6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just after SS/SH lost control , the left aft wing was "peeling" off

>> No.15382057
File: 40 KB, 640x417, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15382059

Yikes. It thought the fact that it tumbled without destroying itself was the one good thing about this launch.

>> No.15382062

you told me these guys went bankrupt...

>> No.15382065

does NGE have any """sexual deviancy"""?

>> No.15382068

lol drunk Russians building an unnecesary flame trench

>> No.15382076

The love interest in 1984 is directly based off a girl that George basically assaulted as a teenager.

>> No.15382079

>Sources in heavy haul industry have indicated to me that the launch deck in Hangar M at Canaveral is to be barged to Brownsville to replace the current damaged one. Dimensions are 78'×78'× ~2 million lbs.


>> No.15382083

next launch in 23

>> No.15382086
File: 1.03 MB, 1287x828, 002801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fag manlet vid dropped


>> No.15382087

world's largest trampoline

>> No.15382088
File: 121 KB, 1200x674, bezos-apollo-engines-01-jeff-bezos-rgb 1200xx3714-2089-0-417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source? I read His essay about his time at some private school and he doesn't mention assaulting anyone

>> No.15382090

how hard is it to pour some concrete down a hole? dude please

>> No.15382095

At this point if you are gonna dismantle the OLM , better start from scratch . Dig out the pilons, and engineer a better OLM from zero

>> No.15382096

Some people are saying : no deluge might be the biggest mistake in the entire program.

Is this true /sfg/ ?

>> No.15382097

I know some Roma people that will dismantle that OLM in a day.

>> No.15382099


>> No.15382100

who gives a shit what they want?

>> No.15382103

>yeah who cares about increased risk of death during childbirth?
kys retard

>> No.15382104

Could they build an above ground tube connected the thrust diverter to direct the gas and shock up and away from the stack and the launch site?

>> No.15382105

There is no deluge known to man that can deal with this. They need angled armor plating.

>> No.15382106

Maybe? I mean, its iterative engineering - any mistake is just another step to take towards the eventual launch, perhaps the greatest mistake has already happened with a previous iteration that exploded

>> No.15382108

name a better way of turning gigawatts of energy into something if not steam

>> No.15382117
File: 1.05 MB, 1365x2048, pad_39b_flame_deflector_vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deluge on it's own wouldn't have made a big difference, it wouldn't have prevented the pad from being obliterated which was the main problem, and it would have likely been destroyed in the launch.

The real problem was the lack of a thrust diverter, which would have prevented the massive ejection of concrete shrapnel, in combination with a deluge system to dampen reflected shockwaves that might have been enough to prevent the damage we saw, even with the existing OLM design.

>> No.15382125


Pretty sure you guys got this all wrong.

>> No.15382128

Well, do I need to remind you how Asuka is a 14yo and got constantly sexualized in the show?

>> No.15382133

Where should I start learning rocketry as a person who forgot high school calculus?

>> No.15382134

Yeah the guy updated it to show how it should be >>15381818

>> No.15382137
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 130913putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just build the pad about 200 first world meters higher.

>> No.15382140
File: 760 KB, 1980x1736, gr1_lrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true, no woman over 24 should have kids

>> No.15382141

Do you want real rocketry or cucked amatuer rocketry?
Or just to to get more info on rockets in general?

>> No.15382143

Go ask a chatgpt.

>> No.15382144

Third option

>> No.15382148

We live too long

>> No.15382150

Go watch scott manley and everyday astronaut
Everday has some pretty decent long videos

>> No.15382152

Just start with any undergraduate aerospace engineering book that catches your eye.
Learn the math in the book as it comes up. Math is 10x easier to learn when you have an objective to accomplish and have some idea what the right answer should look like.
Sure you'll have gaps a mile wide in your learning, but fuck it, you're doing it for fun.

>> No.15382155

No I meant real rocketry

>> No.15382161

Unless you're going to make your own liquid engine don't bother

>> No.15382162


>> No.15382170
File: 199 KB, 3473x2241, 1682106011410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numbers don't lie

>> No.15382172

Every undegrad and their mom makes a liquid rocket with controlled gimbling these days desu

>> No.15382174

Nuclear levels of cope

>> No.15382180

KEK it’s so dumb it made me laugh

>> No.15382182

I haven't seen any
All i remember is that guy built a liquid cryo test stand engine a while back. Don't think it had gimbals either

>> No.15382187

>CH4 starts increasing
How the FUUU...

>> No.15382189

What do you think Elon is thinking right now , knowing it will take another 8 months before it launches again ?

>> No.15382195

But you do, seething SLS cuck

>> No.15382197

happens in my car all the time depending if I drive uphill or downhill

>> No.15382198

LOX leak?? That somehow resolved itself?!

Happens around 55-60 seconds, around the same time as the second engine failure.

>> No.15382200

It was probs just a sensor error
Its too consistent to be a leak

>> No.15382206

“Well, that was fun. Back to work everyone”

>> No.15382209
File: 393 KB, 1700x2959, Sls4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up

>> No.15382211

I guess you too have installed one of those magical water tank engine parts that just magically makes you car drive infinitely further, SpaceX must have done the same hahahaaha

>> No.15382212

Whoa, look at those milkers. She's got quite the payload.

>> No.15382216

they closed a valve probs

>> No.15382218

This actually looks really good?
The lox level looks like a faulty sensor

>> No.15382222

it's called fuel slosh + sensor based on wrong assumptions. saves money

>> No.15382223

or it was leaking after an engine ate shit and they closed a valve upstream

>> No.15382224

thats pretty fucked not going to lie
how long will it take to rebuild? maybe some of the structure can be salvaged though

>> No.15382226

Why are you so brain dead?

>> No.15382229

EA's videos on rocket engines are absolutely worth a watch

>> No.15382232

6 months minimum. maybe a year if they build a trench

>> No.15382236

Could be true
Rest of it looks good at least. Maybe the spacex sources saying the only problem was stage sep are true

>> No.15382242

Retard, go to West Virgina or eastern Europe and you will find white people as poor as those on picrel. Go to Arabia or China and you will find rich people throwing money at space just like westerners.
Why do you need to make it be about race when it never was?

>> No.15382243

Why are you such a mindless melanated midwit? Trust the science

>> No.15382249

Yep same, I don't have a colonization fetish like the rest of the Marsfags here

>> No.15382251

Go figure out how they measure the level of fuel

>> No.15382252

>pad wrecked as fuck
damn those rockets were no joke
what a monster they just built

>> No.15382254

looks like there's a sudden LOX drop just as one of the engines turns off/explodes

>> No.15382255

Both in thrust and power, how the fuck did it survive so much abuse? The engines got fucked by debris but it still kept going, and mid flight it did how lever many flips when most rockets would detonate just going like 10 degrees off nominal. Stage 0 got fucking destroyed

>> No.15382256

We are gonna get a new metal gear solid game now arent we, and we already know whos the final boss

>> No.15382257
File: 206 KB, 1829x993, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and mid flight it did how lever many flips when most rockets would detonate
its designed to flip around

>> No.15382261

can someone try this on KSP

>> No.15382262

does this put all the SLS naysayers to rest? this just shows that tried and tested tech is just better

>> No.15382264

Kek the Chris Combs guy is really seething.
>the launch was a stunt for investors
the absolute state of EDS

>> No.15382266

Why isnt SpaceX going on the news 24/7 saying "space is hard" and "this is why we test"?? Arent they afraid of all the bad PR??? They need to be coping on the Colbert show or John Oliver

>> No.15382268
File: 188 KB, 744x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, nigger

>> No.15382269

I'm thinking we'll get it in months still because they planned for the worst possible outcome (pad explosion) and they have the logistics in-place for that already for replacing the OLM and Tower

Moreso they planned to dig out the pad anyways to install the water deluge system

>> No.15382270


>> No.15382273

because they dont depend on taxes, like NASA. they dont give a fuck if the public hates them

>> No.15382276

The launch was such a shitshow that it actually bodes well for Starship in the future. If it's able to almost get past stage 1 despite multiple engine failures, leaks, and one hpu exploding, then addressing those issues should yield an extremely sturdy rocket without many fatal points of failure. They won't need every launch to be perfect for it to perform as advertised, which is the difference between having a 90% success rate and a 99.9% success rate down the line.

>> No.15382277
File: 1.44 MB, 3536x2176, FuQxXOpX0AkHJv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15382278

good luck raising money from retail investors spacehoaXer

>> No.15382279
File: 127 KB, 585x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retail investors

>> No.15382280

Beach is closed

>> No.15382281

Lol no 1 launch a year is not a viable strategy for going interplanetary even if they are all 100% successes. As long as that limitation exists for SLS, I will not care about it.

>> No.15382283

they built a tank of a rocket

and it seems like the rocket didn't like the disrespect of the pad they built so he showed them lol

>> No.15382284

/spacefags/ are showing that the connection is real lmao >>15381876

>> No.15382285

why would Walmart invest in SpaceX???

>> No.15382287

literally a fucking warzone. no ocelot could have survived that

>> No.15382289

beating Amazon to in-space retail delivery

>> No.15382292
File: 245 KB, 600x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ocelot could have survived that

>> No.15382295

Can you imagine the point when SpaceX LITERALLY starts selling rockets to anyone that puts up the money? Can’t wait for Saudis to just have their own personal rocket they can go up in whenever. Will be so fucking cool seeing what they do.

>> No.15382296
File: 512 KB, 800x800, 254gsmakdf98asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just another two weeks

>> No.15382297

>when SpaceX LITERALLY starts selling rockets to anyone that puts up the money
please lurk sfg for at least one year before posting

>> No.15382299

Imagine the dust

>> No.15382302
File: 33 KB, 600x396, C42FA04E-5DA6-4177-B26C-FAC895EC5BD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two weeks bros, we are SO BACK!

>> No.15382307

more like 2 years

>> No.15382309

2 decades* SLS wins again, SpaceX chuds btfo

>> No.15382310

Actual retard. Call your municipality to report contaminated water

>> No.15382312


>> No.15382315

spacex already does that retard. they launched a direct competitor to starlink
they would probably launch north korean satellites if the DoD let them

>> No.15382328

no this puts us to rest

>> No.15382336

Concrete slabs on the helium tanks

>> No.15382341

both the pics were only white men basically (perhaps the spacex had some brown ones, not sure)
your pic is from NASAs JPL, completely different and a turbogrift

>> No.15382342
File: 1.70 MB, 1916x1112, 20230421_222047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.15382343
File: 33 KB, 124x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15382345

It just shows that tried and tested tech is more reliable, which is pretty much a tautology. If you want to do great things then you can't be terrified of failure

>> No.15382346
File: 10 KB, 234x216, waow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZOMG!! Felongated Muskrat absolutely BTFO by his own rocket! ChudX will never recover.

>> No.15382347 [DELETED] 

Kinda true even though you're trolling outside /b/

>> No.15382350

kek troon

>> No.15382353

Scott on you know what

>> No.15382354

i think we're all sick of hearing stage 0 is fucked. we get the point, trying to get that across

>> No.15382359

That's the grid fin. The flaps on Starship are undamaged and in their nominal position.

>> No.15382361

>Will be so fucking cool seeing what they do.
Kessler syndrome

>> No.15382366

please consult this post: >>15382297

>> No.15382369
File: 84 KB, 847x476, F129F8C2-D843-4612-B9D5-A4C83A978E34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh orbital debris muh environment

>> No.15382370

>Kessler syndrome

>> No.15382371

I like seeing new pictures of the carnage

>> No.15382375

they should build 2 launch pads in case the other one gets broken

>> No.15382379

this pop sci image is getting a lot of mileage

>> No.15382383

FAA wont allow them

>> No.15382386

nooooo really? man this idea is just crazy, i cant believe spacex didnt think of that when they were planning to send a fucking gigaton to mars.

>> No.15382387


>> No.15382388

one of heinleins books has black slavers in the future with caucasian slaves and the black slavers are cannibals as well, they see nothing wrong with it
the book is pretty fucked up overall

>> No.15382391

its a very good reaction image, whoever made it should make more for /sfg/

>> No.15382394

i miss this guy https://twitter.com/Dr_ThomasZ/status/1649126577173561377

>> No.15382396

how do you do normal stage separation that is fully and rapidly reusable?

>> No.15382401

Pneumatic pushers?

>> No.15382402


>> No.15382403

>Dr Z

>> No.15382406


>> No.15382407

>half of the image limit was used up by basedjak and anime posters

>> No.15382410


>> No.15382411


>> No.15382412


>> No.15382413

So uh yeah I just realized I don’t know jack shit about Viking and I feel like it was a super fucking cool mission, so basically I plan on getting drunk tonight and reading up on it

>> No.15382420

>rocket girls

>> No.15382425

can someone give me the rub on what has happened so far this month? I know Starship and JUICE but dont remember anything else

>> No.15382432

fuck you stop posting tranime

>> No.15382434

lol he just keeps saying more and more retarded stuff, must be annoying to be a student on one of his courses

>> No.15382436

well, having public support will make getting through red tape easier probably
not as many troll groups perhaps?
could even get some law changes passed that are beneficial

>> No.15382437

Fuck off, I posted far more kino flight pics than I posted rocket girls. Maybe you should increase your Starship to soijack ratio

>> No.15382446

Daily reminder that Viking discovered life

>> No.15382447

god i wish i could post an image right now

>> No.15382452

nothing happened

>> No.15382453

Just delete your last soijack and post a new one newfag

>> No.15382454

That story is super over-embellished. I’m more interested in the propulsive/scientific technology aboard the lander. Not the /x/ aspects lol

>> No.15382455

lol there is a newfag /SFG/, maybe we should just use it, i dont really care desu


>> No.15382457

fucking newfag

>> No.15382460

it's one guy posting it
I know because I do the same with another image

>> No.15382461

estro got good launch footage

>> No.15382462

4chan hasn't been an anime website in over a decade. cope.

>> No.15382464

not page 10 fag.

>> No.15382465

Fucking newfags I hate this shit

>> No.15382466

Nope, I made it and post it but others do too

>> No.15382467

Thanks to newfags like you trying to make it that way

>> No.15382473

clank things

>> No.15382475

the cosmicperspective film and photos will be the most kino out of literally everyone except maybe spacex official

>> No.15382484

That's it
Also, hakuto-r will land on the moon on the 25th

>> No.15382488

kind of annoying text, basically expecting it to be copied and posted into normie sites (perhaps many of his followers don't know about starship either?)

>> No.15382489

Fuck off newfag

>> No.15382491

What are the chances that Starship survived superheavy blowing up and they had to manually pop it as well?

>> No.15382495


>> No.15382497

if this is NSF i swear i will throw you under the OLM during launch

>> No.15382498

>says the one saying tranime

election tourist piece of shit

>> No.15382501

Do it do it do it do it..

>> No.15382503

actually true, I came here in 2020 :)

>> No.15382502

its not even me who posted what you just replied to. we always stage at page 10 you fucking retard.

>> No.15382509

>election tourist
do you know what board you're on? its not /pol/

>> No.15382511

Why they are very informative and have funny jokes. Lots of engagement and answer all my questions (for a fee haha )

>> No.15382516

we shouldn't encourage early staging by recycling threads. His thread also doesn't link the previous one. Just stage by protocol

>> No.15382521

fuck off Baylor, i'm on to you

>> No.15382527

notice he used /SFG/ not /sfg/ just like the thread he linked. its the newfag who created that thread. dont use it or give him (You)s in here either

>> No.15382528


>> No.15382531

I will shitpost in that thread and this ones successor

>> No.15382532

Kill yourself you larping try hard newfag

>> No.15382539

>two weeks posting is back


>> No.15382540

Meant to reply to

>> No.15382541


>> No.15382544

spergs seething as usual I see

>> No.15382546

kys theres a valid reason

>> No.15382549

Jannies archive this thread please

>> No.15382551

this launch was basically a glorified hop

>> No.15382557

fat niggur they should archive the other /sfg/

>> No.15382561

getting (you)s from you is like stealing candy from a baby

>> No.15382566

Id love to partake in these free candies hmm..
Hey Jannies, How about we change the entire way of doing things around here and archive at image limits from now huh?

>> No.15382569

i actually agree

>> No.15382572

that would make sense yes, but I'm not sure the janny is active enough for this to work

>> No.15382580

page on stage 10

>> No.15382584


>> No.15382585

We are big enough now that we must demand our rights, no more slumming it on page, throw rocks at /sfg/ jannies until our image liberties are secure

>> No.15382586

He's just spamming images in the thread, just straight up screenshots from literal twitter trannies like >>15382505

>> No.15382593

/sfg/ decided to always stage on page 10, and the mod supports that

>> No.15382599

The problem is the jannies don't pay enough attention so we're probably going to be forced to use the newfag thread because jannies will delete any other thread that gets created.

>> No.15382600

2 months :)

>> No.15382606


>> No.15382608

Just mass report the newfag thread for spamming and flooding, always works when I do it

>> No.15382614

if we don't have a continuous line of
>Previous: >>XXXXXX
in the OPs is it really a general?

>> No.15382617

The trick is to spam the thread with images so you can then delete and post images when you like
newfags might not know this

>> No.15382625

Watercooledsteelplatebros... we won.

>> No.15382628

that tends to happen anyway when people are too lazy to make a new thread, or a janny archives an ongoing thread when there is too much shitposting/trolling
both happen quite regularly

>> No.15382631

I told you it would work and everyone dogged on me

>> No.15382637

they never delete a properly staged thread

>> No.15382640


>> No.15382639


>> No.15382641

Why not liquid helium?

>> No.15382644

Winning, flame trench chuds and Florida doomers seething

>> No.15382648

Wouldn't the drastic change in temperature just cause the steel to explode?

>> No.15382652


>> No.15382657

Can we just take a moment to appreciate that steel plates were advocated here by some anons months ago. Let's also take a moment to appreciate that we predicted Tesla moving their HQ to Texas days before it was announced

>> No.15382667

I'm actually from FL, was never a doomer, I fucking love this company so much. I fucking knew they were prepared for this but everyone gave me shit for saying it, only me and a few other people said this like >>15382644, >>15382639, and >>15382631. We are from the future I tell ya

>> No.15382673

not that big of a difference in heat capacity compared to just water
plus its massively expensive, very difficult to handle compared to just water, everything is just much more difficult
why would you do that if you dont have to? just increase the flow rate of the water slightly to get the same heat removal capacity

>> No.15382675

btw, whoever said they couldnt stand another 9 months of nothing, you just won the jackpot of linear time

>> No.15382679

in my home universe pumps exist

>> No.15382681

CSI starbase must be absolutely seething his Q4 2023 earliest prediction was wrong by so much

>> No.15382682

helium is horribly expensive

>> No.15382687

so wait, if they already had a steel plate being made, whats the deal with those flame diverter parts coming in? is that for the other pad being constructed?

>> No.15382690

Trenches are so gay
>oooooh nooo go away flame waaaa go that wayyyy uuuggghhh

>> No.15382691

the rebar survived the static without any cooling. I think water cooling for the plates will be sufficient

>> No.15382693

They probably want to control the direction of the flames. You can do that without building a trench.

>> No.15382694

i gotta ask this >>15382687 though someone tell me

>> No.15382696

Delete this post right now

>> No.15382697

a post earlier said that he is consistently wrong on timelines and gave some example, I didn't really look into it though

>> No.15382699


>> No.15382700


>> No.15382702

Gonna need more than a "water cooled steel plate" to tame that 160m+ plume.

>> No.15382705

Flame diverter is probably what they are calling the steel pad and that's what those parts are for

>> No.15382707

same thing?

>> No.15382710

flame diverter is being put in place, also the engines that never lit fucked up the launch so probably stood on the pad too long. i think it will be fine

>> No.15382711

>whats the deal with those flame diverter parts coming in
The plate is the flame diverter.

>> No.15382714

A flame diverter actually diverts the flame as per the name, a plate just sits there and takes the punishment.

>> No.15382717

oh shit two in one? i was thinking that flame diverter = flame trench. bros this is shaping up to be fucking kino.

>> No.15382718

You don't need to tame it, just have the pad not shatter into a million pieces to fuck your shit up, steel won't do that

>> No.15382721

REEE so wrong.

>> No.15382725

this is what i was thinking like i said here >>15382717 maybe its a two in one though? someone deleted an image just now check the image count i wont use it

>> No.15382727

Mmmmm, I think no we'll be fine :)

>> No.15382730

Well. They thought reinforced concrete would be "just fine" too.

>> No.15382734

no they didnt retard, thats why they started building the steel plate.

>> No.15382736
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, Krystal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15382739

>this is what the deleted image gets used for
holy fuck i hate you so much

>> No.15382741

>All they have is banger futa porn.
This is complete bullshit. Trannies and tranny lovers make horrible futa porn too. It really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone when you actually think about it for a second. I've only seen a single exception.

>> No.15382745

Just report him and move on. furry is banned outside of /b/.

>> No.15382747

Required watching for all of /sfg/
Starship analysis

>> No.15382748

clearly a newfag. how do you not even know about the krystal posters?

>> No.15382753

/sfg/ is always right

>> No.15382756

>"& we wrongly thought, based on static fire data, that Fondag would make it through 1 launch."
Reading comprehension is a powerful skill that will serve you well in life.

>> No.15382761

It's literally just you, kill yourself samefag spamming furry cunt

>> No.15382762

/sfg/ was mostly doomers so no we werent this time, save for the few who believed. you all need to stop listening to CSI Starbase, how many times has he just been utterly wrong now?

>> No.15382774

I doomed and coped until I realized water cooled steel chads were correct and joined their team before the tweet. I am on the victorious team and a pre /sfg/ OG.

>> No.15382779

im glad you agree that falcon 9 is the best rocket since its the most tried and tested rocket ever made

>> No.15382781

I have always believed in the Musk, PBUH. It is part of the journey of the disciples to endure his fortnightly forecasts and witness his looney tunes design miracles, the end result is the same: salvation

>> No.15382788

ill have you know im actually a war tourist

>> No.15382789

fellow steelplatechads we truly have won

>> No.15382792

all hail musk

>> No.15382794

"Zack Golden
interesting. Holding the rest of my thoughts on this."


>> No.15382804

Mashallah so shall it be

>> No.15382807

all those doomers on the stage separation mechanism, know that steelplatechads are coming for you too.

>> No.15382812

get just better DNA repair mechanisms
bacteria can do it

>> No.15382822



>> No.15382827

Probably right, still looks dumb as fuck though

>> No.15382832

Tank farm location always gets me

>where do we put these bossman
>idk dude just stick it right next to the launch pad for the biggest rocket ever with no protection

>> No.15382844

kind of had to put it there? envirofags made it difficult to much else
perhaps it could have been on the other end of that area that had been sunk with sand, but in the end it wouldnt really be that much farther

>> No.15382854

It's crazy just how mere ignition and liftoff obliterated this much, not even any kind of unexpected ground level explosions

>> No.15382858

mrya could do 1/4th and that was ancient soviet trash

>> No.15382937

This is why we need nuclear powered dirigibles.

>> No.15382963


>> No.15382968

page 10 lads

>> No.15382969

page 10 boys, make a new thread dont encourage the last one made by a newfag

>> No.15382970

I prefer Cementomancer.

captcha: 2P00S

>> No.15382977

I mean, this is exactly how Starlinks are launched. The only difference is that the second stage doesn't RTB. It seems like they took that concept and scaled it up for Starship, since it basically is a proven factor already (at small scale).

>> No.15382989


>> No.15382992

What gets me is the tower blocking their way to the empty wetlands
Having it 180 would have made it provide some protection for the tank farm too

>> No.15383003

Staging, just recycle the other thread spastics

>> No.15383223

>copy graphics from kerbal

>> No.15383280

i just now noticed the graphics for the starship on the right with its engines, damn now im sad we didnt see staging

>> No.15383420

so was Isaac "Sensual Dirty Old Man" Asimov

>> No.15383478

Kill yourself