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15381395 No.15381395 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on this dilemma?

>> No.15381486

what are your thoughts of people making IQ threads?

>> No.15381503

Just breed with them until you find someone who can beat you at chess.

>> No.15382017

Funny people.

>> No.15382023

OP here, I'm trans and he's a black dude.

>> No.15382029

This is how you get to date someone with higher AQ. You trade specialties

>> No.15382091

What do you mean?

>> No.15382204

>thoughts on this dilemma
You deserve headpats, and bulli! >:3

>> No.15382323

There's only so much OP, after a while it's just a practice of handling larger ideas and being able to better retrieve both short and long term memories.
I wouldn't want to play a game of chess with a geezer who times their morning crosswords. I wouldn't play jeopardy with a history major. If I married and reproduced with an engineer I would probably leave teaching math homework to our kids to her, and some other aspects of learning to myself.

The chances of any of us even knowing our IQ is irrelevant to us until the ones who use it's battery on us as kids can't defend its use as we become adults. It's just a measurement standard, the 0,0.

>> No.15382385

you jack off to kiddie porn

>> No.15382449

Wtf are you talking about man?

>> No.15382857

My gf claims to have an IQ of 134
I think mine is 130 (I scored 130 on a test which claimed it wasn't an IQ test when I was in school, but it certainly seemed a lot like an IQ test - it was a test everyone did when they started the school so the teachers knew roughly how clever they were)

Either her score is wrong (probably, she's from mainland China so I wouldn't trust it), or mine is wrong. I'm way cleverer than her. She seems like 120 at most

>> No.15382866

I love my cat and exchange affection with her even though I know she's far too dumb to ever possibly understand me

I'm sure it'll be the same with a human woman

>> No.15382872

My GF's is around 90 I think. Mine is 109.

>> No.15382911

Deary me, must be hard

>> No.15383019

Any man is going to be in this situation.

>> No.15383190


>> No.15383291


>> No.15383296
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IDK maybe tell them to get a higher IQ? You could help them practice or try to con your way into taking it for them.

>> No.15383303

Find someone better retarded piece of shit.

My ex chose someone who's fucking stupid, later he turned out to be really ugly looking so I'm not envious, just disappointed

>> No.15383305
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>everyone is dumber than me

>> No.15383314

its harder for her to put up with my iq than it is for me to put up with hers

still, never seriously date anyone significantly under 110

>> No.15383371

She can be like a pet to you.


>> No.15383462

they have to deal with your low 'emotional IQ' and lack of empathy and acceptance

>> No.15383490

funny how irl it's most likely most of those people are actually literally incapable of thinking and for most people who would think that to not be as intelligent as they appear. I mean, if you think everyone around you is as intelligent as you, then you're an idiot - whether you're right or wrong.

>> No.15383513

you presume yourself as superior to everyone else regardless any evidence to back up the grandiose presumtion

>> No.15383553

Yea but how is the breaksown btwn linguustic spatial etc. I have a high spatial iq but relatively low verbal iq, it throws me off when im doing writing intensive tasks i put the same effort as spatial tasks im good at and its not wnough

>> No.15383609

insecure subhumans from /pol/

>> No.15383689

They are practice girlfriends.

>> No.15383765

At best, you'll end up resenting them or being miserable. Move on. At worst, chances are they come from a whole family of stupid and you don't want those sort of people knowing your business, where you live, or anything of the sort. Again, move on.

>> No.15383793

I believe that if I were to date a girl at the average IQ level, whatever that may be, it would be akin to middle-aged man dating a child. I tried breaching this subject with the president of my university (we talk casually) but I phrase it as an "education gap" relationship because I didn't want to mention IQ (I would probably get expelled). Of course, people won't get it firstly because university types are rarely exposed to people of average to below average intelligence, and secondly because of the way I phrased it, smart people who didn't go to school would still apply. I just know that the naive girls I've tutored take my word as gospel and I'm not enough of a sociopath to take advantage of that.

>> No.15383861

In what shithole do you live? In my un-PC chud country (Switzerland), my psychiatrist literally started musing about inherited and then racial IQ differences by himself. He is extremely eloquent, not like it was some schizo babble. We both agreed that society is not psychologically ready to discuss the subject at the current time.

Honestly your issue isn't just your shithole country, but that you are meek. Most likely nothing bad would happen, you just have too low an IQ and empathy/extrapolation ability to properly understand the motivations and projected reactions by other people. IQ is very valued in the psychological profession. By extension also a lot of academia. You live in a spookhouse where a woke caricature is behind every tree.

>> No.15383903

Nothing, in case of woman, beauty is all that matters, infact I have found that most beautiful woman are creative and talented too.
I have Math and Computer Engineering background (MSc), have worked at Apple and Samsung in Core OS teams as software and performance Engineer, so I am fairly high IQ.
The girl I am currently dating is a flower and cake decorator, works with a business that manages ceremonies and functions. I think I am gonna marry her.

>> No.15383940

There's such a thing as communication difficulties arising in large iq differences. That you don't even notice such a thing exists tell me you are a midwit.

>> No.15383943

How? She can't stand you constantly correcting her?

>> No.15384181

Both my linguistic and spatial were high
I'm a physicist but good at writing and reading

>> No.15384182

I'm saying it must be tough for you

>> No.15384191

That was fast, mods purged the boobies eugenics thread within minutes, almost like we have a semblance of functional moderation.

Sadly the catalog attests to this being a lie.

>> No.15384239

There are two types of intelligence, I label it expansive, and reductive.
Expansive is the ability to deduce from what you know, come up with solutions, ideas.
Reductive is the ability to discard the false and useless.

It is the latter that causes the trouble with communication as people with low reductive intelligence overread situations and keep making stuff up. It simply isn't possible to adapt to it, as the bullshit they come up with is pretty much completely unpredictable. High expansive intelligence makes it worse by enhancing the ability to come up with bullshit.

>> No.15384254

I don't think that's a useful distinction. A truly intelligent person would be able to distinguish noise from useful data. Any uselessness is discarded before any meaningful predictions are made.

Communication troubles really arise from speed of making associations. An intelligent person will look at a TV show see some references, make some associations and the normal person is going to be confused as to why those two pieces of information are related or deserve any mention. Then if you do this enough times they're going to be weirded out enough to start making fun of you if you have no useful relationship with them. They are either always going to be pissed at this strange behavior or tolerate it enough if it's useful. Because of this, communication becomes difficult because looking at the same thing results in different conclusions. They see the trees while the intelligent person sees the forest.

>> No.15384269
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Bad question because we are all straight guys and girls now matter how high their IQ will always be far more prone to being irrational. It'll be even worse if they're as smart as or smarter than you and they go on a tantrum. Of course there's the kids to think about so getting someone as dumb as a brick isn't the best thing either but IQ is not unequivocally linked to having a good life anyway so yeah.

>> No.15384287

It’s fine. IQ is overrated, intelligence has very little correlation with wisdom. In my experience it’s often the complete inverse.

>> No.15384367

>Communication troubles really arise from speed of making associations. An intelligent person will look at a TV show see some references, make some associations and the normal person is going to be confused as to why those two pieces of information are related or deserve any mention.
True. That's expansive intelligence, but you need reductive intelligence to judge if it makes sense or not.

>> No.15384417


>> No.15384432 [DELETED] 
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Is it nowadays a bad idea/death sentence academically speaking to do a mathematics PhD in Russia?

t. french

>> No.15384435

Wtf? Out of nowhere

>> No.15384438

> t. french
Did you fail to get accepted in French universities or what?
My opinion on PhD : Academic Research is dead and you don't need a PhD to teach Undergrads.

>> No.15384441

Come to Brazil!

>> No.15384444 [DELETED] 

A bunch of great mathematicians like Kolmogorov and Kantorovitch, who studied fields I like in optimization, probabilities, statistics, information theory, etc... Come from Russia, and I was wondering if there were still Russian labs active in mathematics, or perhaps applied mathematics in fields related to what Russia could be good at (energy, arctic, etc...)

>> No.15384461 [DELETED] 

My plan regardless is to do a Statistics/AI PhD. I'll be versatile enough to choose between teaching, doing academic research or working for companies.
I'm currently still in France, but I'm thinking about doing my PhD somewhere else. I'm at a good uni but France is obsessed with the "grandes ecoles" system which I'm not part of, main reason I want to leave.
Yeah why not, is there active research in any of the fields close to AI there?

>> No.15384469

This a dating thread mf

>> No.15384474

>Yeah why not, is there active research in any of the fields close to AI there?
Idk, but it has IMPA, where Arthur Avila came from

>> No.15384476

IQ scores can change a fair amount from childhood to adulthood. It is possible your gf scored high as a kid due to the fact that girls develop more quickly than boys.

>> No.15384482

>is obsessed with the "grandes ecoles" system
You are not good enough.

>> No.15384483

>All humans are identical blank slates. It is only possible to be smart if you are also humble.
This viewpoint would be less retarded if there weren't objective measures of intelligence. You can literally know if everyone is dumber than you or not.

>> No.15384503

3 out of the 5 people wouldn’t even be thinking in words

>> No.15384514

How would they be thinking? Through sign language?

>> No.15384526

>what about dating someone with lower IQ
>be part of the 98th percentile
As if I had any realistic choice.

>> No.15384723

No you don't. Intelligence is intelligence. There's no expansive or reductive bullshit. You either have it or you don't. Plus there's no such concept in the psychological literature. You are attempting to distinguish two concepts of the same thing.

>> No.15384755

>Plus there's no such concept in the psychological literature.
Of course there isn't, I came up with it to solve the problem of dysrationalia.

>> No.15384803

And I'm telling you that it's not distinguishable or even abstract enough. An intelligent person has both of those qualities. They can tell noise from useful data, otherwise the g loading would say different. Plus IQ tests already measure for both qualities. Filling in the missing image quiz is about distinguishing noise from useful data. Every problem involves deduction from what you know and discarding useless data, you do this everytime you make a prediction.

>> No.15384811

No, IQ tests only measure the expansive part.
Look up dysrationalia.

>> No.15384889

Then that's just ADHD or schizophrenia, they do have difficulties with discarding noise

>> No.15384981

In that case we don't need IQ either, as some people are just idiots.

>> No.15385293

This ... made me uncomfortable.

>> No.15385295


>> No.15385310

There are times when I don't want to get a high score.

>> No.15385818

Totally possible
But I think it might be more to do with china and the school not wanting to report low scores to tiger parents

>> No.15385896

Retarded metric to use in your dating standard. Weird obsessions with inferiority are weird.

>> No.15385898

It's not retarded if your partner is a gorilla, you stupid tranny

>> No.15385901

What metric should I use for my dating standards then?

>> No.15385906

Sick argument bro, I can really feel all three of your braincells coordinate.
Do whatever you want. It's your life. I'd personally go for something like ability to communicate, independence, honesty, empathy and all that shit and also the big boobas.

>> No.15385972

What is "ability to communicate"?

>> No.15385989

People obsessed with IQ are usually the ones with the most embarrassingly subhuman IQ

>> No.15385990

Ability to get across intent, feelings, desires, and arguments in a concise and coherent manner.

>> No.15386023

My GF has borderline and is a feminist but she's independent, honesty, empathetic and all that shit. Would you date her?

>> No.15386033

Fuck yeah, who wouldn't want a genuine borderline retard.

>> No.15386055

What do you mean? It's a bad thing dude.

>> No.15386070

I meant to make a joke replacing feminist with retard and then playing on the double meaning of borderline. Ironic that we're in an IQ thread.

>> No.15386091

I have level 1 autism.

>> No.15386096

There is no need to brag. I am hoping this one is an easy one to catch for you.

>> No.15386109


>> No.15386110

>have worked at Apple and Samsung in Core OS teams as software and performance Engineer
literally a bugman creating satanic systems to enslave human minds. hope you were at least paid well

>> No.15386115
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No way, right? How autistic is level 1 autistic?

>> No.15386142

It was either really not funny or I'm really dumb.

>> No.15386159

Let's figure that out.
Maybe I am autistic.
You go I have level 1 autism
I go There is no need to brag (The joke being that's not a brag)
If still nothing then damn. I am just not funny.

>> No.15386163

Yeah, I got that. That's not funny man, work on your jokes. Also, go fuck yourself.

>> No.15386166

Oh, there it is. You're assblasted. For a second I thought I wasn't funny. Holy fuck, anon. Don't scare me like that. Jesus fuck.

>> No.15386170

Got ya, that was a joke you dumbfuck. You have autism.

>> No.15386172

Since I'm in the top 0.001% it's kind of a non-issue.

>> No.15386175

Good one. I see your assblast radius is ever increasing. Perhaps a more relaxing atmosphere to unrustle your jimmies. Have you considered reddit?

>> No.15386198

I have considered your mom's anus, but there are already a lot of people there.

>> No.15386202

You will never be understood by your partner. How does that feel?

>> No.15386205
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and you couldn't get in because of your level 1 autism, classic.

>> No.15386351 [DELETED] 

It's irrelevant. Most people don't understand what I do. No one outside of boards like that cares about IQ.

>> No.15386354

It's irrelevant. Most people don't understand what I do. No one outside of boards like this cares about IQ.

>> No.15386472
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>Dating someone with lower IQ

I have a high IQ so I would not know.
But I am proud of you for having the guts to try to date others even though you have a lower IQ!. You go!!

>> No.15386722

Stupid people will keep jabbering for hours about what smart people can explain in minutes. (and still fail to get the point across)
They do tend to be indepemdent, but it's because they don't get why people would cooperate.
They don't understand why anyone would be honest, they will tell you whatever they think is momentarily best for them for you to think. (see https://politics.stackexchange.com/questions/79319/what-can-be-the-reasons-or-advantages-for-russias-candid-admission-of-their-own for examples)
If they have empathy at all it's so ridiculously stupid that it does more harm that good.
Dumb people are not forrest gump, that's a nice fantasy.