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15381041 No.15381041 [Reply] [Original]

I'm convinced most illnesses are because of a nutritional deficiency.

>Scurby (Vitamin C)
>Ostheoporosis (Calcium)
>Anaemia (Iron)
>Depression (Omega 3)
>Arthritis (Condhorintine with glucosamine)

The other shit like allergies are mostly because of lack of B12 and acidic PH.

I'm not saying controversial shit, is not even a tinfoil shit to mention scurvy can be treated with lemons and oranges, and ostheoporosis can be treated with celery with brocoli smoothie, because It has calcium.

Not talking about cancer can be cured with fruits type of retardation.
But I honestly think cancer is because of a poor system because of years of eating goyslop and other pollutants.

Pretty sure that cancer can be prevented by losing fat, stop eating so much red meat and stop eating goyslop and not drink shit like alcohol and beer, and not smoking, and lower consumption of diary, flour products and sugar rich products.

It's not even controversial to claim that goyslop causes diseases.

For some reason doctors love to prescribe prozac and other chemicals instead of telling people to lose fat, and stop eating goyslop and eat more veggies.

>> No.15381050 [DELETED] 
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Recommend me a nice and based introduction book to electricity?
I tried "Practical Electronics for Inventors" but everything was going very fast on the first pages and it explained everything with algebraic equations.
Im pretty shit at math, or at least you could say i dont have any "fundamentals", so this kinda fucks me over.
Is there any book that would be a good read to get into electronics? i want to design circuits, seems fun.

>> No.15381054

sorry, but I am not an EE nerd.

try to look up something on libgen.

>> No.15381058

yeah sorry meant to post my own thread but im completely retarded.

>> No.15381067

Just say junk food you fucking autist

>> No.15381094

>Condhorintine with glucosamine
Scam drug with no proven effect on health. As in, it literally does nothing.
Completely uncurable, sadly

>> No.15381100
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>scam drug
It's literally a nutritional suplement idiot.

If you want food, you can get that shit with literal sea food.

Ironic, because I cured my mother from that shit with just giving her sea food rich in nutrients that her body neede to repair her knees.

>> No.15381110

Retard, the neurological mechanisms for major depression are still largely unknown, your shitty omega 3 supplements are just placebos and scams.

>> No.15381176

>doctors love to prescribe prozac and other chemicals instead of telling people to lose fat
We tell them to exercise, get regular sleep and change their diet. People are simply bad at doing that.

>> No.15381179
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Efficacy of omega-3 PUFAs in depression: A meta-analysis
Yuhua Liao, Bo Xie, Huimin Zhang, Qian He, Lan Guo, Mehala Subramanieapillai, Beifang Fan, Ciyong Lu

Omega-3 fatty acids for the treatment of depression: systematic review and meta-analysis
M H Bloch 1, J Hannestad

Do you want to start spamming the literature, autist peer review shit?

can't link the articles because 4chincel filters

>> No.15381182

you need to fucking tell kids in school.

>> No.15381184

>Osteoporosis (Calcium)
age and being a woman are the most inescapable predisposing factors
there are different types and the deficiency may from a diff disease
osteoarthritis is secondary to cartilage degradation with use

>> No.15381188

they can be sucesfully treated with nutrition.

>> No.15381205

"meta-analysis demonstrated no significant benefit of omega-3 FA treatment compared with placebo... Current published trials suggest a small, non-significant benefit of omega-3 FAs for major depression. Nearly all of the treatment efficacy observed in the published literature may be attributable to publication bias."

Kek, did you even read your own fucking sources.

>> No.15381242
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my mistake, I assumed omega 3 to have non placebo effects because of cardiovascular and brain improvements.

Recent Clinical Trials Shed New Light on the Cardiovascular Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Penny M. Kris-Etherton, PhD, RDN,a Chesney K. Richter, PhD,b Kate J. Bowen, PhD,a Ann C. Skulas-Ray, PhD,b Kristina Harris Jackson, PhD, RDN,c Kristina S. Petersen, PhD,a and William S. Harris, PhDc,d

I assumed improvements in blood circulation and benefits like mood improvement and removal of brain fog, to obviously improve depression.

Effects of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Brain Functions: A Systematic Review
Monitoring Editor: Alexander Muacevic and John R Adler
Ibrahim M Dighriri,corresponding author1 Abdalaziz M Alsubaie,1 Fatimah M Hakami,2 Dalal M Hamithi,2 Maryam M Alshekh,2 Fatimah A Khobrani,2 Fatimah E Dalak,2 Alanoud A Hakami,3 Efham H Alsueaadi,4 Laila S Alsaawi,5 Saad F Alshammari,6 Abdullah S Alqahtani,7 Ibrahim A Alawi,8 Amal A Aljuaid,9 and Mohammed Q Tawhari10

It seems omega 3 to be essential to well functioning brain health.
So it seems logical it would improve the symptoms of depression.

>> No.15381289

Be honest, you're passionfag aren't you?

>> No.15381294

doctors dont give a shit, they arent there to actually cure you.

>Pretty sure that cancer can be prevented by losing fat, stop eating so much red meat and stop eating goyslop and not drink shit like alcohol and beer, and not smoking, and lower consumption of diary, flour products and sugar rich products.
actual cause of cancer is man made viruses that modify your genome, they can give you cancer by firing a dry ice bullet with a viral payload if they really want to.

>> No.15381301

no, I simply had to actually read medicine books to treat my mother diseases.

>> No.15381317

You're way too fucking obvious with your cat pics and writing style.

>> No.15381322

I used to post pepes like 6 months ago.

>> No.15383307

i just eat chicken and apples most of the time
sometimes tuna