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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 1415x741, 1681669421578269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15359260 No.15359260 [Reply] [Original]

>The new low for the vaxxies, aka the cumBloods.

>> No.15359286
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>> No.15359369
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I see now why coomer wojak looks the same as the nooticer

>> No.15359376

Purebloods where we at?

>> No.15359483

did this guy turn into an antivax poltard?

>> No.15359550
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He hasn't been removed from YouTube for violating their covid misinformation rules, so draw your own conclusions from that.

>> No.15359579

I don't understand why you think reporting on recent medical findings concerning the covid vaccine and its side effects is worthy of ridicule.

>> No.15359602

Probably the same well poisoner who keeps claiming there are no non covid excess deaths despite all evidence presented.

>> No.15359704


>> No.15359836
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>> No.15359859

He appeared on YouTube early in the pandemic and provided meaningful and useful information about COVID. I have to thank him for making me aware of the importance of zinc and vitamin C.

However, I suspect the clicks and views grabbed him and he became more sensationalist to bait extra views, likes and subscribes. Happens to many tubers and their content deteriorates as a result.

>> No.15359903

the enlightened centrist is here to shit up another thread . yes, please go on about how you are the only one who knows all the answers

>> No.15359928

Thanks for the fanfare you giant fucking faggot. Shame you're so out of tune. Go back to music school.
>I can shitpost too.

>> No.15359933

You're argument is falling a bit flat

>> No.15359935

calm your tits and tell us how youre the only one who got it roght, go on

>> No.15364781

> but I trusted the science and took 5 vaccines and now I have parasitic worms crawling in my arteries.

>> No.15364806

He's still more or less doing the same thing by inspecting potential risks and taking a cautious approach to everything

>> No.15364810

nofap then going full coom does this to me also insomnia and then sleeping too much makes me notice alot noticing

>> No.15364836

Right wing nut jobs love finding the one or two doctors that are just as crazy as they are and run with it.

He’s a doctor of nursing, not like a GP or a virologist. It seems like he has gaps in his knowledge which are necessary to contextualize certain studies or events.

Early on, Campbell was making very good videos about the info coming down from the NHS in the UK and the CDC. Not sure when it was but his content started aligning more along the lines with the anti-vaxxers. He'll look at studies but omit important bits of data and context.

I've come to realize that internet fame can affect anyone and it's very easy to pick a "side" even without clearly declaring so.

>> No.15364848

fucking hot

>> No.15364856

>The odd blood clots were real

I really thought that was just more fearmongering...

>> No.15364864
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Nice attempt at damage control, shill.

Show me an example where he omits important data or reports something in an unfair way.

I've seen him do an very good job of trying to remain as factual and transparent as possible in his reporting.

Reality is what it is. You seem to be upset about what real researchers are actually reporting.

Face it, the anti-vaxxers were correct this entire pandemic.

>> No.15364884

Biased "Reporting" on YouTube by someone without the credentials or reputation in the industry isn't exactly a peer reviewed source.

>> No.15364904

The mRNA Covid vaxs just give you Covid minus the spike protein. So they're more safe than getting Covid

>> No.15364913
File: 868 KB, 1169x6371, shillspotting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biased 'commenting' on anonymous image boards known to host paid shills tells a reader of discernment that his information is damaging to you.

>> No.15364950
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reminder on spike toxicity
>possible problems caused by spike protein S1 (but not only):
>S1 biding with heparin, causing amyloidosis
>S1 causing blood hypercoagulation, due to inflammagen effect
>S1 causing damage in the endothelium, cardiac pericytes
>S1 disrupting lysosome function
>S1 causing vascular thickening in the lungs
>S1 triggering autophagy and apoptosis in ACE2-expressing cells, ROS-suppressed PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway, inflammatory responses
>S1 impairing DNA damage repair, inhibiting V(D)J recombination (RETRACTED)
>S1 causing suppression of type I interferon responses, impairing innate immunity.
>S1 activating human endogenous retroviruses in blood cells

>> No.15364952

Don't care still getting my booster.

>> No.15364957

we knew this a long time ago

>S1 is sufficient to propagate inflammatory and thrombogenic processes in the microvasculature

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 induces fibrin(ogen) resistant to fibrinolysis: Implications for microclot formation in COVID-19
Grobbelaar et al

Thrombocytopenia and splenic platelet-directed immune responses after IV ChAdOx1 nCov-19 administration
Nicolai et al

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces abnormal inflammatory blood clots neutralized by fibrin immunotherapy
Ryu et al

Persistent clotting protein pathology in Long COVID/ Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) is accompanied by increased levels of antiplasmin
Pretorius et al

The binding of heparin to spike glycoprotein inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection by three mechanisms
Paiardi et al

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein 1 Activates Microvascular Endothelial Cells and Complement System Leading to Platelet Aggregation
Perico et al


>> No.15364978

>Vax causes thrombosis

>> No.15366265


>> No.15369016
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>> No.15369362


what do we do to minimize the adverse effect of having cum blob in our blood now?

>> No.15369443

fucking lol dude

>> No.15369454

>early in the pandemic and provided meaningful and useful information about COVID
his content may be of value to normies but this dude was perpetually late. pol could've made this video two fucking years ago. although he did have Dr. Paul Cottrell on the subject of GoF. that was cool. i get it though. i wouldnt risk everything i had to save sheep either. not say he hasnt taken great risks.

>> No.15369457

thanks for the reminder

>> No.15369480

you nazis lack basic sense of statistical science. when you vaccinate THE ENTIRE EARTH of course you'll gonna have "blood clots after 2 weeks of getting the shot" because you stupid fucks it's exactly like saying "blood clots after drinking water" but your stupid brains are so little because of your naziism that you can't grasp that simple fact an 8 year old can understand.

it's fine by me though; most of you over at /pol/ killed yourselves the first 2 years before you forced it to mutate to a nothingburger; lefties there are like half of you.

>> No.15369488

How much does big pharma pay for shills like you?

>> No.15369489

He sounds like a schizo so he probably does it for free.

>> No.15369548

>you nazis lack basic sense of statistical science
ironic that you fail to apply this logical to manufacturing processes of mRNA. were you to then obvious risks become apparent.

>> No.15369569 [DELETED] 

Someone with his persistence posting at so many time zones with similar memes and language (all ad hominem attacks), is indicative of a paid shill.
Their intellectual dishonest is a disappointed to her ancestors. They must hate themselves being unable to reconcile their purported truths with reality.

>> No.15369574

Someone with his persistence posting at so many time zones with similar memes and language (all ad hominem attacks), is indicative of a paid shill.
Their intellectual dishonest is a disappointed to their ancestors. They must hate themselves being unable to reconcile their purported truths with published, peer-reviewed reality.

>> No.15369834

You deserve to see how your children are eaten alive by hienas.

>> No.15369877

>no argument, just schizobabble
Thanks for outing yourself

>> No.15369953

To be honest there's another channel Back to the Science that points out the flaws in his analysis, but she does this with so much contempt and ridicule that I can not stand to listen to her. She sounds like a shill paid for damage control, but she may have good points that John can learn from.

>> No.15369976
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Getting the Vax still protects you from vampires.

>> No.15369981
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>> No.15370004

I was thinking about this and I came to the conclusion that worrying about the vaxcattle is actually the wrong thing to do. If anything bad happens to them it is okay because they chose to take a vaccine that they knew the government was trying to force on people. In a roundabout way, their choice to do take it was tacit support for the government forcing it on others.



>> No.15370011

igg4bros... my immune system feels like it is shutting down i ughrackkkkkkkk-


>> No.15370027

1 xanax was deposited into your account.

>> No.15370046

>worrying about the vaxcattle
I don't about you or others, but to me it feels important to get recognition for the wrongdoings, not just for a personal feeling of vengeance and justice, but more so that history will be written accurately so that future generations learn the truth and maybe so that systematic changes will be made to make cheating more difficult for the powers that be.

Letting go seems to me a psyop to manipulate history and discourage learning. It's standard practice to continually adapt to goals with cycles to plan, do, check, act. We should not abandon that cycle and spin out of control.

>> No.15370055

Imagine having your entire life and identity based on these vaccine conspiracies. Beyond pathetic.

>> No.15370059

You can't control what gets written down in the history books. You know what happened, that's what matters.

>> No.15370062
File: 171 KB, 1024x980, 95216869-BCE6-4ACE-9C17-D20C5D3DE0B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine having your entire life and identity based on these vaccine conspiracies. Beyond pathetic.

>> No.15370091

>Face it, the anti-vaxxers were correct this entire pandemic.
Bold claim considering that anti-vaxxers pulled all kinds of nonsense out of their asses. Vax causes autism, seizure, clodding of blood and this and that.

Not to mention that no one ever said that the vaccine is 100% safe cause no vaccine is. It was and always has been an emergency measure against an ongoing pandemic. Many countries have protocols for exactly that scenario that expedite the roll out of new vaccines precisely because they are necessary.

>> No.15370126

>that no one ever said that the vaccine is 100% safe cause no vaccine is. It was and always has been an emergency measure against an ongoing pandemic
a pity that despite being ineffective, it also causes severe side effects, like:

Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Bivalent Vaccine
Shrestha et al
Among 51011 working-aged Cleveland Clinic employees, the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster was 30% effective in preventing infection

Surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine safety among elderly persons aged 65 years and older
Wong et al
rate ratios (RR) of observed outcome rates compared to historical (or expected) rates prior to COVID-19 vaccination.
pulmonary embolism (PE; RR = 1.54),
acute myocardial infarction (AMI; RR = 1.42),
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC; RR = 1.91),
and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP; RR = 1.44).

and that's without mentioning the modified IgG3 immune response and the mysterious increase in malignant neoplasms

>> No.15370210


>> No.15370263

>Bold claim considering that anti-vaxxers pulled all kinds of nonsense out of their asses.

You cannot just dismiss the entire group of people who predicted this correctly because some people on the internet made up some crazy stuff.

People said that the risk was unsuitable, that all sorts of questions were being silenced. You're working still to try to keep it from being recognized for what it was.

>> No.15370305

>Not to mention that no one ever said that the vaccine is 100% safe cause no vaccine is.
Huh? Do a Google search and find out that the narrative didn't have such nuance. I'm sure that Anons have made some fun memes about this. I also remember a shift in the narrative on 4chan, like first there was alledgedly no evidence for injury or death, but now there is evidence but not a big deal. How much injury and death is acceptable for mandated treatments? What if in a few years it turns out to be more than what is acceptable? It seems like some people want to rewrite history and gaslight like ''we never said that''. What if there is proof of saying that? What punishment will come to those who lied? No punishment? Do elites want a ''treatment'' from the working class?

>> No.15370334

don't blame the innocent, blame the con artists and string them up for their crimes

>> No.15370749

Not much, at least not yet. It might be possible to create a drug that prevents the clots from forming but first they need to know why they're forming and also admit that they exist. To get emergency approval for that drug, the people who fucked up by giving emergency approval to the drugs causing the clots would have to admit their error. That's unlikely so people will just have to keep dying from them and true believers in the blessed official narrative will have to keep pretending it's not happening.

>> No.15370791

A very large percentage of your so called innocents became active and willful participants in those events. They were overjoyed at being able to boss others around while claiming it to be a virtue.

>> No.15370805

Do you rage at the sun for burning your skin? Normies are cattle brained. They'll do what they're told by whoever gives them orders in the right way unless they get spooked and turn on their handler

>> No.15370815

If a pitbull attacks me, I'm going to shoot it rather than have a philosophical discussion on if it's the dog's fault that it was raised by someone who brought out the worse in it.
Sorry Karen, we're not letting you off the hook for your part in the pandemic crimes. As the saying goes, traitors get shot first.

>> No.15370827

>White supremacist antivaxxer terror group known as the pure bloods were convicted today of the brutal killings of mz Karen Rosenberg a nurse
>sentencing will be announced by judge shekelstein on tuesday.

>> No.15370880

They're never going to be convinced by any argument because it's more fun to pretend to be schizo.

Everyone I know has had at least one or more vaccines + boosters.
Everyone they know has also had the vax. Probably everyone in this thread personally knows 10+ people in their immediate sphere that have had the vaccine, if not more.
And none of this brain bursting blood sludge reptilian nano-virus shit is happening to any of them.

>> No.15370911

>And none of this brain bursting blood sludge reptilian nano-virus shit is happening to any of them.
That's not what anyone sensible claims.
but go look at the huge increase in life insurance claims.

what we see is supression of the immune and vascular system over time that leads to reduced survival and poorer life chances.
the lethal batches killed many at the start too.

>> No.15370962

Someone posted that video over on /pol/ and their discussion is far more science based than the tomfoolery going on here at /sci/. Amazing role reversal. Next up, you idiots raiding the /pol/ thread to shit it up. More role reversal.

>> No.15370964

Don't send these retarded halfwits over there to ruin a good thread.

>> No.15371196

I think it has to act like that but our body is way bigger than the blob
Anyways..i don`t even know the target of the vaccine

>> No.15371306

Nattokinase is the cure for the spike terrorism

>> No.15371318

Vax genocidaires will never get what they deserve
The cattle however...

>> No.15371348

No, but I do know a 23 year old man that got heart palpations from it.

>> No.15372511

rip. died 10 days after the vax

>> No.15376723

>I suspect the clicks and views grabbed him and he became more sensationalist to bait extra views
sounds pretty much like your government along with most govt affiliated media outlets did the same thing at the height of the pandemic.

>> No.15376779

Death to the goylems.

>> No.15376812

What the inverse of anthropomorphisation ?
Because that's what you're doing, retarded nonhuman cattle filth.

>> No.15376839

And since behaviour is 100% genetic, the solution is the complete genocide of the cattle.
Which the vaccine is.
A final solution, you could say.

>> No.15376923
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real nigga hours

>> No.15379416
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anti vaxx retards are some of the most easily manipulated people on the fucking planet. it all went wrong when we stopped bullying them as hard as flat earthers

>> No.15380212

The earth is a flat plane, the vaccines are literal poison, global cooling/warming/climate change is a complete lie, space is a lie, the environment literally cannot be destroyed, desert are niggermade since forest make their own rain, nuclear weapon are a lie, radiation is just heat, and basically you're braindead cattle you goylem filth.

No offense.

>> No.15380234

Don't care. Still getting a booster

>> No.15380564

good luck retard

>> No.15380585

>The earth is a flat plane,
Why do you think this?

>> No.15380594

sorry but i am not getting the vaccine. no amount of the blatant, transparent shilling, and its very blatant and transparent, btw, will change my mind. call me a flat earthing russian hacking trump loving poltard all you want, its just not working.

>> No.15380644

Because the formula for the curvature have been falsified.
We see too far m8

>> No.15380648

Which formula is that?

>> No.15380706

Just google it m8
Even a braindead nigger like you should manage, schlomo.

>> No.15380712

Are you using that inches per mile one that matches a parabolic curve or can you actually use trig?

>> No.15380713
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>turned into a "blob"

>> No.15380738
File: 210 KB, 941x1080, 1f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am never going to take the vaxx

>> No.15380743
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, flatearther_kikes_btfo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you actually use trig?
Muzzos cannot use shit.

>> No.15380776

Spike proteins really seem to be bad. I'm glad getting exposed to the virus itself with an entire corona of said proteins without any prior immune response will be totally okay and safe.

>> No.15380782

bud its been three fucking years since covid started. vaxxed unvaxxed partially vaxxed whatever we've all been exposed, multiple times already. booster uptake rates are abysmally low. vaccine hesitancy is increasingly high. you are farting in the wind

>> No.15380947

reminder: this guy is a nurse, not a doctor, no a biologist.

>> No.15380950

Nursing professor, he's the uber nurse.

>> No.15380973

>no a biologist
lol you're a retard

>> No.15381000


>> No.15381027

Quantity matters. Location matters.

>> No.15381035

localised to lungs, vs directly into your bloodstream

>> No.15381065

Yes which is why the vaccine is better than the virus
Viruses cross the lung-blood barrier quite easy with their size desu

>> No.15381116


>> No.15381121

Trust the science you incel chud

>> No.15381237

have another reminder: this guy does NOT say that vaccines are themselves the problem, is the bad applicatoin of them what causes these side effects

he can only read papers made by other people or hear the experiences other people had and assume they are speaking in good faith

>> No.15381258

I am triple vaxxed and have covid brain fog. I want you to learn from my example and realize that no matter what you do, youre all fucked

>> No.15381275

so he doesn't touch the data on lethal bath records?

>> No.15381307

>covid brain fog
>He doesn't know the LNP cross the brain barrier

>> No.15381338

bad batch records

>> No.15381604

Oh cattle.
My dear, dear cattle, the vaccine is safe and effective.

Safe because you need to inject yourself to be affected.
And effective because you'll be dead by 2025, just like deagel's 2015 world pop forecast planned.

>> No.15382158

?? those things might be seen as orthogonal if the bad record are actually caused by the bad applications.
anyway, you should look for the videos where he says bad technique by nurses are what probably causes second effects after vaxxing. he says they need to do somethinf called "aspiration". too lazy to find them now, but there are multiple, from at least a year ago IIRC. here's one:

>> No.15382750

when does the vaccine stop making your body produce spike proteins?

>> No.15382775

trust the vax
2 more red deers

>> No.15382899

>anti vaxx retards are some of the most easily manipulated people on the fucking planet

Vaxxies literally got manipulated into taking a shady death shot over a rebranded flu virus. GG.

>> No.15382908

What he's not mentioning is the chance of this happening is 8 out of 1,000,000.

>> No.15382964

still not taking it

>> No.15385161

Source of that number please.

>> No.15385184

Let that be 8 of your family members jabbedabbedoe.

>> No.15387019

You burnt all your moral/societal goodwill by being authoritarian, and now you have to keep being authoritarian to get anything done.
You are cowed by tiny, statistically insignificant parts of your in-group that scream their 'truths' at you with the volume of a hundred jet turbines, then smugly piss and shit on your face when they see your surrender; You deserve every drop and log.

>> No.15388833


>> No.15388839

The vaccine is safe and effective.

>> No.15388861

>he vaccine is safe and effective.
Only if you take plenty of it. People should get all the boosters they can get to be sure.

>> No.15390154

Safe (if you don't take it) and effective (at euthanizing those that take it).

>> No.15390251

>entire earth
your missing a few continents bub

>> No.15390652

If he cared about views and clicks he would move to the next scam that being China or Ukraine. He is not doing it but sticks around the bullshit flu because he is mad he got duped and now tries to listen to everyone because he isnt sure who to trust.

>> No.15390671

>doctor of nursing
Keked. But I guess he knows his vaxxes, being a most highest educated professional jabber after all.

>> No.15390990


>> No.15391090

>do research and start using his brain AFTER getting the deathshot
I will never understand why willingly injecting yourself was the default position for the cattle.

>> No.15391100
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Is that what this thread was about then?
> captcha: new very

>> No.15391113

Yeah, but they real question is whether they're going to tell me to go fuck myself and laugh when I pay a dermatologist that I have to randomly pick out of a hat to fuck my face even worse.

>> No.15391716
File: 83 KB, 500x633, Sheeple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeple are conditioned.

>> No.15391735

Meds. Now.

>> No.15391736


>> No.15391778
File: 3.48 MB, 600x378, comprehensive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your booster.

>> No.15392151

What the fuck

>> No.15392165

well poisoner.

>> No.15392180

its so obvious. autistic nerds have no idea how to emulate other people

>> No.15392336

Hello well poisoner, unpleased to meet you.
Please vaccinate for tikkun olam.

>> No.15392635

Vaccinated people were promised to die off en masse in two weeks/a month/half a year/one year/two years/et cetera back when the vaccines were rolled out, why are they still alive then

>> No.15392719

>If I ignore the rapidly growing non civic excess deaths, then the data says what I want it to say.
You're the same as those who say "All scientists agree so the science is settled" because anyone who doesn't agree with the "settled science" isn't considered a scientist anymore.
But reality is that non covid excess deaths are surging and whatever is causing it won't care about your karma points from trolling for up arrows.

>> No.15393021

Deagel's 2015 forcast was -70% depopulation for 2025.
It's not two more weeks, it's two more years, clotboi.