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15374544 No.15374544 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Elon :)

>> No.15374676


>> No.15374772
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Based Lex Luthor

>> No.15375092

>has not produced anything meaningful in nearly TWO DECADES OF OPERATION

>> No.15375217

Call me when they achieve anything.

>> No.15375283

gat name is gat.

>> No.15375341

What are y'all talking about? Didn't you see all those smart scientists clap and cheer? It was an important step! I am very happy! I and my wife were also clapping at home!

>> No.15375382

>1st try failed LOL it's over!!!
>2nd try also failed LOLOLOL Elon going bankrupt tomorrow!!!
>3rd try was close but a-also failed i-it's over this time for s-sure...
>Noooo how could it work on 4th try aaarrrrhhggggg

Literally when will you subhumans learn?

>> No.15375409
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>Washington Post: 250 million
>Twatter: 43 billion

>> No.15375416
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Welcome to the club

>> No.15375435


What do you mean? Didn't you see all those smart scientists clapping and Elon sitting calmly on his chair, probably calculating his next genius move? We named our child Elon after this amazing man and she is already showing signs of the same big brain energy! This day will go down in history as a giant step for mankind!

>> No.15375441

Almost like newspapers are worthless outdated concept.

>> No.15375476
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>> No.15375512

How many satellites has this launched?

>> No.15375513

Cope. Slap a retard enough and he'll eventually learn.

>> No.15375520
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>> No.15375546

They aren't reduced to shilling dogecoin yet

>> No.15375559
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You are proving that no matter how many times a retard is wrong he will never learn. See you in 2 years when it's flying perfectly.

>> No.15375591

That's my point, historically, feats of equal or greater magnitude have been more successful than spacex. Launching some dildo to LEO is nothing to be proud of.

>> No.15375627

LMAO Falcon 9 is the most successful space rocket in history and Starship is a 10x bigger game changer. Keep coping.

>> No.15375676

Coping for what? The starship is ridiculously inefficient compared to more traditional designs, it's nowhere close to going to the moon, so keep seething retard, we all saw how brilliant spacex's engineering is.

>> No.15375725

No, they are just reduced to turning every single news article into clicbait.

>> No.15375739

Reminder that Falcon 9 had literally dozens of crashes and failures before it got to where it is today.
In fact, SpaceX made a compilation of all of it's crashes.

>> No.15375759

so they didn't learn from their mistakes lol that is why NASA>>

>> No.15375789
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Their mistake?
Everyone in engineering will tell you that testing to failure is the most eficent to develop pretty much everything.
Now Falcon 9 is the best and cheapest mid-range rocket in the market and it averaged more than one launch a week last year.

They are as interested as Elon in seeing Starship work since they literally rely on it to land on the Moon.

>> No.15375794

>but muh falcooon!!!!
falcon 9 means fuck all, the tech has been figured out since the '60s, I bet if nasa built it there would be far less mistakes.

>> No.15375799

Seriously when will you monkeys learn? See you during moon landing livestream.

>> No.15375813

LMAO NASA would take 20 years longer at 20x the price.

>> No.15375816

>falcon 9 means fuck all, the tech has been figured out since the '60s,
Reminder that just 10 years ago people said landing a rocket was ridiculous.

>I bet if nasa built it there would be far less mistakes.
And if NASA built it it wouldn't be ready until around 2040.
Lets not forget that the SLS has been in the works since 2005, and all just to get pretty much the same rocket as the 60 year old Saturn V and twice as expensive.

>> No.15375830

*NASA is as interested as Elon

>> No.15375849

at least it would work first time and not be a global embarrassment for spaceflight

>> No.15375851

>that fully reusable rocket is less efficiently than those throw-aways because it's bigger.
lol, fuck off

>> No.15375857

Falcon 9's achievement is being reusable, no shit the rocket itself is nothing special when it comes to thrust.
And yes, Starship is going to take a lot of testing because literally no one has ever made anything like it.
Not only is it supposed to be more powerful than the Saturn V, but it's supposed to be completely reusable, unlike the Falcon 9, and uses liquid methane as fuel.

This is the kind of shit that pushes tech forward, not building another rocket that costs billions a unit and a tiny capsule that can only transport 4 people.

>> No.15375871
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ah what could have been :(

>> No.15375881

>Reminder that just 10 years ago people said landing a rocket was ridiculous.
Initial opinions don't mean shit, if a problem can be solved then it'll eventually be, the difference is in skill. They said landing on the moon was crazy and nasa did it in 10 years.
>And if NASA built it it wouldn't be ready until around 2040.
Funds. They can't allow more mundane projects to detract from the big ones, that's why spacex is a thing.

>> No.15375895

>Initial opinions don't mean shit
So we should pay attention to yours?

>> No.15375907

You are actually retarded.

>> No.15375922
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Yeah, could have been another 80 billion project that gets cancelled by Congress the moment it finds a tiny little bump in it's development.

>> No.15375924

Because this is hardly initial, back of the envelope calculations to suggest starship being inefficient. NASA only went through with moon missions because the calculations suggest plausibility, the 'impossibility' comes from the engineering challenge.

>> No.15375937

What impossible engineering challenge?
Some engines didn't activate, it failed to separate, they are not facing anything more complex than making a rocket land for the first time.
What you are saying is that there's a design failure, and there's nothing that points at that.

>> No.15375940
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>tech has been figured out since the '60s

Yet nobody fucking did it for 50 years until Elon did. Jesus Christ you people are unironically monkeys. It doesn't matter if something is possible when nobody fucking does it. Elon kicked space industry 50 years forward and made it 100x more popular among normies. You have 2 million people watching those streams.

>> No.15375961
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N1 2.0


>> No.15375975

>What impossible engineering challenge?
By that I was referring to apollo, in that there were so many unknown variables to account for.
Look, I don't wanna be too cynical and I think reusable rockets should be the future, but it shouldn't be starship.

>> No.15375988

> but it shouldn't be starship.

>> No.15375996

Yes, because NASA decided worked on more impressive things like the shuttle. A self-landing primary stage is child's play.

>> No.15376016
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>> No.15376100

It's just too fucking inefficient, the first stage alone is 1.5x than saturn V and it can barely get into LEO with all its fuel, this is exacerbated by the use of shitty methalox engines.

>> No.15376106
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>more impressive things like the shuttle

>> No.15376433

>Now Falcon 9 is the best and cheapest mid-range rocket in the market
Soyuz is still preferred anytime a serious launch is organized, even with the whole shitshow in Ukraine. Falcon 9 is still untested in any long-term capacity. Reusable components is an inherently bad idea for anything that has to experience reentry, and we all know SpaceX will try to cut corners when it comes to maintenance. The end result is pretty obvious.

>> No.15376442

>Soyuz is still preferred anytime a serious launch is organized
The only other rocket the US uses these days is the Delta IV.

>Reusable components is an inherently bad idea for anything that has to experience reentry,
We will eventually need to move on from expendable vehicles.
Might as well start now and gain experience.

>> No.15376446

this is a troll post btw

>> No.15376459

>the end result is pretty obvious
reusable boosters that have flown tens of missions for cheaper than anything else on the market?

>> No.15376483

>We will eventually need to move on from expendable vehicles. Might as well start now and gain experience.
This is the only truly acceptable argument in favor of shit like Falcon 9, especially since it won't matter when they start blowing up because they won't be killing anyone.
Starship is another matter. When you're tinkering with stuff you don't fully master, don't get cocky.

>> No.15376495

>When you're tinkering with stuff you don't fully master, don't get cocky.
And guess what, this wasn't a Moon mission, it was a test, and the very first where it's booster was used.

>> No.15376513

And how many times was the Space Shuttle tested ? Didn't stop two of them from disintegrating and killing their crews.

>> No.15376554
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Yes, because the Space Shuttle was a big, fridge that wasn't designed by engineers, it was engineers enslaved to Congress' demands.
The STS was supposed to be a small spacecraft to take people to and from space stations, nothing more.
Then Congress said that if they wanted funding they needed to do stupid shit like making it capable of launching spacecraft and satellites and having gear to help build space stations, which made it go from something akin to the Dream Chaser to the big, insecure fridge it ended up being.

>> No.15376977
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Ah you are just a retarded vatnik this explains so much.

>> No.15379162

then go build a better one

>> No.15379166

falcon muscled you precious soviet daddy rocket out of the commercial market completely zigger

>> No.15379221

Washington Post is a shit brand to own.

>> No.15379230

I consider Apollo an unfair case on account those were designed to get out of LEO and into Lunar orbit.
Shuttle by contrast looks like a nasty moneysink that never should have been funded in the first place.
Props to the others tho'. At least they're in the game.

>> No.15379233

I'm going to rate this post as "faggoty".
Please stop typing.

>> No.15379234
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It was not completely worthless

>> No.15379258

why are we still flying on Russian ships bros, is it a contract thing?

>> No.15379289

The 2022 "crew swap" agreement. It's the result of Russian threats to abandon the ISS before its decommissioning in ~2030.

>> No.15379333

Oh fuck, the space taxi is going to innovate something. Let's get it Bezos.

>> No.15379388

kek, keep coping Pusian.

>> No.15379535

I like how turd worlders don't get iteration because you aren't allowed to fail in those countries. Only instant gratification, the here and now, no foresight. This is why you will never set foot on the Moon.

>> No.15379570


>> No.15380544

Why are shillx posters so insecure?

>> No.15380811

Bezos-sama is our only hope now

>> No.15380928
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>> No.15381092 [DELETED] 

bird site sucks, I just made an account. had to switch off like 15 different settings immediately because of privacy, and they hide them behind an ugly setting tree.

>let people find you with phone number
>let ad trackers do terrible things
>get tag in photos

>> No.15381227

Yeah when you're 70 years old

>> No.15381245

You're attracted to children

>> No.15382032
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Lament thyself, unbeliever, and be saved by the Lord. PBUH

>> No.15382074

I like the things you do

>> No.15382674
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>> No.15382688

more political spam from the trannys who are upset that musk removed the tranny censors from twitter, the catalog is currently filled with the spam, none the threads have any science content whatsoever

>> No.15382729
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