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File: 106 KB, 1242x959, gQfponzhTEP5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15370730 No.15370730 [Reply] [Original]

>USA sees rise in venereal disease & babies born with venereal disease
do they know why this is happening and what can be done to prevent it?

>> No.15370737

ass eating

>> No.15370746

5g and the vax supresses immune system

>> No.15371114

And you guys said virgins will suffer.

>> No.15371131

I'm sure Tinder and grindr aren't implicated in this.

>> No.15371141

There are lots of pregnant girls having unprotected sex on tinder, it's wild.
I was in Houston on a work trip and like 20% of the girls I saw on tinder were pregnant.

>> No.15371156

Young people aren't using condoms. Despite being pitched as a sex positive generation, zoomers are just retarded.
Combine that with Tinder and hookup apps, and you get a mess.

>> No.15371161

>zoomers are just retarded.
Well they're mostly non white. so you'd expect that to follow the low IQ.

>> No.15371176

But, there supposed to be our future.

>> No.15371181

The white one's aren't bright either.
I just turned 24 and it's shocking looking at people my age, and those younger.
Literally none of them know how to use technology or how to problem solve basic shit, it's frightening. They are as tech illiterate as 60 year olds.

>> No.15371197

Tech got too user-friendly.

>> No.15371201

>There are lots of pregnant girls having unprotected sex on tinder, it's wild.
>I was in Houston on a work trip and like 20% of the girls I saw on tinder were pregnant.
wtf really?

>> No.15371218

they are

>> No.15371240

Absolutely disgusting. Imagine reincarnating into the Idiocracy future that awaits.
>Born as a mutt with venereal diseases

>> No.15371245

>Syphilis pandemic
What are we in the 16 century?

>> No.15371255

Yes. What you think about protestants?

>> No.15371258

Not 16th, 17th, King Charles is on the throne of Englnd.

>> No.15371263


>> No.15371276

its encouraged by the government, single mothers get about $80,000/yr in various welfare benefits. married parents get nothing, instead they pay massive amounts of taxes

>> No.15371287

And the more dependents the state has the more power those who control the state have.

>> No.15371336

An example if the negative impact of AI and digital information. GPT and Google do all their thinking for them.

>> No.15371390

No, it's called antibiotic resistance. Some STDs previously considered "curable" are no longer due to resistance, mainly gonorrhea and syphilis. In fact gonorrhea has built up a resistance to so many antibiotics it's insane.

>> No.15371400

Syphilis has not even developed penicillin resistance lmao. beta ass microbe

>> No.15371408

Then how do we fight gonorrhea then?

>> No.15371431

castrate gays

>> No.15371435

Sexegenarians are fairly sophisticated. They're amongst the people who first hooked up to the internet in 1993, via a DOS terminal and using a modem which needed a custom script to connect.

>> No.15371495

Yup. Relatives came to stay with their teenage kids. Really nice and well behaved, not super smart but not dumb either. But I couldn't believe it when a couple of them decided to go exploring around town and got lost, even when they had their phones. Upon questioning its transpired they could look at a map on their phones but couldn't figure out how to read it, despite knowing the home street address. There was probably an app they could have looked up to steer them home but the problem is they dont know how to search for such an app.
I notice this a lot in others as well. The information is out there but they dont know how to find it.
Worked with one girl, otherwise reasonably smart, who couldn't read analogue time. Clock was on the wall but she had no idea what it meant. I said "well just find an app to show you how to read analogue time" and she replied "I dont know how to look that up". I thought she was joking but she really had no idea to do something like search "Learn+Analogue+time"
One example does not make the rule but I have noticed numerous examples of this sort of learned helplessness over the past 5 years or so.
People point the finger at parents and the education system. The teachers are set up as "professionals" to basically do their own thing within some vague general outlines. The fact that many of them are quite literally midwits doesn't help but what is lacking are explicit standards of education.Teach the little fuckers in the classroom how to find information and critical thinking skills and much of the problem goes away. But no. Every new teacher is expected to design their own lesson plans or spend inordinate amounts of time searching on line. That's fucking stupid. There's only so many way you can teach shit like how to read a analogue clock or how to read a map. Yet those basic resources are lacking. So a new teacher usually has to design it from scratch. Now add the midwit factor and time and we get poor results.

>> No.15371532

The food additives are working as intended. Soon cattle will be more intelligent than the proletariat.

>> No.15371643
File: 68 KB, 243x385, lightning rod umbrella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a couple of them decided to go exploring around town and got lost, even when they had their phones. Upon questioning its transpired they could look at a map on their phones but couldn't figure out how to read it, despite knowing the home street address. There was probably an app they could have looked up to steer them home but the problem is they dont know how to search for such an app.
This sounds like complete bullshit. Wouldn't they just say into their phone
>"google, take me to the home street address that anon says I know"

I think what actually happened here is these teens felt like fucking off and going for a walk without the old people bothering them, and the old people predictably made a scene about it and so the teens pulled these lame excuses out of their ass to basically tell you and their parents to piss off and leave them alone.

When I was a kid we didn't have cell phones, so we didn't get yelled at for wandering off and being out of contact with our parents. That was just how normal regular life was expected to work. These days though, you can't be out of contact with people or they'll freak out and do something stupid like call the cops to find you. I pity today's teens.

>> No.15371645


>> No.15371655

We don't. There are a fuck ton of people living with chronic gonorrhea which antibiotics failed to treat

>> No.15371744


>> No.15371761

Those are preventives. Not cures.
So there isn't anything we can do for now? Not even give it to some animal immune to it and still thier antibodies?

>> No.15371802

Pray to God for a cute, if you think you deserve one. Otherwise, stop fucking whores or cope with the consequences.

>> No.15371816

I used to disappear off into the woods for the better part of the day without complaint. Strangers now will report kids playing in their own front yards by themselves. People have their kids taken away for it. So helicopter parenting is enforced.

>> No.15371833

I'm a virgin. I'm more worried about those who have it from rapes or unwashed hands.

>> No.15371851

You're not going to instantaneously develop into a leper if someone with it touches you. You just have to be careful about your decisions with someone that you decide to sleep with, and people should be doing that anyway. Wear a condom, and if it makes you feel more secure you can probably discuss STI testing if someone has had multiple partners before you. Just suggest that you guys both go or something if your virginity is something you didn't feel like having in the open.

>> No.15372095
File: 360 KB, 1030x1670, 1671002536498070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trick preggos into injecting themselves with toxic lipids and aluminium
>then trick mothers into injecting their infants with 20× the amount of aluminium per kg bodyweight that an adult would get
>baby gets sick
>declare it as veneral disease, because no other explaination comes to mind

>> No.15372130

Not even American.
>aluminum is the cause for an increase in congenital syphilis, a microorganism
Wherever you came from, they didn't send their best.

>> No.15372198
File: 182 KB, 882x1802, congen_syph_vs_aluminium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>congential can be diagnosed up until 2 years of age
>funny how infant is most vaxxed between 0 and 2 years of age

>"""syphilis""" symptoms are literally the same as poisoning symptoms
>including specific aluminium toxicity

>brain inflamation
>deformed bones
>liver issues
>loss of weight
>skin rashes etc.

All the same as the adverse events of Aluminium based vaccines.

>inject child with aluminium based toxin
>child gets aluminium toxcitiy symptoms
>ohhh no it's for sure just random congential disease
>trust me.

>> No.15372243

It's not a random congenital disease. They specified that it's syphilis. You realize that syphilis is detected under microscope, yes? Or are you going to go off on a tirade about how bacteria is fake?

>> No.15372254

>white woman pictured
Anon, I...

>> No.15372259

60 years old aren't tech illiterate anymore. Those are already in their 80s now.

>> No.15372262
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>> No.15372271

I would also assume an excuse, but no they really are that retarded. The neocortex doesn't work without lead, they really are that stupid.

>> No.15372296
File: 26 KB, 637x383, surrugate_methods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a random congenital disease.
>They specified that it's syphilis.
Kek, you will never understand that diagnostics is guesswork right?
>specific disease
Is a literally a lie.
A Disease can only be specific if it is pathognomonic.
Otherwise, it is guesswork, and a interpretation of the situation, as a way to explain how this clinical condition come to be.

They use surrugate methods to "establish" a connection.
It's a meme.
>high antibody
>collection of symptomes that are found in syphillis
>Higher titres then mothers

"Bacteria" are not fake.
Bacteria are everywhere, and mostly people are "asymptomatic".
Only when they are diseased, (((they))) all of a sudden say "oh it is the bacteria".

They can diagnose you with anything.
And they will NEVER admit they poisoned you or your child.

If no surrogate parameter is positive, they will still declare it as syphillis, by "physical examination".

And if this fails: "Infact botulism it is"
But trust me it's not the copious amounts of aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate neurotoxin which we inject into your child.

And if they say "there is a trend in syphillis", doctors will go the path of least resistance and claim it aswell because "oh yeah it just goes arround".
Same for "mengitis" or any other neurological poisoning of the child.
>must be le evil microorganism
>not the poison

>> No.15372299

It's because they don't use condoms in porn, which is how zoomers are exposed to sex.

>> No.15372323

Start by not fucking everybody.
If your wife is not a virgin, you're contributing to the problem.

This is literally causing brain damage to the world now.

>> No.15372327
File: 130 KB, 700x812, 1929d32430162573dab134872dd55af3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse, the 21st century.

It just gets worse and worse every century.
But at least we're talking about the problem. We barely even knew what the problem was, let alone what was causing it 500 years ago.

>> No.15372330

It's nothing to do with condoms. Condoms really don't stop this shit.

The Catholic method is the only true remedial method, and I ain't even catholic.

>> No.15372351
File: 252 KB, 640x484, 1644717339025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's intended to decrease fertility. This system does not want an informed pleb class. It wants a dumb, mutilated, controllable population to run as slaves that cannot defeat the ruling system's position.
The whole thing is an experiment in selective breeding.

People making the decisions to allow these things either are aware of them and deliberately allowing them for a purpose or they are being manipulated by various factors into making such poor decision making.
The latter is more likely, I think it's a complex involving this disgusting marketing regime that conditions people within the medical and pharmaceutical industry to comply and allow these things to happen. Start at things like the ethical standards that are used to filter and select the most obedient sorts of people for their industry that are most likely to be submissive when being told to endorse and shill these things.

But ultimately the thing that controls these industries and the administration of them is the financiers of them. The capital providers.
Hence why we're safe to now just call the current financial regime a protection racket of sorts.

It gets even worse, there are professionals within the finance industry complaining about this behaviour. So I suspect the entire thing is pure hive behaviour. These things become like a cult essentially where you cannot speak against certain things, certain positions and these things are socially endorsed by these organisations.

Welcome to the worst hive disaster this planet has ever faced. People just see elites and think "oh it's just them, get them" but it's even worse. You're dealing with the social tethers of a hive. Psychological situation where this overarching macro-system mere configures, like a machine, the socially conditioned aspects of itself through naturally selecting these patterns of hive behaviour.

Why people don't talk about this is probably to do with the fear of acknowledging that such an issue exists.

>> No.15372353
File: 93 KB, 760x828, syph_experiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you find it wierd, they they were never able to "cause the disease" via forced exposure to "injected" prostitutes and direct injection and inoculation of genitals during the Guatemala Experiments?



>> No.15372380

Plenty of us are aware. Conversation is possible yet pointless.

>> No.15372389

Anyone got stats on the rate of syphilis over time?
I just want to check if there is any correlation between rates recorded and any events in human history (other than obviously Columbus).

I am now concerned that there is a non-sexual aspect to syphilis. I'm thinking food. Particularly sugar.

Sorta stabbing in the dark though, but I'm curious.

The alternative is some form of memetic issue, given it is the great imitator and how it's spread in Europe just so happened to coincide with the printing explosion.
I also think that medical scientists probably do not look at this shit at all. We all agree there is something bacterial, but maybe the mechanism for spreading is more complex than first thought (but so common that it happens regularly).
There might be some issues with the diagnosis given how elusive it has been to pinpoint historically. We may be assuming something horribly wrong and "out there" to the point where it's fucking unlikely any serious doctor would look at it.

If it is, it is beyond a mere hive-marketing situation, edging towards more of an "aether" situation with regards to false assumptions for long periods of time. It's hard to dig into those, because once something is established for such a long period of time, it's hard to challenge and break down the long established supporting arguments for such an assumption.

This is before taking into account the lobbying aspect of medical science. This is more like medical religion 2bh.

>> No.15372392

Bullshit, conversation at all is required on all levels. By assuming that it's pointless, initiating conversations can never be established to lead to further momentum, spread and support of such hypotheticals (because it's a loose hypothetical at best) as a potential amongst the scientific field. It just needs to happen or these things will continue fuck the industry both financially and productively.

I do not understand why even satan himself isn't raising small questions about this. You'd think it would be a crippling factor to profits in the long term.
Then again, you see the sorts administering these industries and... well they simply don't understand it full stop kek. Yeah that's a hell of a black pill.

>> No.15372398
File: 1.65 MB, 1040x5824, old_times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am now concerned that there is a non-sexual aspect to syphilis. I'm thinking food. Particularly sugar.
>Sorta stabbing in the dark though, but I'm curious.

If you look historically how "syphillis" was treated, you will see, it is a unspecific disease with no pathognomonic pattern.
In early days from 1500-1950s they administered "Salvarsan" for syphillis, which is nothing but arsenicals.
Not only if you are diagnosed with syphillis you were forced to take mercurials and arsneicals, but also if you had "onset" of symptoms or just were promiscious.
Then blood letting, icebaths and arsenicals it was.

Mercury, arsenic and antimonials were standard meds.
They poisoned people and convinced them it is required because "they were horribly sick".
And if they werent, after this treatment they for sure were.

>> No.15372407

black dudes. this is what happens when western culture normalizes interracial relationships. Blacks are riddled with vd.

>> No.15372417

I'm not even 30 and I've been having that issue.

I used to not be bad with this, but I think reliance on Google being a good search engine for my entire life was the problem. Before Google you used to dig through forums, pages (I dunno kek) to get from A to B. I didn't have that much as a kid. Google was just so much faster.
So now I'm suddenly digging into how people used to do things. Apparently it requires talking to people and not free and open information sourced from a centralised location.
Well it does in this society.

What's even weirder is that I already do something similar for music scenes in my area. Somehow I just don't do it efficiently on the internet, but I can do it IRL with physical venue finding.
The human brain is strange.

>> No.15372429

That got memed hard, could be

>> No.15372434
File: 164 KB, 471x478, 1681675216343312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand why anons think posting an infograph without sources is worthwhile propaganda.
Post fucking sources. Put them in the pictures.

Or, I will just assume it's trolling.
It's very poor practice for any argument. I always make sure any of my tin foil info shit has actual sources there, not just copy pasted crap from god knows where.

I hate when info-graphics like this are spread on this site. It has always bothered me.
This is why "the other chan" was better when it wasn't kill.

>> No.15372443
File: 444 KB, 1036x1320, eternal_pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the 19th century arsenic was often the poison of choice for murderers. In the early 20th century its image was redeemed when an arsenic derivative became the salvation of those suffering from syphilis.

> https://web.archive.org/web/20201123203943/https://www.sciencehistory.org/distillations/early-solution
> https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/212552
> https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/opinion/syphilis-and-the-use-of-mercury

"Mercury was the remedy of choice for syphilis in Protestant Europe. Paracelsus (1493-1541) formulated mercury as an ointment because he recognised the toxicity and risk of poisoning when administrating mercury as an elixir. "

> antimonials:

> take the antomony pill:


>> No.15372446
File: 49 KB, 749x564, 1681693417529953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also that picture was irrelevant.
I know medicine has bad practices, because there's a bad practice fucking up my body as we speaking.
You're just preaching to the choir at this stage.

But I'm tired of just seeing "look it's all shit". I am now thinking - well how can we improve it? What are the root detailed causes of these issues.

The problem is, the root causes are in such detail that really on a medical professional should give the advice. But that's an issue now given the crap that is now the filtering process for professions on all level by the administrative filtering process of students and professionals.

So now I'm thinking - is it time to lampoon myself to professionals to bounce back various theories and see if anything sticks and what reverberates from their professional opinion.

Either that or... just do medicine.

Or maybe take medicine. Hopefully cyanide, I'm fucking done. Why the fuck do fools like us fucking retards have to stab in the dark for this shit now? God this system's fucked.

Didn't even do human biology in high school and even I know something is not right because of the peripheral crap like the marketing and psychological conditioning in the industry now.
Boy they sure know how to make themselves look incompetent as fuck to laymen like me with shit nowadays.

>> No.15372447

So what do you have to say about Tuskeegee? They demonstrated transmission and, eventually, had to give people antibiotics that cured their untreated syphilis.

>> No.15372449

This is incorrect, lead acetate was what worked agains infectious diseases. A similar pathway to that one which seems to make the lead deficient insane also activates T cells, so you probably end up with some sort of AIDS. I guess the black death might have helped to bring humanity out of the dark ages, as it killed of the most deficient. (no matter how brutal it may seem)

>> No.15372452

>They demonstrated transmission
No they didn't.
They injected something in people.
Nobody can tell what it was, because no protocoll exists.
So its not scientific.


"Facts and Documentation
Pertaining to Charge I-A
1 . There is no protocol which documents the original
intent of the study . None of the literature searches or
interviews with participants in the study gave any
evidence that a written protocol ever existed for this

>> No.15372462
File: 57 KB, 480x712, 1628030600323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lead deficient

The fucking lead deficiency troll again.

>> No.15372467

Utter retard it's because you are supposed to remain virgin and have a child early, not fuck 30+ people then have a child

>> No.15372475

I'm not trolling.

>> No.15372494
File: 113 KB, 754x765, 1672170854714983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we be lead deficient when we have a lead toxicity crisis in our waterways?
(Which ironically we replaced with BPA pipes and shit like that, which are also fucking shit for you.)

I can assure you, even when ignoring the existing lead piping crisis that is literally killing children at my local children's hospital because the builders here are fucking retarded - in my area it's not conspiracy and was massive news here, there is pretty much no lead deficiency because we probably drink more than ever before because of petroleum pollution, road contaminants and rubber pollution. If you drink desal, like I do, you're twice as fucked because that lead is probably in the ocean supply universally nowadays. My system is fully frank about this generally though, shit sucks and everyone, including the rich, suffers here from this shit.
I've been in their houses, they just accept the horrible situation and drink tap water. Shit's so bad they gave up avoiding these pollutants here.

And then you have plastic pollution on top of it.
Oh and pajeets shit into my water because they can't fix their fucking sewage system. They literally drink desal too from where they shit and it's super bad for them.
Oh and Africa melts plastic, rubber tyres, spills oil, shits and pisses into the same thing, they probably also have desal in places.

Desal does a lot, but it's not a miracle (yet) because most systems use pretty basic filtering mechanisms.

Man, this world is fucking dying.
I have doubt about that rise in life expectancy shilled by the medical industry. It just cannot be right. Forget pharma, we have more basic pollutants on levels in our drinking water that we've largely never seen before (though London was pretty shit in the 1700s and 1800s).

>> No.15372528

So what's the actual cause?

>> No.15372530

>How can we be lead deficient when we have a lead toxicity crisis
They keep lowering the blood lead levels limit. They started with 60mcg/dl in the 60s, now it's 3.5mcg.
Lead piping was used for millenia with no trouble, it wasn't some modern age craziness.
"Desal" (reverse osmosis) remove everything, except I think iron, which ruins the membranes. No reason why it should contain lead.

>> No.15372534

Do you have a study we could read on it?
are the types of Lead we're exposed to different?
what about the lead in fuel causing reduced IQ?

>> No.15372544

>So what's the actual cause?

What is the actual disease?
That is the way more important question.
A so called "pathognomonic" disease, is one which has a certain "Hallmark" so you can identify it.
But syphillis symptoms have a gigantic range.
This is the issue.
So what happens is (btw. with almost every disease) introduce a new """disease""" via a epedidemic:

widespread epidemics.
are literally a meme.
It's a broadcast phenomeon.
If you force test and create fear, and claim that different diseases and symptoms all of a sudden are all now ony disease, then you can declare a "pandemic".

>1) collect a group of symptoms from various or similar diseases (or ICD-10 codes)
>2) declare the group of collected symptoms now are a new Disease
>3) deploy a scare campaign and panic and make sure that [insert new disease] is diagnose as often as possible, so that people with one or more symptoms can be declared as "infected"
>4) include a asymptomatic form of disease, and make sure it gets diagnosed
>5) declare pandemic based on epidemiological/ statistical increase of diagnosis [insert new Disease or ICD-10 code]
>6) use pandemic to increase regulatory power, thin out population and force product on them
>7) after product is deployed revise what you told on step 2) and say symptoms are now different diseases and should be diagnosed as such
>8) declare pandemic is over based on epidemiolical/statistical decrease of diagnosis with [insert new disease or ICD-10 Code]

Before the 1930s almost everything could be syphillis.
Skin rashes outside of childhood for example.
Hairloss. etc.
The "symptoms" morph to fit the needs of those who "diagnose it".

And as I said here:
They took arsenicals.
Now imagine you are a prostitute or live somehow promiscious, and you take a poison or drugs.
The toxins go there where the blood flows.
And that may be genitals and semen.

>> No.15372551

They just made it up.

>> No.15372556
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This book is real fucking hard to find and pirate.
If I can't pirate it, does it really exist?

>> No.15372576
File: 1.94 MB, 484x274, 48314d678b8986aaa3e46cf3b2a72066.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, found it.


>> No.15372578

>what can be done to prevent it?
Calling you a faggot.

>> No.15372582

This has 100% effectiveness.

>> No.15372583

Loser seeking anime to enrich how much a faggot he is.

>> No.15372591

Exactly. Can't have a world of faggots being merry.

>> No.15372608
File: 1.27 MB, 550x540, 1675350200157692.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why u mad tho?

>> No.15372652

Heart in the right place but wrong about a lot of things

>> No.15372658

catholic church bad, but protestants took the wrong direction.

>> No.15372728

So you're retarded. Got it. Go enjoy some tomatoes.

>> No.15372810

Telling the catholics to fuck off was definitely the right direction.

>> No.15372825

according to some researchers there was actually an early british/albion catholic church that was just sort of covered up from history.
rome accepts no competition...

>> No.15372842
File: 62 KB, 643x472, TIMESAND___booktitle762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God's priests are the Levites and the catholic priests aren't them.

The Time Travel Interpretation of the Bible
We describe the Biblical work of ages as a time travel program for saving humanity from extinction. God's existence is proven as a consequence of the existence of time travel, which is supposed. We present the case that Abraham's grandson Jacob, also called Israel, is Satan. We make the case that the Israelites are described as God's chosen people in the Bible despite their identity as the children of Satan because God's Messiah is descended from Abraham through Satan. They are chosen as the ancestors of the Messiah rather than as Satan's children. We propose an interpretation in which God commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac to prevent Isaac from becoming the father of Satan. We suggest that God stayed Abraham's hand above Isaac because preventing the existence of Satan would also prevent the existence of Satan's descendant the Messiah. The history of the Israelites is summarized through Jesus and Paul. This book is written so that the number of believers in the world will increase.

>> No.15372877

who are the levites?

>> No.15372896

No really. They made it up and supressed the actual toxicologists who told them it wasn't possible.

>> No.15372928

Despite decades of feminism and sex education in schools, when it comes down to it women are weak in a sexual relationship and will usually submit easily to the sexual demands of their partner.

80% of women are fucked by 20% of the men, the men being alpha males to whom the bitches are attracted. In the presence of alpha males most women will accede to him not always wearing a condom and participate in risky sexual practices such as anal sex, something which is heavily promoted through mainstream pornography.

The breakdown in long lasting marriages as a normal social function for the population exacerbates the situation, with young men and women participating in unsafe sex with multiple partners for a far longer period of time, thus dramatically increasing their risk of infection. As soon as one of the partners is infected they then become a vector for the further spread of the disease.

In addition factors such as class and racial grouping often acted as barriers to sex between different groups in the past. The breakdown of these barriers means the ready spread of diseases more prevalent in one group to another.

None of this is rocket science.

1920 AD. Mary has vaginal sex with Tom, Brad and Chad, one at a time, over the course of a few of years, before finally settling down with Tom.
2020 AD. Mary has both vaginal and anal sex, some times as a pair, sometimes in a group, over the course of at least a decade with
The German exchange student
Various random men on an overseas trip
Some Asian guy
A football team from out of state
The local drug dealer
Before settling down with some beta orbiter.

And then people throw their arms up and act all surprised. Now the really hilarious thing is the Covid public information campaign about how diseases spread and how to prevent them, yet somehow the increase in STDs is a big mystery. Lol.

>> No.15372955

The Levites are the tribe of Abraham's great-grandson Levi.

>> No.15373126

>being this much of a virgin
You think women (and men for that matter) suddenly became more sexual and never engaged in sexual promiscuity? Especially before the times of cameras and photographs, when everything they did would never be known to anyone

>> No.15373707

>do they know why this is happening
nigs spreading disease
I've never used a condom and nothing bad has happened, you just have to have a population of non-vermin

>> No.15374774

Imagine being as retarded as you

>> No.15375751

It's called being ignorant. Tell people to use preservatives and the problem is solved until religious freaks start fucking like rabbits and getting more viruses because "JESUS TOLD ME TO HAVE BABIES! CONDOMS WERE MADE BY SATAN"

>> No.15375786

>The religions telling you to have sex only after marriage are spreading viruses

>> No.15375973

>You think women (and men for that matter) suddenly became more sexual
you think they didn't?

>> No.15376030

actual lol at your brainrot

>> No.15379603

if the only reason that you're able to behave decently is fear of getting caught on camera then what does that make you? a criminal who is afraid of the cops? a quivering sissy?

>> No.15379736

Not retarded.

>> No.15379802

maybe they weren't vaxxed enough. babies can never got too many vaxxes.


>> No.15379937

That's not what the word means in English.

>> No.15379960

Americans are so strange.

>> No.15380525 [DELETED] 

>Now the really hilarious thing is the Covid public information campaign about how diseases spread and how to prevent them, yet somehow the increase in STDs is a big mystery. Lol.
LOL indeed
also monkeypox disappeared the second after it was discovered in dog and children

>> No.15380529

>also monkeypox disappeared the second after it was discovered in gays
ftfy senpai

>> No.15380568

>memed hard
it’s a lot of fun, actually.

>> No.15381326

It's because zoomers have all kinds of fucked up fetishes that primarily revolve around their own bodily degradation. It wouldn't surprise me at all if bug-chasing became mainstream and it was considered "hot."

>> No.15381348

Just let them perish. God will choose his own

>> No.15384007

Psyoped memes.
There are no transmissable diseases via germs .

>> No.15385798 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 960x468, all homos are pedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it "disappeared" from the media after gays were caught passing it on to the children they abuse.
monkeypox is still out there and gays are still molesting children, its just no longer reported on by the scientific press and ignored by the academic medical scientists out of fear of cancel culture

>> No.15386907 [DELETED] 

thats what the pope says. enjoy jerking off into a plastic bag if thats what you like

>> No.15386910

I'd say enjoy having 6 kids and 7 stds, but we all know your gonna die a virgin.

>> No.15387315

Anything bogoglio says should be ignored.

>> No.15387318

That's bizarre, Janny wiped a post after such a long delay just as I opened the thread...

>> No.15388494

you probably had it cached

>> No.15388500

US is rapidly becoming a Turd World shithole, the Turd world population is bringing it's problems.

>> No.15389816
File: 50 KB, 547x482, 2oDJhugA1HD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It wouldn't surprise me at all if bug-chasing became mainstream
already happened

>> No.15391866 [DELETED] 

easy access free abortion did this. women enjoy getting pregnant and they enjoy killing the baby too. popular media has made it all into something to be proud of rather than ashamed of

>> No.15392125


>> No.15392499

>do they know why this is happening
because they are encouraging it

>> No.15392526

The whole purpose of judeo atheist revolutions by the bourgeois in NL, UK and France and Russia was to remove the kings and priests off of their backs. priests and kings took their money and told them what to do , who to marry, daily rules and so on . it was awful for the bourgeois bug.

atheism= hedonism+ propaganda that christian kings are evil, in order to make a society based on commerce alone, and not on priests and military conquests

The typical life of a bourgeois is going to orgies at night and then during day getting bored since they have a very shallow meaningless job or even just be trust fund babies and all they do in the afternoon is getting ready to go parties in the evening.
From time to time they want to feel like good guys so back in the day they would go to church on the sunday morning after their saturday night orgy.

Nowadays they just push for humanism, ie the philosophy they themselves crafted to take power.

And women lead the same life of the bourgeoisie, this is why they thrive so much in the bourgeois pinnacle creation: the democratic republic.
A woman truly have no hypocrisy when all she does in her life is using hundreds of orbiters to get them solve her daily life problems, when she gets free gifts by men, when she has lots of casual sex free of charge, when men put her on a pedestal while her skills are non-existent. A woman is hedonistic and she has very little work do to get an easy life.
Women coast thru life thanks to
-being the apex predator on the liberalized sex market (liberalized by the bourgeoisie since bourgeois hate sexual conventions, because it prevents cooming).
Both women and bourgeois are bisexual sex freaks.
-being deeply neurotic, desperate to virtue signal during the day to gain atheist karma points
-being the only species able to sustain high dose of hypocrisy, ie being self centered hedonist but also pushing for more humanism, because they have no introspection faculty

>> No.15392528

the only difference between a bourgeois and a woman, is that the bourgeois perfectly knows he is a scumbag who doesnt care one bit about the peasants in private, while claiming in public that caring about peasants is super important.

>> No.15392812

what are the demographical change implications?

>> No.15392820

fucking this

unreal that people still believe in germ theory in 2023
you would think that "covid" was enough to convince people that germ theory is fucking stupid.

>> No.15393969

very little because they all just get 50 abortions.

>> No.15393998
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>culture promotes "sexual liberation"
>experts baffled: STD's on the rise

>> No.15395310

This is one of the early art house films that promoted sexual degeneracy, in the 60s, theres a scene near the end where the protagonist has an uncomfortable surprise reuinion with ex-bf when they meet accidentally at and STD clinic in Stockholm.

>> No.15395370

That's N------zation and pol warned us
Can you make a list of their deficiencies?

Someone cause this...

>> No.15396162
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>> No.15396248

One moment. Before we continue your perhaps unfruitful line of thought, please clarify how often they actually use a phone or PC.

>> No.15396343


>> No.15396381
File: 51 KB, 500x500, avatars-000626889768-6dewg7-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I run into these """people""" all the time at work, not even enough sense to google their very obvious questions and problems. It's not just the US, the retardening is happening worldwide

These creatures are glued to their phones all day, probably social media scrolling, Youtube or candy crush, and can barely acknowledge their phone can actually make calls and not just text and funny cat memes. They cannot compose an email (they type their entire problem in the subject line, often shotgunning their queries to several unrelated email addresses).
About PCs, most possibly have laptops but have no idea what to do with them other than, you guessed it, social media and Youtube. They don't know how it works, which OS they're using, nor do they have any general idea about the components. They do want it to "load faster" though.

>> No.15396419

When you realise the cycle is about to get much much worse this is so fucked

>> No.15397182
File: 64 KB, 770x702, 1681613952897238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're dealing with the social tethers of a hive.
It's the next stage of evolution. Man is to the hive what cells are to an organism.

>> No.15398409

>also monkeypox disappeared the second after it was discovered gays were passing it on to children and dogs

>> No.15398468

What is with this constant posting about germs not existing?

>> No.15399341

urbanites are all degenerates

>> No.15399354

>congenital syphilis
like, you're born with it? wtf?

>> No.15399366

Yes. Roasties give their babies their venereal diseases.

>> No.15399567
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>>USA sees rise in venereal disease & babies born with venereal disease
>do they know why this is happening and what can be done to prevent it?
Geeee what could it ever be?
Couldn't be our southern border being wide open and tent cities like this all along it, could it?

>> No.15400408
File: 129 KB, 1200x691, alex-jones-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and pol warned us
when has /pol/ ever been wrong about anything?

>> No.15400493
File: 44 KB, 390x467, 1384226071035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this, it might be useful next time you need to draw up a similar list

>> No.15400635


>> No.15401287

Germs exist. But there exists no scientific evidence they cause disease.

>> No.15401293

>child has fever and behaves wierd
>declare it as syohillis
>up to 4 years any disease can be defined as congenital
>so you get baby
>INJECT it with vaccines with literally neurotoxins as adjuvants
>child gets wierd neurological disease
>declare it a syphillis.

>> No.15402839

Not as far as I know

>> No.15402847

let's see here

>> No.15404399
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>> No.15405222

>do they know why this is happening
>what can be done to prevent it?
Close the border completely and screen everyone coming in at their expense.

>> No.15405578
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>> No.15407247 [DELETED] 

Laquoshon Washington

>> No.15407411

Leftist women are great for BDSM shit. You can tie them up, beat the fuck out of them, do all kinds of vile disgusting shit, and then kick them out. They are no worse for wear afterwards. Just be careful about STDs since they are a high risk group.

>> No.15407511

Is it really worth it for you, given your penis is the size of a chestnut?

>> No.15407519

It dissapeared when it was found in kids and dogs with gay couples

>> No.15407965

>single mothers get about $80,000/yr in various welfare benefits
Source? I'm willing to believe it but I need something to back it up.

>> No.15407984


>> No.15407997

not everyone are as much a roastie as you.
my grandparents never had extramarital sex.
my parents never had as well.

>> No.15408041

Neuroborreliosis and tertiary syphilis bros, get in here.

I never had sex but basically have the equivalent of severe syphilis to the point my nasal cartellige is infected and I have shancre sores all over my body. Joints destroyed.

Need IV antibiotics at this point. Oral treatment doesn't work.

>> No.15408050
File: 184 KB, 863x553, 071212welfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's exaggerating with the $80k but he's not too far off.


The actual math involved is that a Single Mother working a low wage job in conjunction to getting Welfare recieves the same "net effect" as a near $70k job.

This is where various groups talking about how welfare incentivizies Single motherhood comes from. Because the necessary salary to counter this requires the man to be among the top 20% of all earners in the US. Which is basically a complete wash because at that point there aren't enough men to satisfy this.

Also he's lying about the married parents getting nothing part. They do get lower taxes, more child credits and better total health benefits. However the sheer increasing cost of raising a child can more or less negate those benefits. Especially with reports from msnbc saying the average cost to raise an individual child from 0-17yrs is around $300k.

>> No.15408675 [DELETED] 

it varies state by state and that chart doesn't account for gibes like free tuition

>> No.15408694


>> No.15410031
File: 180 KB, 563x821, nose copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whorishness is shilled by hollywood and every other major institution.

>> No.15411033

Did you ask your mother how you got it?

>> No.15411165
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>> No.15411575

Wouldn't the single mother also have to pay the costs to raise the kid from 0-17? It's not like she just plops it out in a nearby orphanage and just gets the welfare bucks in pocket.

>> No.15411782

I think it's better this way. If nothing else it makes life much more fun and adventurous having to take all these different "roads" to reach a goal and you can end up bumping into something completely different also that you wouldn't have found had you just used google to get the info. I'm aware that having all this knowledge at our fingertips is an amazing boon and extremely useful, but on the other hand having everything instantly available with very little effort just sucks the fun and magic out of so many things.
Much more fun to get lost in town looking for a place to go do a thing and explore till you find your way to it than just putting it into google maps and being taken right there. Same with your example of looking for music venues irl, having to explore, get lost and look/ask around to find what you're looking for makes it that much more rewarding and the process can be so much fun imo.

>> No.15412710
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>> No.15412799

He better be careful. Too much can make a man gay on the opposite side where he just wants to fuck everything.

>> No.15412856

Nah, that's just your dysgenic self.

>> No.15412912

It's how homosexuals are born. There's a range for testosterone. Too low and you're fruity gay and too high you're hard rape gay.

>> No.15412935

Nope, got plenty myself and not the least bit gay. you have homo genes and are coping. own up to it bud

>> No.15412938

> veneral
another invention of globohomo

>> No.15412941

syphilis is mercury poisoning

>> No.15412946

transmission never proven scientifically

>> No.15412948

>married parents get everything

from free daycare called schools to family tax breaks and every gubberment gibs say family too.

you sound like an out of touch karen

>> No.15412953

doctor make diagnosis based on symptoms most of the time. show the lab results as proof if it was done

>> No.15412966

>homo genes
Oh, you're retarded. Got it, have a nice day pal.

>> No.15412968

>Blacks are riddled with vd.

100%. have you ever seen an orc in good health? they have shit health due to poor hygiene

>> No.15412970
File: 27 KB, 600x583, 1654286687634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all don't agree
read Syphilis: Werewolf of Medicine Herbert M. Shelton

>> No.15412972

>muh sources

that is a jewish dogwhistle. i will respect academic sources when we see critical semite theory taught in universities. until then your ((sources)) of knowledge are compromised

>> No.15412980

>homo genes
another diversion from environment, blame jews, genes, viruses, satan

>> No.15413018

what an ugly orc chin

>> No.15413025
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>> No.15413032

where do you see "name"???

>> No.15413033
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>> No.15413035
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>> No.15413044

>This is where various groups talking about how welfare incentivizies Single motherhood comes from. Because the necessary salary to counter this requires the man to be among the top 20% of all earners in the US

this. in the 3rd world single moms are desperate so they find a guy and value them or go hungry.

a similar situation would be if the gubberment provided state funded whores. how many guys would stop dating to provide sex, if this was available.

free money for women equals women that don't value men which equals society collapse

>> No.15413045

single moms spend pennies on the kids and use most of the money for themself. this is especially true if they have a son. they take out all their bigotted man hating on the kid

>> No.15413050

where do you see "name"?

>> No.15413166

the progressive term is incel moms

>> No.15413171

funny thing is testosterone levels are lower than historically. yet doctor will never prescribe testosterone to men (or body builders). they only prescribe it to women. i guess all the health effects melt away. lmao

>> No.15413175

sodomy is related to childhood abuse and not testosterone level.
butt pirates should be treated in nut houses

>> No.15413270


>> No.15413306

Single mothers get more food stamps for each kid they have. A number of public schools offer free or low cost food programs including breakfast and lunch. Public transportation be it school buses or specific Metro bus programs are offered to lower income families.

Depending on the city there are non-profit behavior health programs that will monitor kids during school hours and do after school monitoring the parent works late afternoon shifts.

Government housing be it apartment or compartment house is offered at lower prices rates based on your income. Various goodwill stores will give or sell used clothing at discount prices.

You really underestimate how much is subsidize here. Paying the "cost" to raise a kid here is relative.

>> No.15413320

oh my sweet summer child

>> No.15413369

It's time to retire this phrase.

>> No.15413725

Sounds like it nukes an bad gut bacteria.

>> No.15413731

You're projecting what the film Terminator is about. It's about a hero (John Connor / Jesus / Hercules / Napoleon) born from defending his mother from his Abusive Father, he has to become his own father in order to save Sarah Connor. It's all metaphorical, pretend the time travel element doesn't exist.

>> No.15414941

I don't see how eating ass is going to help.

>> No.15414949


>> No.15415037

Just like so called "vaccination", eat ass a little to stimulate "immune system".

>> No.15415649
File: 130 KB, 736x1191, whores vs women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15415676

>what can be done to prevent it?
No sex before marriage.

>> No.15415710
File: 35 KB, 608x477, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that really published in 1941? That would fit almost too perfectly with modern times. Wherever you go, you see people vilify heroes and laud villains. Defenders of justice are seen as criminals, and criminals are seen as victims. You see anti-natalists shit on families and call them breeders, and sexual deviants flaunt their degeneracy and admonish normalcy. They have parades dedicated for vulgarity and whole months dedicated to violent beasts. Art galleries are filled with what is offensive and ugly instead of beautiful. Schools and universities are filled with peddlers of hate and propagandists instead of educators. The feelings of deviants and degenerates have become more important than truth and reason.

>> No.15415814

They're inheriting them from their degenerate mothers. Just another consequence of the Sexual Revolution.

>> No.15415934
File: 23 KB, 473x546, 1642536454446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, here it is
> SYPHILIS: Is it a Mischievous Myth or a Malignant Monster. By Herbert M. Shelton Published 1962 by Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, California

>> No.15415975

Thanks to Russian and Chinese disinformation internet agents, American trust in medical science (and scientific literacy in general) is at an all time low, so this outcome really shouldn't surprise anyone. And since access to birth control and condoms is distributed primarily towards richer, mostly white demographics, the population of undocumented migrants has less access to these basic human rights, so their birth rate increases.

>> No.15415989

> Russian and Chinese disinformation internet agents
American shill signature. blame jews, Russians, Chinese...

>> No.15416000

Behaviour is 100% genetic you fucking retard, fucking romans egyptians fucking babylonians were saying that of the kikes already.
Only fucking genocide can work.

>> No.15416005

it's not /pol, go away shill

>> No.15416013

Fuck off you retard, you literally believe the earth is a globe.
Go vaxx yourself.

>> No.15416090

One of the leading causes of death is medical malpractice, they are certainly making it easy for these disinfo shills to paint medicine in a bad light.

>> No.15416626

please, ban yourself, stop existing

>> No.15416909

>Especially with reports from msnbc saying the average cost to raise an individual child from 0-17yrs is around $300k.
Bullshit. They're trying to inflate the cost to discourage people from having kids and to justify more taxing and spending for "equity". You might see that kind of bill if you're sending them to private school and they play an expensive sport, but 300k is bonkers.

>> No.15416916

Why cant someone just buy testosterone from a pharmacy if they wanted it? I understand banning it in professional sports, but if it wont even kill you then I see no decent reason for its prohibition. Same with HGH.

>> No.15416976

It can't be that cheap though. A person eats 3 times a day means you need food for 19,710 meals. How do they calculate that cost? Or the number of diapers or clothes, or extra electric and water cost? Trying to put a price is similar to wrestling am oiled up squid.

>> No.15417001

Yeah, NEVER get attached though. Don't you dare sympathize when they tell you some BS sob story. No matter how bad it is.

>> No.15417022

how many pretty fucking pictures can you paint? do you have any idea how many great artists produced hundreds of beautiful masterworks from the time of the pre-renaissance to the early 20th century? there just aren't that many ways to re-arrange colors and shapes to produce beauty, post modernism and ugliness and such is just the inevitable reaction to us being at the end of the line. humanity is exhausted and dying, let it go.

>> No.15417030

>humanity is exhausted and dying,
How is highschool doing champ?

>> No.15417358

you're a degenerate who can't appreciate beauty, it all looks boring and similar to you because you have no soul

>> No.15417359
File: 727 KB, 1286x1362, 1642825906208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$300k isn't bonkers actually if you think about it. When most people see that number they aren't taking into account how much child care costs are being subsidize by babyshowers, birthdays, holidays, hand me downs, babysitting, cookouts, parties, sleep overs or school food programs. Without family, friends or the state helping frequently to subsidize the cost of living that $300k number is way more likely to occur.

Your child will need new clothes either every year or every other year until they reach their late teens. No help from family or friends balloons this cost unless your spouse is a fucking professional seamstress.

Your child needs to eat two to three times a day. No help from family, friends or the state balloons this cost unless you're a professional farmer who actually has fucking acres of land to farm on.

Your child needs to go to school five times a week for 12 years. If you don't live within suitable walking distance transportation is necessary for the child. If you don't have a good bus program then you're spending gas each day taking your kid to school and picking them up. Or you're giving your kid bus fare to go back and forth to school.

Your child needs to have and practice good hygiene. So they will using toiletries everyday and washing up/ bathing everyday (or everyday other day for some families). Doing this for 17 years straight.

This is without even talking about healthcare. If any mention of frequent or even semi-frequent medical bills come into the picture the argument over $300k is automatically non-disputable.

>> No.15417739
File: 259 KB, 1280x960, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kids eat what you eat, you're already buying food for yourself, you just buy a little bit more. raising children isn't an expense, picrel is what people who don't raise children do with their disposable income

>> No.15417889

and then they grow up and remain neets, but require a lot of food, and meds, like you do

>> No.15417911

>Every new teacher is expected to design their own lesson plans or spend inordinate amounts of time searching on line. That's fucking stupid. There's only so many way you can teach shit like how to read a analogue clock or how to read a map. Yet those basic resources are lacking. So a new teacher usually has to design it from scratch. Now add the midwit factor and time and we get poor results.
This is entirely correct. It's fucked and the quality of new teachers has only gone down over the past decade. It's seen as an activist profession now among many of the newbies.
t. teacher

>> No.15418969

nah i'm a professional artist whose work has been reviewed favorably in elite publications. what have you done? run regressions? stay mad loser :)

>> No.15419005

>promote promiscuity
>STDs go up

>> No.15419042

globohomo myth

>> No.15419099
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>> No.15419103
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you filtered me, remember?

>> No.15419104

>venereal disease
My WRIGGLERS are at least twice as bad as they were before the balloon shootdown.

>> No.15419208

>kids eat what you eat,
False, kids have shit immune systems and need to grow so there are certain foods that adults consume that kids between 0-5yrs shouldn't. Now past the age of 5yrs can kids actually eat the same type of shit you do.

>you're already buying food for yourself, you just buy a little bit more.
Anon in the US 57% of families can't afford a $1000 emergency. You don't understand what "just buy a little bit more" actually means.

>picrel is what people who don't raise children do with their disposable income

Your pic is of a man who invested into the funkopop scam. He is trying to turn meme toys into a serious financial venture akin to stocks market trading. His "intent" isn't to just merely play around with toys he wants to become "meme rich" so he can elevate himself to a higher economic bracket.

>> No.15419293

It's a difference in degree. There were less promiscuous people before 1960 because it was heavily socially discouraged, whereas now it's blatantly encouraged (for everyone except beta males, kek).

>> No.15419302

Jewish and glownigger shills.

>> No.15419305


>> No.15419349

its faggots, faggots are doing this those damn queers

>> No.15419352
File: 968 KB, 496x368, Get_Out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically she wants ZERO responsibilities (children and marriage) instead she just wants to fuck anyone and everyone.
She is PROUD to be a slut

>> No.15419484

didn't they promise mrna would solve this?

>> No.15419492

shillshit. only shills push da joos and love government.

>> No.15419695

>do they know why this is happening
>what can be done to prevent it?
thot patrol

>> No.15419902

deleterious effect of modern media on morality

>> No.15420088

I guess nobody had kids before money was invented, huh?

>> No.15420581

>Your child will need new clothes either every year or every other year until they reach their late teens. No help from family or friends balloons this cost unless your spouse is a fucking professional seamstress.
Clothes really arent that expensive, when I got new clothes as a kid the bill was a few hundred, tops.
>Your child needs to eat two to three times a day. No help from family, friends or the state balloons this cost unless you're a professional farmer who actually has fucking acres of land to farm on.
Free school lunches are a thing. Also, food banks give out food for free.
>Your child needs to go to school five times a week for 12 years. If you don't live within suitable walking distance transportation is necessary for the child. If you don't have a good bus program then you're spending gas each day taking your kid to school and picking them up. Or you're giving your kid bus fare to go back and forth to school.
Riding the school bus is free, at least in America. And if you live too close to the school to qualify, they can walk.
>Your child needs to have and practice good hygiene. So they will using toiletries everyday and washing up/ bathing everyday (or everyday other day for some families). Doing this for 17 years straight.
Toilet paper and toothpaste really aren't that expensive. Yeah, the water bill can add up, but its not going to balloon you well into 6 figures.
>This is without even talking about healthcare. If any mention of frequent or even semi-frequent medical bills come into the picture the argument over $300k is automatically non-disputable.
Sure, if your kid has brain cancer they're not going to be cheap. But children with chronic illnesses are a small minority. Annual checkups are the only thing you're going to be regularly paying, aside from maybe one real injury or sickness. Also, insurance can eat most of the costs.

>> No.15420598
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you sound russian

>> No.15420604

do not have sex with those that have Gonorrhea, humanity will eventually split into Homo Monogamous and Homo Gonorrheaus

>> No.15420756

globohomo invention

>> No.15420768
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>> No.15420777
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>> No.15421401
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who owns the media?

>> No.15421405

> jewish journalists
bullshit and /pol propaganda

>> No.15422457

>kids eat what you eat
in smaller amounts

>> No.15423516
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>> No.15423816
File: 246 KB, 892x640, time-100-influential-photos-heinrich-hoffmann-hitler-nazi-party-rally-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do they know why this is happening and what can be done to prevent it?
degeneracy is happening, picrel is the cure

>> No.15423907

yep, total shill death.

>> No.15424155

good one

> Dr. Tilden asks: "How many physicians have watched a case of syphilis from its beginning to its end without giving a dose of drugs? Not one! Then what are their opinions worth? The first day a drug is given in any disease, that day the disease is masked — it ceases to be a natural disease — and no physician is wise enough to tell what symptoms are from drugs, what from food, and what symptoms belong to the disease proper.

>> No.15425586
File: 97 KB, 1600x1027, MedMalPopQuiz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doctors kill 10% of all people, they are worse than stalin and mao combined

>> No.15425621

>do they know why this is happening and what can be done to prevent it?
covid obviously

>> No.15426628

they ARE replacement for "stalins", by design.

>> No.15427793
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>> No.15428444

who is it that promotes promiscuity?

>> No.15428746
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>> No.15428842

universal answer: "da joos"

>> No.15430034

jews own hollywood, all the major tv media outlets, all the porno websites, record labels, facebook, instagram, snapchat, tinder, grindr, onlyfans, google, youtube and most other social media networks

>> No.15430550

It's probably this.

>> No.15430554

Most people with syphilis don't realise they have it. Also, don't forget that antibiotic resistant lifelong chlamydia exists already in clusters of the United States.

>> No.15430560

Only on Trump

tho a minority warned that trump was a zionist larping as a white nationalist

>> No.15430565

Luther never wanted to leave.

eventually he had to make his own church seeinf that the catholics kicked him out and condemned him.

Calvin was just being Calvin and believed that GOD was truly the perfect being who control our lives

>> No.15431457

>larping as a white nationalist
he never larped that larp

>> No.15432040

omg that is very old propaganda

>> No.15432044


>> No.15432631

trump is a very mainstream normal guy, the media portrayed him as hitler 2.0 and he got massively popular as a result, because hitler was awesome and everyone sane wants moar hitler

>> No.15433839

>he had to make his own church
thats how 8ghan got started too

>> No.15434456
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>> No.15434473
File: 59 KB, 1024x544, 1653030984157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shill, both of us have hundreds of pics in memes folder, this competition is futile

>> No.15434489
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>he can't read so culture of critique, a people that shall dwell alone, etc goes way over his head

not surprised for a tard who can't into biology :) how big is your nose, kike? btw i threw some romans at a jew outside the synagogue today :)

>> No.15434845
File: 1.76 MB, 3840x3840, hitler was denied a grave because of this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15434856

>False, kids have shit immune systems and need to grow so there are certain foods that adults consume that kids between 0-5yrs shouldn't. Now past the age of 5yrs can kids actually eat the same type of shit you do
This means little Timmy will be content to enjoy his chicken and rice while I keep the brie, walnuts, wine, sauerkraut, etc for myself. Which means feeding kids is actually cheaper than feeding yourself. Which means you're a retard and your argument is wrong

>> No.15434861

Homosexuals are made, not born. Every gay man (including you) is the victim of some form of childhood sexual trauma from another gay predator

>> No.15435233

interesting theory. there must have been first proto-gay at the beginning of civilization.

>> No.15435237

> vain words, smiles, irrelevant smug face pic
shill, the joo who deceives people for money is you

>> No.15435564

He's a vaxxed gay kike, literally.
Probably retarded considering how he types, and probably a literal paid shill since he accuse literally everyone of being one ( accusing others of doing/being what you do/are is a common kike tactic ).

>> No.15435573

> kike
> other meme words
samefag shill

>> No.15435601

Dr. Responds:

Homosexuals should be chemically castrated. You can't fix a faggot. He's contiminated with diseases and quite frankly even if your stupid idea workerd, it wouldn't be to the benefit of humanity and would just spread more homo genes around should procreation ensure. Next to euthanizing your faggot son and the faggot genes that created him like you, next best thing I can do is chemically castrate him.

>> No.15435623

> genes
> homo theme

>> No.15435777
File: 78 KB, 716x768, 9C9ED402-A7E1-4CB6-81B3-7D0E04FFE65A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like stop fucking random strangers.

>> No.15435809

>single mothers get about $80,000/yr in various welfare benefits.
3k a year you mean which goes to procuring a lawyer for alimony and child support which is where the real money comes from.

And should. If men aren’t going to be present to raise the baby, then they would sacrifice financially for the mom to be able to raise them.

>> No.15435814

Cheaper than feeding yourself doesn't mean you have the funds to bear that extra cost. Be it short or long term. If 57% of families can't afford $1000 emergency what are you expecting their food money looks like here?

>> No.15435843

god's punishment for the sin of being american

>> No.15436066

there's no god, no venereal diseases, there's poisoning, malnutrition and ignorance, and paid shilling by scum

>> No.15436568

why go to all that trouble when execution is so cheap and much more effective?

>> No.15436713

viruses don't exist guy is pro kike huh. sad thing to see

>> No.15436721

He's a vaxxed gay kike, and probably an actul paid shill since he accuse everyone of being one (maybe just a schizo tho, kikes are insane after all).

>> No.15436995

> kike
pol shills

>> No.15437060

shit in the drinking water
lead in the drinking water
mercury in the drinking water

sure we have closely monitored amd guarded water treatment plants.
but those plants need pipes, buried underground, to shuttle water to homes.
and theres alot of shit aging pipes that havent been replaced in years.
heard l8 one night on talk radio, portlands drinking aater would be absolutely fucked if there was an earthquake becuase they have a buncha old rusty pipes

i wonder if youd find a correlation to areas with a high rates of syphalis and areas of fracking.
and areas with a high illegal immigrant population.

>> No.15437389
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>> No.15438649

No, they get $80,000 from the government in various welfare benefits

>> No.15438656

still, venereal diseases are myth, and you are stupid shill

>> No.15439189
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he is here to make people who didn't take the vax seem insane, its picrel strategy

>> No.15439288
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you are here to deceive people for money.

>> No.15439339
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>> No.15440008

Sort by race

>> No.15441064

you might as well tell sluts to stop breathing

>> No.15441089

what money? what money do you get for saying viruses are real
you just realized?

>> No.15442275
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>> No.15443048

you are paid to promote germ theory degeneracy

>> No.15443077

How does 5G (or any other wireless infrastructure) affect the immune system?

>> No.15443090

> immune system
another globohomo invention

>> No.15443100

1/5 people have a STD of some type, maybe more. Point is who do you think has this, the incel with a modest body count of 1-3 or the roastie toastie with 10 hookups? Obviously this is how God will quell the fags, chads and Stacies.

>> No.15443145

>tell zoomers to use condoms
>zoomers confused
>devolve convo into tired shill memes
at this point i'm glad climate change will indirectly kill most of you in a decade or two

>> No.15443151

> do they know why this is happening
I could answer, but people would call me sexist.
> and what can be done to prevent it?

>> No.15443155

Indian Children are our future

>> No.15443341

no such thing

>> No.15443365

>the government encourages the sort of people who take money from it rather than those who give money to it
where do you people get this shit?

>> No.15445159

nobody other than single mothers gets welfare

>> No.15445162
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Easy to solve, just execute all black males with IQ below 120 and all jews with verbal IQ higher than non verbal IQ.

>> No.15445422

> jews
> IQ
stupid shill