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File: 262 KB, 663x625, global warming is fake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15369501 No.15369501 [Reply] [Original]

Global warming shills busted in yet another fraud

>Significant doubts have been cast on the accuracy of global surface temperature results following the discovery that electronic thermometers in Australia have read up to 0.7°C higher than traditional mercury glass units.

Electronic thermometers read up to 0.7 degrees higher than glass ones.
Sometime in the mid-1990s the Australian Bureau of Meteorology replaced their glass thermometers with electronic sensors. They claimed they were carefully verified to match the slow way the old glass thermometers worked — after all, we wouldn’t want to use gizmos that recorded new all-time *Hottest Ever Records* that were actually just one-second gusts of hot air, would we? Our newspapers would be full of meaningless headlines about how Climate Change made us hotter than ever in history, when really it was just a mistaken effect of a new type of thermometer. Imagine that disaster of public policy…

Of course this question is so easily solved. The BoM just needed to keep the two thermometers side by side in the same boxes and record all that data. Then they could release it, showing how well the electronic gadgets mimicked the glass thermometers, and Australians everywhere would feel confident that BoM was the sterling agency they thought it was. Instead Skeptics have been asking for comparison data for nine years and the BoM has refused, hedged, asked exorbitant fees, destroyed data and when the FOI requests came — fought them tooth and nail to stop Australians from seeing what their thermometers recorded.


>> No.15369531

Wait, isn't that all of the alleged global warming gone with one measurement correction?

>> No.15369546

Yeah global warming is a hoax. Since it is the biggest science issue that basically means science is a hoax.

>> No.15369547

it's all about centuries old war for siberian resources. global warming is real, but it's the result of natural climate cycles. "green" agenda is aimed at weakening oil exporting countries, particularly russia. warming will release huge resources in siberia and it will open up the route along the north russian border. they'll kill cows just to slow down the problem until they fix the geopolitical situation.

some are desperate:

>> No.15369595

>Global warming shills busted in yet another fraud
Their entire lives are devoted to fraud

>> No.15369754

Anyone here got that pdf about the climategate emails, had a ship on the front?
I forgot to save it before.

>> No.15369822

You understand that England is not the entire world right? You understand how averages work? Global temperature average is going to be very different than just one airport in the uk

>> No.15369826

australia =/= global

>> No.15370236
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>> No.15370364


>> No.15370491

Your pathetic civilistation cannot even harnest energy of surroundings for doing it's work.

>> No.15370795

This is about pervasive false warming bias in standardized measurement equipment. Please keep up.

>> No.15370829

For every one of these you find, there's a thousand to counter it. Keep pushing for more pollution on behalf of your corporate overlords.

>> No.15370839 [DELETED] 

Climate sois and their cultists are the ones pushing for pollution. Why else is it that they attack CO2 exclusively (a harmless and invisible gas) when atrazine poisoning is the greatest threat to life on Earth?

>> No.15371097

>global warming proven to be a hoax, this time absolutely for real, two more weeks
how do you keep falling for that?

>> No.15371105

>Keep pushing for more pollution on behalf of your corporate overlords.
But we're against pollution?

>> No.15371134
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also worth reading

>> No.15371325

>carefully verified
Safe and effective
Soientists and soience lovers should be deported to work in uranium mines.
Leave real science to real scientists.

>> No.15371586
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I'm sure its just a coincidence that the thermometers were inaccurate on the high side rather than on the low sure. Just a lucky accident & not designed that way.
What was wrong with reliable mercury thermometers to begin with? Too accurate?

>> No.15371682

Cost and versatility.
At the end of the day, in most applications a mercury bulb is competing against a solder joint. There is simply no contest.

>> No.15371691

b-but they said they homogenized the records correctly

>> No.15371707

They didn't tell you that their goal was truth or accuracy, did they?

>> No.15371928

You understand there is a very limited number of meteorological equipment manufacturers and that everyone uses one of maybe four temperature sensor models available in their unmanned stations.

>> No.15372046

Of course he knows. He's arguing in bad faith which is why he didn't reply to the other anon who called him out.

>> No.15377310

too analog
can't be designed to read high

>> No.15378021

This. You can't make mercury expand more with less heat. It's all based on physical laws.

>> No.15380508 [DELETED] 

They could easily just print the wrong scale on the glass

>> No.15383076

That's stupid because it would be easily identifiable as a mislabeled instrument by comparison with other instruments, purely by its physical appearance.

>> No.15385388 [DELETED] 

Well they build digital instrument that read wrong and it went undetected for a long time

>> No.15385420

That was done on purpose and they forbade anyone to check them against the mercury counterparts. Also in many locations outside Australia (such as in the US) there is no cross-checking equipment. It's thermal probes or nothing.

>> No.15386213

yep, the data fits nicely around the desired conclusion

>> No.15386634

they will continue to use every method of lying they can think up with their deranged greedy brains as long as there continues to be no consequences for the lying

>> No.15386987 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15388521

good PDF

>> No.15389846
File: 98 KB, 1488x1488, i maek graf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a thousand to counter it
making fake graphs is easy, i can crank them out faster than you, but no matter how many fake graphs you bring, the climate wont change. its been stubbornly steady as a rock since the 1970s

>> No.15389971

Global warming is real, seethe you absolute CHUDS.

>> No.15390098

>australia =/= global
Got any facts to back that up?

>> No.15391222

Interesting that the shill got banned from this thread.

>> No.15391437

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.15391445

Postwar science is complete bullshit from top to bottom.

>> No.15391452

>Global warming is rea
Don't like your religion questioned and mocked?

>> No.15391601


>> No.15391604 [DELETED] 

"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war" ~Joseph Goebbels

>> No.15392522
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Its almost as if we're living in a dystopian kleptocracy thinly disguised as a free society

>> No.15392974

Preach brother! Tell these vile heretics that they shall fall beneath the holy blade of Joan of Aut! None shall escape the boiling oceans when the glaciers all melt in 2014!

>> No.15392987
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The Truth About Climate Change
Climatology occupies the intersection of science policy and public understanding of science. In such a prominent position, the wide spectrum of climate opinions is remarkable. Society has achieved a paradigm in which global warming subscribers and non-subscribers are largely segregated by political affiliation. Since science is non-political, only a misunderstanding of the science can facilitate such a segregation. In the first section we analyze a recent study by Cook \emph{et al.} finding overwhelming scientific endorsement for the greenhouse theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW). We find the popular reporting on Cook's result is not accurate. The aim of the following section is to clarify the science behind the most popular climate arguments and introduce the reader to some evidence that is not widely publicized. Even the astute non-climatologist should come away from this report with an enhanced understanding of relevant issues in modern climate science.

>> No.15392992
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sorry I don't know how to respond to this heresy except HOW DARE YOU?!!!?!

>> No.15393072
File: 160 KB, 1333x500, How Dare You Who Said It Better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15394896

Climate sois and their cultists are the ones pushing for pollution. Why else is it that they attack CO2 exclusively (a harmless and invisible gas) when atrazine poisoning is the greatest threat to life on Earth?

>> No.15394917

You know blackrock, vanguard etc and other subsidiaries owns in conjunction dominion and fox news. They basically sued themselves to launder money and keep elections frauds going.

>> No.15394924
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>> No.15394945


>> No.15394966

>global warming is real, but it's the result of natural climate cycles
It's not natural. It's that climate cycles take multigenerational ages unless something disastrous happens, which humans are incapable of almost even just barely the full nuclear stockpile.
We can still remember that the earth is the most sustainable engineering project with 5 billion years in testing. People are braindead to go beyond it's ways and say we MUST consume.

>> No.15394989 [DELETED] 

Mercury is toxic and unsustainable

>> No.15396124
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>> No.15396487

So no warming since 2015? Very interesting.

>> No.15396615
File: 126 KB, 1026x905, 2023-04-26 00_45_45-A Graphical History of Atmospheric CO2 Levels Over Time _ Earth.Org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they claim that runaway warming didn't happen in the Ordovician period because the Earth was in a different position. I don't see how this can be true.

>> No.15396685
File: 1.84 MB, 1266x1175, eat the bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo shoo, we don't need ignorant morons like you parroting the same nonsense over and over again. Go back to suck your corporate globohomo overlords.

>> No.15396698

How can they know about data from time when no one was measuring it? I mean even if they could somehow get the data no way it could be accurate.

>> No.15396707

In previous years they faked data moving their sensors to hotter places. Either you show what the money providers want to see or you lose your job. Is simple as that.

>> No.15396931

They use "climate proxies" which they claim are accurate in public, but in private they're horrified that those same proxies in the modern day report wildly different temperatures from what instruments record.

>> No.15397054

Consensual and insider insider climate experts that have been fact-checked by reliable and anonymous sources have the ability to astrally project in the past.
Once there, they lick one of their fingers, stick it out up in the air, and the first touch of the wind on their moist skin instantly tells them the correct temperature several million years ago.

>> No.15398382
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If global warming were real, the scientists wouldn't to lie and cheat to get their data. They aren't just exaggerating a real problem, they are fabricating it whole cloth

>> No.15399245
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>peer review

>> No.15399305


>> No.15400100
File: 91 KB, 1825x413, real climate science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that both the physics and empirical measurements underlying climate science have both been proven fraudulent, where do we go from here?

>> No.15400110

often when i try to replicate chemistry papers, i either get no results or poor results. even if the paper has spectroscopy data, our results don't match it. this happens about a quarter of the time.

researchers live and die by grant money, they push out papers faster than they should, and they don't get checked as well as they should.

it's not just climate science, it's every science. every science is full of garbage data and i believe it's because of how funding works. otherwise, there would be no reason to bullshit. academia is a cancer but i don't know what the solution is because grant money is the only thing that would pay for some of this research. it's not profitable in itself.

>> No.15400112

>its just an accident, there isn't a motive and agenda behind the global warming big lie

>> No.15400116

what are you quoting?

>> No.15400168

Not totally jut there is a trend of old time rational empericists retiring out and getting replaced by a young crop of activist scientists who are guided by their own biases and ulterior motives.

>> No.15400241 [DELETED] 

Abolish peer review and the field immediately opens up.

>> No.15400278

hopefully we go to stringing up the people responsible for the big lie.

>> No.15400985

>young crop of activist scientists
A newspaper here attempted to present an activist as a scientist, but was qiuickly ripped to shreds in the comments section.

>> No.15401565

So true, and so unfortunate. Science is meaningless now because it's so full of fraud.

>> No.15402912

Imagine how different things might be if Lindbergh and the America First committee had gotten their way and Hitler had been allowed to stomp the USSR to death. Instead we have jewish bolshevik domination of the entire planet outside of a few small enclaves of resistance. FDR trashed the future

>> No.15404408

the decline and fall of western civilization

>> No.15405563

Scientifically speaking, why does it always turn out that global warming proponents are lying?

>> No.15405596

That is surprising to hear about chemistry. Are processes not written in a precise enough way to replicate?

>> No.15405625

A lot of science haters on this site now.
I mean these people don't just deny science. They literally hate knowledge and those who seek it.
Some are religious fanatic jesus freaks... but i think most are literal godless fanatical morons - a kind of people who have literally made hatred, gluttony, and ignorance their entire identity.

>> No.15405631

nah, I just shattered their illusions that these intuitions they thought were some paragons of virtue and truth when they have actually been brainwashing them since the day they were born. It wasn't, this board is some of the stupidest, most spineless soi cuck bootlicking pseuds you will ever come across on the internet. It took 6 years and a fake global pandemic for them to finally start to see what is actually going on and they don't appear to be real keen on being inserted back into the matrix

>> No.15405649

we're entering a new dark ages for sure.
plagues, feudalism, and witch burnings incoming.

>> No.15405690

There's just a lot of fraud in the sciences.

>> No.15406715

Yah we are in a bit of a spot when a supreme court judge's appointment hinges on whether or not they are willing deny basic biology. It isn't going to be pretty. Lots of blood will be required to gain back control I imagine

>> No.15407312 [DELETED] 

because global warming is fake

>> No.15408566 [DELETED] 
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>fake thermometers
what a clown show

>> No.15409655

Makes you wonder how many places use these same thermometers. Most of the ones in the US abandoned mercury entirely so we'll never know what the real measurements were.

>> No.15409675

Ya.. makes you wonder if the same corporations who benefit from ignoring environmental degradation and climate change are actually pushing the trans agenda to discredit all science that threatens their profits.
The covid hysteria was just lemmings panicking and running off a cliff.

>> No.15409733

not him but that's the catch. half the time it feels like they did something completely different from what they wrote to save time or were doing writing and manufacturing in parallel, the other half it feels like they just starting making things up.

>> No.15409736

It's not like they'll ever get in trouble for making it up.

>> No.15409750

Yes, but how many other measurements are similarly tainted?
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.15409755

Every measurement made with a thermistor from this brand, at a minimum. Most likely all thermistor measurements.

>> No.15409769

This is why I am always telling everyone on this board to START WITH FIRST PRINCIPLES. Never take anything for granted as a given, they lie about EVERYTHING

>> No.15410101

Since nobody teaches epistemology in STEM, it's pretty hard to convince any of the STEMdrones posting here to break out of their preprogrammed modes of thought.

>> No.15410604

governments lie about everything, literally

>> No.15411277
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>> No.15412585
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Faking environmental problems is a common grift

>> No.15412871

>Significant doubts have been cast
L0Lno, fgt pls

>> No.15412886

So you're admitting he's correct and you have no argument.

>> No.15412893
File: 29 KB, 510x680, defendor-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am admitting he is a 'tard, and so is his defender (You)

>> No.15412895

But he's right, so how is he a tard?

>> No.15412903

Just buy an ad, Anthony.

>> No.15412909

You have to go back.

>> No.15412911


>> No.15413252


>> No.15413737
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>> No.15413827

yes and to be fair, chemistry is not a science. only phsyics is a science and there are liars here too

>> No.15413828

>>it's not just climate science, it's every science. every science is full of garbage data and i believe it's because of how funding works. otherwise, there would be no reason to bullshit.
False, people want career, scientists included. And after 40 years they don't want to question whether what they did for 40 years is rubbish or not.

>> No.15414610

The climate sois have no answer for when their fraud is exposed.

>> No.15415482

They just ignore it and keep on reposting the same old fraud. Come back the next day and act like nothing ever happened.
They're too dumb uncreative and low IQ to develop new lies

>> No.15415499

holy fucking shit hahahahaha
this kills the climate change narrative

>> No.15416698

do they have any IQ lol

>> No.15417346
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>> No.15417558


>> No.15417803 [DELETED] 

you are jewish

>> No.15417844

you are shillish, and you deceive for money

>> No.15418806

it's true but not for the reasons they claim, rather earth was in saturn's orbit which was a brown dwarf at the time

>> No.15418813

Based Velikovsky enjoyer.

>> No.15419423

>this kills the climate change narrative
it was always a big lie

>> No.15419827

good quote
they just don't care about credibility

>> No.15420470

This sounds awfully familiar ..... What does this remind me of? ...... Oh I know ..... CLOWN WORLD

>> No.15420479
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>> No.15420544

Flux per unit area tho

>> No.15420889

>fake thermometers
is there anything global warming hysterics won't lie about?

>> No.15421436


>> No.15421806

Take your meds, NOW!

>> No.15423153
File: 10 KB, 225x225, cnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do the global warming graphs look like after correcting for to 0.7ºC thermometer error?

>> No.15423178

> global warming
no such thing

>> No.15423220

Well since all "measured global warming" is ~0.5-1 degrees celsius, it would mean the temperature has been rock-steady around average for 50 years.

>> No.15423677

Thats how it really is, thats why the soientists had to use fake thermometers

>> No.15423860

Based abd conviction pilled. Keep destroying the rightoids anon.

>> No.15425436

If only they were honest enough to admit they were wrong.

>> No.15426208
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They probably show that increased CO2 is leading to lower temperatures worldwide

>> No.15426714

There is very little that isn't fraudulent, its all overaged crybabies lying in order to justify gibes

>> No.15427491

and it's also true of medicine, physics and astronomy, economics, nutrition, psychology, etc

>> No.15427868
File: 88 KB, 1024x443, peerreview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science wasn't like that before peer review

>> No.15427893

wat? after reading Herbert Shelton I can definitely tell science was shit for half of millenium.

>> No.15428561

yes, the problem is with the scientists, not the sciences

>> No.15428723
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the problem is trivial. recall maslow pyramid. only after an individual is safe and full he engages in creativity, arts, satisfies curiosity. at every party people first eat then sing. issue with scientists and people of art (musicians etc) is that science and art became profession, i.e. they need to "sing", to "entertain" in order to get money, food, security. this is reversal of the maslow pyramid, reversal of natural flow of motivation. musicians eventually run out of "muse" and deteriorate. but doctors in order to survive invent problems. government in order to survive invents problems. technically government is infection. but they call this mess "civilization", where the highest art is deception.

>> No.15428728


Logically, does piltdown man turning out to be a hoax disprove all of evolution?

>> No.15428826

evolution is a theory, a supposition, a cope. it cannot be proven.

>> No.15429711

If Piltdown Man was the only fossil, yes.

>> No.15430363

OP's results are like if it was proven Carbon 14 had a half life of 100 years, and therefore every dated skeleton is actually under 10,000 years old. It undermines the foundations of the entire discipline because all results are now proven unreliable.

>> No.15430627

I can't believe they stooped to using rigged fake thermometers to "prove" global warming.

>> No.15430684

The corporate overlords want renewables because they increase reliance on fossil fuels. Same for Russia before they chipped out in Ukraine, it was a good thing for them that Europe never fracked because then they could sell them gas. You are everything you claim to hate.

>> No.15431478
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>> No.15432348

they "canceled" the dust bowl era too, completely erased it from official history

>> No.15432541

They also "canceled" the Medieval Warm Period, and memory-holed the IPCC data proving it was global.