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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15359702 No.15359702 [Reply] [Original]

How dangerous is the new Covid-19 variant?

>> No.15359705

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15359711

i don't give a fuck, go away

>> No.15359841

Just call it "Indian Covid".

>> No.15359936

seriously aliens be throwing beef between them like this

>> No.15360111

That would be racist

>> No.15361656

Theres a presidential election next year so the related shenanigans should be getting started this summer

>> No.15361677

Probably true

>> No.15365556

About as dangerous as the original ie. marginally.
What's dangerous is jews in charge of international organizations.

>> No.15365564

Get ready for a widely reported white-man-kills-unarmed-black-man story to dominate the summer 2024 news scape

>> No.15365568

the original from italy was killing hundreds of thousands of italians in a month (and most of the nazis in here without a brain).

the variants after ~2021 were complete nothingburgers.
I suspect this one is a nothingburger too (and I doubt the tests can even detect them).

>> No.15365572
File: 26 KB, 474x565, incel_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm still waiting for all the incels and schizos to find something better to do with their time, besides just spamming hate speech and conspiracy theories on the internet all day, but I guess when you're a uneducate, low IQ, virgin, incel loser there is not much else to do.

>> No.15365577

Why did post a picture of an antifa tranny?

>> No.15365587 [DELETED] 
File: 908 KB, 1920x1080, 7b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I'm still waiting for all the incels and schizos to find something better to do with their time.

>> No.15365617

that is le /pol/ face

>> No.15365719
File: 931 KB, 1366x3382, incel_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366007

Kansas City already has you covered.

>> No.15366037

>Indian Covid
The Poo Flu

>> No.15366061

reminder that covid is not going away

reminder that covid will not stop until everyone is dead

>> No.15366067

It's the cold bro. They'll be calling every common cold coronavirus "covid" forever.

>> No.15366074

Lol, what a deeply unwell loser

>> No.15367006

does anyone even follow corona news anymore? At this point some ultra dangerous form could appear and everyone would just ignore it, very blackpilled situation

>> No.15367902

>Just call it "Indian Covid".
Flu in the Loo

>> No.15367932

I remember when people would argue with you if you pointed out cdc statistics that the original strain had a 99.5% survival rate and the average casualty had 2.6 comorbidities. It was only a threat if you were a morbidly obese 85 year old diabetic smoker. Knew several people in their 20s that got it and they had mild flu like symptoms for a couple of days including an unvaxxed black girl a coworker knew (most of the unvaxed here in commiefornia were black and latino).

>> No.15367966

Imo the media is partly responsible for covid fatigue. I stopped watching television news because they beat the living shit out of the story. A non critical viewer would think we were in the End of Days.

>> No.15367970

>It was only a threat if you were a morbidly obese 85 year old diabetic smoker.
Going to the hospital and them putting you on a ventilator, because that was the recommended course of action, was also risky regardless of age.

>> No.15367987

New mass hysteria just dropped? Based. Can't wait to get all the jabs and smugly look down on the unmasked swine.

>> No.15368016 [DELETED] 

no. it's just that the mutation to a nothingburger as extremely fast; it took about 1 year; the morons over at /pol/ killing themselves accelerated it of course.

the MAIN reason it was killing was infecting the lower part of the lungs; have you noticed where it infected since 2021? exactly: just on the neck and up.

>> No.15368020

no. it's just that the mutation to a nothingburger was extremely fast; it took about 1 year; the morons over at /pol/ killing themselves accelerated it of course.

the MAIN reason it was killing was infecting the lower part of the lungs; have you noticed where it infected since 2021; exactly: just on the throat and higher.

>> No.15368375
File: 107 KB, 730x1024, 81C22359-4699-4D6A-A267-EE7FB8174785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crazy how fast the sexless incels at /pol/ multiplied with their dropping fertility rates after their ranks got devastated with that deadly covid. now theyre invading /sci/ with their unscientific conspiracy theories. anyway the new variant is out and its got an epic new symptom so go get boosted

>> No.15368404

/pol/acks are dead already. All the posts are made by a handful of Russian hackers.

>> No.15368419

yeah yeah

>> No.15368552

When did that happen? Two weeks ago?

>> No.15368590

Why is FDA pulling the vaccines off the market if Covid is still spreading like wildfire? Are they trying to kill us?

>> No.15368593

just give them marvel supervillain names

>> No.15368700

>Are they trying to kill us?

>> No.15368754
File: 80 KB, 680x599, 51F0FDAE-04D8-4D57-A356-2A2CF197ABDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah they love you bro

>> No.15368767

You completely missed the point that ventilators were killing people who weren't otherwise at significant risk.

>> No.15368937

The Rice Curry Rabies
The Apu Poos
Sanjay's Revenge

>> No.15368944

>Theres a presidential election next year so the related shenanigans should be getting started this summer
Yeah, will really have to work hard to steal the next US presidential election, since everyone hates the fake President Mr. Potato, and Trump is more popular than ever.

>> No.15368951

>Going to the hospital and them putting you on a ventilator,
One of the best ways to kill someone and make it look like you were trying to help them.

The most notororious serial killers are always doctors, with death counts in the thousands.

>> No.15368964

>keep those masks handy
what in the holy fucking hell FOR????

>> No.15368966

Assamese disease
Tamil tremor
Dogri disorder
Karnataka contagion

>> No.15368967
File: 27 KB, 475x407, 510BB037-4CA4-401E-98E0-3F94E6AB9A4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't stop me!!!!

>> No.15369197

You need more than a mask for what you suffer from

>> No.15369338

Enjoyment of free and open software isn't suffering.

>> No.15369373 [DELETED] 

you're stupid. even if ventilators have risks, those people were already severely risk; they could barely breathe; and guess what: they could barely breathe because the first variant was hitting mainly the lower parts of the lungs.

>> No.15369381

you're stupid. even if ventilators have risks, those people were already severely sick; they could barely breathe (and it's why they were put on ventilators you stupid fuck); and guess what: they could barely breathe because the first variant was hitting mainly the lower parts of the lungs (but you stupid fucks over at /pol/ killing yourselves mutated it very fast away from that).

>> No.15369384

>(but you stupid fucks over at /pol/ killing yourselves mutated it very fast away from that)
What did the schizo mean by this?

>> No.15369397

Nobody was sick, covid-19 was a total hoax, it doesn't exist and it never did.

>> No.15369419

>the schizo
you're the ones killing yourselves. have you not noticed /pol/ has a lot more lefties lately?
where did the rest nazis miraculously go?

>> No.15369421

it's fine by me if you want to kill yourself, but this is /sci/. go back to the nazi board.

>> No.15369428

When are these bioweapon manufacturers finally going to get the formula right and get 100% mortality with 100% transmission to free us from this hell?

>> No.15369451

Probably never.
Thankfully the psychotard meme is not a meme, but a real phenomena whereby decades of nepotism and inbreeding gives psychotic retards in leadership roles, who despite being psychotic are too retarded to really accomplish their evil goals.

>> No.15369532
File: 60 KB, 657x539, FsB1hOPaIAAiWaH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15370267
File: 412 KB, 944x579, walter cronkite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't manufacture anything, they don't know how to do that. they only know how to use media to spread rumors

>> No.15371517

Just as dangerous as the rest, none of them exist, but they're still effective weapons in the hands of the media & government

>> No.15371544

massive chad taking on the sacramento city council over their covid response, was broadcast live on cable tv, but subsequently deleted from youtube

>> No.15371633


>> No.15377297

outstanding video