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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.33 MB, 800x600, 1581_PIA25821-web.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15365033 No.15365033 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>15360884
MARS SOON-ish editon

>> No.15365034


>> No.15365037

The fuck was that?
What, a hundred meter thick steel cockhead on the front of your ship?

>> No.15365038

Venus posters you dropped your crowns, kings

>> No.15365039
File: 231 KB, 500x275, 1414276965713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365041

we appear to have faulty staging

what if we ablate the atmosphere instead of the ship

>> No.15365042

No, more like a hundred meters of ice.

>> No.15365044

>thread get nuked
>thread gets unnuked

>> No.15365045
File: 96 KB, 1103x705, deep laser uranus a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nth for Uranus lasers

>> No.15365048

>the atmosphere
The atmosphere of the countless random particles in the interstellar void?

>> No.15365049

venus is a planet covered in braps you all are disgusting for wanting to colonize

>> No.15365050

im beginning to think that we'll be lucky if it clears the launch site

>> No.15365051

>40,000s isp

>> No.15365052
File: 56 KB, 400x350, troll valve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dabs in your launch

>> No.15365054

It’s not about colonization
It’s about sending a lander

>> No.15365055

Right now there is a Cassini-tier mission for Uranus in the early dev stages, unfortunately it will take forever for a Neptune one unless someone with the money does it

>> No.15365057

if only we could power spacecraft with janitorial seething

>> No.15365058

and remember, dragonfly which wont even visit the fucking lakes is going before this

>> No.15365059

>It’s about sending a lander
With colonizers and colonization equipment.

>> No.15365062
File: 60 KB, 711x533, Davis Meltzer space station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just deploy big discs of aerogel far in front of the ships so any dust grains turn to plasma and deal with that electromagnetically

>> No.15365066
File: 118 KB, 700x600, 04299C32-4CBF-48D1-9A34-7ACADDB6E8B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, where you from

>> No.15365067
File: 409 KB, 1920x984, alex-brady-tad - Ascension-Syfy-Channel-Comicon-Display-Interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, where do you get your /sfg/ information? Besides the NASA site, JPL site, and https://ntrs.nasa.gov/ (technical report server) I have no idea where to read more about this stuff. I'm planning to look into Zubrin's work this summer after college, but I don't know where else to start regarding new info and news.

>> No.15365068

I give it 3 months between Starship is flying customer payloads and the NRO flies something on it. I bet they're working on the next gen of spy sats right now for that fairing size and weight class.

>> No.15365070

it occurs to me in my dreams

>> No.15365071

beetles WON
valves WON
engineering LOST
space LOST

>> No.15365072

twitter for news, google and chatgpt for technical info (or just asking /sfg/)

>> No.15365073

New info and news is left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.15365076

twitter and youtube

>> No.15365078

Atomic Rockets (the website) is a fantastic starting point.

>> No.15365081
File: 71 KB, 955x695, deep laser uranus b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365083
File: 549 KB, 800x1024, ITKEEPSHAPPENING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to sugarcoat all this?

>> No.15365082
File: 7 KB, 180x219, 8887C1F8-2F4E-4201-BB66-01529A472C87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

state your channels. now.

>> No.15365086

this one is pretty good https://www.youtube.com/@SpaceX

>> No.15365087

issac arthur

>> No.15365090
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x1024, 1255492270654860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365093

The 31 engine static fire went well . Why did the valve cause issues this time?

>> No.15365099
File: 405 KB, 2048x1536, F2D7FFD9-4648-4DE9-BE06-6B6FBDEA9189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i thought you were gonna bring up le pop sci channels or even worse... NSF

>> No.15365101

>isaac "just shift that galaxy bro" arthur
>not pop sci

>> No.15365102

Marcus house isn't terrible for a quick 5 minute catch up once in a while

>> No.15365104
File: 503 KB, 2048x1366, Ft7fkO3WwAMjXnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365105

i dont pay attention to literal whos

>> No.15365107

I suppose that works
I guess I shouldn't be suprised
I should have bookmarked that website ages ago. But would you reccoment any particulat books for the basics? I often can't keep certain terms like ISP standarized.

By the way, /SFG/, are there any books you are reading or plan to read this summer? I finished Asimov's "The Gods Themselves", and am working on finishing The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, an interesting perspective on AI and polyandry on the moon. Then it's onto Children of Tome and Ringworld. I'd be interested in what you guys are reading, and what you'd reccomend.

>> No.15365108

A wizard broke it.

>> No.15365110

i dont read books unless theyre textbooks

>> No.15365113
File: 511 KB, 1179x664, 7EB5B230-75D5-41AE-B39D-4AD98E573374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to /lit/

>> No.15365115

what happened to ksp2?

>> No.15365116

We got blue balled

>> No.15365117
File: 455 KB, 708x430, Mr.Valve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he do it?

>> No.15365118

it was shit

>> No.15365120

Gateway, Space Merchants and The World at the End of Time by Frederik Pohl

>> No.15365121

They released a dev build for $50

>> No.15365122

too many people used -novid in the launch options

>> No.15365123
File: 165 KB, 1768x990, FA08711F-2897-4FC3-A229-A674F45D7CE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>@LockheedMartin unveils updated nuclear powered Mars Base Camp concept vehicle as it builds up space nuclear capability for @NASA and @DARPA requirements #SpaceSymposium

>> No.15365124

I don't use /lit/, they come off as too pseudointellectual.

>> No.15365125

unironic dogshit

>> No.15365128
File: 93 KB, 800x602, gravitar_silver_cart_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gravitar is is a man's space game

>> No.15365129

where do you think you are?

>> No.15365130
File: 201 KB, 850x1280, 5B80BEE4-DA38-4855-A5E6-1A8FE6C540C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold up, astroforge launched its first mission a few days ago and no one has said anything?

This is a company working on asteroid mining tech, this is HUGE

>> No.15365132

wtf happened, why was it just archived?
fucking mods, could have at least staged

>> No.15365133

>asteroid mining
>literally 20 years off minimum

>> No.15365134

just another scam

>> No.15365135

Does anyone know who illustrated these covers? I always thought they were beautiful.

>> No.15365139

what was the mission about? they seem to be in a semi-stealth mode still from the obscurity of their website
not much to talk about yet

>> No.15365140

you would like this, It's a great book https://www.amazon.com/ART-ATARI-Limited-Deluxe-Lapetino/dp/1524102113

>> No.15365143

ULA snipers had time to prepare

>> No.15365144

My mother

>> No.15365145

Based, would get drunk with

>> No.15365148

is that a picture taken from a fucking screen? what a boomer lmao
also that pic looks like something from the 60s lol

>> No.15365150

So those sea level raptor covers, are those brand new? I’ve never seen that before

>> No.15365151


>> No.15365152

would china help spacex with mars?

>> No.15365153

No cap

>> No.15365155

i heard even zoomers dont know about print screen. many of them hate computers and know very little about them.

>> No.15365157


>> No.15365159
File: 62 KB, 595x700, Mars mission Westinghouse Electric Corporation’s Astronuclear Laboratory 1965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> basic bitch NERVA
how quaint

>> No.15365164

NERVA + Orion + TransHab + Copernicus derived droptanks + Cygnus derived solar panels

>> No.15365166
File: 213 KB, 678x510, SNTP_Upper_Stage_Applications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's NTR and there's NTR


>> No.15365168

Kill itoddlers. Behead itoddlers. Roundhouse kick an itoddler into the concrete. Slam dunk an itoddler baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy itoddlers. Defecate in an itoddlers food. Launch itoddlers into the sun. Stir fry itoddlers in a wok. Toss itoddlers into active volcanoes. Urinate into an itoddlers gas tank. Judo throw itoddlers into a wood chipper. Twist itoddlers heads off. Report itoddlers to the IRS. Karate chop itoddlers in half. Trap itoddlers in quicksand. Crush itoddlers in the trash compactor. Liquefy itoddlers in a vat of acid. Eat itoddlers. Dissect itoddlers. Exterminate itoddlers in the gas chamber. Stomp itoddler skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate itoddlers in the oven. Lobotomize itoddlers. Mandatory abortions for itoddlers. Grind itoddler fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown itoddlers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize itoddlers with a ray gun. Kick old itoddlers down the stairs. Feed itoddlers to alligators. Slice itoddlers with a katana.

>> No.15365171

>ground-started NTP sustainer stage
Did Zubrin write this?

>> No.15365175
File: 15 KB, 344x278, Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 18-48-07 Project Timberwind - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 30 to 1 thrust to weight ratio leads to abilities that some may find... disturbing.

>> No.15365177

yeah I've heard the same, do everything on the phone or a tablet

>> No.15365179

what if, now hear me out here, we moved all of the asteroids incthe asteroid belt to ceres or harvested them so that ceres cleared its orbital path? then its a planet

>> No.15365180


>> No.15365184

In that case humans would have cleared Ceres' orbit for it, so in fact we would be the planet

>> No.15365186

Asteroids are very massive.
We probably aren't moving them very far without Gravity assist trickery.

>> No.15365188

Soo.. with that logic that means that we could move some asteroids near Earth's orbit so that its orbital path is not clear and, thus, Earth will not longer be considered a planet?

>> No.15365190
File: 125 KB, 694x686, flat earther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are never ever leaving this plane alive sciencebois. Feels good to be a flat earther today.

You'll just have to wait for CGI to become indistinguishable from reality. Might be a while :)

>> No.15365191

by definition that is what a dwarf planet is so yes
just attach an ion thruster on lmao

>> No.15365192
File: 9 KB, 300x169, 300px-The_Fusion_Driven_Rocket_powered_spacecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pulse-fusion engine that is actually feasible with current technology for a Mars mission. Research abruptly halted after some compression experiments, it seems funding was cut.

>> No.15365194

it wont be though, AI is advancing so quickly you can basically create photorealistic pictures already
soon you will be able to create photorealistic video

>> No.15365195

who is this faggot?

>> No.15365196

Was funding cut or was it black projected

>> No.15365197

The Invincible by Stanislaw Lem, really good but with a slight anti-expantionism tone "not everything everywhere is for us"

>> No.15365198
File: 84 KB, 847x476, 5359B89A-569C-4983-9AC7-AF7CA0ABCBE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365199


>> No.15365200

read the file name then look at post count

>> No.15365201

Lmao gottem again. I fucking love this image

>> No.15365202

Musk will send people to Mars and there will be a group of people that will claim it's fake no matter how much evidence he produces. lol

>> No.15365207

>it seems funding was cut
lmao, like pottery, every single space research/endeavor that has ever existed always ends up that way lol

>> No.15365208

Okay not to be a schizo tin foil hat guy but I guarantee you had National Team won the primary HLS contract, NASA would be sucking its cock on social media every time they screwed in a bolt or rotated a piece of metal.
Starship almost FLEW today and it’s crickets from NASA’s end…

>> No.15365209

>able to create photorealistic video
God, imagine the possibilities. Also, what's next after this? AI-generated video games? books? languages?

>> No.15365210

Retard, did you even read the pdf? It's nothing too exotic, like fusion reactor propulsion. It's just the pulsed compression of deuterium with lithium foil.

>> No.15365211

Not NASAs fault Musk tarnished his brand by being a sperg

>> No.15365213

It really hasn't been demonstrated that it is feasible. There are lots of "disruptive" fusion concepts which emerge and then trail off into infinity. If it was obviously plausible they wouldn't be applying for silly little awards like NIAC.

>> No.15365214

yes to everything

>> No.15365215
File: 81 KB, 637x496, 1629864232542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just the pulsed compression of deuterium with lithium foil.

>> No.15365216

why do we have to send fucking Jared Isaacman to space out of every other available option?
money = fame it appears...

>> No.15365217

Because he has faith of the heart

>> No.15365220

because hes a jew

>> No.15365222

because he believes in MUSK and the MISSION

>> No.15365223

Annoyed that Scott didn't make dear moon

>> No.15365225

because hes one of the chosen

>> No.15365234

>it wont be though
You might just be right fren.

>> No.15365236

why explore real spess when you can explore fake spess

>> No.15365237

Also, remember that Ignition! is required reading for /sfg/.

>> No.15365240

Your fake space model will only be as good as your knowledge of the real thing. Unless you want it to be different on purpose. In which case go play no man’s sky and fuck off

>> No.15365241

Because he is paying for it. Don't like it? Put up the money and fund your own trip. Can't afford it? Start a company or do something to build wealth.

I would say your other option would be to work real hard to develop skills and try for an astronaut program, but I am not sure merit is enough to succeed in one of those these days.

>> No.15365242

y u so mean

>> No.15365243
File: 221 KB, 1387x1397, archangel michael smoking a cig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the goyim are desperate to leave this planet
Not so fast.

>> No.15365244

>Sicut In Caelo Et In Marte: Implementing A Catholic Diocese Of Mars
holy based

>> No.15365245

yes, but this would have happened regardless of the photorealistic AI or not

>> No.15365249

>Implementing A Catholic Diocese Of Mars
the fuck?

>> No.15365250
File: 40 KB, 380x534, 3B0EFAEF-2884-4A94-9265-DD9148A0902C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bud I’m just worked up, don’t take it personally

>> No.15365252

The simulations do suggest feasibility, they're based on experimental models of magneto-inertial fusion and there's nothing to suggest these implosion models wouldn't generalize to higher temperatures. I do think it should be researched more.

>> No.15365253

because he paid for it and is willing to take the time to train and the risk for his life

>> No.15365255 [DELETED] 


>> No.15365257

I would post the pdf, but it's too big, if you can believe it. Seems autistically detailed (calendar integration etc.)

>> No.15365259

Nice. Ancient Latin Mass only though, none of this guitar-clapping hands shit

>> No.15365262
File: 112 KB, 2542x1343, Weird blue dog on spaceship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my art

>> No.15365263
File: 49 KB, 620x620, C32A5DC5-8BEB-42DF-AF34-7EA2EF7C368A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have to colonize umbriel

>> No.15365264


>> No.15365265

live forever/10

>> No.15365266
File: 782 KB, 1170x848, 526A0F0B-E6E3-4EEB-8D94-4463ED61F0B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to make it

>> No.15365267

Skimmed through it, it sounds absurds and still does, but its probably one of the most based documents i've seen so far

>> No.15365270

lol the thread before the launch had more replies (1506) than the thread during the launch (1481). WTF

>> No.15365271

what does that even mean, isn't that just church but fancy? And even if people go to mars at some time do you really think God will care about them?

>> No.15365272

link just because I'm lazy?

>> No.15365275

There was a separate stickied launch thread and we had image limit mod staging so… kinda skews the numbers lol

>> No.15365282
File: 3.52 MB, 1x1, ignition.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365285

The Catholic church is split up into diocese. I believe the Diocese of Orlando technically has jurisdiction over the Moon.
Yes God cares he wants humans to explore what he made for us

>> No.15365286
File: 598 KB, 1024x1024, 1680046384064483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is interesting.
>new Bible translations required to keep people from going "lol Mars is in heaven your religion is invalid"
>putting the work in on gravity changes and oxygen consumption budgets

>> No.15365287

be warned anon, it isn't light reading

>> No.15365288

you just have your ship spin super fast so fucking simple

>> No.15365292
File: 1.06 MB, 500x375, 0fd7e652ad66bc31702a1b498368021b-3998676564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can't even extend human life past 140 and you fuckers want to go into space, why not focus on the task at hand and fuck up the cosmos later?

Spaceflight as a concept is innately flawed because it requires very different people to what we operate with nowadays

>> No.15365293

It sort of is. The only challenging bits are the chemical names but if you keep a computer handy to look them up that's not bad.

>> No.15365294
File: 101 KB, 640x582, Tether Phobos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Running To Mars: Exercise Countermeasures For Mars Astronauts
When did we learn this was suboptimal and that lifting was what was needed?

>> No.15365297
File: 31 KB, 326x320, not your flag on the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it requires AMERICANS.

>> No.15365300

dilate kek

>> No.15365301

Not what I expected

>> No.15365302

thanks bro

>> No.15365303
File: 395 KB, 836x480, Screenshot 2023-04-17 143959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365306

The task at hand is to expand christendom. We’ve pretty much maxxed out religious geopolitical borders—and the west is turning gay and atheist so now we must now expand and settle new worlds
Globohomo is the great filter, if you believe in that popsci kind of thing

>> No.15365307

Nazis put humans on the moon, and Nazis will put them on the moon again

>> No.15365308
File: 246 KB, 1280x849, 1668575948419214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was something learned from ISS experimentation. The Shuttle by itself wasn't long duration enough and Mir was too shitty.

>> No.15365309

No Catholic ever went to the moon

>> No.15365311
File: 259 KB, 1200x1500, falcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transporter-7 second stage over Alaska.

>> No.15365312
File: 841 KB, 1283x771, 002617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Juice liftoff

>> No.15365314 [DELETED] 

why would i buy this

>> No.15365315

Liftoff by berger is great if you like early spacex history. He'll have a new book about the development of falcon 9 coming out soon.

>> No.15365317

but a lot of freemasons unironically did.

>> No.15365321

why would freemasons want to go to the moon?

>> No.15365322

Ask Buzz.

>> No.15365323
File: 399 KB, 692x396, swirley.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really fucking trippy

>> No.15365325

why would I buy that when I know they will change the design again. Also that looks like plastic with a chrome layer. For $300 I'd make you one out of solid SS

>> No.15365326
File: 134 KB, 1108x874, Hermes docked to Mir orbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need meme materials for Mars you spacker

>> No.15365327

im asking you.

>> No.15365328

what a shame you fuckers killed them all
christianity is a dying faith exactly because it expanded so frivolously and allowed too many cunts to be priests. It's dying just like monopolies are, if you catch what i mean.

>> No.15365330

Wait for estronaut to come out with one.
He makes a full metal F9 model. That Starship has no textures looks like shit

>> No.15365332
File: 64 KB, 1966x579, space oven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd bet a million bucks that it's just a tiny furnace and an off the shelf spectrometer. It sounds like the technology they're """developing"""" is basically fractional distillation but for mining.

They're buyout bait. Wanna know how you can tell? Go look at the career section of their website. They're only hiring for advanced engineering positions. Not a single engineering technician or manufacturing engineer position to be found, and none listed as employees on their Linkedin either. If they were actually interested in building stuff, they'd be hiring people who know how to build stuff. Instead, they're just hiring people with fancy degrees so they can look attractive to potential buyers while they cobble together barely functioning "technology demonstrator" missions.

>> No.15365334
File: 881 KB, 768x960, 02266-2505933869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy based
yeah that's a good description
reminds me how Buzz brought communion wine and bread but the NASA eggheads wouldn't let him transmit the communion for the world because atheist activists would sue

>> No.15365335
File: 35 KB, 286x320, mason module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up your inquiries which are completely useless, and consider these words a final warning. We hope, for your own good, that this will be sufficient.

>> No.15365337


>> No.15365338

I don't know. I'm saying ask Buzz because he would know.

>> No.15365339
File: 376 KB, 2048x2037, 938EAE4C-B4EC-4542-87C2-41AC6BACBBDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based

>> No.15365343
File: 641 KB, 879x752, catholicism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365344 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 1536x2048, 1681757170498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im not buying it. i dont know why they are trying to grift so hard for so little

>> No.15365345

Any fusion thruster is a fusion reactor we could build on Earth and run in a vacuum chamber for providing grid power.
The only exception would be a plasma thruster which runs hot enough to get an appreciable fusion gain but relies totally on solar or some other power source to operate, which the fusion reaction merely increasing the thruster efficiency. A Q0.5 to Q5 fusion system would fit into this category, as the fusion gain factor that is typically considered viable for a self sustaining reactor is greater than Q5.

The reason I doubt that concept is because if fusion were as simple and easy as crushing lithium foil around deuterium, we would be doing it on Earth by now (barring conspiracy nonsense). More likely, what occured was they designed the mission around the fusion concept, built a lab scale test rig, discovered some kind of major electromagnetic instability that would make fusion gain impossible to achieve, and went ah shit nvm.

>> No.15365346
File: 54 KB, 398x500, Icon Alexey Leonov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victor Glover wants to do the same thing on his mission

>> No.15365348

we need a church of /sfg/ pdf made in the same manner

>> No.15365349

He's not being sent by us, retard. He bought a seat on someone else's rocket and now you're seething. I fucking hate envious little dweebs like you.

>> No.15365350

I suspect they realized they were bombarding the engine with neutrons and it broke.

>> No.15365351
File: 1.16 MB, 480x369, 1668363230991483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Manifest Destiny IN SPACE

>> No.15365352


>> No.15365353 [DELETED] 

Kinda cringe ngl

>> No.15365354

>t. big nosed prick

>> No.15365356

I used to be an ET for Spacex (no im not gonna post proof) and one time we were on this insanely important Zoom call with an engineer in Spain trying to diagnose a problem with a broken piece of manufacturing equipment. In the middle of the meeting his phone alarm went off and he said "oh, Siesta. Be back in an hour", sparked a cigar, and ended the Zoom call. I think about that guy basically every day. What a Chad.

>> No.15365357

you could build a space elevator on mars out of steel, might not be worth it though ever

>> No.15365358

The reaction this image gets from Vtuber simps is funnier than than the image itself

>> No.15365359 [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 1080x1286, 97139c39-254b-4744-ae63-17e2394cab2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365360

so just because search engines are giving me bullshit answers... when is starship going to fly?

>> No.15365362

earliest on wednesday, but probably thursday

>> No.15365363

You'd be surprised how bad we are at simulating plasma physics. We can't model it well enough to predict the behavior of plasmas at higher temperatures and pressures even inside experiments we've been operating for decades. That is to say, you have 25 years of experience running a tokamak at 50 million kelvin, and when you go to 75 million kelvin suddenly your plasma is doing weird squirrelly shit out of the blue.

>> No.15365364 [DELETED] 

Blue foxes are so based, post more. It makes anime tards seethe!

>> No.15365367

delete the fucking helium bubblers already elon.
best part is no part.
also shit's expensive

>> No.15365369

Yiff in Hell

>> No.15365370

>freemason moon landing ritual
I wish that moon hoaxers believed in the 'moon landing was a freemason ritual to gain world power' conspiracy instead. It's objectively a much better and more interesting conspiracy theory.
does anyone have that comic strip where it's explained btw?

>> No.15365371

Yes, along with all of the Uranian moons

>> No.15365373

>the year of our lord 20xx
>not pressurising your tanks with exhaust gas

>> No.15365376

well I guess it's worth to wait for history...

>> No.15365377

Wait I thought they got rid of the helium?
Or is that just for the new ones

>> No.15365381
File: 26 KB, 672x864, B28bomb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd be surprised how bad we are at simulating plasma physics
speak for yourself physicslet

>> No.15365383

Yeah I know

>> No.15365384

they are pressurized autogenously.
the helium is percolated through the liquid propellant for temperature conditioning.
they should figure out how to delete it.

>> No.15365386
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[89_20_53_14], take=[2023-04-17 14.02.32].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365388
File: 328 KB, 1920x1766, 02130AFE-FCD4-4EEC-AF01-2AB3AAEEB82C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As soon as the animetard sees this, he reaches for his folder of angry Vtuber reaction images, helpless to do anything to stop her besides a useless attempt to be annoying

>> No.15365389

Nuclear bombs are much less complex than tokamaks

>> No.15365391

BASED I love him so much, I hope he broadcasts it. He cannot be cancelled

>> No.15365392

>the helium is percolated through the liquid propellant for temperature conditioning.
as in to stop the lines from going rom temp to very chilly too quickly?

>> No.15365395

They really need to start on that on site refinery or at least lower costs with Tesla Semis

>> No.15365396

oh that makes sense, I thought from the website that they were still just in stealth mode or something and didn't want to talk about the tech too much to reveal stuff to potential competitors
but what if the are still in deep development?
just testing out ideas, the few prototyeps can be made by the engineers themselves

>> No.15365397

I just got here, where are we? Did it launch yet?

>> No.15365398

>did it launch yet?
owari da.. two more weeks..

>> No.15365400 [DELETED] 


>> No.15365401

KEK that’s hilarious
Remember that it’s a double-edged sword though. I’m pretty sure one of the main reasons the France-Australia nuclear sub deal fell through was because all the Frenchies just fucked off from the negotiations for three months to take that stupid vacation thing they do so Aus just went to the US instead
But there’s nothing wrong with a daily siesta that needs to be normalized

>> No.15365403

No it actually cools down the propellant. I dunno how that shit works

>> No.15365404 [DELETED] 

I dont really care about the vtuber war,but I wanna fuck that fox

>> No.15365406

Damn, thats kind of a setback for my Golgafrincham Ark Fleet Ship B fantasy of launching all the popsoi fags into wherever, IDK as long as its not here

>> No.15365407

oh hello krystalposter
is the anti-animeschizo still here? i remember 3-2 years ago he was obnoxious

>> No.15365411 [DELETED] 
File: 2.11 MB, 1768x894, 1681611398429115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The word based doesn't even begin to explain the artist behind these pics

>> No.15365412

A few hundred hours of hard neutron exppsure wouldn't be hard to design for. A power plant would have a problem. However, I don't think they ever achieved fusion with this concept whatsoever.

>> No.15365413 [DELETED] 

the whole essence of krystalposting has clearly been lost. sad to see

>> No.15365414

quick and dirty system while other engineering problems are solved, this one will as well (it might have already, but the current stack is quite old)

>> No.15365415

No part of that launch stack is reusable.

>> No.15365418

south europeans are lazy cunts

>> No.15365419

way beyond my braingrade but i think they mean bubbling helium from the bottom of the tanks and capturing it at the top wicks away some heat from the propellant. like blowing down a straw into a hot coffee. fuck knows how much difference this makes but it needs to be fucked off.

>> No.15365420

They can likely do it for a long time now, not years or decades, but much much longer think thousands of years. It is only now that the cattle get to use and experience it (Aquarian narratives)

>> No.15365421

I think that's incorrect, Mars has lower gravity but not that low. Steel tether would work on the Moon, Mars would need kevlar or carbon fiber or similarly high strength to weight stuff. Not exactly meme materials but not ye olde iron wire either.

>> No.15365422
File: 635 KB, 894x1217, The Big Book of conspiracies downard 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu anon
(n.b. Eagle did not go 'into the sun' it might still be in lunar orbit)

>> No.15365427

A fission bomb creates conditions which cause fusion, plus a huge overkill factor. You also do not give a shit what the plasma does other than having it hold together long enough to boost the yield %. In a reactor, you need to control the flow of a hot fusing plasma for indefinate periods using electromagnetic fields, which is extremely difficult.

>> No.15365429

Is some autist gonna count them so i don't have to?

>> No.15365430 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 850x978, 1681758977621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krystalposter and Clearposter are the same person

>> No.15365432

Yeah. As far I know a lot of rockets do this.
It doesn't get captured just adds to the ullage which is another reason to not do it cause you're wasting it.

>> No.15365434

That is not remotely close to an accurate representation of an actual device. The only thing accurate about that is P-239 and U-235 at the center. Besides that, everything else is misinformation.

>> No.15365438

im not being thick in thinking compressed gas expanding and forming bubbles will draw heat from the surrounding liquid am i? or am i?

>> No.15365439
File: 213 KB, 893x2048, irinachained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off
This is an /sfg/ is an Irina board.

>> No.15365440 [DELETED] 

There's like ten krystalposters

>> No.15365441

Can't gaseous helium be colder than lox and methane?

>> No.15365442

also you won't have a reliable supply of helium anywhere but on earth and even here its running out fast.

>> No.15365443

>have helium in a bottle at like 500 bar
>helium bottle is inside a jacket tank with liquid nitrogen inside, cooling it down to about 100 kelvin
>helium flows up a thin pipe into the bottom of the propellant tanks
>the helium is flowed out of the 500 bar line into the propellant tanks, where it expands a lot due to pressure drop
>gas pressure dropping = temperature dropping
>extremely cold bubbles of helium rise thru the cryo propellants
>propellants are cooled down
This is kinda like cooling down a huge vat of molten sulfur by bubbling nitrogen gas up through it, except the temperatures are lower.

>> No.15365449

Literally who?

>> No.15365450

Yes except I don't think they actually use an LN2 jacket. Just room temperature.
I think I know about this from one of the Estronaut rocket CEO interviews.
Trying it find it.

>> No.15365454

Hey retard, you can build a fusor with a coat hanger and a vacuum chamber. Fusion is not hard. Fusion as a power source is hard. Every single fusion device ever made has consumed more electricity (useful energy) than it ever produced. This is true even of our net-gain fusion devices, like the recent NIST shot and fusion secondary nuclear weapons.

>> No.15365455

Common sense skeptic, esg hound, faa, thunderfoot

>> No.15365456


>> No.15365461

desperate for attention anime fags know they have a captive audience in /sfg/ so they spam the thread with their jack off material and off topic circle jerking. they have no interest in the thread topic at all

>> No.15365463

just a large pressure differential is all thats needed surely? its a one time refrigerator. still needs to be fucked off.

>> No.15365467 [DELETED] 


>> No.15365469

Away from Earth, the propellants will heat up way more slowly, because the tanks won't be immersed in a warm and dense atmosphere. A simple loop flow of propellants out of the tanks, down to a cryocooler reservoir, and back up into the tanks, will be good enough.

>> No.15365471 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 260x680, 1632315714814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute! do u have the sputnik one?

>> No.15365474

can't we just like, remove the atmosphere? that way it won't be a problem

>> No.15365475 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck the foxslut so I welcome others who spam Krystal

>> No.15365476

I'm working on a similar system for my student rocketry team (albiet using CO2). There are several mechanisms which are at play.

If the helium is introduced as a liquid, then most of the energy comes from the helium absorbing the heat from the propellant when it vaporizes.

If the helium is introduced as a high pressure gas, when the helium enters the lower pressure tank it immediately expands, a process which requires heat (which comes from the propellant). Also if the helium gas is accelerated through a nozzle when it is introduced, the helium will extract further heat from the propellant.

>> No.15365479

does helium being a lighter gas make a large difference over using say nitrogen which is also inert but far cheaper/less wasteful?

>> No.15365480

Yes, because it is less dense it will expand more than nitrogen which will lead to more cooling.

>> No.15365482

I think nitrogen gets absorbed by LOX.
Otherwise they would use it for F9 ullage.
Would be WAY cheaper than helium.

>> No.15365483

this is why i love this place. thanks this is a comfy discussion.

>> No.15365485

With no atmosphere on Earth, returning from orbit would be almost impossible.

>> No.15365486

That could also be true

>The transfer of liquid oxygen (LOX) from a storage vessel to a rocket engine generally requires the use of a pressurizing gas at high pressures. The primary criteria for the choice of gas are low cost, safety, and immiscibility with liquid oxygen. Among the common gases, helium, nitrogen, and oxygen itself have been considered. Helium is expensive, and oxygen is hazardous at high pressures. The remaining gas, nitrogen, unfortunately is miscible with oxygen and causes dilution and loss of engine performance.

>> No.15365489 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 574x345, 1388088765.miko8999_furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even normies want to fuck her. I think the only other character that comes close is Lola Bunny from space jam (original, obviously)

>> No.15365492

>He doesn’t lithobreak

>> No.15365493

What does this have to with spaceflight?

>> No.15365494

Please touch regolith

>> No.15365499 [DELETED] 

>STAR fox

>> No.15365500

You cannot use nitrogen to bubble-cool liquid oxygen or methane, because nitrogen would contaminate liquid methane, and would freely mix with liquid oxygen (very bad). Helium is mostly used because it doesn't dissolve into cryogenic liquids much, so it doesn't contaminate them. A contaminated propellant gets poorer performance.

>> No.15365501

We don't talk about spaceflight here

>> No.15365502
File: 81 KB, 1284x853, 30D65F00-C0EA-4E93-873E-78F289143DDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given his previous comments there is a larger chance than not that he wants to fuck her

>> No.15365505

Indisputable argument, I kneel

>> No.15365507

this is only a problem on earth, and can it be engineered away?

>> No.15365511 [DELETED] 

Post her naked, im fucking horny

>> No.15365512

Yup, LOX mixed with nitrogen is just cold air.

>> No.15365513

It's the lightest noble gas, meaning it's not going to hang itself onto every other fucking molecule in the universe like some old bar woman. Nitrogen is not a noble gas and will BLANDA UPP.

>> No.15365514 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 451x439, IMG_20230417_124518~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, now what?

>> No.15365516

So anything with >star in its name is relevant to sfg now? Or just shitty memes that furries forced upon this general?

>> No.15365517


>> No.15365519 [DELETED] 

Seething vtuber fag

>> No.15365520

Krystal has been a part of /sfg/ longer than you

>> No.15365521
File: 1.88 MB, 374x280, 1660410697278262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny the australians are at it again!

>> No.15365522

>only 30 to 1

>> No.15365523

so all those years of testing and they decided to let the valves just do w/e? ?? ?

>> No.15365526 [DELETED] 

Tricking people into clicking on krystal links is what /sfg/ is about. the joke is that it's like rick rolling. no one actually wants to click on it on purpose. you're a newfag spamming and samefagging about krystal thread after thread

>> No.15365531

The joke is that fags like you seethe at it

>> No.15365532

Yes, read this >>15365469

>> No.15365534

I've been on sfg since 2019 and I have always opposed krystal posting.

>> No.15365536

>The Valve Exploration Technologies Corporation (ValveX) is an experimental American valve manufacturer

>> No.15365540

That's the power of nuclear thermal engines when you build them out of nothing but reinforced carbon-carbon, and assume some optimistic performance.

>> No.15365544

That's actually insanely good for NTP because the propellant is so light (pure LH2). With 1ks Isp and 30:1 TWR you can SSTO with it.

>> No.15365550
File: 542 KB, 3000x3000, 804bdc29-16ab-41e1-929e-d6ada36090c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros I have an idea. get me Elon's cell number!

>> No.15365555

If it's humidity in the pipes causing issues, couldn't they pump anhydros ethanol through the system before the nitrogen purge and be rid of that pesky h2o?

>> No.15365557

>nooo space was supposed to be a communist utopia, you can't just let somebody pay to go to space!!!
lmao cope

>> No.15365558


>> No.15365560

how many more problems do you want to introduce?
also witnessed.

>> No.15365569


>> No.15365571

he was just banned yesterday for goreposting

>> No.15365574

how long did your Q clearance take to process anon? 6 months? Afraid mine will take that long too.

>> No.15365575
File: 43 KB, 440x550, 440px-Al_Gore,_Vice_President_of_the_United_States,_official_portrait_1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing a router reset won't fix

>> No.15365584
File: 29 KB, 631x350, Teller-Ulam_device.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't the tamper be around the secondary stage for ablation-compression?

>> No.15365585
File: 5 KB, 498x428, wojak-wojak-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snifff, Dnnnooooooooo.....

>> No.15365590
File: 785 KB, 498x298, mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fathers balls

>> No.15365594

>gotta split atoms to push them together
are we really an advanced species?

>> No.15365595



>> No.15365596

not that easy in purgery

>> No.15365599

like 60% of Americans believe in goblins or gnomes or something
so no

>> No.15365600
File: 345 KB, 657x648, 002627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so hitlers birthday it is then

>> No.15365603

imagine what the billions of third worlders think

>> No.15365604
File: 179 KB, 1100x700, Ft6zn9wagAAdMKl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365615

we looking good for 4/20?

>> No.15365628
File: 300 KB, 972x688, nASSa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365634
File: 97 KB, 598x742, incapacitated, drunk or otherwise in distress Gemini EVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365638

Do any spaceflight companies use AI? China claims to be already using it, but it makes sense for them since they're poor and understaffed

>> No.15365639

I don't think weather prediction is reliable that many days away

>> No.15365642

Blaze it

>> No.15365643
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>> No.15365644
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 433A15B5-BEDB-455C-87DD-315BEBE35556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365648
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>> No.15365649
File: 73 KB, 705x726, sfg mood B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365651
File: 341 KB, 2048x1152, Ft8ZVW4X0BwePYR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365652

gateway in 20 years

>> No.15365653

hls but shit :O

>> No.15365657
File: 375 KB, 2048x1152, Ft8ZV8zX0B8eB5i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365660

LOX and methane trucker bros, we are SO back.

>> No.15365661
File: 179 KB, 1125x1242, 1663641444843392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so blue balled right now space brothers

>> No.15365664

damn, I should draw starship porn

>> No.15365666

>all these deleted posts
Was the anime schizo spamming pedo pics again?

>> No.15365667

How much Methane does this thing vent into the atmosphere unflared just by sitting there?

>> No.15365668

Catholics have never done that. Music is solemn and only slightly happy during Christmas.

>> No.15365671

found a trucker on twitter complaining that he made a delivery to starbase and the road was terrible/potholed lol

>> No.15365672

>spacex already have 10 missions lined up for starship
do we think there will be a surge in demand if the test flight goes well?

>> No.15365674

spaceplanes? lmao
only for little kiddies who play ksp or like to grift people
>dude.. wings.. IN SPACE!

>> No.15365676


>> No.15365677

>he doesn't know about aerogravity assist waverider spaceplanes
>he doesn't realize aerobraking from interplanetary is the future
>his tiny soul is locked in an expendable capsule modeled after an ICBM reentry vehicle

>> No.15365678

They want to launch their own Starlink-2 I guess.

>> No.15365682

None. They don't have a flare stack and they sure as hell aren't allowed to let it out.
Either a recondenser or just a pump and a high pressure tank for the excess.

>> No.15365683

every podunk smallsat company says "oooooohhhhh we have 8 trillion dollars in confirmed customer flights signed up and deals sealed". I'd imagine even with spacex those sorts of claims aren't as set in stone as they want you to believe.

>> No.15365687

Scott Manley, Eager Space and SpaceToday. I'm subscribed on a few channels about astronomy.

>> No.15365689

only one of the missions is for a podunk

>> No.15365690

those aren't me

>> No.15365692
File: 290 KB, 1230x1344, Ft6y27JagAAnC8M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365696

as usual, the spaceplane fag consumes sci-fi and CAPESHIT
tell me oh violator of the rocket equation, where are the waveriders? where are my SSTO's? why no venturestar? Oh yeah thats right, all that shit? Inefficient, non-existent, no budget, no research,no material science, silch, nada

Starship? SLS? every goddamn rocket that has flown TO ORBIT? even the fucking space shuttle ASSISTED by glorified ICBM's? yeah faggot, keep telling yourself that spaceplanes will be real, the eternal tranny of spaceflight, airplanes will never be spacecraft

>> No.15365698

Don't assume 1000 Isp, it says it gets 700-something at sea level, which would be thru an optimized nozzle of course.
Also, I don't give a shit how high your engine Isp is, you're still gonna want a reusable booster stage.
CASE 1, SSTO. Engine has a TWR of 30. Vehicle has a propellant mass fraction of 70% (great for pure LH2 when including engine & structure mass and payload). Vehicle on the pad has a TWR of 1.2. Assuming an average Isp during launch of 830s, delta V is ~9.8 km/s. It gets to orbit, jury's out on payload mass and whether this thing can be reused.
CASE 2, TSTO. Same engine and mass fraction specs. Average Isp is now 1000s because the thing only operates in vacuum during launch. Stage delta V is ~11.8 km/s. You can bring your propellant mass fraction down from 70% to 63.2% and still get ~9.8 km/s out of that stage, which means either added structures or added payload. Of course, if you're staging off of a booster, you only need around 6.5 km/s more to achieve orbit, so your actual propellant mass fraction can be as low as 48.5%.

Doing TSTO with this technology lets you almost double your non-propellant mass fraction and still achieve orbit. If you keep things light, it lets you go straight from the pad to a Lunar intercept and capture. Meanwhile the SSTO is going to do nothing transformative to launch costs or capabilities, and also it's activating everything around it with neutron flux as it's running.

>> No.15365705

how's Florida starbase looking nowadays?

>> No.15365707

Dry nitrogen should dessicate the system of water just as good as anything. Maybe they need to blow really warm nitrogen through instead of (presumably) cooler than room temperature gas.

>> No.15365710
File: 137 KB, 750x543, aerogravity assist a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about aerogravity assist waverider spaceplanes

>> No.15365714

>where are the waveriders?
Waiting for Starship.
>where are my SSTOs?
>why no venturestar?
Its lack of solid rocket boosters meant it was no longer subsidizing the ICBM program.

>> No.15365717
File: 144 KB, 580x530, 1667304431814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365726

Too bad it requires magic nonexistant materials/cooling systems capable of allowing sharp leading edges to survive those temperatures

>> No.15365728

this shits going to be done before the year is over, right?

>> No.15365731

No, I think it was the furries trying to force their fetish, again.

>> No.15365733

And also venture star was an impossible design
VS more like BS

>> No.15365737

reminder that governments refused to set the nordstream leaks on fire

>> No.15365739

quite the aesthetic schizophrenia

>> No.15365743

ah no it's over guys, I saw these three pixelated webms someone posted on a different thread showing purportedly faked ISS interior shots and now I'm part of team flat earth. My worldview is shattered and my day is ruined. Wow it's amazing, those webms sure made me throw out my entire prior brain content in a snap.

>> No.15365745

That's why they're all shoe shaped.

>> No.15365746

we should colonize only the moons with girl names

>> No.15365751

its over

>> No.15365753
File: 291 KB, 710x672, Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 14-21-51 r_DRSyourGME - Breaking New Info A Portion of ALL Your Shares Are Possibly Being Moved to DTC on Cutoff Days to Suppress the DRS counts. What is a “DSPP Share” and How Short Hedge [...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit if the untrimmed numbers are the real ones then all we have to do is get everyone to be BOOK KINGS and it's fucking OVER.

>> No.15365754

why does it look like a galaxy?

>> No.15365759
File: 32 KB, 334x354, 1675926608602580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't space x wet dress rehearse last week in order to find problems like the frozen valve?

>> No.15365762
File: 43 KB, 865x835, Schweickart outside the Lunar Module window on Apollo 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365763

uhhh just a coincidence that the valve problem showed up
trust the plan

>> No.15365764

I guess it's possible. I'm biased since I come from the manufacturing side of things, but personally I think that if you're at the point that you're building real demonstrator missions (even just cubesats), you should probably be hiring guys who actually know how to build stuff. Engineers are obviously very talented people but letting them build all their own hardware deep into the development cycle is how you get an overcomplicated unreliable product. You really need some guys in the room to slow everyone down and say "hey, this assembly is way too complicated and difficult to assemble, what if we did it this way instead".

>> No.15365766
File: 2.67 MB, 960x540, 1552444354856.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting one of my ancient webms for the oldfriends itt

>> No.15365767

Mate you know wikimedia has all these photos saved in much higher resolution right

>> No.15365768

this was the wet dress. The plan was always 4/20 because elon is a retarded child.

>> No.15365769
File: 204 KB, 734x1400, sx_superheavy_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

concept super heavy in the chopstick catcher

>> No.15365772

because trucking in all the consumables and reconditioning the propellant is a pain in the ass

>> No.15365773


>> No.15365775

found the krystalposter

>> No.15365776
File: 147 KB, 640x924, tumblr_87df73c8f6ee7b3a66bd7b9ef881ea65_632007a4_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they had already done a wet dress with this stack.

>> No.15365777

>posted that it will scrub
>decided to sleep through it
>woke up, watched the video, skimmed through the shitposting
I won, bros [math]\unicode{x1F920}[/math]

>> No.15365778
File: 332 KB, 652x715, 002631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365781


>> No.15365783
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>> No.15365784
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>> No.15365789

damn, isn't is already going on? I saw a couple of twitter posts about it

>> No.15365791


>> No.15365792

>$750 for a zoom call

>> No.15365794

the grifting.. oh god the grifting runs so deep

>> No.15365798
File: 71 KB, 1283x366, 002634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17-20 so yes
there was a track about space law and then random assorted shit (new space leaders)
seems like extremely boring bullshit lmao

cant link the day or time of day directly

>> No.15365802
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>> No.15365803
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Lockmart had their new mars base camp which would have been exciting if SSSH wasn't a thing. If nothing else it's nostalgia.

>> No.15365805
File: 166 KB, 1170x802, 002636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruno will talk in one of these

>> No.15365808

Damn Northrop’s got some CUTIES!

>> No.15365810
File: 77 KB, 1035x746, 002637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if there is anything interesting from this multi-day event then those are going to be in some space news articles later

>> No.15365812
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>> No.15365816
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>> No.15365817
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Pam Melroy was a hottie

>> No.15365818

It never occurred to me that obviously the Church would want to set up a diocese there ASAP.

>> No.15365819

bros, I can't bring myself to dislike Tory

>> No.15365823

Just proportionally there's a fairly high chance initial settlers would have Christians among them, I've actually wondered about how services would be held in the early days. Reminds me of a scene in 'Accelerando' where the Muslim astronaut prays in Mecca's direction while in Jupiter's orbit

>> No.15365824

He’s a hell of a lot better than Michael Gass. I don’t hate him, he just has the unfortunate job of needing to justify Atlas and Delta (Vulcan is basically the same thing) in a world where Falcon and Starship exist.

>> No.15365826
File: 75 KB, 782x568, dinosaur comet cooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its MATHEMATICALLY over for Plutocucks and Ceres-cels
>Astronomer Jean-Luc Margot proposed a mathematical criterion that determines whether an object can clear its orbit during the lifetime of its host star, based on the mass of the planet, its semimajor axis, and the mass of its host star.[65] The formula produces a value called π that is greater than 1 for planets.[a] The eight known planets and all known exoplanets have π values above 100, while Ceres, Pluto, and Eris have π values of 0.1, or less. Objects with π values of 1 or more are expected to be approximately spherical, so that objects that fulfill the orbital-zone clearance requirement around Sun-like stars will also fulfill the roundness requirement

>> No.15365827
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x720, SpaceX-1647655398957268992-20230416 123713-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365838
File: 23 KB, 540x273, 002640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anybody see spacex employees? kind of weird

>> No.15365840

It's somewhat amusing to me that islam is uniquely shitty for space. Facing towards mecca has to be chucked out the window a lot of the time, pilgrimages aren't likely, and the times they have to pray have to be relaxed/reinterpreted for space as well.

>> No.15365841

why is ther a launch thread for a wet dress rehearsel

>> No.15365846

also you have to believe the moon was split in half and that the Sun sets in a pool of mud.

>> No.15365847

all too busy working

>> No.15365849

Will Elon be staying in Starbase until the next launch or will he fly somewhere else?

>> No.15365864

"I have ordered the closure of Boca Chica Beach and Hwy 4 for the purpose of protecting Public Health and Safety during SpaceX space flight activities on April 20, 2023, in the time period
between 12:00 a.m. C.S.T. to 2:00 p.m. C.S.T., and in the alternative on April 21, 2023, from 12:00 a.m. C.S.T. to 2:00 p.m. C.S.T. of the same day. Should SpaceX not complete its planned space flight activities on April 20, 2023, then Space may use the alternate date to complete its
test launch activities." Treviño stated.


>> No.15365866
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>> No.15365869

>April 20




>> No.15365870

holy tranny seethe

>> No.15365871

Who's Trevino and will my lazy American ass now have to walk miles to see the launch?

>> No.15365874


4/20 69 XDD

>> No.15365876



>> No.15365877

How the hell does stuff like today actually happen? like, cant they just do a full wet dress rehersal (what today turned out to be) a few days before the planned launch date to make sure shit's working correctly?

>> No.15365882

Kek everyone I know that's going was (is) down in Boca Chica. No one's gonna attend now.

>> No.15365884

They did one already.
There's literally a hundred thousand things with a certain failure probability.

>> No.15365885

The first few launches will have a very high chance of scrub, just like with Falcon 9. It's the most natural thing in rocketry.

>> No.15365886
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>> No.15365890

but then it would never launch ?

>> No.15365891

Coriolis forces in upper atmosphere + fluid dynamics of the exhaust plume.

>> No.15365894

>a certain failure probability

>> No.15365898

kek, I remember a pasta some anon posted here about neil armstrong hearing the azan on the moon and seeing that it had a huge crack in it/

>> No.15365906
File: 97 KB, 600x1196, 182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>about to turn 30
>used to be prop dev tech at Spacex (i'm the same anon who told the story about the spanish guy earlier in thread)
>quit my job a little over 2 years ago mid-pandemic to go back to school
>started from the bottom, one class left to finish my AA and transfer to university
>burnt out, tired, and not super excited to do this for 2-3 more years
>tech is collapsing, engineering jobs are drying up, especially in aerosapce
>labor shortage everywhere
>the pay scale for engineers at most places is literally the same as for engineering technicians (within 10%)
>pretty much every job I look at offers full relocation to anywhere in the country

What would you do, anons? Should I stick it out and finish my degree? Or should I cut and run back to an ET position before my skills and experience are too stale to be considered useful? I always wanted to get a degree and be an engineer but I don't really know if it's worth it anymore...

>> No.15365919
File: 591 KB, 1338x660, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Website is updated. 4/20

launch window 8:28 am - 9:30 am cst

>> No.15365922


>> No.15365928

Meanwhile in the West...
>Jews: "Our holy calendar is already based on orbital mechanics and we've had thousands of years of practice being exiled from home. We'd be happy to negotiate a reasonable consulting fee."
>Catholics: "Here is a thousand pages of new doctrine and a patch set for Bible translations to make the Faith and the Church multiplanetary."
>Protestants: "We figured out how to conquer a New World centuries ago."
>Mormons: "No, this isn't a colony ark, stop asking. It's a weather balloon."
>Pagans: "AVE MARS"

>> No.15365935

>paying for tickets
you get your company to pay for your ticket, morons

>> No.15365940

Shut up faggot come back when you discover the Earth is round

>> No.15365944


>> No.15365950


>> No.15365954
File: 44 KB, 400x400, K84rj-Aw_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teams are working towards Thursday, April 20 for the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket

>> No.15365958

>Pluto fails to fulfill criterion specifically engineered to exclude Pluto - report

>> No.15365959
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>> No.15365960
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>> No.15365961
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>> No.15365963

I wonder what would happen if we found a dwarf planet on the kuiper belt with a higher volume than Mercury but lower mass, like Ganymede and Titan are due to the ice their composition .

>> No.15365964

>*tips fedora*
I'm not even a Christian. I just think it's funny that the Western tradition proved to be superior yet again.

>> No.15365965

>military needs to be less secretive
uhh they've been saying that for the past five years but everything remains classified and there's no change in sight

>> No.15365967

That's because classification culture is double gay.

>> No.15365969

i heard its a congress problem. congress wants to keep everything classified and the military cant seem to convince them otherwise.

>> No.15365973

Sorry, friendly fire from reading too much stupid shit on 4chan

>> No.15365977

That's ITAR. The President can declassify anything at any time legally speaking, and so can write EOs mandating declassification of certain types of data. The only question is if the classifying agency illegally refuses to comply (this happened a lot with Trump).

>> No.15365982
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>> No.15365986


>> No.15365987
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>> No.15365988

>was off work today
>off work wednesday
>working on tuesday
they really had to fucking do the 4/20 meme, I'm gonna have to watch it hiding in the bathroom stall

>> No.15365993

>noooo show X not Y
How about you show XY

>> No.15365994


>> No.15365995


>> No.15365997


>> No.15365998

This is who gets hired at aerospace firms in 2023.

>> No.15365999

I am not a gambling man, but I decided to do it anyway and now I chose the wrong day to call in sick. I should have listened to that one anon.

I fucking kneel.

>> No.15366000

Literally who

>> No.15366001

Qui ?

>> No.15366013

I just wish SeX released all the raw footage they have. Also, I wish the showed the expended stuff to the very end.

>> No.15366014


>> No.15366016

fking trannies get out

>> No.15366017

oh its the troon. i dont remember seeing them on the stream. why are they crying then?

>> No.15366021
File: 28 KB, 324x282, men in white-coats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> There is an international conspiracy to rob Pluto of its rightful status!

>> No.15366027

stream seemed fine to me besides a small audio problem. what's the big deal?

>> No.15366029

The environmentalists have several days to shop for judges and get this shut down.

>> No.15366030


>> No.15366033

He produces the stream.

>> No.15366043

Holy shit hahahahaha

>> No.15366046


>> No.15366049

my goodness, lmao

>> No.15366051
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>> No.15366054

i am a jungle monkey

>> No.15366055

Scott Manley, SpaceX official streams, MECO (+headlines) podcast are the only space-related things I still watch/listen to. The other channels are all either vacuous or oversóyed, usually both

>> No.15366060

This ape is from Indonesia

>> No.15366062
File: 615 KB, 629x632, 71ABEDB7-C754-41B4-8EAE-9C3D309AAAC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That separation maneuver they showed in the stream is sus as fuck. The starship is going to spin out like the Ares 1

>> No.15366064

What time did they show it?

>> No.15366085


>> No.15366095
File: 1.58 MB, 1200x1306, STScI-01GQJA4PXWYNNZGTYSEXZCR5CJ-1200x1306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My own knowledge of space flight from working in the industry;
Mars Guy for the geology insights;
Eager Space for rational analysis;
Scott Manley for summaries;
Space X streams and public documents;
occasional peer reviewed papers;
@CuriousMarc for the old Apollo and Soyuz equipment;
various wikipedia articles and their references;
And, not so much space flight-related:
Cool Worlds;
Dr. Becky for the astrophysics;
@ScienceAsylum to improve my physics understanding;

>> No.15366097

They never showed it

>> No.15366101

>rational analysis
What do you mean by this?

>> No.15366104

It's Muskrat cope

>> No.15366107
File: 36 KB, 508x591, yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drop Dr Becky and take on Sabine as your sci-fu.

>> No.15366114

but eager is a RL investor

>> No.15366131

some of the sales normies at my workplace run a booth there every year
I should ask to tag along sometime to be /sci/'s boots on the ground

>> No.15366138


>> No.15366141


>> No.15366142

>pushed to 4/20
Elon sabotaged his own valve, didn't he?

>> No.15366148

They did in at 7:12 in the stream

>> No.15366152

Sooo.. if the launch attempt on 4/20 ends up being a scrub, next launch window will be on June the 9th, right?

>> No.15366153

It was always planned for le weed day, they just drummed up hype and pretended the wet dress rehearsal was going to be the real launch. Pretty nigger of them desu.

>> No.15366158
File: 741 KB, 1080x827, Screenshot_20230418-101357_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defend this, Sabine-simps

>> No.15366159


>> No.15366160

The Austrian painter's birthday

>> No.15366162

Causality is fake and gay, imagine believing (((Einstein)))

>> No.15366163

>My own knowledge of space flight from working in the industry;
>various wikipedia articles and their references

>> No.15366164
File: 18 KB, 900x173, nsf warp drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sabine has sacrificed her own existence for science. Admirable.

>> No.15366170
File: 1.21 MB, 960x540, B7-TVC-check.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just enjoy the extra content we get from it, faggot

>> No.15366171

>4.9M views Streamed 12 hours ago #2 on Trending

>> No.15366173

I fucking love von Braun he really is an inspiration

>> No.15366176

Wikipedia, KSP RP-1, and my own intellect.

>> No.15366179

do normies actually care about spaceflight?

>> No.15366180

Cool things are cool

>> No.15366182

space x has 6M subscribers I bet like 3.1M were all them

>> No.15366183

>launch window precisely overlaps with one of my classes
hmmm difficult choice. actually wait, not it isn't, fuck archeology

>> No.15366184

>I'm planning to look into Zubrin's work this summer after college

>> No.15366187

Archeology is the search for FACT, not Truth

>> No.15366188

That’s a lie, academic brain drain has infiltrated and now they claim you can’t distinguish between male and female skeletons
Fuck this gay solar system I’m leaving for proxima

>> No.15366192

I remember this guy posting on r/spacex over a decade ago. Cool they/them is still at spacex I guess.

>> No.15366197

damn didnt know catholics were this based

what others societal structures would need to change to better fit Mars inhospitable enviroment and longer years?

>> No.15366198

>8:28 am - 9:30 am
this is peak humidity again.

>> No.15366205

It depends on how exciting it is and how much they care about the money.

>> No.15366207

Is there a reason for this launch window? They are not putting anything in orbit anyway.

>> No.15366208

they are putting the remnants of starship into orbit, yes

>> No.15366214

More sound attenuation at least

>> No.15366215


>> No.15366217


>> No.15366219

There's plenty of water around, why don't they just build a channel to move the water beneath the OLM?

>> No.15366220
File: 56 KB, 392x562, Who by Alun Hood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> anon believes the speed of light in vacuum is an invariable constant

>> No.15366222


>> No.15366223

*Starts up engines*
*RUDs in the launchpad*

>> No.15366227

*Elon watching the livestream*
- Haha, yo I'm adding this rocket to friends.

>> No.15366229

HOLY KEK it isn’t spaceflight related but check Musk’s latest tweet
Day of the rake is here

>> No.15366230

define travel

>> No.15366232

kek based

>> No.15366233

HAHAH LMAO, he just does whatever the fuck he wants, he's going to get so many new enemies lmao

>> No.15366234

he's such a petty human, this little spat with media companies on fucking twitter who he depends on a lot to keep the site relevant is embarrassing as fuck

>> No.15366235

Canucks too flustered to fly on HLS Starship now

>> No.15366236
File: 2.70 MB, 3840x2160, Ft8_7OnXwAMucfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366237

the virgin winning an argument vs. the chad editing their twitter profile

>> No.15366238

I fucking love this little guy like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.15366239


>> No.15366243


>> No.15366245

>who he depends on a lot to keep the site relevant
Seems obvious at this point that the relevancy of legacy media orgs is quickly vanishing.

>> No.15366248

This bird app shit has been the gayest elon arc


>> No.15366251
File: 3.15 MB, 3699x2774, 20220904_155253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will never stop weirding me out how much Mars looks like a dusty day in Utah

>> No.15366253

I wonder what top NASA officials and the Biden admin think of this...

>> No.15366254

>100% Government-funded Government organization

>> No.15366255
File: 47 KB, 479x745, planet explode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> $80,000,000 for a drone
JPL staff deserve scaphism

>> No.15366256

The moment he lays a finger on NASA's twitter profile it's over for Starship lmao

>> No.15366257

Kek old twitter was keeping those media companies relevant on the site by having "curators" boost them constantly. They're now crying about not getting that.

>> No.15366259
File: 55 KB, 207x198, disapointed kirby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't have to post that man. There's probably SFW space shit on FA or e6 more tasteful than inflation.

>> No.15366260

It's the Vtuber simp false flagging just don't reply to him

>> No.15366262


>> No.15366263

meds now

>> No.15366266

i thought you were banned

>> No.15366268

hey ive been out like 8 hours, whats happened while i was gone? was 4/20 launch confirmed?

>> No.15366269
File: 498 KB, 1440x1284, Screenshot_20230417-210221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ESGhound in my Google Discover feed
I swear this shit gets worse and worse every day why do I even use it

>> No.15366271


>> No.15366272
File: 40 KB, 531x385, ayaks ajax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366273

use bing ai, i switched off its much better. filters the stuff for you

>> No.15366274

>delayed until 4/20
it's definitely launching then, right?

>> No.15366276
File: 56 KB, 512x378, big gem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366280

fuck you and fuck journos

>> No.15366281
File: 39 KB, 376x423, sfg_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366283
File: 3.00 MB, 3024x4032, bnph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't slept in 34 hours, spent a lot of time driving between Houston and SPI just for a scrub, but it was worth it just to see the tower and rocket in person for the first time. This thing looks genuinely unreal. Enjoy this ad-hoc collaboration between my phone and some binoculars.
I think I'll drive back on wednesday, but this time I'll remember to bring a chair and maybe book a hotel room so I don't have to bunk in the grundlezone again.

>> No.15366285
File: 1.50 MB, 270x480, DCF20646-23D9-4FE9-BB3B-4933B448F3F1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what even happened at the space symposium? pic unrel

>> No.15366291

if a scrub wasnt so damn likely and didnt take 3 days to recycle, i would drive down myself. cadence ramp needs to happen soon

>> No.15366294

let me do some calculations
I'd have to leave like NOW

>> No.15366298

>e2e probably wont happen for at least 10 years

>> No.15366300

how far away are you? i think i could get there in 24 hours, including 5 hours of sleep and the rest just driving

>> No.15366303

I am here in a hotel room on spi, was at the beach this morning w/ the spacex employees. holding my fort through thursday

>> No.15366306

like exactly 2000km. ~2001.

>> No.15366311


>> No.15366316

I'll forewarn that it's much easier to park away from the viewing area and just walk down instead of trying to bring your car into the park, at least with how they were doing things today. If you line up too early, they'll tell you to circle back, and if you join the car line too late they'll hit capacity before you make it in. Also it's $12, cash only.
There are a few lots immediately prior to the gate that you can just leave your car in, including one for a giant water park that's currently closed. Nobody got ticketed as far as I'm aware.

>> No.15366318
File: 495 KB, 3840x2304, Boeing_Concept_Supersonic_Aircraft_-_Icon-II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S u p e r s o n i c A i r l i n e r s

>> No.15366319

fortunately, we all know valve can't count to three so the third launch attempt is definitely going to work

>> No.15366320

It was mostly just EDS-afflicted fags this year

>> No.15366323

should i go on thursday? my boyfriend hasnt seen a launch.

>> No.15366324

This is good to know. I kinda was wondering this exact thing

>> No.15366325

$700 round trip. hmm.

>> No.15366326

If you have the time to go then yes, go

>> No.15366327
File: 458 KB, 700x451, 1655697814649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Currently numerous emergency personnel’s are on scene to a Massive explosion of a deadly 18 wheeler fuel tanker accident in Brownsville Texas as it overturned and burst into flames officials are reporting that one person is dead with the blaze and smoke seen miles away

>> No.15366329

so 4000km roundtrip? same. but i calculated closer to $500 for the whole thing,maybe $600

>> No.15366333

God works in mysterious ways

>> No.15366341

Looks like a gasoline fire.

>> No.15366345

I'd rather sleep in my car than get a room. Where can I do that without cops or robbers pestering me? lol

>> No.15366349
File: 228 KB, 1080x849, 1681786088927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point he's just twisting the knife into zubrin

>> No.15366352

>one flame instead of three
yeah im not buying that garbage

>> No.15366355


>> No.15366359
File: 155 KB, 443x395, 1661228974764790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366362

Reminder that we have never truely measured the speed of light

>> No.15366363

As he should. Zubrin did a "study" for Mini-Starship where he gave it a three times better mass fraction than normal Starship despite it being smaller, luckily SpaceX has real engineers so they didn't fall for the musings of a crank.

>> No.15366366

Musk was responsible for this.

>> No.15366368

payload fraction* I should check if he ever retracted that

>> No.15366370


>> No.15366374

Musk will not bomb the FAA [math]\unicode{x1F622}[/math]

>> No.15366375

I occasionally travel to conferences as well as spending a few hours every day reviewing textbooks and journals so that I can lie convincingly on /sfg/ and deceive as many people as possible

>> No.15366378

fuck, musk looks old

>> No.15366379

this nigga is trying to no true scotsman a photon

>> No.15366380

pedro what have you done

>> No.15366381

conferences feel like big social clubs anyways. At least that's how it is in bio, I'm not sure if it's like that for you aerospace guys

>> No.15366382

>tfw he'll be retirement age when we finally get to mars

>> No.15366384
File: 2.09 MB, 640x640, funny-cat (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn on MECO podcast
>today's episode is Anthony pussyfooting aroundhow Relativity has straight up lied about their intentions and development ideology
>full of SpaceX/Elon derangement syndome, angry that no one else can compete and realizing everyone is about to get assfucked by Starship before any of them pull off a F9 clone
>shilling space symposium
Tony Colangelo, I am so glad I stopped funding you those years ago. What a disgrace

>> No.15366385

he's 51, people these days will look at signs of aging in middle-aged people and be like "holy shit he's absolutely SMASHED!!"

>> No.15366392

Ehhh I can forgive shilling for the space symposium. It’s always a fun event. I’ve followed Foust’s coverage of it religiously for the last 3 or so years

>> No.15366393

i've been reading neal asher's polity books for a while and they're pretty good.
I found the series when i randomly picked up book 6 in that list and read the first couple of chapters, i thought it was good enough that i decided to go through and read the whole lot in chronological order. they're pretty fun even if they bend the rules of physics a little bit.
recommended if you like decently hard sci-fi with plenty of action and what i'll just call "epicness" for lack of a better vocabulary

>> No.15366396

he looks a lot younger than me
are you even in your 20s?

>> No.15366399

/sfg/, put that thing away there are like children here

>> No.15366405

FUCK I just realized my only exam this week is from 8:30 to 11:30 on 4/20

>> No.15366407

Any of the aforementioned nearby lots, as long as it's the night immediately prior to a launch

>> No.15366408

>It’s always a fun event
I keep wanting to go, but it's never worked out schedule-wise. Done smallsat and some smaller AAS and AIAA events, though. Hopefully I'll have an employer that sends junior engineers to conferences when I graduate.

>> No.15366411

>Relativity has straight up lied about their intentions and development ideology
lol I didn't catch this, what did they do?

>> No.15366421
File: 362 KB, 1920x1920, Juice_leaves_Earth_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, so JUICE can take photos of itself.

>> No.15366422

blaze it

>> No.15366423
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x1920, Juice_leaves_Earth_pillars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366424
File: 286 KB, 1920x1920, Juice_s_longest_antenna_awaits_deployment_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366428

You can tell it's a government mission by how old those camera images look.

>> No.15366429
File: 659 KB, 1024x1024, Juice_gets_wings_pillars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a GIF

>> No.15366431
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1080, 1664638921902837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bogdanoff offspring

>> No.15366432
File: 40 KB, 512x384, 1441754578720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 4chan told me the Earth is flat.

>> No.15366435

The article states these are monitoring cameras, there are actual scientific cameras on board.

>> No.15366436

Well it was obvious to anyone paying attention that all the 3d printing hype was just investor fodder, but for some reason i guess Anthony believed them? so the abrupt switch to a non-3d printed Hard R that looks identical to F9 and has F9 payload mass was jarring to him. yet he still hesitates to call them liars.

>> No.15366438
File: 89 KB, 629x451, lol lmao even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan tells us a lot of things

>> No.15366440

Yes but compare it to monitoring cameras on non cucked things.
Just looks like a sensor that was made in 2005

>> No.15366441

fish eye

>> No.15366442
File: 81 KB, 1440x1080, AA19ZafK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mysterious spiral of light spotted in North caused by SpaceX rocket, physicist says
>"Very often when they're finished with their mission, they will actually sort of eject some of their propellant. And when that goes out in space and the sun is shining on it, you can see that in the sky if you're [in the] dark on the ground," Hampton said.

Is this explanation legit? Why are they venting leftover propellant instead of relighting the Merlin vacuum engine for a deorbit burn?

>> No.15366444
File: 112 KB, 1180x986, 1681787625814920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366445

the sky is gonna look fucking crazy if elon gets his way

>> No.15366448


>> No.15366449

Imagine hundreds of these as a colonization fleet burns for Mars

>> No.15366450

but what about the sanctity of the night sky?

>> No.15366451

Irresponsible light pollution.
This will definitely confuse any hatching turtles in the area.

>> No.15366452


>> No.15366464

Yeah, nah, gonna talk to ufologists and get another opinion

>> No.15366466

What type of camera does it use? I assume those are mainly there as engineering cams

>> No.15366486
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 17AE6FA7-0D96-4CA2-86B9-86987C136C52.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366492

/sfg/ is dead

>> No.15366499


>> No.15366500

On the more mainstream websites, the only mention of the engineering cameras I found was the first link in the Earth pics. I found this pdf: https://sci.esa.int/documents/33960/35865/1567258126055-JUICE_Yellow_Book_Issue1.pdf
But this is way too dense for me.

>> No.15366502

Eager space is the best place to get basic but rational and factual analysis of roggets in short form, especially because he’s very open about his shortcomings.

>> No.15366504

I thought it was fine desu

>> No.15366505

is it me you're looking for?

>> No.15366508

>Implying manley isnt soi

>> No.15366513

Its based and you cant actually debunk it

>> No.15366516

>manley isnt soi

>> No.15366517

sabine fell for the quantum gravity meme hook line and sinker. lost cause

>> No.15366518

so if the next starship runs plan to use s26 and s27, does that mean the s28 run which has flaps and such will be a catch run?

>> No.15366519

Fucking based

>> No.15366522


>> No.15366524
File: 92 KB, 775x653, c5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a cute grill(female)?

>> No.15366525

Relativity is just a good approximation of something we don't have the tools to measure. Since we don't quite know what said something is, it is reasonable to believe that understanding it might enable FTL travel.

>> No.15366526

More reliable. Once you vent all the propellant out, the empty tank has a lot of drag with little mass. It’ll still deorbit in a reasonable amount of time without risking engine relighting being a failure

>> No.15366528

>manlet is sõy

>> No.15366530

will we ever find the union between general relativity and quantum physics?

>> No.15366532

I have my degree but you will need to ask yourself if it is what you want. If it was really your passion you would be enjoying the classes and motivated to overcome the challenges. If you are having these doubts, then it may be best to go back into working. That being said, you went back to school for a reason, if it was just to satisfy yourself and get the paper, and now you are not feeling it, then you need to decide to cut losses or tough it out. However if you wanted a specific job, or had a goal in mind, then remember it and use that to motivate you to finish your degree.

Whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you back in the industry.

>> No.15366537

Waves nd sheit homie

>> No.15366550
File: 119 KB, 561x776, CAEDC2CF-6CFC-4497-96D7-A385D489A2DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colonizers, where is your final resting place amongst the stars? i have to say that anywhere except this fucking rock would be nice

>> No.15366553

depends, is there an afterlife that involves still existing on this plane of existence but just hidden and uninteractable with living beings and matter?

>> No.15366554
File: 1.38 MB, 1266x753, 002642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stream up

>> No.15366556

>no memetech
>interplanetary memetech
Probably still Mars.
>interstellar memetech
One of the worlds of Alpha Centauri.

>> No.15366558

not looking great
maybe one of these schizo cranks need to actually do a new paradigm shift

>> No.15366560
File: 120 KB, 1170x984, portal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366561

2 more decades
trust the plan

>> No.15366562

no memetech, if i had a prefernence id say venus but cloud cities are basically memetechs so most likely mars

>> No.15366563

turn my body into fertilizer on an interstellar generation ship after i've blown my load into my mate. let my flesh nourish the plants that let my children breathe.

>> No.15366565


>> No.15366566

what a sad way to go, id rather live my life out on Mars, my own little hab with a garden that I can tend to and die peacefully on. maybe at the top of olympus mons, just to get one last good view of the milky way.

>> No.15366568
File: 6 KB, 225x224, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366569

just fly in to the sun at that point

>> No.15366573
File: 51 KB, 648x360, 3CA50AA7-CDC8-4995-96D7-E5E9934F0A10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chances of life on europa or enceladus?

>> No.15366575

0% chance of sex

>> No.15366577

I don't think of it as sad. I'd be much happier carrying on my consciousness through my children than growing old and useless and being a drain on them. The satisfaction of knowing my descendants will carry on trillions of copies of me (and I believe instances of my consciousness at least partly) is enough.

>> No.15366578

many anons kill themselves after the scrub...

>> No.15366579

why do you think /sfg/ is so dead right now?

>> No.15366581

whats the farthest we get in 50 years?

>> No.15366582

probaly because thunderf00t skooled us

>> No.15366585
File: 337 KB, 890x1270, Screen Shot 2023-04-17 at 7.29.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are there any books you are reading or plan to read this summer?
Iv'e started "The Case for Mars" but it's more of a romance novel than a technical plan to colonize Mars, which caught me off guard and it wasn't the most realistic thing iv'e read besides the accurate orbital mechanics.
I guess the 2011 update from "Why we Must" to "The Case for Mars" changed some things.

>> No.15366587

>Iv'e started "The Case for Mars" but it's more of a romance novel than a technical plan to colonize Mars
and this is why i dont read

>> No.15366588

blaze it

>> No.15366590

I'm tellin' you bro, everyone on Mars will be driving around in internal combustion engine rovers, I read it in the Case for Mars 2011 revised edition

>> No.15366596

they will be pwoered on liquid braps

>> No.15366597

Anybody have more kino screenshots from the stream?

>> No.15366599
File: 386 KB, 393x486, 002644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can watch the stream again

>> No.15366600

Are there any recent historical cases where a schizo crank was correct?

>> No.15366604

Holy fuck how has no-one realized hahahhahaha

>> No.15366610

The empty void, drifting for eternity. Peace at long last.

>> No.15366614

She's so cute, bros.

>> No.15366618

Plate tectonics

>> No.15366632

two weeks

>> No.15366639
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, Ft6vZGiXgAQZJWx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see stage sep from this view

>> No.15366652

image sensor is unironically probably from 2002

>> No.15366656

even Astra can afford monitoring cameras that have image quality better than a 2005 Sony Ericsson

>> No.15366675
File: 2.98 MB, 3840x2160, O'Neill Cylinder Space Colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For human colonization of space, are space colonies such as O'Neill cylinders and Stanford torus's actually viable options for permanent human presence, or are all space stations too weak and fragile for humans to live on, requiring an entire planet that can take and sustain the abuse that humans make? In other words, if you can't detonate a nuclear bomb on/in it, then it isn't good enough for human living.

>> No.15366682

>O'Neill cylinders
>Standford toruses
Need meme materials to exist

>> No.15366686

>original design for island 3 was to have it be made out of steel just to demonstrate that you wouldn't require any exotic material in order to construct it
I don't believe steel is a meme material anon.

>> No.15366689

I'll believe it once they build one

>> No.15366696

>treating civil engineering as if it was theoretical physics
Unironically it's literal basic bitch math that can show you how very real and possible those designs are since they use the same math designers use to construct buildings and bridges.

>> No.15366709

I think the real issue is going to be balancing them, like you have a fuckload of fluids, people and other shit all moving around in random ass patterns fucking your rotation up

>> No.15366712

no, the main issue is to get enough steel and other mass up to some orbit you can build the thing in the first place

>> No.15366713

just make the cylinders bigger bro
>but muh material
shut up faggot, imagine being capable of interplanetary space colonization and not having mined some worlds bare

>> No.15366718

Buried in Io. It's my favorite body in the solar system

>> No.15366723

Send me in an escape trayectory and bury me with the stars

>> No.15366730

How feasible is ISRU extracting oxygen from silicate rocks?

>> No.15366743

he'll drive to the ground. advertisers don't want a free-for-all platform, they want one where bad content isn't displayed next to their ad. His manchild spats are getting ridiculous, what happened to him in the last 4 years?

>> No.15366748


> Bureau of Mines research has shown that oxygen can be electrowon from silicates dissolved in molten fluoride systems. The demonstrated ability to generate more than 14 percent by volume of oxygen in the cell gases is encouraging. Also encouraging are the data that indicated a current efficiency of approximately 55 percent.

>The process has merit because of its relative simplicity and lower temperature requirements compared with other suggested methods such as the reduction of silicates with methane or with carbon. In these methods, the carbon oxides produced must be further treated to obtain elemental oxygen, whereas electrolysis yields oxygen directly.

> To overcome the difficulty caused by oxide depletion and maintain a satisfactory level of cell performance would necessitate provisions for frequent renewal of the electrolyte, especially since there is apparently very little electroreduction of the major oxide constituent SiO2. The mechanics of this present no problem; however, it would require the use of large quantities of flux. Recovery of the fluoride fluxing agents from spent electrolytes must be ruled out as being prohibitively complex. Thus, unless a deposit of some suitable fluxing agent was near the lunar installation, it would mean trans-porting the flux from Earth, which is obviously undesirable.

its possible to extract oxygen, but to do it reliably with only ISRU is still unknown, too early to tell

>> No.15366750

shut up nigger, advertisers are coming back and its going to be cash flow positive as early as this quarter

>> No.15366752

hahaha whatever helps you sleep at night sweetie

>> No.15366758
File: 344 KB, 1280x1018, xkcd surface area of solar system objects.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spinhabs are ultimately going to be necessary beyond a certain level of population because there's only so much land to go around in the solar system. Pic related. Spinhabs turn solid volume into habitable surface area and can be assembled from otherwise useless low-gravity rocks.

>> No.15366759

Totally possible but ridiculously energy intensive, pretty much anywhere worth going in the system has enough water ice kicking around anyway, even if you're dumb enough to build your base a long way from it just set up a chain of automated rovers that cut blocks and drive back and forward to your base.

>> No.15366763

you are going to be wrong again, like you have always been

>> No.15366765

who knows, maybe living permanently in less than 1g isn't even possible? Like there is some problem that prevents children growing or something
needing to build spinning habitats on Mars surface would really increase the infrastructure requirements of living on Mars
could be fixable with genetic engineering I guess, but will Martians be able to come to Earth?

>> No.15366768

>on Mars surface
Just do them in orbit at that point and treat the surface as industrial camps.

>> No.15366770

If sub 1g is a problem we will be slumming it in spincity podhabs yeah. Big difference between making a simple pressurized volume and making a fuck off huge spinning bowl.

>> No.15366773

>but will Martians be able to come to Earth?

Why would they want to, this is a alpha level shithole planet.

>> No.15366776

They were literally Amcrest IP cameras off of Amazon with custom housings.

>> No.15366778

Kate is so cute.

>> No.15366779
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>> No.15366782
File: 774 KB, 1112x961, 002649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


new cringe dropped 2 days ago

>> No.15366784
File: 334 KB, 664x497, 002651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366787



>> No.15366791

yeah, just like being wrong for thinking ol musky would follow his promise of stepping down from twitter leadership after losing that poll? musky doesn't like when people disagree

>> No.15366794

Every single time.

>> No.15366800
File: 36 KB, 600x450, floki-twitter-ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has stepped down. Floki is CEO of twitter retard

>> No.15366803

I don't need Wikipedia or etymology searches anymore, don't even read the authors name most of the time yet still know, my jdar has pretty much become telepathy

>> No.15366824
File: 1.14 MB, 1201x858, laika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based doggos, mogging humans

>> No.15366841
File: 72 KB, 620x1112, cubic kilometer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anons how accurate is this?

>> No.15366857

probably reasonalby accurate, you could probably increase water recycling from 93% do oxygen recycling from CO2 (not sure if this is feasible on starship itself)

>> No.15366865

yeah feels like by the time a solo trip like that is happening that the efficiency would be higher.

plus if you packed a boston metals MOE you could just scoop up dirt and get oxygen for free.

>> No.15366871

I want to die on earth surrounded by friends and family. I want to give the "I've seen things you wouldn't believe" speech from Blade Runner but modified to match my experiences. Then I want someone to bring me the microphone to the PA system in the hospital and I'll groan the word "niggers" into it quietly and then die.

>> No.15366875


>> No.15366878

Giver of life and the giver of speed
Ever we take even her gravity
Her glowing beauty is something to see
Bigger and brighter she cometh to me

Solar mountain comes on the perihelion
No rerouting, only countin' till we're done
Shoutin' sins until we're in the Sun
Melting humans and everything they bring
In a blink, the sun will drink their things
Grinning sun has sinners for dinner

i know its a cunt to reach but i still want it

>> No.15366884
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>> No.15366893
File: 595 KB, 1414x901, 002659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Venture investment in space startups has dropped 50% year-over-year in 2022 to $21.9 billion, according to VC firm Space Capital.

> Despite the startups' struggles, launch demand has soared after sanctions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine cut off access to Russian rockets. Recent failures with Europe's Arianespace's Vega-C rocket have added to demand in the U.S., outstripping the number of available rockets.

> Firefly and Astra have added other business lines to make up for lost revenue, while Relativity has said its 3D printers used in rocket construction will be eventually employed for other products.

>Firefly, which was forced by U.S. officials in 2021 to sever its Ukrainian ties through Noosphere Ventures over national security concerns, counts a lunar lander named Blue Ghost as a "very profitable" line of revenue, Weber said.

>"I know Firefly's management is very proud and vocal about Blue Ghost, but let's hope they can walk the walk without the Ukrainians," Noosphere founder Max Polyakov told Reuters.

>Shared missions to space on SpaceX's Falcon 9 rockets, a cheaper, so-called rideshare option for satellite companies that helped kill the business case for small rockets, have taken some of that demand, but much of it remains.

>Private plans to deploy mega-constellations, vast swarms of satellites in low-Earth orbit, have also given launch startups hope for future demand.

>"The industry is now behaving as a more rational, capitalistic industry," Erich Fischer, a senior partner at Bain and Co who advises space companies, said. "It's never behaved that way before, ever."

Didn't know blue ghost was a thing, but I don't see how this would be "very profitable"
155kg is a joke compared to Starship

>> No.15366894
File: 706 KB, 1920x1080, altacama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are better places actually

>> No.15366896
File: 852 KB, 1283x875, 002660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smallsats aren't really a good business, why would some micropayloads to the moon be?
the market, if any exists, is going to be destroyed by rideshare just like the smallsat market was

>> No.15366904
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Apollo Comms Part 26_ Full system integration, and our first exhibit 6-54 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CuriousMarc's Apollo Comms Part 26: Full system integration, and our first exhibit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tShJwG0pVs
picrel is the Morse key they would use if everything else failed

>> No.15366929


>> No.15366930

He is a little but he isn't oversóyed. He can usually keep his opinions to himself and he isn't an estrogenated manchild in a streamer den

>> No.15366935
File: 117 KB, 1080x643, Screenshot_2023-04-18-07-03-03-07_572064f74bd5f9fa804b05334aa4f912~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366937

anyone who says hegemony is a commie

>> No.15366941

oh man spacegoy5
reminder that he works on the HLS side at nasa
literally a hardcore anti-spacexer who has leaked classified information to try and own spacex

>> No.15366942
File: 13 KB, 1009x782, astra lv0006 rocketgirl drift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366944
File: 234 KB, 447x440, spaceguy5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

presented without further comment

>> No.15366949

What the fuck is he even saying? I thought this might have been on RE, but it isn't and he hasn't posted there in almost a month.

>> No.15366954

when he says fan art he means concept art/delta v sims etc

>> No.15366958


The guys' entire twitter acct is just crying about SpaceX/Tesla/Elon


>> No.15366961

But NASA literally does that as well.

>> No.15366962

how can someone this retarded work for Nasa?
i mean he doesn't seem to be a minority so getting in that way doesn't make sense

>> No.15366964

This shit glows with a scent of vodka.

>> No.15366965
File: 114 KB, 630x981, 002665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366966

Starship hasn't flown to space, SLS has. Simple as

>> No.15366967

Spaceguy5 doesn't have any posts in the last few days, I wonder why? If all you do is whine about SpaceX, then a big event like this would mean you have more to talk about?

>> No.15366969
File: 43 KB, 661x434, 002666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366972

I thought I would get more annoyed by reading this dudes posts but I'm completely calm for some reason
ESG, CSS, thunderfoot etc just dont cause any reaction (perhaps a chuckle) anymore

>> No.15366974
File: 228 KB, 656x989, 002667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Few more shitposts before staging

>> No.15366975

Their arguments become meaningless and worthless in the eve of Starship launch.

>> No.15366976
File: 87 KB, 668x774, 002668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366977
File: 162 KB, 687x573, 002669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366978
File: 110 KB, 600x774, FtNqHwsXsAUUGtV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screenshot 1

>> No.15366979

Holy fucking shit this retarded autist uses the same account for personal weebery, personal use, and professional? On Discord, Twitter, and Reddit, too. With his personal picture.
I thought he couldn't be any more retarded.

>> No.15366982
File: 71 KB, 589x443, FtNqI-sXwAE_1om.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screenshot 2

>> No.15366984
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>> No.15366986
File: 133 KB, 587x826, FtS6HHOWYAYFQdP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366988

If i wanted to add those guys to my twitter feed i would. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15366990
File: 280 KB, 679x992, 002671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s2 is the same as >>15366978

final in the thread twitter thread

>> No.15366993

Agreed. Kinda stupid to rant about everything-Musk haters, those people are mentally ill.

>> No.15366995
File: 31 KB, 601x508, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello spaceguy5

>> No.15367000

>complaining about Musk and SpaceX
>on Twitter
What kind of cucked shit is that? Why do you even post this shit, it has even less views on Twitter, than it will get here lmao.

>> No.15367003
File: 91 KB, 850x491, Mars-Exploration-Architecture-and-Mission-Elements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean these?
yeah these SLS fanboy doodles are pretty cringe

>> No.15367013


>“The European Commission wants to cut deals with private American space companies like Elon Musk's SpaceX to launch cutting-edge European navigation satellites due to continued delays to Europe's next generation Ariane rocket system.”

>> No.15367018
File: 750 KB, 1600x900, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked the aesthetic of the big hydrogen tanks in these concepts.

>> No.15367021

Unexpected but understandable. Its either SpaceX or Russia.

>> No.15367024
File: 30 KB, 660x574, 1676632440490192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU should drop the Galileo program entirely. It's a huge money sink and completely identical to the already existing GPS, but they want to keep it because muh self sustainability. Now they have a GPS clone to not be dependent on USA on satellite navigation, but they can't even launch the satellites without US. Makes no sense

>> No.15367025
File: 87 KB, 1181x499, 1650231697823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so special about this faggot again?

>> No.15367026

>>15367024 mean for >>15367013

>> No.15367028
File: 41 KB, 1080x1080, LV0008.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what it would feel like being in the middle

>> No.15367029

nothing really, its just that he happens to work for NASA

>> No.15367036
File: 68 KB, 1266x720, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15367041

50 light years

>> No.15367044

Holy shit bros all we had to do was draw a SLSjak and congress would cancel it??

>> No.15367047

If only glowjak posting convinced them to defund the CIA.

>> No.15367048

They’re just arguing semantics really, and kek I don’t think even the most dedicated 1 would claim Starship is further along than SLS right now. It’s far from it. But it’s catching up fast, and certainly in the next 5 years will overtake it as a better cargo launcher
SLS will be the only super heavy human launcher for a while, but Musk can always fast track F9-dragon for Starship crew

>> No.15367050

Good, this will put a fire under the frogs& spaghetti niggers at ariana who eat up most of ESA's budget.
Fuckers need some healthy competition.

>> No.15367058

Kek. If they really wanted to swallow their pride they should just ask SX to set up another shop at Guiana Space Center. Maybe they could work out a deal where they get a fleet of like 10 boosters and a new recovery pad, and then they make their own second stage with their own engine or something

>> No.15367061

Actually on second thought this is stupid and unrealistic

>> No.15367090

It's because launching from near the equator only saves a significant amount of delta-v if you're going to GEO or if all your other launch site are at extreme latitudes and you're targeting a lower inclination. Europoors would never be fucking around in Guiana if Europe had good launch sites in isolated areas that didn't make their rockets fly overland.

>> No.15367107
File: 375 KB, 1129x737, fireship 2023-04-04 20-29-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watch Sseth and Fireship

>> No.15367114
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>> No.15367115
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>> No.15367119

holy shit. I bet it’s expensive as fuck but this is based

>> No.15367121
File: 813 KB, 1252x1011, 002675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

direct gravitics StarMAX competitor that is aimed at exploiting Starship?

>The Airbus LOOP is designed to fit with the upcoming generation of super-heavy launchers that can launch an entire module in one piece. Thus, the Airbus LOOP is immediately operational once in orbit, ready to host humans and payloads.

extremely based

>> No.15367126
File: 214 KB, 608x456, 002676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if some other big companies are cooking similar stuff too, Starship is finally starting to look "real"?

>> No.15367133
File: 1.52 MB, 1431x948, 002677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks like this was teased in january already

In 1998, the International Space Station was launched, with astronauts living and working aboard. In addition to advances in medicine or helping to face the issues we have on Earth — such as water and air quality — the research conducted on the ISS is critical in our journey to the Moon and Mars and helping humanity explore the confines of the universe.

However, the ISS cannot keep operating forever and has already well exceeded its original lifetime of 15 years: it is planned to be deorbited towards the end of this decade. NASA is likely to transition away from the ISS towards the next generation of continuously crewed, free flying space stations, and Airbus intends to be part of the future of human presence in space.

This is why Airbus Defence and Space is teaming up with Voyager Space to help design the next space station for NASA, ESA and other customers. The space station of the future, Starlab, could be launched as early as 2028 to ensure a sustained human presence in low-Earth orbit. Designed and architected to provide 100 percent of the International Space Station’s payload capacity with the ability to conduct over 400 experiments or technical investigations per year, Starlab could provide a foundation for continued international cooperation in space, with the goal of accelerating a sustainable ecosystem in space.

“The partnership with Voyager Space is the first step toward fielding the next generation space station serving international astronauts. We are excited to partner with Voyager on a project aimed at changing history,” said Jean-Marc Nasr, Executive Vice President of Space Systems. “Our team is looking forward to diving in on the technology and putting our best engineers to work.”

>> No.15367136

>Starship is finally starting to look "real"?
huh? what are you talking about? starship is real, we've seen it down at starbase we're readying the rocket, we have all the valves done, ready to be used in the test flight

>> No.15367137
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>> No.15367139

I'm talking about the point of view of slow moving institutions and corporations that tend to be conservative

>> No.15367141

I’m not gonna lie it looks pretty sweet. And maybe it’s just cosmetics but it looks like they’re leveraging their knowledge from ATV/Orion service module. I bet the cost is high though

>> No.15367143

surprisingly based

>> No.15367146

That's nice let's see paul allens station

>> No.15367148

theres so many space station companies popping up... i hope they make it to starships payload launch

>> No.15367157

I guess the next wave of space startups/projects from existing companies is going to be payloads to take advantage of Starship
competing with it just doesn't make sense

>> No.15367161

The radius of the centrifuge is absurd for any decent g value

>> No.15367163

This one is the same as airbus station I think, its a joint project

>> No.15367165

These arent spinhabs, just the max size or close to max for Starship

>> No.15367166
File: 53 KB, 1076x591, Tubeway Army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spin Kings rise up!

>> No.15367168

I can’t tell if those are just for experimentation purposes, or if those are sleeping quarters
Not a terrible place to sleep for long-duration missions especially to the Moon or Mars. Even if it’s only a fraction of 1g it’s still better than nothing

>> No.15367169

I'm aware of that and that adaptation to higher rotation rates is possible but this looks too small nevertheless

>> No.15367179
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the frozen valve was caused by ice krystals

>> No.15367198
File: 70 KB, 450x609, Ed Valigursky centri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4m radius ->
1g, 15 rpm
0.4g, 9.5 rpm
0.2g, 6.7 rpm
0.1g, 4.7 rpm

>> No.15367200
File: 10 KB, 234x216, waow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15367202

Literally the only sensible thing she's ever said.

>> No.15367209

The centrifuge is for recreational purposes only

>> No.15367214

I thought we proved pretty definitively this is shit at retaining bone density and muscle mass when compared to strength training. Do that astronauts even still use that bike that Canada made or do they just use the weight machine MIT or whoever built for them?

>> No.15367215
File: 72 KB, 547x777, nasa tat hoe a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting dizzy and vomiting isn't my idea of fun

>> No.15367224

Two of these tethered 200m apart could revolve to give varying gravities
>3 rpm for Earth gravity
>1.8 rpm for Mars gravity
>1.2 rpm for Lunar gravity
Could be a useful research tool. The tangential speeds are not very high either.

>> No.15367227
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>> No.15367236

out of all space youtubers, hullo is the least soi. He actually knows shit rather than parroting things he read off wikipedia and then forgetting them.
I noticed. saved.

>> No.15367241

kek, you're back. I honestly missed you 1g schizo.

>> No.15367242

Mars Guy is pretty solid for geology

>> No.15367244
File: 18 KB, 521x486, Zubrin face b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soi isn't a matter of technical knowledge, he hates the 1st amendment and wants euro style speech laws

>> No.15367255
File: 786 KB, 1587x1004, 1674752119556550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them.

>> No.15367262

>Lockheed Martin nuclear mars base camp
>Airbus big fuck off module with the centrifuge
old and new space coexisting...

>> No.15367263

I want to live in all human skin

>> No.15367267

this literally looks like so many people at my uni with nasa shirts.

>> No.15367271


>> No.15367272
File: 1.03 MB, 1254x761, 002679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15367275

retard lol

>> No.15367276
File: 583 KB, 1179x1375, C08451CB-CDA1-488A-835C-D761A000158B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two weeks bros, we are so back

>> No.15367279

I'm going to kill myself now
(by stowing away on the orbital flight test)

>> No.15367281

Tranny brained horse fuckers

>> No.15367282

planet X

>> No.15367287
File: 42 KB, 960x643, 1680824826121741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the deal would be a permanent dedicated launch corridor where they could spam as many launches as they want, whenever they want without no FAA boomer calculating beetle PTSD rates in sight

>> No.15367289

if I were in a solar system that was that populated, I would attempt to leave it, not build a spinhab.

>> No.15367292

I hope it exists, is as big as projected and has decent sized moons.

>> No.15367293

2 more days
the spacewalk above Mars wouldn't really be possible though? Aren't starships supposed to slow down by aerobraking, I guess you might do the spacewalk on the coasting phase to fix any tile problems

>> No.15367295

It's possible to aerobrake into orbit, but to my knowledge nothing of the sort has been attempted before. We plan gravity assists though so it might not be all that bad

>> No.15367298
File: 93 KB, 1030x680, Bussard ram space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would have to leave in a spinhab unless you have a drive capable of 0.2g continuously or have a freezer ship

>> No.15367299

Free speech on twitter or no orbital launches for you EU

>> No.15367310

space isnt hard, we've been doing it for 70 years

>> No.15367318

please understand

>> No.15367326
File: 51 KB, 627x785, atmospheric layers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the lunar missions were in space, all the rest were in the upper atmosphere

>> No.15367333

what about Earth's photosphere (all space where light from Earth can reach)

>> No.15367336

earths atmosphere stretches to the moon btw

>> No.15367338

Nice try thermocel but outside the magnetosphere the solar wind dominates

>> No.15367339
File: 2.90 MB, 4096x2731, SLSboca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15367348

>outside the magneto-ACKKKKKKKK
my stray oxygen atom says otherwise

>> No.15367350
File: 53 KB, 1143x641, Slaughterhouse-Five i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> orange brown dogshit color

>> No.15367355
File: 245 KB, 1468x1358, 55ave4pf78pa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15367364

you cant post gore here, this is a blue board

>> No.15367375


>> No.15367377

Can you convert those to seconds per 1 rotation

>> No.15367382

I’m too blackpilled. Any time I see something like this I assume it’s just ripped from twitter and not /sfg/ OC
Either way it’s funny though lmao

>> No.15367384

Divide 60 by the rpm.
Roughly 4, 6, 9, and 13 seconds.

>> No.15367385
File: 54 KB, 915x581, zoomer zog avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it yourself you lazy zoomer

>> No.15367388
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in a clear regressive path as the planet gets more slint eyed brown and dumb. Anomalies likes SX are exceptions to the trend. Just imagine what /sfg/ would look like right now if it did not exist

>> No.15367399

/sfg/ wouldn't exist without spacex

>> No.15367407

Why can't the ISS use Starlink?

>> No.15367409

iss is too high up, maybe wait for starlinks to be put at a higher elevation

>> No.15367417

Why not just put the hardware on ISS and make it a starlink node.

>> No.15367419


>> No.15367420

Couldn’t spaces put some larger starling satellites in a geostationary orbit to give a little boost Starlink?

>> No.15367422

Gotcha, I can't believe they haven't used this time ISS has been up there to develop a better way to have internet connectivity or at least faster communications. Do they still have to deal with a 1-2 sec delay in radio communications? Seems antiquated.

>> No.15367426

They're working on faster laser comms for Artemis using the ISS as part of the test network along with ground and a relay sat.

>> No.15367428
File: 311 KB, 597x529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new berger banger

>> No.15367432

two more years
trust the plan

>> No.15367433

why is he so based recently? is starship launch making him show his true colors?

>> No.15367434

same with boeing
same with dreamchaser
same with virgin galactic

>> No.15367438

everything branson must burn

>> No.15367439

we've been on page 9 for ages

>> No.15367440

Things that will never happen for 5 billion, Alex

>> No.15367442

He's been based for years. The only time I can remember when people hated Berger was before /sfg/ was a thing and when /sfg/ was still mostly a new thing. Typically because it was people seething he wouldn't share his sources.

>> No.15367443

>ariane 6 delays
>vega issues
>ukraine war
Not looking good for EU space program.

>> No.15367444

holy fucking shit and still not done?
how close is ariane 6 to launching? what a sad state of affairs

>> No.15367445

remember when everyone thought Branson was on top of the world and would bring thousands of people into space every year?

>> No.15367447

he still doesnt share his fucking sources

>> No.15367448

obviously it's a time machine

>> No.15367449

He showed up to the first SLS greenrun attempt in his BO hat and just got sidewinded with a blackpill that night. Ever since then he’s been on a crusade to kill everything that is outdated and oldspace

>> No.15367452

Ummm based? There comes a time when you’re credible enough to say ‘trust me bro’

>> No.15367453

Yeah, because he's a journo. That's how it works. "Sources say" is annoying and shit, but only when it's retards hocking politics/propaganda or rumor milling because they aren't actual journos. Berger's sources have been accurate for years and years now. In fact, the only time I can think of in recent history where they were wrong was the FAA license being off by a day.

>> No.15367458

And then he ended up being right when he said "Stand by for announcement from the FAA at 4:50"

>> No.15367467
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>> No.15367472

Wew I knew the Psyche situation was bad after they tried to cancel Veritas but I didn't know it was THAT bad, they're even raiding extended missions for cash


>> No.15367474



>> No.15367479

you can do that after you are trustworthy
if you start reporting bullshit then obviously you lose this trustworthiness

>> No.15367482

Asking the french to not do something pointless for the sake of European independence is a wasted effort

>> No.15367485

Doesn't Ariane 6 have like 50 launches already booked on kek?

>> No.15367486

all the money has to go for sls

>> No.15367514

Biological immortality is dangerous because it will remove the last common link between the elites and the goycattle.

Imagine living in a shitty regime and not even having the hope that the people in power will eventually die.

>> No.15367559

This is literally the biblical reason for why humans weren't granted immortality. Because those in power would be able to spend their immortal lives using their power to consolidate their power and eradicate any and all possible threats to their power.

>> No.15367566
File: 45 KB, 500x666, 1641353122583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it's only shitty if you are a plebian )))

>> No.15367612

I' pretty sure they can't just use off-the-shelf cameras since they need to be hardened against the radiation belts.

>> No.15367613

Just send my ashes in a probe, like how they did with Clyde Tombaugh in New Horizons.

>> No.15367648

put me on one of the space tugs used to redirect civilization killer asteroids towards Earth

>> No.15367725


>> No.15367840


>> No.15367894

>fucking retard works at NASA
>fucking retard thinks he's right about everything
this should surprise no one who's seen some of the people who get employed by NASA (or any sufficiently large organization) and there are always plenty of retards who think they're geniuses

>> No.15367907

Only twifags.

>> No.15368070

so $40 billion isn't enough for free speech? if anything that is more of an indictment of our "liberal-democracy" then anything else.

>> No.15368074


>> No.15368088

>tubeway army


>> No.15368127
File: 627 KB, 1920x1040, Silent Running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slaughterhouse Five
based, is in my DVD collection along with the underappreciated Silent Running

>> No.15368153
File: 182 KB, 1280x1280, 1671852857345388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody who wants to provide Mars colonists with anything more than .38g while in transit is an idiot, is trying to make things harder from an engineering standpoint, wants them to suffer from gradient side effects more severely, doesn't want the colonists to be pre-adapted to Mars gravity when they arrive, and IS NO FRIEND OF MINE

>> No.15368214

>Anon's still think that we can colonize worlds that aren't within a tight tolerance of surface gravity comparable to Earth gravity

>> No.15368265

>it occured to me in a dream