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File: 239 KB, 768x426, Coronavirus-smaller-front-page-1500x833-768x426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15355506 No.15355506 [Reply] [Original]

cell culture is retarded.

>> No.15355510
File: 170 KB, 270x337, 1672322326284108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15355536

no proof OP exists

>> No.15357125
File: 22 KB, 220x295, 220px-CroV_TEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. Photographs of viruses like this one here don't prove that viruses exist. Just because you can "see" something doesn't mean it's actually there

>> No.15357156

implying these arent pencil drawings lol

>> No.15357166

Next they're gonna tell us the moon isn't a roll of cheese on a rope optical illusion. They must think we're morons.

>> No.15357246

I don't think that will happen. I remember neil armstrongs "one small slice for man" quote like it was yesterday

>> No.15357797

What is that?

>> No.15357830
File: 46 KB, 723x410, 084c7e61ffd6f61cee60d226d9d8045e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because you can "see" something doesn't mean it's actually there
Based and lying-eyes-pilled.

>> No.15358330


Lets get a proper definition definition:

A virus is a replication competent nanoscopic particla that causes specific dieseases.

This has never been proven.
Taking a still electron microscope image of dead cell debris, does not show:

But yes it shows highly stained brutalized cells which went through poisoning.
Which again, does not show:
>flying around
>and causing diseases, by hijacking a host
>and then causing a specific disease

>> No.15358338

elaborate how this image proves:
>a replication competent specific organism
>which causes a specific disease

This is a nothing but a image of something.
Unless isolated (meaning seperated from everything that is not this particle) and inserted into a new host, and showing this particle causes the same exact disease as in the original host, this is nothing but a random image.

>> No.15358378

These threads are very convoluted way to get people to understand how viruses work, good job OP.

>> No.15358389

Buy a microscope and see for yourself.

>New scanning electron microscopes (SEM) can cost $70,000 to $1,000,000, while used instruments can cost $2,500 to $550,000 depending on condition.

>> No.15358437

throw those pomanders out, it's April

>> No.15358450

It's probably possible that at least one university lab in the world would let you use theirs for a few minutes to clear up your doubts. Also, if viruses are fake, why would labs waste money on microscopes for looking at fictional microorganisms.

>> No.15358468

I will actually do this at some point.
You can buy right now a SEM on ebay for less than a car. $15,000 will make you the most technologically advanced man ever in the year 2000.
Yet no one bothers to do so. I will though for sure in next few years. They are actually moving so fast and making so many that if we wait a couple more years (minus inflation I guess you'd have to factor) but you could be the most scientifically advanced person EVER circa 2015 for probably $8,000.

>> No.15358493
File: 331 KB, 1885x938, real pictures of viruses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gone down the rabbit hole pretty deep and OP is the extreme side, but there is truth to where this extreme came from.

If you start WAY back and read all through the papers, starting with plant and crop viruses, and then moving all through the history and examine it pretty closely.
"There isn't much there there" as they say.

Everything is a drawing. And I mean everything.
Pic related for effect. I realize it's a caricature.

>> No.15358532

How are these threads this common? Of course no picture will ever convince anyone, even if someone shows a paper where someone has imaged a virus, put it into cells, and showed the cells dying you could just say they’re lying. Transfecting cells with lentiviruses to introduce genes for fluorescent proteins is a common technique, someone in my team does it, if you have any molecular biology training at all you realise that viruses not existing raises way more questions than it answers.

>> No.15358669

>Everything is a drawing
Oh it's even worse than that when we look at the "genomes"

>> No.15358790

there are only two kinds of people: those who believe viruses exist, and those who understand how "viruses" work.

>> No.15358801

well, why are you still convinced that viruses are real?

>> No.15358986

I think there is something that causes something else to happen. They call it a 'virus' but instead of saying it doesn't exist at all I prefer to just reject the theories of virology.
Virus is just Latin for "poison, venom, slime". These are just the common terms that come up when searched.

Now striking me as interesting that one of the biggest side "conspiracy theories" was that this was venom. Everything is language and mind control as language is our map of the world.

So saying "virus"es don't exist to me is missing something and not true imo. Something can transmit from person to person and we can't see it.

>> No.15359006

>Something can transmit from person to person and we can't see it.
So it's non material?
There's more to spiritual healing than you think anon. some very weird phenomenon there, when I briefly looked into it one woman was talking about how she drank water that had been blessed or was from a sacred shrine, then a few days later some glass shards embedded under her skin from an accident a few years before started to be expunged.
I don't know if it's true but I makes me ponder.

>> No.15359071

Everything is vibing non stop. Bad vibes can kill you.

>> No.15359082

That's actually just the same group of people.

>> No.15359156

>national jewish health

gets the noggin rolling for sure

>> No.15359518

Proof that those particle are responsible for a disease?
Have you isolated them and exposed a healthy human/animal to them, to see if they get sick?

>> No.15359593

I know it doesn’t matter because this is a Kazakh trifle making forum but I’m an immunologist and we make viruses from RNA and use them to transfect cells with stuff, it’s quite easy to do. I know you won’t be satisfied until you’ve personally done it, like how you presumably don’t believe in how computers work I guess, but this is very common and there are labs all over the world who do this and publish papers saying exactly what they did.

>> No.15359618

Nta but what have you ever read the work of Gilbert Ling?

>> No.15359850

Never heard of him, he looks clever but wacko.

>> No.15361312

Gil ert ling and harold hilman proved, that the dehydration, staining and freezing create so much artifacts, that an EM is nothing but a noise machine.
Not only does EM preperation destroy, shrink and poison the tissue you want to observe, due to it's sudden heating up, it creates gas bubbles in the fixation medium, which also then creates a contrast, which further distort reality.

>> No.15361318

>but I’m an immunologist and we make viruses from RNA and use them to transfect cells with stuff

No you don't.
You follow made up retarded protocoll, which is just cell culture poisoning.
And then you interprete it as meme RNA virus transfection.
Also my uncle works at nintendo.

>> No.15361344

well, post said papers. let's see.

>> No.15361451

Why do I get sniffles then??

>> No.15361474
File: 1.03 MB, 984x3664, flu_like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got the sniffles
>therefore there must be a nanoscopic replication competent particle that hijacks my cells and replicates by injecting its genetic code inside of me

Nice retardation.

There are a buckload of reasons why people get sick, with "flu/cold/sniffles" like sympotoms.

>metabolic acidosis
>respiratory acidosis
>Both can be caused by mental and physical stress, due to the break down of hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline or due to the build up of lactic acid (after sports and lack of hydration)
>metal poisoning literally causes flu like symptoms
>fungal poisoning literally causes flu like symptoms
>breathing non lethal amounts of chlorine gas, causes literally respiratory flu like symptoms (source of exposure is home cleaning agents)
>eating too much sugar literally causes acid build up and then flu like symptoms
>dehydrations leads to the build up and unability of the body to excrete metabolites which then causes acidosis or alkalosis
>(which is similar to not proper working of the kidneys, which also causes acidosis)
>drinking alcohol dehydrartes
>lack of sleep inhibits regenaraion, so you build up metabolites of dead cells, wich then cause issues

And all these conditions, lead to you body creating ways to excrete the shit and renew tissue:
>dissolving tissue
>putting it into flem an mucus and snot
>making you excrete the snot

CD-10 code E87.2 for Acidosis is a medical classification as listed by WHO.

Respiratory Acidosis E87.29

J96.02, Acute Respiratory Failure with Hypercapnia

Renal tubular acidosis (RTA) occurs when the kidneys do not remove acids from the blood into the urine as they should.

Case report:

>> No.15361567
File: 3.15 MB, 616x464, bandicam 2023-04-17 08-33-56-742.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Viruses are very small and most of them can be seen only by TEM (transmission electron microscopy).
Electron microscopy requires a few things:
>contrast metals (so that the electron beams bounce of)
>fixation (since EM is always creating a still image)
>a heat resistant sample
>a dehydrated sample

EM works fine to look at dry, dead or inorganic matter, because the composition for example in minerals is self contrasting.
But in Biological matter it requires extensive preparation.


For example to observe the structure of liver tissue you have to prepare it in the following way(s):
>dehydrate it (dry freezing is often used, sometimes with ethanol)
>staining it (heavy metals or even radioactive metals are used here. Uranylacetate or lead citrate)
>fixating it (often done with glutaraldehyde, paraffin, formaldehyde, osmium teroxide or epoxy resin)
>slicing up a thin part of the sample (<= 1mm in thickness)

All these methods disrupt the natural state of an tissue and kills it.
Dehydration will alter the cells.
Exposing the cells with a toxic or radioactive staining agent will alter the cells.
Pouring it with fixation agents will alter the cells and has the chance to create bubbles and pockets.
Slicing it up can cut relevant cells, and its contents in half. Meaning if a "sausage" formed cell is present it will be cut, and will appear round, since the imaging of the slice is a 2D representation of a 3D object.

> webm rel
This is a ff footage of the EM staining procedure and it's effect of the cells.
>this is dehydration with ethanol
>the black outlines, are the original cell size
>you see it shriveling up

cont... with staining

>> No.15361570
File: 1.33 MB, 616x464, staining4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This webm is the continuation of the first one.
Here is the adding of staining agents.
Which further fucks up the cells you want to "observe"

>> No.15361589

you're doing the god's work

>> No.15361897

It's literally just science.
And the assertion of the methods required to get to a certain result.

If there is person A, that is depressed, and person A that is not depressed, just tells the person A:
>just be positive
Then it is absolutely retarded.
Being positive is the goal. But how to get there?
It is equivalent to asking a mountain climber how to climb a huge mountain, and he responds with:
>just be on top of the mountain
You want the way to the goal.

And in "live sciences" they just present the goal.
And if you ask "how to isolate a virus", they just say: "you isolate a virus by isolating it and taking a image".
This is retarded. It's circular reasoning.

How to get to the goal? Step by step. "You get to the goal, by getting to the goal".
And all I did, was asking what is each individual step to get to a goal?
>what steps are required to isolate a virus to get to the goal of taking these retarded images?
>how do you identify a new virus if you do not even know how it looks like to begin with?
>how do you show causality, with the phenomenon of a specific disease?
>how do you have to prepare the sample to observe it at all?
>how does the preparation interfere with the natural state of a organism?
>how are the new factors and their influence controlled for?

Science is based on observation of phenomena, and then figuring out the way to get from state A to the state of the phenomenon.
If you make up shit in between, it's not science, it's pseudo science.

>> No.15362255

>but I’m an immunologist and we make viruses from RNA and
If you can't refute the answers to your post I can only hope that other immunologist are not that kind of retarded idiot you appears.

>> No.15362598
File: 118 KB, 900x2316, memes_cold_flu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shitty compartmentalization of the Medical system dumb as fuck.
A imemeogologist, does nothing but "interpreting" cell culture damage, which is passed over from viroliegists.
So the V-Tards pretend to do an "isolation", by poisoning and staining cell cultures.
Then they pass their results on to I-Tards, which literally just believe the crap.
And if you ask them, how do they know what they recieve is the specific virus which causes the specific disease, they say: "I am a immunologist, it's not my job, I just believe the virologists".
They the process a "sample" of the virus, which is nothing but:
>dead cell debris soaked in amphotericin B and Penecilin and Gentamycin
>contaminated with embryonic bovine serum

Then they take this shit, and add it to a new cell culture, maybe add white blood cells and on the premise, that the shit, they received is a "virus", they interpret a immune response.

Immunology is a tautology of virology.

>if finding B is dependent on the finding of A
>and finding A is wrong then B is also wrong

But this retarded chain of tautology is spilled into the Medical Doctors.
>MDs make diagnosis based on the claim of immonologists and they make claims based on memes created by Virologists
>it's all memes

>> No.15364684

Well, even if we are in a tibetan sand mural forum, and retards here literally chimp out when you mention the immune system, which debunks their anti-germer delusions, the guys who work in the BSL4 lab upstairs at my university are always talking about how adenovirus vectors from purified protein derivatives never cease to amaze them. They work mostly on flaviviridae most of the time, though.

>> No.15364730

>Well, even if we are in a tibetan sand mural forum, and retards here literally not provide source to the esotheric claims wich are nothing but memes, which debunks their germophobic delusions, the guys who work in the church of biological mysticism lab upstairs at my university are always talking about how a-memo-virus vectors from purified protein derivatives never cease to amaze them. They work mostly on flaviviridameme most of the time, though.

>> No.15364840

>mention the immune system, which debunks their anti-germer delusions
strawman, look what the people are actually questioning not the retards and trolls

>> No.15365248

>compartmentalization of the Medical system dumb as fuck.
Sound unbelievable but if true it is an uncontrolled layman system. I've read they do the same inside virology by avoiding control experiments. When I do my job that way I face a few years of jail for good reasons. Know people who got that even when doctors made the criminal decisions and killing the patient.

These criminals seems to be sure they never get what they deserve Hope I am in error, but I never trust tho cosa nostra.

>> No.15365465

>Know people who got that even when doctors made the criminal decisions and killing the patient.
Let me tell you a sad story.

I know a guy who did his practical year as a to become a MD in a hospital.
He was responsible for an elderly woman, and should treat her acording to the protocol by his mentor Dr.
The mentor wanted him to give her some meds to keep her quiet.
Some benzos I think.
The guy told the Doc, he will not do it, because she was on some contra indicative meds (I think it was morphine). Then the Doc threatened him, that he won't sign and approve his case reports for this semester, and if that happens, he would have study a year longer to become a doc.
So he gave in, and administered her the meds.
She died.
And had criminal investigation on him for that.
It took 2 years to get this resolved, even with witnesses who testified, that the Doc coerced him to do it.
But the best part is, nothing much happened to the doc, except him being required changing the hospital.

The guy on the other hand had 2 years of extreme depression and remorse, was suspended temporarily from his University and had to extend his medical education path by 3 years to get his MD.

>> No.15365524

>Let me tell you a sad story.
Can tell you a lot more of them, all lethal
But that's hospital/practice anecdotes.

Methinks theme is virus research, Wich looks like pure fraud to me. Same as in hospital, meds will rather kill half of humans on mother earth than to admit the are utterly and principal as wrong as flatearthers. Typical academia pretenders without human ethic.

>> No.15365547

Was responding to the OP. There are studies providing proof of isolation of virions. I'd be happy to post a few if you mongoloids aren't satisfied.

>> No.15365552

Post them.

>> No.15365562

Post them but remember that your proof of isolation needs to include a control.

>> No.15365597
File: 1.65 MB, 1040x5824, 1679666660131106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same as in hospital, meds will rather kill half of humans on mother earth than to admit the are utterly and principal as wrong as flatearthers

People forget, MDs tricked people into taking:
>heroin and ether
For minor issues.
They beggend and twistwd for keeping these drugs.
It's hilarious.
Blood letting.
Chemical dye waste products.
All for health.
Absolute kek.

>> No.15365601

>There are studies providing proof of isolation of virions.

Show study in which a nanoscopic replication competent organism is isolated and shown to be the cause of a specific disease.

>> No.15365602

>Come to /sci/ to learn something
>Become "radicalised" into disbelieving germ theory
I always thought people were nuts to go against germ theory and even seeing some of their environmental theories online they looked notes.
But in 5 minute's of reading your posts I now don't know what to believe anymore

>> No.15365621

This one won the nobel prize, what accolades did the others garnish?

>> No.15365658

>germ theory

being to dumb to grasp that topic is not on that

>> No.15365679
File: 272 KB, 952x557, 1675785488874364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take 11 patients with clinical condyloma acuminatum (genital warts)
>then take biopsies of warts
>then snap freeze them
>then grind each sample in phosphate-buffered saline with sterile sand, using mortar and pestle
>centrifuge the shit out of it
>take the supernatant and stored at −80°C
>then take a neonatal human foreskin from routine circumcision
>cut it into fragments of 1 by 1 mm
>incubated in 250 μl of the inoculum ( from steps before) for 1 h at 37°C
>implant graft under the skin of ear and under the renal capsule on both sides of three 5- to 8-week-old female mice
>kill the mice after 12 weeks
>none except one of the mice had a renal abnormality
>take the graft from the implant
>split it, fix one part with formalin and snap freeze other part in liquid N
>make histological assesment
>oh hmmm one of three got wierd in the renal area
>must be the Human papiloma virus
>because unsure
>take another neonatal human foreskin prepare it as before
>incubate in 225 μl of the (renal mice) lysate for 1 h at 37°C mice.
>implant it under the renal capsule on both sides of six 5- to 8-week-old female mice
>repeat experiment using a different foreskin on six additional mice
>sacrificed mice 19 weeks later.
>take now 11 of the 12 mice grafts
>grind them up and take again neonatal human foreskin as just as before and inoculate it as before
>but this time 3 by 3mm
>renal grafts are grafted in the usual manner, one per kidney, in six 6-week-old male mice
>repeat the experiment 4 times with different foreskins each time
>if mouse gets sick and has wierd malformation arround the kidney
>then my experiment was working and I have proven the HPV virus causes cancer, by implanting forskin next to mice kidneys
>100% logical and 100% ethical and 100% foreskin

Because of this experiment, girls take the HPV vaccine with the age 12 or so.
>picrel is the mouse with foreskin renal implants

>> No.15365697

>>then take a neonatal human foreskin from routine circumcision
>>take another neonatal human foreskin prepare it as before

It's sad that this is even a thing.

>> No.15365701

>get bunny
>get corpse of person with neurological disease
>get nerves
>grind them up
>put them in solution
>inject solution directly in the testicles of rabbit
>if rabbits get sick "poliomyelitis virus is proven"
>but wierdly only testicle are swollen but none got sick with polio
"The testicle of the fourth animal was injected into the 4th ventricle of a fifth. No symptoms occurred in the final animal or in any an|real of the

>then kill bunny
>take swollen testicles
>grind testicles up
>suspend them in solution
"virus emulsion was injected into a rabbit's testicle which was removed aseptically under anaesthesia in 4 days, ground up with saline and reinjected
into the testicle of a new animal."

>inject solution into the brain of a monkey
>if monkey gets sick, its proof of "virus"
>but monkey does not get sick
>only slighlty irritated
"An emulsion of the brain and cord of this animal injected intracerebrally into a monkey produced no
symptoms. "

>take three more monkey and directly inject solution in brain after drilling hole
"Three of the animals, two of which died, showed other symptoms
including spastic leg conditions, salivation, convulsions and postural abnormalities."
>inject in another group
"Two died without showing symptoms at 21 and 30 days."
>must be the virus

>hmm maybe its not the virus but the procedure of injecting shit in the brain
>lets do an control experiment:
"Many of the symptoms seen in the injected group were
seen in the control group."

kek. They required a control to figure out thet injecting mushed rabbit testicles into the brain of a monkey, meybe causes issues.
Yet they never gave up the "polio virus".

>> No.15365711
File: 36 KB, 453x146, 1679652076142876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these "virus" experiments are psycopathic animal torture.

It baffles me, that this shit never got any attention.

>> No.15365732

Goes back a fair way, like Pasteur's experiment trying to induce rabies in monkeys.

>> No.15365738
File: 665 KB, 1080x1679, a77c63f9ec0badf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boy dies of polio
>retrieved bone marrow
>musshed it dilluted into a syringe
>take 2 monkeys
>drill hole in head
>put science juice in brain
>if monkey die
>its confirmed that it is Pollio-virus
>even though no Electron microscopy was invented
>virology took only off in 1950

"The Landsteiner/Popper Experiment
What Landsteiner and Popper did in their experiment was draw fluid from the spinal cord of the dead boy’s body. They filtered “preparations” from the fluid1 2—preparations described by investigative journalist Janine Roberts as a “suspension in water of minced diseased spinal cord.”10 Landsteiner and Popper injected the preparations into the brains of two monkeys, who subsequently became severely ill. One of the monkeys died. The other monkey lived but suffered paralysis in its legs.

Landsteiner and Popper subsequently dissected the monkeys and found damage in their brain tissues which looked similar to the damage found in the brains of children who had been diagnosed with infantile paralysis.

>this proves polio is caused by eating unwashed apples or some shit

>> No.15365747
File: 1.27 MB, 908x2324, 1675413651040562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pasteur was a firm believer in "Spontanous generation" and Antoine Béchamp disproved him by showing him, that in a hermetically sealed and cooked water, no germs can be found.
And none were generated.

Antoine Béchamp showed that all bacteria and funghi derived from "somaties" or "microzyma" which just do one thing: Eat dead debris and transmute them.
The whole notion of muh germs, was just an excuse to make people have fear from each other, and consoom mercury and arsenicals and trust the doctors more.
And that what pasteuer also put into his anthrax vaccines.
And now you should ask "why did he believe, that anthrax caused disease?"
>be sheep
>get dipped in arsenic
>gets horribly sick
>luis pasteur comes by
>"must be the anthrax"
>sheep willingly get injected with crap vaccine
>sheep still get sick
>because sheep still get dipped in arsenic
>must be a new variant of anthrax
>pasteur never mentioned once "arsenic"

Same shit happened with rabies.
And of course the "early rabies treatment" also killed the people, which created fear arround rabies.

But thats a different story

>> No.15365757

You can do that the next generations as in any flatearth like retardation.

But it looks that transferable diseases exist were the pathogen is unknown. For me the cause of them is way more interesting than that academic-phamacrime grifter BS.

>> No.15365774

>For me the cause of them is way more interesting than that academic-phamacrime grifter BS
they're inseparble though.
Without the much bigger grift than one would easily imagine propping up the system and suppressing competing ideas we'd actually have answers

>> No.15365793

> Without the much bigger grift than one would easily imagine propping up the system and suppressing competing ideas we'd actually have answers
I know so i research myself and ask. Pretty sure i find people to work out answers or they already have. Surely they will not be found in the corrupt western med system.

>> No.15365842
File: 2.32 MB, 832x412, 1647175699765.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it looks that transferable diseases exist were the pathogen is unknown

It looks.

>invite 30 people
>cook for them
>put poison in food
>everybody gets sick
>must be contagious

>100 sailors go for 4 months on the see
>all of them get sick
>must be contagious
>*oh no it's actually scurvy

>people get neurological problems
>in rural regions
>between 1920-1955
>must be something contagious
>ackshually it was spraying neurotoxic DDT, Lead arsenate and Paris green on food and people and especcially children to "delice" them.

Common exposure != transmission.
These are easily confused.

>> No.15365976

>Common exposure != transmission.
>These are easily confused.
Boring obvious and well known. Now explain flu epidemic phenomena please.

>> No.15365979

well, why do you think there's a transmission of a pathogen?

>> No.15365985

>Now explain flu epidemic phenomena please
Fun game for you, flu "transmits" faster than possible via contagious particles.
If you want a real eye opener then really look into influenza and why it suddenly changed in the late 1800s and also the spanish flu contagion experiments

>> No.15366035

>well, why do you think there's a transmission of a pathogen?
I don't think so

flu "transmits" faster than possible via contagious particles.
> If you want a real eye opener then really look into influenza and why it suddenly changed in the late 1800s and also the spanish flu contagion experiments
Sure but what "transmit" or triggers a flu epidemic?

>> No.15366042

>Sure but what "transmit" or triggers a flu epidemic?
I'm not 100% sure yet but it is seriously affected by your vitamin d status.
I suspect it to have some relationship with radiowaves or microwaves.

>> No.15366053

>Sure but what "transmit" or triggers a flu epidemic?
vaccination, electromagnetic waves

>> No.15366073

Unless someone can bring me to the sun to where I can stand on it and walk around I refuse to believe it's not a hologram.

>> No.15366081

You got a room in your house where you can put an SEM? Also, does the liquid nitrogen man come to your door or do you have to go pick it up?

>> No.15366083

>I got the sniffles
>therefore there must be a nanoscopic radio waveform or injected vaccine particle that hijacks my cells and affects every person I contact

>> No.15366090

>I'm not 100% sure yet but it is seriously affected by your vitamin d status.
That's one theory, but it sounds too easy prove with studies.

>I suspect it to have some relationship with radiowaves or microwaves.
So the smartphone, radio, radar, G3/4/5 causes flu all over the world? Not very likely.
Flu existed without them in the last century.

People e.g. Lanka says the flu is a cleaning process inside your body that comes from time to time. Triggered by cold or Vitamin D deficiency or whatever. Maybe one factor, but it didn't convince me complete.

I suspect the immune overreaction called Covid (if any) is an exception and caused by flu vaxxing which confuses the immune system. But i do not found any hint and i am pretty sure that will be the last thing big pharma will release.

>> No.15366094

No one is using electron microscopes to look at whole ass shapes of cells. The utility for EM is seeing stuff on the protein level to gain more info. For example, it's good for visualizing the make up of cell memebranes. Dessicating a structure orders of magnitude larger than what you're observing doesn't disprove EM is good for visualizing things at the scale of proteins.

>> No.15366100

>Flu existed without them in the last century.
anon you need to actually read up on this stuff, the nature of influenza changed in the late 1800s it went from an erratic event that seemed to correlate with sunspots to a yearly seasonal problem.
I don't care about lanka or others like him I'm just trying to explain that something weird happened around 1880. and that flu seems like an indicator of something.

I still don't have a full explanation for it yet.

>> No.15366103

>I don't care about lanka or others like him I'm just trying to explain that something weird happened around 1880. and that flu seems like an indicator of something.
It's an indicator of better medical reporting.

>> No.15366111

It's not, and you are low IQ to jump to that conclusion.

>> No.15366115

>anon you need to actually read up on this stuff, the nature of influenza changed in the late 1800s it went from an erratic event that seemed to correlate with sunspots to a yearly seasonal problem.
maybe but population density and travel opportunities were way lower and news are a rare thing too. Beside there were very few radio transmissions before 1900.

>> No.15366119

Most ironic post in this thread.

>> No.15366123

Look I'm telling you that it's not that, there was this sudden "russian flu" pandemic and suddenly the rates were way higher.
It's not a definition, or diagnosis change we have quite good data from the time showing as such.

Something in the environment changed.

>> No.15366135

>It's not a definition, or diagnosis change we have quite good data from the time showing as such.
Ok, but there were other diseases suddenly comes and go and it looks like some of them follows travel routes.

>> No.15366137

which diseases are you talking about?

>> No.15366139

>which diseases are you talking about?
Some flues, had a map from here (Deutsches Reich) were they showed the outbreaks by date. Was a clear transmission path. Or take the plague. Path and pathogen are pretty well known.

>> No.15366144

I have easily enough space and resources. I'll take care of the details when I get nearer to actually doing it.
I already found that I can probably afford to pay a tech to come teach me to use it for a few thousand dollars.

>> No.15366147

I'm just telling you what I know, you'll have to reconcile the facts you come across for yourself

>> No.15366156

>I'm just telling you what I know, you'll have to reconcile the facts you come across for yourself
Sure and thanks, i am a layman (too) need and want to know. Before the covid scam i never cared about the Academic-Media-BigPharma grifters. But now that satanic world has become dangerous so i try to find out. Despite all the fog walls they made. That's my motivation.

>> No.15366161

I had a graph saved somewhere, if I could find it again I'd show you.

>> No.15366165

no study has ever shown acidosis to be contagious

>> No.15366166

we had plagues before vaccination, retard

>> No.15366168

>All these methods disrupt the natural state of an tissue and kills it.
You might as well say that EM is completely worthless then because any tissue sample that has been stained with osmium tetroxide or whatever has had its "natural state" disrupted.
But like no one says that. I wonder why.

>> No.15366174

>Gil ert ling and harold hilman proved, that the dehydration, staining and freezing create so much artifacts, that an EM is nothing but a noise machine.
So why do electron micrographs not look like noise?

>> No.15366218

Show study that proves they aren't the cause of a specific disease. We'll be waiting for:
a. An actual study
b. Your inevitable post crying about proving a negative because you can't back up your delusions with fact

>> No.15366302
File: 80 KB, 674x534, flu death rates England 1850-1940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366330

So... what is it then?

>> No.15366364


>> No.15366603
File: 732 KB, 684x2668, 1630246177685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They look like noise.
Never said EM is useless.
But Harold Hilman proved that ribosomes are a artifact of EM.

Nobody said it's worthless.
It's worthless if you don't do a controll.
Every I. Histologist knows that staining and fixing shrinks and distorts tissue.
Thats why you have a control.
Without control, you cannot distinguish if what you are seing is real or a representation of reality.
Or if the retarded nano phages you show are an effect of EM staining agents reacting with other agents (antibiotics, antimycotics) in your sample.
Shit is artifacts until proven otherwise.
That fact that people believe synapses look like slime aliens snot, is based on shriveled up and dehydrated cells.

Picrel is a monkey kidney cell dying because of lead.
Picrel is the "breakdown" of the cells. Indistinguishable from virus phages.
If you fuck up the cell.
The cell breaks down. And you EM the broken fragments.
All you see is contrast.

>> No.15366605

>Show study that proves they aren't the cause of a specific disease
Show a study that proves invisible unicorns didn't do 9/11.

>> No.15366611

>Sure but what "transmit" or triggers a flu epidemic?

Greed and money.
Kill people, by forcing meds on them.
Like arsenics and experimental meningococal vaccines (By the Rockefeller institute).

It's a thousand year old pattern.
There is rarely a Pathogonomic disease.

widespread epidemics.
are literally a meme.
It's a broadcast phenomeon.
If you force test and create fear, and claim that different diseases and symptoms all of a sudden are all now ony disease, then you can declare a "pandemic".

>1) collect a group of symptoms from various or similar diseases (or ICD-10 codes)
>2) declare the group of collected symptoms now are a new Disease
>3) deploy a scare campaign and panic and make sure that [insert new disease] is diagnose as often as possible, so that people with one or more symptoms can be declared as "infected"
>4) include a asymptomatic form of disease, and make sure it gets diagnosed
>5) declare pandemic based on epidemiological/ statistical increase of diagnosis [insert new Disease or ICD-10 code]
>6) use pandemic to increase regulatory power, thin out population and force product on them
>7) after product is deployed revise what you told on step 2) and say symptoms are now different diseases and should be diagnosed as such
>8) declare pandemic is over based on epkdemiolical/statistical decrease of diagnosis with [insert new disease or ICD-10 Code]

Epidemics are started and ended with the strike of a pen.
>picrel of:

>> No.15366698
File: 798 KB, 1356x3360, 1661151359014127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure but what "transmit" or triggers a flu epidemic?

Human intervention by """"doctors"""" and military and state sanctioned coercion into taking meds.

It's literally the rockefeller vaccine they got weeks before.
There were soldiers who weren't even stationed in europe who became ill with the spanish flu.


Here they did experiments to see if the spanish flu "transmits".

Read picrel.
None of them got sick.

They were either starved or poisoned by 3 of menengitis vaccine with increasing doses.

And of course there is a factcheck for that:

Also at onset of "illness" the "illness" got worsened by the "standard" protocol of giving calomel (mercury), tar based cough syrup and arsenicals.

Also the "spanish" flu had really some none "flu like" symptoms, which appear like a poisoning:

" People coughed violently and suffered excruciating pain. They turned black. They bled – not just from the mouth and nose but also from the ears and even, rarely, the eyes. Lungs became so weakened that they crackled when flu victims turned over in their beds. A person could be perfectly healthy in the morning and dead that night."

Sounds like a flu right?

>> No.15366736
File: 154 KB, 965x1024, 1681746398526097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this board invaded by people spewing the same absurd theories again and ag.. ohh, thats why.

>> No.15366914

>vaccine deaths

>> No.15366970

Since you are making it a point that you are normie cattle.
Did you know Jonas Salk wrote a book in 1973 called Survival of the Wisest wear he clearly and literally says that vaccines and viruses should be used to induce heritable traits and sterilize the population?

But go on with your day sir.
Make sure they give you the good vaccines with mercury and aluminum adjuvant.

>> No.15367002
File: 3.20 MB, 1636x1420, jonas_salk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jonas Salk

>> No.15367005

Yep, I'm on the wrong computer or I'd post the highlighted portions from Survival of the Wisest.
FLATTEN THE (population) CURVE.

>> No.15367008

Also, I've seen that infographic before, I'm a book collector...it's so fucking cringe.
That's a thousand dollar book of historical relevance marked up like a retard tier med students biology book.
My physical copy is kept in as great as condition as possible and I use online version for mark up and sharing.
I guess what's done is done.
Carry on.

>> No.15367010

Incidentally Dr Salk was Jewish...

>> No.15367892

It's showing a cell infected with a virus, the virus being all the little black dots. You can see they're replicating over time in the images

>> No.15367905
File: 20 KB, 715x557, 774d5e58-d66c-4308-a243-a265a809ca56[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something in the environment changed.

>> No.15367909

there are giant viruses larger than normal bacteria. So if these don't exist because they're only seen under electron microscopes then logically most bacteria wouldn't exist either

>> No.15368054

Never said that germs do not exist.
Nor bacteria.
Nor """"giant""" viruses.
But nanoscopic disease bringing organisms do not exist.
The EM is only relevant, because virologists, are simply unable to find or isolate a virus from its natural habitat, your sick snot.
So they do a surrogate method, which is called """"indirect evidence""".
This requires a cell culture, and since you cannot isolate the virus, they attempt to convince you, that "the virus is there" because the monkey kidney cells dies, while ignoring:
>starving and poisoning of cell culture
>They call this shit CPE (cytopathic effect)
And they don't do a control experiment.

The difference between the existance of germs and the alleged causality of germ based disease is, one is allegedly bringer of disease, which allows some dubious people to change your way of life, but are unable to be found in nature, and the other one is: "see I found a small thing in nature"

And there is bacteria and so called "giant viruses"
Which can be found, without any wierd tissue sample and tissue contamination with toxins and staining agents.

And for the EXISTANCE of bacteria exist proof.
Only the GERM THEORY of DISEASE is the meme.
Maybe there is """viruses"""" but they are not cause of disease, because they are just "exosomes" relabeled as virus.