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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 94 KB, 1920x1080, GPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15358908 No.15358908 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get why everyone is hyping up AI. It's as dumb a gorilla. It can't even write a compiler and just autogenerates a generic response. What a dumb retard faggot program

>> No.15358915

I am 100% sure it was able to write code but it was removed because students were using it to cheat their assignments.

>> No.15358923

Give it 10 years retard, it will rape you eventually.

>> No.15358966

261 more multiples of two more weeks

>> No.15358972

they said that about iPhones, computers and so much more only for defeatist cynic faggots like you get btfo'd

>> No.15358998

All of those things still cannot write a compiler.

>> No.15359035

Isn't this the dumber free version?

>> No.15359046

>another anti-AI thread on sci

Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15359049


>> No.15359072
File: 118 KB, 1080x482, glownigger3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made by kikes
>fed globohomo data
into the trash it goes

>> No.15359075

neither can you, for that matter

>> No.15359077

Neither can you, and neither can 99% of all humans on earth. AI isn't omniscient, but it is beating out a lot of human retards even faster than expected.

>> No.15359079

>the new atlantis
>omg this is literally weimar 2.0!
>babylon has risen
why are /pol/cels unable to think about anything other than fairy tale shit?

>> No.15359113

/pol/ is spammed to death by redditiers who are still upset about 2016 and its moderated by the same people who were exposed in "the twitter files" so its pretty much a lot cause. the whole board is pretty much just various flavors of mentally ill leftists trolling each other

>> No.15359131

its going to go from being a stupid party trick to extremely out of hand in the blink of an eye, but thats still a few decades off

>> No.15359137
File: 222 KB, 600x315, Epfau8SUwAAp6BM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whole board is pretty much just various flavors of mentally ill leftists trolling each other

>> No.15359488

I don't get why everyone is hyping up compsci degrees. See my point!

>> No.15359547

>using free version
now you know why

>> No.15359564

It was pretty shifty at writing anything novel. It could write a Quick Sort function easily but ask it to write code to scrape a list of football stadiums and their geographic coordinates from a sports site and it would fuck up with very nice looking code that didn't work.

>> No.15361461

Yes they can, if a computer couldn't compile a compiler and write it to the storage device, you wouldn't be able to use a computer to make sure everyone on the internet knows you are an idiot.

>> No.15361700

Jason threw a rock amongst the Spartoi and years later they're still going at it

>> No.15361719

Students are using it to cheat at their writing assignments if stopping cheating was their goal they would remove the ability to generate any language.

>> No.15362690

it can write smut that suits my extremely niche taste

>> No.15363062
File: 136 KB, 1376x1124, explaining the singularity to retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's as dumb a gorilla.
For now

>> No.15363162

you need divine intellect to write a compiler. the AI is not even niggerlicious.

>> No.15365788

I use it to cheat on tests. GPT-4 is still retarded. I constantly have to check my notes in order to see if the answers it's giving me are actually correct. That said it's a huge time saver. Just requires a human supervision at all times.

>> No.15367173

After using it for a while I am unimpressed. It's just a search engine that compiles information for you into a few paragraphs. Like googling something but without having to trawl through websites yourself. It's still useful but not what it's hyped to be.