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15357868 No.15357868 [Reply] [Original]

Penultimate day - edition

Previous >>15355275

>> No.15357876

Space is fake

>> No.15357879
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Orbital test failure strawpoll, second day running


>> No.15357881

I hate that word

>> No.15357883
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henlo again page 1 fren

>> No.15357884
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>> No.15357886


>> No.15357889

alright wheres the false flagging gore poster

>> No.15357890

it barely moves yet they can't make a wheel that lasts.

>> No.15357891
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Good thread OP.

>> No.15357892

Nothing happens as long as the Anime spam subsides

>> No.15357897

Gore posting will continue until moral improves

>> No.15357900
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>> No.15357903

the absolute state of JPL

>> No.15357904


>> No.15357906
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>> No.15357909
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The Mars colony will consist of ubermensch

>> No.15357912

this has been known for like 50 years but is controversial since it has racist implications

>> No.15357917

Becoming a colonist on the Martian frontier is my only hope of getting away from all these brown people they keep bringing into my country

>> No.15357918

brown people will come to the colony as well no doubt, but as long as there is a high fitler (which there will undoubtedly be), then the colony will have traits that are much "better" than the mean traits on earth, both IQ and probably other traits as well

>> No.15357923
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>> No.15357925

I can accept that, if they are the well behaved kind and aren’t just criminal or extremists like the ones I’m receiving now

>> No.15357926

annoying that hes the only person who can authentically say this

>> No.15357927

A mars colony will be full of space Mexicans and you all know it

>> No.15357929

Love that hes the only person who can authentically say this

>> No.15357932

it's cringe when he says it.

>> No.15357934
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with future spinhabs far away from other places you could have colonies that are something like ethnonationalist nations were a few centuries ago
lets say a place with only icelandic people or something and they could be autonomous like a small city state
countless small floating city states in space

>> No.15357937
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substantiate your claims

>> No.15357941
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>> No.15357944

Obviously US government will make sure that every human habitation in space will have its fair share of minorities.

>> No.15357946

Has SpaceX reported the anomaly to the FAA yet or do they have to wait for monday morning?

>> No.15357947
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i didnt know masseys was a fucking island

>> No.15357949
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>> No.15357950

The site of Musk's Final Stand.

>> No.15357951

What's the argument against space terrariums?

>> No.15357952

Nothing says planned obsolescence better than some alu-butter wheels.

>> No.15357953
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there was no anomaly

>> No.15357955

Post more aesthetics

>> No.15357956

So what happens first, JPL sends a fuck-off huge rover to Mars on starship, or colonization efforts start and thousands of teslabots are sent over

>> No.15357957

are those percy wheels?

>> No.15357958
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too bad they didnt post one without the couple

>> No.15357960

just ai them out

>> No.15357961

There’s apps now that can remove photobombers

>> No.15357963
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we all know this couple

>> No.15357964

Isn't the next mission for JPL to retrieve the dirt capsules that the current rover is leaving everywhere? That project is going to take like a decade and after that there might be a huge rover by JPL but thats like the next cycle
so 15-20 years away, boots will hopefully happen way sooner (like under 8 years)
predicting the timeline for teslabots its is own thing, but the way JPL is doing things the latter might actually, unironically happen before the first one

>> No.15357965

me on the right but with no autistic wife

>> No.15357967

just make sure that life on the frontier is uncomfortable hard work for no monetary gain. Nogs will simply refuse to go. If you make decadent paradises like >>15357934 refugees and gibs grifters will migrate there by any means necessary, usually they get in by sympathy conning your soft population.

>> No.15357968 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15357970

would bang

>> No.15357971

Do you have a pussy (read: cat) though?

>> No.15357972

Whipping the sparks out of your launch tower isn't a preflight operations anomaly? If the FAA thinks it is and SpaceX launches without reporting all legal hell breaks lose.

>> No.15357975
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>> No.15357979

its fine, don't worry about it
nothing substantial happened

>> No.15357982
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got married on the boca chica beach?

>> No.15357984

It would be funny if the Mars Sample Return was completely obsoleted by a single pioneering cargo starship going to Mars in the 2024 transfer window

>> No.15357989
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i hate it

>> No.15357991

it'll never be human rated between tomorrow and next year. expect years of red tape so nasa gets to do it first.

>> No.15357994
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>Bringing samples from Mars is the logical next step for robotic exploration and it will require multiple missions that will be more challenging and more advanced than any robotic missions before. Accomplishments in robotic exploration in recent years have increased confidence in success – multiple launches will be necessary to deliver samples from Mars.

>ESA is working with NASA to explore mission concepts for an international Mars Sample Return campaign between 2020 and 2030.

>Three launches will be necessary to accomplish landing, collecting, storing and finding samples and delivering them to Earth.

>NASA’s Mars 2020 mission will explore the surface and rigorously document and store a set of samples in canisters in strategic areas to be retrieved later for flight to Earth.

>Two subsequent missions are foreseen to achieve this next step.

>A NASA launch will send the Sample Retrieval Lander mission to land a platform near the Mars 2020 site. From here, a small ESA rover – the Sample Fetch Rover – will head out to retrieve the cached samples.

>Once it has collected them in what can be likened to an interplanetary treasure hunt, it will return to the lander platform and load them into a single large canister on the Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV). This vehicle will perform the first liftoff from Mars and carry the container into Mars orbit.

>ESA’s Earth Return Orbiter will be the next mission, timed to capture the basketball-size sample container orbiting Mars. The samples will be sealed in a biocontainment system to prevent contaminating Earth with unsterilised material before being moved into an Earth entry capsule.

>The spacecraft will then return to Earth, where it will release the entry capsule for the samples to end up in a specialised handling facility.

>> No.15357995
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if its launching in the morning then its going to be hard to see? i might not be able to see it from my location...

>> No.15357997

I’ve never been into super hero movies, never understood why people like it so much

>> No.15357999

I said cargo starship not human one, even if it takes until the 2028 window for humans to start going that's a good five years ahead of the Sample Return timeline

>> No.15358000


>> No.15358004

Well, no one was hurt but something potentially dangerous happened that shouldn't.

>> No.15358005
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> The NASA-ESA Mars Sample Return is a proposed Mars sample return (MSR) mission to collect Martian rock and soil samples in 43 small, cylindrical, pencil-sized, titanium tubes and return them to Earth around 2033.[3]


I wonder if JPL is going to pivot or not?
Didn't they hamstring and try to block Red Dragon already? They might have the motive to block, but after it becomes inevitable perhaps they are nimble enough to pivot? Probably not though

>> No.15358006

Has there been any actual hard progress on this? I know lockmart was working on the MAV, but are there any definite timelines or launch vehicles?

>> No.15358007

no i have a doggo though

>> No.15358010
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> 17.11.2022
>NASA and the European Space Agency are developing plans for one of the most ambitious campaigns ever attempted in space: bringing the first samples of Mars material safely back to Earth for detailed study. The diverse set of scientifically curated samples now being collected by NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover could help scientists answer the question of whether ancient life ever arose on the Red Planet.
>Bringing samples of Mars to Earth for future study would happen in several steps with multiple spacecraft, and in some ways, in a synchronized manner. This short animation features key moments of the Mars Sample Return campaign: from landing on Mars and securing the sample tubes to launching them off the surface and ferrying them back to Earth.
>Animation is contributed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the European Space Agency, Goddard Space Flight Center, and Marshall Space Flight Center.

>> No.15358012

Infinitely more valuable than a woman

>> No.15358014

>Elon Musk doesn't know what "raised seperately" mean

>> No.15358015


>> No.15358021

you'll get some tubes of rogg in 2040 and you'll be happy

>> No.15358024

I'll be on Venus, in my cloud colony

>> No.15358026

It's incredibly some people aren't satisfied with the breakneck pace of getting a several grams of mars dust by 2045.

>> No.15358029

literally none
everyone knows its going no where and a starship will take a shit on it

>> No.15358030

one one hand these rube goldberg machine missions are pretty cool but on the other hand, really? what the fuck
mass autism, not even once

>> No.15358031

rockets never actually go to space because space is fake.

>> No.15358036

the point is, even if you raise twins separately their IQs are going to be very close to each other
the point is that IQ is genetic, his twins having an almost identical IQ just reinforces the point

>> No.15358039

only for them to go "cor, we've learned nothing, we think there might be past life and more water so we'll send another rover in the 2070s if budgetary constraints allow"

>> No.15358043

My experience with IQ tests is that your performance increases a lot if you have done an IQ test before.
They have certain styles of questions and you can answer them much faster if you know what you are looking for.
So that the variance is close to the same person doing a test twice, probably doesn't say as much as it seems because that variance is already high.
It's not really a proper control.

The difference between random and twins is possible evidence of genetic influence, but we don't actually know how well the environment is controlled here, besides that they aren't raised together.
There can still be confounding environmental factors based on the fact they are both adopted (IE adoptee parents are often subject to strict criteria to ensure fitness), both raised in broadly similar areas and both identical.
If for example you believed that en-equal racial education outcomes had an effect on IQ in adults, then the fact that the children would be the same race would reduce variation relative to the general population.

I'm not making an argument for or against the relative influence of genetics, I just really hate when people use misleading graphs and data to confirm their biases.

>> No.15358046

Just think, in 23 hours Mass autism will be a thing of the past
We can send up another JWST that's 3x heavier but 1/100th the cost

>> No.15358049

I work with a guy that actually believes this, he told me it must be true because rockets always curve instead of going straight up. Imagine being this stupid

>> No.15358050

That's like 60 year old info though, nothing new

>> No.15358053
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I think they're planning to sustain themselves on thruster sales (and investor money) until their orbital launch vehicle is around. In his MECO interview their CEO seemed hopeful but not delusional about a suborbital payload market emerging

>> No.15358056

>human rated
Only matters if you're launching NASA astronauts. It won't happen, but if SpaceX has a crew of cowboy employees ready to fly in 2024 the government can't do anything to stop them.

>> No.15358058

> If for example you believed that en-equal racial education outcomes had an effect on IQ in adults, then the fact that the children would be the same race would reduce variation relative to the general population.
complete non-sequitur, the twins in this case had a similar IQ to each other, not their underlying race

>> No.15358060

What about studies on twins who are of different races? Would the black twin have the same iq?

>> No.15358062

>twins who are of different races
anon i...

>> No.15358077

Really do you have evidence of that? The chart does not specify race or background when it talks about random people, it is presumably taking from the whole population.

>> No.15358081


>> No.15358084

does nsf go live at midnight or what?

>> No.15358089

So there’s no way that SpaceX develops and tests landing, refueling, reuse and gets starship crew certified for HLS in 2 years right?

>> No.15358088
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>> No.15358094

artemis 3 aint happening until at least 2027, maybe even 2029

>> No.15358099

I'd bank that sheet metal so hard too.

>> No.15358101

They don't need most of those things for HLS to work, only thing it needs to do is be able to refuel and land on the moon.

>> No.15358103

polaris dawn are likely to fly on starship before nasa will

>> No.15358106

Difference between two random people is about looking at the chart 17, a bit over one standard deviation if the population mean is 100 and std 15 (as it usually is), which is basically the same you get if you look at the equation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_absolute_difference)) for the mean absolute difference of a normal distribution, which would be 2/sqrt(pi)
*std = 16.92 in this case

if IQ wasn't genetic, the mean absolute difference between the twins should be close to this value (17), and not 7 or something like it appears to be
its almost identical to a person taking a two tests

>> No.15358115

oh fuck i just understood why elon said delayed 3 days...

>> No.15358116
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Mars will quickly go from "holy shit I'm on Mars" to the equivalent of working on an oil right or fishing boat or something, like oh man this kinda sucks but at least I'll get some decent money when I finish this nine month tour

>> No.15358117
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> shitting up /sfg/ with IQ posts
we have a whole board for that anon

>> No.15358125

except the risk of imminent death will be alot higher
if someone freaks out they could kill an entire section with a wrench too

>> No.15358126

I think the people there would be much more mission focused
at least until the colony gets large enough
people just looking for a payday will risk their lives to go to mars? I really doubt that, they would at least have some interest in going to space and so on
being a mars pioneer won't be easy or safe, it won't be sold as easy or safe

>> No.15358127

Why is Musk doing the construction process next to the fucking ocean.... and hit by annual hurricanes... in an area that's 1 foot above sea level..

>> No.15358128
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>> No.15358130

To test SpaceX's abilities.

>> No.15358135

anon it will have to be easy and mostly safe for the pay
or you're not going to get enough qualified people

>> No.15358136

In theory the testing should be easier because it's fucking empty there, unfortunately they didn't account for beetles.

>> No.15358137

>people just looking for a payday will risk their lives to go to mars? I really doubt that
You underestimate how bored and poor a lot of Americans are. A minuscule fraction of the kids enlisting in the military instead opting for Mars duty is all that will be needed for the next few decades

>> No.15358138

Goodnight /sfg/. It's cool that such an important event is happening in comfy ausfag hours. I hated having to wake up for the hops only to find that fuelling was delayed or whatever. See you tomorrow bros.

>> No.15358140

hard mode so when they get to mars it will be easy

>> No.15358143

Fresh ESG Hound


>An FWS employee measured a sound intensity reading of 110 decibels (dB) three miles from the launch site during a static fire test conducted in February.

>I expected more from our agencies, from the press, and frankly from SpaceX itself. I still am in shock that a rocket system, the largest in history, will be fired off, from an inadequate facility, in the middle of an endangered species habitat, by a company that revels in the beautiful failure of explosions with seemingly no guardrails and no respect for the real danger this operation presents to the public.

>> No.15358145
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>I still am in shock that a rocket system, the largest in history, will be fired off, from an inadequate facility, in the middle of an endangered species habitat

good, fuck beetles

>> No.15358146

wrong, spacex is not easy (somewhat safe I guess) and its still the most wanted place for new graduates

you think people would go to mars even knowing its very difficult and dangerous and the pay would be probably mediocre at best, not something you would do if you wanted to become rich

>> No.15358147
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This is hilarious
>For the first time ever, Europe has surpassed the US in private spacetech investment, according to new research from Seraphim.

but it's only for YTD 2023 (Q1 2023) AHHAHA
Also It's *mostly* due to that one Isar Aerospace investment

>> No.15358151

you have to have the construction location close to the launch site, moving around those massive boosters and starships isn't possible to do for long distances
the launch site needs to be close to the sea so the launches don't go over populated areas

>> No.15358153

Musk will have people working for pennies and they'll be sucking his dick to do it.
Maybe pay them in martian tenements.

>> No.15358160

So the difference between someone doing two tests is almost half a standard deviation? That's enormous! I don't know how any unbiased person could justify using that as a control.
>If IQ wasn't genetic
I am not saying that there isn't a genetic role in intelligence, I am saying people are drawing conclusions that the data, shoddy as it is, does not support.

>> No.15358164

not everyone wants to become rich.

>> No.15358166

They should just convert whole Cape into a facility for Starship. Who cares about other rockets.

>> No.15358170

>Teams are completing final checkouts and reviews ahead of Starship’s first flight test attempt; weather is looking pretty good for tomorrow morning but we're keeping an eye on wind shear

>> No.15358172 [DELETED] 

he is basically saying buildings will collapse, peoples eardrums will be blown out, windows will shatter on south padre

> The heat plume expected from launch would instantly kill any animal unfortunate enough to be caught in its wake. Though SpaceX did admit to this fact, several wildlife biologists I spoke with were stunned at some of the language used in FAA’s justification for minimizing modeled casualties. Lines such as: “Noise from the Raptor engines would cause a startle response of animals and would effectively direct them away from the area and reduce the risk of being affected by the heat of the plume4
” appear to serve more as handwaving away actual impacts rather than discuss them in a serious manner.

> I expected more from our agencies, from the press, and frankly from SpaceX itself. I still am in shock that a rocket system, the largest in history, will be fired off, from an inadequate facility, in the middle of an endangered species habitat, by a company that revels in the beautiful failure of explosions with seemingly no guardrails and no respect for the real danger this operation presents to the public.
haha fuck you cunt

>> No.15358175
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Whoever made this should sign it, so I can upload it to e621

>> No.15358178

isn't cape canaveral not only the busiest space port in the world but also one of the best national parks boasting some of the nest nature protections on earth?
>yes it is

>> No.15358179
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>> No.15358182

Do you blame the driver if he hits a deer jumping right in front of his car.

>> No.15358183

>My experience with IQ tests is that your performance increases a lot if you have done an IQ test before.
I think it would be easy to rigorously test if taking more IQ tests will increase performance on them

>> No.15358186
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>> No.15358188

no curiosity

>> No.15358189
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>> No.15358190

Some even ask if you have taken iq tests before
The science is well settled at this poiny

>> No.15358192

Yes, drive slower and stop using high beams

>> No.15358193
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>> No.15358195

>I am saying people are drawing conclusions that the data, shoddy as it is, does not support.
What's your best argument for IQ not being entirely determined by genes? (as opposed to environment)

>> No.15358196

>real danger this operation presents to the public.
what danger?

>> No.15358198

100% chance there will be one or several holds on the first day. No idea if it’ll scrub though but probably.

>> No.15358201
File: 169 KB, 1200x675, 9377_PIA25326-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but think that this is an incredibly mass inefficient way of bringing back what amounts to a few pounds of dust. The lander looks almost as heavy as the rocket, and that as heavy as the space probe.

For the love of God I hope Elon makes a mission to get back their own samples by 2028 fuck this old space decade long garbage. There has to be a better way

>> No.15358203

no, that's Curiosity at 4.5 years after touchdown

Percy's wheels are doing much better, having been designed based on the lessons learned with Curiosity

>> No.15358207

>he is basically saying buildings will collapse, peoples eardrums will be blown out, windows will shatter on south padre

Arise, arise, Stans of Elon!
Fell deeds awake: thunder and rapture!
Eardrums shall burst, glass be shattered,
a blast-day, a blazing day, ere the sun rises!
Launch now, launch now! Launch to orbit!

Total Bird Death! Total Bird Death! Total Bird Death!
Ignition sequence start!

>> No.15358208

i cant wait to see what a mature passenger starship looks like on the outside and inside
right now starship is still kind of primitive

>> No.15358210

>Falcon Heavy is returning to its hangar at launch complex 39A
It's over

>> No.15358211
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>> No.15358213

Imagine making wheels that damage themselves driving at 1 meter a day

>> No.15358215

Needs a laughing SpaceX astronaut just digging up samples with a shovel

>> No.15358220

lets see how they look in another 3 years

>> No.15358219

space is hard

>> No.15358221

Imagine driving a cubic kilometer a day with Starship

>> No.15358226

If Apollo were to “continue” in the form of biyearly flights to the moon, would we have eventually seen COTS but for lunar crew and cargo?

>> No.15358228
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>> No.15358230
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The Flynn effect is the most stark example, the population 70 years ago would perform a full standard deviation lower if compared to the test scores of present population.
There are also meta studies that show the improvements from education accounting for selective factors, by comparing IQ at different ages and by observing the drop in IQ amongst students when out of school (IE over long holidays).
Many of the race IQ studies also show significant differences between the IQ performance of black children raised by white parents as well as showing that the gap between white and black scores has closed over time.

>> No.15358232

21 hours and 30 mins till Starship

>> No.15358231

It’s crazy to think space opera stuff existed even before we put probes in LEO

>> No.15358235

Less than 24 hours from now Starship will have launched (or scrubbed)

>> No.15358236

If you tell a kid from Arkansas that he can make $400k for a 26 month tour plus nine months of training he will jump in a heartbeat. That salary is peanuts in the broader scheme of a Mars development plan.
Again you are underestimating how poor and optionless a lot of people are. 50k young people enlist in the US Army every year and accept plenty of danger in exchange for $23k/year and often no meaningful skill development.

>> No.15358237


>> No.15358239

I know the Polaris contract has them has the first Starship crew, but does that include on any Starship or just of one capable of launching/landing crew? HLS Starship looks simpler and safer than the Starship Polaris would use.

>> No.15358241

Me on the right, Krystal on the left

>> No.15358243

thats a very good argument i never thought of that

>> No.15358246

shut up about IQ already nigger

>> No.15358249

We're going to be too old =(

>> No.15358250
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9h 20min to Musk Starship Twitter Spaces (twitter audio livestream) exclusive for people who subscribe to Musk on Twitter

>> No.15358252

The problem is that 99% of the people who would accept something like that are not the types of people you want on a Mars colony.

>> No.15358257

Oldspace's defining trait is autism, really. I despise it in principle but hold an irrational love for the weirdness mass savings produce

>> No.15358259
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I'm so bored, what should I do while I wait for the launch? Then when it scrubs, 20h waiting again

>> No.15358260

learn something with gpt4

>> No.15358261

People who would accept something like that work fine on oil rigs and in mines and on every other industrial project in the developed world.

>> No.15358265
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reminder elon will be talked about for hundreds or thousands of years to come
there will be statues of him, cities named after him, children of no relation will be named after him...

>> No.15358268

I think they'd want old people, staying on Mars raises your risk of cancer in the next 20 years, but if you're already like 50 then it doesn't even really matter anymore

>> No.15358270

i think they're going up in a dragon then docking with a starship

>> No.15358272

mars cancer risk doesn't matter
literally a few cm's of material above your head is all you need

>> No.15358274

Have they talked about what the lunar starship would be made of? Maybe stainless steel structure but the outside looks different

>> No.15358275

Actually yeah I suppose the bigger issue is the trip, staying in deep space for 18 months

>> No.15358277

Stainless painted white.
Simple as

>> No.15358278

>Mars blows up on launch
Thanks my brain, you're very good at reading things.

>> No.15358283

>staying in deep space for 18 months
Transit time will be like 4 months anon

>> No.15358282

>18 months
its like 4-5 months
low dose radiation is completely overblown too

>> No.15358285

Oh wait was it that little, I thought it was like nine months one way

>> No.15358289

Depends on the type of transfer you use. Some old mission plans had 180 day or longer transfers for mass autism but with starship it doesn't make sense to save that bit of fuel for like 2x travel time

>> No.15358290
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Chinese Starship launching from man-made island in South China Sea 2028 (colorized)

>> No.15358293

Yeah that's about right. With higher energy you can get to about 7 and a half.

>> No.15358295

prove otherwise
every single sim i have seen shows 5ish months transfer time

>> No.15358307

Bros, would you have children with an otherwise excellent partner with IQ less than 100? Even Elon fucked Amber Heard. I'm concerned about the consequences of super models and actresses for the Martian race.

Does Mars need a "no idiots" policy, and if so what should be the cutoff? What does the ideal Martian eugenics program look like? Subsidies for high IQ breeders and their children? Free transportation to Mars for desirables?

>> No.15358308
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Perseverance was 6.5 months and it was a relatively low energy trajectory. 4-5 months is entirely achievable every window

>> No.15358313

how much delta v does a fully fueled 150t starship have in leo again?
it was some absurd amount right?

>> No.15358317

with space colonization there has to be a balance of ethics and ambition, IQ might be controlled for but I see it as far less important than the question of subjecting children to sealed environments for their entire lives.

>> No.15358318

>low dose radiation is completely overblown too
Gateway will prove or disprove that

>> No.15358319
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enough to take 100 tons anywhere in the solar system, maybe even escape trajectory.

>> No.15358320
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when are we getting cyberpunk starbase again?

>> No.15358321
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>> No.15358322

They only have 30 years before the megaton mark and the official foundation of the Martian capital city. They can barely plan two missions in that time. There are good odds the rover after next or the one after that gets flipped over by a drunk Martian separatist. All assuming Elon lives long enough.

>> No.15358326

crop, nigger

>> No.15358331

we already know this from earth that its not true
low dose radiation is a complete fucking nothing burger
it might actually be good for us

>> No.15358333
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Yeah, I'm thinking kino

>> No.15358337

IIRC it doesn't get past Saturn without gravity assists

>> No.15358339
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hopefully the last day people have such dismal thoughts as pic related, soon we'll be swimming in deltaV

>> No.15358341
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also fuck i love bing gpt
i couldn't remember the name or where that city even was but bing figured it out

>> No.15358343
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I remember Scott manley saying that the pads at LC-39 were built with the super heavy NOVA rocket in mind, in reference to starship operating there.

However on Wikipedia it says that they were actually planning three seperate pads for Nova and they were cancelled when they finalised around Apollo around Saturn.
Any idea about this?

Also worth considering that the original Nova was just an alternative design to the S-V, with similar capability.
It was the second Nova design study that created a much larger rocket for mars missions (up to 600 ton payload to LEO), and weighed around the ballpark of the SS/SH stac.

>> No.15358348

One should wonder how long whatever equipment you can cram into a starship hold can sustain human life. Comet colonists within our lifetime?

>> No.15358351

They're fun for children and people who are capable of not thinking about anything at all and just enjoying the flashing lights. It's also possible to do the opposite and overintellectualize the experience. You can take the lit crit mental masturbation approach to essentially anything, because the thing being critiqued takes a distant second to your own gay thoughts about your own gay thoughts about the subject.

>> No.15358352

did you fact check it? its very nice, but gets stuff wrong still

>> No.15358353

>a later idea to recover only the tail section with the engine was dropped as well because this was expected to produce a return on investment after only about 500 launches

>> No.15358354

Anyone here think the current LLMs could help with the space industry? They're already better than humans at spotting disease in MRI scans, so I guess they could be useful for spotting things in telescope imagery?

>> No.15358356

nah, its close enough and who knows maybe some of the shit it hallucinated is true and we haven't figured it out yet

>> No.15358358

Musk haters are really getting desperate. Seethe, you disgusting pervert.

>> No.15358360

shit like langchain might be useful for connecting to bots or keeping people on other planets company
other than that i don't they will have much use

>> No.15358364

they are going to help with every industry making people much more productive

>> No.15358365

You can in theory get a normal looking twin and a black one out of two mutts.

>> No.15358366

>nine month tour
Where are they going after that?

>> No.15358371

Ceres, the Jovian system, etc.
>Yeah man I signed a 2 year contract for mining on Ceres lol.

>> No.15358372
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>> No.15358376

>Comet colonists
Hell no, how easy would it be to get flung into the abyss?

>> No.15358380

Europe outspending the US for absolutely dogshit results is only that much more shameful. How do Eurocucks even get out of bed in the morning?

>> No.15358382

What's with those white bits in the middle of each blob?

>> No.15358385

i remember some anon did the math and with solar power you could survive like 30 years by yourself

>> No.15358387

>Be Martian Soldier in 2250
>Girlfriend left you after getting out of basic on the Deimos spinhab
>Martian withdrawal from Ganymede was a disaster and pics of the embassy being evacuated are all over the InterplanetaryNet
>Earth started invading the Moon a year ago and lost 40,000 soldiers and can’t establish supremacy over the skies
>Titan’s spy solar sails have entered the Martian system 3 times over the past few years
>Inflation is pretty bad; buying a Mushroom Burger (tm) is now worth 300 Maddies (mars dollars)
>everything sucks, hate it
>Oh man, looks like I have a year long deployment to the Islamic Republic of Triton again

>> No.15358388

Times when you can't reach mars

>> No.15358390

Brought to you by literal satanists. Imagine selling your soul for such shitty results. Satan really is the father of lies.

>> No.15358391

Muh socialism

>> No.15358394

Here a question that will cause controversy, what’s the best way to terraform mars with the least amount of time and investment?

>> No.15358396

Terraforming is a meme and unnecessary

>> No.15358402
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>> No.15358404

Hello my dearest, how are you?
The roads at home must be covered by snowstorms.
Stars are falling in the Martian dawn sky,
Just don't tell mom I'm in Starbase.
Stars are falling in the Martian dawn sky,
Just don't tell mom I'm in Starbase.

>> No.15358405
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Deneb sounding rocket third attempt soon.

>> No.15358408
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Space Canadian weighs in

>> No.15358407
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>we should send all asteroids in the asteroid belt and crash them in to ceres so it can be a proper planet. clears its orbit and such
Ceres will NEVER be a proper planet even if you did that lmao

>> No.15358409

Depends on what constitutes “terraformed” to you. Dump industrial quantities of the strongest greenhouse gasses we can produce for decades until the frozen CO2 starts to melt. Then you get a mars thats as cold as Antarctica with a very thin poisonous atmosphere. But at least you can go outside with a warm jacket and a breathing apparatus.

>> No.15358410

Based retard.

>> No.15358412

Wouldn’t the difference in pressure harm you?

>> No.15358413

>everything is dirty
>everything is owned by a megacorporation
>heavy industry
>software controls everything
>constant innovation
>direct brain interfaces
>offworld colonization
>global telecommunications system
>manned spacecraft
What exactly is missing? A shared global VR environment and AI trying to wipe out mankind?

>> No.15358415
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Elon Musk first Fabricator of Mars, beloved by the Omnissiah

>> No.15358416

When do we get robot limbs though?

>> No.15358417

>How do Eurocucks even get out of bed in the morning?
we've got a few hours of head start compared to americans.

>> No.15358420

I have no idea how thick the atmosphere would be if all the dry ice was turned to gas. Maybe it’d be thick enough not to harm you. Or at least not much in the short term.

>> No.15358422
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So how many days of scrubbing do we have ahead?

Tomorrow will 97% be a massive blueballing.

>> No.15358426

It’s the first launch of a new rocket so yeah, good chance they scrub

>> No.15358428

Less delta-v than solar electric and not fast enough acceleration for short Mars transits, it's DOA regardless of how hard old space shills it.

>> No.15358430

Use Starship to install giant mylar mirrors that concentrate sunlight at the poles. 1 1km square mirror focusing sunlight to a 1m square on the surface will vaporize ice instantly. That's a lot of CO2.
You can install larger mirrors to vaporize rock as well.

>> No.15358431
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>Even our science-fiction is dominated by concepts involving the settlement of the surfaces of other planets. Isaac Asimov dubbed it "planetary chauvinism". We also tend to visualize extraterrestrial civilizations as living on planets, when a planetary existence may only represent a very early stage in the development of technological cultures. But living on a planet is all we have ever known, so it may be little more than a failure of imagination. This may be best illustrated by an analogy:
>Imagine that you can intelligently communicate with a fetus in his eighth month of development. You inform him that in 30 days, he will be leaving his womb. What is his reaction?
>In all likelihood, his response would be along the lines of, "Well, I sure hope my new womb is bigger, this one has been getting a little crowded here lately. I also wonder if the next womb is going to wiggle around as much as this one". The concept of life outside a womb is beyond his experience and comprehension.
>We are born on a planet, and live our entire lives on a planet. When we struggle to visualize our future in space, we imagine leaving Earth and going to live on...another planet. We then pat ourselves on the back for this brilliant leap of the imagination.
>In imagining ourselves climbing upward away from the Earth and crossing the sunlit vastness of space, only to head back down a gravity well to the surface of another planet, we may be manifesting the same lack of experience as that fetus.
>It could be that humanity is on the verge of being born out into the universe. And it may not be just more of the same.
Well dwellers cannot recover from this

>> No.15358436
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>tfw NASA has no Mars rover in the pipeline

>> No.15358439

I don't think there's any way to terraform Mars quickly without killing everyone there, where quickly is still on the order of centuries or millennia. It's probably better to colonize first and terraform slowly if at all unless you're planning on your Earth-like Mars being a present to the successor species to mankind.

>> No.15358447

Raped awake by "refugees"

>> No.15358452

living on the surface of a ball instead is just very mass inefficient compared to fashioning the material of that ball into spinning habitats
most of the mass is useless and dead

>> No.15358454

It's fine, just weld a Kuka industrial arm to a Tesla Truck. Paint them white, then send it.

>> No.15358462

Can’t we just use thermonuclear bombs in the poles?

>> No.15358466
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homeless person video, one of the least annoying NSFers

>> No.15358469
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>There no satellites in Venus's orbit

>> No.15358473

you are going to need a lot of bombs and radioactive fallout everywhere

>> No.15358475

I’m going bald and I’m afraid of looking like a redditor

>> No.15358476


>> No.15358477

I'm thinking in terms of how easy it would be. Nukes are powerful because they release a lot of energy in a very small amount of time. But destruction isn't the objective here: the absolute amount of energy being delivered is. A mirror delivers energy continuously, not just once. I have no idea how long it would take for a mirror to outperform a nuke, but eventually it would surpass the amount of energy delivered. And it weighs a lot less, so you can bring more to Mars.

>> No.15358479
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These vehicles do not use liquid hydrogen.

>> No.15358484
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Amber Heard is intelligent and cunning

>> No.15358485

>I don't think there's any way to terraform Mars quickly without killing everyone there
Good news anon, nobody is there

>> No.15358486
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>> No.15358487

ehh, it's already radioactive. a little more can't hurt

>> No.15358488

probably 14 or so days before launch

>> No.15358492

But it has a Mars helicopter

>> No.15358502

Fellow Commiefornians, when are you waking up tomorrow?

>> No.15358512

All nighter baby

>> No.15358518
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Interview with a mayoral candidate for Brownsville and I guess some history of the site

>Here is an interview with Jessica Tetreau, mayoral candidate for the city of Brownsville, Texas and someone who has been on the SpaceX journey since before they broke ground.
>September 22nd, 2014 was the day SpaceX broke ground in Boca Chica on a project that not only changed the area forever, but one that will, if successful, propell man further than ever before.The SpaceX South Texas launch site is right along Boca Chica Beach, less than 10 miles from Brownsville city limits.
>Jessica Tetreau is one of the few that can say she’s been along for the ride since the very beginning. The original purpose and timeframe for launches have both changed since its big celebratory groundbreaking nearly a decade ago.
>While reporters told the public launches would start in 2016, we still have yet to see a fully stacked Starship launch, but as of this video release, that date could be April of 2023.
>We have had action and excitement over the years, with it all starting in 2019 with SpaceX’s 150 meter starhopper test.
>The timeframe isn't the only moving target. The purpose of the site also changed from its original use.
It was supposed to support Falcon 9 and Falcon heavy launches, but in 2018 SpaceX announced a change of plans stating the site would be used exclusively for the next generation launch vehicle, Starship.

>> No.15358519

and a bed shitter

>> No.15358521
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>> No.15358525


>> No.15358527

>we're at least 10 years away from people on mars
how do we cope until then?

>> No.15358528
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>> No.15358529


>> No.15358531

Starship will NOT fly
2 weeks until 2 weeks forever

>> No.15358536

Even if catching with tower doesn't work, the tower is quite good isn't it

>> No.15358539

aluminized mylar is only 3 tons per km^2
the cross sectional area of Mars is 4e7 km^2, so to simply double the solar irradiance you'd need ~1e8 tons, 100 times more than Musk's megaton goal, even assuming perfect efficiency and no other structural or station keeping components, which would in all likelihood be much heavier than some film

>> No.15358540

By watching all the badass shit starship enables before then

>> No.15358543

Yeah the stacking is great

>> No.15358545

Honestly even if catching doesn’t work, who’s to say a Falcon 9-style system isn’t “good enough”

>> No.15358546

...but we're planning on sending people in the next few millennia, right? Right?!

>> No.15358547
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>> No.15358548

>be Californian
>wake up
tremendously poor decision

>> No.15358549
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Oh ye of little faith

>> No.15358554

I'm just a little sceptical about catching starship, booster should work

>> No.15358555

We need to fix our problems here on Earth first before we can even think about expanding to other planets.

>> No.15358562

I guess we'll have to settle for worldwide wireless gigabit, no more cable companies or non-Starlink ISPs, hosting servers wherever the fuck we want, broadband on airplanes, total US (read: SpaceX) domination of space and possibly manned space combat.

>> No.15358565

I'm so glad SpaceX is building military hardware now

>> No.15358566
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actually its basically all about the history of the site, starting from 2014

>> No.15358570
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He'll pay them in air, needed to filter out the Martian radiation or they'll become mutants with psychic abilities.

>> No.15358574

SpaceX has ensured that America will dominate the world for the next several decades

>> No.15358576

No. That goal is unattainable since humans just invent new problems to address whenever we solve old ones.

>> No.15358579


>> No.15358580

If only they knew it would be a garbage place for Starship

>> No.15358581

don't threaten me with supernumerary-breasted space whores!

>> No.15358583

thursday or friday. retards think tomorrow

>> No.15358584

Has the F9 surpassed the Space Shuttle in mass-to-orbit yet? Does anyone have a graph of some collection of launch vehicles and total mass to orbit?

>> No.15358586

the other locations mentioned that spacex was looking at was florida (happening as well), puerto rico and georgia
you sure those would have been better?

>> No.15358587

In approximately one fortnight

>> No.15358588 [DELETED] 

I look forward to your apology and livestreamed suicide (disemboweling with no second)

>> No.15358591

Who knows, maybe? Maybe other places didn't have beaches nearby that had to be open on weekends.

>> No.15358592

found the retard

>> No.15358596

Convincing argument!

>> No.15358600
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A fantastic achievement!

>> No.15358604

probably? Considering it had more flights?

>> No.15358605

Don't worry, Biden made sure to counterbalance Elon's efforts so this won't be true

>> No.15358606

I imagine it depends on whether you define the orbiter as payload or launcher. If not f9 definitely wins, if you do then I don't know

>> No.15358607

I hope they put ozempic in the water

>> No.15358609

>the schizo is at it again

>> No.15358614
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>> No.15358615

make her more anime
more kemono
then it will be truly based

>> No.15358617
File: 223 KB, 1800x1013, 5139A127-AEBE-481A-B8B6-83FD74A5414F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an American world and you live in it.

>> No.15358619

I really like this artist even if the radiators aren't big enough

>> No.15358622

We need more realistic spaceships in media

>> No.15358627

Don't worry. The Chinksects will manage to copy SpaceX eventually and won't have their population completely destroyed by brownoids and internal conflicts in the upcoming decades like the US and Europe will.

>> No.15358629

Their demographic crisis will do it instead

>> No.15358631

Do you think the Chinese will save you? Lol

>> No.15358636
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looks kinda comfy, and the skiing should be good

>> No.15358639


5-10 minutes until launch

>> No.15358640


>> No.15358641

I agree. Although some people overcorrect and make every ship into a stack of ISS modules, unless it's deliberately near future oldspace aesthetic some balance of realism and artistry should be bridged

>> No.15358643

JAXA's Akatsuki is still there.

ESA is still working on ExoMars though.

>> No.15358644

This is what worries me. Le 56% (now probably 51%) meme is true, whilst China actively disallows degeneracy and can act on their will immediately. Want a space port in this location? Sure, we break ground next month. Here it's 1.5 years before you can start breaking ground, and then add 2 years for lawsuits if it's important enough but not a military installation. I hate this clown world

Not quite as quickly as the USA.

>> No.15358646
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>> No.15358649

Where did it launch to?

>> No.15358651
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>> No.15358653

Amazing to think that exomars was an offshoot of the aurora manned mission architecture

>> No.15358654
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No, I think they will destroy us in the long run. The west is degrading at a staggering rate and will be completely fucked when the reddit generation is put in charge. We're already see those effects now. Only the most delusional underage subhuman mutt like >>15358574 believe the future looks bright for the west.

>> No.15358655

its some suborbital student project, who cares lmao

>> No.15358660

My body is not ready.

>> No.15358664
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>open up new thread in the morning
>already past the bump limit
Why do europeans care so much about starship all of a sudden?

>> No.15358665

Just that no one bothered pointing camera up

>> No.15358668

My dude not even actual Chinese people think like that, get off the culture war treadmill

>> No.15358670

Very, very disrespectful!

>> No.15358671

The average Chinese person is a drone that believe whatever they're told.

>> No.15358673
File: 37 KB, 688x346, chincc invade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. gaslighting chink

>> No.15358674

>The west is degrading at a staggering rate
by which measure and how is china outperforming us in those measures?

>> No.15358677

You have to get up earlier man, even in CA it's already almost ten. Morning is the best part of the day

>> No.15358682

Let's see Paul Allen's rover wheels.

>> No.15358683

Two weeks bros… are we finished?

>> No.15358684
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>> No.15358688

Based and red pilled. Calling out trannyism cult in the US today

>> No.15358690

there is still hope

>> No.15358689
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>> No.15358692
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over 100 votes on the failure point poll now, the proportions haven't changed much

>> No.15358693

They exit Phase A pretty soon so they can actually start making stuff. Now that you mention it they put out a press release a few days ago that I didn't see anyone talking about

>> No.15358695

By not having their demographics replaced by low IQ brownoids and having far more control over internal conflicts while in the west it's just escalating?

>> No.15358696

Race and IQ, mainly

>> No.15358703

Already being used actually

It'll get way more important in the future because the data being returned by missions is only increasing, and absolutely vital if you're doing solar observation

>> No.15358705
File: 2.60 MB, 2607x1086, sfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15358707

Most optimistic result on tiles

>> No.15358708

OrthodoxBros in real life
>Cool, generally respectable people
OrthodoxBros on the internet
>Retarded and cringy
Why are they like this?

>> No.15358715
File: 489 KB, 220x356, ina tomorrow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15358717

Right pic goes hard

>> No.15358719

LLMs are one archictecture of deep learning, which is again one are of machine learning
Large language models (LLMS) =/= Machine Learning (LM)

>> No.15358721

Part of the sell is that it's a step on the way to developing actual human-class landers. I'd think it makes more sense to just develop something larger, like 5-10-ton, but I'm not part of JPL so whatever

>> No.15358722

So SpaceX didn’t even replace the two raptors which didn’t fire during the 33 engine test. Wonder what their issue was

>> No.15358724

Hear me out, what if we converted the data to ASCII characters and set a language model loose on it

>> No.15358731

It's cool how similar those pictures look at a glance despite essentially every detail being different.

>> No.15358732

almost all science fiction is gay, and a waste of time. science fiction writers were all weird psueds, and pale in comparison to true geniuses like korolev and von braun, who had actually sane visions for the future of humanity. Try reading nonfiction next time, anon.

>> No.15358733

So what happens if the flight is a success?

>> No.15358734
File: 7 KB, 160x160, thinking-face_1f914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15358736

Flight 2 proceeds without any changes maybe

>> No.15358739

Next launch should be happening quite soon then

>> No.15358740

I cum

>> No.15358745
File: 92 KB, 796x1200, F1150ED6-DEE0-4F83-9028-E04DA5137B93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does everyone think the flight will end?

>> No.15358749

don't they want to build more starbase infrastructure first?

>> No.15358750

Who makes the best engine and why is it merica?

>> No.15358752
File: 917 KB, 768x960, space waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15358753

Lmao, Europe is fine, meanwhile the US is half niggers

>> No.15358754

Russia built better engines actually due to their successful socialist system. The decadent west will fall in 2 weeks.

>> No.15358755

Joe is based and the other guy works at SpaceX so is based by default.

>> No.15358756

well v spin is a false dichotomy, humanity's destiny is to become the STAR LOCUSTS who devour entire systems for raw material and move on

>> No.15358757

see >>15358692

>> No.15358759

They also want to start launching starlinks as fast as possible

>> No.15358761

Europe is not fucking fine man

>> No.15358762
File: 24 KB, 600x483, c3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what they learn about about the booster and starship on the way down, they might make adjustments to the next flight hardware.

It can be a success but things can still go wrong, that would be relevant to expanded goals.

>> No.15358764

>2 more weeks

>> No.15358766

If starship needs some major design overhaul it's going to take a while

>> No.15358769

> post a quote that criticized scifi for juvenile assumptions
> anon tells me to stop reading scifi

>> No.15358770

Lol no, it's going to shit here as well. We're just 20 years behind in demographic death but will catch up eventually when you consider the hundreds of millions of Africans that are projected to seek towards Europe in the upcoming decades. Will be a continent of mutts in the west and slavshits in the east.

>> No.15358771

It is tho

>> No.15358776

>hundreds of millions of Africans that are projected to seek towards Europe
next level cope

>> No.15358777

>(((planetary chauvinism)))
leave now

>> No.15358779

Next level delusion.

>> No.15358781
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>> No.15358782
File: 96 KB, 896x699, 1c019e40-474e-4f97-a7ba-ec8f3df3f2fa_896x699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100db at least at the viewing area locations and SP Island

That's pretty bad desu, usually I disagree with this fag but he may be right here, shit is gonna be loud, unless SpaceX have beefed up the water sound suppression since then which I doubt

This has a real possibility of being SpaceX's only launch, if too many people complain and too much damage occurs even if it goes all well

>> No.15358784
File: 32 KB, 668x174, RFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting chapters 0w0

whats up with rfa these days anyway

>> No.15358787

LMAO, holy fucking retarded cope. No better than your average shitskin.

>> No.15358788
File: 48 KB, 593x659, the well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to suck rust in my brand new womb!

>> No.15358789

dial 8

>> No.15358792

nevada here, sleeping at 6pm-ish

>> No.15358795

What static fire could he be referring to?
None of them have been very loud at all

>> No.15358797

Exact opposition, you need to do a deep space inclination change to hit Mars in these scenarios and the model can't account for that

>> No.15358798

Streamer people on South Padre said the 31 engine SF was (subjectively) the same sound level as the 3-7 engine SF.

>> No.15358799 [DELETED] 

>butthurt slavshit thinking he's some savior of Europe
Europe were much better off when you low IQ parasites were behind the iron wall.

>> No.15358802

Yes because low throttle raptor is very quiet.
You see it on the mcgregor streams.

>> No.15358805

>it's real

>> No.15358806

No one will go deaf from 100db

>> No.15358808
File: 90 KB, 761x1024, Георги_Иванов.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more, lmao

>> No.15358810

he's almost certainly making shit up, twisting the truth.
the faa isn't stupid. if the loudness measurements don't conform to the model they would have done something

>> No.15358811

I could have driven down to the one in Georgia

>> No.15358812

I hope that screeching boomer lady who called into the FAA public comment line saying her condo shakes during launches gets tinnitus and dies.

>> No.15358813

You are deranged, the analogy to the womb was pseud garbage that sounds like schizo ramblings. you are literally a decadent crypto earther who wants to live confined in a faux-earth tube dreamed up by losers in the 60s who like it for the same reason they'd like to buy a yacht. Fuck off.

>> No.15358818

>buy a yacht
seething anti prosperity fag detected.
up the well everyone can have a yacht

>> No.15358821

Starship doesn't use hydrolox.

>> No.15358822

More like scroobing

>> No.15358823

I will. A future of brownoids and slavshits is something anybody should seethe over.

>> No.15358824

look at sweden, britain, france, germany
it is definitely not fine

>> No.15358828

>low throttle raptor
>100dB at that spot

>high throttle raptor on launch
>even higher decibels at that spot and at the viewing areas

That's not good

>> No.15358834


>> No.15358837
File: 38 KB, 781x610, Dry Immersion Bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if a Martian needs to visit Earth, he'll be confined to bed

>> No.15358840

I didn't listen to many of those

>> No.15358842

Von Braun wrote science fiction in addition to his IRL achievements because he knew it had the power to shape the future direction of scientific research and tech development. The only reason we haven't had proper spinhabs by now is government incompetence. Look at how Jurassic Park influenced biology, palaeontology, genetics, and even computer science and mathematics a bit.

>> No.15358845

>pseud garbage that sounds like schizo ramblings
You have been filtered. I shudder to imagine how you'd try to interpret Plato.

>> No.15358846

Lol, what even is the context? It sounds like they say "nazi platform" but they clearly mean something else.
Anyways, RFA's majority owner is looking to sell their share, so not good.

>> No.15358848

because its luxurious? whats the problem with that lol

>> No.15358851


might be in this one.

>> No.15358853

ResearcherAnon here. My paper has been 3 months away for over a year. Goddamnit.

>> No.15358854

Are you retarded? Not even the 90db circle includes the viewing areas that are accessible to the public. I would personally bring earplugs but I do that basically everywhere anyway so I can shoot people without damaging my hearing.

>> No.15358855
File: 374 KB, 681x833, 1679325313340542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am of course anti prosperity. Prosperity is fundamentally dysgenic. Imagine if musk had simply reinvested into yachts like so many others. longterm material prosperity for all is not a worthwhile goal, and is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.15358858

just submit it, yolo

>> No.15358859

See space mexicans >>15357941

They are cheap and get the job done even more cheap!

>> No.15358860

Anyone got the popsci mush reaction image?

>> No.15358861

Are you retarded? look at where the 110dB was actually recorded far outside the red circle, then use that knowledge to expand the actual circle and you see the marine viewing area is indeed in the 90-100dB range

>> No.15358864
File: 84 KB, 847x476, goodfellas popsci turning your mind to mush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind found it

>> No.15358866

R&R hell or are you just procrastinating?

>> No.15358867
File: 82 KB, 924x734, marspeech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't posted here since sn8-sn15 days, but i've been lurking almost daily since then. glad we're back

>> No.15358868
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except block its FAA clearance

>> No.15358869
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>> No.15358872
File: 7 KB, 106x118, asaas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's if you take the source at their word. Are they really trustworthy? What kind of equipment was being used? Did they share hard proof of their testing?

>An FWS employee

>> No.15358873

>>if too many people complain
>build and launch biggest rocket in history
>scrap the project because 200 boomers living nearby complained about the noise

>> No.15358875

Well the first thing they need to do is update the license to allow for more flights, regardless of success

>> No.15358877

ah, when starship had legs...

>> No.15358878

Yeah there could be bias, messed up sensors but idk, something to keep in mind that SpaceX are also biased here they wouldn't want to be stalled any further

they would just pivot to Florida then

>> No.15358879

"Gentlemen, we are so back"

>> No.15358880
File: 208 KB, 1080x1319, maximum levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup as I predicted. ESGnigger is flat out lying. The FOIA request talks about a maximum level.
These are the maximum levels as predicted by appendix B.

>> No.15358881
File: 70 KB, 554x793, armstrong pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, steely eyed missile men never enjoy the good life

>> No.15358882

It's retarded

>> No.15358883

>US is hampered by having to please boomers, minorities, and corrupt byrocrats
>China is hampered by "made in china" shit quality parts failing well below their certified values
this is the space race of the 21st century

>> No.15358884

That is of course assuming that sound is linear and not a wave that can be focused by atmospheric effects to produce highly localized areas of high intensity sound. It just do that sometimes.
You'll be fine at 90 but I would wear hearing protection.
At 110 hearing protection is mandatory.

>> No.15358886

At 100 dB it is important to wear hearing protection

>> No.15358889

looks like space colonization isn't for you, faggot. actual, real colonists will have short, harsh lives in ugly places. I desire that, spinfags do not, because they are not real space colony enthusiasts.

>> No.15358891

SpaceX is going to be Spacejunk after Ukraine is destroyed, followed by an invasion of Taiwan which will exhaust the USA while China-Russia will pincer attack North America.

>> No.15358899

>110dB reading in the expected 110dB circle

Okay then what the fuck is ESG bitching about then, that adds up to what the FAA predicted but hes acting like this is some gotcha?

>> No.15358901
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, 1680933169423744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been sentenced to 20 years in the penile colony of Rura Pislocke for your posts.

>> No.15358902
File: 612 KB, 1997x2187, 1679256073631469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two more weeks chingchong. Just after the african rape monkeys of the east are dont exploring each other assholes

>> No.15358906
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>> No.15358909

I think he is just being disingenious on purpose, not the first example from ESGturbofag

>> No.15358910


>> No.15358911

Holy seethe

>> No.15358914

SLS is irrelevant

>> No.15358917
File: 55 KB, 649x656, noise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine.

>> No.15358918

>Jet take-off (at 305 meters), use of outboard motor, power lawn mower, motorcycle, farm tractor, jackhammer, garbage truck. Boeing 707 or DC-8 aircraft at one nautical mile (6080 ft) before landing (106 dB); jet flyover at 1000 feet (103 dB); Bell J-2A helicopter at 100 ft (100 dB).
>8 times as loud as 70 dB. Serious damage possible in 8 hr exposure.

>Boeing 737 or DC-9 aircraft at one nautical mile (6080 ft) before landing (97 dB); power mower (96 dB); motorcycle at 25 ft (90 dB). Newspaper press (97 dB).
>4 times as loud as 70 dB. Likely damage in 8 hour exposure.

>> No.15358921
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keep us posted

>> No.15358922
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>> No.15358925
File: 63 KB, 838x597, gravity-well-of-Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>space colony enthusiasts
You mean scuttle from one gravity well to another enthusiasts

>> No.15358926

>lets launch into the sunrise so everyone's view will be ruined

>> No.15358928
File: 1.10 MB, 818x1227, 1678886649925424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't have left Energia to rot, Dimitry.

>> No.15358929

Do you wear hearing protection while mowing your lawn?

>> No.15358931
File: 44 KB, 996x210, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on further review of my archive yes, perhaps 2019 starship-stans had a bit accelerated view of the program. we were expecting orbit by late 2020 perhaps.

>> No.15358934
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>> No.15358936
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>> No.15358937
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>> No.15358940

Naturally. I can listen to some titillating discussion in what would otherwise be a very dull and monotonous task.

>> No.15358941
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x720, starship drone no audio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15358945

In an explosion, the question is really where the flight will end.

>> No.15358946
File: 76 KB, 543x680, clothmo scientism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sagan would be a anti-Musk seether were he still around

>> No.15358947

this might well still happen, in any case SLS is a joke even if they launch once a year

>> No.15358948
File: 375 KB, 1024x903, 1675538988055049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would he think of Starship?

>> No.15358954

Are you really that much of an earther that you would only leave earth when you could go live in a comfy faux-earth habitat in space?

>> No.15358955
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, 1675268938049219.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Seagal at first and I was kinda confused.

>> No.15358957

4.5k waiting

>> No.15358959

the habitat can be anything, even faux-mars lmao

>> No.15358960

yeah, seagal would love it. Imagine filming in weightlessness, where being a fatass wouldn't prevent you from doing stunts and shit

>> No.15358963

he'd be pro SpaceX tho

>> No.15358965

I fucking KNEEL

>> No.15358969
File: 18 KB, 190x623, martian lanklet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To visit? Sure. But I wouldn't want my kids to grow up freaky in low gee, unable to live in higher gravity

>> No.15358970

He would be overjoyed someone got full reuse working but dismayed it took so long to do.

>> No.15358973

nuclear salt starship

>> No.15358974

Doesn't everyone? I'd rather kms than listen to a lawnmower close up for an hour

>> No.15358975

would present the streams alongside insprucker

>> No.15358976

im back from a 5 hour nap whatd i miss? fuckin melatonin gummies destroying me

>> No.15358978
File: 1.58 MB, 2004x1300, 1680237673991544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to leave /sfg/. You are unironically a filthy e*rther.

>> No.15358979
File: 342 KB, 634x534, FtxzbCLWYAIhef_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine! They could have had an Energia-M with flyback boosters, and a small spaceplane!

>> No.15358980

postponed until friday

>> No.15358981
File: 809 KB, 721x406, tonnin musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely nothing

5h 45min for Elon Starship Spaces though

>> No.15358983

Your nap is longer than my night

>> No.15358984

>STATISTS could be here. I HATE the government.

>> No.15358989

>melatonin gummies

>> No.15358994
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>> No.15358996
File: 23 KB, 613x799, Skycrane mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he'd be pro SpaceX tho
Nah, he'd complain about it

>> No.15358999

I don't and my hearing is still fine which is way no way starship firing would damage anything from that distance if it's not above 100db

>> No.15359000

>le mars for the martianss

I mean other than that

>> No.15359002

yeah theyre good for getting to sleep but even if you take one for a couple nights in a row you have to nap a long time eventually. its like a crash when your sleepless but youre actually sleeping

>> No.15359004

alaska anon?

>> No.15359008

Apparently ESG is comparing two different measurements and calling them the same thing

Reading his QRT's lots of correction there that of course he is completely ignoring

>> No.15359012

You cant just skip over 'if microbes, then colony evil'. Its faggotry on his part.

>> No.15359016

And of course the other QRT's are all $TSLAQ faggots

>> No.15359020
File: 149 KB, 1526x724, 09305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you zoomer anon, it actually worked

>> No.15359021

I really want to hear this but I also know this is the only time he will ever do a space on starship so can any other anons who paypig out let us know what he says? That or I have to resort to looking at Launch Pad's twitter...

>> No.15359024

jesus christ that reads exactly like some of my friends talk.

>> No.15359027

Subscriptions aren't available in the vast majority of countries yet
I think it was like USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Australia or something

>> No.15359036
File: 1.41 MB, 7777x2303, 1681669977131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Energia/Buran was a fully automatic 100 tonner, while the American Shuttle could only carry 25t and needed pilots.

>> No.15359040

>ESG is so incompetent in checking his work that he somehow missed spaceX hired a NASA favorite contractor to do all the sound level/pressure models and didn't just wing it themselves

lmao, how can you be this bad at basic fact checking

>> No.15359042

If you include the mass of the shuttle then it's also around 100 tons.

>> No.15359043

>If you include the mass of the shuttle then it's also around 100 tons.
Why would you. Starship payload also doesn't include the mass of the Starship.

>> No.15359045
File: 308 KB, 833x1200, Glavkosmos energia buran space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359047

are we all not sleeping tonight?

>> No.15359048
File: 23 KB, 640x340, 68A3B22D-14B2-446B-AD74-56854AE32C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight proudly, the Starships remember their brothers
>They remember their brothers who fell for Starbase as Martyrs
Commander Shotwell as one of the leaders
>May Elon grant her the gift of Paradise
>Fists in the air, praising Elon
>Reciting praise until we are out of breath

>> No.15359054
File: 161 KB, 611x900, Glavkosmos mir buran space a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359056

I'm going to sleep so I'm fresh for Starship launch

>> No.15359057

Because the 100 tons figure for Energia/Buran includes Buran. Energia/Buran is like if you slapped the orbiter on the side of SLS and doesn't do much more than the shuttle which recovered more hardware.

>> No.15359061

wheels are in very bad shape. NASA should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.15359065

Cringe, cringe at the musk tweet

>> No.15359067
File: 81 KB, 627x755, David Pelham rocket face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on Beal Aerospace
Bullshit or SpaceX strangled by NASA faggotry?

>> No.15359073

>I hope Elon makes a mission to get back their own samples by 2028
Doubt it will happen, Elon is too autistic to care about space beyond "muh colonies" and he will also waste more money into social media.

>> No.15359076

hmm... Saturn V with starship upper stage

>> No.15359083

I am laffin (out of respect)

>> No.15359085
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, MARS_KING_ELON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359091


>> No.15359097

shh no tears, only dreams now.

>> No.15359098
File: 94 KB, 784x1024, FeuKK3PXwAQYjnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very cheap and high density option, that's not quite as nasty as hypergolic mixes like nitric acid and doesn't require any cryo.

It's pretty close to, but better performing than the Ethanol/HTP that the Germans used, but it's lower performance than Kerolox.

>> No.15359100

>anti-anime autist not seething about this and throwing a tantrum derailing the thread

I knew he was a furry

>> No.15359101

I'm not against htp in principle, it's just weird seeing it so late relatively speaking. it's unironically one of the best candidates for in-space mono propulsion with harvested water.

>> No.15359103
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>> No.15359105

Iapetus is overrated

>> No.15359106

Yesterday it was literally arguing with me, saying there was a scene in the Spongebob Squarepants movie with a time machine at Thug Tug bar.

>> No.15359107

Even he wouldn't complain about OC.

>> No.15359109

Going up against a government funded launch vehicle wasn't fair in the slightest, but even if they had got past that they still had to compete against the Proton-M and Ariane 5. With the megaconstellation projects of the late 90s collapsing there just weren't enough payloads for the numbers of competitors that wanted into the market.

>> No.15359114

he is absolutely the most annoying. i can only stand Das

>> No.15359115

Holy fuck, I just finished catching up on the last thread, an I was wondering why the anti-anime poster only gets upset about anime/v-tuber shit, but not furry shit? Hmm, I wonder why that could be? It really activates my almonds.

>> No.15359116

/sfg/ is most comfy during euro hours.

>> No.15359118
File: 88 KB, 781x521, artist-impression-of-saturn-view-from- iapetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Giant two tone walnut with the only good view of the rings
Its massively underrated

>> No.15359122
File: 1.71 MB, 937x936, we_are_going.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359126
File: 609 KB, 601x558, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fuckin bald-faced lie that is

>> No.15359127
File: 1.95 MB, 1518x852, deepspaceexploration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh lfg lmao

>> No.15359128

The picture where the circles match ist the predictions for the launch, not the static fire. If you compare it to the contours of the SH static fire, it's harder to tell because for some reason it's super zoomed out but the 110 circle seems further inwards. He also says he's comparing the proper measurements (LAmax and not the other one with the larger contours) but I know fuck all about sound engineering so I don't know if that's accurate.
Either way this won't stop the launch and if the FWS measured for the static fire I'm sure they'll do so for the launch as well so with some luck someone will FOIA those measurements as well and we'll know for sure.

>> No.15359129


>> No.15359132
File: 211 KB, 450x417, AAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mars orbit 2030+
>on fucking sls
nasa sisters in shambles by 2040 when they havent even put another rover on it

>> No.15359134

We're on to you, alien piece of shit. Iapetus belongs to us and we will expel you from its sacred soil.

>> No.15359135

Any reason they are landing starship on the belly in the ocean?

>> No.15359140

So it will blow up and sink and they don't need to deal with tons of debris or the Chinese stealing their shit

>> No.15359141

no fuel to make it light as possible give it the best chance of surviving reentry + they want it to sink anyway so the chinks cant steal it.

>> No.15359142

was this supposed to be set to the chinese anthem?

>> No.15359143
File: 59 KB, 740x952, gpt advisory starship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359144

How is it overrated when no one ever mentions it? It looks cool and that alone puts it above 90% of moons

>> No.15359146
File: 43 KB, 800x600, bocachina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359148

should I go buy some monsters tomorrow?
drink one as Starship lifts off

>> No.15359150

Don't worry about it.
I'm looking forward to all you newfags who came in after falcon 9 heavy&starman starting to complain about the new flood of "newfags" if starship has a succesfull launch.

>> No.15359151

>year long mars simulated mission
what the fuck? why not just go to mars

>> No.15359155

too dangerous. give us another 10 years of taxpayer money and then maybe we'll go. no promises.

>> No.15359157

It's just a rewrite of Théoden's speech.

>> No.15359162

its literally just a tourist trap, theres no strategic advantage to it other than muh saturn rings and muh mountains which are literally everywhere in the system. yes here lets charge $2b to go and see saturns rings when you could just as easily make a closer orbiting station

>> No.15359167

How much delta v does it have?

>> No.15359168

it has so much dV that it can easily do 180 degree inclination changes

>> No.15359170

>muh cool muh mountains.
no strategic advantage in colonization, literally just for space tourists to go and see saturns rings. mountains are nothing burgers, go to miranda if you want to see something tall

>> No.15359171
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, OIGaaasdfsdfsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359173
File: 372 KB, 938x1325, 1681673089614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the hd version

>> No.15359175
File: 81 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.6NahQT35jNYsFpZw__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAAAA let me post

>> No.15359176

Mmmmm roggs

>> No.15359182

It's not about adding more sunlight, it's about concentrating it.

>> No.15359183
File: 123 KB, 1024x1024, roggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359185

Always have done. At least someone is fucking building and flying anything new

>> No.15359186

you know when the launch window opens, why even stay up?

>> No.15359188

Yes sir

>> No.15359189
File: 156 KB, 776x711, soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit is this the sõyence bible?

>> No.15359192
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, fasdsadfasgawre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359194

because 7 in the fucking morning is a really early time to wake up

>> No.15359195


>> No.15359196
File: 154 KB, 1024x768, tharsisvolcanoes_20050906_40_-10_dust_25final1_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just build a mass driver up Pavonis Mons or a space elevator there

>> No.15359197

I must wörk

>> No.15359200

>xhe finally figured out /sfg/'s secret
sure took you long enough

>> No.15359202
File: 3.91 MB, 1280x720, 1670175024234526.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how come this doesn't damage the wings?

>> No.15359205

No, I mean JPL

>> No.15359209

its not actually touching them, there are lifting points below them
and those aren't wings, they are control surfaces

>> No.15359212
File: 846 KB, 2732x4096, E_GrrUbWEAU6Je3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship is not being picked up by the forward flaps, you can see the attachment points underneath them in this picture.

>> No.15359217

Starship literally launches tomorrow and all Zubrin can talk about is UKRAINE, NUKES, CLIMATE, NUKES, UKRAINE, CLIMATE, PUTLER. The same fucking topics for years, it's maddening

>> No.15359218


>> No.15359219

AI posters get the rope

>> No.15359220

Mindbroken by bloodlust, many such cases

>> No.15359223

Wouldn't Enceladus have the best view? It must be a mindfuck to view the scale

>> No.15359225
File: 1.91 MB, 5261x3288, 52821641477_dbdbb03224_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They uploaded lots of new SS pics on flickr

>> No.15359226

>and those aren't wings, they are control surfaces

>> No.15359227

I pulled an all-nighter Thursday/Friday for an unrelated reason and still haven't fully recovered, but otherwise I probably would. I still feel weirdly wired though and have slept less than I normally do on the weekends.

>> No.15359229


>> No.15359232

are they expecting to catch it on those? that seems precise.

>> No.15359236

>skiing in 1/10,000 G

>> No.15359237

It will be posted on youtube like anything musk related. But I don't expect any meaningful new information. Especially if you follow the development closely.

>> No.15359239
File: 29 KB, 512x288, its rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inclination, 0.009° (to Saturn's equator)
The rings would just be a straight line

>> No.15359241

Launch thread tomorrow at T-2 bong from SpaceX stream start. this may be the most important launch thread I'll have ever made.

>> No.15359242


>> No.15359243

someone will mirror the stream somewhere, just gotta find it

>> No.15359245

doesn't starship land on it's own? It needs to, in order to serve as hls and a mars vehicle.

>> No.15359247

that reminds me...we still dont know how starship will be powered for long voyages

>> No.15359254

Mars one and Moon one will need legs, but tower should be catching starship like booster

>> No.15359255

It would be very loud

>> No.15359259


>> No.15359261

easier on low gravity worlds

fuck earth and fuck 1g

>> No.15359263

Mimas also has a good view of the rings

>> No.15359265

thanks, big guy

>> No.15359266

The elon dicksucking here is pretty lame. You can like spacex without being a blind follower of elon

>> No.15359267

Any newfags from the JWST launch here?

>> No.15359269

But I like Elon and am a blind follower of SpaceX

>> No.15359270

this is the last day you will see starship and the orbital mount intact. Say goodbye spacexchuds it's over for you it's gonna RUD at T-0

>> No.15359273

welp the collage is ready. Guess it was worth the effort, we'll see. I'll only post it if all goes well. Got it to fit in the 4mb limit.

>> No.15359275

>Inclination, 1.574°
How is that a good view?

>> No.15359277

what time is it in USA?

>> No.15359276

RUD at T-3

>> No.15359279

samefag is baiting (You)'s. theres literally so many people here who constantly shit on elon

>> No.15359280
File: 307 KB, 1536x2048, radiant_musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you actually cant

>> No.15359282

I hate NSF like you wouldn't believe

>> No.15359283

Have you tried asking them nicely to change the direction of the Earth's rotation for your convenience?

>> No.15359284

stream starts at 7:15 am, 8 pm launch

>> No.15359285

based baker

>> No.15359288

you can just stop watching it's easy

>> No.15359290

reminder that Saturn can't be seen from Titan

>> No.15359291

resources are infinite. ngmi

>> No.15359293
File: 168 KB, 785x558, 1676764828779321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, god forbid if technology like DART falls in the wrong hands.

>> No.15359294

it looks good in the video

>> No.15359296

wdym? its already in US hands.

>> No.15359299
File: 122 KB, 670x879, GwynneInSchool5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359300

SpaceX exists because of Musk, SpaceX built Starship because of Musk
people were telling him that this is ridiculous, probably some people still telling him this is going to be ridiculous
there is no other company that even has a falcon 9 clone yet
you can like spacex without "being a blind follower" of elon, but not recognizing what elon has done is ridiculous
there are approximately an infinite amount of rocket startups, there were many before SpaceX started but no company is even close

>> No.15359301
File: 3.41 MB, 4096x2731, thetwotowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359306


>> No.15359307
File: 1.19 MB, 1533x2048, 52807865630_f23fe4f201_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359308
File: 11 KB, 411x718, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billions for space research, pennies for the space colonists.

>> No.15359309

I wish

>> No.15359310

THIS is what they took from you

>> No.15359311

too be fair it seems like they have alot of costs compared to other youtubers of their size...they only have 700k subscribers but have to put out lots of livestreams, videos, and pay a large staff

>> No.15359312

[math]\unicode{x1F680}[/math] [math]\unicode{x1F316}[/math]

>> No.15359313

DART is low tech it’s literally a probe with an ion engine

>> No.15359314

i think allot of us in /sfg/ fall under the category of blind follower of SpaceX and like Elon right?

>> No.15359315
File: 291 KB, 650x365, ac43762aa5fc4bb49cd2e2cf01664dc5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come again?
>there is no other company that even has a falcon 9 clone yet

>> No.15359316

>SpaceX exists because of Musk
And that's a bad thing. America didn't use to have integral indispensable people behind key projects.

>> No.15359317

Since when did emoji work on 4chuds?

>> No.15359321
File: 2.93 MB, 4096x2731, megatower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359322
File: 40 KB, 454x397, Ron Miller titan explorers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be when the atmosphere is removed by Dysonchads

>> No.15359323

How much mass have they launched into orbit?

>> No.15359326

who was von braun?

>> No.15359327

always [math]\unicode{x1F914}[/math]

>> No.15359328
File: 2.79 MB, 4096x2731, megatower2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359329

god what a retard.

>> No.15359330

You're a fucking retard if you think even one hundredth of what's happening now would have happened without Elon. I wanted to hate him and thought he was just some rich cunt environmentalist at one point years ago, but the reality is too obvious to deny.

>> No.15359332

Well you can but it would be retarded. Every good thing about SpaceX exists because Elon willed it

>> No.15359333

Really makes you thinklstein

>> No.15359335

it would be SO EASY... to strap those two to a central booster with a starship on top. Call it starship super heavy super heavy

>> No.15359336

Just go back and forth between them, problem solved

>> No.15359337

>12 hour stream

>> No.15359339
File: 2.47 MB, 1682x1262, spacex starship launch faa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do hate NSF's presenters with all my heart, but the video content is good.

>> No.15359344

wrong, the much maligned captains of industry / robber barons were basically the same with some differences
and what about Jobs? there are plenty of key people that push through seemingly crazy projects and move tech/industry forward quicker than it might have otherwise gone
and in some cases it might have been abandoned for decades, like the space industry had been
there were numerous attempts before musk but they just didnt have that something that musk has
and I really doubt its purely luck. Getting lucky in one are and company? maybe
but getting lucky in two large disruptive areas? I don't think so
this is not to mention upcoming stuff like self driving, grid storage, boring tunnels, neuralink
most of these areas have competitors (except for perhaps boring tunnels, nobody really cares about that except musk)

>> No.15359345


>> No.15359346
File: 33 KB, 576x1024, D33ua_sW4AIqGpP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We asked and SpaceX checked. The LUVOIR space telescope concept can indeed fly on Starship! (graphic used by permission)

>> No.15359347

China is going to carry 10,000 passengers to space by 2045 for cheaper than Spacex because they don't have mutt demographics.

>> No.15359349

It means that progress hinges on random chance and not a process.

>> No.15359352

untrue, always has been untrue.

>> No.15359354

please no more unfolding mirrors.

>> No.15359356

Thank you voyager poster

>> No.15359357

Some comments are saying that only the smaller Luvoir B version can fit, the larger Luvoir A would require SLS Block II.

>> No.15359359

looks like they have room to spare. make it bigger and add more folding mirrors

>> No.15359360


>> No.15359361

allright chang

>> No.15359362

I'm pretty sure the actual issue was the unfolding heatshield.

>> No.15359363

Spend those wumao wisely brother

>> No.15359365

holy shit im not giving this faggot any more (You)s. you sound just like an anti-musk tranny from my astronomy club, everything youve posted makes absolutely no sense

>> No.15359366
File: 3.81 MB, 5464x3640, 6d711b6c85584142b4de1f4c33f2f19c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359367

Who is the voyager poster?

>> No.15359368

>require SLS Block II
The thing that's never happening? Especially if starship works.

>> No.15359371
File: 375 KB, 1280x691, 1280px-Comparaison-OST-LUVOIR-HabEX-et-Lynx-fr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Launch date 2039 (proposed)
jesus motherfucking christ

someone please do for space telescopes what SpaceX is doing for launch services

>> No.15359372
File: 136 KB, 1362x682, 002573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based, astronomy faggots kneel


>> No.15359375

ATTENTION: I want everyone to read what this fag posted

>> No.15359380
File: 433 KB, 1000x691, gth78r5tgu8ht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that easy in opticks

>> No.15359384
File: 52 KB, 900x507, sls types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will build all the variants and you will be happy

>> No.15359385

How does it get out of the Starlink slot?

>> No.15359388


>> No.15359390
File: 276 KB, 1600x1000, space shuttle discovery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clamshell doors, duh.

>> No.15359389

Won't happen unless someone finds a way to make telescopes profitable. And the chance of some rich guy being interested in funding a telescope is minimal, they usually prefer to waste money to go fuck around in LEO for a bit.

>> No.15359391

For me it's LSSS

>> No.15359393


>> No.15359398
File: 1.98 MB, 2664x2022, dawn of the final day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dawn of the final license

>> No.15359405

I think some space mining companies had some plans that started with some kind of telescopes to look for good candidates for asteroid mining
perhaps there would be some economic incentive function there that scientific telescopes could piggyback on?
and in any case, just making satellite buses cheaper in general and launch cheaper in general will make it easier for even unis and so on to fund and iterate over telescopes

>> No.15359406

>a way to make telescopes profitable.
just turn them the other way and look at Earth

>> No.15359407
File: 19 KB, 522x1566, solar system moons jmaguran.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that our moon dominates the sky of its planet like no other moon

>> No.15359413

I bet charon dominates Pluto's sky a bit

>> No.15359417

weird how our moon's actual size perfectly lines up with it's apparent size and none of the others do.

>> No.15359419

I guess they could do with the primary intent of searching for dangerous asteroids, but this would fuck capabilities for other purposes. Once I thought about a private telescope that sells observation time to universities or whoever wants to buy it, but I have no idea how viable would this be.
In the end, the best scenario I can imagine is NASA giving up completely on rockets and focusing only on developing science missions, and buy rockets from private companies.

>> No.15359420

charon mogs the moon on apparent size from pluto

>> No.15359422

this and the fact that the Moon has the same apparent size as the Sun makes me believe in higher powers

>> No.15359423
File: 926 KB, 3393x2731, oh exploitable!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the booster be launching?

>> No.15359425
File: 791 KB, 553x679, smugelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, you really made me think anon

>> No.15359427
File: 1.17 MB, 3873x2905, 1668101857011979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359429

Charon isn't a moon. They're a binary planetary system.

>> No.15359430

What about Charon?
And the view of moons from the gas giants is meaningless because no one will ever go there. The cool thing is the view of the planets and moons from the other moons.
It's just used as the standard unit for comparison.

>> No.15359436

>Once I thought about a private telescope that sells observation time to universities or whoever wants to buy it, but I have no idea how viable would this be.
doesn't sound completely insane, but that would be a different funding model
how is observation time given out at the moment? is it related to how much funding came from a university or completely unrelated?

>> No.15359437

I would put some graffiti on Starship

>> No.15359440

binary manlet-planet system

>> No.15359448
File: 244 KB, 594x720, 1681043389973626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would a higher power want? Why haven't they communicated us? Or are our biological instincts, in a way, an unspoken instruction from higher powers?

>> No.15359450

>dominates the sky of its planet

>> No.15359451

>entire stack explodes on ignition
>/sfg/ collectively seppukus

>> No.15359452

Jupiter Saturn Neptune and Uranus aren't planets either.

>> No.15359454

This is what I’m afraid of

>> No.15359455

sfg will be too busy masturbating to foxes

>> No.15359458
File: 60 KB, 1024x724, loch_ness_monster_by_mely_val-d5t2mjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would a higher power want?
About tree fiddy.

>> No.15359460

I'll just wait until they fix everything and stack the next one to try again

>> No.15359462

I slept 5 hours last night
I am too tired to hold out
Plus am euro so why the fuck not?!

>> No.15359463
File: 48 KB, 720x540, 5aa7a3123be59f23008b4600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359465

Anyone got the high res photo of the spacex girls next to the starship tiles?

>> No.15359466

Keep your dick out of the fox

>> No.15359467

I’m so scared bros

>> No.15359470

Honestly seems quite unlikely. The engines are the most explodey part, and they've been tested to hell and back, including in flight.

>> No.15359471

I'm so excited bros

>> No.15359473
File: 230 KB, 1884x2000, tiled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359474

Getting cold-staging right is very hard. I'm worried the upper stage will hard-start and RUD.

>> No.15359476
File: 44 KB, 723x362, heaven's gate away home team a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my Nikes on ready to go

>> No.15359477

Failure is absolutely a likely outcome and wouldn't be the end of the world. The real thing to be happy about is that they're finally doing real (read: entertaining) testing again; think of this as a full duration static fire sans static. I just hope that if/when it blows up it's as spectacular as possible. I doubt anyone here will flat out kill themselves but I do hope you guys recognize that the point of the test is to fly the rocket, not to see it get to orbit which would just be a very nice bonus.

>> No.15359478
File: 553 KB, 4096x2731, looooooongship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359484

even if its 100% successful its not going into orbit

>> No.15359485

TWR 0.5

>> No.15359486

is our guy berger going to be there? he lives in houston

>> No.15359491
File: 1018 KB, 498x290, 1681594982371799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duality of man

>> No.15359494

Yes I'll be there

>> No.15359495

yes, hullo is not going to go though

>> No.15359499
File: 100 KB, 350x379, MOOSE 1 reentry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's stowing away on starship with a MOOSE

>> No.15359500
File: 78 KB, 906x581, Insprucker_webcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359503
File: 413 KB, 1898x1074, Asteroid_capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Asteroid Redirect Mission was cool and I'm tired to pretend it wasn't

>> No.15359505

>iS ThiS aN oRbiTaL LaUnCh????
we literally have word for this...we've had it for decades. its called fractional orbital.

>> No.15359506
File: 381 KB, 1400x1050, LSL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still missing the LSL

>> No.15359507

To be pedantic technically it's meant to go into TAO, but yeah I forgot.

>> No.15359514

>the 100th anniversary of spaceflight is only 30 years away

>> No.15359515
File: 244 KB, 662x844, 002574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


L_max vs L_Amax

>> No.15359517

and more happened in the first 25 years than what came after up until now

>> No.15359519
File: 53 KB, 577x577, starship_patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359521

Just in time for the first manned Mars mission

>> No.15359523
File: 107 KB, 882x660, Sound-Pressure-Level-Frequency-Weightings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A-weighted decibel (dBA or dB(A)) is an expression of the relative loudness of sounds as perceived by the human ear. A-weighting gives more value to frequencies in the middle of human hearing and less value to frequencies at the edges as compared to a flat audio decibel measurement.


z-weighing is zero weighing would be equivalent to the pure sound I guess

>> No.15359524

is that guy...ok?

>> No.15359529

if the engines are so reliable then why didn't a couple of them start during the static fire

>> No.15359532

are you including all streams? these were all the ones I could find. had to convert YT links from live to watch?v= for them to embed >>15359519

>> No.15359534
File: 81 KB, 1357x758, its_over_we_are_so_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359537

These guys... in the license, the FAA asked SpaceX to model shit like how would Starship explode when hitting the water in the middle of fucking nowhere to see potential effects, but sure, they made some basic errors in calculating sound

>> No.15359538

>trailers for upcoming live streams

>> No.15359540
File: 2.10 MB, 2414x3000, 1656565002778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359542

Do you have one of those that have musk talking about crypto and a btc address that claims doubles the amount sent?

>> No.15359545

Yes I will have a thorough OP as normal. Thank you for the links tho

>> No.15359546

>America didn't use to have integral indispensable people behind key projects.
But that's always how American projects have been, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Interstate Highway System comes to mind as one of the largest

>> No.15359549

Live in 14h
Live in 14h
Live in 12h
Live in 7h

Perhaps I should go to sleep

>> No.15359551

>how is observation time given out at the moment? is it related to how much funding came from a university or completely unrelated?
For the best observatories (JWST, HST, VLT, ALMA) it's given out on the basis of proposals, which request time for a specific science goal. There's no cost to the user, in fact a successful NASA proposal in the US means funding comes with it. For some projects and private telescopes it's possible to by into the project early on and benefit later, but this really only funds smaller projects and a handful of private telescopes (e.g. Keck) which now struggle to complete. Very little telescope time is actually sold.

>> No.15359553
File: 71 KB, 350x344, 1619080161541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's fine

>> No.15359555


>> No.15359556


>> No.15359558

That's not how cancer risk works
Linear no threshold model is bullshit

>> No.15359559
File: 60 KB, 584x960, Tenerife pilot - glowing eyes edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359567

We need the image limit raising
> muh catbox
no acceptable

>> No.15359568
File: 212 KB, 500x369, Grinch-noise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pure sound
Won't somebody think of the poor beetles subjected to the noise?
Arrest Felon Musk immediately!

>> No.15359569

NSF starting that stream 7 hours early to collect those superchats

>> No.15359576

still 54 to go

>> No.15359577

Just use 4chanX.

>> No.15359578


>> No.15359581

reminder that right now some 70% of sci posts are on sfg

>> No.15359582


would be cool if someone could find one from the Mexico side, but maybe no one is streaming there

>> No.15359583

rookie numbers

>> No.15359584
File: 95 KB, 1346x756, FDXopaUWUAAYe_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that LUVOIR is dead, it was only a proposal. The mission being considered now (Habitable Worlds Observatory) calls for an mirror of a bit bigger than 6 meters. Even in the 8 meter version of LUVOIR was too expensive and would take too long. Note that WHO also isn't on track for 2040 right now. The astrophysics budget has been flat for years, if that doesn't change it will slip by years. They need a huge new funding wedge just to hit 2040.

>> No.15359585
File: 1.49 MB, 1x1, Mars Nuclear Explosion Hypothesis.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't a permanent solution last time we tried it.

>> No.15359587

well just look at the rest of the board
you've gotta have some kind of brain damage to attempt to engage

>> No.15359588

EDA has some prelaunch stream too but i didnt post it because holy gay

>> No.15359592
File: 235 KB, 1183x912, we_gon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gon make it

>> No.15359597

If sci is 70% space, why not rename it to spc space board?

>> No.15359601
File: 401 KB, 1920x1080, LUVOIR-A_transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based astro anon knowing his shit

>> No.15359603

LUVOIR is dead yet HWO is basically gonna have unfolding mirrors by the sound of it

>> No.15359604
File: 562 KB, 685x341, 1659448214223605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you've gotta have some kind of brain damage to attempt to engage
based anon calling me brain damaged

>> No.15359609

why havent we see any pics or videos of the crowd yet? there must be 100k people there.

>> No.15359611

the first Starships are not going to be caught, they just need to be lifted for now

>> No.15359614

Yet again, nothing ever happens.

>> No.15359617


>> No.15359621

>drone dolled up to look like a rocket

No my China strong friend.

>> No.15359624

>Apr 11, 2019

newfags out themselves

>> No.15359625

does someone have the diagram about the launch SpaceX recently released

>> No.15359628

wtf a space account I follow shared this today

>> No.15359632

Probably. The language in the Decadal mentioned 'incribed diameter', which presumes it is segmented. But there is no design so far, a benefit of choosing half way between LUVOIR-b and HabEx is that all the design questions are back on the table. It's also not going to be designed right away, so things could shift slightly if the launch landscape changes to the extent they can put confidence in.

>> No.15359633

This is a test flight. Not a manned flight to Moon or something.

>> No.15359634

Can't wait for the biggest non-nuclear explosion in human history.

>> No.15359635
File: 496 KB, 612x428, WhisperingJew(ElonResignedAfterThis).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that Elon is still CEO of Twitter

>> No.15359637


>> No.15359639

How nice, showcasing how a baby is made

>> No.15359641

I really don't give a fuck about Elon's other companies today.

>> No.15359649

>biggest non-nuclear explosion
Halifax, Nova Scotia sends its regards

>> No.15359650

why does elon always reply to that obnoxious ching chong guy? what has he done to elevate himself and his mouthbreather opinions?

>> No.15359651

Von Braun, the man who had the displeasure of realizing just how insidious Americans can be

>> No.15359657

lmao no. there will be maybe 10k

>> No.15359659

Jesus I can't believe it's been 4 years already

>> No.15359663

100k for the first manned mission to Mars

>> No.15359664

I have electronic earpro that lets me listen to music while doing it over bluetooth

>> No.15359669

nah artemis ii a fucking robotic test flight pulled 400k. first manned mission to mars will be millions.

>> No.15359670

Reminder that the US would have been the first to launch a satellite if they didn't cuck Von Braun and his team.

>> No.15359674
File: 107 KB, 1076x737, srb-x_ shuttle 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sfg/ history dive-

>pre-Dec 2018
Various unconnected launch threads
>17 Dec 2018
Initial catalyst, quadruple launch thread, first boca chica pics
>21 Dec 2018
First suggestion of "spaceflight general"
>21 Dec 2018
SpaceX GPS launch thread, staged from previous launch thread
>22 Dec 2018
First collective OC
>23 Dec 2018
First Starship/BFR discussion thread, starting relatively unbroken thread chain
>18 Feb 2019
First thread with "spaceflight general" in subject line

>19 Apr 2019
First suggestion to use /sfg/ in general name instead of /sg/
>19 Apr 2019
First thread using /sfg/ in subject line
>1 Aug 2019
First post of SLS is real copypasta on /sfg/ (or /sci/ in general)
>03 May 2020
Creation of 4ASS
>09 Jun 2020
First appearance of PROOONT-anon
>10 Aug 2020
First Krystal post
>07 Dec 2020
First appearance of the Zubrin sniffer

>> No.15359675
File: 2.90 MB, 4096x2731, SLSboca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't for the upcoming SLS launch from Texas!!

>> No.15359677

True but that did cause the space race

>> No.15359678

I wish. But it wouldnt even make the top 5. maybe top 10 or 20. N1 was less than 1 kt TNT

>> No.15359679
File: 463 KB, 650x570, 002575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359680

Scale's more than a little off but not bad over all.

>> No.15359683

is that his gf?

>> No.15359684

400k "SAW" it across all of florida. big fuckin whoop

>> No.15359685
File: 506 KB, 1536x2048, Ft3dMMlaEAAI5pJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359687
File: 432 KB, 1536x2048, Ft3dMMkakAAc6wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359688

wish fireden wasnt so AIDS now

>> No.15359689


>> No.15359692
File: 63 KB, 833x1250, FtzbMKRWYAELAoI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraus can take some good snaps even if he looks like a dork

>> No.15359693

I hope that loser has a mental breakdown and starts weeping for mommy.

>> No.15359695

>I’m going bald and I’m afraid of looking like a redditor
Embrace it, begin the reddit spacing

>> No.15359696

>cue the flat earthers and moon landing hoaxers posting their cherrypicked webms, shitty conspiracy pics and terrible opinions

>> No.15359697

Yeah someone else posted that 18 months ago, when I saved it, when fireden was usable.

>> No.15359700

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - A federal judge in Austin issued an emergency ruling on Sunday to suspend SpaceX's highly anticipated Starship Superheavy first orbital test flight, initially scheduled to launch from Boca Chica, Texas. The decision comes after a consortium of environmental organizations filed a federal lawsuit, alleging that the pending launch poses significant environmental risks and that proper assessments have not been conducted. The court's intervention puts an abrupt halt on the high-profile test, raising questions about the future timeline of SpaceX's ambitious project.

>> No.15359703
File: 1.59 MB, 1360x1774, POLmemeAboutNASA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly they seem to have a pretty good grasp of space, they even posted this image

>> No.15359706

Any LNG tankers in the Gulf of Mexico? Just curious.

>> No.15359707

2 weeks bros, we are so back

>> No.15359709

Just ask them if they agree with the Talmud on anything else
>The rabbis of the Talmud believed that the world was flat, and that the sun revolved around the Earth every day. There is a debate about the length of the solar year in the Talmud, and its consequences and the rare Jewish ceremony of the Blessing of the Sun (Birkat Hahammah) are discussed. The view of the talmudic rabbis is contrasted with that of the contemporary Greek astronomers. While the rabbis of the Talmud argued about the size of the flat Earth, the Greeks had determined the Earth to be a sphere, had calculated its circumference and had moved on to consider other questions.

>> No.15359710

don't scare me like that

>> No.15359713

Rocketry and National Socialism lead to each other if you do them right.

>> No.15359717
File: 34 KB, 564x564, 1607950372605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw it's real

>> No.15359720

guys go to Dr Marco Langbroek's website. click through the 'dubious stuff' links. Check it out...

>> No.15359722

No but you could easily shoot a starship tank farm

>> No.15359724


>> No.15359725

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and company officials have yet to release an official statement regarding the emergency ruling. While Musk has previously downplayed environmental concerns surrounding his ambitious space exploration projects, his silence in the wake of the court's decision highlights the gravity of the situation. Members of the environmental consortium expressed cautious optimism, stating that this pause offers a crucial opportunity for proper examination and analysis of the rocket's environmental impact before resuming any future tests. Agitated SpaceX supporters argue that the ruling stagnates progress, but the company's next steps largely hinge on how regulatory agencies and the courts assess the potential ecological consequences.

>> No.15359728


>> No.15359727

how do i filter gpt posters

>> No.15359729
File: 218 KB, 854x624, 1671804731265580.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359730
File: 3.99 MB, 3840x2160, FttNmD6aMAIkIJX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cant believe today Starship attempts a launch . Not next week , not next month , today.

>> No.15359732
File: 777 KB, 933x1400, starship_sn10_landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359733

So I know it's not a full orbital test, but does it suffer full reentry stress?

>> No.15359734

anything notable after 2020?

>> No.15359737
File: 192 KB, 607x456, peace was never an option.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359736

I giggled like a little girl

>> No.15359738

>but does it suffer full reentry stress?
no since it will carry no fuel during reentry

>> No.15359739
File: 2.57 MB, 4096x2731, towergo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tower, you are clear for launch

>> No.15359740

there were epic threads

>> No.15359741

Anon , they will reach *7600 m/s instead of the 7780 necessary for a 200x200 km orbit . Its literally a fart away


>> No.15359742
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 1657226397674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when sticky

>> No.15359745

>ctrl f
>0 results

>> No.15359747

launch thread paste is locked and loaded. Ready for action tomorrow morning.
I've been waiting for this one.... Starhopper, SN5/6/8/9/10/11/15 were all so long ago. Eons ago. Back when it was worthwhile to make launch threads for even lowly Starlink launches.
We're GOING lads

>> No.15359748

launch thread is going to be the sticky

>> No.15359751

Can't wait to poast in your launch thread

>> No.15359752

Lunch thread goes up ~1 bong before the test window opens. Up to the moderators then, I'd imagine quite soon when we get into the final count.


>> No.15359754
File: 107 KB, 368x319, coolguy musk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359756

Apparently the injection orb it is 250X50 kilometers. Literally closer to orbital than Starliner at separation

>> No.15359757
File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you old frend

>> No.15359759

Superheavy Block 5 FT

>> No.15359764
File: 887 KB, 1080x1608, BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us reflect on the faggots who tried to stop us and FAILED

>> No.15359765

Lol 4chan thinks posting a TLE as text is spam.

>> No.15359768
File: 739 KB, 1125x1087, 83E8D7E6-8E5A-4934-B10C-15F170587EE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but seriously, what are the chances it aborts today

>> No.15359769
File: 133 KB, 1192x612, lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which stream will have the best coverage?

SpaceX Official?

>> No.15359775


>> No.15359776
File: 1.26 MB, 768x1024, WE_ARE_GOING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need an updated version of this

>> No.15359777

L2 reports SpaceX targeting 1 hour into the window - a delay of an hour

>> No.15359778


>> No.15359779

Expect a mixture of Estronaut and SpaceX to give you the best camera views.
Estronaut on full mute obviously.

>> No.15359780

Spacex official, no doubt about that. The tranny autist that manages the who stream said this one is gonna be bigger than FH

>> No.15359782

Soo... when do they start evacuating the turtles? There's not much time left.

>> No.15359784

if they scrub tomorrow is it hard to find another launch window, or can they try again soon

>> No.15359786

probably official spacex and clear in the background.

>> No.15359787

countless grackle, turtle and beetle nests are going to be incinerated by elon soon

>> No.15359789

There are no orbital constraints. They would just need the closures adjusted and commodities refilled.
Could probably do it next day or day after that.

>> No.15359790

The engines alone are probably ok. Feeding 33 engines at full thrust is harder problem they haven't had the chance to test yet. If it fails at lift off, decent chance it would be reflected energy causing havoc in the engine bay plumbing.

>> No.15359791




required viewing if you haven't seen em

>> No.15359794

Too late for that, they will be roasted alive and the government refuses to do anything about it

>ESGfag: The heat plume expected from launch would instantly kill any animal unfortunate enough to be caught in its wake. Though SpaceX did admit to this fact, several wildlife biologists I spoke with were stunned at some of the language used in FAA’s justification for minimizing modeled casualties. Lines such as: “Noise from the Raptor engines would cause a startle response of animals and would effectively direct them away from the area and reduce the risk of being affected by the heat of the plume5” appear to serve more as handwaving away actual impacts rather than discuss them in a serious manner.

>> No.15359795
File: 1.54 MB, 1080x1161, zjPNg6jkgSQ9-CB5n3pd42ferrgh3smehkHwlKmBC-o0e8f819ef84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not possible with those nigger birds

>> No.15359796

what if we glue ourselves to the rocket? That will have to force them to abort right?

>> No.15359798
File: 490 KB, 1200x630, piping-plover-jim-hudgins-usfws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359800
File: 365 KB, 526x624, Demon Core e5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359801

>Q3 2021
it's crazy to think that this was two weeks ago

>> No.15359806

I thought clear only commented over other people's footage

>> No.15359807

It sounds unlikely that there would be any animals close enough for a heat plume to cause any meaningful harm, considering how much noise they make around that area at a constant rate. Id be amazed if there was really any animals at all around the area

>> No.15359809

The damage from SpaceX’s incursion into South Texas’ pristine coast is already real. The harm from the full launches will undoubtedly be greater than what was disclosed to the public. These damages may show up as shattered windows and the corpses of hundreds of dead shorebirds; immediate and obvious. Or they may not be entirely clear until years from now when SpaceX eventually closes shop on the Texas coast for greener pastures. The scars on the land, the people, and the wildlife won’t just disappear. They’ll linger, and hopefully, by then people will be willing to listen to the story.

>> No.15359810
File: 39 KB, 534x532, boca_chica_flea_beetle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These retards are going to cause this species to go extinct at this pace.

>> No.15359811
File: 116 KB, 647x494, 319336main_STS-119Bat4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359812

They will only notice right before the launch, and then it will already be too late - the automated launch will begin and by then.. it will all be joeover

>> No.15359813

They will learn to respect human supremacy. Although I doubt the plume is large enough to do serious damage except for right at the stand, which should pretty much already be empty of wildlife. I hope it is though because that would look cool.

>> No.15359815

I hear what you are saying, but its going straight through the other ear - I have zero reaction at all to this. Its completely banale to attempt to move and move the current timeline even further back for the sake of some annoyed citizens and a few hundred shorebirds. We build windmills and it kills more than a hundred birds a year. And then we build 20 of them, not even to generate any real meaningful power - its just there for posturing. Do you really think your posturing will have any meaningful impact over this launch or not?

>> No.15359816

Wings provide lift, control surfaces control shit, its not fucking hard to understand anon, cmon.

>> No.15359817

Fucking bats, get your ass back to Comal County.

>> No.15359818

two weeks bros, it was really fun shitposting with you

>> No.15359822

Sneed shuttle

>> No.15359823

God those were good times. And great videos. 2021 was a really great year in sfg history

>> No.15359825

>/pol/ thread is already filled with flat-earthers who say it's all fake

>> No.15359826

he's just copying the esg article kek. hook line and sinker

>> No.15359828

Starship test flight mentioned on NBC Nightly news

ummm based, seems slanted though, "not all its test flights have gone well", yeah because move fast, break things

>> No.15359830

/x/ has been a disaster to humankind

>> No.15359831
File: 781 KB, 240x228, Clint Disgusted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15359832

evolve or die

>> No.15359833

Ah I see, I have embarassed myself in this public space

>> No.15359834

Wind power kills fewer birds per gigawatt-hour than most other sources of power, including nuclear

>> No.15359837


>> No.15359838

Good news isnt interesting to them. Everything has to be portrayed in a negative light to get air time

>> No.15359839


>> No.15359840

Does the tower catch the tower or does the tower catch the tower?

>> No.15359842

>including nuclear
steamed pigeon?

>> No.15359847


>> No.15359852

he's right tho

>> No.15359854

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Starship, is in fact, Starship-Super Heavy, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Super Heavy plus Starship. Starship is not a Mars settlement vehicle unto itself, but rather another multimillion dollar component of a fully functioning Earther destruction system made useful by the Super Heavy booster, incinerated beetles, and illegal alien welders comprising a full send as defined by Elon.

Many Mars settlers use a modified version of the Super Heavy system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Super Heavy which is widely used these synods is often called "Starship", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Super Heavy system, developed by the Super Heavy team.

There really is a Starship, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Starship is the rocket: the payload in the system that allocates the Earthers' resources towards ends that will result in their destruction. The rocket is an essential part of an Earther destruction system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of an independent Mars and total beetle extinction. Starship is normally used in combination with the Super Heavy booster: the whole system is basically Super Heavy with Starship added, or Starship-Super Heavy. All the so-called "Starship" bombardments are really bombardments from Starship-Super Heavy.

>> No.15359855


Wow they cleared every thing out.

>> No.15359857

if anyone ever mentions bird deaths as an argument for why anything is bad you can be 1000% sure they're totally full of shit
an estimated billion birds die per year from building collisions in the US alone but you don't see anybody bitching about that and it's had no noticeable population effects

>> No.15359858

>bots programmed to poison the well, quickly congregate on threads they are designed to target
huh you don't say

>> No.15359866

cats kill 5 billion or thereabouts. they're the biggest threat to suburban area songbird populations.

>> No.15359867

a real submartian chad

>> No.15359868

Estronaut and LabPadre’s streams are going to crap out at T-10 secs—as is tradition

>> No.15359870

yeah that's some starship right there
oh yeah that'll work

>> No.15359873


>> No.15359874
File: 512 KB, 800x800, 254gsmakdf98asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it will still be fun, because another two weeks will start after.

>> No.15359875

reminder we've had at least ONE Mexican welder post here with starbase pics

>> No.15359876

the really funny part is that they used the smaller LUVOIR-B concept instead of the 8 meter folded diameter LUVOIR-A concept, despite it clearly fitting inside of Starship

>> No.15359877

>launch in Starbase but land booster on Florida tower
is there any way this saves dV or is possible

>> No.15359878

fuck I remember this. so damn beautiful.

>> No.15359883

Wind turbines kill raptors, though. That's a much bigger problem than house sparrows flying into windows. The kind of bird that's affected should matter.

>> No.15359884

is that elon starship twitter space going on right now?

>> No.15359885
File: 75 KB, 739x839, 1681671479132958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearposters should be shot on sight

>> No.15359886

the moons of Saturn and Jupiter from the planet itself is a pointless comparison, you need to compare the moons from the surface of the other moons

>> No.15359887
File: 2.06 MB, 1354x1654, Starship EARTHERS copypasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a Starship you can go anywhere you want.

>> No.15359888

maybe a little? they have a lifting reentry anyways, so I think maneuvering could be accomplished with just the grid fins and rcs

>> No.15359891

>page 6
>only 29 images left
We can't go on like this, raise it to 350

>> No.15359892

DM-1 launch day, /sci/ had 11,000 posts. All-time record. Will that be broken tomorrow? First American crewed launch in 10 years vs Starsneed?

>> No.15359894

Mods will sticky the thread surely

>> No.15359895

super heavy would need to be going like 4 km/s to reach the cape from boca. if it were to boost itself forward to reach that it'd be a little less delta v than a RTLS maneuver, but it'd also mean a much hotter reentry than it was designed for.

the bigger practical issue is that you could only launch into one inclination if you were doing that.

>> No.15359897

It would probably be difficult to get the latitude right and limit the orbits Starship launches into, but I think it's possible in terms of pure dv. Also worth noting that it would mean coming down directly over land, which is generally avoided for obvious reasons.

>> No.15359898

* and by DM-1 I mean DM-2

>> No.15359899

sfg? no, that's for the launch thread. We survived some dark times with 150 image threads, we can survive one more.

>> No.15359902

real men will post vivid descriptions of their images so others can visualize them perfectly in their mind

NPC's need not apply

>> No.15359904

I think DM2 will still beat Starship, but it wont beat Artemis 3. Maybe not even Artemis 2

>> No.15359905

real men have hover over plugin to view image url inline


>> No.15359906

Furries should be shot on sight

>> No.15359907

Everyone start bumping lower page threads

>> No.15359908

Fuck bros it's really happening

>> No.15359909

>docking porn
no thanks fag

>> No.15359911

>"we're going"
niet wat hij zij
hier ik doe het nog eens voor

>> No.15359913


isn't that illegal

>> No.15359912

probably not just because dm-2 got shilled so hard to normies

>> No.15359916

Any streams for the Elon twitter space, soon?

>> No.15359917

I wonder if bobndoug ever got reprimanded for snarfing down their entire food supply by the 3rd orbit of DM-2.

>> No.15359918

I take it back somewhat, I think Starship OFT has a good chance of beating DM2, because /sfg/ began as a tankwatch thread and even runup to DM2 didnt have 1000+ posts per thread

>> No.15359925

starship launch orgy party when?

>> No.15359929

how? I'll pay rn how do I get it to us live

>> No.15359931

>isn't that illegal
What? Engaging with outer-/sci/?

>> No.15359932

Furries are actually based
/vt/umors are not

>> No.15359938
File: 1.43 MB, 1170x2532, ready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15359939


>> No.15359940

I've been at louder concerts and they lasted way longer than the couple of minutes it'll sustain at that level.

>> No.15359941

discord stream on your private discord server

>> No.15359942

do a youtube stream

>> No.15359944
File: 198 KB, 653x657, 002576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15359946
File: 129 KB, 4600x1900, solar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much dV has a fully fueled starship in orbit? do we have estimates about that shit?

>> No.15359947
File: 45 KB, 640x635, krystalposter_beheaded_in_elongrad_town_square_mars_circa_75AL_(After_Landing).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mental gymnastics of bestialphiles is astounding

>> No.15359948

i wish the tourists would fuck off

>> No.15359949

Just do the rocket equation

>> No.15359950

>he thinks furries are all about fucking animals
lmao this dumb nigger, no I just want to partially be one you dumb cretin

>> No.15359952

good way to drum up interest for subs and get people talking, but kind of annoying to do it before most people can subscribe
but I guess in the end it doesn't really matter that much, its going to be somewhere anyway

>> No.15359955

>Judge Dredd
Good taste.

>> No.15359956
File: 52 KB, 1232x604, Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 5.05.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yt is a no

>> No.15359959

>I just want to partially be one

>> No.15359961
File: 1.63 MB, 1284x1445, Adeptus Mexicanicus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At his side, the Adeptus Mexicanicus.

>> No.15359965

6-7 km/s

>> No.15359966

what the fuck?
you can't just start streaming with your jewgle account anymore?
just bake a twitch account then

>> No.15359969
File: 41 KB, 292x454, Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 5.08.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in

>> No.15359970

So you're a tranny? That's even worse

>> No.15359971
File: 28 KB, 617x351, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm subscribed to Elon Musk. what should I ask him?

>> No.15359973


>> No.15359975

Starship in low orbit above mars, with the planet's red glare caught in the heat shield. Beside it drifts a tiny lander encapsulated in its white aeroshell, inside which nests a bulbous rocket two meters long - the Mars Sample Return ascent vehicle.

>> No.15359976


>> No.15359977

i wish for total tranny death
tranny =/= transhumanist

>> No.15359983

Summary so far:
FAA will only allow mini-starship launches from Boca going forward
Dragon to be phased out in favor of Starliner 2
pause for FAA land acknowledgement

>> No.15359986

ask him something really stupid that will infuriate him.
>will it have people on board?

>> No.15359988

Thank you kind sir rajesh benchod

>> No.15359989

>With the exciting launch of Starship today and big plans for the future, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.15359990

poking around the web inspector for an audio stream url but I can't find it

>Elon says Chris B can talk
oh man

>> No.15359991

This blog post and the one on Elon and AI that he published around the same time is what got me into Elon, spaceflight and AI. It was really far ahead of the curve in retrospect

>> No.15359993

"when are you going to try launching it as an ssto?"

>> No.15359995
File: 666 KB, 1218x1600, dredd musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dredd hates Musk

>> No.15359997

Is this a scam channel?

Ask him who his waifu is

>> No.15359998
File: 30 KB, 600x600, aufi73wyiechnoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solving problems on Earth

>> No.15360004

>LOW expectations
>probably delayed
>success is: don't blow up launch pad

Chris B asks about launching
>probability of triggering abort is high

>> No.15360006

>Isn't starship technically a spaceplane?

>> No.15360007

>An ENTIRE cubic kilometer?

>> No.15360009

the earth problems are easy and already being worked on

>> No.15360011

>"win" if they don't blow up the OLM

>> No.15360012

>Dragon to be phased out in favor of Starliner 2
Is that a joke?

>> No.15360015

Nobody gives a shit about new woke Dredd. 2000AD Dredd was the goods.

>> No.15360016

These are all great ideas

>> No.15360019

where's link?!?

>> No.15360020

he's meming I'm doing the actually summary


>> No.15360022

These are all terrible ideas

>> No.15360024

is this the old stream?
the channel isn't official
this smell fake

>> No.15360025


>> No.15360026

now he's explaining to the normies about horizontal velocity = get to space

>> No.15360028

He's been autistically explaining the difference between space and orbit for the last 5 minutes

>> No.15360029

My solution for not blowing up the launch pad: scrub

>> No.15360030


>> No.15360031

ahhhh someone livestream it or something pls

>> No.15360032

good morning

>> No.15360033

discord would be easy but extremely cringe. you must agree to delete the server afterward and lock the chats and mute everyone.

>> No.15360034

is one of you guys actually going to stream it?

>> No.15360036
File: 136 KB, 891x784, dredd clinton 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was, true

>> No.15360035

>>15359989 (You)
These are all ideas

>> No.15360039

if starship explodes on the pad, will SpaceX pay for every broken window in Brownsville?

>> No.15360040


>> No.15360042

its okay, less slant than I expected, Sheetz redeemed it too

I can post the link to it when they do on YT, this is the first time they've ever covered Starship

>> No.15360043

anything spicy I'll post here, it's really nothing new yet

>> No.15360044

Doing so will change the Starship crash location to your house.

>> No.15360045

i'm sneaking into brownsville tonight to break all the windows myself to save spacex a few bucks

>> No.15360046

nigger you dumb

>> No.15360048

He's just talking about Falcon 9 now and how great it is

>> No.15360051

All windows will be secretly broken by the SpaceX ninjas tonight.

>> No.15360052

alright call me on my cell and I'll hold my phone up to my laptop speaker
number is now pinned in the sfg discord

>> No.15360054
File: 362 KB, 1100x900, 3bc79c87f14a65f4a7971cd207c90c4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was obsolete as of 1995

>> No.15360055

superheavy with a nose cone and very small payload could unironically be an SSTO, though obviously not reusable

>> No.15360057

this one

>> No.15360059

He finally drops one new tidbit: Maezawa will select one lucky beetle for DearMoon as part of an EPA settlement

>> No.15360060

>so many improvements.... hundreds.... between b7 and b9
>electric TVC on 9
>head shield on base on 9 is redesigned
>7 has retrofitted heatshield

>> No.15360061

Why would you post this?

>> No.15360062


>> No.15360066

Autisinal rocket lmao

>> No.15360067

>b7 is an artisanal rocket

>> No.15360068

>Autismry at scale

>> No.15360069
File: 109 KB, 316x400, thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you, anon

>> No.15360070

The tardigrades will tear it apart

>> No.15360074

is that you? based

>> No.15360073

I lost the discord invite, you got the pastebin?

>> No.15360075

Holy shit I can't believe he mentioned 4chan

>> No.15360076

this is actually real

>> No.15360078

I feel excluded, I want to listen to Elon too :(

>> No.15360079

"there are many improvements in the bowels"

>> No.15360082

massive W for staging

>> No.15360085

here >>15360057

>> No.15360086

realistically when would we get a movie about SpaceX?

>> No.15360089


>> No.15360090

>got to make sure the ship can land accurately/through max heating before you can fly it over populated areas for a landing

>> No.15360092

Wait, are they no longer ditching off Hawaii?

>> No.15360096
File: 311 KB, 1106x1490, ascii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get a chuckle on this but it doesn't work on my machine

they still are for this one

>> No.15360099

They're ditching it on top of the Chinese fishing boat/surveillance ship that will inevitably be in the area

>> No.15360102

View it raw

>> No.15360107

It's aiming for the Chinese aircraft carrier

>> No.15360110

>cape is for operational launches, not developmental

>> No.15360112

what major things has elon said so far about starship in the twitter space

>> No.15360117

nothing new

>> No.15360118

Cringe post inc:
It is really unbelievable that they guy who's building all the cool stuff in the world is also incredibly open about everything. Starship itself is insanely cool but the fact that we can ask him directly about it and he does it all out in the open makes it so much more special

>> No.15360119

nothing noteworthy besides >>15360060
also probably expect a scrub?

>> No.15360122

Not much. He said that it will be a major success if it gets past stage separation.

>> No.15360123

talked about the failure modes

>> No.15360125

Plans to launch a Starlink satellite constellation around Mars

>> No.15360126

elon making comparisons to the n1 now
it's over

>> No.15360128

>biggest concern is loss of launch pad

>> No.15360129

He accidentally said "Krystal from Starfox" instead of "Methalox"

>> No.15360131

Imagine bezos and blue origin was developing starship? We would hear nothing for years, then perhaps one video or something and a launch that might not even be livestreamed

>> No.15360132

The n1 is iconic

>> No.15360133

Rocket fuel melts steel beams????

>> No.15360135

rocket fuel can melt steel beams

>> No.15360136

Rocket fuel can melt steel beams

>> No.15360137

holy copium from elon, the original idea was for boca chica to be the main site. Then the FAA came and ruined it all, why doesn't he admit that

>> No.15360138

"may fate smile upon us and we clear the launchpad. that's all i'm asking."

>> No.15360139

woman alert

>> No.15360142

several months to rebuild the launch pad if it gets melted by starship blowing up

>> No.15360144

that makes sense. he should sell nasa a constellation around the moon for artemis.

>> No.15360145
File: 105 KB, 895x637, Roy Gjertson shuttle beam builder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship is boring, post Shuttles

>> No.15360147

sure, starship nuking the launchpad would be iconic too

>> No.15360148

(he didn't say that)

>> No.15360149

kill yourself

>> No.15360150

>she asked a question
>he totally ignores it and goes off talking about something completely different

>> No.15360151

melting beam mind

>> No.15360154


>> No.15360155

"probably tomorrow will not be successful"

>> No.15360156

>but probably tomorrow won't be successful

>> No.15360157

Musk seems very pessimistic about Starship reaching orbital speeds

>> No.15360159

"what happens if starship doesn't n1 it?"
"it's going to n1 it"
"but what if it doesn't?"
"it just will"

>> No.15360160

Elon like
>but I did eat breakfast yesterday
woman like
>but what if you didn't, how would that make you feel?
Elon like
>but I did, it was delicious

>> No.15360162

My god he is so fucking autistic, RUD was not the question tard

>> No.15360163

It's over bros…we're back!

>> No.15360164

>if engineers threatened with gulag can't do it after 4 tries why should we be able to first try
good point ngl elon

>> No.15360165

Got an EA live video stream with Elon coming up

>> No.15360169

Wearebackbros, it's over

>> No.15360173

He is truly an african american

>> No.15360176

Elon knows the RNGods are watching. He's doomposting to counteract but we'll see if they buy it.
No lucky dice so it's a big risk.

>> No.15360177


>> No.15360178

2 week bros, we are so back

>> No.15360179

Estronaut is there and it's live:

>> No.15360180

>How would you feel if you got stabbed?
But I didnt, I stabbed HIM
>But How would you feel if you were the guy that got stabbed

>> No.15360181

reminder: EM said that FH flight 1 would fail 50% likely. It worked mostly perfectly.
I think it'll be fine tomorrow

>> No.15360184
File: 23 KB, 276x280, 1b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15360185

it's not going to blow up
it's going to do so well they say fuck it and land it softly in the water

>> No.15360186


>> No.15360187
File: 122 KB, 985x796, shuttle crew fisher eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15360188

i know elon always tries tempering expectations before test flights but this almost feels like he's scared of negative media coverage in the event of a failure

>> No.15360191

>1000+ posts 2 threads in a row

>> No.15360193

>mass flux
wow... a newtons per coulomb times meters squared cubic kilogram

>> No.15360194

Elon is not a very good impromptu public speaker

>> No.15360196

4 in a row, and the fifth was close

>> No.15360197

any coping won't help lol
he should have said this like weeks before
too late now, but it almost seems like he heard something new recently that got him this pessimistic

>> No.15360198

Anon, please. Just tell him to go fly in a Shuttle.

>> No.15360199

yes, autism

>> No.15360200

elon just really has an aversion to thinking about things that are not immediately important. he would refuse to talk about the oil rigs to tim dodd because it's too far off

>> No.15360201

just like the N1

>> No.15360202

where the fuck is the pirated real stream?

>> No.15360204


>> No.15360208


Everytime its the same few talking points, over and over and over, every interview, every Q&A

>> No.15360209

Maybe hes so embarrassed from the term Elon Time hes finally decided to temper himself and his promises a lil

>> No.15360210

He is fucking terrible speaker in general, spergs are like this

>> No.15360211


>> No.15360212

wouldn't you do the same if you were asked the same sorts of questions every time

>> No.15360213


here is a re-sstream

>> No.15360214

im not a furfag but krystal is kinda cute

>> No.15360215

Thing is he's not responding to the questions he's just immediately guiding them towards these narrow talking points lol

>> No.15360216
File: 38 KB, 700x692, 1680658771073201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N1 mentioned once again
It's over.

>> No.15360219
File: 813 KB, 1920x1084, 1681614781780716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reaching image limit with the most based image in recent time

>> No.15360218

What's that

>> No.15360220

it's just autism
>holy grail of rocketry, order of magnitude, what if planes were expendable, wake up in the morning and think the future is gonna be great

>> No.15360223

>I encourage you to review the history of the soviet N1

>> No.15360222

It was a perfectly safe vehicle while in orbit, just needed to improve on the getting up and getting back portion of the trip

>> No.15360224

>still no 4k re-scan of N1 footage
we're still stuck with the same awful 360p videos after 60 years. Fuck.

>> No.15360226

>self sustaining on Mars, cost per ton to orbit, etc

>> No.15360227

same old stuff mostly

>> No.15360229

>production is hard
>population collapse

>> No.15360230

Okay this is based

>> No.15360234

> 'over' 100 tons
>reiterates 'over' 100 tons


>> No.15360235

>while in orbit
Oh wow just like an airplane in the air, man imagine if planes were expendable - prices would be orders of magnitude higher!

>> No.15360236

> I am literally the reincarnated Korolev, come back to finish his work
Elon wtf!

>> No.15360238


>> No.15360240

you just don't have the right stuff.
this focus on what is important is why he succeeds

>> No.15360243

Yes, it's also why he sucks at public speaking

>> No.15360244

the solution is clear
gulag for spacex engineer if no orbit today

>> No.15360245

To be fair, Blue Origins entire -
>We are just at the beginning
- video, was just a repeat of the phrase: reuse is the future of space travel - over and over and over and over

>> No.15360250

>asks about why they aren't doing fake landing on the ocean
>we can't add legs (???)
>ignores the question about the trinket completely
Elon please

>> No.15360253

zack asking a question now
>what was the largest hurdle to get the launch away?

>> No.15360254

He mentioned something about needing to shift ballast around to reorient the ship. I guess they just didn't bother with it since they don't expect to get that far anyway.

>> No.15360255

didnt mean to quote

>> No.15360256

Da. Not a cushy one like Kolyma but

>> No.15360257

engines, we had to do a complete re-designe of the engines because Raptor 1 was simply not reliable and impossible to mass produce
it caused a delay of 6-9 months
lots of problems with the ground systems, the ground system is very difficult

>> No.15360259

>only 3.8k twitter spaces listeners

Premium twitter is a dud. Elon's star has set. He's lost the golden touch he once had.

>> No.15360261

god shutup you dumb nigger

>> No.15360263

hot dog

>> No.15360266

a lot of people just can't subscribe

>> No.15360267

The eclipse is an instruction to build a Dysonsphere.
When we build it the Ayys will finally come down and greet us and saying, “Wait a minute, you aren’t Cambrian era fish?”

>> No.15360269

elon says he regrets building their own prop tanks instead of getting off-the-shelf stuff

>> No.15360271

Starship pad explosion confirmed.

>> No.15360272

goes to show, space is exclusively for us classy folks - its the theater of old

>> No.15360273

More likely to scrub than not

>> No.15360274


>> No.15360275

It's been open for like a day

>> No.15360277

Corridor Crew made a kino video on Pluto today, great VFX and points. You all gotta watch

>> No.15360278

>it's more likely to scrub than not
it's over

>> No.15360279

Cool, I won't bother to wake up early then.

>> No.15360281

That whole incident was a mess, it seemed good at first - as they were able to use some scrap material they had laying around. But then it turned out there was quite a few regulations around How a propane farm is supposed to be built, insulated, needs a brick shell etc etc etc...

>> No.15360282

I will never have hope again. my soul is forever tarnished. truly, it is over.

>> No.15360283

the power of elon saying it will scrub is overpowered by the power of an anon possibly missing a launch because the thinks it will scrub

>> No.15360284

Abrupt ending

>> No.15360285


>> No.15360288

We dont classify Pluto as a planet because if we did we would have so many planets on our hands wed have trouble keeping track of them in those nifty astro models you see at the physics class room

>> No.15360290

alright off to the store for scrub day snacks.

>> No.15360291

this is my fear, so I have to wake up tomorrow only to be blueballed again.

>> No.15360292

Post a picture of how excited you are for tomorrow, /sfg/! Here's mine.

>> No.15360295

pic related

>> No.15360297


>> No.15360299


Best wishes to SpaceX for a successful flight tomorrow. The nation needs that big rocket.

But having experienced first time rocket launches before, I’m keeping expectations in check.

>> No.15360300


>> No.15360301

Good video for anyone under the age of 14

>> No.15360303


>> No.15360304


>> No.15360305


Our CEO, Jaret Matthews, is on-site to view @SpaceX
’s Starship launch tomorrow morning.

We’re all very excited and wish our launch & landing provider good luck on this exciting test flight!

>> No.15360306

ok anonymous, here's mine
………….…………………… („-~~--„¸_….,/ì'Ì
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: : : : : : :, : : : : : :/

>> No.15360308

"Hey Elon, just one last quick question before you go. If Starship makes it to sub-orbit tomorrow, will it be a planet?"

>> No.15360309


>> No.15360310

faggot pluto lover i posted this video so you niggers would fuck off with trying to get it named a planet

>> No.15360311


>> No.15360314

wtf is that real?

>> No.15360315


>> No.15360317

:DD :D

>> No.15360318

Cute, is that Twotoes from the zone beyond time

>> No.15360320

Sooo the black guy was just trying to validate his own GSE coverage? fag

>> No.15360321

the corridor crew should be executed for being faggots

>> No.15360325

12 fucking horus man

>> No.15360327

I have a PhD in mathematics, and my thesis mostly involved a lot of linear algebra so I'm used to looking at matrices with a particular regular structure. When I did an IQ test the score came out as 153, and I know for a fact that I'm average at best. I found all of the pattern finding questions very easy, because they reminded me of the stuff I was doing all day at work.

>> No.15360328

Don't worry, it will probably scrub

>> No.15360330


Elon similarly set expectations before the inaugural Falcon Heavy, and then it aced the flight near the end of the window. I’m pumped for a 9:25am launch and hoping for a great learning experience for SpaceX tomorrow

>> No.15360331

Raptor 1 600hz doomers validated completely

>> No.15360336


>> No.15360339

told you it would scrub tomorrow. you retards just don't want to listen

>> No.15360340

Elon is far FAR more of a Starship OFT doomer than at any point for FH Demo

>> No.15360341


> NPR’s piece on the upcoming Starship launch, including my comments on the business implications


> SpaceX prepares to launch its mammoth rocket 'Starship'

>> No.15360342


>> No.15360343

>I know for a fact that I'm average at best
>I have a PhD in mathematics

>> No.15360344

yeah he sounded really pessimistic, perhaps more pessimistic I've ever heard him other than when talking about AI doom

>> No.15360345

Well, at least if it RUDs and it carpet-bombs the launchpad I'm going to laugh a little bit with the comments here and the hundreds of "it's over" replies, before I get depressed and close the tab.

>> No.15360348

So afraid of being a dunning pseuder he HAS to downplay himself

>> No.15360350

They'll just setup a launch tower production line alongside the boosters and ships.

>> No.15360351

Imagine if Estronaut gets crushed by a falling Raptor

>> No.15360353

elon was once his half-brother, anubis

>> No.15360355


>> No.15360360


>page 7

>> No.15360362

>page 7

>> No.15360364


> It’s a very big rocket.

>> No.15360366

>page 7

>> No.15360369

too early

>> No.15360370

>página siete

>> No.15360372

i got chewed out last time for posting your image in an op.

>> No.15360375

Most of the people I know have PhDs. A few have real genius but most are kind of retarded like I am. I discovered years ago that getting down and just working, especially if you enjoy the work, is more useful than inate genius.

>> No.15360376

Musk liked this tweet


> Elon Musk on Twitter says success of Starship's first launch is: "Just don't blow up the launchpad." Says there is a high probability of postponement given the complexity of the rocket and the stakes.

> "It might launch tomorrow. But if we're going to be very careful, and if we see any thing that gives us concern we will postpone the launch. ... This is not like, you know, some sort of train leaving the station at precisely like 9:03a.m. or something like that."

>On possibility of a RUD: It's got "33 engines, and if any one of them goes wrong, it's like it's like having a box of grenades. You know, really big grenades."

> "Probably tomorrow will not be successful. If by successful one means reaching orbit."

>> No.15360377

wtf, I think this my post but the reply is missing. Does 4chan strip out some characters? Testing with my reply after the colon:

>> No.15360378


>> No.15360388

how did you reply without posting anything?

>> No.15360389

>Scott Manley
>It looks shorter than your head

>> No.15360392


>> No.15360394

Fuck OFF

>> No.15360396

based self annihilating space eunuch

>> No.15360398

t-minus: TWO! MORE! WEEKS!!!

>> No.15360399


> Even in person, the scale of Starship is astonishing

>> No.15360402

>even in person
That's where it would be most astonishing

>> No.15360407


>> No.15360409

teach me

>> No.15360410


>> No.15360413


>> No.15360414

>I have to get back to work

The work: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1647757075869466627

>> No.15360415

Are they doing a pre launch press conference tonight or something? seems like all the journos are down there early

>> No.15360418

Thank you for protecting the integrity of /sci/ (for free), jannies.

>> No.15360419

Our Icarus flew too close to the sun ;_;

>> No.15360421

5,328 waiting Scheduled for Apr 17, 2023

>> No.15360422

Again, learning from the Soviets. Their space program fell apart because their country fell apart.

>> No.15360424

How come elon is tweeting right now if I'm watching him live talking about crypto?

>> No.15360427

It was a shadow of itself long before then.

>> No.15360428

His PR handles twitter. you dont actually think it's him tweeting did you? LOL

>> No.15360429

I believe in Energia, and you should too.

>> No.15360430

He is tweeting via neuralink

>> No.15360431
File: 2.48 MB, 1280x1922, 1602235313b85a77fea5ca5ac10268cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15360436

https://www.youtube.com/live/vT3B4WYAntI?feature=share holy shit everyday todd is streaming now

>> No.15360438

The gas giant moons are surprisingly big in the skies of their worlds.
Also I'm surprised at how visible Phobos is.

>> No.15360439

Elon setting low expectations is good. I can finally go to bed.

>> No.15360442

What background music should I play during the launch?

>> No.15360444

Those super charts aren't gonna donate themselves

>> No.15360445

Being based and redpilled is a lot of work.

>> No.15360447


>> No.15360448

>page 7, now page 6
>jannies abusing their image posting privileges openly



>> No.15360450

I think you can still do some mobile posting weirdness to get around the limit, sometimes

>> No.15360451

what the fuck
>mods = gods
>verification not required

>> No.15360453

This thread is never going to die

>> No.15360454

No what you do is delete one of your previous posts

>> No.15360459

It doesn't really compare to the amount of progress they made in the '60s and early '70s. They never really set their sights quite so high after then.

>> No.15360460

[twitter screenshot]

>> No.15360463

Can someone tell me why /sfg/ is so far back in catalog when there is 1200 replies and constantly new replies posted within ten minutes?

>> No.15360464

holy shit its over, musk is finished.

>> No.15360465

Late 80s soviet space program was the best it was since the 60s

>> No.15360466

delightfully counterintuitive

>> No.15360468

>/sci/ catalog
>sort by repliy count
>all the other "top" threads like 200 replies and are like a week old
>this thread: 1,2K replies in half a day.

>> No.15360469


>> No.15360470

bump limit reached, otherwise /sfg/ would never reach page 10 and die.

>> No.15360471

archive shows that this post >>15357968 got deleted at the same time as the early stager

>> No.15360472

>no proof viruses exist.: cell culture is retarded

>Are you prepared for the golden age of Indian Mathematics?

>I heard there is a pedophile jannie that is deleting content that talks about him and authorities were contacted. Is this true?

>How developed would science today be if the Nazis won the war?

some quality threads out there on /sci/. Now I know why I don't venture from sfg.

>> No.15360474

premature staging right before a huge, important launch is a very bad omen

>> No.15360475

Thanks, appreciate it

>> No.15360477

let's be honest here, a KABOOOOOMMMM jusssssstt high enough in the air so that nothing is harmed on the ground is the most KINO outcome. Plus it will still get SpaceX some critical data on something to fix I'd imagine.

>> No.15360478

Shameful really.

>> No.15360479

Felon Huskkk is Finnish

>> No.15360481

>6. Compliance Monitoring: An FAA Safety Inspector must be present at SpaceX’s Boca Chica Launch Complex for flight operations.

what safety are they exactly inspecting? can he stop the launch on his own?

>> No.15360482

fucking tourists ruining the mojo

>> No.15360485

He's inspecting the cookie jar for crumbles

>> No.15360486

elevator status?

>> No.15360488

out of order, same as SLS

>> No.15360490

the krystal poster and /vt/umor should fight again

>> No.15360491

We still lack the knowhow to construct a space elevator anon

>> No.15360492

damn we're already out of images on page 6
alright who wants to go bump shit threads in the catalog with me so we reach page 10 faster?

>> No.15360493

never began

>> No.15360494

yes, already on it kek

>> No.15360496 [DELETED] 

reported to /sci/ber police

>> No.15360497

Getting all the scrubs out of the way early.

>> No.15360498

>announcing a report

>> No.15360499

>Most of the people I know have PhDs
You're living in an absurdly unusual social bubble. You have lost sight of what it means to have average intelligence.

Go hang out in a gas station shop for a few hours. It should remind you of what "average intelligence" actually looks like.

>> No.15360500

The best counterweight is no counterweight.

>> No.15360502

you can already see today as a peak compared to the past several month.
It's been a very long two weeks since the last huge happening.

>> No.15360505

ack the cyber-cyber police got me

delightfully sugarcoated

>> No.15360507

Jannies in my /sfg/?
More likely than you think.

>> No.15360508

>what safety are they exactly inspecting? can he stop the launch on his own?
He has the important job of standing directly under the stack and making sure none of the engine nozzles are blocked by stray beetles or turtle eggs

>> No.15360509

/sci/ catalog is hilariously bad

>> No.15360510

They must be making bank off all my superchats.

>> No.15360511

Anons, I just want to let you know that you CAN lose the bodyfat and keep it off. For those whom it concerns, join us:


>> No.15360514

hey that reminds me, what's the chance of winning who wants to be a millionaire again?

>> No.15360515

Everyone posts a yellow rat when talking about janitorial, but I think the truth of their appearance to be something much more terrifying...

>> No.15360516

>for other gens
>on other boards

>> No.15360518

What elevator? There is no elevator.
Meds now.

>> No.15360520

Getting education is about how much you can endure the grind, not how much you are actually intelligent.

>> No.15360524

but for real lets solve the hard problem of consciousness and qualia, here and now, in this very thread
>thread #542515

>> No.15360526

I just want to help my fellow spacefag fatties
t. down 120 lbs and counting.

>> No.15360528

dog all of us squat and do mega cardio to maintain consciousness when under high gs

>> No.15360530

I am underweight

>> No.15360532

what exactly will NSF ramble about for their 8 hour pre-stream?

>> No.15360535

Thanks for the Superchat musical wolves

>> No.15360536

We've got a 3hr "Best of NSF" compilation we'll be watching and discussing.

>> No.15360538

How hard would it be to refit SN15 for an orbital flight?

>> No.15360541

heyyy, musical wolves coming in with another $50 superchat. thank you! your support means so, so much to us.

>> No.15360543

alert /sci/ at 132% nominal posting rate

>> No.15360545

Pretty much this.

>> No.15360546

impossible. why?

>> No.15360547

>Nearly called Terran R “Hard R” in front of a space thot
You did this to me

>> No.15360550

you ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.15360552

I called Russians “Ziggers” in my history class lol

>> No.15360554


>> No.15360555


>> No.15360556

Nature is healing.

>> No.15360558

I almost said vatnigs but I played it off as fumbling the word vatnik kek

>> No.15360559

T-12 hours it’s over

>> No.15360560

>T-12 hours until the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket; targeting ~8:00 a.m. CT for liftoff

>> No.15360561


>> No.15360562

I called a police Lieutenant a glowie by accident kek

>> No.15360564

The /sfg/ NLP is taking hold.

>> No.15360565

I was just watching the image limit and noticed that it was at 250 instead of 251
somebody must have deleted an image
if you check, it was this image: >>15357968

>> No.15360568

L2 is fucking dead by the way

>> No.15360570

if it isn't Tim "Hard R" Ellis

>> No.15360571

>0.0714 more weeks

>> No.15360575

A 107 IQ is not getting a mathematics PhD no matter how hard they grind you nonce

>> No.15360577

Anyone have a guess on when the actual launch will happen? I'm working tonight and I don't want to fuck up my sleep anymore than I need to.

>> No.15360580

Elon confirmed it, it's in 2 weeks

>> No.15360581


>> No.15360582

Great, thanks.

>> No.15360583


>> No.15360585

Well not, like, a White or Asian guy, no.

>> No.15360590

Thursday at 4:20 pm

>> No.15360592

i dont want that ever again

>> No.15360593

>T-4 seconds tomorrow
>HOLD HOLD HOLD boat in exclusion zone

it'll happen

>> No.15360596

A nervous Elon keeps saying expect delays, just sleep on it and enjoy the vods. Have a good one

>> No.15360597

Project Starship IS ON!

>> No.15360599

NTA but hoping for a delay to Friday because that's when I'm off

>> No.15360600

>gunshot rings out
>false alarm folks proceed with launch

>> No.15360603

SpaceX targeting 8:00 a.m. CT for launch.

>> No.15360604

What are the chances Musk is extra-overly cautious tomorrow (setting up the expectation with todays twitter spaces) just so it fucking launches on 4/20 like he's obsessed with?

>> No.15360605

>T-1 second
>HOLD HOLD HOLD too much wind

>> No.15360610

A SIGN FROM THE GODS https://twitter.com/TVickz/status/1647671088040620032

>> No.15360611

>8am CT
nice. I wasn't sure I'd make it trying to get up an hour early

>> No.15360613

> image board
> images are rationed

>> No.15360616

Buy a 4chan pass

>> No.15360617

how much launch window there is after this?

>> No.15360619

What if giant spinning habitats are just physically impossible? What if beyond a certain size it just can't act as one solid structure like smaller objects do?

>> No.15360623


>> No.15360624

hour and half

>> No.15360625

> pay to post
lmao even

>> No.15360626

/sfg/ should stage after hitting the image limit

>> No.15360628

if we can build skyscrapers on earth we can build spinning habs in a 0g frictionless environment

>> No.15360627

90 minutes. Window is 150 minutes, launch is scheduled an hour after the window opens

>> No.15360633

Just raise the image limit
Simple as

>> No.15360634

where do you think elon got the idea?

>> No.15360635

if you want it to be staged then start bumping posts

>> No.15360636

4chan pass = no limit
wouldn't object to that as a solution. but that might end up being a slope slippery.

>> No.15360637

Blow me

>> No.15360641

>try to delete post
>it's too old

>> No.15360642

>What if giant spinning habitats are just physically impossible?
What if they're not and qualified people said they're entirely possible and show their reasoning as to why?

>> No.15360644 [DELETED] 

/sfg/ already got the /sci/ image limit raised. It isn't feasible to raise it high enough to accommodate one-off events like the Starship first launch

>> No.15360652

ya'll niggroes ready? are you prepped and ready to fuck?

>> No.15360654

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - A federal judge in Austin issued an emergency ruling on Sunday to suspend SpaceX's highly anticipated Starship Superheavy first orbital test flight, initially scheduled to launch from Boca Chica, Texas. The decision comes after a consortium of environmental organizations filed a federal lawsuit, alleging that the pending launch poses significant environmental risks and that proper assessments have not been conducted. The court's intervention puts an abrupt halt on the high-profile test, raising questions about the future timeline of SpaceX's ambitious project.

>> No.15360657

wtf is this real?

>> No.15360660

Starship will [math]\unicode{x1F9E8}[/math]

>> No.15360661

it's over

>> No.15360663

we're getting closer...

>> No.15360662

You will spent all day hyped, only to watch some fueling if you are lucky.

>> No.15360665


>> No.15360666

no its not, if theres no link its not real

>> No.15360668

>T-1 second
>Hold hold hold
>Uh looks like we have to review some engine data see you tomorrow!

>> No.15360669

>Pass user since 2019
>disgusted pepe.webp

>> No.15360670

Two more ninty degree rotations of the earth

>> No.15360671

* 3 days minimum because puny tank farm

>> No.15360672


>> No.15360676

>implying I would pay real money for it

>> No.15360679

>normies don't care

>elon musk thinks it wont work

>common sense skeptic raising valid points, retweeted by the biden administration

>elevator system in the tower is completely destroyed

>nsf grifters live streaming constant ads for their tshirts and mugs

>thunder foot about to release another exposé

>discarded pictures of an anthropomorphic blue fox creature from that dinosaur planet game was found on site at boca chica disturbing an endangered beetles nest and a full investigation now needs to be conducted

Yup, it's officially over.

>> No.15360682

> Hiroposting

>> No.15360683


still any chance of a sugarcoating?

>> No.15360686

>common sense skeptic raising valid points, retweeted by the biden administration

>> No.15360687

All the sugar in the world cannot cost this

It is odd though that Elon is so depressed about it

>> No.15360689

Literally used to happen but non-functional autists started demanding it goes to page 10

>> No.15360690

>retweeted by the biden administration
Nigger what

>> No.15360692

why is elon so pessimistic about it?

>> No.15360696

>the biden administration
lol lmao

>> No.15360697

because it's a complicated behemoth of a rocket with somewhat staging, launch release, software, yada yada. FH was different. They had already flown much of the 'stuff' just in a different configuration.
It's an engineering challenge

>> No.15360698

>page 9

>> No.15360699

too much twitter

>> No.15360701

stage 4 inoperable, mr anon
i'm sorry

>> No.15360702

*somewhat untested


>> No.15360707

you have no idea how many threads i've bumped to get us to page 9
theres barely page 10 atm anyways

>> No.15360709

whoever bakes don't use Untitled-4.png. It's bad juju.

>> No.15360711

KEK it worked

>> No.15360713

Is this true?

>> No.15360714

starship's official name is...
>plunky chunky chungus

>> No.15360715

of course it does retard
it's just time consuming

>> No.15360716

>under 50 views
Is this your account?

>> No.15360719

kek really baiting all these tourists

>> No.15360722

Sadly... yes

>> No.15360723

we need more IPs. advertize on other boards guys

>> No.15360724

nah I just decided to search twitter for stuff happening in Brownsville and sorted by date

>> No.15360727

kill yourself

>> No.15360729

t. posts comprise 40% of the thread

>> No.15360731

/sfg/ has always had about 100-150 posters ever since the hop era

>> No.15360732

no then we'll hit the thread IP limit too and that would be a disaster

>> No.15360740


>> No.15360744


>> No.15360745

oh we hit the image limit already

>> No.15360746

sfg is dead

>> No.15360748

>not even 4chan passovers can post images
wats the point

>> No.15360749

at that point just bake a new thread. it's way less disruptive to the board than bumping dozens of shit tiers from page 10

>> No.15360751

rules are rules

>> No.15360752

too late

>> No.15360754

>pictures of an anthropomorphic blue fox creature

>> No.15360755

>Look at how Jurassic Park influenced biology, palaeontology, genetics, and even computer science and mathematics a bit.
So, not at all?

>> No.15360756

Imagine a meetup with all those 150 people

>> No.15360757

>last post was over 30 seconds ago
it's over

>> No.15360758

Would be kind of cool

>> No.15360759

here lemme start a Zoom and we can all turn on our webcams

>> No.15360760

based autist

>> No.15360761

The Faustian Man is repelled by luxury and comfort.

>> No.15360762

150, teehee :>

>> No.15360764

>Elon shows up

>> No.15360766

I am literally checking my phone every 5 minutes for an update goddamn

>> No.15360767

this thread made me forget how niche my autistic fixation is

>> No.15360770

He already knows about spacexmasterrace, I give it a 50/50 chance he's aware this place exists too.

>> No.15360772

ahhhhh no we hit the IP limit
no new anons allowed

>> No.15360773


>> No.15360775

starship fans have been edging for years

>> No.15360776

Never apologize or feel bad about your passion blud

>> No.15360778

imagine all the brownies shared

>> No.15360779

I swear to G*d of Starship blows up I will fucking kill myself

>> No.15360781

don't actually do this, these things never go well

>> No.15360782

It's fine, it's an old model anyway. They have lots more ready to go.

>> No.15360783

my only friends :,(

>> No.15360786

They're kicking people out and restricting the launch site. It's over.

>> No.15360789

the tower is collapsing.
musk will finally be arrested

>> No.15360790

I've organized and been to 4 /o/ meetups. they were fine.

>> No.15360791

I'm afraid it's only just begun.

>> No.15360795


>> No.15360801

lol, I remember wanting to kill myself but thinking that I first needed to see Starship going orbital at least. Three years later and I'm still here lol

>> No.15360804

this one isnt even orbital, still cant kill yourself

>> No.15360806

Don't lie, the page ten rule has been apart of /sfg/ pretty much since inception

>> No.15360810

we've also survived without any trips for 3+ years too

>> No.15360811

I can remember a couple of times we staged after hitting the image limit.

>> No.15360812

you're a big thread

>> No.15360813

Oh, that's right, I forgot that. Blueballed again, thanks Elon?

>> No.15360814

Go to bed faggots, the mods are not going to make your thread be the launch thread, they'll start their own.

>> No.15360817

whats the poster limit again? cant remember the last time we hit it

>> No.15360820

>they're all normies

>> No.15360821

i don't think there is one

>> No.15360822

>why is elon so pessimistic about it?

This your first launch of a new SpaceX rocket?

>> No.15360823

Fuck jannies also you have to go back

>> No.15360824

they don't typically though. and it's being made 1200 UTC so after most burgers are awake anyways (7 CT).

>> No.15360827

>finally page 10
bumpbros…we—i mean you—did it

>> No.15360829

Live in 9 hours
6,331 waiting Scheduled for Apr 17, 2023

>> No.15360830

Set my alarm for 5 AM but I bet I'll wake up at like 2 AM like every other time I went to bed early. I guess I'll have plenty of time to get set up to record every stream.

>> No.15360831

>musk will finally be arrested
AI artists pls respond

>> No.15360833

>PAGE 10

>> No.15360835


>> No.15360836

Now for duplicate threads

>> No.15360837

>page 10

>> No.15360838

>record every stream
VOD's exist...

>> No.15360839

I regret not following them during the last decade

>> No.15360840

I'm hitting the space bar but the thread isn't staging, how do I fix it? Go back to the VAB?

>> No.15360841


>> No.15360842


>> No.15360844

autistbots roll out

>> No.15360845

we still are at the *top* of page 10. no need to rush.

>> No.15360846

Webms only take a minute or two to render, anon. Also, no vods on the perpetual streams after 12 hours.

>> No.15360848



>> No.15360850

You probably have the staging set-up wrong. Sometimes engines from later stages can get mistakenly moved lower and then the game doesn't really know how to handle it.

>> No.15360851


>> No.15360852

msm videos starting to drop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewm5xkPv57U

>> No.15360855

well done

>> No.15360856


>> No.15360857

> retards bump schizo /sci/ threads that deserve to die instead of breaking convention
dedication to the 'tism

>> No.15360858


>> No.15360860

That would be so fun. I'll bring goldfish crackers

>> No.15360861

alright this is the new thread, no one else stage

>> No.15360862

fuck /sci/, garbage board
long live /sfg/

>> No.15360863

hey man i'm just here to shitpost while i listen to the new lana del rey album

>> No.15360865

>1500 posts within sight

>> No.15360866

Next thread is scrubbed, just like tomorrow's launch.

>> No.15360867

I'm impressed you managed to get your cum into the last batch

>> No.15360868

Given the amount of people who seem to be in the industry, a meetup at scitech or a similar event might actually work

>> No.15360869

Thread did not stage, obviously a major malfunction

>> No.15360870

I would make a new one but I don't want to get bullied again

>> No.15360871

Any anons going to Space Symposium?

>> No.15360873

big thread, big socks

>> No.15360874

imagine giving a damn
just imagine

>> No.15360876

I was the OP of the rocket equation thread, AMA

>> No.15360877

I live million of kilometers away from all of you. Good luck :(

>> No.15360880

I'm impressed with myself even

>> No.15360881

i hope bud light asks to put their logo on starship when it gets sent to mars
would be fun

>> No.15360883

I'll bake some brownies for the frens :)

>> No.15360886

Posting in a based thread

>> No.15360889

please ration images this time kids

>> No.15360891

fucking zoomers

>> No.15360893

I was earlier I think, we'll see what the jannies do

>> No.15360898

tragedy of the commons
I'm going to post as many images as possible so i can delete them later and keep posting once it hits limit
also I'm going to drink all the milk in the communal /sfg/ kitchen

>> No.15360900

Do you think that schizo is still here?
The collagefag

>> No.15360904

I called it

>> No.15360905

this but without the sarcasm

>> No.15360906

>so i can delete them later
You can't delete after about 30 minutes, newfag.

>> No.15360908

Seething boomoid

>> No.15360911

I win by 10 seconds sorry anon :(

>> No.15360917

No I think he got bored and went elsewhere after he failed to start a dedicated spaceflight board.

>> No.15360923

cummon 1500

>> No.15360928

> thread lasts only a few hours
> bump limit comes late
with repetition and good timing it means I'll have a fairly good chance of a buffer while imagelets are posting moe links that no one clicks on

>> No.15360930

We can only hope
He was incredibly deranged

>> No.15360933

I replied to him every single post
I feel responsible for him being bullied to /qa/

>> No.15360956

>to /qa/
what? do you mean

>> No.15360960

Page 10 rule is imposed by jannies, sometimes they allow early staging for habbenings due to image limit. Lord knows we’re saints compared to /sci/ proper

>> No.15360964

a mod stepped in at one point and said requests for new boards should be relegated to /qa/

page 9.99999999....

>> No.15360965

can we actually stage this holy shit

>> No.15360969

it is staged nigger

>> No.15360977

1488 oops

>> No.15360981

It's the inverse, early threads get mass reported and then the jannies delete them for us.

>> No.15360982

>absurdly unusual
that anon is not alone, I used to work in a an office whose corridor had near everyone but me with a PHD, some had double doctorates, I socialised with one who made his own rocket engine as part of a PHD, and he was an Ok guy.

>> No.15360996

IN 1492

>> No.15361002


>> No.15361004

lets get this old girl over the line

>> No.15361010

theres nothing to talk about other than wait for launch.

>> No.15361014

I will be all the last 7 posts by myself if needs be

>> No.15361017

what is your favorite space movie

>> No.15361019

excuse me bakers pls make this the image for the next op

>> No.15361027

The Martian, I love Interstellar, but The Martian is just better for me

>> No.15361035

summary of the twitter spaces by elon

>> No.15361036

I like Outland

>> No.15361040


>> No.15361043


>> No.15361048

Thread already got made, 72 posts in but nobody announced the fucking stage so here I am.


>> No.15361076

I did lol >>15360889

>> No.15361108

strictly astronaut movies or movies in space in general? (including fantasy)