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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1535360 No.1535360 [Reply] [Original]

Today, there was a girl in this program I go to who kept on insisting that the big bang is what killed the dinosaurs and that the milky way was the universe. I know. Luckily I was there to prove her wrong and ended up giving her an entire lesson on the basics of the universe. If that wasn't enough, on the bus to my program, there was a couple who were talking about how wrong evolution was and how God was without a doubt the creator. Science illiterate people like this are stunting the growth of humanity. I can't believe that there are people out there like this. It makes me wonder about the future of humanity. It also make me feel more responsible with carrying science on to future generations.
Could /sci/ make me, and the rest of humanity, feel better?
tl;dr: Why are there so many people who are ignorant of science?

>> No.1535364

Why are there so many people ignorant of everything?

>> No.1535375

It's getting better, but there will always be retards.
how do you think Galileo felt? that was arguably the worst era to be a scientist in.

>> No.1535381

At least Galileo had the tact to keep his mouth shut.

>> No.1535382

>there was a couple who were talking about how wrong evolution was and how God was without a doubt the creator.

That's what trolling is for.

>> No.1535386

What did you expect?
Not all of the species has even gotten out of the woods yet.
It is only about a hundred thousand years old and relies on primitive shamanistic beliefs.

They are mostly still made of meat and water.

Give them a couple of hundred thousand years and maybe we'll see some improvement.

>> No.1535397

>At least Galileo had the tact to keep his mouth shut.

Galileo ran his mouth so much the Catholic Church threatened to put him on the rack to shut him the fuck up.
He was in the right, but he wasn't tactful about it.

>> No.1535398

Technological advance is much faster than the sociological one. The more people are on this planet the more things go boom with ever improving special effects.

>> No.1535444

There was a show on British tv about some Amish teenagers that came to Britain (basically an excuse for a reality tv show).

Obviously being religious and the Brits not, one took another girl aside and said, pointing to the tree they were next to:
>"How would this have evolved out of like, nothing."

>British girl doesn't have a scientific background and doesn't want to be rude so doesnt offer a counter argument

I raged

>> No.1535450

>tl;dr: Why are there so many people who are ignorant of science?

ALso, another massive pet peeve. People who don't understand science so dismiss it.

Eg the Christians you seeposted here as troll bait, with retarded arguments.

Also things like people not understanding the simplest of things. The whole plane on a treadmill thing. It quite obviously would take off but some poeple no matter how many times you explain it to them, just DO NOT get it at all. And still insist it wouldn't.

People just want to take the easy way out and say God did it, rather than accept that there are things they/we don't yet understand.

>> No.1535452

OP...I admire the opportunity to have done what you did. *salutes*

>> No.1535455

Incorrect. For most of his discoveries, he kept his findings secret and rarely published. The whole vatican debacle was a result of him slipping up. Learn history before making tactless arguments, ya fuck.

>> No.1535458


op got trolled irl

also, faggot for not just bending her over

>> No.1535471

Because scientists rarely if ever make scientific discovery accessible to the public in general. We refuse to use common language and even in our math equation literally write in Greek. How is a person with a high school diploma supposed to understand what they can't read. Astronomers have been nice enough to make up new words that are at least accessible to the general public. The rest of scientists have have. The most important molecule in biology for example is called deoxyribonucleic acid.

>> No.1535472

It stems from the fact that you don't have to understand how something works in order to use it. You can drive a car even if you believe that fairies live under the hood and run on little treadmills to turn the wheels, and that gasoline is fairy food. You can get vaccinated for this year's strain of influenza and at the same time not believe in evolution.

>> No.1535479


Not everyone is a desperate to get women as you are.

Also I feel your pain OP... I hear ignorant talk like this all the time. Uncles... cousins... How can these mouth-breathers even exist in our society?

>> No.1535475

>Learn history before making tactless arguments, ya fuck.
>tactless arguements
>ya fuck

3/10, would rage again.

>> No.1535493


>> No.1535495

only if you ignore that the church funded his research in the first place and he was really only house arrested after publishing a book where he called the Pope a fool. Basic scientific observation tells us that it is unwise to bite the hand that feeds you.

>> No.1535516

>Federal government funds research on Iraq War pre-invasion
>Commission finds Bush administration guilty of breaking several laws
>Commission members incarcerated
>"Don't bite the hand that feeds you!"


>> No.1535541

plenty of ways to be objective and refute a claim without being a dick. It's called being tactful. Galileo was imprisoned for poor manners, not for science.

>> No.1535570 [DELETED] 
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Where are humans going in evolution?
In 1,000,000 years assuming humans are still around as a species, what will we our most likely appearance be?
How will other animals look in a million years?
How will plant life look in a million years?

>> No.1535589


thinks humans are still evolving rofl.

>> No.1535608


We are. Every time someone breeds with someone else who has different DNA, humanity is evolving.

Oh wait, I'm being trolled, aren't I?

>> No.1535620

OP thinks he's the smartest person alive.


>> No.1535621


No evolution is the act of natural selection. We all have the ability to survive long enough to reproduce. Their is currently no selection on humans.

>> No.1535635


Yes there is. Have you seen Africa?

>> No.1535640


Yes they breed like rodents. Your point?

>> No.1535665
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Also, Aspergers is an extremely overdiagnosed condition. When I was a child I would propably have been diagnosed with it, but by the time I entered high school
I grew out of it.

>> No.1535690

Well, that settles it.

>> No.1535703

>>there was a couple who were talking about how wrong evolution was and how God was without a doubt the creator

no there wasn't