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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 982x655, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15353120 No.15353120 [Reply] [Original]

Some commentators contend that the American populace has become increasingly narcissistic since the end of World War II. People compete mightily for attention. In social situations they tend to steer the conversation away from others and toward themselves. The profusion of popular literature about "listening" and "managing those who talk constantly about themselves" suggests its pervasiveness in everyday life. This claim is substantiated by the growth of "reality TV" programs, the growth of an online culture in which digital media, social media and the desire for fame are generating a "new era of public narcissism."

Also supporting the contention that American culture has become more narcissistic is an analysis of US popular song lyrics between 1987 and 2007. This found a growth in the use of first-person singular pronouns, reflecting a greater focus on the self, and also of references to antisocial behavior; during the same period, there was a diminution of words reflecting a focus on others, positive emotions, and social interactions. References to narcissism and self-esteem in American popular print media have experienced vast inflation since the late 1980s. Between 1987 and 2007 direct mentions of self-esteem in leading US newspapers and magazines increased by 4,540 per cent while narcissism, which had been almost non-existent in the press during the 1970s, was referred to over 5,000 times between 2002 and 2007.


>> No.15353142


>> No.15353143

i felt satisfied when germany raped brazil. Remember 7-1

>> No.15353224

if youre mad about discussion being about someone that is not you then youre just uninteresting lazy faggot that no one cares about, its not what you tell people to do, once youre actually irrelevant they'll talk

>> No.15353242
File: 135 KB, 1141x1600, facepalming hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been all downhill for germany since them. turns out winning as sportball isn't worth much. brazil still has nearly limitless exploitable natural resources and no immigration problem

>> No.15353244

christ this board has fallen so hard. you should at least be able to speak basic english if you want to make a post

>> No.15353269
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, aaoeigj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the fact that people focus on themselves that's the problem. The problem is how they interpret themselves. People are downplaying their own influence and turning all their attention to information. Finding the right words has become more important than making the words right.

>> No.15353280

Well said, but also empty attention and dopamine received via social media is addictive. Life becomes a performance for pointless and non transferable (in most cases) eCredit

>> No.15353287

>Normalization of narcissistic behaviors
Don't give a fuck if someone is or not.
But if they piss me off, I'll fuck them up dawg.

>> No.15353329


>> No.15353338

Do you want help with your understanding?

>> No.15353387

What I don’t understand is why would anyone want to draw attractive to themselves in the first place? The second you do something wrong, you’re already caught. Isn’t it better just to be a ghost?

>> No.15353391
File: 2.54 MB, 498x332, spoony-noah-antwiler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you want help with your understanding?
I can measure the soul and the dimensions of heaven. God offers help and I slap it away with my staff because its a degenerate shitbag Satanic entity.

Who are you?

>> No.15353394

You are Cult of Passion. I can help you.

>> No.15353405

brazil has all sorts of problems

>> No.15353448
File: 76 KB, 720x886, 1611301533841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can help you.
Define yourself, mortal. I will dissect your soul for all to see.

>> No.15353455

I am one person.

>> No.15353458

You’ve never received or forgotten the dopamine hit of positive attention. Is it better to be a ghost? Perhaps in modern amerika, yes

>> No.15353472
File: 71 KB, 611x1390, god-with-two-heads-with-the-head-of-horus-and-the-seth-typhon-horus-hor-main-god-in-the-early-mythology-of-ancient-egypt-seth-egyptian-god-who-killed-osiris-MA90DT (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not.

>> No.15353477

Not you may be, but not is still me.

>> No.15353498
File: 11 KB, 205x246, images - 2023-04-14T130120.828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fought his nature until He won. His own body, to conqure one's self, is greater than conquering the world, but nature call's that overcoming the world.

To deny one's base insticts of tooth and claw, wants and transient emotions...

You think you are One...nay, you are simply a democractically submitted tyranny unto thyself. Asymmetry for coherence to a simpleton's mind.


I can take you past the outerlimits of existence itself...until one takes a second glance at a stone...because you would swear it looked back. A void to the center of an atom and beyond.

>> No.15353502
File: 364 KB, 1000x2413, Lucy_blackbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To deny one's base insticts of tooth and claw
Hairy-tic. Lucy-fur.


>> No.15353515

If I am not, then what am I? Am I not? I am not, but I am not not. I am not not not, so what am I. Not I may be, but not is still me. Not I may be, but not is still me.

>> No.15353521
File: 80 KB, 720x720, 2023-04-15_13.03.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then what am I?
A heretic.

>> No.15353530


>> No.15353581

looks like someone got offended at the premise of this thread and decided to try to spam it to death

>> No.15353590

When two schizos communicate they somehow talk passed eachother to the point of full circle and they can somehow keep building conversation to the point of explosion. The end result is one stabs the other (if in person)

>> No.15353592
File: 1.93 MB, 498x256, terminator-skull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some commentators contend that the American populace has become increasingly narcissistic
>If I am not, then what am I? Am I not? I am not, but I am not not. I am not not not, so what am I. Not I may be, but not is still me. Not I may be, but not is still me.

Were you perceptive or were you misled by your lying eyes, human?

>> No.15353596
File: 40 KB, 500x386, an-intellectual-capacity-beyond-our-own.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe educate yourself, you step over knowledge for ego-affirming faux-superiority.

>> No.15353601

I’m just kidding guy, but it is quite a remarkable thing to witness. Though I may be misinterpreting motives

>> No.15353608
File: 66 KB, 804x509, CvMCmyVXYAAkpNV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing of this term as it implies deception of either others or one's self.

>> No.15353611

Ok so you have no motive at all times. And you’re never in delusion

>> No.15353612

Ah, Cult of Passion; the answer to a question nobody asked.

>> No.15353615

I'm not a schizo.

>> No.15353622
File: 124 KB, 604x604, 1677821447723320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok so you have no motive at all times
The data collection for a more irrefutable concept of reality.
>And you’re never in delusion

>the answer to a question nobody asked
Yes...animals never ask questions for they know not that a potential answer even exists.


>> No.15353633

Why did you create an account here?

>> No.15353653

You should tone down your crystal meth use.

>> No.15353654
File: 682 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230414-041032_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To shitpost between field research trips while I lay in bed resting and "recuperating from years on end of traveling the world". Like sleep Im years behind in "me time".

Why are you here?

>> No.15353655

You should attend more university lectures.


>> No.15353661

i am the only person that matters in the world. Cope

>> No.15353682
File: 173 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20230415-143232_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientifically factual fact.

>> No.15354596

looks like someone is getting massively triggered by this thread.
40 posts, half of them by one outraged mental case.
OP is really putting the hurt on it

>> No.15354718

I 100% agree there is a gendered component to Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), probably having to do with the roles our society forces men and women to play, but i think once you get to the individual level it gets pretty complicated. in my own experience i've seen that men seem to exhibit sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies more often (often for manipulation/personal gain- when you see a self-made millionaire from humble beginnings, it seems like there's a 50%+ chance of a personality disorder of some kind) whereas women more often exhibit NPD-type characteristics in order to get emotional needs met.

it seems like our society rewards people who are willing/able to skillfully manipulate others, my theory is that there's a direct connection between the hierarchical power structure in politics/corporate culture and the disordered/sociopathic personalities which tend to succeed. it's a feedback loop- "free market" capitalism rewards psychopaths, psychopaths make the world more psychopathic.

Personally i find it most insidious when the psychopaths in question have taken oaths to serve others, as in the case of politicians, medical professionals, or corporations ostensibly serving the public good

Anyone born in the past <70 years probably has more narcissistic tendencies because they find a million different ways to feel special, whether it's astrological signs, sexual identity, political identity, gender pronouns, or mental health labels. People just get progressively more interested in labeling themselves with unique identifiers so they can stand out.

Then comes the issue of entitlement. Everyone feels entitled and like they're in the right. They all feel like the world owes them because they didn't have a perfect life, or maybe they did have a great life and they just expect that special treatment from everyone.

>> No.15354723

Finally, we're bloodthirsty. Many of us have a truth we hold in our hearts and a strong sense for seeing justice be done to that truth. The people in power have carefully orchestrated a duality to truth and then convinced each side that his or hers is the right one. Then they stoke the flames of drama get get people really riled up to the point where we would have fought a blood civil war already if we all weren't completely comfortable, lazy, and incapable.

Narcissism is the delta that emerges from the previous three conditions: 1) attributing unique identifiers to oneself, 2) entitlement issues, 3) aggressive propensity for one's own version of social justice.

Remove these things from humanity and you'll know peace.

>> No.15354823


>> No.15355144

Anyone ever notice how much of the content on /sci/ is made by people who just want to talk about themselves and focus attention on themselves and have nothing to offer for the rest of us?

>> No.15355172

it's just because of women having more social power nowadays. female nature is inherently chaotic and degenerate, woman is formless, has no identity, to the extent she is the least bit moral or logical she has a partially masculine nature. empowering women just means sending your society down the path of death and decay, but there's no going back now. sad how people don't understand this.

>> No.15355188
File: 71 KB, 960x504, original (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just want to talk about themselves
Idk...but you posted your personal feelings and didnt include anything STEM.
>have nothing to offer for the rest of us
u first

>b-b-but you didnt either
Look at the picture and infer cognition data, be a scientist....I believe in you!

>> No.15355203

everything you said is true except
>sad how people don't understand this.
lot of people understand, including the media jews who force feminism into everything

>> No.15355248

You get the most flak when you're over the target.

>> No.15355407

lol. germany is on the path of becoming a shithole, but brazil already is an irredeemable trashbin

>> No.15355435

>Germany is going downhill because of thirdies!
And Brazil is 100% thirdies, Germans simply need to turn off the visa, over a million workers leave the country each year. Brazil can't be fixed.

>> No.15355518

>Some commentators contend that the American populace has become increasingly narcissistic since the end of World War II
I think this is the most vapid pseudo-intellectual sentence I've ever seen in my life

>> No.15355543

>you do something wrong
I cant do something wrong because im me and youre you.
We're not the same buddy

>> No.15355560

is FAAAAR over used. someone like trump is a pathological narcissist. someone "steering a conversation towards themselves" is likely someone relating personal experiences relevant to the conversation, and is not pathological. learn the difference.

>> No.15355650

>reeeeeeeeeee trump

>> No.15355814

why does it trigger you so much? hit a little too close to home?

>> No.15355830
File: 204 KB, 1920x2560, time magazine you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15355886

Media influence like that might be why some commentators contend that the American populace has become increasingly narcissistic since the end of World War II

>> No.15356140

>someone like trump is a pathological narcissist
if he were then he would have had no issue with wasting money on virtue signaling stupidity.
narcissistic virtue signaling is a feature of the leftist

>> No.15356301

This was 2 months after google bought YouTube.
Slick marketing

>> No.15356443

The CIA/In-Q-Tel
Do you think its just a coincidence that the Anheuser Busch boss who was pushing trannys is "ex" CIA?

>> No.15356660
File: 250 KB, 1668x1453, Mystery White Crater Spotted Over Mexico! | What On Earth | Science Channel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer TV dragged on forever with filler content trying to explain simple stuff, YouTube replace it. YouTube is now asking their creators to make longer and longer boring videos, one day TikTok will replace it.


>> No.15357019

>female nature is inherently chaotic and degenerate, woman is formless, has no identity
i agree that many women are like this and i find them absolutely repugnant and unlovable
>she is the least bit moral or logical she has a partially masculine nature
however i disagree with this. i find woman who are logical and intelligent but also understanding extremely feminine and very attractive (not even sexually but purely on a human level) and i love to be around them.

>> No.15357235

>In social situations they tend to steer the conversation away from others and toward themselves.
including as many first person pronouns per sentence as possible is very popular writing style on this board

>> No.15357353

>too stupid to understand his point
>accuses him of not speaking english
many such cases

>> No.15358471

Are you expecting honest interaction from someone with a personality disorder?

>> No.15360658

quite the homoerotic image you posted there OP

>> No.15361849
File: 24 KB, 398x286, peter couch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as a heterosexual image of soccer

>> No.15364886
File: 54 KB, 586x789, 150720125612-70squotes-time-magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15364930

>TikTok will replace it.
I have zero doubt, YouTube will be replaced at some point, but not by TikTok.

>> No.15364942

I totally understand the comment. I cant stand the theatrical music, scripted and emotional narration, flashy unneccisary visuals.

That stuff was cool when I was a teenage stoner. I prefer a literal university lecture, powerpoints, data, and unflattering demenor. If I see that PBS - Spacetime stuff I stop the video.

If I want a story about space and stuff, This Dude; https://youtu.be/NCDlvoHQaE8

>> No.15365065

>If I see that PBS - Spacetime stuff I stop the video.
Don't pull that show into that mess.
Granted, Spacetime is completely unrelated to my major, so I probably simply don't know shit.
That said, Spacetime already seems extremely restrained in my eyes; reputable, reliable.
The video linked in (>>15356660) is in contrast complete trash from the beginning.

>> No.15365094

>The video linked
Ha, I didnt even watch it, watched about 3 seconds of it and "byah, gross".
>extremely restrained in my eyes; reputable, reliable
Thats what I say about Sabin when she actually talks Phsyics. Restrained to the point its "old news but still taught in university where the consensus is its still applicable".
"If you like your old Physics you can keep your old Physics."

>Spacetime is completely unrelated to my major, so I probably simply don't know shit
It changes with your skill level, naturally. Sometimes a simpler, family friendly, show is my temperment. Not always in the mood for a hardcore lecture, after all.

I used to watch Joe Rogan's sciency ones for just that; afterwork chats, with drinks, of Physicists and such.

>> No.15366564 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 463x615, just when you thought it couldn&#039;t get worse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science falling victim to 'crisis of narcissism'

>> No.15367541
File: 66 KB, 960x646, this is the society we live in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a growth in the use of first-person singular pronouns, reflecting a greater focus on the self,
yes, the people with the personality disorder expose their disorder to anyone who wants to notice via the way the communicate. self centeredness is an unreasonable or exclusive focus on the self.

>> No.15368117 [DELETED] 

It will never be replaced because its owned by Google/In-Q-Tel and complies with government censorship demands. It's competitors will be shut down because they are not under the same control.

>> No.15369402

j e a l o u s

>> No.15369571

been downhill for all of europe since the 1800s

>> No.15370196

the 1930s were good

>> No.15370202

can you consider us for a change?

>> No.15371513

They didn't name it the Iphone for no reason at all. Pushing narcissism on society is a large part of the scheme to destroy traditional societal bonds. Narcissism & atheism go hand in hand.

>> No.15372017 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 466x616, Time May 20 2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15377335
File: 166 KB, 783x551, greedy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15379775

This is part of whats brought scientific progress to a halt, science is now something people seek to brag about rather than succeed in on the basis of merit. The rigor is all gone, taken away to cater to shallow brained low IQs who want to be able to brag without achieving

>> No.15379792

That wouldn't surprise me.
The boomer generation were big drunks.
Alcoholics are prone to short bouts of euphoria, overly emotional, dumb, and aggressive while drinking, and I am pretty sure that long term use rewires your brain to become more narcissistic.

>> No.15380514 [DELETED] 

>rewires your brain to become more narcissistic.
all of the feel-good drugs do that.

>> No.15382166

You can see the results on this board constantly. The cosmology discussion really shows off the lack of humility and reasonable self doubt particularly well.

>> No.15383529 [DELETED] 

if they were bad then subsequent generations are worse

>They didn't name it the Iphone for no reason at all.
thing about what kind of people would attracted to a device with a name like that, the name is is a selling point to them

>> No.15383544

I have a different take on this.
The same amount of narcissists always existed.

Its just every single one of them is drawn to social media like flies to shit so there seems more of them.
100% of narcissists vs 50% of everyone else makes it seem like their is more narcissists than before.

Take video games for example. A group of people stream and a group of people min max. Those are the narcicists.
But a fuckload of people also play the games doing none of those things.

Imagine investing 100s of hours into a 20 year old mmorpg like world or warcraft just because you believe you are better than others and need to prove it.

Stop going to tik tok, instagram, twitch etc and the world will go back to seeming normal.

>> No.15383592

>feel-good drugs
what are the feel good drugs? cocaine and opiates obviously.
they psychedelics don't seem to fit that definition
marijuana feels good but it also makes you more introspective (to the point of paranoia in some cases). introspection is not a characteristic of narcissists.

>> No.15383606 [DELETED] 

introspection under the influence of feel-good drugs is just navel gazing.
>immmaaaa gooooonna introoooooosspeeecccttt!!

>> No.15383978 [DELETED] 

The amount of know-it-alls in any discipline is inversely proportional to the usefulness of the discipline. Pomposity is a coping mechanism as well as a tip-off of self-induced insecurity.

>> No.15385552 [DELETED] 

that seems reasonable

>> No.15386592
File: 32 KB, 494x515, astronomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The amount of know-it-alls in any discipline is inversely proportional to the usefulness of the discipline.

What is the most pompous scientific discipline, astronomy or physics?

>> No.15386994 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 634x768, Narcissus-Caravaggio_(1594-96)_edited_by_niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thing about what kind of people would attracted to a device with a name like that, the name is is a selling point to them
Also worth pointing out that "masturbatory" and narcissistic are synonyms. Masturbation is a habit of people with the narcissistic mental disease.

>> No.15387151

>Finding the right words has become more important than making the words right.

Can someone explain to a brainlet what this means please

>> No.15388535


>> No.15389064
File: 215 KB, 466x616, Time May 20 2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15389305

simple case of the decline in our genetics. our civilisation has removed selection pressures that kill off the dumb, uncooperative, mentally deformed, physically impaired, or in any other way sub par.

the same shit were seeing now happened in rome, bagdad, greece, etc. only difference is that it’s happening faster than back then because we’re so successful; the selection pressures are so reversed.

don’t worry civilisation will once again collapse into dark ages for many centuries. of course due to our success, our fall will be very far, so it might be another two to three thousand years till we get back here again.

oh by the way, warmer climates lower selection pressures for intelligence.

>> No.15389362


>> No.15389847

not even a real science

>> No.15390695 [DELETED] 

>The amount of know-it-alls in any discipline is inversely proportional to the usefulness of the discipline.
good point

>> No.15392525
File: 262 KB, 500x494, soyence magazine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15393919

Counterpoint: What, if there are "zero" people fitting that criterion?
You can't divide by zero.

>> No.15395207

>supporting the contention that American culture has become more narcissistic is an analysis of US popular song lyrics between 1987 and 2007. This found a growth in the use of first-person singular pronouns, reflecting a greater focus on the self, and also of references to antisocial behavior; during the same period, there was a diminution of words reflecting a focus on others, positive emotions, and social interactions.

>> No.15396106

>hay guise, i know everything about the entire universe
a field of science in which lack of self awareness is more valuable than intelligence

>> No.15397504

That one really seemed to have shut it down. Tellng

>> No.15398447
File: 5 KB, 215x234, qui mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an analysis of US popular song lyrics between 1987 and 2007
Who produces and distributes all of those song lyrics?

>> No.15399338

The guy has been out of office over 3 years already, when are you going to recover from TDS? How badly did he damage you?

>> No.15400366

>over used
its the thread topic

>> No.15401654

My local weather man can't even predict the weather accurately more than 48hr out, but the climatology narcissists say they can do it decades in advance. Plus they've never been right in the past, but they're still saying they can say what the weather is going to be in 2040 or whatever. How insane is that?

>> No.15403006

No such discipline exists, sure would be nice if there was though

>> No.15403025

Assuming the "know-it-all" is meant non-sarcastically, disciplines like that easily exist.
For example there is literally no one, that knows everything about mathematics. Such a human being simply does not exist.

>> No.15404288

>How insane is that?
Clinically psychotic. People who think there will be a climate doomsday might benefit from medication.

>> No.15405102
File: 1.33 MB, 498x322, greta-how-dare-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15405295
File: 53 KB, 700x372, african lyfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our civilisation has removed selection pressures that kill off the dumb, uncooperative, mentally deformed, physically impaired, or in any other way sub par.
The so-called "uncivilized 3rd world" still rids itself of useless excess baggage. Western nations don't manage that basic function. Who is truly the more civilized and intelligent culture?

>> No.15405383

Is that supposed to be a kick?

>> No.15407221 [DELETED] 

its just some homosexual prancing around pretending to be an athlete

>> No.15408274 [DELETED] 

math is up there too

>> No.15408756 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 431x600, Obama early 2008 primaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15410030

>reeeeeee its overused
>uses it in the next sentence

>> No.15411336

Someone in another thread pointed out the connection between atheism and narcissism and it seems like its worth repeating here. Atheism is the belief that an intelligence superior to your own couldn't possibly exist.

>> No.15411600 [DELETED] 

He was one of two twins born of the flame
His shadow is what I am.
His face is not the true face of God
I know because I have seen his face

>> No.15412805

>Ernest Jones in 1913 was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15412882 [DELETED] 

>"Look at me, I know exactly how the Earth will be 100 years from now!"
Sounds familiar.

>> No.15413019

The bit about print media might be misleading (unintentionally), because low self esteem is part of the reason people crave attention talk excessively about themselves. Not sure where I read this, but people who are depressed also spend a great deal more time talking about themselves. If you live with someone who goes through mood swings you may have noticed this first hand, especially if their moods are triggered by an issue with their physical health.

Maybe it's not narcissism at all, but an untreatable component of depression which comes from the ridiculous amount of social isolation we have allowed to become the norm.

>> No.15413041

primary narcissism comes from family. "I am a father"

>> No.15413401
File: 86 KB, 407x534, 420diareaäfanatics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so atheism and narcissism are identical
"there is no god" is just another way of saying "i am god"

>> No.15413642

With all of the bragging about IQs on this board, its easy to guess that there are a huge amount of narcissistic personality disorders lurking. Reply to this post if you rank yourself as having unusually high IQ

>> No.15414433

The wall with mexico was a literal trillion dollar monument to virtue signaling, what the hell are you smoking?

>> No.15415621
File: 71 KB, 2809x1351, mexi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your expressed anti-wall sentiment is virtue signalling, if the wall had been funded and completed it would have been a functional barrier rather than a symbolic act, unfortunately the open borders globalists sabotaged it. paul ryan, who now directs fox news was the guy who refused to fund it.

>> No.15416210

>your expressed anti-wall sentiment is virtue signalling
It would be virtue signalling if i was trying to signal my virtuousness, which i am not. I am only making an observational statement about Trump's intentions in building the wall. Note that there is nothing inherently wrong with virtue signalling. It is the only way one can make clear to a community of strangers that one is a virtuous person and can be trusted. Even if the wall would have functioned as an effective barrier it's intent was to signal to the people voting for trump that he cared about what they wanted and was listening to them, i.e. he was virtue signalling. And in this he was very successful. The actual functionality of the wall was incidental to its main purpose. Many people use virtue signalling as some kind of insult but it is an integral part of human behaviour in crowds.

>> No.15416512

Unfortunately you are correct because the sport fails to uphold the use-your-arms principle, except for the goalie sometimes. I do not like sports in general, I try to enforce use-your-arms where I can as I've discovered it only a few years ago.

>> No.15417251

>My name is Giovanni Giorgio, but everybody calls me Giorgio

>> No.15417773


>> No.15419063

human behavior became narcissistic since invention of farming, agriculture and "family". "father" is disorder.

>> No.15419478

>Some commentators contend that the American populace has become increasingly narcissistic since the end of World War II. People compete mightily for attention. In social situations they tend to steer the conversation away from others and toward themselves. The profusion of popular literature about "listening" and "managing those who talk constantly about themselves" suggests its pervasiveness in everyday life. This claim is substantiated by the growth of "reality TV" programs, the growth of an online culture in which digital media, social media and the desire for fame are generating a "new era of public narcissism."

>Also supporting the contention that American culture has become more narcissistic is an analysis of US popular song lyrics between 1987 and 2007. This found a growth in the use of first-person singular pronouns, reflecting a greater focus on the self, and also of references to antisocial behavior; during the same period, there was a diminution of words reflecting a focus on others, positive emotions, and social interactions. References to narcissism and self-esteem in American popular print media have experienced vast inflation since the late 1980s. Between 1987 and 2007 direct mentions of self-esteem in leading US newspapers and magazines increased by 4,540 per cent while narcissism, which had been almost non-existent in the press during the 1970s, was referred to over 5,000 times between 2002 and 2007.

>> No.15419604

It's women.
Women do it to get attention from men
Men are having to engage in narcissistic displays to affirm social status in social media to get women.
This is what happens when you give them sexual freedom. They have high levels of sexual power that it's taboo to discuss the ramifications of. Any time you do, the blame is shifted into men again. Simps are bad, but at a certain point you have to acknowledge their rational faculties are being inhibited beyond their conscious control.

>> No.15419622

distraction by hair from log

>> No.15419884

>This found a growth in the use of first-person singular pronouns, reflecting a greater focus on the self
I sure do seem to like talking about myself on social media

>> No.15420871

why not both?

>> No.15421431

effeminate behavior in men due to single motherhood

>> No.15422511

soccer would be a better game if they could use their hands, its boring as fuck the way it is

>> No.15422642
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>No immigration problem

>> No.15423643
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you seem upset

>> No.15425492

"smart" phones cause mental illness

>> No.15426383

Me, my IQ is enormous. Nobody else replied, so I must have the highs IQ on 4chan.
Feels good to be the biggest brain on the internet

>> No.15426730

my iq is so big OMG its so much bigger than ur's
i make $10,000 a week on BrainlyFans because of my huge iq

>> No.15427856
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>> No.15428534

so there is a connection between being a porno adicted cooooomer and narcissism

>> No.15429624
File: 145 KB, 1200x863, i laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i make $10,000 a week on BrainlyFans because of my huge iq

>> No.15430061

Masturbation isn't called "self-love" for no reason

>> No.15430146

i don't like to brag but my iq is probably the highest here

>> No.15430635

My IQ is bigger than yours

>> No.15431423

that should be a song

>> No.15431438

Choosing the correct words to produce a desired outcome has become more important than whether or not the outcome, itself, is good.

>> No.15431500

I dont think those 2 dudes taking a photo of themselves is narcissistic.
They want the attention from the social media helping them to meet new people and spread their genes, as they should do.
Its fun, especially when you have millions of euros to spend.
Narcissism goes way deeper in my opinion.

>> No.15432591

Its unsportsmanlike
>the rules don't apply to me, i'm special
is a classic narcissistic attitude

>> No.15433754

western nations are still more civilized, but not perfect.

>> No.15434579

what rhymes with media?
other than wikipedia

>> No.15434654
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>> No.15435058
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whats the science behind projectile vomiting?

>> No.15436450

>aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience.
>He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.
/sci/ in a nutshell

>> No.15437148

Africa is on the upswing, Europe & North America are on the wane

>> No.15437905

Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world

>> No.15438741

Atheism & narcissism go hand in hand

>> No.15439280
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>> No.15440616

Brazil was never the height if human civilization, Europe was, and then it collapsed rapidly. Why do you think caused the collapse & why did they want to destroy European civilization?

>> No.15441202
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>> No.15441262

Much of Western Europe is heading for failed state status. In France, roughly one priest is murdered each week. Club Med countries are overrun and economy is in the toilet, while the Nordic countries are heading into the abyss.

>> No.15441389
File: 36 KB, 437x513, OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15441398

I have all of these traits but I am more pro-social than most people. Wat mean?

>> No.15441424

How about a mortal kombat style tournament where we keep putting two schizos and a knife in a room until theres only 1 left.

>> No.15442384

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media