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15323766 No.15323766 [Reply] [Original]

How developed would science today be if the Nazis won the war?

>> No.15323772

About the same since no one is making any new scientific discoveries. Low hanging fruit was picked already.

>> No.15323796

>About the same
USA wouldn't go to the moon if it wasn't for german scientists.

>> No.15323838

Nazis wouldn't have bothered going to the moon without Anglo encouragement and institutions.

>> No.15323840

Take into account what was or wasn't considered Jewish science by them. Medicine and military technology would most likely advance faster.

>> No.15323846

They were already planning on space exploration before the war. I don't know why you would think something so ridiculous.

>> No.15323864

So... the same? lol retard

>> No.15323868

Cosmology would probably be more developed than it is now, and there would have been much more investment in nuclear energy with a much higher margin of safety.

>> No.15323870

It's highly unlikely Germany would've experienced any sort of economic boom post-war, taking into account their autarkical economy and colonial-preferential trading system. I doubt they would've gotten very far in general technological advancement compared to our timeline, military technology would probably be marginally better.

>> No.15323896

How though? As you said, all the Nazi scientists just moved to USA and kept doing their thing. What was lost?

>> No.15323906

We would have had colonies in other galaxies by the 80's

>> No.15323912

imagine having negro free streets that are safe to walk at night in white countries. Ahhh the good ole days

>> No.15323943

There's no timeline where the Axis wins the war, but i'll bite the bait and make my educated guess.

As said above, military and spatial technology would have certainly progressed under the Nazi industrial complex: missiles, nuclear, jet engines, rockets, you call them.

There would have certainly been a lot of progress in medicine and genetics, and there would be no obstacle for the nazis to experiment and explore eugenics through biotechnologies such as GMOs or fetal gene editing. The Japanese, on their side, would have a lead on bioweapons (unit 731).

I think there would however be other areas of science where science would have regressed, due to ideology. Jewish scientists who contributed in our timeline to theoretical physics, math or chemistry would not have done so in this timeline. The Nazis were also obsessed with Eugenics and the Aryan race, which I imagine would create a massive bias in science. Think about what Lyssenkoism was to the USSR: communism believed in nurture not nature, which led agronomists to disregard any hereditary causes in plant growing, and thus bad harvest. I imagine that in the Nazi Reich we would have the polar opposite: Nazi scientists believing in hereditary causes and not environmental causes, with equally bad consequences.

Maybe science would have converged anyway with our timeline with what would have been an inevitable alternate Cold War between the Nazis and the Japanese Empire, although I guess Information Technology would have definitely taken a different turn (no internet, but something alternative?)

>> No.15323951

Same if not worse. Nazis would have killed millions more including many smart engineers and scientists. The recovery to ante bellum would have been costlier and thus slower.

>> No.15323956

What does that have to do with some world where Germany won?
Do you realize germans still exist and work as scientists and did so after their defeat?

>> No.15323962

Dumbass german polesmokers couldn't even figure out proximity fuzes

>> No.15323967

Cheap talk, the first rocket to reach space was made by Goddard, an American in 1920. And rockets are not some huge feat of science, its just about being able to make huge but simple machines, not nobel in physics type of genius.

>> No.15323974

Negro infested streets are safer than german infested streets.
Few thousand rapes are nothing compared to tens of millions of deaths.

>> No.15323977

>Nazi industrial complex: missiles, nuclear, jet engines, rockets, you call them.
All that shit exists already. Progress more how?

>> No.15323979

Dysgenics would not be as profound, if not outright reversed. An extra few IQ points, and a few other factors, one could reasonably assume science would be more advanced.

>> No.15323991

>Dysgenics would not be as profound
Bro all the quality men died leaving behind the cowardly, weak, feeble, and retarded. We're living in the dystopic timeline.
>extra few IQ points
From more dead Europeans?

>> No.15323997

Just ban antibiotics and theres an eugenics program

>> No.15324003

Alot more. Imagine all of europe under nazi control. There would be no money wastes on the weak. No money for blacks and arabs. No social programs. But on the other side jews would all be dead. And they are a huge part of innovation. A small group of jews have contributed more to innovation than all of Latin America and Africa and Middle East and Eastern Europe combined. Think about that. Only western Europe and America and Canada and eastern Asia have done as much or more. And jews are less than 1 percent of the population.

>> No.15324004

Well for one, the Germans partook in eugenics practices such as sterilizations (as was fashionable at the time e.g. Sweden and America). They also actively opposed liberalism and it's corollaries. And encouraged the best among them to reproduce (e.g. loans and houses to married couples, and then a 25% loan forgiveness per child, once reaching 4 children the loan was completely forgiven).
Most obvious is limited dysgenic northbound immigration.

>> No.15324009

Nazis eschew free speech and cherished bloodlines so you can be sure their research institutes would be full of inbred nobility afraid to speak their minds

>> No.15324013

> An extra few IQ points
How would this help advance science? It's not like a giant community ouija board where everyone in the country pools their IQ together and magically figures out solutions to engineering problems

>> No.15324014

>No social programs
What makes you think there would not be social programs in nazi europe?

>> No.15324015
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>But on the other side jews would all be dead
I don't care to get on a debate about the holocaust and how it totally is not victor propaganda e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Corpse_Factory
except one side suffered a total defeat.
But even according to mainstream historiography, the original plan was deportation and resettlement of jews. For example using Wikipedia which you probably like
So it depends on when the Germans "won". If the British were sensible and accepted peace in the early 40s, again even according to mainstream historiography, the Holocaust would not happen.

>> No.15324018

A 5 point increase in IQ points means there are nearly 2-3x more 130+ IQ people.

>> No.15324019

The postwar consensus on physics has been a disaster for science. If the Nazis won then none of those scientists would have been able to create an iron grip on the discipline.

>> No.15324026

Post war Germany is a hell of a lot wealthier than pre war Germany and has much more investment in science and technology due to its economy not being the size of Iran's as it was in the 1930s.

>> No.15324035

>muh wunderwaffles
This board is retarded

>> No.15324036
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Germany in the mid late 1930s after Hitler took power was wealthier and had a higher standard of living than pretty much any country in the world.

>> No.15324049

So? Say it's a 20 point increase and there are now millions of 130+ IQ people. Science is "advanced" by at most 3-4 people per generation. Not by millions of people who are trivially better at identifying patterns. Other aspects of society might be different but certainly not "advanced" science.

>> No.15324054

Such as?

>> No.15324057

>t. 90 IQ retard

>> No.15324059

>Science is "advanced" by at most 3-4 people per generation
This is not true. But let's say this were the case, do you consider 160 IQ a prerequisite? Okay, well now we have 4x such people.
Never mind the massive societal difference it also has at the other end to have less retards and criminals etc.

>> No.15324072


>> No.15324092

There would have been no significant advancement in rocket science without von Braun. I'd take him working with a team of trained monkeys over a nation of people who scored 160 on an IQ test. For science purposes.

>> No.15324109

38. I'm the world record holder, having defeated the anonymous Kalahari incumbent.

>> No.15324112

Your dellusional.
The reich had plans for bases on the moon, mars, and europa. They also had a blue print for 2 fully functioning space stations.

>> No.15324128

Stone age. They would keep fighting over who is more white until society collapses. Nazism is basically right wing version of being woke. It's literally called "socialism". But unlike under liberalism, they would try to micromanage society even more. Genius is different, he needs the right resources and time to develop. You need to leave him alone, or in a small group, which would never have happened in Nazi Germany. It's the same reason why Islamic societies never produce anything great, or China. Also you can be sure 4chan wouldn't exist in Nazi Germany and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

>> No.15324141

>Also you can be sure 4chan wouldn't exist in Nazi Germany and we wouldn't be having this discussion.
It's okay. That means most people have stable life and a house and affordable autobahn. These stable life don't need the internet that much. Thus, they don't need 4chan.
>It's the same reason why Islamic societies never produce anything great, or China
Dubai looks nice. Algebra, what we usually use have contribution from Muslim scholars. China produces food and affordable tech.

>> No.15324155

>They would keep fighting over who is more white until society collapses.
But they never even did that before the war when they could have. If you contributed to society you were an "honorary Aryan" and it didn't even matter your real race. The Nazis didn't have the one-drop rule of race that the USA does, for them race was a spiritual characteristic just as much as an ethnic one.

>> No.15324219

>The reich had plans for bases on the moon, mars, and europa. They also had a blue print for 2 fully functioning space stations.
Please provide source, that sounds dope.

>> No.15324225
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>Nazi Germany
>No social programs
This is what Mickey D does to your brain.

>> No.15324243

They made some things in the past (nowhere near the Greece/Rome level though), but the past was unstable, lots of random factors influenced outcomes. It's better to compare them now, when everyone has equal access to knowledge and lots of time to study. China produces lots of stuff but mostly by copying the West.
They had a common enemy. The US also functioned much better when they were fighting an external enemy. Imo, it's best to look at this as individualism vs collectivism. Collectivism is important during times of war, but if society is oriented towards the masses, it might maintain itself, but it won't progress. Very often though, it will degenerate, because the masses don't want AGI and space exploration, they want cheaper stuff, less work, more entertainment, more equality etc. This obviously destroys all higher life. The question is, would Nazi Germany have been able to solve their problem with collectivism, and put the great individuals above the herd. We can only speculate, but generally historically societies similar to Nazi Germany haven't succeeded at that. The best example that comes to mind is Athens vs Sparta. Sparta (Nazis) won, but they didn't value great science/art/philosophy enough and because of that stagnated and eventually decayed. I think there's a tradeoff between freedom and health of the people. Too much freedom and society becomes extremely degenerate like ours. Too little freedom and people are less degenerate, but there's also no room for exceptions and those who think differently and create new things.

>> No.15324274

Their aryan theory was total bullshit but undoubtedly a much better attitude towards IQ and technology than the alternative which honestly feels like the soon extinction of life on earth

>> No.15324283

>Post war Germany is a hell of a lot wealthier than pre war Germany
You mean after signing the treaty of Versailles and being purposefully bankrupted ten going through the WORLDWIDE great depression the entire globe suffered from? Wow look at the big brain on this moron everyone. He larps like he knows science then in his free time larps like he knows history too. What a busy little midwit

>> No.15324290
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Hi there I'm from the timelime where that happened, it's all the same except we have vegans in this one instead of trannies.

>> No.15324725
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I think near the same but not quite. The Nazis were very greedy and making everything controlled by the state means less creativity in advancement. Pic related is pretty relevant.

>> No.15324730

>There's no timeline where the Axis wins the war
There is one were the European Axis does

>> No.15324734
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>> No.15324736

Imagine basically what the Soviets did to Eastern Europe, the Nazis would do to western Europe with a fascist spin. Ironically Russia and the US might even become long term allies in this timeline, meaning no cold war, no space race (the US used nazi scientists to get to the moon). Basically the world would enter a scientific dark age, since the Nazis really didn't value science at all, and the US/Russia wouldn't have had anyone to compete with in that department. It's unlikely the Nazis would have been able to stage a full on invasion of the US mainland, but without advanced aeronautics the US might have been vulnerable.

Basically we would have had a lot more world wars and stagnation.

>> No.15324748
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Germany had no intention of ever invading America. Read something other than allied propaganda, and I mean this genuinely and without intent to insult.
For social and economic stuff, read
>Wages of Destruction (mainstream book)
>Hitler's Revolution (not mainstream book).
For relating to the war, to get a different perspective I recommend -- in addition to Hitler's Revolution -- the following
>Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War,
>The Origins of the Second World War (
Both are unsympathetic to Hitler and the Hitler regime, just take a more nuanced view that isn't le ebil nazi war mongerers
>Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War
This one relates to the war with the USSR.
Supplementary reading are the following
>Churchill and the Jews (written by Churchill's biographer, the title was not meant as an insult)
>Mein Kampf (Stalag or Daltron translation)
>Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny
>Hitler's War and the War Path
I know you have heard of the maxim that history is written by the victor (often attributed to Hermann Goring), or that "History is a set of agreed upon lies" (Napoleon), but take it seriously, especially in the case where the loser suffers a total defeat.

>> No.15324764

Didn't the Nazis do stupid shit like not accept scientific theories that were connected to Jews? Like denied relativity because of Einstein?

>> No.15324766

Words are just that, we know for a fact he didn't like Christianity but needed it for support. Who is to say he wasn't lying about this either

>> No.15324770
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Also, there is a small book titled
>What the World Rejected: Hitler's Peace Offers From 1933 to 1940
This doesn't cover everything. For example no mention of certain peace offers made to the British (other than Hitler's "A Last Appeal To Reason", which was dropped as a leaflet over the British isles by the Luftwaffe), which were excessively generous (for example, a withdrawal from all of Western and Southern Europe, reestablishment of a Polish state, a 25-year military alliance with the British would provide her empire with help whenever and wherever needed).
Also, Here is the man in his own words

>> No.15324774 [DELETED] 

Hmm, you're right. They should have denied it because it's bullshit not because it's Jewish.

>> No.15324788
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His religiosity and personal beliefs were not obvious. Those who knew him attest to his religious beliefs clashing with his intelligence. Here I am citing a close friend of his Leon Degrelle:
>Propagandists portrayed Hitler as an atheist. He was not. He had contempt for hypocritical and materialistic clerics, but he was not alone in that. He believed in the necessity of standards and theological dogmas, without which, he repeatedly said, the great institution of the Christian church would collapse. These dogmas clashed with his intelligence, but he also recognized that it was hard for the human mind to encompass the problems of creation, its limitless scope and breathtaking beauty. He acknowledged that every human being had spiritual needs.

>> No.15324808

>You mean after signing the treaty of Versailles a
No, it was much wealthier than anything before ww1. Germany was a dump that hungry people were emigrating from.

>> No.15324809

>How developed would science today be if the Nazis won the war?
/pol/cels are incapable of realizing that nazism would have gone the exact same route as communism, namely it would have started to quickly degrade after the death of Hitler.
This is how dictatorships work, they keep getting worse generation by generation, not the opposite

>> No.15324825

Why does a discussion of some hypothetical timeline where Nazi Germany won devolve into some argument about Hitler? Germany isn't Hitler and its likely he would have died of old age in the 1960s.

>> No.15324827

Singapore and the CCP stand as clear counter-examples.

>> No.15324847
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His plans for the church and Himmler's dislike for Christianity say quite a bit. Especially if you believe the tabletalks to be legitimate.

>> No.15324849
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>No, it was much wealthier than anything before ww1

>> No.15324850

The CCP was propped up by the west, not a great example.

>> No.15324851

It was still a shithole were millions of people were emigrating from.

>> No.15324863

Shithole by what standard? So economically they're up there with anyone except America. Culturally obviously this is the land of Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Euler, Wagner, Goethe, Gauss etc.
Here are their cities:

>> No.15324915

>Shithole by what standard
By the standard that they were emigrating by the millions and could only keep the line up by shedding their poorest underclass. Just like scandinavians did too. All poor were basically kicked out daily.

>> No.15324923
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Looking at the time periods in question 1890-1910, Germany had a lower rate of emigration than all countries listed except France. Extending that to 1870-1910, it largely remains below the UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland.

>> No.15324956
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>ywn a cold war with jermans vs american jews timeline
This hits hard bros

>> No.15324967

>lower rate of emigration
I didnt say the rest of Europe wasnt a dump also.
Yes, europe was poor and Germany too was poor. This is related to my post that post-war Germany was much wealthier than it was before vww2 or before ww1. This is relevant to the thread because it shows modern Germany has much more money to invest in all kinds of scientific research than older Germany had.
But science still advances slow, globally, because all the easy science has been done already.
It isn't like german research institutes are rotting because the money goes to feed africans. There's just a lot more money for everything.

>> No.15324979
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So your argument has reduced to the entire world was a shithole? Your statement essentially becomes meaningless.
With the rest of your post, I do not see how it is relevant to a scenario in which Europe won the war. Such a world would still mean Germany making progress and having more money.
>But science still advances slow, globally, because all the easy science has been done already.
You are not taking into account dysgenics. European intelligence has definitely decreased as a necessary consequence of breeding patterns since the industrial revolution. It is another thing to estimate by how much, though most I have seen point to a drop in genetic g equivalent to about 8-15 points since the mid-late 1800s. Books on this topic include "Modernity and Cultural Decline" and "At Our Wits End".
Germany championed eugenic policies which would reverse this. And also limit dysgenic mass immigration.
With respect to the low-hanging fruit argument, this might have some merit to it too. Though of course a lower IQ society would think so. What we definitely know for a fact is that g has decreased in Europe and the West at large.

>> No.15325404

>jews have contributed more to innovation than eastern Europe
retarded mutt

>> No.15325405

Are you fucking stupid?
No Führer, No Idea, No thrive, No Volksgemeinschaft.
Why live

>> No.15325407

>research institutes would be full of inbred nobility afraid to speak their minds
Uh...who's gonna tell him?

>> No.15325412

>Islamic societies never produce anything great, or China
Fucking retard
>4chan wouldn't exist in Nazi Germany

>> No.15325414

I agree 100%

>> No.15325416

>Nazis really didn't value science at all
How does the most scientifically developed nation not value science?

>> No.15325423 [DELETED] 

We wouldn't have smartphones for another 200 years

>> No.15325433
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this is funny because

>> No.15325447

Eugenics (Genetic Engineering), Space Colonisation (they were big on Rocketry), would have been big.
Apart from it, Europeans would be more in numbers and they wouldn't be a dying geriatric population, Nazis would have conquered entire Russia and then Britain & US, there would have been a United Empire of sorts, South Africa and Rhodesia would still Exist as. >>15323796
This is true for russia too, both American and Russian Space programmes were work by German Engineers and scientists.

>> No.15325450

>most scientifically developed nation
On par with every other north european country and America. Scientific research at high levels is international

>> No.15325452

>both American and Russian Space programmes were work by German E
How many times do you have to read that the first rocket to reach space was built by Goddard, an American in the 1920s before it sticks to your cranium?

>> No.15325456


>> No.15325463

The first rocket to reach space was a German V2 rocket launched in 1944, retarded mutt.

>> No.15325467

>What does that have to do with some world where Germany won?
They valued capable people, unlike modern society which values agression.

>> No.15325653

They killed 50 million white people, mostly young men

>> No.15325658

They mostly killed Russian mongloids so that's factually wrong.

>> No.15325680
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>Nazis would have conquered entire Russia and then Britain & US, there would have been a United Empire of sorts
Many of you have this cartoonish image of the Germans as trying to take over the world.
Germany wanted nothing but peace with the Western powers, specially England whom she greatly admired.
First off, with Poland. German invasion of Poland was made after long and repeated efforts to bring about a peaceful solution to the absurd situation in Danzig, where a major German city and port, was largely under Polish control, despite the people wanting to be a part of the Reich. Germany made extremely reasonable demands, for example pic rel.
Poland at the time was a highly chauvinistic state, and fancied herself a great power after having defeated the Soviets in the 1920s. They had in fact, mobilized long before the Germans did, and traditionally that is effectively equivalent to a deceleration of war. After having the British grantee Polish generals wanted a war with Germany while the guarantee was still warm. Germany acted in a completely standard way and solved the problem by force. This was a gamble as the Germans did not expect the French and British to declare war, as that would foolishly turn a local conflict, into a global one. And so they did. Naturally in self-defense Germany was forced to invade the low-countries and France, to knock that major power out of the war. All the while begging for peace, sources and example terms are given here.>>15324748 >>15324766
As for the USSR. To illustrate the danger they posed, the Soviets had more tanks, air planes, and paratroopers than the rest of the world combined, practically all along the German-Soviet border; a truly gargantuan force. Germany was thus forced into an act of desperation. Subjugate or fight. The sacrifices of the Germans, inflicting massive losses to the Red Army, stopped them from conquering more than they did.

>> No.15325686
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Here is an example of realistic borders in the event of a peace with the west. Not the conquering of British, French and Americans etc., that's nonsense.

>> No.15325697
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>tens of millions of deaths.
But think of the kind of humans that would rise from the ashes

>> No.15325831
File: 128 KB, 1024x754, breitspurbahn_diesel_electric_locomotive__by_futurewgworker-d9p1e2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would drive your 12 cylinder 6x6 hydrogen BMW on an underground autobahn to the Breitspurbahn station and park it in the multistory car parks housed within the giant hydrogen-electric train. You eat breakfast in the restaurant carriage (top floor for Aryans only), watch the widescreen television in the lounge and retrieve your motorcar. You may now finish your commute on the road, but if there is too much traffic you also have the option of driving to a city transit station to pick up the personal rapid transit system (for Aryans) or the subway train (for non-Aryans) or the triple-decker bus (for Untermenschen).
Either way, you will now spend the next 10 hours retrieving files from a meticulously catalogued tape archive and copying them to an external hard drive using an autistic file and directory naming convention reminiscent of library classification systems. You will then print all your files on recycled paper and arrange them in a ring binder using another giga-autistic system and present them to your boss, who nods approvingly upon seeing that you took the time to add plastic hole reinforcers to every page, and treasury tags to every subsection.
He invites you and several other co-workers to join him at the local nightclub, where you all take pervitin and enjoy lap dances performed by dusky beauties from the colonies (acquired from Britain and France after the war). It is too late to go home, so you rent one of the new Japanese microhotel rooms and crash for the night.
>tldr; They were suspicious of some forms of theoretical science, particularly those pioneered by Jews. On the other hand they liked investing in large engineering projects. They also loved nature conservation, but were a lot less retarded about it than your typical Anglo tree-hugger of the time. So overall I'd say slightly less developed (maybe 10-20 years behind), but with much better infrastructure, faster industrial growth and green tech that works.

>> No.15326066

>Do you realize germans still exist
Debatable. Germans of today remind me of what men look like after they've been castrated.

>> No.15326100

Not only that, how is it even possible to discuss the counterfactual in terms of science? The question of whether science might have developed differently under different forms of government has no basis in science, only politics.

>> No.15326211

>my alternative history larp is totally realistic
>conquering France is nonsense

>> No.15326250
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They were forced to defeat and occupy France. The alternative is have France do the same to you, given that France declared war on Germany and attempted an invasion
The Maginot line was so successful, it forced the Germans to have to attack through the low countries.
France was never incorporated into the Reich, nor was there any intention ever on doing so.

With respect to the rest, I don't intend to try to undo 80 years of Allied propaganda on you.

>> No.15326307

Maybe you should go back to /his/.

>> No.15326313

Very advanced. Liberalism is the neo dark ages.

>> No.15326379

This is a /sci/ board and I am a math student.

>> No.15326382
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>> No.15326435

We'd already have a base of Mars for sure.

>> No.15326568
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>Nazis wouldn't have bothered going to the moon without Anglo encouragement and institutions.

>> No.15326611
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Sorry chud, AI disagrees!!

>> No.15326656
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ChatGPT and wikipedia are perfect examples of how modern ideology is practically no different from religious dogmas of the past.
Except in this case, instead of worshiping the teachings of Christ and Christianity, what has replaced it is ideologies such as liberalism (many of the following are just corollaries of it), egalitarianism, humanitarianism, democracy, feminism, anti-"racism" etc.
Instead of the founding origin myth being Genesis, it is WW2 and the Holocaust mythos.

>> No.15326667

Probably less developed than it is now.

>> No.15326741

they considered alot of science to be jew science, so limited

>> No.15326754

>nuh but the internets told me hecking nazi's were really technically inventive
they were onpar with allies in terms of technology including turbojets and rockets, you only see the germans use them more as a last resort

>> No.15326765

Was it any good science, or was it all the same replication crisis stuff we're stuck with now?

>> No.15326839

they considered, nuclear physics and quantum physics to be jew science. those field are used alot in computing, communication systems, nuclear energy, material sciences, genetics, chemistry

ironically everything hitlers wanted germany to be good at
>ecologically minded, pure white aryans, with cheap access to energy and strong materials needed to build his super cities in a empire spanning continents
theyd be perpetually stuck in the 1940's

>> No.15326842

>nuclear physics
No they didn't.
>quantum physics
Oh, so replication crisis stuff. Yeah so we wouldn't have lost out on anything important.

>> No.15326845

probably not very. socialism doesn't incentive's technological development.

>> No.15327004

Less advanced because quantum physics was considered too jewish

we need that quantum shit to make our modern electronics work

>> No.15327118

Nazi Germany literally invented nuclear fission

>> No.15327154

And the electronic computer (at IBM).

>> No.15327285
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Social sciences and humanities would be far more advanced, except economics and philosophy.
Math and sciences would be about the same. Biology and medicine would be more advanced, though.

>> No.15327346

Way more advances in mathematical logic, physics, and AI outside the Anglosphere ghetto. No string theory or Bourbaki bullshitification of science. But Chomsky would have got the gas so there's a wildcard there.

>> No.15327353

Sign me up. The 1940s were peak civilization.

>> No.15327377

you're a mentally ill pervert who jacks off to children's cartoons, you probably collect real kiddie porn too, nobody cares about your inevitably moronic opinions

>> No.15327381

Germans had the best teletype and also television and things like Enigma with just mechanical devices. They also had Konrad Zuse who is way more chad than Alan Turing. No internet is really dumb. Japanese lead telecommunications tech and if they had created the internet instead of DARPA imagine the Japanese version of the TCP/IP stack. Your analysis is dumb.

>> No.15327385

Germans literally invented magnetic data storage (wire reels). People have no clue just how much of what we depend on for modernity to exist came out of Germany in the 30s and 40s. Part of the reason why it feels like technological advancement has plateaued is that we've reached the incremental improvements limit for a lot of the technology made back then.

>> No.15327396

Itd be as if all Europe were annexed then turned into North Korea.

>> No.15327411

>Wehraboo calls other people people mentally ill
Hi pot, it’s me, kettle
Also, if you’re upset seeing anime on 4chan, Reddit is just a few clicks away where you don’t have to see any

>> No.15327414

>everything hitler wanted germany to be good at
Hitler's Germany was resettling European jews to Palestine before France & Britain declared war on Germany. When the war was over the allies decided they'd resettle European jews in Palestine. Why was the war fought?
If Rommel had taken Egypt, his next move would've been into Palestine, in order to allow the continued resettling of the zionist European jews in their preferred homeland

>> No.15327416
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For those that don't believe him, see>>15324015, the "Haavara Agreement".

>> No.15327420

I think computers (engineering) hit the incremental improvement limit, and I can't buy a crazy IBM workstation, monitor, keyboard, or real Thinkpad anymore which makes me sad. The Fujitsu Arrows Z was peak Thinkpad development but Lenovo holds the intellectual property for the laptops so they turned them into Mac clones instead of keeping the proper keyboard.

>> No.15327525

putting your own gear together isn't as difficult as you think, you should give it a try sometime

>> No.15327553

The MTBF of stuff I build myself is way lower than the super-heavily integrated OEM stuff.

>> No.15327604

Jews WILL replace YOU

>> No.15328426

racism is banned on 4chan outside of >>>/b/
thats where you belong

>> No.15328443

nuclear battle ship size rockets - we would have colonized the solar system by now

genetics wa ahead as this what ze germans believed in actually doing
AIDS zero
Covid zero

>> No.15329754

Jannie will issue bans all day and all night for saying the n-word or for criticizing jews, but you can say anything you want about whites, call for their genocide, thats all perfectly fine.

>> No.15330016

It wouldn't, a humanity full of psychopaths can't develop anything.

>> No.15330040


>> No.15330089

>Haavara Agreement
Then that fell through along with Madagascar before the caust.

>> No.15330102

They were still sending Jews to Palestine until the end of the war. IDK what you're talking about.

>> No.15330493

medical science wouldn't be wasting resources on harmful gender transition surgery & drugs

>> No.15330507

Read Philip K. Dick

>> No.15330512

Overall, probably much behind today's advances. They were authoritarian mush brains. They believed on things like """jewish""" science and other nonsense. The minute that your science becomes a circus of what happens to entertain the emperor then it's not science. It's cooking the books and that's the one thing that ensures scientific stagnation: ignoring empirical facts to please whine babies in uniform.

>Much higher margin of safety
This is literal terminal brain cancer. If the one thing Nazis were good for was putting anyone under the meat grinder to get their goals met.

That some deadbeat /pol/cel doesn't get to beat his mest to a failed, fatalist, fuckall dictator

What are you on? The cold war was the renesaaince in weapons development and military posturing, not to mention nuclear free for all. You are, howver, correct in noting that many fields of science would have regressed under ad hominem censuring. The only true areas where we'd be more advanced for sure would be indeed genetic engineering, cloning and stem cell research

>> No.15330522

Tell him what? That you are an off the meds schizo?

Glad to see not all /sci/ posters are brainless alt rats and actually can think for themselves.

>Endless shopping malls and 1M sport cars are thrown to the trash in a week because some 1/10034th blood prince had a drop of alcohol and wanted to show off
I'll give it to you though: your life would have been more productive in a nazi labor camp than here giving """'opnions"""''

Yep. They were idiots running on royalty titles and """aryan""" myths. Too bad nature doesn't work that way.

Indeed. Second rule of dictatorship is that you open the treasure to the undelrings or they take you out and put someone who does. Of course this means that the population is only as good as far as they can fill the purse, which in practice means being used as poorly educated, cheap labor.

>> No.15330523

Nazis were the violent fools on a chimpout mission of the German populace.

>> No.15330556

>There's no timeline where the Axis wins the war
It was entirely feasible. Sending the Panzers against Dunkirk and capturing the only Army Britain had. Quite probable Britain would have sued for peace after such a catastrophic defeat, especially if Germany had guaranteed the future integrity of the Empire as part of the peace plan. Okay, so then its highly likely Russia invades German occupied Poland and Romania in 41 or 42. Germany has short interior lines, fights a defensive war initially and then inflicts a major defeat on Russia, advances as far as Minsk, causing the deposition of Stalin. Russia sues for pace and Germany takes East Poland and Baltic states. All of that is quite possible. No war with USA. Japan is offered Dutch East Indies, rich in raw materials trade + oil, as compensation for not attacking USA and Britain. All of that is quite possible. No war with USA. Russia neutralized for decades, Britain and France compliant.
Then follows a Pax Germania with undisputed hegemony over Europe.
Not likely, yes, but not impossible.

>> No.15330801
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>Germany has short interior lines, fights a defensive war initially and then inflicts a major defeat on Russia
The USSR was geared for attack. Germany would simply not be able to repel back a country that has 10x more tanks, airplanes, 250x more paratroopers etc.
>Half a year later, on the date of the outbreak of the war, on June 22, 1941, the Red Army possessed no less than 24,000 tanks, including 1,861 type T-34 tanks (a medium tank, perhaps the most effective armored weapon of the entire war) and KV (Klim Voroshilov) tanks (a series of heavy tanks), which had no equal anywhere in the world; 358 units of these were manufactured in 1940, while 1,503 units were manufactured in the first six months of 1941. Since 1938, the Air Forces of the Red Army had received a total of 23,245 military aircraft, including 3,719 aircraft of the latest design. The Red Army also had 148,000 artillery pieces and mor tars of all types and systems. The inventory of the Red Navy, in addition to a multiplicity of ships of other types, had 291 or, according to Soviet sources, at least 213 submarines19 an expressly aggressive weapon. This meant that the Soviet Armed Forces had a larger fleet of submarines than any other country in the world, outnumbering those of the world’s leading maritime nation, Great Britain, more than four-fold in terms of the number of submarines.
Germany did as well as it did in Barbarossa because, other than having man for man the best soldiers and minds in the world, the Soviet Union was not prepared for a defensive war. It was a gamble to try to save Europe before the Red Army would march through all of Europe.
Germany can only win while taking the initiative, and concentrating all her forces on the East.

>> No.15330850

>Quite probable Britain would have sued for peace after such a catastrophic defeat
Why? They got bumfucked quite badly at Dunkirk already and were not interested in peace talks whatsoever. Britain was not going to give in to German and Japanese demands (like just giving up their interests in Dutch East Indies) just because some plebs died - they had a lot more.

>inflicts a major defeat on Russia
Success of Barbarossa hinged entirely on active offensive - Wehrmacht would not stand any chance against the Red Army in static defense, commies would reach Berlin in under two years - you know, the way they literally did even after successful Barbarossa destroyed most of the Red Army.

>advances as far as Minsk, causing the deposition of Stalin
Yeah, because Stalin totally got deposed when Germans got as far as Moscow, didn't he? Historically, Soviets did not even entertain the thought of peace talks when they took some 5-6 million in military casualties, 2/3rds of their European territory were under occupation, and 2 of their largest cities were under siege - but halting their offensive for a while would totally get Stalin deposed and have them suing for peace.

>Japan is offered Dutch East Indies, rich in raw materials trade + oil, as compensation for not attacking USA and Britain
Dutch East Indies don't mean shit without Indochina to control logistics. Indochina is under Allies ATM.

I mean literally, the whole scheme is:
>Britain just pisses off
>US just pisses off
>Soviets just piss off
>France just calms down
>Germany establishes Pax Germania because everyone finally leaves it alone and stops getting in the way

>> No.15333059

Strangely, the US American space race faltered until they propped it up with W v Braun.

>> No.15333073

>scientific discovery is only about difficulty/complexity and not new rule-breaking relationships between ideas
Yeah, found the midwit.

>> No.15333075

How exactly does this alternate history work and where does it split?
I'm asking because there's basically no way they could've actually had realised their whole plan so it would have to be a negotiated peace between Germany and the Soviet Union plus Germany doesn't declare war on America.
In that situation it's entirely possible that a lot things can happen like reopening the front again a few years later, Nazi regime struggling within the borders of the Third Reich and being sen as week by Stallin and with the gears of war economy never really stopping and all the factories doubled since some safe behind the Ural mountains and some are rebuilt in the European part just carving out the Warshaw pact countries with the British help.
That's just one possibility
Too many factors, please specify this AHS.

>> No.15333076

No, but probably on the moon.

>> No.15333088

>Bro all the quality men died leaving behind the cowardly, weak, feeble, and retarded
You have not the first idea how evolution works.
First of all, that is debatable since WW2 was a war of conscription.
Secondly, changes happen over several thousand, at least hundreds, generations. Not one with a one-off event, unless it was a severe bottleneck (as in, just a few hundred breeding FEMALES).
Thirdly, random variance of traits between generations is laughably bigger in impact than genetic adjustation between two close generations.

>> No.15333147
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Never could happen, they were meant to lose from the very beginning. The wars were completely fake and gay.

>> No.15333160

Angels destroyed Sodom & Gommorah
Nazis destroyed Weimar Republic degeneracy

>> No.15333321

I saw it in a dream

>> No.15333884

>>15325404 >>15325412
Care to back that up?

>> No.15334091

Replication crisis started around the 80s or 90s, and would also have started in this hypothetical Germany. See Pournelle's law of bureaucracy - it was always bound for disaster. Worse, there is no plausible way out. And that will cement our stagnation.

>> No.15334149

>It wouldn't, a humanity full of psychopaths can't develop anything.
Much of academia and industry is full of psychopaths. Yet there is some development.

>> No.15334167

>Why? They got bumfucked quite badly at Dunkirk already and were not interested in peace talks whatsoever. Britain was not going to give in to German and Japanese demands (like just giving up their interests in Dutch East Indies) just because some plebs died - they had a lot more.
NTA but the Channel Islands were occupied, and the locals were eager to join the nazis. Britain was not all glory and heroics. Potential traitors were in all countries and were ready to seize the opportunity for personal power grabbing, tying their flags to the nazi mast.

>> No.15334228

Our understanding of areas like physics would be severely stunted because the Nazis considered things like relativity to be "Jewish physics" and therefore wrong.

>> No.15334523

Racism propelled hover craft.

>> No.15335347

So many Jewish posters itt

>> No.15335433
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it wouldn't go anywhere

>> No.15336000

it would be much much better

>> No.15336240

What Nazi's, there is only one man and he was not a Nazi, his name was Nikola Tesla.

>> No.15336832
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"Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war" ~Joseph Goebbels

>> No.15336852

>Finding relationships between existing ideas is easy.

>> No.15338584

They also orbit capable rockets 2 decades before anyone else. ESA is still launching slighlly upgraded Aggregat 8s. Science hasn't been able to improve on Von Braun's work in more than half a century of effort.

>> No.15339290
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Progressing in every way.

Every society is socialist, populist, and nationalist to some extent.

>> No.15339300
File: 338 KB, 1124x1265, B6D17C84-352D-4E0D-A051-959DE827F3B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever think about how many of the supposed supporters of trans fail to support transhumanism divine biopunk genetic-modification innovation and making it and cosmetic surgery free?

We should all be immortal almighty gods.

The only god is love.

Can people please get a reality check and choose progress instead of ridiculous pointless wars?

I feel like Palestinians and Ukrainians have endured abstract genocide.
Reminder that Palestinians never voted to leave Britain.
If I was Ukrainian I wouldn’t want to fight. I’d want diplomacy and my life instead of land for some foreign hegemonic conflict.


>> No.15339304
File: 174 KB, 750x1190, 3AD9E4B8-D91B-4B6C-8D9A-0262B9764765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever wonder what humanity SHOULD be doing instead on conforming to Israels evil?

Do we HAVE TO obliterate Israel in order for all real progress to accelerate?

>> No.15339307
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biopunk genetic-modification innovation and making it *free*

We’ve been post-scarcity the whole time

All should be free
All should be progressing

Peaceful Nazism is the spirit of every utopia.
Good Nazi globalism is what everyone wants.

>> No.15339681

>Peaceful Nazism is the spirit of every utopia.
A lot of people consider "utopia" to mean nonstop masturbation with free rent & free tendies. Nobody in science wants to work for a living, you can see how they constantly shit on "burger flippers" as if doing something useful and productive with your time is less respectable than cranking out replication crisis publications.

>> No.15339809

Ask >>>/pol/, not /sci/.

>> No.15339954


>> No.15339969
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>> No.15340281

In Germany it would be far far better. Hitler was only concerned about his nation, he didn't want to rule the outside world.

>> No.15340454

Thats common on all the popular social media platforms, 4chan is no different, unfortunately.
Really convincing evidence that the white genocide "conspiracy theory" is very true

>> No.15340496

Kys worthless deranged tranny you will never be a scientist

>> No.15340669

We would have a colony on Mars at the very least.

>> No.15342574
File: 1.70 MB, 2362x1329, alexanderplatz-tv-tower-berlin_hundven-clements_photography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irl berlin

>> No.15343269

Medicine wouldn't have advanced *at all* because it would be jewish to sustain unhealthy lives.

Assuming peace with america and takeover of russia the following would have happened:
Way faster agricultural scientific development and biological progress in genetics (plants and also humans).

Society surprisingly is not static, so nazism would at some point have broken down, whether that be like in the soviet states or more faster in some sort of revolution... This would have changed science as well.

Nothing would have happened regarding "german engineering": Hitler was not a german engineer, he was a german (austrian) schizo.

good post

>> No.15343319

looks like austin, texas

>> No.15343512

it was a little different

>> No.15345190

Kek, this has to be bait

>> No.15345597


>> No.15345715

Germany couldn't afford all the social programmes they were using to keep unemployment down. They had to initiate their war plans early because of their impeding financial collapse.

Hitler wanted war in the mid-40s, not 1939.

>> No.15345718

>and the locals were eager to join the nazis
...? Men aged 18-35 were put into forced labour. They hold celebrations on the channel islands every year to celebrate liberation from nazi occupation as it was grim

>> No.15345834

Everything would be over-engineered, complex, unreliable and in limited numbers.

>> No.15346823

>Bro all the quality men died
My grandfather fought in WW2 and survived.

>> No.15346835

>Germany couldn't afford all the social programmes they were using to keep unemployment down. They had to initiate their war plans early because of their impeding financial collapse.
Geeee sounds similar to USA, China, UK, France, Germany, etc. in the current times.

>> No.15347158
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Germany had a way lower debt (obv aboslute, and relative terms e.g. debt to gdp ratio) than any of those countries have today.

>> No.15347186

they had no financial issues whatsoever, they had vast gold reserves to go along with their roaring economy, thats why they were attacked by the jewish gangster nations. all that gold disappeared. hollywood made movies about how fantastic robbing germany of it's sovereign wealth was

>> No.15347518

history of USSR communication with the outside world from 1917 - 1991, according to western sources: 100% lies & propaganda for the entire time, except when >muh holocust is concerned.

>> No.15347519

We have these problems now.

>> No.15347528

>Cheap talk, the first rocket to reach space was made by Goddard, an American in 1920
Not true. It was the V2.

>> No.15347566

>Mars base in self-sustaining operation.
>Biological immortality or very long lifespans for humans.
>High tech smart cities in Europe, Japan and Anglosphere powered by stellarator fusion reactors connected by maglevs (invented there in our timeline; nsdap would've simply funded it).
>Superconductors in fusion plant powering maglevs and the Zuse 10 quantum supercomputers.
>LHC built 40 years sooner (from EU cooperation and integration 40 years sooner)
>Construction for solar scale LHC follow up already under way.
>Precursor to Bernal sphere being built.
>Comeback for Zeppelin shipping (which is cheaper and emission free; its ban was political).
>The Gotthard base tunnel is twice as long simply because it can be.
>Trans-Atlantic rail construction under way.
>Scientific language is German/Latin outside of Britain.

>> No.15347605

>Zeppelin shipping
I doubt it's feasible. More expensive than standard shipping, slower than cargo jet planes. Where is the place for it?

>> No.15347636

>Where is the place for it?
Trans-continental shipping (USA, Eurasia) where freight would be too expensive to scale as well as national shipping in nations lacking rivers. Zeppelins also don't need much infrastructure, you can literally dock it on skyscrapers if needed.

Combined with drone distribution fleets Amazon will likely use these anyway within the next 10 years.

>More expensive than standard shipping,
Maybe, I'm not so certain. It's doesn't need heavy marine diesel. It's therefore much more scalable. But it's impossible to draw conclusions without at least designing a full process chain which has never been done.
>slower than cargo jet planes
You will never replace jet planes for speed (barring maglev freight which is too inflexible), but obviously we still use marine fleets for the overwhelming bulk of goods transports.

For reference Zeppelin cruising speed was 126 km/h vs. 30–46 km/h for modern container ships.

>> No.15347659

It just doesn't make any sense. You can easily make trains that fast if it was worth it. I don't think that airships were banned, jetplanes made them obsolete, so nobody uses them.

>> No.15347685

>You can easily make trains that fast if it was worth it.
Railroad is inflexible, airships are not. Freight always makes sense only in densely connected industries. There's a reason trans-American rail is so sparse compared to Europe.
>I don't think that airships were banned
Even before the Hindenburg sabotage the US intentionally banned the sale of Helium with the intention of supporting their own industry. The designs of rigid airships never caught up before it could be crushed by opposing lobbeys.

>> No.15347704

Helium is too heavy. Hindenburg wouldn't fly with it.

>> No.15347711

Room temperature IQ post.

>> No.15347783

From here, I didn't try to check the math.

>> No.15347904

>go to the moon
don't tell me you still believe this load of shite... you're just ngmi lads

>> No.15348118

Too “win” the war would have still meant unimaginable destruction.
Also what would be the conditions for winning?
Soviets falling?
Britain falling?
Americans not getting involved? (And thus no financial aid at the war’s end, making war damages sting even harder for Europe.)

To many what if’s and predictions that Germany would emerge strong from the war and not a wounded beast.
A “victory” could have actually ended in a collapse of Europe, already sort of did happen in our timeline.

>> No.15348136

von Braun was literally a Nazi. Evefybody admits it was no longer possible without him. They broke the next Saturn V payload without him.

>> No.15348332

i'm saying no man stepped on the moon's surface or orbited it

>> No.15348369 [DELETED] 
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Boeing still hasn't gotten past making enlarged Me262s, has been 80 years, they still have no plans to surpass the area rule design with 35º wing sweep & underwing podded engines.

>> No.15350886
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>> No.15351183

oh, shut the fuck up retard
your culture revolves around niggers

>> No.15351448

hey kiddo
national socialism is not nigger-democracy socialism, i know you tried to be smartass but youre retarded and braindead useful idiot for zogbot, many such cases

>> No.15352426
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His prophecy is all coming true

>> No.15352450
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One can only hope.

>> No.15353922 [DELETED] 

You either need to deliver something as fast as posdible where you pay for speed, and airships can't compete with planes.
Or, the speed doesn't matter, and the cost matters, in which case airships again can't compete.
There are little to no cases of "we don't need it tomorrow, but two weeks are too much".
There is just no pkace for airships, even if you could make them cheaper than planes.

>> No.15354003
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Nowhere. Because planned economy always spectacularly fail.

>> No.15354577

We need another Hitler if science is ever going to advance again. ZOG only uses "science" to create false narratives in order to justify their thievery, they don't want progress, new tech frightens them, they prefer the current order of things with themselves in charge and hogging up all the resources

>> No.15355530

this is a scientific question

>> No.15355534

based schizo

>> No.15355538

This guy gets it. Science can only develop in totalitarian regimes

>> No.15355547

no it isn't

>> No.15355558

big words for someone that had to use NAZI V2 rocket to take first pictures of space

>> No.15355631

Holy cringe. It would be mostly Jews and gays who would be eradicated, who cares? The Slavs wouldn't actually be eradicated. This may have been the ideal scenario, just like everyone converting to German paganism, but not the actually realistic one. They would likely either be expelled or serve as second-class citizens until they got regular rights back in like the 1970s after Hitler is dead. Frankly I am not even sure if the nazis would treat the Ukrainians second-class citizens.

>> No.15355651
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Better, and everyone knows it.

>> No.15355858

Ariane 5 is just a stretched V2, Aggregat 8 under Von Braun's designation.

>> No.15355887

If the Germans won there would have been a Ukrainian revolt under Bandera, because he was a Ukrainian supremacist who thought the Germans were untermenschen.

>> No.15355909
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is just people shitposting for the sake of it right? You guys are aware the axis lost people like Fermi because of the retarded racial policies and lost technologically to the allies IN EVERY FIELD except synthetic oil production, and only because the allies didn't need to synthetically produce oil as they had truck loads of them.
German tanks were impressive, but flawed and not superior to the allied one.
The allies basically bombed germany uncontested after the first years, their airforce not only numerous but better equipped. No physics advancements were made thanks to the reich, not mathematical ones either, just some coincidentally during its lifespan, but they were not financed by Hitler ot anything of the sort.
I have to hope I'm falling to bait here because this thread is honestly embarrassing.

>> No.15355916

you are jewish

>> No.15356181
File: 624 KB, 1402x1583, 6DFE3D5C-9056-4AAB-B39A-9A312C38E39E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazism STANDS for all being free.
People are best at doing what they themselves enjoy. Even if it’s being lazy and not working.
99% of jobs ARE USELESS. I think most jobs are merely forms of SUPPRESSION. There’s infinite abstract kinds of progresses and a successful society is a happy society. The truest Utopia is the loveliest society. Utopia requires that its people consistently think utopian thoughts, as a society is entirely its peoples thoughts.

Reminder that Canada is a successful Nazi-commie country.
They’re about to make housing free and food etc free via UBI. They already have all drugs legal and free healthcare and neutrality like Switzerland and japan.

Merging biopunk and cyberpunk = divinity.
Cosmetic surgery and genetic modification being free makes anime real.

Everyone should be immortal almighty gods in a world where all is free and each loving the infinite multiverses of their love.
The only god is love, as the only motive is love.

True progress = lovelier love and absolute divinity.

Do you know what lazy Canadians do? They fuck and breed endlessly. The rate of pure white babies being born is increasing utmost dramatically. It is impossible to stop Canadians from fucking and breeding 24/7, they’re utmost extreme fuckers and breeders.

Personally I’m a liberal-conservative progressive-populist radical-centrist moderate-anarchist peaceful-libertarian-Nazi-Commie utopian-accelerationist. Etc.
All Canadians are.

>> No.15356192
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Real progress is peaceful Nazism.

Imagine if Nazi germany and communist Russia still existed and were peaceful.

>> No.15356200
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Do you ever think about how much better that 4chan once was?

>> No.15356215

>Nazism STANDS for all being free.
kek you people have gaslit yourselves to oblivion.

>> No.15356218
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Utopia requires its people have constant utopian thoughts/spirits.

A good society only exists if its people have good thoughts. A society is its peoples thoughts.

You can only have fun if you think fun thoughts.
You can only have romance if you have romantic thoughts.
A people can only have progress via truly progressive thoughts.

I love Nazism. Nazism is love.
Nazism is collective love/generacy.
Every true society is a kind of Nazi-communism etc.

It’s progressive to create and spread progressive thoughts. I love true societies that are able to have true community and true expression.

>> No.15356220

/b/ was never good

>> No.15356223

>peaceful Nazism.
No such thing as peaceful socialism.
All socialists are little pouty bitches always stirring up shit.

>> No.15356225
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What could have been.

>> No.15356231
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Nazism = freedom.

You can’t deny that anything good in Israel is via some degree of socialism and nationalism

It’s kinda sad that you’d honestly try to deny the existence of the core function of society as if all society is your enemy.

I’m sure there’s some Edomite in you that gets what I’m saying, just as any Jew does now.

>> No.15356237
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Every society is some kind of libertarian-socialism.

How about your ilk stay in your own country without trying to influence mine and see how long y’all last on your own.

>> No.15356243
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It’s perfect.

All victory to the spirits of the alternative timelines where the Nazis and the commies allied and exchanged wisdom instead of fighting and achieved absolute divinity for all long ago

>> No.15356255
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Imagine Israel being a peaceful neutral Switzerland like peaceful diplomatic Nazi-commie state without Judaism. Imagine the rebirth of all the lost Jewish tribes and lost Jewish religions.

It’s really wrong that Jews are taught Judaism. Judaism taught that genocide was ok. No one else does that. The only god is love, the only motive is love, everyones truest desires are mutual, heaven for all is a soul that must grow and eternally prosper in every way.

>> No.15356791

state funded political celebrations aren't meaningful. they'll still be holding the same celebrations after everyone there is pakistani.

>> No.15358569

>There's a reason trans-American rail is so sparse compared to Europe.
The worlds largest and busiest rail yard is in Nebraska. Its all cargo, people travel in airplanes, cargo is less impatient.

>> No.15359378

>He doesn't know about operation paperclip

>> No.15359655

We live in a society that's based around capital and this obviously slows down progress eg GPU improvement unironically driven by video game demand. No doubt that in Nazi Germany enough resources would have been allocated to accommodate as many scientists as possible who, while not getting paid much, would get great reward in the form of prestige/serving higher good, similarly to how being chief engineer of the navy inspired respect in 19th century France. They also wouldn't be bound by all the bs they face today (much of it related to money). Today there is no drive because there is no symbol in which people believe, no flag, no nation, no race. A bit of prestige in very high positions and then scheming for grants. A world of supply, demand and capital. Also, Germans are rigorous so every child/person would be tested for intelligence and those capable would be put into adequate fields (but everyone would be pushed). It'd be that simple. We also wouldn't be facing crises like the ones we face today, eg for 30 years now young people worldwide, intelligent and not so smart alike, fry their brains with video games, porn, movies, cheap music, etc, instead of being led the right path in order to fulfill their potential so that we can improve generation after generation. This in fact is only going to get worse too, and only a few wise rich people will put their children into private institutions with no electronics in sight and classical music playing in the corridors, while the majority of children will be learning about blowjobs and 2+2=5 from some fat r*ddit whore in between tiktok sessions. Where are the good teachers you ask? Cf above, there is no reason for learned men to be schoolmasters/teachers. 150 years ago there was prestige in such a position (often held by well-accomplished academics in fact) as you would form children that would go on to be scientists themselves, advancing the interests of the nation. Today materialism is the name of the game.

>> No.15359658

Just to add: the only area in which there could have been issues is genetics. Imagine they discover DNA and find out some high-ranking Nazis have some Jewish blood or aren't Aryans. Would this have been buried? Hard to tell.
>About the same since no one is making any new scientific discoveries. Low hanging fruit was picked already.
This is true to an extent but keep in mind much improvement is made at the mid-level and A LOT of intellectual potential is being wasted, people that could have been engineers, etc. This adds up.

>> No.15359690
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>> No.15359755

worse. britain was far more advanced than germany was technologically. wehrboos don't realize this because m-m-muh super weapons, but those were copes because germany was already losing the war by '41, despite spending 20 years preparing for it. britain was ahead in jet engines, television, electronics, radar and computing. actually basically everything. as germany ran out of men they tried to use gadgets to compensate, investing huge amounts into desperate hope and it didn't work. the british were using proximity fuses for radar guided anti-aircraft weapons as part of nation-wide radar defense network while the germans were still using spotlights and missing. and british then used this to bribe america into the war.


people go on about rocketry, but everyone had rockets. the soviets were testing rocket planes in '38. a russian school teacher actually invented the equations modern rocketry relies on. the allies had a much, much wider use of rocketry because they knew what was important; winning the war. so allied rocketry was used enmasse as artillery and ground attack from aircraft. the germans concentrated on super-weapons that didn't work. that was useful for the americans because post-war they could save resources by stealing krauts; it simply saved the us time and money, they didn't really need it. the soviets didn't bother much with german scientists as they already had their own technical base and stalin didn't trust them.

lost young men are attracted to uniforms and power. it deludes their thinking and the history channel never helps much. most of what you think you know is horseshit. germans have always been technical also-rans. post-war they were rehabilitated because nato needed germans to soak up soviet bullets and save western lives and no one liked germans. m-m-muh hecking technology was part of the reformation narrative that got laid on thick. it worked pretty well.

>> No.15359773
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Had the Anglo-Saxon world remained as it was in the 1950s (ideologically speaking) then yes it would all have been similar if not better.

>> No.15360237

>Just to add: the only area in which there could have been issues is genetics. Imagine they discover DNA and find out some high-ranking Nazis have some Jewish blood or aren't Aryans. Would this have been buried? Hard to tell.
People dramatically overstate the racial hangups they had. There were a lot of openly Jewish people serving in upper-level military posts, especially in the Kriegsmarine, but if they were devoted to the political regime and Germany as a nation then they were honorary Germans according to the NSDAP racial scheme. It's the same reason they had blacks and Arabs in the SS foreign legion.

>> No.15360346

I think this is the key. Aryan-Studies would be much promulgated in the new-order Europe. Marija Gimbutas would become a queen in academia - especially as linguistics and archaeology bear out her Kurgan theories.
DNA is discovered earlier than Watson, although Watson still offers a lot of research.
Ol' Schiklgruber probably dies around 1955 anyway because he ain't in the best of health (like Stalin in our timeline).
... and then maybe 1985 someone does a bloodtest on Schiklgruber's family. He's not R1a.
You know who are R1a? The fucking Poles.

... yeah, the Aryan theory is going to spark an internal civil war ~1980s.

>> No.15360368

Jew-to-Jew, haver; you're missing the German advances in metallurgy and rocketry.
The brain-drain is real but a lot of brain stuck around; also German academia wasn't carrying the dead weight of Marcuse and all those Weimar paedos.

>> No.15360455

>The brain-drain is real but a lot of brain stuck around; also German academia wasn't carrying the dead weight of Marcuse and all those Weimar paedos.
What's tragic is the brain drain that happened after the war. The Allies banned men like Kurt Tank and the Horten brothers from building airplanes ever again, only to later rediscover their ideas to solve huge problems in the 80s and 90s (see: B2 Spirit).

>> No.15360457

>germany was already losing the war by '41,
britain was still flying fighter aircraft with carbureted engines in '41, fuel flow cut out at negative gs, limiting maneuverability in combat
>britain was ahead in jet engines
the first flying jet aircraft was germany's he178
the first flying jet combat aircraft was also german. the need for swept wings in high speed jets wasn't understood by the allies until after they'd captured german arcraft designers to explain it to them.
1941 was when britain first recognized that the 7.7mm guns they were arming their planes with were too weak to be effective in combat.
but the allies had the manpower advantage, so they made up for their excess combat losses just by throwing more bodies onto the fire.

>The allies basically bombed germany uncontested after the first years
the allied bombers attacking germany and central europe were sustaining losses of 10% per daylight mission until late in 1944, the british gave up on daylight attacks completely and the americans were only able to keep up their campaign because they were willing to sacrifice vast amounts of lives and aircraft. in the 8th air force a tour of duty was 25 missions, with 10% loss per whats the odds of surviving a full tour?
very small. fdr and his many jewish advisers just didn't care about killing their own soldiers, who were all white and christian.

>> No.15361847

Germany was also driving unimpeded into Russia at that time

>> No.15364734

And how is going to the moon scientifically significant? We haven't really done anything with moon rocks.

>> No.15365029

America poached most of their scientists after the war and protected them from any possible consequences for crimes against humanity, so probably the same as today

>> No.15365137

It would be leagues beyond where we are today because a cold war between the USA and Germany would be fiercely competitive and wouldn't have the same rotten subversion that would degrade it over time.
USA would have a monopoly on nukes but severely lacking rocketry whereas Germany would have advanced rocketry but no nukes. German rockets would continue to be more precise because they needed to be in order to deliver useful payloads. American rockets would be big and their nuclear warheads would be even bigger to compensate for worse accuracy. Sort of the opposite of what it was in the real cold war. Neither of them would ever just give up at some point, so continued development in both rocketry and nuclear technology would've kept going. If there's any timeline where the US pursues Project Orion and industrial use nukes for things like digging canals this is going to be it. They'll both be constantly trying to leverage every advantage they have.
Eugenics would be inevitable, but the American approach would obviously be different. Germany would take a highly genetically deterministic view and their eugenics programs would be extremely strict and uncompromising. America's eugenics programs would be more passive and opt-in.
Those are the two main ones worth mentioning.
It would certainly be a far more interesting and story-worthy timeline.
>There's no timeline where the Axis wins the war
If your metric of winning is world conquest and your metric of losing is not world conquest then sure, they were never going to win.

>> No.15365149

> How developed would science today be if the Nazis won the war?
it would be stuck in stagnation probably
kinda like in NK

>> No.15366514

>kinda like in NK
they've developed their own nuclear & missile tech over the past couple decades, they are hardly stagnant. they're also completely independent of the rest of the world and the globohomo mind virus. NK is in better shape than their southern counterpart.

>> No.15366527
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China is better off in the West though, at least in the long term. The West is undergoing far too many dysgenic pressures, mainly from dysgenic fertility and third world immigration. As the IQ steadily drops, so too will it's civilization and competitiveness. What can possibly be done once China has an average IQ of 115 to America/Europe's 90? Absolutely nothing.

>> No.15366534

video makes it look like china destroyed its naive culture in order to build a theme park based on hollywood futurism & neo-tokyo anime

>> No.15366543

Whether that's true or not idk (yes, of course I know about the cultural revolution), but even if we assume it to be true, it applies at least as much to the Europe and the West.

>> No.15366545

Because that's exactly what they did. They're a hollow shell with no values except what's sold to them on TV by Hollywood.

>> No.15366593

>muh panzers

You're imagining a timeline where the panzers hadn't outrun their supply lines, what you were meant to imagine is a timeline where the Luftwaffe prioritized degrading and attriting the RAF then the Royal Navy, instead of terrorizing Londoners before achieving air supremacy and blockading the isles.

>> No.15367808

>Imagine basically what the Soviets did to Eastern Europe

Jesus Christ, you are all brainwashed.

Soviet Union took Easter Europe from Medieval to Modernity as no other place on earth.

>> No.15369331

no they didn't. lots of eastern europe was still using horse carts for transportation until around the turn of the century or so. those fuckers are good mechanics though, imagine getting a car as shitty as a lada and keeping it running for 40 years. you had to be a ranking party member to achieve that. once communism ended polish car thieves started bringing benzes over & thats what finally got them to stop using horses and donkeys on east

>> No.15369562

The cars were easy to repair.

>> No.15369563

>Pic related is pretty relevant.
yes something we should have been doing decades ago

>> No.15369578

>t. zoomer who couldn't even change a flat tire how would you even know the difference?

>> No.15369667

(concerning Škoda 110 which was same era)
You could get full manual with all the parts described and explained (or at least my grandfather did, it was certainly available if it didn't went straight with the car) and the cars were really simple compared to modern cars.

>> No.15371279
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Happy Birthday.

>> No.15371313

>About the same since no one is making any new scientific discoveries. Low hanging fruit was picked already.
artificial intelligence, genetic editing, mrna vacines, the next 2 decades will be crazzy, specially now since America has another super power competing, we will have the two rushing technologies to outdo the other, similar to what happened after ww2, competition drives progress, having a single superpower is not good

>> No.15371335

>muh soience is gonna change the world in two weeks
>muh soience mufffugguh
sois only make things get worse and worse

>> No.15371669

Nazi here
We won the war

>> No.15371684
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>> No.15371768

You likely would have died before you turned 5 if not for science. Also why the fuck are you even on this board if this is your attitude?

>> No.15372239
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Happy Birthday Hitler!

>> No.15372287

This. The EU is Hitler's wetdream. A united, socialist Europe.

>> No.15372300

>Construction for solar scale LHC follow up already under way.
And this would be a waste of precious resources desu.

>> No.15372465
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>> No.15372469

Probably less developed since hardship was a big motivator for me.