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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 245 KB, 923x2048, 1654431744534494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15338455 No.15338455 [Reply] [Original]

Maskies on the wrong side of history yet again.

>Lead author Dr Ben Patterson said: 'Our study found no evidence that mandatory masking of staff impacts the rate of hospital SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron variant.
>The research will be presented later this month at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases in Copenhagen, Denmark.

>> No.15338469

>Daily Mail
>one study
>didn't test staff infection rates
>didn't check adherence to mask policy
>even the lead author says the study doesn't show masks are useless
>trusting hospital drones to use statistics appropriately

>> No.15338472
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wheres the studies which say otherwise?

>> No.15338487
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>> No.15338490


>> No.15338507

dis nigga serious?

>> No.15338638
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>> No.15339767

all the people who wore those things are now too ashamed of themselves to discuss the topic

>> No.15339769

When are people going to accept that the empirical studies are for hacks?

>> No.15339798

Mask reduces cough residue left on car interior.

>> No.15339802

and where does that cough residue end up instead, i wonder

>> No.15339807

>>>/pol/ is usually where non-serious or parody discussion goes, especially when politically related. You can also try /b/ or /x/. Don't feel bad, everyone was new once. Have a great day!

>> No.15339811

cry about it

>> No.15339815
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>> No.15339829
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B...but they all said wearing the diaper was about health not politics.

>> No.15341330
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lot of ppl had alternative reasons to want to wear a mask.

>> No.15341362
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40 peer reviewed studies that show masks are effective:

>> No.15341367

>peer reviewed
not meaningful anymore, the system has been abused to death

>> No.15341384

>twitter MD
Man...if I had the power I would strip rights to practice left and right with abandon.

>> No.15341515
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>peer reviewed

>> No.15341689
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>Left-wing fascists on the wrong side of history yet again.

There is no way that leftists are always wrong by accident. It is ON PURPOSE! They are evil.

>> No.15341693
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>peer reviewed

>> No.15341697

Based sci chad

>> No.15342092

Is one of the 49 the CDC one where they phoned up people, asked if they'd had covid and asked if they thought they had worn their mask as much as they should have? lol.

There was a lot of bad science floating around that started with a conclusion in mind instead of a hypothesis.

I grant all your points except for this one.
>even the lead author says the study doesn't show masks are useless
which may as well be
>the lead author would still like to get grant approvals in the future
At some point attempting to ward off bad science journalism from journalists who won't thoroughly understand your work nor take the time to interview you personally turns into a prayer towards the altar of The Science.

>> No.15342605
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Explain decreasing belief in the global warming narrative amongst scientists

>> No.15342685

Psyops by (((think tanks)))

>> No.15342720

>Muh whataboutism
White male capitalist cis patriarchy falsifying records and muddying the waters trying to hold tooth and nail to its unearned privileges. This is a classic case of the horseshoe theory. Seriously, read a book.

>> No.15342796
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>> No.15342850

Gradual loss of narrative control.

>> No.15344077
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x1080, 13b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get 1st vaccine
>feels sick for 3 days
>get 2nd vaccine
>feels sick for another 3 days
>got covid anyway
>feels sick for 2 weeks
>got covid again
>feels sick for 2 weeks
>probably have myocarditis now

What was the point

>> No.15344188

Signaling your loyalty to the regime.

>> No.15344217

>even the lead author says the study doesn't show masks are useless
That's why it saw the light of day.

>> No.15344242

>doesn't show masks are useless
Right. Theoretically the effect could still be nonzero but statistically unmeasurable.

>> No.15344265

Meanwhile in Switzerland, they're abandoning the jabs for almost everyone now. Even high risk people are no longer recommended to get the jab. Only with the authorization of a doctor can high risk Swiss access the jabs. For everyone else, they will simply be unavailable. The media in the US has given this little to only token attention. Meanwhile the CDC is pushing for six month old babies to get the jabs and the FDA is about to authorize a seventh dose of the drug.

>> No.15344293

The study found that masks alone are insufficient, but work when paired with other health measures.
It's nothing surprising, especially given that COVID precautions are basically gone now. 2 of my grandparents died of COVID they caught in the hospital after going for unrelated reasons.
t. American

>> No.15344345

>wearing a green sweater doesn't reduce traffic deaths but works when paired with airbags and a seatbelt
>sweater deniers btfo

>> No.15344448

It's because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, anon. A seat belt and an airbag work 4x as well as just one or the other.

>> No.15344452


>> No.15344466

Are you retarded?
And dont call me by my name again you cunt

>> No.15344486
File: 55 KB, 550x307, Complete-breakfast-550x307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Super Sugar Bombs cereal is a part of a nutritious breakfast.

>> No.15344853

>get 0 vaccines
>don't feel sick
>don't get covid
>get fired for not vaxmaxxing
>ex-coworkers all get covid

>> No.15345625

Thats a good breakfast for someone who works outdoors and needs to consume a 1500 calorie breakfast. Lazy college kids and other layabouts usually eat one piece of toast.

>> No.15345645

What's the deal with Ameritards and masks? Masks are really popular in Asian countries because of pollution and high population densities. In densely populated Chinese cities it's pretty much an unspoken rule that everyone wears masks during flu season.

>> No.15345648

>these college kids i imagined in my head eat toast for breakfast so this soup of sugar is actually good for you
do you realize how retarded you sound right now

>> No.15345656

>emotionally triggered lazy layabout

>> No.15345660
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Warnings were not heeded

>> No.15345675

oh how dare you call me a toast eater. i am so triggered

>> No.15346803

I don't care if retards can't use masks properly. Do they actually work or not? Yes or no? The real ones, N95 or better.

>> No.15346847

South Koreans believe in fan death. Just because a belief is widespread in a culture doesn't make it factual.

>> No.15346858
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>Do they actually work or not? Yes or no? The real ones, N95 or better.
Only self-contained bottled air in pressurized suits and a total sanitation and disposal of said suits after use "works".
They don't wear cloth "masks" in a level-4 bio-hazard lab, where the virus was created by splicing HIV and Corona virus. Body suits only.

>> No.15346890 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15348278 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15348463

I'm not talking about 99.99% effectiveness. Not even propaganda man on TV claimed anything ridiculous like that. If it reduces the chance to get infected AND/OR the chance to infect others by, say, at least 20% that would mean it's working. The number is kind of arbitrary but a 20% reduction seems significant enough setting unrealistic expectations.
So by this definition, do these masks work or not?

>> No.15348556 [DELETED] 

>vaxxxie cope

>> No.15348566 [DELETED] 

I'm not vaxxed, nigger. It's simple logic that a barrier will stop at least some of the particles people breathe in and spit out. Try sneezing with a mask on and see how much shit is caught in the fabric.
Why are surgeons wearing masks if they're useless?

>> No.15348573 [DELETED] 

Your nose goo isn't what's infecting people.

>> No.15348578

How about coughing?

>> No.15348602 [DELETED] 
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It's 2023, please update your narratives. We had all these stupid arguments 3 years ago. You lost.

>> No.15348605

So retards can't read and use masks properly. That doesn't mean they don't work. That means the average retard is retarded.

>> No.15348611 [DELETED] 

I understand it's hard to come to terms with the fact that you walked around with a diaper on your face for years for literally no reason, but the sooner you work through it the better off you'll be.

>> No.15348622

Nice try. I didn't go outside even once during the pandemic.
Also you are arguing about mask mandates. I'm arguing about masks. I never said mandates were effective. Clearly they weren't because of retards like you.

>> No.15348629 [DELETED] 

>I didn't go outside even once during the pandemic.
My god it's worse than I thought.

>> No.15348633

I can see that.

>> No.15348874

the n-word is racist

>> No.15348890 [DELETED] 

It makes my shilling sound more organic and believable though.

>> No.15348942

I miss when NPCs wore masks. I loved slapping them around like the fags they were. Fun times

oh and I also missed how they stayed home. Was so awesome to not have retards outside everywhere in my way. I really miss that

>> No.15349273

Imbecile, I spent two years at home because my cucked country pretty much banned going anywhere without getting vaxxed.

>> No.15349485

No one's pushing the vax in the US anymore, they're just milking the few who were hyperpropagandized for residual profit

>> No.15349491 [DELETED] 

>third world problems

>> No.15349515

I live in the most glorious country on Earth, mutt. The one your retarded grandfathers destroyed to spread hyperturbofaggotry.

>> No.15349534 [DELETED] 

>government puts the population under house arrest on a whim
Luhmao. Get back to us after the revolution and we'll reassess.

>> No.15349547

The revolution was 80 years ago and my country fought half the world for 5 years. My ancestors called out the Jews and fought them head on. You faggots have to call men in a dress women or you get cancelled, kek. Meanwhile our symbolism still strikes fear into our enemies like nothing else. That's why you niggers pay $40 for 5RM coins that are $10 here.

>> No.15349549
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Maskie here, still haven't got covid

>> No.15349554 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15349557

You smell like rancid cabbage kraut. All your women transgendered into Helga-Krauts a thousand years ago during the dark ages.

You couldn't even exterminate the jews. Krauts are worthless faggots now, all the manly ones were killed by Russians and Americans, since Russians and Americans back then only killed men, leaving Germany with the tights-wearing Euro-trash fags who spread their techno-faggotry worldwide now.

>> No.15349566

I wore a mask prior to COVID because of severe pollen alergies.

>> No.15349579

no one asked

>> No.15349584
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>severe pollen alergies.
That's due to improper diet and enviro-pollutants. It's not really the pollen, that's the lie you are sold to sell you "cures" that don't work.

>> No.15349592

It did help.
So these masks filter environmental pollutants?

>> No.15349601

Your country hosts the Synagogue of Satan.
Not really. There were plenty of soldiers who got captured and sent back a decade after the war. Or children of those soldiers who never got to fight.

>> No.15349608

>It did help.
Placebo effect works. Is why all cults use it. Cheap and effective.

>> No.15349610

>Or children of those soldiers who never got to fight.
Those were groomed by the surviving Jews and Socialists and in turn raised transgender millenials.

>> No.15349619

Numbers don't add up. Those who were still children in 1945 eventually became the parents of boomers or gen x, depending on age at the time.

>> No.15349633

You assume too much. My granddad was born in 1936 and had kids in the late 1960s with one wife (grandma) and the late 1980s with another wife. I have an uncle who is my age.

>> No.15349726

OK, sure, but that sounds like a bit of an outlier. Besides, you're assuming that those who died in the war were in some way genetically special but in the end they were just regular normalfags led by competent leaders (until later in the war at least).

>> No.15349728

>normalfags led by incompetent leaders

>> No.15349747

>tiny, impoverished country
>fights half the world 7 years later
>Jews still seething almost 100 years later

>> No.15349751 [DELETED] 

>competent leaders
Hitler had most of Europe by 1941 but instead of solidifying that he violated the NAP with Stalin and started a new fight he couldn't finish.

>> No.15349752
File: 83 KB, 1352x804, wef evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are Jews not seething? It's what they do.

>> No.15349763

Hitler should have focused on Soviet Union first, gotten UK and Japan to help destroy it.

Once conquered it, taken China, and given it to Japan. Then formed an alliance with USA and helped USA take over all of North and South America (bout two weeks).

UK could have had all Africa, with agreement to export to USA, Germany, Japan.

USA, UK, Germany then could have turned on Japan and easily taken east Asia from them, relegating Japan to making superior electronics.

World would be at peace, with USA, UK, Germany controlling it all.

But noooooo Hitler and Roosenfeld in USA had to fuck it all up.


>> No.15349787

Sure, but nothing makes them seethe more than Nazi Germany.
I guess so, yes. He wasn't the best strategist and fucked up a lot of things along the way. Still, under his rule Germany went from poor and weak to a strong economic and military powerhouse. Ironically, he was still too nice, letting a Jew doctor poison him or having mercy with English troops in Dunkirk (IIRC?) and letting them go. It wasn't all him, of course, but he enabled it all.

>> No.15349792

OK, granted, Jesus does make them seethe more than Nazi Germany.

>> No.15351445

jannie h8 hiter
what did he ever do to you, jannie? was he bad in a scary hollywood moooovie? did he frighten you?

>> No.15352395

>be 23 years old
>reeeeeee hitler!!!!
dudes been dead for a century

>> No.15352468
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, handshake alternatives world health organization.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I reject handshakes and kisses on the cheeks (European style).

>> No.15352652

Grab them by the pussy instead.

>> No.15352696

their eyes all look so soulless

>> No.15352765

Lizard-alien people. Natives called them skinwalkers.

>> No.15352865

>understands that a good seal around the face is essential

>general public
>allowed to wear a mask over a full beard without scorn or ridicule

>> No.15352896

Heh remember when COVID first appeared in the US and the CDC said masks make no difference, don't buy them, and then weeks later admitted that it was a lie to preserve mask stocks for hospital staff?

>> No.15352901

>margin of error
Wait, so she couldn't tell the difference between male and female dogs at times?

>> No.15352911
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>> No.15352929

The bowl of sugar is useless. I work hard labor outdoors and the energy from those instantly dissolving simple carbs will last less than an hour. The milk alone can get get my blood sugar right for the work while the rest of the food in that pic is digesting.

>> No.15352935
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>> No.15352936

Needs more meat though, I'm gonna be straining muscles all day and I'll need the protein to keep them.

>> No.15352945

We literally tried to tell you

>> No.15352952

guise, i have a very serious questions, why do dentists and surgeons wear masks?

>> No.15352954

To stop saliva dropping onto the patient, which can be bad in surgery

>> No.15353050

eggs, eggs in the french toast, eggs in the pancakes & nice fatty bacon, plus butter in the french toast & on the pancakes. animal fats have a nice long digestive profile. the starch in the 5 bananas helps too. who eats 5 bananas for breakfast?

>> No.15353286

We told you anon
No refunds

>> No.15353336

>peer reviewed studies
the calling card of "scams".

>> No.15353385

science is pushed a religious belief specifically because it is so open to dishonest manipulation.
atheists are all dishonest manipulators.
that why they hate people with rigid, fixed beliefs, so much harder to get your way with them

>> No.15353457

>So by this definition, do these masks work or not?

>> No.15353553
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when are maskies going to do something to clean up the massive environmental pollution they selfishly caused? never?

>> No.15353891

I'm sure that works better than the hepa cabin air filter a lot of cars have.

>> No.15353963

Normal people don't get into 'factions' over such frivolous things.
If masks are shown to be useless then so be it, nobody besides your kind of people have any strong emotion about it.

>> No.15353969

But the premise of this topic is a STUDY.
/sci/zos are devoid of any temporal coherence it's scary at this point.

>> No.15354060

This, boosters have been proven to be safe and effective.
After all, who would you trust, the 80% of normal people that vaccinated, or the 20% of nutjobs that didn't ?
We must flatten the curve.

>> No.15354140

>Normal people don't get into 'factions' over such frivolous things
Yes they do, and maskcucks joined the evil faction.

>> No.15354647
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>> No.15354759

>Maskies on the wrong side of history yet again.
What do you mean? The mask mandate was a wonderful thing. Thanks to the masks, I was able to urban-explore without worrying about getting caught by security or CCTV. I've got a lot of dope photos from the lockdown era and my friends love hearing the stories I tell them.

>> No.15354818

If it were a free choice, sure, but masks were required by law, with various punishments for choosing not to wear one. Of course you knew that when you made your disingenuous post.

>> No.15357014
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>> No.15358464

If they lie about that then who do you think is causing the replication crisis?

>> No.15360818

this isn't even news at this point and will never be the science (tm) because people are irrational about diseases and want more control over their well-being than they have

>> No.15361012
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Go back to your containment board, incel.

>> No.15361799
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>> No.15362008

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.15362787

Then show that masks work.

If it is impossible due to the constraints of reality to show that masks work, then they don't work.

the claim was
>masks work
But they never showed proof
Now every single study is showing:
>it's impossible to show masks work
>except when we glue the masks to the face of a silicon puppet
>but otherwise we cannot prove it
>but it works
>trust me
>we just cannot prove it because of reality
>but it works trust me

>> No.15362795

This argument is so fucking stupid, obviously putting cloth over your mouth to catch droplets is going to mitigate transmission to some extent, like it's just fucking obvious. Your brain is scrambled eggs if you think masking was nothing but a psyop.

>> No.15362818

If the studies said they were 99% effective your stupid ass would still cry about it

>> No.15362848

You're god damn right.
>Those who would sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither.
This may come as a surprise to you, but there's more to a society and civilization than saving lives. Fucking retard.

>> No.15362876


>> No.15362980


Would you mind to provide a scientific experiment, with a controll group, in which scientists verified that respiratory diseases transmit via breathing or swallowing droplets ?

>> No.15363086

Smooth brain. Cannot see beyond the bridge of his nose. Sad.

>> No.15363114

That's a quote from Benjamin Franklin retard.

>> No.15363159

Yes, if/would, point being that you have already made up your mind about the facts of the situation and the true reality of the situation does not matter to you

>> No.15363192

What does that have to do with anything

>> No.15363295

please provide scientific sources of facts of the situation

>> No.15363335

Nope. I don't know or care if masks really work. I just know you are all retards with canned opinions.

>> No.15363362

No, fuck off.

>> No.15363454
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>No, fuck off.

>> No.15363613

>won't waste my time trying to convince retards of things they could never be convinced of
>"haha are you mad"

>> No.15363660

>they could never be convinced
I will be convinced if you present the science that convinced you.

If you assume, I cannot be convinced they you miss the chance to convince a retard and make me unretarded.
I would love to see a scientific proof or at least evidence which can show that masks prevent disease.

>> No.15364087

My actual opinion is that physical reality is a lot harder to model via experiments and studies than we act like it is. I am just thinking of how one would go about trying to isolate masks as a variable to analyze data. Info is needed at a granular level to do that and i would have questions about how feasible it is on a large scale.

If *you* can link me to a controlled experiment with a small sample size that indicates masks don't work, i would be interested in that

>> No.15364120

>What do the opinions of Benjamin Franklin—founding father of USA, 6th POTUS—on the balance between essential liberties and safety have to do with the decisions made to sacrifice essential liberties for safety during lockdowns?
Are you brain damaged?

>> No.15364174

>ben franklin said some words


>> No.15364432

Yes. And his words are reflective of the foundations of the USA. You're clearly some anti American shit bag. Probably some eurofag or zoomerfag or both.

>> No.15364460

>and the FDA is about to authorize a seventh dose of the drug.

So the 'just 2 more doses' meme /pol/ was pushing a couple of years back turned out to be true.

>> No.15364476

>If *you* can link me to a controlled experiment with a small sample size that indicates masks don't work, i would be interested in that

So to be clear of the terms of :
>indicates masks don't work

This means, that the test group and the control group have no or statistically insiginificant differences in disease rate?

>> No.15364737

I'm american as american gets my friend

>> No.15364743

I guess my vision would be more like measuring the amount/distance of microbes expelled with mask vs without

>> No.15366058

That era in our history ended 3 years ago, we now have a totalitarian NWO judeo-communist government. They just didn't announce on TV yet. They didn't make any announcements like that when the judeo-bolsheviks took over Russia i 1917 either, but eventually most people figured it out.

>> No.15366093

It's the difference between a fact-based society (European) and an appearance-based society (Asian). In Asian cultures it's better to have the appearance of doing something regardless of if it's true or not.

>> No.15366270

it’s almost as if we are fixing the problem to the point where it i doesn’t exist anymore!

>> No.15367151

>If *you* can link me to a controlled experiment with a small sample size that indicates masks don't work, i would be interested in that

>> No.15367160

>Wait, so she couldn't tell the difference between male and female dogs at times?

it might have been consensual a few times.

>> No.15367204

Not everyone rides in their car alone, inceloid

>> No.15367352

Correct, a wonderful new standard, now I don't need to bother making facial expressions (which I normally can't do but I'm expected to do anyways).

>> No.15369323

my old doctor died and now i have to get a flight physical with a new doctor for the first time, they just email'd me saying i have to wear a mask.
i've never worn one before, where do you buy this garbage and how much microplastics am i finna inhale?
also lmao when 200 passengers and all the flight crew had to wear masks and i just ignored it, never got the vax either, when my boss said i had to, i just told him "hey i got that vax" next time i saw him an that was that.

>> No.15371480

>how much microplastics am i finna inhale?
Probably about 1/30th of a football field's worth

>> No.15371647

yeah you getting a lot of pussy riding around in your car with a mask on? shut the fuck up nerd you and i both know you dont get anything

>> No.15371696

memory holed the cochrane review already?

>> No.15371871

medicine has more a rigorous set of "peers" than "feminist scholars," obviously
use your brain a bit fucknuts

>> No.15371911
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>> No.15371999
File: 115 KB, 284x314, DRCHUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Doctor Chud

>> No.15372493

i am eternally grateful for dr. chud. i really dont think id be here today if it werent for him

>> No.15372536

>the deadliest virus in hirory
yah ure not ill or anything

>> No.15372588

just fuck off already you shill