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File: 41 KB, 500x308, sub-tenon's block.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15347277 No.15347277 [Reply] [Original]

Hold still edition

Previous: >>15313759

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15347284

First for fuck AI doomposters.
You have to be legit retarded to think that Doctors will get replaced any time soon

>> No.15347289
File: 45 KB, 320x320, twilight-zone-1959___if_i_ignore_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
how come the medical community is so dead set on willfully ignoring it's worst problems? no desire to improve at all?
whats the latest research on the ever increasing amount of avoidable deaths and injuries inflicted on patients by incompetent physicians? does the fact that this problem has been on the rise for the past quarter century suggest that physicians have been becoming increasingly greedy & amoral or does it show that their iq has been getting lower?

>> No.15347291
File: 302 KB, 800x870, Phenotropil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we have this shit? The west is really missing out on some long-term IQ boosters.

>> No.15347297

>have to give and receive periocular injections soon
wake me up.

>> No.15347437

>First for fuck AI doomposters.
literally just finished my shift and left a room full of ED doctors talking about how we're all getting replaced by AI lol

>> No.15347825

Yeah but we ain't

>> No.15347828

That's it boys, we've declared AI done.
OpenAI just saw this comment and decided not to release GPT-6 after all.

>> No.15347898

so what? every midwit thinks le "AI" is going to take over, why not doctors?

>> No.15347909

Got lucky with one MD professor at my uni who knows internal medicine like the back of his hand. All I want is to get into an internal medicine/infectious disease fellowship.

>> No.15348020
File: 123 KB, 1600x1284, FYoeJuqUcAAAc_M[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys use for your notes and studying? what is your notes+studying setup?
I only use word to write and read notes but i am looking to upgrade to something better

>> No.15348242

Cause we ain't midwits.

>> No.15348245

Of course

>> No.15348414

Thanks for noticing.

>> No.15348491

Medbros, does taking antipsychotics will make my brain smaller and dumber?

>> No.15348559

a sketchbook so I can doodle shit on them while taking notes

>> No.15348563
File: 64 KB, 780x438, grubers-move-toward-awake-surgery-1670969008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught a show on TV last night where they do plastic surgery on people while they're awake.

>> No.15348631

EZ with an epidural. Face procedures would be more difficult and may come up with the risk of nerve injury so general anesthesia is best.

>> No.15348643

You should avoid antipsychotics unless absolutely necessary for something like schizophrenia with harm command hallucinations. There are better mood stabilizers in bipolar and the benefits are probably not worth the risks in MDD.

>> No.15348652

With that sort of thinking, we won't be able to prescribe antipsychotics for sleep anymore. Just take more if you're still not sleeping enough.
Wokeness has gone too far

>> No.15348658

The TMDSAS data for this cycle shows the average Texas matriculate has a 3.89 GPA and a 513 MCAT (90th percentile). It's getting rough out there. A lot of current doctors would never have been accepted under these standards.

>> No.15348675
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To the anon yesterday who helped me, i stopped being a pussy and called intox line.
They told me laundry powder isnt that toxic and that if I drank enough water to piss a lot I got it out of my system, stomach feels like shit though, what to do now? Considering half a spoon was ingested they first asked me if I was talking about a cup or half a cup, am I.
Given my stomach feels odd, am i going to die or suffer organ damage?

>> No.15348691

>dopamine receptor antagonist
>IQ booster
Pick ONE (1). Outside of cholinergic and GLU enhancement, the only possibility this will enhance IQ is if it antagonizes only the autoreceptors which increases dopamine.

>> No.15348711

No, you're not going to die. At this point two different anons plus poison control have told you you'll be fine.
You will, in fact, be fine. Stop eating detergent in the future.

>> No.15348713

I feel gassy and sharp pangs on sides and stomach though, I waited say an hour before drinking water once i realized

>> No.15348717

That's the finding out phase that comes after fucking around.
Hopefully you learn from that.

>> No.15348725

Ever tried being less of a retard?

>> No.15348732

Is this anon right though? >>>/vg/425850489

>> No.15348745

The cells lining the inside your mouth and throat get completely replaced on a roughly weekly basis.
Yeah you might have killed a bunch of cells early. Maybe you'll get cancer at 81 and 11 months instead of 82.

>> No.15348803

But the sharp pain, are those my insides melting? Feel it up to my chest and lungs

>> No.15348808

Definitely your lungs melting. Maybe your central nervous system, also.

>> No.15349010

With AI coming, is it too late to go into medicine if I won't be able to start med school for another 2-3 years? I wanted to go into surgery/ophthalmology, but I could see these more physical fields becoming extremely competitive if IM/EM/GM/derm/radiology/pathology all become displaced by AI. I could even see a lot of other nonsurgical specialties getting displaced too if both AI and mid-level scope creep are considered.

>> No.15349026

If you are this retarded, don't bother getting into it

>> No.15349067

yep, it's too late for you. I suggest being a full-time imageboard janitor

>> No.15349071
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As a person in tech who follows AI very closely, I think things are going to move slower in medicine because of all the regulations, and people not tolerating any mistakes.

The way it works today is that people do their work, and sometimes they ask GPT a question either to bounce some ideas off, or to answer a small thing.

The goal for the next couple years is to flip that around.
In a few years, we want people to collaborate with the bot to come up with a plan, then have the bot start doing 80% of the steps (all the tedious, boring, or easy to automate parts), and only consult the human when it's stuck on a small well-defined substep of the plan.
So instead of you doing the work, and asking questions here and there, the bot will do the majority of the work at high speed while you watch, and it'll and ask you to intervene here and there to solve the small things it doesn't know how to do yet.

Given that the current #1 trending code project is a hastily made first draft attempt to do just that (AutoGPT), at the current rate of progress we should have an actual working version less than 5 years from now. If it takes a full 10 years, that would be a surprise.

But all in all, you're probably pretty safe in the medical field, compared to other people. It's possible we'll have the first fully autonomous bots way before regulators approve of bots making medical decisions.
The fun part starts when the bot becomes able to earn money doing freelancer work on its own. Then it can start shell companies as one of the sub-steps of its plan, employ real people to build things in the real world. Then focus on growth, make your first million, fill in the blanks for what happens next.

That might happen before AIs take your job, in which case there's nothing to worry about, since the world will be too different for your career choice to matter a single bit.

>> No.15349120

the lecture pdfs/ppts+microsoft notepad.
if they make me draw pretty pictures of nerve pathways, then i use microsoft paint.

>> No.15349218

I am 'bout to drink raw milk Kefir for my gut issues after the second ferment. Hope I won't catch GBS and die of meningitis, wish me luck.

>> No.15349481

God it must suck being a pediatric gynecologist. Everyone must think you're a pedo.

>> No.15349530

That spec don't exist afaik. Pediatric population doen't have gynecological issues.
And if they are sexually active then they are treated by a regular gyno.

>> No.15349665

Anon, I think you might have just crushed his ambitions there. Very inconsiderate.

>> No.15349802

I coughed a few days ago and decided to spit and I saw a bit of blood in my spit
Three days later I'm in the shower and I decide to spit and there's blood in my spit but I didn't cough
I had just eaten a lot of watermelon before each time and so I think the blood was just watermelon in my saliva, I have very thick saliva for some reason
Is this kind of thing common? People panicking about symptoms but it's actually pretty innocuous?

>> No.15349804

You are fucked bro.

>> No.15349811

My question wasn't necessarily about AI outright replacing doctors, since as you mention it's a regulatory nightmare and a complex, multisensory diagnosis process for most specialties. Plus I imagine most patients would appreciate the physical interaction with a doctor and prefer having a highly educated human and AI working together on their case.

My main concern is how AI might make human doctors (or PAs/NPs) significantly more efficient at their jobs to the point where fewer doctors would need to be hired in many specialties. Thinking about it a bit more though, it seems like this may not be the case. AI would certainly make human doctors *better* (e.g. by providing relevant info about a recent medical discovery or detecting a very subtle pattern), but since each doctor would still need to carefully evaluate and take accountability for any AI diagnosis/decision, it's hard to see AI actually cutting down on diagnostic time.

The one exception would be charting. It does seem like EHRs have already had a big impact here, and while AI would further speed up the process it doesn't seem like it'll be enough to displace jobs. If anything it would just make being a physician more enjoyable.

I still wish there was a way I could speed up the process since I already have a degree and would rather not take chances, but alas completing the prereqs in 2-3 years seems like the best I can do.

>> No.15349833
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Why is caffeine so tasty?

>> No.15350013

I'm Asian and I still got into a Texas medical school. Work harder.

>> No.15350209

I'm a huwhite man and got in too, how difficult is it going to be in 5 more years?

>> No.15350236

>does the fact that this problem has been on the rise for the past quarter century suggest that physicians have been becoming increasingly greedy & amoral or does it show that their iq has been getting lower?

>> No.15350284

>I'm a huwhite man and got in too
Hope to see you this fall, bro.
>how difficult is it going to be in 5 more years?
Well, if I wasn't a KHV, my kids probably wouldn't be able to make it.

>> No.15350311

Oh shit, you asked for 5 years. I don't think I would have been accepted into a Texas MD school. Would probably have to go to a Texas DO or out-of-state MD.

>> No.15350351

>Hope to see you this fall, bro.
You too brudda

>> No.15350872

>doctors recommend chiropractic and herbal medication
Is this normal?

>> No.15350940

What physical or mental illness if any can cause pleasure in the body? Usually topically in momentary impulses/twitches.

>> No.15350987

i simply use other peoples notes

>> No.15351000
File: 2.77 MB, 1591x900, 1_5033073570599665942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons I'm studying anatomy(neuro and abdominopelvic cavity) and biochemistry(review of metabolic biochemistry and sistematic biochemistry so organs) and I study right after the lectures what we did that day, everyday. The weekend I try to review and repeat something I studied during the week. Is this a good way of studying? I'm in my 2nd year and the first year I studied evrything right before the exams, got good grades but I remember very little
I study only from the profs notes because here this is what you need to pass the exam and get even the maximum grade but I'm worried about that not being sufficient. I'm autistic and I can study how much I want without feeling tired but also dont want to waste my time studying useless things

>> No.15351353

Go DO if you live in TX and have a shit GPA.

>> No.15351395

What is considered a shit GPA? Anything less than the average?

>> No.15351420

For TX, anything less than 3.6-3.7, you're going to have a hard time.

>> No.15352146

absolutely the most shocking media video on the internet today, watch until the end

>> No.15352349
File: 852 KB, 940x788, Um8YlkiKQFdw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is calling for the lifetime imprisonment of doctors and he owns the world's most influential media platform.
Whats it like being possibly the most hated and distrusted members of society? Are you proud of yourselves?
If you think its bad now, its only going to get worse as Musk wields his tremendous influence against you.
This is all completely self inflicted by the medical community, ethics were thrown out the window chasing fast easy money and woke virtue signalling opportunities.

>> No.15352774

K schizo.

>> No.15352840
File: 840 KB, 943x1638, 89E8B2E4-0946-4988-A4FE-3997D6919B12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this video today, alleged nerve pain and claiming multiple ERs refusing to treat her.
Anecdotally, when I had a sciatic nerve compression, it would have been physically impossible for me to make this much noise, it was painful just to talk.
Of course it went viral with people saying “Hospitals are so incompetent and won’t listen to patients! Sue them”
a person’s vital signs also give away fakery.
Have you ever seen someone who is experiencing genuine extreme direct nerve pain scream like this?
I say this is fraud, either for drugs or lawsuit.

>> No.15353492


>> No.15353539

well yes, unscientific cult nonsense like “gender identity” has no place in medicine and it’s completely criminal to allow such a thing to be used as justification for any kind of procedure or treatment for minors. And actually also adults too because it’s being falsely presented as having some basis in science despite the fact that the concept of “gender identity” does not even remotely hold up to basic inquiry using the scientific method.

>> No.15354983

Women are 90% of the bullshit DX at pain medicine.

>> No.15355348
File: 184 KB, 1463x761, 34813774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes Doc GPTstein I'll put compression stockings on this patient right away!

>> No.15355469

>Imagine going to lectures

>> No.15355717

are there any papers on intrusive images from 1900-1977? give me all of them if you have links

>> No.15355945

apparently starting some years after 1970 there has been some papers but not really from 1900-1970 for some reason

>> No.15355976

percentage of doctors with penis envy increasing

>> No.15356055

it's over AIbros...

>> No.15356106

musk on the warpath against doctors again

>> No.15356204

fascinating. can you write 7 paragraphs for me on why doctors are evil and should be culled en masse? i am enamored by your speeches

>> No.15356270

>implying a 3.89 today is the same as a 3.89 a decade ago
Grade inflation is a bitch. It's literally impossible to get under a B- (as in, they don't even give those grades out) in most undergrad classes nowadays.

>> No.15356332

How X-ray would have affect my benis energy? If I am getting daily exposure as a worker there?

>> No.15356353

>as in, they don't even give those grades out
Where the fuck do people come up with these claims? There's literally the occasional dude in here asking if he can get into medical school with a GPA of like 3.3. The average student is just becoming more competitive as time passes on. You can see this with rising MCAT scores too.

>> No.15356392

>where the fuck do people come up with these claims?
From looking at the grade distributions of the classes I took myself a few years ago, dingus. Just flipping through my biochemistry courses, like 70-80% of people get B- or above. There are barely any Cs, but a few Ds and Fs from people who I assume literally never show up to class and just never even took the exams, so basically everyone who turns in work gets at least a B-. Essentially zero classes have actual bell curve distributions for grades. Also just look at the GPA requirements for Cum Laude at universities from year to year, you can literally track the grade inflation over time as the cutoffs get higher and higher. Do you think that's because suddenly the entire student body got way smarter, or that they give out higher grades much more easily? Anecdotally, my professors even bitched about it. One of them said what I claimed almost verbatim about Stanford, that you can't get below a B.

>> No.15356416

>Do you think that's because suddenly the entire student body got way smarter, or that they give out higher grades much more easily?
How old are you? One explanation would be with the Internet, the ease of accessing resources would certainly boost GPA and test scores. I even saw the other day that there is UWorld for the SATs now (I studied for the SATs using a test prep book back then).

>> No.15356695

How old are you? What are these alleged internet resources that are so vastly different from 2016 to now, roughly seven years? The cutoff for my alma mater for Cum Laude (so top 20% of the class) went from 3.6 to 3.8 in that time period. It's also a widely attested phenomenon that you can Google and find articles about, especially at the Ivy Lagues, I don't know why you're pushing back against it.

>> No.15356702
File: 558 KB, 1172x1846, 1681586390615182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey can more of ya'll donate stories to the /fph/ threads on /fit/?

We'd all appreciate it.

>> No.15356732

gen surg seems fun

>> No.15356882

That's interesting. Most of my basic bio and chem classes have averages of 60% on exams, but I assume that'll go up in more advanced courses when all the "haven't decided" kids try something else

>> No.15356896
File: 225 KB, 526x502, 1681358884034375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grade inflation
is there a bigger cope?

>> No.15356972

more medical greentexts please

>> No.15356985

yeah, but doctors can get money from the government for doing the procedures and the drug companies get paid too, so the scam will continue on forever.

>> No.15356994

What even could cause such a symptom? If it doesn't exist as a known symptom it just doesn't make any sense.

>> No.15357809

I hear voices in my head that compliment me and tell me to do weird stuff. I've heard one of the voices order me to kill twice and when she speaks I have a feeling in my body of complement, like I have to do as she says. Do any of you know the biochemical reasons why I hear voices in my head? They are intrusive, I'm not actively thinking about it, it just happens. What is psychiatrist current understanding or theory regarding hearing voices?

>> No.15358023

sounds more worrisome and scary than weird

I myself interested in intrusiveness in general

>> No.15358162

I've been hearing conflicting things about away rotations/auditions for family. If you're a U.S.A. M.D. student trying to match to family med because you're selecting the location for non-career reasons (ie your hometown or couples match) is it in your best interest to do one, or do you only risk making a bad impression because the odds are already stacked in your favor?

>> No.15358197

Brother if you're in the US and studying for step exams, anki and uworld are all you need. Pen and paper for the occasional note when you're away from the computer. Pretty much everything else is gonna be too time consooming

>> No.15358214

I would legit be interested in applying to gen surg expect for all these stories highlighting what a shit lifestyle it is

>> No.15358315

Oh yeah I mean the hours and the call seem terrible. But actually draining a perianal abscess seems kinda fun

>> No.15358381

Several explanations have been proposed to explain self-recognition failures in schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations (see15 for an overview). One theory posits a dysfunction of the feed-forward model system, whose role consists in predicting the sensory consequences of one’s intended actions and inner speech.16–18 A dysfunction in this system is thought to result in incorrect sensorimotor predictions, and an ensuing failure to recognize self-generated thoughts and actions.


>> No.15358393

But seriously there's one voice that's female and she is robotic. She orders me to do things and she issues the orders without any emotion. "I want you to kill BLANK or your mother will be raped and killed".

Every time she speaks, that voice only I feel compelled, like I have to do as she says. I fell it in my body, I don't understand it. The other voices are nice and tell me that I'm a good person, that I should have hope and not give up.

I hear musical instruments played sometimes and a demonic sounding voice screaming swear words.

I'm not making this shit up, why the fuck does this happen?

>> No.15358403

They are loud thoughts, like I hear them in my head. It's hard to explain it. It's like someone narrating?

The voices don't bother me, sometimes I "jump" when I hear a loud random screaming swear word but other than that they don't bother me. They don't respond to me when I talk to them.

>> No.15358418

If you’re really experiencing harm command hallucinations you should probably seek help from a mental health professional. How long has this been going on?

>> No.15358434

Oh I am and I'm taking Risperidone. But I just wanted understanding of why this is happening. I'm not actively thinking about these things, I don't want to kill anyone, I'm not like that at all. I'm not suicidal (I love life) and I don't hate anyone. I just don't understand why I'm being told to "I want you to kill all niggers" and yes that's her words not mine. No I don't have a deep rooted suppressed racist trait in me, I just take people as they are and don't judge.

I get feelings of comfort from the other voices that say nice things. It's really weird.

>> No.15358438

It's been happening since I was young.

I hear dead relatives talking as well sometimes which is comforting, I don't fear that or dislike that. and it doesn't stress me out.

>> No.15358440

Are you currently in any form of talk therapy? This might be helpful for working through the psychological meaning of your experiences. There are also peer support groups for people with psychotic disorders (kind of like AA). A prominent one is the hearing voices network.

>> No.15358442

You will still make a bunch of money doing something because the medical industry is such a fucking racket with such high bar to entry and total regulatory and corporate capture that it will always go on.
You HAVE to be very highly paid or people won't listen to you.
t. wife is a neurologist and read all contracts and listen to the stories all day

>> No.15358449

>we want people to collaborate with the bot to come up with a plan, then have the bot start doing 80% of the steps
You are literally, as in actually literally, destroying people and creating hell on earth.

Now if that is your goal, and I know it is to some of your type, you will fail but good luck to you.

>> No.15358455

I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic features.

I won't lie to you, when I'm in a bad state I really struggle to interpret which version of reality is real. One reality is where I currently am and everything is as it is. The other is that everything is a construct, that I'm dead and I'm in hell, my soul is missing and I'm stuck here, I can't die, I've died multiple times but I just come back, I get taunted with images of my death over and over. That is a really hard thing to battle. My brain can tilt either way depending on how stressed I am or what events are happening.

Thank you for the hearing voices network I didn't know about that. I will engage with them, I'm considering going on a depot of risperidone to keep others happy, but the depot removes control from me. Currently I'm in control and I take the pills but with the depot that changes. It's a tough one to battle with.

>> No.15358506

>the internet boosts grade scores

>> No.15358508

Interesting. Who recommended the depot? Your family or your doctor? There is some evidence from cohort studies in Finland that long acting injectables reduce mortality to a greater degree than oral agents in patients with schizophrenia. Whether this is applicable to your case I have no idea. But ultimately it should be your decision.

>> No.15358593

I've had the depot before but it doesn't work like it says it does. The drug peaks at random times, I could be walking along the street then suddenly feel intense fatigue.

That's what put me off being on the depot, the peaks and valleys of the drug.

>> No.15358663

Hm. Yeah if you've already had a bad experience with injectables and you take oral meds consistently idk what the point of going back on injectables would be

>> No.15358672

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media.

>> No.15358876
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbqh i expected all med students to be like that fag tryhard ali abdaal with all the productivity maximizing gimmicks.
gives me slightly more hope knowing that not all medfags are retards tryharding their way into something beyond their cognitive abilities

>> No.15359099

>amongst healthcare proffessionals
nursoids really can't help it

>> No.15359117

resentment of nursoids is a sign of insecurity

>> No.15359152

*human nature

>> No.15359206

You'll forget a majority of the details and a lot of the foundational subjects barely factor into a majority of clinical work. Whatever spec you'll end up in will usually require you to study a broader catalog of information than what you'll learn in medschool. It's not a bad idea to be thorough, but you cannot possibly know all that is to know in medicine, so focus on the subjects you're interested in and possibly want to get into later and divide the rest into exam filler and stuff you should actually memorize to not fuck up a patients treatment.

>> No.15359231

Save that kind of talk for your disappointed parents nursoid, no need to huff your own shit on an imageboard

>> No.15359252

I'm a medical student

>> No.15359262

Lecturio medical, anki, and an iPad + physical text books if they're not over $100

>> No.15360113

Medicine anons, I think that my penis is dying. I don't want to have to ask redditors about this, they're too faggy. On the underside of my penis, at that midline ridge that comes up from the testicles to the head, it has darkened a lot to the point that it looks badly bruised or dead. It's just a dark line at first, extending upwards from the balls, but then at the base of the penis it expands outwards to form a sort of quarter-sized arrow-shaped shape, still really darkened, and then it narrows back out to a dark line again and continues up the shaft until it terminates under the head. There's no pain and it has been like this for about four months. Am I dying? Is my penis dying? I'm scared bros

>> No.15360167

stop jerking off

>> No.15360241

I've only been jerking off once a month for the past two years, and I haven't jerked off at all since the occurance of the darkening out of fear that I'd make it worse.

>> No.15360495

start jerking off?

>> No.15360553
File: 18 KB, 474x470, datsaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NoFap destroys and claims another. KEK!

>> No.15360608

A lack of use destroys yet another anon's johnson. Many such cases!

>> No.15360797

The husband of my 35-year-old cancer patient signed her DNR today. He was crying at her bedside holding her hand :(

>> No.15360859

Cancer at least gives people certainty of how they're going to die. An announced death is better in the sense that you have a time and place to die in your own terms instead of expecting some rabid nigger to shank you at random or die after being hit by a drunk count. Have you told your parents today that you love them pal? Or are you too busy minding about others health instead of taking care of yourself and your family?

>> No.15360899

>die in your own terms instead of expecting some rabid nigger to shank you at random
It's so fucking funny to see doctors use words like nigger. It's just a complete 180 from what society expects.

>> No.15360935

you'd be dead already if you were going to die
maybe eat a few dryer sheets to even it out

>> No.15361139

Mental illness should be revised to include only conditions where people are in agreement with the idea that they are intentionally harming themselves. It's pathetic how this term has evolved.

>> No.15361179

my penis has a giant triangular red spot on the underside that dr.schlomo said was fine. im sure your dick is fine too.

>> No.15361535

sorry bro part of your illness is poor insight into your condition, if you say you're not crazy then you're wrong :)

>> No.15361650

It's not just that. Conditions such as depression shouldn't be categorized as mental if there is no intention to self-harm.

>> No.15361713
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>> No.15361772
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>You are literally, as in actually literally, destroying people and creating hell on earth.
Either hell, or utopia. That's why all the Sam Altmans of the world are so excited at being the first monkey to reach for the poisoned banana.
Anyways, I'm not creating anything. I just watch with a marked interest as we build the cancer with which we will metastasize the world.

There's a funny, entirely coincidental Evangelion parallel. AI is pretty much a human instrumentality project, in a way.
Komm, süßer GPT.

>> No.15361835

That excludes anosognosia, among other obvious things.
Good news! Paranoid schizophrenia isn't a mental illness anymore, it's just what They want you to believe, while they hide in the sink and put chemtrails in the water lines.

>> No.15361890

Paranoid schizophrenia unironically isn't a mental illness anymore. Also, the post doesn't discount the existence of schizophrenia. It advocates a change of what's considered mental illness.

>> No.15361902

That's about as intelligent as saying red isn't a color, and pointing out that you don't discount the existence of red, you just advocate a change in what's considered a color.
You may have gravelly misunderstood the problem in your position, if this is how you try to support it.

>> No.15361962

I have yet to see a problem put forward.

>> No.15362004

Today I cut my finger while deboning raw uncooked chicken drumstick.

How big is the threat of virus and bacteria that will enter through the wound and attack my body?

>> No.15362063

Low. If you get everyday symptoms of infection, make a regular appointment.

>> No.15362134

So the threat is low even though there is direct contact of raw chicken with my wound.

>> No.15362143

I guess the problem here is that there are mental states where insight is heavily impaired. For example, a psychotic person may believe their family member has been replaced by an alien imposter and that the world will end unless they are destroyed. It would be unethical not to treat this person involuntarily.

>> No.15363255

Your body is always exposed to pathogens, all of the time.
The threat that some bacteria got inside of your body through the wound is about 100%.
The threat that you'll get enough of an infection to feel under the weather is maybe ~30%.
The threat that you'll be extremely sick or die is approximately (in S.I. units) fuck all.

If you get salmonella, then you'll have a bad few days, but people don't very much die of small cuts and bruises in the year of our lord 1885+138

>> No.15363293

Bit of a weird question, but can anyone explain to me how sea/motion-sickness works from an evolutionary point of view?
I know it's triggered by seeing motion but not feeling it (for example in VR) or feeling motion but not seeing it (for example in a vehicle)
But why does it make you throw up? Does your brain figure that something like this might be caused by ingesting poison and flushes your system?

>> No.15363442

From an evolutionary point of view, our bodies aren't adapted to any technology at all. A couple millennia is a blink of an eye at evolutionary timescales. So your DNA has no idea what a vehicle is.

>Does your brain figure that something like this might be caused by ingesting poison and flushes your system?
Short answer: yes.
Look at the cost/benefit. The benefit is a moderately higher chance of people surviving after they eat something they shouldn't have, which used to happen much more frequently a few centuries ago, when everyone was fucking starving.
The cost is sometimes you feel bad on boats and cars, but not enough that it prevents you from having kids.
Evolution only cares about your DNA copying itself. You feeling bad doesn't affect the process, as long as it doesn't prevent you from reproducing, so evolution doesn't see the cost at all.
But it sees the benefit. People not dying stupid deaths is directly what evolution cares about and optimizes for.

>> No.15363629

Thanks mate
>From an evolutionary point of view, our bodies aren't adapted to any technology at all. A couple millennia is a blink of an eye at evolutionary timescales. So your DNA has no idea what a vehicle is.
I know I know. I was mostly curious what the original benefit of the mechanism was. I'm aware it being triggered by a boat is an 'unintended' (speaking colloquially) side-effect.
Like a bunch of other funky side effects that modern life has on mechanisms that helped us survive in a monkey world, if you think about it.

>> No.15363756
File: 727 KB, 1573x2055, illust_104839451_20230202_225344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any treatments available for eye floaters that don't involve sucking out my eye jelly and replacing it with fresh fluid?
I'm getting fucking sick of the number of floaters I'm seeing, but don't want to risk blindness from a risky procedure.

>> No.15363948

Basically no. The eye is a weird, complex thing that slowly degrades over time and there's roughly nothing that can be done about it, outside of risky surgeries that work short term but sometimes create other longer term problems.

It's all management. Same as with people that have tinnitus. You just have to learn to ignore it.

>> No.15364706

1. Easy question, could probably get just as useful of a response by searching that on google.
2. GPT spit out the equiv. a superficial patient education document
3. The only treatment/intervention recommendation provided by GPT was to... seek medical attention.
4. Even if it gave you treatment orders aside from 'seek medical attention' - it isn't gonna be able to administer them through the computer.
5. The AI still can't accurately assess a specific patient describing those symptoms/history from home & safely come to the correct diagnosis simply based on that info... (even though a DVT is high on the list of suspected causes in that scenario, you need to get an ultrasound to confirm it - so when the at-home GPT- administered & GPT-interpreted ultrasound/diagnostic modules come out, let me know. Because A. We don't just want to throw people on blood thinners on a guess. B. There are other potential causes that would also be serious/require different intervention. C. Depending on the extent/stability/location/acuity of the clot - surgical intervention could be indicated rather than just an Rx. D. Additional consultation/treatment planning will also be needed after resolution of the DVT, re: A. Fib management changes/risk mitigation

Point is - you're still gonna need to go to the hospital to get a proper diagnosis/treatment. In-person/human medical professionals are a long, long way from being replaced.

>> No.15364859

That's not a mental illness though. The mind is still operating with respect to self-preservation.

>> No.15364917

Sure, but behavior motivated by self preservation can still cause suffering. For example, someone with OCD may perform rituals to alleviate fears of contamination, even though they recognize the behavior is irrational. Someone with social anxiety may withdraw from interactions and lose years of their life for fear of humiliation. From a psychodynamic perspective, the delusion of a persecutor in psychosis is a way of regulating intolerable affects by externalizing one’s own negative self-regard. It can be considered a form of projection made possible by a breakdown of boundaries between the mind and the outside world. After the psychosis is controlled, people who commit acts of violence against loved ones in this state overwhelmingly express remorse and despair.

>> No.15365007

That's a separate argument. Self-preservation causing suffering could be used to describe any number of behaviours, but the behaviours do not constitute a mental illness. As for your interpretation of persecutory thoughts, everyone knows the world through their mind. There is no behaviour that isn't a projection. A psychotic individual is not incorrect to determine that people are after them. You said yourself that they should be involuntarily treated. Feeling remorseful after the fact does not mean their illness was mental. It's also likely to be coerced remorse at that point.

>> No.15365013

Any knowlegde on this?

>> No.15365233


I can't remember which medication, but there was some anti-psychotic or anti-depressant med that listed a potential side effect of orgasm with sneezing 'sneezegasm'

That doesn't answer the question... but it is funny. As far as an abnormal/unintentional feeling of physical pleasure that comes in momentary twitches.... nothing is coming to mind, mate.

>> No.15365342
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Should I list watching anime as an activity I do on my medical school application? I'm thinking it can either humanize me or ruin me.

>> No.15365355

do not do this

>> No.15365368

omg theyll probably think "wow i watch anime too!" and then accept you so you can talk about anime together and be cool doctors that heal everyone

>> No.15365375

An activity should show that you're a human being with a personality, independent interests, and relationships to other people. "Watching anime" makes you look like a lobotomized drone who sits in a dark room passively consuming media whenever they aren't mandated to be at an activity.

>> No.15365379
File: 279 KB, 723x600, 723px-Soystein_and_Soyberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a two hour convo with a friend about my dream to implement my future psychiatric BBC therapy based on Dr. Basedstein's precepts: take the meds, believe in the science, eat the bugs, live in the pod, get the jab, trust the experts. I realized today that this is the reason why I ended up getting the full medical school scholarship - because I talked about my interest in working with underserved mentally unwell populations (i.e. schizos) no matter my specialty, and they realized that Dr. Basedberg's BBC therapy was something deserving of further study and innovation to stop chronic thremboism and schizophrenia in its tracks. They want to fund me in one day finding a cure for schizophrenia in between all the beatings and breaking the arms of those who don't believe in the science and arbitrarily killing patients daily to push the field forward. And you know what? I believe in my mission to make every man woman and child on this planet built for BBC. Impostor syndrome has totally left my body.

>> No.15365387

I drank raw goat milk kefir on a farm for a long time, absolutely zero issues. Usually did a 38 hour ferment. Enjoy.

>> No.15365390

If watching anime is one of the top 13 things you do on the AMCAS, consider your application basically dead on arrival to T50s.

>> No.15365399

I don't only watch anime (I play video games too) but I get what you mean.

>> No.15365409

what should one do if they are a lobotomized drone who sits in a dark room passively consuming media whenever they aren't mandated to be at an activity?

>> No.15365416

Ophto vs. ENT for money vs. work-life balance? Which is going to still exist in 30 years?
Understand how to approach this entire rat race with a basedentific mindset, breaking apart the problem (just like how Dr. Basedstein recommends to break arms of schizos that don't comply). Take some BBC therapy to understand how you can better present yourself as exceptionally smart/talented and ready to commit yourself to long hours of thankless work.

>> No.15365417

Late 30s here, considering changing careers to the health sciences. I'm already independently wealthy so I'm just trying to find a more meaningful way to spend my time on earth. I have an unrelated degree and am taking some community college biology classes right now to bang out the prerequisites for all allied health fields (pre-med, nursing, physical therapy, etc.). The issue I'm having is that I am not interested in getting the COVID vaccine and am struggling to find schools and hospitals here in Southern California that won't eighty-six me for that. Anyone else dealing with this?
inb4 get the shot
Already have immunity, I'm good.

>> No.15365612

>ophto consult for child with abcess
>suggest enucleation
>stomatologist consulted
>asks for imaging
>infected caries
cowboy behavior isnt necessary

>> No.15365632

Thanks, this renews my continued hatred for the gratuitous cruelty of nature.

>> No.15366295

then you don't know shit about nurses yet

>> No.15366296

sucks bro

>> No.15366305

>what society expects
le society is comprised of niggers and retards, what the fuck would they know?

>> No.15366402

Please tell me your most entertaining, interesting, or disgusting stories from your job as a doctor/nurse/whatever.

I'm currently watching the Knick and I want to know more about doctors.

>> No.15366503

Can someone please give me the QRD on the difference between lymphoma and thymoma?
My pet ferret has a cranial mediastinal mass, and they want to do an ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate to check which one it is, but I'm in dire straits financially and the ultrasound for my other ferret, without any fine needle aspirate, was $900.

>> No.15366539

We don't need antivaxxers in medicine. just waste your days away on /pol/ or something

>> No.15366693

This, boomer docs need to just retire already

>> No.15366740
File: 289 KB, 379x1182, 1645324923523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing risk of bias analyses for 50 studies is so fucking gay. Why did I get myself into research? People talk about freeing yourself from the NPCdom of following clinical guidelines, but even in research I'm following some gay tool for risk assessment.

>> No.15366762
File: 57 KB, 394x376, 1440952822360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the leg being cold point to it being an arterial clot and it needing immediate evacuation

>> No.15366822

>boomer docs
Boomer doctors are better than today's doctors.

>> No.15366843

t. boomer

>> No.15366854

It's true. Today's doctors are too woke.

>> No.15366869

I instantly classify anyone who uses this word as completely and irredeemably retarded.

>> No.15366879 [DELETED] 

It doesn't matter what you think, boomer doctors are the best. This fact is indisputable.

>> No.15366881

It doesn't matter what you think, boomer doctors are the best. This fact is indisputable. Besides the wokeness of today's doctors, I also find that today's doctors don't know what hard work is. They've been given everything and they don't know what grit is.

>> No.15366886

>muh younger generation doesn't know what hard work is
Wow you are channeling peak boomer.
Every single generation has increased the overall Capital of the West, except for the boomer generation, who have decreased the overall Capital. They're disgusting parasites, who, through their selfish demands for pensions, flood our countries with immigrants and devalue our currency to fund budget deficits.
I hate them, and I hate you for celebrating them.

>> No.15366895

How hard is it to get into a critical care residency or fellowship in the USA?
I am willing to work in Bumfuck Hicksville, Flyover State.
I'm a white male from Australia.

>> No.15366901

based boomer remover

>> No.15367085

Hey /Med/ how would I find an old paper written in 1959 in the japanese Hiroshima journal of medical science.
I have a reference to it which makes me assume it was translated to english somewhere but don't know how would I find it
>Shunichi Kubo, “Researches on Incest in Japan,” Hiroshima Journal of Medical Science 8(1959): 99-159
The archives on their site only go back as far as volume 30 from 1981

>> No.15367286
File: 1006 KB, 260x187, No.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this general never disappoints

>> No.15367608

message the authors, maybe one of them is still alive

>> No.15367682
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I have a similar question. What if I list it on ERAS to apply to pathology?

>> No.15367794

coincidentally I see that describes you

>> No.15368140

I really just wanted some insight into why I hear voices, I've asked my psychiatrist but I'm sort of brushed off by my psychiatrist who just wants to discuss my mood/medication. No recommendations into theories/papers/books.

Anons can ask and I'll answer with my experiences.

>> No.15368676

I wish I became a doctor instead of a scientist. I do breast cancer research which sounds impressive to girls but it's not the pussy slaying career a doctor has. It's a beta orbiter career.

>> No.15368678

If you want to learn about the physiological mechanism by which hallucinations occur in the experience of those who hear voices you will probably be disappointed. This is still an active area of research with several competing models and no one really knows. In terms of an individual's risk of psychosis, it seems to be a combination of genetic vulnerability and exposure to things like adverse childhood experiences (eg sexual abuse, beatings) as well as certain drugs.

>> No.15368856

my nightmares have become too realistic to be able to wake myself up from them before the panic sets in. sometimes it's not even my own real life worries, just random panic inducing scenarios to torment me.
is this a good enough reason to take ssris? i am waking up 1 or multiple times in the middle of my sleep 3-4 times a week

>> No.15368869

So let me guess it's that they aren't pumping out babies and having their milkers worked properly over their lifetime that is leading to breast cancer right?

>> No.15368870

grass is always greener on the other side. if you were a doctor you'd wish you were a researcher

>> No.15368872

>but it's not the pussy slaying career a doctor has.
I'm in medical school and I'm a KHHV, dude.

>> No.15368875

Bro literally just download dating apps, I've had success with them and I'm borderline autistic

>> No.15368881

Wouldn't I just attract gold diggers?

>> No.15368888

I mean sure there will be some women who look at your profile and figure you have deep pockets since they don't understand how medical education works. But you may also meet some people worth your time. The important thing is just putting yourself out there.

>> No.15368917

Yeah I guess dating apps are the only way. I don't have any friends so I can't meet girls through personal connections or anything.

>> No.15369265

How can I increase the efficiency of my frontal cortex? What about its size, can I make it bigger?

>> No.15369448

That's the whole point. GPT is entirely wrong. That's a text book case of acute arterial occlusion. Yet GPT confuses it with DVT (since both of them are referred to as blood clots) which is hardly the most likely diagnosis.

>> No.15369473

Mf literally just hook up with the cute people in your classes
Med school is so much easier to do this than college was

>> No.15369648

>Mf literally just hook up with the cute people in your classes
How does that work? The people in medical school have the same pedigree as me so being a doctor isn't all that impressive. I feel like that's the only thing I got going for me. Also, I'm scared that if a relationship goes south, I'm stuck with seeing them.

>> No.15369655

>I feel like that's the only thing I got going for me.
I forgot to say, but I say this because I'm pretty sure I'm ugly/creepy, which is a death sentence. In my undergraduate, I got banned from the gym for "being creepy".

>> No.15369724

None of the girls like me after not transitioning into a "cute medicine couple". Unfortunately, all the guys are pussy whipped and step in line too. They're all gigacunts anyway, but just fyi. Don't shit where you eat as they say.

>> No.15369747

He must have been dead half a century.
Can I visit a local univerity medical department and access it through them?
Or would emailing the journal get me anywhere?

>> No.15369796

>Don't shit where you eat
nta, but i tell my classmates this

>> No.15370782

you should have chosen cardiology, dermatology or a surgery

>> No.15370870

>In my undergraduate, I got banned from the gym for "being creepy".

That doesn’t make any sense. Were you trying to pick up girls at the gym or something

>> No.15371104
File: 374 KB, 1000x557, osteoarthritis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how long until the cure for osteoarthritis? I got my first symptoms at the age of like 11 and it's not nice. Any promising research or still nothing? There is no cure, only pain meds. Exercise apparently slows down the degeneration. As far as I know, condition of the joint cannot be improved, current state of it is the best it will ever be.
Maybe there's some info about osteoarthritis they don't want you to know? For example I heard the theory about it being entirely autoimmune, probably wrong.
I'm not even asking for myself, mine isn't the worst it can get, but with millions of old people affected by this, it's surprising that condition this widespread is still 0% curable.

>> No.15371213

Because there's so much bureaucracy around medical research, it ends up legitimately costing billions to try to focus on a disease, design an intervention, and try to push all the way through trials and FDA approval.

If it causes pain, pharma already has painkillers to sell you. If it were a disease that kills people, well there's no market selling painkillers to dead people, but there would be a huge inelastic demand for any sort of intervention that works, and that would justify spending the billions on research.

Arthritis affects a lot of people, so I'm not saying you should expect zero progress, or that we'll never have better solutions.
But keep in mind FDA approval requires on the order of 1000000000 dollars. Pharma companies aren't charities, so they'll work on more profitable things first, and on cures for diseases that are already addresses by painkillers later.

>> No.15371448
File: 88 KB, 679x403, 085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wasn't so lucky not only to get roundworms AND tapeworm, but also have main symptoms be endless hunger, constipation, freezing cold, constant exhaustion and weight "gain" (mostly swelling, shit pilling up in guts along with worms and water bloat; despite pilling on 10kg in two months and then slowly losing it over months (thanks to ritalin), I seem to only get more and more vascular and my abs is visible nowdays despite still engorging myself frequently and long ago abandoning exercise)

>> No.15371459
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't be this way if we lived in a moral, religious society.

>> No.15371520 [DELETED] 

Because it ruins your conduction system, in short, it kills you faster.

>> No.15371626

>pumping out babies and having their milkers worked properly
Yeah by me specifically. Trust me I'm have a phd in boobology.

I mean I literally never have to examine gross 80 year old bodies so that's a plus.

Just say "I'm a doctor" and that gets you 99% of the way there

There is no research for heart stuff because it's the simplest organ there is. It has like 3 diseases, pumps too fast or not fast enough or not at all.

>> No.15371717

i've had zero success with those other than 30 yo landwhales with cats

>> No.15371741
File: 116 KB, 1024x695, jZpgWFNetpFn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you feel entitled to something you're not willing to work for?

>> No.15371806

Is it hypocritical for for a doctor to not have a healthy lifestyle, while telling other people to be more healthy?

>> No.15371984

As healthcare became an industry and people bitch more, medics have become serfs. It is impossible for a doctor to have a healthy lifestyle while his own means of living consist on missing sleep two times a week, irregular hours and no free time at all.

>> No.15372599

I want you to work 100hs a week in a high stress environment missing meals, missing workout, missing sleep while also studying on the go with a brain damaged by nicotine/caffeine/Ritalin/antidepressant abuse.

>> No.15372636

>become serfs
As if it hasn't always been like this, except they had cocaine back in the day.

>> No.15375278

link to source?

>> No.15377284
File: 161 KB, 696x800, Basic_bitch_lifting_to_fix_your_pain_backandknees_liftingexercise_extension.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not tasty, but the human brain is developed enough that it can tell A from B
So it can experience sleep fatigue being blocked, and pinpoint the source and give you cravings.

Its certainly a good starting point
But limit yourself to 2-3 sessions unless you see extreme improvement, and hit the gym doing back extensions and lunges, so you can start having core muscles enough to get good posture

>> No.15377305

Sup dudes, I went in for an MRI for some high bilirubin issues and the test came back saying theres a T1 hyperintense lesion on my left kidney. Is this like cancer or something?

>> No.15377396

Cancer's not very likely, but we don't have enough information to say, anon.
It means they saw a bright white spot where your kidney should be, and it could be some kidney disease, some kinda cyst. Something else where your normal kidney cells should be.
Don't have enough info to say.

>> No.15377409

Yes. The Greeks knew about this and insisted on physicians to embody the concept of kalos kagathos

>> No.15377590

Should good chefs be fat or skinny?

>> No.15378996

stem cell therapies show promise.

>> No.15379038

Can anyone here give me the quick rundown on peptides?

I've done nad+ already, it cured a good amount of my long covid.

>> No.15379042

Peptides are a good way to make money.
Because people have no idea what they are, you can sell them as miracle cures for anything. Common cold. Cancer. Bad phone reception. Broken ankle. Love problems.
My recommendation is to sell self-help books. All you need to do is speak confidently about peptides, and support it with a leading google search here and there to find random snippets that support what you need.

Peptides are great. Buy peptides.

>> No.15379322
File: 285 KB, 2048x1648, newquiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost the ability to roll my eyes back. I think I've lost some connective tissue around my eyes but my doctor doesn't believe me.

Is there anything else that would cause such an issue?

>> No.15379594

Think I caught some lesser variant of the coof three or four weeks back now, it wiped me out a little (the way a bad cold always does) and gave me some headaches and sinus blockage for five days or so and attacked my throat and the top of my lungs primarily like colds always do for me. The reason I think it was COVID was because toward the end of the five days I lost my sense of taste entirely or almost entirely for a day and a half and when it came back meat and garlic tasted like trash, which apparently happens sometimes when recovering from COVID, especially with meat.

Now it's been three or four weeks and I'm still coughing and my throat wheezes and rasps and almost "sings" sometimes when I breathe in and out deeply, but I can talk all day for my job no problem and even sing smoothly in the shower in any register, it's just when my voice box is open and relaxed it still rasps and wheezes a bit.
It doesn't really hurt at all unless I cough hard on purpose to dislodge mucus, and there isn't even that much mucus nor is it a weird color, so I don't think there's any active infection.
I did notice I occasionally cough up a very tiny bit of some squishy whitish material though.
Still no pain, don't feel sick, everything is fine just throat is slightly itchy and I'm coughing more than usual (I always cough a bit here and there because my throat is a little messed up in general, no I don't smoke or suck dicks thanks for asking).

So my working theory is that whatever coof I got just painlessly damaged the very top layers of my throat skin which died and now I'm slowly coofing that top layer out as the new layer grows underneath it, just inside little gobs of phlegm that slowly build up for this exact purpose.

Does that sound familiar/correct?
I won't go to a doctor because I am extremely broke and need to raise money to pay for my bankruptcy for that time when I had to go to the hospital during a two month employment gap where I did not have insurance.

>> No.15379599

imposter syndrome is when zoomers temporarily realize that their entire life philosophy is a pathetic lie designed to trap them in ineffectual, hysterical narcissism moving only to destroy the cultural targets they're assigned.
Luckily we have meds for that!

>> No.15379690

Fair enough, the size is 1.3cm and from what I read it could not malignant. I'll see if my GI refers me to a urologist tomorrow. I am having some dull pain on the left side that radiates to my hips, so I'm kinda concerned it could be malignant or something, but we need more tests to verify.

Just saw an article posted 4/19/23 discussing this. I guess if Im a candidate for that I could try to pursue, but chances are it might not be available for everyone right now.

>> No.15379692

thyroid issues.

>> No.15379885

are people really entertaining the AI discussion still? i went into radiology a few years after 2016 AI expert guy said "stop training radiologists," and the job market could not be better than it is now. the scam is over imo.

>> No.15379916

The real threat was always diagnostic databases based on incidence reports of illnesses and symptoms, not a GAN knowing how to interpret them (any retard can if they focus a little)

and the solution was just not giving the unwashed plebs access to that shit "because self-diagnosis is dangerous and to be discouraged" (because we want money)

>> No.15379939

i dont care what the "real threat" is, its not threatening doctors anytime soon

>> No.15379948
File: 5 KB, 304x165, kang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to doctor today for the first time in 15 years because I wanted to get a legitimate flight physical instead of just forging the paperwork like I normally do. The doctor was cute and she touched my testicles, not a bad experience, would've been better without the rubber glove.
I've noticed that the vision in my left eye had been declining so I wanted to see if I had gotten into dangerous territory, turns out its still in the 20/20 range. My right eye is just so good that it makes lefty feel weak. I read the bottom line with the right eye and asked if they had anything smaller.

>> No.15380242

go see an optometrist

>> No.15380316

Coughing white stuff suggests bad news. If it's white blood cells, it means you still have a simmering chronic infection that won't go away. It's not growing, but your body can't eliminate it either.
You don't feel sick because your immune system is just barely keeping it under control, but you might be a walking Covid reservoir.

The bad news is that this causes a lot of fast turnover in your cells, because it's an active warzone in there. Fast turnover = more mutations = higher risk of cancer later in life

If you can't afford a visit because you live in some kind of dystopia without healthcare, there's not much you can do. Antibiotics won't help if it's viral, there's not much OTC you could take that would help.

(Disclaimer: I'm just a rando, this might be completely wrong)

>> No.15380366

>if you can't afford it, it doesn't exist
s t o p

>> No.15381265

I do not eat much, sometimes I wake up in the morning and make my standard cup of tea. I usually drink a few and then eat later, but on some days after I drink the tea I start feeling very nauseas and get intense hunger pangs, the nausea grows and I keep burping and then I throw all the tea up. What causes this

>> No.15381283

Your stomach is empty. With the cups of tea you're making your body prepare itself for a meal, because it's hungry and you've started ingested _something_.
Except it's just tea and no food. Your stomach fills up with acid, your gallblader and pancreas work for nothing, and you and up getting nausea because all that acid and gastric juices have to go somewhere.

Just stop fucking doing that, and it'll get better.
Eat earlier, at the same time you drink your tea, for instance.

>> No.15381292

Why do I throw it up though? It's mostly just water why can't it just go past my stomach.
Also sometimes I get these weird waves of radiating dull ache pains in my upper stomach, like right below my chest, is it because I drink too much tea?

>> No.15381302

It's because after the tea goes through, your stomach starts pumping out shittons of acid.
Then you get acid reflux.

For all I know, you might have a stomach ulcer at this point. You should first of all try to stop doing more damage, and second get an appt with a real doctor.
I'm just some dude on 4chan.

>> No.15381310

So tea is not harmless after all.

>> No.15381319

It could have been orange juice or cold water and you'd have had the same situation.
Your pattern of not eating for long periods, then confusing your GI system with fluids is the problem.

>> No.15381341

i know a stoner that applied for a fellowship of oral surgery in Oklahoma, along with roughly 30 other blokes
They had to do slave labour for an entire year for the whole department and they ended up giving one (1) person the fellowship

>> No.15381355

do you actually have to read it or can you simply pretend to have read it? If you cant find it then you can quote whatever you want from it since noone will be able to disprove what you make up

>> No.15381460

>sleep fatigue being blocked
Stimulants make me sleepy and make my muscles relax in spite of increase in strength and delay in fatigue onset so I thought it's because adenosine 2 receptor blockade causes exitacion and rush of dopamine for decent amount of time with quick onset (especially if inhaled).

>> No.15381923

Is there anything else going on? Have you had any recent head trauma? Have there been any changes to your vision. Double vision? Any other associated symptoms?

>> No.15381967

i had a surgery to straighten my knee where i had to wear an external fixator for 7 months the problem is there was something wrong with the screws or something so i couldn't bend my knee and couldn't really walk so i didn't walk at all for 7 months and did 0 pt and now that i just removed the device and in a brace for a month.

i'm wondering how long will it take me to regain my strength to walk normally without pain?.

>> No.15382554

Best kinds of acid ranked:
- Deoxyribo nucleic
- Acetylsalicilic
- Lysergic
- Chloridric

>> No.15383308


I did hit my head a while back and I'm having vision problems.

>> No.15383411

>vision problems
double vision in specific gazes (left/right/up/down/diagonals), decreased contrast, blue-yellow seems dimmer, red-green dimmer, pain on eye movement, etc?

>> No.15383621

just start fasting lmao

>> No.15383709

Bros. I'm sick of being a doctor. I'm sick of all this multitasking shit, seeing 4 patients at once, one that i'm seeing, two that i'm being presented on the phone, and another arriving critical.

I'm sick of all this shit game of guess, identify some bullshit and remember the answer, all there's to fucking do, and if I don't identify it because i don't know it, all is fucked. No one teaches me shit, i'm wasting my fucking time here, long hours shit pay, no weekends. And all the fucking deal is worthless if I decide to drop out.

I've been fucking Shanghaied. What else do you call this shit?

>> No.15383726

same but i'm also a 28 year old virgin w/ no relationships. i have nothing better to do if i'm honest. at least i'm presumably helping some people not die hopefully

>> No.15383859

I want to find the paper so I can see what is actually written there, I don't fully trust the claims the author citing it makes about marriage practices in Japan they seem almost absurd (see point 154)
I guess I could try their contact details if they still work.
I thought I could at least independently verify whether the paper exists first but I don't know how and the journal site doesn't list old contents pages.

>> No.15383918

how bad is med school in your cunt?
>6 years
>obligatory attendance lectures
>dress code
>obligatory period with teaching (i.e. TA)
>3 exams/orals per semester
>all professors are uppity high and almighty pricks

>> No.15384285

I recently heard that dopamine is linked to schizophrenia, current doing some reading about it but I'm wondering if this is true does it mean schizos should avoid or seek out dopamine?

>> No.15384394

It's "the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia", but anyone serious will tell you it's much, much more complicated than the old 'chemical imbalance' memes.
It's not as simple as too much or not enough dopamine.

That being said, more dopamine generally means more symptoms in schizophrenia, and less dopamine less symptoms.
If you have no dopamine at all, you're basically paralyzed. Like a vegetable. Which definitely stops people from getting in trouble.
But again, it's way more complicated than that.

>> No.15384399

I thought it probably would be a few years back I fell down some self improvement rabbit hole then noticed in one video it was telling me to take cold showers then in the next I need to dopamine detox painting it out like dopamine = bad - do you have any resources (books, videos, articles) you'd recommend?

>> No.15384401

The chemical imbalance theory of mental illness is unsupported by any evidence.
Also paranoid schizophrenia according to psychotherapists is caused by demons.

>> No.15384413

I'd recommend you treat 99% of those videos as pure scams, and just ignore them.
The truth is that nobody knows the truth, so all sorts of people with hot opinions feel free to make videos and shitty ebooks on a topic that nobody truly understand, since they know almost nobody will be able to call them out on their bullshit.

If you want to be healthy, keep your body at homeostasis. Meaning balance, equilibrium.
Dopamine is not bad or good, it's a natural neurotransmitter your brain uses for a few different things, like encouraging actions, or giving you that rewarding feeling when you finish something.

If you really want to learn, then you're in for many years of serious studying. 5 minute videos that try to boil things down to 'dopamine good' or 'dopamine bad'? Avoid that.
Those are a trap for easily influenced people who want to believe in miracle cures for complex problem.

TL;DR: There's no simple satisfying answer. If you want answers anyways, your two choices are med school or deranged truther cults that will teach you the Secrets that They don't want you to know.

>> No.15384860


spots, shadows, loss of peripheral vision

>decreased contrast, blue-yellow seems dimmer, red-green dimmer
this too
>pain on eye movement

>> No.15385157

Today I ate food before I drank my tea and I did not throw it up.
Thank you. Dr. Anon.

>> No.15385178

You're welcome.
I'll pass that along to the authorities when I get arrested for fraudulently practicing medicine and illegal possession of a stethoscope (true story)

>> No.15386232

go to an optometrist/ophthalmologist soon.

>> No.15386254

second time this has happened in a year, i'm only 25 so i dunno what it could be.
my left nut just suddenly hurt, kind of like i'd been slapped in the nuts, and it feels like it's at the back of it where the tubes connect to the actual testicle. i did some reading and the answers are stuff like "testicular torsion" or "inflammation" or "injury" which are all pretty worthless. my doctor basically said not to worry about it.
both times it only lasted like 3 minutes, and i couldn't investigate the pain long enough to figure out if anything makes it better. i almost think it's a muscle spasm but i don't think there is anything that could spasm like that, but it almost feels that way. like a charlie horse in one teste.

>> No.15386261

Do you feel any swelling, any bumps, anything unusual if you feel around the area?

>> No.15386267

>illegal possession of a stethoscope (true story)
Where was that? If someone tries to arrest you for that, kill them and eat the body.

>> No.15386276

It's considered medical equipment in my country. I guess they don't want random people running around with one around the neck.
Not that I can do much of anything interesting with it, but the online store made me pinky swear via checkbox that I was a med student and totally authorized to buy these.

>> No.15386284

Wow, your country be like, "You cannot learn about things related to your own body, nor can you heal yourself. You belong to the government!"

>> No.15386290

I mean, stethoscopes are just very primitives portable POCUS, and those are banned even in the US or most other countries.
I really don't understand how that helps anyone, but who am I to question regulations.

>> No.15386518

no i mean it feels normal, at least as normal as it has been. the epididymis on the nut in question is more, i dunno, pronounced and "spaghetti like" than on my other nut, but it's been that way for as long as i can remember and i was under the assumption that it's benign. i'd describe it as if the epididymis is not as tight against the testis on the nut that is giving me pain, compared to on the other one where it doesn't feel that way.
i'm more wondering if this is a thing i should actually just ignore as a "well sometimes your nuts are just going to hurt" or if i should see a doctor who actually knows about nuts

>> No.15387056
File: 1.41 MB, 4032x1474, CD5D6F68-8EF0-4BDE-85F7-64366BD21647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend sent me this pic without context but I’m having trouble identifying what sort of rhythm this is. I’m just an EMT who’s still studying arrhythmias. Are those super tall and thin lines the QRS complex? If so, I imagine the peaked waves that follow are T waves which could either mean hyperkalemia or drug overdose. Could it also mean that the patient will soon develop an MI? I know I’m only looking at the pericardial leads so I can’t see the full picture

>> No.15387127

What the fuck, that was my patient's ECG. He has cardiomyopathy secondary to Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

>> No.15387138

Are allergic reactions to tattoos only skin related? no throat closing up? no nausea/vomiting? if so why is this? this isn't a homework question or anything I swear it's just the only allergy I've come across that seems like it can only effect your skin (unless I'm wrong)

>> No.15387148

>lady with stage III cervical cancer s/p TAHBSO, chemo, and radiation
>noticed infraumbilical ulceration
>goes to doctor, he just does debridement and incision
>ulceration worsens, smells rank and oozes
>CT reveals massive enterocutaneous fistula

Why didn't her first doctor not do further workup given her history like damn bruh

>> No.15387172 [DELETED] 

Somehow in the 5 days since I posted this link the page seems to have been deleted despite it having been up for years, how spooky.

>> No.15387185

Somehow in the 5 days since I posted that link the page seems to have been deleted despite it having been up for years, how spooky.
The whole hiroshima repository seems to have been nuked if you excuse my pun

>> No.15387198

More studies are coming out linking biological phenomena to psychiatric disorders. I read an article awhile ago detailing how chronic stress in rats caused a higher clonal count of gamma-delta T cells in their guts that depleted commensal colonies of Lactobacilli, and that this specific phenomenon was linked to a higher rate of depressive behavior in the rats as compared to the controls.

>> No.15387232

sometimes it's just not a good day for that doctor, other times they never have a good day and are plain incompetent.

>> No.15387321

Did you post this on this general? He might have found this pic from here holy shit. Oh my god what a small world. Anyways could you explain the mechanism behind the crazy QRS complex and T waves? How bad was the cardiomyopathy and what part of the heart was it affecting?

>> No.15387531

Link paper?

>> No.15387537

that was my brother you fucking faggots. i'm reporting you and this thread to our local hospital until we find who you are and get you fired for violating patient/physician confidentiality.

>> No.15387682

It was posted a few /med/ generals ago, I'll see if I can hunt it down for ya, since immunopsychiatry is pretty interesting.

>> No.15387729

I had side effects 5 days after taking my second dose of ivermectin (difficulty breathing, orthostatic hypotension, rapid heartbeat)
i went to the hospital and 2 other clinics, all 3 doctors diagnosed me with anxiety holy kek I hate doctors

>> No.15387828

Hypotension is really the only thing you mentioned that is a side effect of ivermectin toxicity. Did you take too much? Any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes?

>> No.15387938

I took the dose that was prescribed, and yeah some nausea and diarrhea

>> No.15387943

Is neurology a good career

>> No.15388043

It’s true, I am the patient. You’re absolutely fucked kiddo

>> No.15388136

Sounds like drug toxicity to me bud. Out of my pharm book, "Despite the potential for ivermectin to cause nervous system toxicity to humans (and other animals), the drug is poorly distributed to the central nervous system of mammals due to the activity of P-glycoprotein (MDR1). However, in patients taking MDR1 inhibitors (such as macrolide antibiotics or verapamil) or in animals with mutations in MDR1 (such as certain breeds of dogs), serious nervous system toxicity can occur. Other than the risk of CNS toxicity, ivermectin is quite well tolerated with nausea and diarrhea being the most commonly reported side effect (less than 2% of patients).

>> No.15388147

If a genius gets a traumatic brain injury, do they just become a person with average intelligence? Likewise, if a clinically retarded person gets a traumatic brain injury, there's really no difference, right?

>> No.15388163

And one more thing, geniuses who get Alzheimer's would live longer (the degeneration takes a longer time) because their brains have a larger surface area, right?

>> No.15388293
File: 1.18 MB, 3826x1493, 20230423_191023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent the picture to someone a while ago. I don't know jack about electrophysiology but here's his V5 and V6.

>> No.15388360

Pre-med newbie here. I've got accepted at Emory, and my hope is to work towards an internal medicine residency with an infectious disease fellowship. Any thoughts?

>> No.15388377
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1671312112905967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some question, docs, it's sport medicine:
does prolonged high intensity anaerobic exercise, that lead to lactate accumulation, cause acidemia?
or can the body compensate easily? how does it compensate?
could a prolonged state of high lactates in the blood be harmful?

>> No.15388474

Very very unlikely.
Compensatory mechanism is blood bicarbonate, which will absorb the brunt of the production of protons (acid effect).
Muscle soreness from lactic acid is a meme.

>> No.15388510

>I've got accepted at Emory
Are you a woman?

>> No.15388557


>> No.15388567

Oh. I assumed you were a woman because Emory has a pretty uneven divide between the sexes.

>> No.15388626

I've heard as much. I'm just a guy obsessed with bacterial infections.

>> No.15388726

Impressive, very nice anon. I can't get raw goat molke sadly. My dream is owning goats and chickens one day. Or maybe sheep.

Almost done with EE, it will come true then.

>> No.15389147

Is there any way to cure IBS?
I’ve had it for the last two years and I’m considering suicide, I can no longer bear the pain and exhaustion.

>> No.15389222

I syncopized today 30 seconds after getting a vaccine.

>> No.15389241

why did she touch your balls, i have a class 1 aviation medical and all they do is take an ECG, piss sample, height/weight, bp, vision, hearing, and ask a bunch of questions.

>> No.15389275
File: 105 KB, 182x359, themercenary_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you diffrentiate mixed presentation of diabetes? Do you just guess based on appearence, severity of symptoms, fasting insulin (low-normal in my case) or presence of hypoglycemia?

>> No.15389288

Is Ivermectin a revolutionary improvement or just an incremental improvement compared to the anti-parasitic drugs we had before it was invented?

>> No.15389352

>Faint 30 seconds after receiving a subcutaneous injection meant to stimulate an adaptive response that takes a week
Sounds like you're just a little faggot when it comes to needles, honestly

>> No.15389431

This was my third booster and a meningitis vaccine. I've tolerate vaccines recently fine. I didn't eat much today and getting a shot isn't exactly something I look forward to, but I've never felt anywhere close to having a vagal response before

>> No.15389491

Wanted to finally get rid of these genital warts I have and in searching for options realised a cream i was prescribed almost a decade ago for them isn't actually suitable yet there is another cream which is and quite effective. Im also stuck with some other medical issue a gp hasn't been able to sort out, is the whole industry just rife with unqualified people or was i unlucky?

>> No.15389501

Yes, it works exactly the way your simplistic model would have you believe.

>> No.15389634

50/50 if you get a good doctor or not.

>> No.15391509

Protip: Label your ligands
(I almost insufflated my 'desoxyn' HCl instead of the Ketamine I use for the restless leg syndrome that keeps me awake every so often

That would probably not have improved the restless legs...)