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File: 79 KB, 828x814, media_FtdOlAXXsAIb8b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15345601 No.15345601 [Reply] [Original]

This is the future you chose

>> No.15345606

Why wouldnt the doctor ask ChatGPT the symptoms for the answers?

>> No.15345613

because it's a glorified google search you stupid fuck.

>> No.15345617

Why wouldn't that work?
And how would chatgpt help you in college? All it could do is write dumb essays, about time students get tested on their skills and knowledge and not on their political opinions

>> No.15345619

Why are you seeing yourself in your POV? Are you schizophrenic?

>> No.15345623
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images - 2022-10-04T034731.603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIs have been used to look over thousands of patient files and detected illnesses the doctors themselves missed.

>> No.15345624
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Current doctors aren’t much better.

>> No.15345627
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>> No.15345628

>detected illnesses
nice epidemiology faggot

>> No.15345630

story of my life, when it gets to carbs.
they literally give them to diabetics.

>> No.15345632

Im a doctor several times over, MD (General Practice, ER, OR etc) no...but I can validate or verify their credentials VERY easily...

You're not a Doctor, I am.

>> No.15345634

Curing diseases doesnt put phama companies out of business. The diseases still exist, you have to buy the treatments.

>> No.15345637

>Curing diseases doesnt put phama companies out of business
Yes, it does. Cure and Treatment are not the same thing.
>The diseases still exist, you have to buy the treatments.
Monthly Rx fillings? Paid for by Medicaid or some shit? Ca-ching.


>> No.15345643

Cure and treatments are the same thing. Theres no reason monthly payments for some lifetime prescription give pharma companies more money than a single lump payment. Pharma companies could sell you a pill to cure cancer in one take for several million dolllars.

>> No.15345644

>Curing diseases doesnt put phama companies out of business
Vaxes, if you can get a lobby group to pay congress to enforce its injection by law CA-CHING! Cash cow, baby!

You have looked at the vax list and compared it to the diseases they immunize against, right?...looking over the infections before and after the vax, in comparison to social health consciousness as well, right?

Idk, man...I dont do "friends and fun", no idea what youre talking about.

>> No.15345647

>Cure and treatments are the same thing

I wont read more, you just airing your ignorance to the wind...

>> No.15345747

>Im a doctor
I don't give a shit. Most of you are criminal.
Criminally stupid.

>> No.15345757
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>I don't give a shit.
I know, this is you. Barking to the wind because you feel so damn powerless whe all I wanted to do was educate you so you has some power of your own...

...but your programmingis so strong it keeps you in a terminal state of ignorance. Pitty...your own sword ran through you...

>> No.15345879

Cat is out of the bag.
Really though, a properly tuned medical GTP would just serve the same purpose as shelves of medical reference textbooks, just more efficiently.
As for schooling, I expect the difficulty of assignments and expectations from students to rise, as with such a tool they can learn faster. We have seem similar content creep in my mathematics department during covid. They're doing exams at home? Fine, its a take home test now and it will be scaled as such. Still managed to get a broad grade distribution, failures still fail, good students still rise.

>> No.15346302

>AI returns a "positive" for a case
>simply assuming that the human "missed" the diagnosis, and not even questioning the possibility that the AI review is false

>> No.15346328

>You have looked at the vax list and compared it to the diseases they immunize against, right?...looking over the infections before and after the vax, in comparison to social health consciousness as well, right?
Yes, I'm also smart enough to know that the total vaccine load today is smaller than it was in the '80s. And while some diseases, undoubtedly, have reduced in prevalence due to better hygiene, many others only disappeared because of vaccines. No good reason to discard the concept of vaccines just because it's overused or because you didn't like the lockdowns.

>> No.15346337

Are vivas not a thing in the west?

>> No.15346353
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>Using AI to Diagnose Lung Disease
>It was determined that artificial intelligence was twice as accurate which proved that this is a reliable method of getting a second opinion after a visit to the pulmonologist.

You're not a Doctor...

>> No.15346379

I'm smarter than you, you glorified nurse.
Your kind kills countless of people.

>> No.15346435
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1614757607448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just got my dream job as an entry level code monkey.
Tell it me straight. Is it over?

>> No.15346444

I don't understand how you worthless talentless idiots get this jobs, are you brownskinned by any chance??

>> No.15346457
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>Your kind kills countless of people
Saved countless more.

>> No.15346473

you wouldn't be rich if you actually prevented disease.

>> No.15346476

shit posts

>> No.15346516

>Implying current diseases don't mutate to become resistant to drugs and the immune system
Pharma companies will never go out of business you mongo

>> No.15346558
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Natural remidies and healthy lifestyles puts them out of business. Medicine is for weak faggots.

The weak will of humanity is like welfare for the soul...you've swallowed the cripple-pill. Every child in the dystopian hellscape will be born needing a dozen medications to continue life.


>> No.15346594

And what's the probability that all humans will use natural remedies and have a healthy lifestyle? I'll be waiting on your answer.

>> No.15346603

Such an improved beside manner!
>yeah you've got anxiety anon (fuck off)

>> No.15346632

You took the vax, didnt you? Boosted but not the second one, because...youre not *that* stupid?

>> No.15346811

Not the answer to my question. Let's go ahead and get that before we move on.

>> No.15346844

>You took the vax, didnt you? Boosted but not the second one, because...youre not *that* stupid?

>> No.15346849

>You took the vax, didnt you? Boosted but not the second one, because...youre not *that* stupid?
Buy your essential oils and eat whatever diet is being pushed right now. But that board here doesn't need your wellness all green natural scam.

Grifters are so pathetic. Especially if they blame big pharma for doing exactly what they're doing themselves.

>> No.15346867

>Buy your essential oils and eat whatever diet is being pushed right now.
Sounds too jewish/government. Only dumb leftists follow trends. Their behaviours inspired an entire genre of zombie films.

>> No.15347141

>if you didnt take the clot shot youre a facebook mom pushing snake oils
how are people still shilling for this shit? its over holy fuck ITS OVER even normies know no one is falling for it

>> No.15347217

You don't understand the difference between 'treat' and 'cure' do you?

>> No.15347901

I wonder who you'll go to when you get severely sick or need surgery

>> No.15347913


>> No.15347930
File: 98 KB, 640x620, 7b5 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a cat that gets sick so it stops eating and drinking and hides under the bed.

>> No.15347934

You haven't answered

>> No.15347955

Zero. You lack the forethought to understand probabilities.

Youre not a Mathematician, Psychologist or any field of expertise, are you?


>> No.15347965

By 2030 ChatGPT will still just be scraping info off WebMD.
It’s only 2035-2040 that you could see it combine image recognition with LLMs to basically be an AI doctor.

I still think there will be a demand for doctors though, because there will be a subset of people who don’t want their anus scanned and diagnosed by a machine.
Also it will be an inflection point for AI companies as under no circumstances will people upload medical images to a server.
So the LLMs will have to be run on personal machines at that point.

>> No.15347972

>GPT-4 passed a medical license test with flying colours
Imagine becoming a doctor for like 200k in student loans thinking you'll be a big shot even after AI takes over only for your job to become automated by a calculator that has access to google

>> No.15347976

>under no circumstances will people upload medical images to a server
lol dont worry....Big Data plays by the rules and puts patient concerns above top down authority lmao

>muh info stolen from Play Station, Visa, Insurance etc etc...
Fast and loose, baby!

>> No.15347993

Unironically, chatGPT has actually fucking helped me learn more about my health than actual retarded doctors

>> No.15347994

Why you arguing with the chink?

>> No.15348116
File: 458 KB, 1480x720, 2022-11-03_17.54.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The star made him do it.

>> No.15348194

>the mandatory feminine studies 101 credit is going to help you pass the MCAT

>> No.15348197

>midwit take:
>"they dont want to cure cancer, because they wouldnt make any money"
>actual high IQ take
>"if they knew how to cure cancer, they would put asbestos in the breakfast cereal"

>> No.15348200
File: 39 KB, 500x498, s-l500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if they knew how to cure cancer, they would put asbestos in the breakfast cereal"
No. Smoke heavy metals and make the treatment a lifelong subscription to continue living.


>> No.15348203

vaping isnt as cancer causing as just normal cigarettes

>> No.15348206

yeah carbs and sugar dont feed cancer. why are the biggest idiots always in a hurry to proclaim high iq or whatever

>> No.15348221

>assuming smoking metals is better because we dont have 40 years of data of people huffing them

Youre not a doctor...

>> No.15348237

vape juice made by non-chinese people isnt going to give you cancer like regular tobacco
>implying it causes it

>> No.15348253
File: 191 KB, 1280x737, F1.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hunch science" based on commercial and intel think tank propaganda and not intuition and instinct


>> No.15348267

Another schizophrenic trash ala Tooker, at least you might get validation from the failed college tranny that still hasn't done it's homework and pretends to be knowledgeable about science or math >>15348256

>> No.15348268

>im very smart and a medical doctor because I know sugar helps metastasis grow
literally no one even makes sugar a dietary suggestion you fucking obtuse retard, so theres no reason to even bring up your fringe science esoteric "the universe is actualkly in an Ether" horseshit
they dont even suggest it in the food period (hurr durr muh carb breads... that also have fiber and reduce blood glucose)

>> No.15348279
File: 336 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230413-221843_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assumes unknown data
>I *AM* Data, Commander Data.


>> No.15348283

>literally no one even makes sugar a dietary suggestion
I havnt made Dietary comments on this thread.

You are being schizophrenic. Either link the Synth thread and we can continue the beatings or leave. Also, put a name tag on so I can track you ignorance levels.


>> No.15348308

>isnt going to give you cancer like regular tobacco
I know. Just like I know metals are a different toxin to the body, like in the matalic coatings of coils, when heated, produce aerosoled metals.

Also like weed-wax titanium nails, the price varies from the $20 range OR hundreds of dollars. The reason for price difference?


You dont know shit about smoking things, son....I DO.

>> No.15348323
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>so theres no reason to even bring up your fringe science esoteric "the universe is actualkly in an Ether" horseshit
Ed Witten disagrees.

Please...keep this about STEM and not emotions or woowoo mysticism (which is just Physics beyond your comprehension of reality.)

More researchy, less talky-talky.

>> No.15348328
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Womp womp...


>> No.15348367

I would read the latest scientific papers on the matter, unlike you, you glorified nurses.

>> No.15348372

>passed a medical license
fix your brainlet test then