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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15345391 No.15345391 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you here have published an article on a journal or conference? You have contributed to the science, haven't you anon?

>> No.15345397

Why would I contribute to a failing enterprise?

>> No.15345398
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I declare mine by aural presentation and leave without explaining further.

>> No.15345415

one journal article, one dissertation, and like 20-something conference posters

>> No.15345417

>20 posters
>one article
what the fuck? When do you do actual research if you're just making posters all day?

>> No.15345447

No he's the resident graphic designer. Research is his side gig.

>> No.15345467

You can get a lot of posters out of a single research project, regardless of your field - because you don't have to have all of the pieces put together yet. Posters can work well as sort of "here's where the project is now" or "here's this thing we just did that we haven't fully analyzed yet" updates.

In my case, the journal article I got published a couple years ago and the one I'm getting ready to publish now are both the results of about ~3 years of work and they're pretty dense articles, same with the dissertation. But if you're including national and regional conferences that's anywhere from 3-5 opportunities to do posters a year..

>> No.15345477

published one biology/chem paper during last year of high school

>> No.15345544

>You have contributed
i don't owe, not in debt, its the other way around. is science a mendicant?

>> No.15345611

>publishing in a journal
>publishing on vixra

>> No.15345635

I tried publishing and even posting on Arxiv a correct and checked proof of Dirichlet's theorem, yet nobody cares about brilliant white man anymore.

>> No.15345655

I've been the first author in two journal papers and a supporting author in one conference paper.

>> No.15345671

>tfw listed as a contributor to a published article
>don't even have any tertiary qualifications
Feels good man

>> No.15345677

Astrology and humanities don't count anon...

>> No.15345679

Is vixra good? I hate arvix now especially cause I read AI papers and everyone who is publishing is now a massive faggot
They just publish psuedoscience AGI AGI AGI and I want to KMS

>> No.15345681

>Astrology and humanities
Archetypal narratives of physiological and genetic differences, projected outwardly to an external source for referencing, as a sociological, phenomenological and psychological science of human cognative science.

fite me

>> No.15345683

I didn't write to you that schizo, kys and stop replying to me

>> No.15345686

It's bad, arxiv is bad in it's own way however you should know also that it's borderline crackpotism

>> No.15345687

It was a paper investigating certain types of biofilm formation on teeth. My friend was one of the main authors and listed me as a contributor because I helped build the custom culture plates he designed for the study, I was working in a steel fabrication shop at the time and had access to lots of useful and obscure tools and equipment that he otherwise couldn't find and didn't know how to use.

>> No.15345689
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>> No.15345935

I'm an oldfag, I have a PhD and I have maybe 10 first authors, maybe 20 middle authors, a couple of book chapters and reviews, an opinion piece, and I've given who knows how many talks
I had a 15 minutes of fame moment and one of my articles is top-5 most downloaded articles in one of the nature journals. Nothing big, but buzzworthy apparently.
I'm mostly in an applied research area (think medical biology in silico; being purposefully obtuse because too much detail and someone could reasonably guess one of 5 people is me IRL).

>> No.15345955

I am, but the journals where the 2-3 articles with me as a coauthor are published don't really matter.

>> No.15345969

What is your opinion on this board then?
You must've seen a lot of things

>> No.15345979

when something doesnt work in your simulations, and you are blocked not knowing how to solve the problem what do you do?
There's this one last thing blocking me before I can publish and I have no idea how to solve it. Just forget it and move on to new things?

>> No.15345980

Haven't come upon an idea worth publishing. Since I am not "publish or perish" driven, barring something truly unique and substantial, there's no reason to. It's a lot harder to come upon a really significant, and unique, idea than people realize.

>> No.15345991

Is p0rn related to science?

>> No.15346182

Typically it's undergrads and early grad students posting here. For some reason its super math-centric, I'm guessing because its mostly undergrads learning babys first calculus or something.
The board probably wins for most self-important, but I haven't really seen much on here honestly. Every now and then I'll absolutely get into convo with an obvious grad student/researcher who knows their stuff, but its not typical. It reminds me more of reddit science subreddit honestly. Typical day-to-day is complaining about problematic datasets, figuring out how to do experiment X, and bitching about reviewers, not high-brow pretending "well I don't like this study so I'll critique the N being low even though I know nothing about statistics and power analysis"
If you want to see the different in research vs randos discussing science, look at the labrats subreddit (mostly researchers....although much worse influx of non-researchers in the past years) vs. science subreddit. The topics of discussion are night and day.
I don't typically run simulations so much as apply ML to a very specific use case (physics-inspired ML). That said, you can usually bullshit your way about why your simulation doesn't work, or use your simulation to show "insight" (we controlled for X, Y, Z parameters and show that it's insufficient to predict/simulate phenomenon A, here's our discussion as to why). Kinda field specific, as some fields are full of bros who will get it, others full of attack-helicopters waiting to tear your research apart and masturbate over your corpse (looking at you HIV research).

>> No.15347464

Have to agree on most things you said
I'll check those subreddits out.
Kinda weird there really isn't a good forum or subsection on a bigger forum for Biology.
I'm kinda starving for open discussion