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File: 53 KB, 400x402, whatIsAIDS-pic3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1533730 No.1533730 [Reply] [Original]

HIV/AIDS is interesting because it's anomalous, as far as I know there's no other disease is both incurable and universally fatal. Primitive, sexually promiscuous countries like South Africa and it's neighbours have two digit infection rates and I can't imagine how much damage AIDS could have infected on a primitive society like the Romans who couldn't diagnose, prevent (via condoms and the like) nor treat AIDS.

I'm not often one for conspiracy theories but sometimes I find it to be a tad too coincidental that the disease emerged when both the Soviet and US biological warfare programs were at their peak. I've read a few AIDS related conspiracy theories back in the day and none of them make a lick of sense but either:

1: The disease is man-made
2: The disease was created by God to punish mankind for sodomy and/or drug use
3: Humanity just dodged a massive bullet

Like most people I'm leaning towards #3 but never the less it's still all pretty weird

>> No.1533744

>universally fatal
wow sure is 1980 in here
wow sure is 2009 in here

>> No.1533743

MmmmMM washington d.c. has got it some aids

>> No.1533770

Raid for poor people

>> No.1533771


Since when is AIDS curable?

>> No.1533795

>implying people in roman times were as mobile as people today and diseases had a chance to become pandemics

>> No.1533799
File: 46 KB, 500x315, -713923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm, unless superaids counts as cure, no win for >>1533744

>> No.1533804

I reckon da hiv could blow pandemic way back when; I think you underestimate the extent to which it is a rad and dynamic assault

>> No.1533805

There's a cure for aids now?

>> No.1533810

NO. and I'm kinda hoping there never will be.

>> No.1533817

Aids bitches be looking all yeasty, I bet some flour and they would bake

>> No.1533822

>1: The disease is man-made

OR there are some complex things present in nature sometimes and they feel "too complex" because most of the time we study and see the simpler things, thus we have a certain kind of image about how complex nature can be.

>> No.1533824

why not do you want everybody dead you lonely faggot?

>> No.1533829

leeches and bloodletting were state of the art not much more than 100 years ago, and africa was either undiscovered, or exploited like fuck even later than that.

If someone got slowly weak and died in their 30ies, who'd notice?

>> No.1533834

no: as, for instance, ARTs improve, the life expectancy increases, so I'm aiming for a Morlochesque class of unfuckables who just have more of same

>> No.1533838


>Implying there's not even a small chance that the disease is man-made.

>> No.1533840

Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)12:57 No.1533824
why not do you want everybody dead you lonely faggot?

Anonymous 08/02/10(Mon)13:00 No.1533834
no: as, for instance, ARTs improve, the life expectancy increases, so I'm aiming for a Morlochesque class of unfuckables who just have more of same

>> No.1533847

this... even cancer was largely unresearched until after WW2.

>> No.1533860

Some people are genetically immune. Their blood cells membrane is impermiable to the virus. If you transfer bonemarrow of someone who is immune into an infected person then the result is blood cells produced that are immune to the virus. The difference between HIV and AIDS is a blood cell count. So while still being HIV positive you technically don't have AIDS.

>> No.1533875
File: 18 KB, 110x100, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1: The disease is man-made
>2: The disease was created by God

>> No.1533882

Africa has been discovered since before Alexander the Great, who got weak and died in his 30's.........Must've been AIDS.

>> No.1533928
File: 7 KB, 208x251, Goofyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he wasn't poisoned by wife

>> No.1533967

It isn't universally fatal

>> No.1533984

Read more carefully. He said it was one of those theories, not all three simultaneously.

>> No.1533990

people evolved in africa, must've had AIDS, hurr durr.

but really, to the western civilization, (subsaharan) africa was largely unexplored until the colonization in 18-19th century, and even then not a single fuck was given to the wellbeing of the people there.

>> No.1533991

>implying he wasn't sleeping around with women in Africa and caught AIDS.

>> No.1533993

>implying he didn't only sleep with virgins, and when his wife found out she didn't poison.

>> No.1533995

I was under the impression that the going theory was that it mutated from the monkey version of HIV sometime in the 60's.

>> No.1534007

>Implying you can only get aids via sex

You may not always herp, but when you do, you derp.

>> No.1534020

I'm not sure about this, but I'm pretty sure that HIV/AIDS is a disease that moneys have learned to live with.

Everyone that I know says that HIV/AIDS was started when a Canadian man went to Africa, and had unprotected sex with a monkey, and came back to North America and had sex with more people. That's how the disease started (according to myth).

I know this story has a lot of holes in it, but you never know.

>> No.1534040

>I know this story has a lot of holes in it, but you >never know.
>I know this story has a lot of holes in it
>lot of holes
i c wut u did thar
Captcha: trustier throughout

>> No.1534043

I think the final consensus on aids will be that it was some sort of rare jungle disease that stayed in the jungle for most of human history. One that has appeared briefly over a large period of time, cycling between different primates as hosts. The fact that it came out of the jungle is strongly tied to the western colonization, exploitation, and attempted modernization of the congo.

Its also quite likely that the local Congolese have a built up genetic immunity.

>> No.1534053

>A Canadian airline steward named Gaëtan Dugas was referred to as "Patient 0" in an early AIDS study by Dr. William Darrow of the Centers for Disease Control. Many people consider Dugas to be responsible for bringing HIV to North America. This is considered inaccurate, as HIV had spread long before Dugas began his career.

This is from Wikipedia, admittedly.

>> No.1534137

>as far as I know there's no other disease is both incurable and universally fatal

a) there are plenty of incurable universally diseases

b) hiv doesnt always go into aids mode

c) about 5% of the percentage in europe is immune, 10-15% are resistant to aids thanks to a genetic mutation

d) there's at least one person that has been cured. the patient not only suffered from hiv - which is pretty controllable nowadays - and had the luck to also get a certain type of blood-cancer. the guy was lucky enough to have matched 214 or so donors (for a bone marrow transplantation) and his treating doctors screened the potential donors for one which carried the aforementioned mutation on both his genes - got lucky - now the guy has neither cancer nor hiv and is immune to further hiv infections.

>> No.1534281

>c) about 5% of the percentage in europe is immune, 10-15% are resistant to aids thanks to a genetic mutation
its actually a much smaller percentage than this. For pure northern europeans its close, but modern europeans are half sand nigger.