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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 508 KB, 1440x1330, Screenshot_20230408-090624_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15335759 No.15335759 [Reply] [Original]

What a fucking retard. She really jumped the shark this time.

>> No.15335763

She is entering Theory again?....Sabine...you know this wont end well...

>> No.15335766

causality is a meme

>> No.15335768

why does 4chan worship this person?

>> No.15335769

>Scientists talking about infinite black hole baby universes 11-D superstrings wormholes
hmm ok
>Scientists talking about aliens

>> No.15335775

That video has really riled up the shills. Must be onto something.

>> No.15335785
File: 174 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20230408-211628_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For no reason, whatsoever, they watched...

>> No.15335796

Dude, you just need to take a paper, fold it and stick a pen through it

>> No.15335811


>> No.15335882

The title has poor grammar right? Shouldn’t there be some commas or quotation marks somewhere?

>> No.15335895

I think there's a comma after "possible". Idk some English speaker can confy

>> No.15335942
File: 85 KB, 1552x268, speed of light whitworth quant real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The processor that renders the reality can and has been re-spec'd in terms of speed of light (refresh rate), hence the variable speed of light. So the current speed of light CAN be increased if the creator wishes, but then that will then just be the new 'speed of light' constraint.

>> No.15335964

because sabine is a spammer

>> No.15335993

She's an edgy contrarion who was filtered by contemporary physics and has to attack it as a cope.

>> No.15336026

It's a period. The title of the video is two sentences. It's grammatically perfect.

>> No.15336098

Faster-Than-Light should have hyphens.

>> No.15336099


>> No.15336102

ignore hpossengoblin posters
hide hossengoblin threads

>> No.15336110

Fuck this Sabine bitch. Is there anyway I can filter this bitch on this website?

>> No.15336116

I she a tranny or a woman? In both case want to fuck it

>> No.15336318

Sabine lurks here

>> No.15336354

she's based. she might not be right, but she sticks to her guns and doesn't fold to social pressure, making her based.

>> No.15336363

She's a german woman. She's married and has two children.

>> No.15336403
File: 1.14 MB, 1106x1012, pepelooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's had sex

>> No.15336405

Her videos are mostly clickbait but she does videos about clickbait videos.

FTL simply is not possible, warp drives maybe.

>> No.15336410

Desu I want to put my particles inside her accelerator

>> No.15336563

Why are the la/sci/vious plebi/sci/tes on this board so obsessed with this woman?

>> No.15336577
File: 1.17 MB, 2816x2112, CVTHhZkWIAEpLsG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15336601

Warp drives violate causality though, the only causality-preserving 'FTL' mechanism are wormholes, but you can't create the 2 ends at spacelike separations.

>> No.15336777

>Warp drives violate causality though
In what way?

>> No.15336792

They allow FTL travel between 2 approximately 'flat' regions of space. Thankfully they require a negative mass, which leads many physicists do believe negative mass can't exist.

>> No.15336872

She already did that with her dopamine video.

>> No.15336917

FTL is literally the Great Filter

>> No.15336949

That's very silly.

>> No.15337021

No joke, the vid made me unsubscribe.
It's not that I wouldn't have subscribed way earlier (like at least one year ago), but this one was so offensively shit that it actually burst into my mental presence that I ought to unsubscribe, now.

>> No.15337086

>She really jumped the shark this time
she did that when she shilled pseudosicence garbage like superdeterminism

>> No.15337089

Are there any exotic spacetime curvatures like Godel spacetimes and many others like it that dont rely on exotic matter, negative matter, quaternionic matter, etc? Seems like a math trick, any desired curvature on one side and find the associated wacky mass-energy tensor

>> No.15337099

She's the best.

>> No.15337104

You sure about that bro?

>> No.15337105
File: 132 KB, 896x1316, 1679534776977523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>time travel paradoxes won't happen because... they just WONT, okay?

>> No.15337134

I'm not really familiar with this subject, but it seems for a rotating blackhole, there is circular 'singularity' which could be passed through into a region where r<0, then trajectories going out of that region towards the blackhole's interior event-horizon and back complete a closed time-like curve. This result has led many physicist to believe that the region, r<0 doesn't exist. More info can be found here: https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/245285/closed-timelike-curves-in-the-kerr-metric?noredirect=1&lq=1

>> No.15337154

Superdeterminism isn't pseudoscience, it's pure non-science.

>> No.15337155

this board is nothing but squealing retards. you all disgust me with your tiny, retarded brains

>> No.15337164

This but unironically. Travelling from one place to another faster than light would will not make you go back in time or anything like that. You'll just arrive before light would have.

>> No.15337177

To clarify, the 'special region' exists for a specific range of values where r<0, not for all negative values.

>> No.15337336

shit post

>> No.15337431

t. tiny retarded brain

>> No.15337483

"squealing retards"
I like it.
I came up with "spasmotards"
I was quite proud of that.

But in all seriousness, posting on this board is a waste of time. There is nothing to learn here or properly discuss because 99% of posters are indeed squealing spasmotards. The other 1% may have something worthwhile to say but its lost among all the squealing. Honestly its not worth the effort to dig out the gems.
So apart from agreeing with the rare 1%ers, the only other point of posting is to rub shit in the face of the squealing spasmotards, for one's own entertainment sake, because irl we usually have to deal with these subhumans politely. Which is frustrating when all you want to do is forcefully remove their reproductive organs so they cant breed. Which, btw, is something we know would be the solution to all the world's problems, but which we are unfortunately unable to put into effect. Damn. Looks like we are stuck in this gravity well until the sun burns out.

>> No.15337540


>> No.15337567

her argument against string theory is that it isn't falsifiable. but general relativity wasn't falsifiable until it was completed. How are you supposed to have a falsifiable not completed theory?

And it actually is falsifiable in principle. which she still has a problem with.

>> No.15337620

She's attainably ugly so she attracts simps. She's also contrarian which appeals to the /sci/ mentality

>> No.15337763

I have no formal physics education beyond mostly-forgotten high school basics, so I'm struggling to evaluate this either way. Her argument of
>these equations say we can't accelerate an object past c, but we know said equations aren't a complete description of reality, just a decent model for it- so why are we so confident that it's an utter impossibility?
seems reasonable. I'd appreciate a breakdown of why you think it's wrong.
(I couldn't really follow the paradox parts of the video, so have no comment on those.)

>> No.15337821

What if you just don't fly a causality defying trajectory.
If you try to, you collide with the cosmic background blueshifted to infinity

>> No.15337863


>> No.15337875
File: 122 KB, 350x285, 1675371127930163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I take out my scientist pen and paper

>> No.15337877

Science and Atheism are utterly retarded and super easy to debunk like a trumpian-russian fake news: you have atheists who claim that immaterial math formulas they themselves invented run the material universe every millisecond across billions of light years, since 13 billions years ago LOL. how is this not retarded.
Oh and by the way, when they are asked to say where do those immaterial formulas live and where they come from and how they act on matter, they can't fucking answer, can they?
If the universe is uncaused then why does it have physical laws that it must follow? Clearly those laws are actually imposed on the universe.
Ask an atheist how a photon, stemming from the annihilation of an electrons and a positron , knows that it has to follow Maxwell's rules, as soon as the photon comes into existence whereas what they call ''physical laws'' are not found inside their tiny particles (inside particles there are just other particles lmao who scripted this crap).... Just ask him. And I can tell you what you will observe, because it's true cause and effect: the atheist will be in his most vulnerable state, drymouthed, sweating profusely, hands trembling, in a state of intense anguish, because he knows he has no comeback. Zero. Jack shit. At this point in time, the atheist is consumed by a fear that is darker than the terror of death, which will never leave him until he dies.
You know how atheists say a bunch of deformed illiterate inbreds rolling in shit, beating their children and women anthropomorphized Nature when they said gods were an amalgamation of the base fears of early humans. Well since the day a few atheist bugmen created computers, they are saying the universe is like their high-school calculators too, but bigger lol. That's their big brain idea and that's how dumb atheists are lol.

>> No.15337913

Is there a short article that counters her claims about why modern theoretical physics departments are bullshit? Her book was fairly compelling

>> No.15337990
File: 1.18 MB, 498x280, booba-pepe[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15338125

>How are you supposed to have a falsifiable not completed theory?
all you need is a counterexample to the part of the theory that exists already

>> No.15338381

FTL doesn't create time travel. Brainless PHD retards need to go suckle more grant papers

>> No.15338406

Nice copy pasta.
>"It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature..." -Niels Bohr

>> No.15338414

She's not ugly!