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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 500x367, Doubles Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15329988 No.15329988 [Reply] [Original]

>Trump's polls KEEP surging despite indictment: Ex-President sees biggest 2024 lead over Biden in more than a year despite legal problems swirling around him
>A new 2024 White House poll shows former President Donald Trump with his biggest lead against President Joe Biden in more than a year
>A Rasmussen Reports survey released Wednesday gives Trump a seven-point advantage over Biden, 47 percent to 40 percent for the Democrat
>Most of the new survey was conducted after Trump was indicted on Thursday, showing that his legal problems may not hurt his political support

Can the sciences explain this phenomenon? Trump has been officially accused of a criminal act and it only made him even more popular, not only in his own country, but globally too. Presumably the science of psychology could explain why this is, have they done so yet?

>> No.15329996

the underdog effect

>> No.15330004

Also, go back to /pol/

>> No.15330033

this is a thread about science

>> No.15330043


>> No.15330054
File: 287 KB, 2000x1333, trump asanoyama sumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres some video from Japan, an enormous parade of Japanese in MAGA hats yelling & screaming in favor of President Trump
Looks like the big guy's diplomatic initiatives are still paying off in support from overseas, all exactly the opposite of what you'd expect for a guy who was just hit with 34 felony charges, especially from Japan, which is an extremely law abiding nation.
That seems like a fairly valid explanation

>> No.15330075

Which is great because he has 0% chance to win the next presidential election. 60% of Americans are happy he's been indited. So keep running unelectable morons Republicans. It just helps the Democratic party. Remember, Trump only won in 2016 on an electoral fluke. He lost the election by 3 million votes.

The Republican party is dead and Trump is only helping to bury it.

>> No.15330085

He's the only chance your dying country has at getting the corrupt people out of Congress.

>> No.15330086

Also, he has basically done everything wrong that a president can do or at least did it in the eyes of his critics.
There's basically nothing they can accuse him of that's new.
From this point on he can only go up while his opponent goes down.
This is exacerbated by the fact that he is not responsible for current decisions and there is an effect that makes the spare player the most popular among the sports team that is struggling to win.
There is a lot of factors, and many levels to this discussion and I'm not sure the data is there to analyse it objectively and that's intentional on both sides of the aisle.
Ambiguity is the point

>> No.15330120

He won the previous two elections, in 2020 he won by landslide margins comparable to Reagan in 84 & Nixon in 72.

>> No.15330134

You mean the "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose voters" guy? That guy? No kidding?

>> No.15330137
File: 546 KB, 1500x904, 1666106876003783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out that openly adopting Stalinist tactics in a desperate attempt to cling to power doesn't go over very well among the proles.

>> No.15330142
File: 97 KB, 955x979, 1652577837092806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commie who can't spell "indicted" has thoughts

>> No.15330144
File: 104 KB, 810x1007, FQFaKwvXsAkXB1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The crowd is a woman".

>> No.15330146

The people are slowly waking up to the fact that it doesn't matter who you vote for, politicians will always put their own needs and those of lobbyists above those of the little man. A vote for trump is a vote in protest to this corrupt system. Or at least, I recon to a lot of people it feels this way. Trump himself has also made a point of "draining the swamp" which surely must have bolstered this belief in people.

>> No.15330150

Amazing talent at politics for a guy who was a only a real estate developer until less than 10 years ago. He has more ability than people who've devoted their entire careers to politics.
Must be extraordinarily high IQ, there is no other way to explain his success

>> No.15330162

Why didn't he,the last time

>> No.15330175

Trump has done none of those things. He filled his cabinet with jp morgan, goldman sachs, and jews. As soon as he got elected he went full republican neo-con. People just don't want to admit they were fooled. Its as simple as that.

>> No.15330186
File: 140 KB, 795x1080, CAESAR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can explain it to you by punching your mouth so hard you will lose some teeth.

>> No.15330192

For the people who see it as a protest vote, he still causes apoplexy in those who hate normal folks. Making their lives a living nightmare for 4 years would still likely rank as a reason to vote for him (for those people) since any other candidate would be just as bad for them policy-wise.

>> No.15330193

so who is your preferred alternative?

>> No.15330200

>Trump only won in 2016 on an electoral fluke
I wouldn't call "Dems not cheating enough because they underestimated their opponent due to their sheer incompetence" an electoral fluke. Daily reminder that while the US is often called the biggest/oldest/bestest democracy ever it is anything but. Your system is on par with an African warlord's backyard. I'm in Hungary and even here we have such basic stuff like dunno... showing a valid photo ID before you vote. And don't even get me started on citizenship. As bad as Orbán is, he never once came close to the magnitude of illegitimacy and electoral shenanigans that the Dems has been doing on the regular. And while we're at it, he isn't heading a former slave-owning party. Btw it is mint-blowing how easy it is to brainwash people. Dems did literally all the bad stuff one can think of as a "progressive" (opposing suffrage, owning slaves, being pro-segregation, opposing civil rights, promoting socialism in the US of all places, etc...) and they can still parade around as if they're the good guys in history.

>> No.15330224
File: 87 KB, 753x926, elonf muskler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and they can still parade around as if they're the good guys in history.
because the media never calls them out. who controls the media?

>> No.15330277

He got at least one out, James Comey. I think he trusted people too much and was waiting for his second term to do it anyway

>> No.15330428

When Congress is full of bad people and he has to choose his cabinet from a selection of bad people then he's going to end up with bad people. That's probably why he had his family take some of the roles. Kash Patel was a good choice too. A neo con would be into interventionism and trump was pretty much the opposite

>> No.15330462

the current administration is big on interventionism, so were all previous administrations going back to jimmy carter

>> No.15330634
File: 182 KB, 1200x1149, US Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying country

Picrel. America's wealth has actually grown since the chart date of 2019.


>> No.15330641

Since this is /sci/ and not /pol/, why don't you post the data, proof and studies demonstrating that the recent American election was clearly stolen instead of just being hysterical and retarded?