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File: 332 KB, 1260x1260, suicides-europe-ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15327908 No.15327908 [Reply] [Original]

Why do lower IQ people commit suicide less often than high IQ people? Just look at the suicide rate in East Asia or Northern Europe vs Africa.

>> No.15327966

Because niggers just kill each other instead of themselves. They can't do a single thing by themselves

>> No.15328399
File: 1.21 MB, 4592x3196, Buj et al.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only legit study ever done on IQ in Europe was Buj et al.
>Why do lower IQ people commit suicide less often than high IQ people?
High IQ people can't live in the moment and realise that everything will always be shit and leads to nothing in the end. They also notice and understand more. It's hard to cope while being so overstimulated.

Nigs/Browns don't even have an inner voice/monologue. Everything is simple:
>me hungry me eat
>me sleepy me sleep
>me want to shit me shit
There is no deeper thought in their brain and no consideration, therefore they don't experience any real suffering, because they are simply too stupid for this concept.

>> No.15328416
File: 908 KB, 2858x3629, 1679658174261618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High IQ people have developed their societies to the point of no longer requiring the physical labor or the healthy natural foods. Both of which promotes a gut flora producing the necessary neurotransmitters to keep motivation and payoff in balance.

>> No.15328444

africa is actually the highst iq continent. euros are just too stupid to understand their level of intelligence. if africa was dumb then they would be the ones with the declining populations and they would be the ones getting colonized, not europe

>> No.15328454

I don't know how to tell you, but having too much idiotic and reckless sex is an actual thing. I know that 4chancels think sex is some mythical thing, but outside of this shithole, people actually fuck.

If you think that reckless pregnancies, your offspring dying, starving etc is something good, then you are a low IQ nig yourself. Post hands.

>> No.15328458

I've heard this argument in so many forms. It's ridiculous. In the end trees may outlive humankind, are they the highest iq? To live, live greatly and decline is better than to continue living like a rat

>> No.15328468
File: 120 KB, 770x500, 32478 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no introspection
no self-critique
overblown confidence

>> No.15328498

they're not stupid enough to be brainwashed into faggory and trannyism in africa, that stupidity is epidemic in white countries. israel is even worse, its the gayest country in all of history

>> No.15330009
File: 91 KB, 644x469, screenshot-en.wikipedia.org-2023.04.05-23_33_45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 out of the top 10

>> No.15330047

They let the sound of their own wheels drive them crazy.

>> No.15331081

I'm sure the answer you're looking for is something along the lines of
>High IQ people are able to see the world for what it is! Wake up sheeple etc.
But in this case you're not comparing individuals, you're comparing national averages. Higher IQ is correlated with a higher socio-economic development, which means, firstly, fewer things to kill you that are not suicide, and secondly, more reasons to kill yourself due to the high degree of exploitation and alienation. It's not that smart people can see that the world sucks. It's that smart people live in places that suck. In part because it's where smart people live.

>> No.15332424

African countries have high suicide rates actually

>> No.15332504

Correlation isnt causation.

I think humans aren't supposed to be tucked inside a four-walled house. We were hunter-gatherers. Living in this urban world is not suitable for our nature.

Disclaimer: Not an expert

>> No.15332512
File: 447 KB, 512x1682, 28B71ABB-CBA3-4D4F-8796-E9A70880B1A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The countries with the highest suicide rates are African…

>> No.15332533
File: 197 KB, 1024x530, 552BF3FD-6B8D-4E65-BBD7-29DAC07CE9AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is so fucking dumb. Most high IQ societies have low suicide rate
>be high IQ person
>someone on a filipino online fishmarket claims low IQ nations have low suicide rate
>rational neuron activation
>search online to verify claim

>> No.15332542

Because they generally have families to take care of, often women who cannot survive on their own; a man committing suicide would mean killing themselves and their family along with it. White people are however, very isolated and distant from their family; the women don't require men to survive.

>> No.15332770

>This board is so fucking dumb. Most high IQ societies have low suicide rate
wait, isn't finland the happiest nation on earth, what gives? how is happiness defined there, money in the bank?

>> No.15334869

everyone is absolutely retarded when it comes to this simple question, the answer is as simple as this:

Higher the IQ lower the birthrates, lower birthrates are product of more lonely men, hence more suicides, it is more likely for a Low IQ to kill himself as a High IQ under similar conditions.

>> No.15334894


dude thats pretty racist

>> No.15335737

They're the happiest because the sad ones just kill themselves