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File: 239 KB, 1000x626, chickenpox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15326297 No.15326297 [Reply] [Original]

what the hell causes it in childhood?

t. germ theory of disease debunked already

>> No.15326320

>t. germ theory of disease debunked already
By who?

>> No.15326334


>> No.15326404

filth and vaccines

>> No.15326426

a lag of marble pool, proper food, enough money for food enough money for heating stress.
like diabetes or obesity, or cardiovascular disease.

>> No.15326430

By people on 4channel that have zero knowledge of medical microbiology you fucking racist

>> No.15326493


>> No.15326531

Just a joke baby boy

>> No.15326572
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Rashes, skin reuptions and so on are literally listed as common side effects.

And before vaccines, it was a different way of poisoning...
Delicing children with ddt and paris green and lead arsenate.

>> No.15326575

By the absence of scientific evidence

>> No.15326636


>> No.15326742

I got chicken pox at age 18 when i got exposed to a baby with that disease how come is not a germ

>> No.15326758

The lizard people.

>> No.15327405
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>post proof that there is no proof

>> No.15327410

Post proof that your theory of disease is true. I'm sure you can do that for every bacterial and viral illness right?

>> No.15327419
File: 65 KB, 734x651, pyramid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to believe in unproven and flawed model and theory, which not once could be verified, because I am afraid of the multitude of possibilities and complexity of each individual case
>I have to have a alternative explanation, I cannot accept void and say "I rather have a mystery" than a wrong model
>I have to have A MODEL, even if it is wrong and unproven, I need daddy to explain me "why"

for more answers:

>> No.15327436

Those are just schizoid ramblings. I thought you actually had evidence or experiments.

>> No.15327439

Provide evidence that a nanoscopic, uniform, characterized and isolated organism, is the cause for a specific disease, by isolating it from asick host and giving it to a new host by the allged natural pathway and causing the same disease.

>> No.15327445

Why should I? When pressed you refused to do the same for your beliefs.

>> No.15327461

Please explain how the original smallpox vaccine worked via way of cowpox infection. There was no blunt trauma involved. Or will you say it was not perfectly isolated? Well, there seems to be only one common agent in all these technically imperfect isolations, it's almost like... And how do you explain the periodicity of smallpox that caused many deaths in excess? The proof of this is eyewitness accounts, it doesn't matter whether every symptom was grouped together, please explain the excess deaths, noone was breathing in toxic metal fumes or whatever, and they sure weren't intaking a lot of sugar. Or will you say the excess deaths were made up? Or is the uniformity of disease lethality conveniently correlated to how much the doctors fuck up, every time, or something along those lines?

>> No.15327472

I never presented any "belief".
A belief is required to believe in the claim that "a nanoscopic agent is cause for specific diseases".
I just said this have never been proven.
A absence of proof is refuted by providing the proof.
What I belief makes sick, aka an alternative explanation, is not required to say: "this explanation is unfounded".

You can easily say, about what I provided:
>mercury does not cause disease
>arsenic does not cause skin rashes and diffuse illness including neurological issues
>high sugar intake does not make sick
>starvation does not make sick
>pesticides are not harmful
>alcohol does not poison you
>breathing in metal fumes does not poison you
>toxic mushrooms or fermentation products of mold are not making sick
>stress does not make sick
>opiates do not make sick
>pharmaceutical side effects are not existant, even though they are often described by the manufacturer as "flu like symptoms"
>eating habits do not impair your health
>you can do whatever you like there is nothing making you sick except germs

These are multiple possible explanations, and even mainstream science agrees on nutrition, lifestyle and environmental toxins impairing health, but for some reason in the complexity of individual illness or health is neglected for a simpler unfounded meme, da virus.

They can be all wrong. And that is no problem, because that means we need to do science to find out the cause.
If a cause cannot be figured out, than a mystery it is, and the scientific method is used to unveil this mystery.

Please provide evidence, of your claim or belief you cling to: "a specific nanoscopic agent is the cause for a specific disease"
There must be a thing that convinced you, which is far beyond CGI renditions of viruses, but a experiment and science, that specifically showed the causal effect of a nanoscopic replication competent organism that made one host sick, can make a new host sick with the same exact disease.

>> No.15327479
File: 1.65 MB, 1040x5824, meds_of_the_past.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And how do you explain the periodicity of smallpox that caused many deaths in excess?

Go back to the 1800-1900s.
Look how treatment was.
The whole thing with "antibiotics/vaccines healed all of a sudden everyone" was just:
>before they gave sick people icebaths, gave them opium, laudanum, dimethyl ether, cocaine, heroin, chloroform, morphine, amphetamines, electroshock therapy, arsenicals (Salvarsan) and mercury chloride

Then they stopped all that and replaced all of it with a less toxic pill made from residue of color production companies

So first they poisones people and experimented with various wierd invasive therapies.
Then they replaced it with a way less invasive option.

The fairytail always sticks with: "antibiotics saved everyone".
When in fact its: "not poisoning the sick saved them".

And "medical naive fallacies":
>kid with pox is sick
>kid without pox is healthy
>so we cut off the pox and child will get healthy
Sadly all the pox shaved children died a horrbly painfull dead, which lead to the panic.

Also Slavarsan and Potassium antimony tartrate (tartar emetic of potassium antimonyl tartrate) was used...
Which is incredibly toxic.

>> No.15327487

You realise that smallpox existed before the 1800s-1900s, right, anon? And it had the same lethality rate no matter what you did, more or less.

>> No.15327495
File: 1.64 MB, 760x2104, riots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realise that smallpox existed before the 1800s-1900s

You realise that mercury and arsenicals were used as "remedies" for everything since the dark ages?

Also the people were force medicated and quarantines, which lead to death.
They took away children put them in quarantine facilities, and "treated" them, with blood letting, arsenicals, icebaths and shaving of the pox.
Why do you think there were so many riots against quarantines?
They straight up isolated people and killed them, and than said "it was the pox"

Also the first """vaccinations""" were not just a injection.
If you already had the pox presented, they took ground up pox from deceases, and suspended it in mercury solution, then they pricked every pox pimple with a needle that was submerged in the perpared solution.
"oh how did so many people die, such a mystery"

>> No.15327498
File: 101 KB, 594x397, mercurialy_arsenic_antimony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you require some source:

Smallpox Inoculation in Britain, 1721-1830

"At this time, writers finally began to reject Herman Boerhaave’s suggestion
that mercury and antimony might act as an ’antidote1 to the smallpox
poison, destroying or altering the infecting agent before it produced any
smallpox matter, so that patients were cured without having any fever or
28 eruption"


>> No.15327502

It took centuries until this whole crap got banned.
They used it still up until the 1950s

Even thoug it was Rejected and debated strongly.
See the case of General Hammond in the beginning of the 20th century:
Outlined in the picrel

The reason why the riots happened, is because good doctors blew the whistle on the "state sanctioned" quarantine facilities.

>> No.15328096
File: 70 KB, 600x486, 1644827518336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take the blue pill.

>> No.15328268

>You realise that mercury and arsenicals were used as "remedies" for everything since the dark ages?
Sure enough, but smallpox and other poxes existed earlier still.

Yeah, and it granted immunity to the more lethal smallpox, under the same condition of isolation.

>> No.15328366
File: 563 KB, 1648x2756, 1649266385499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, they just killed people to get their property.
Destroyed families so they can not inherit shit.

It's a scam.
>You have to take this toxic medication
>trust me the arsenic and mercury is actually good for you
>oh no who will now own the farm and house?
>oh good lord we have charitable rich noble men like Vanderbilt and Napoleon Born to Party, who will take care of your property

>> No.15328368
File: 444 KB, 1036x1320, eternal_pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take the eternal antimony pill