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File: 362 KB, 2379x711, artemis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15322990 No.15322990 [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice about them

>> No.15322995

>token canadian has no role and never been to space

>> No.15323001

fuck nasa and all their nigger programs
i hope russia nukes moon and mars after that monkey with white woman lands there

>> No.15323040

don't forget to leave a like lol. 20K viewers and 11K likes

>> No.15323053

>nukes moon
This is how retarded the average /sci/ poster is

>> No.15323087

technically fully achievable, cope nigger, fuck your nigger programs, the rocket will fail, and doom the nasa programs for another 50 years

>> No.15323091

Damn your life must be miserable.

>> No.15323093

They won't have to take SLS to space

>> No.15323099
File: 66 KB, 1024x768, 5B58C6B3-F7C6-4BBB-A8DD-E0991280FB9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will they have the guts to shoot down all those ufo's?

>> No.15323140
File: 126 KB, 806x439, lies next to the truths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earth is flat with a dome. The artemis 2 crew are paid actors.

>> No.15323152

Is this dome in the room with us right now?

>> No.15323171

>two white men
>one white woman
white woman isn't that suprising but wew lad, 2 white guys
honestly didn't expect that from nasa
seems like america isn't completely cucked yet, lead us into the future ameribros

>> No.15323179

What percentage of astronauts actually end up going to space? Seems like every year they announce a new batch of astronauts and most are never heard from again. A few make it up to ISS but most just seem to exist for photos.

>> No.15323205
File: 2.15 MB, 300x327, rocket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15323210

They all look like good people
The woman is either a super cool and smart aunt or a disgusting karen, can't really tell from the pic

>> No.15323298

Four men? Wtf, I thought they were going to send a woman up there this time.

>> No.15323752

they have to have a couple competent people on it to make sure it doesn't fail

>> No.15323757

>a nigger and a woman
Cant wait for the crash footage

>> No.15324796

probs both depending on the face of the moon kek

>> No.15324804

[math] 2+2 = 4[/math]

>> No.15324814

This is a completely retarded argument. All of them are exceptionally qualified. Even if women and minorities have an advantage over white men (and, mind you, NASA astronauts are still disproportionately white), they're still being selected from tens of thousands of engineers and pilots whose credentials would be outstanding for any normal job, including thousands of competent people who would themselves benefit from any affirmative action.

>> No.15324846

all seem remarkably qualified
should go fine

>> No.15324990

The black guy and the women are actually the best people for the mission, and it only needs 2 people to succeed. NASA only put the 2 white guys on so one can comfort the woman when she gets hysterical, and the other one keeps an eye on the black guy to make sure he doesn't steal anything

>> No.15324993

Note that the males in all these crews are almost always highly experienced ex-fighter pilots, and the women are almost always civilians. Look at all the crew rosters ever and you'll see. NASA has lower standards for femoids, universally.

>> No.15324996

This is the case with this crew also, of course. The black guy and white mission commander are both highly experienced test pilots that were in the navy, and the Canadian white guy was in the RCAF. Meanwhile the foid did some bullshit research or whatever and has no flight experience or any sort of experience dealing with stressful situations and pressure. Many such cases.

>> No.15325044

I think astronauts are cool in general.

>> No.15325066

lol gay

>> No.15325104

if they were to fail and the craft were to blow up they'd put the same exact team back with 2 white men and 2 diversity hires the same exact way they aren't there because of meritocracy but because they fill in the minimum criteria for diversity's sake and not because they're the best they gladly sacrifice the chances of a successful mission for the "greater good"
now you tell me how this doesn't sound fucked up

>> No.15325113

Cool, I met the Canadian guy when he visited my high school several years ago

>> No.15325124

the nigger will die first

>> No.15325194

They were expecting Trudeau to send a pajeet or somali, but alas