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15322130 No.15322130 [Reply] [Original]

Does picrel suggest a superior alternative to the current STEM admissions regime?

>> No.15322133

you can train for IQ tests

>> No.15322134

Will literally never work until there are financially feasible alternatives to higher education. We don't have manufacturing anymore, fast food is on the way out, and so are brainlet jobs soon thanks to AIs like GPT.

>> No.15322209

Obviously better, yes

Retard alert in sector stupid

>> No.15322213

Prove it. Raise your IQ to my level (160+).

>> No.15322244

Set up a third party recruiting/hiring from. Have LLM start to run IQ evaluations based on resumes. Or outsource your hiring to a GPT chat bot that administers a small IQ test to weed out applicants.
Basically exist as a front of plausible deniability for the employer. Eventually become a hiring/employee accreditation institution.

>> No.15322249

>Practice effect

>> No.15322295

That's cool and all. But universities exist to further Man's knowledge or to make profit, depending on your viewpoint.

>> No.15322298

Very antisemitic of him to even suggest this, please report it.

>> No.15322317 [DELETED] 

universities exist to anoint meaningless titles on leisure class children who would otherwise be unable to distinguish themselves.
your pompous rhetoric doesn't reflected reality in an way

>> No.15322322

Universities are responsible for every single new technology and scientific breakthrough. The role of the corporate sector/industry/SV is to capture university research output, make it proprietary, link it into the national security establishment, hype it to the moon and rip off all of its users while taking open human knowledge and closing it off forever and alienating us all from our intellectual labor and creation.

>> No.15322326 [DELETED] 

>Universities are responsible for every single new technology and scientific breakthrough.
nope, you're good at lying and taking credit for others' accomplishments though. nice specialization

>> No.15322331


>> No.15322349

Funny how it’s always the complete opposite. Universities are and have been since their inception the thin edge of the wedge on every technological and social trend. That faggot BAP is just mad because he choose the losing side in the culture war. And I mean the grand, grand culture war. He’s a Romanian fag, a desperately frustrated second worlder, who wasted his intelligence and golden years on funding Plato, excepting to finally get out of shithole station and join the western aristocracy. Turns out, though, the western aristocracy are totally unaesthetic frauds and he definitely should have stuck to that MIT STEM shit. He could have made millions selling algorithms to Alibaba. Instead he’s humiliated at a Zionist neoconservative think tank, and his magnum opus is an absolutely unread disasterpiece wishcasting that the future belongs to based Brazilian macho men, clearly motivated primarily by sublimated homosexual attraction to South American semen.

>> No.15322360
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>Does picrel suggest a superior alternative to the current STEM admissions regime?

No, when Universities took on the role as accreditors for the job sector it became the "unofficial" extension of public school system. Which primarily role was to produce future crops of general workers and low-middle management.

The type of testing being alluded in your pic were never meant to apply to the common populace. Since the common populace was supposed to go into manufacturing and agriculture were they would be trained. But as >>15322134 highlighted those roles aren't around/in abundance anymore due exporting it for cheaper labor. So the universities picked up the slack to introduce more people into white collar work. As the economy was growing towards more STEM supported industries.

Your pic assumes that modern Universities were/are only concerned with cultivating the intellectual elite. When in truth its been ordained by the state to function as a consolidated general training apparatus for post primary educated civilians to go into the modern labor market.

It also assumes employers have innate interest in testing competency or intelligence. Vast majority don't which is why they even allowed outside parties to do that particular "work" for them. This is because employers are primarily concerned with making money. If they want to make sure their employees are adequately intelligent they will perform independent competency tests themselves. I know this because I had to take those tests, go through several screenings and have my portfolio of work reviewed multiple times but I'm also in a completely different tax bracket then the average person is. So the hurdles I went through isn't what the average person going into workforce should go through.

>> No.15322362

Why did the jannies delete every post disagreeing with you, but leave your off-topic responses? Is it because you're a janitor upset that you lost an argument, scientifically speaking?

>> No.15322363

I suspect the anon I was replying to deleted their post out of shame.

>> No.15322368


Universities have their place, but it's one they've forgotten. These days they are a mechanism that uses tax money to import Chinese spies and subvert society. About 80% of university departments could be defunded and there would be a massive net benefit to society.

>> No.15322373

What the fuck are you on about lol? BAP's side of the culture war is pro-merit, pro-Western, pro-STEM. The other side is race based equity, pro-immigrant, pro-Islam etc.

The side you imagine yourself to be on doesn't exist lol. It's childless, sterile boomers who are completely disconnected from the sentiments and idealogies of third worlders who are replacing them.

>> No.15322374

Wait until the next big war
That will whip them up into shape

>> No.15322393
File: 453 KB, 1080x1544, Screenshot_20230403_104104_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your worldview is simply incorrect. STEM degrees are less than 10% of all awarded degrees and it has a declining share. Even before mass educaction universities were always training for a job market, even if that was mostly clergy, medicine or law in the beginning.

The currently popular model is actually a corrupted version of the Romanticist era "Bildung" notion where personal growth and service to the state is emphasized above all else, except in a denationalised and goalless fashion. Currently the focus is indeed on cultivating an (pseudo-)intellectual (pseudo-)elite where people make money by capturing financial, state, and NGO revenue streams. The degree title in this sense does not matter.

There is (sadly) very little focus on training people to do a real job outside of the minority of STEM/medicine/law/theology departments which still hold on to more noble medieval era ideals about how to improve the human condition and gain true knowledge.

>> No.15322443

Interesting post. Can you elaborate more?

>> No.15322468

Mutts don't have standardized tests for universities?

>> No.15322475

I said STEM supported industries not degrees. But even if I did say degrees, my commentary would still be supported. Look at all those majors you posted in that pic, a common element amongst them is that the modern manifestations of their respective market jobs are effectively "Tech" jobs. Which qualifies under the Technology portion of the STEM Supported industries I notated.

For example do you know that Animation within the Arts counts as "STEM" under the US military DHS classification scale? This is because the modern manifestation of Animation, particularly 3d or video utilizes CAD tools, programming methodologies and larger scale general computer maintenance (think professional render farms, which are maintained similar to server farms).

Business is another one. Where the modern manifestation of those workers have to be well verse in e-commerce technology and digital financing. Which again throws them into the "Tech" or even "Math" portion of STEM. As Business Management and Financial Math is listed as STEM in the DHS scale too.

The issue you're experiencing is that you are using a very traditional view of what constitutes STEM. While in actuality STEM is more expansive as most college majors are hybridized technology based fields.

Look up the DHS STEM Designated Degree Program List. So you can see what the job market and Government actual considers to be STEM.

>> No.15322490

I sorta agree but aren't universities are based on exam results to be accepted anyway?
So what's the point of sitting on an exam?
I know, I know it's a test of intelligence but, quite redundant isn't it?
>Difficult blind sole exam
Idk any exams that aren't blind sole but I do know difficult ones lol

>> No.15323017

You should learn to read. BAP went to MIT for mathematics but choose to do his graduate wordcelling about Plato instead. He was and is eternally cucked second-worlder who saw similarly talented, immigrant (like him) STEM students with contempt. He wanted full acceptance into the western aristocracy so he wasted the better part of his life on a classical education, only to discover that Europe was dead and gay and the US equivalent horrifically unaesthetic, whose leaderships chief desire was recognition and validation by Opera. So now he’s mad as fuck. He should have just gone and made his money working for an ascendant Chinese company, he just choose the wrong side at every step of the way, and now he’s an aging and declining Romanian faggot earning comparatively nothing, debasing himself writing foreign policy papers for zionists and moonlighting as a brain damaged lunkhead.

>> No.15323625

I read your post correctly, it was just fucking retarded. Much like this wall of naive thirdworldist trite you've added on to the shitpile of your record ITT.

You should stick to /pol/ and serving fries.

>> No.15323649

If you read it correctly, why did you respond in a way that implied that you fundamentally misunderstood the main ideas of the post?

BAP is a loser fag and a desperate cuck who made wrong decisions in his life because he was seeking approval and power from people who later regrettably discovered he hates. He made his wrong choices out of vanity and homsexual libidinal desires.

It’s pretty obvious to anyone who seriously thinks about it, too, that simply basing hiring on IQ tests would lead to eventual domination by East Asian and some South Asian castes. White westerners have mid IQ score. Nothing special about them. What else would happen if you remove the system that exists primarily to act as a gatekeeper? This is the problem with being such a cuck that you disregard the fundamental critique of your (aesthetic, not ideological) enemy. The university system IS a citadel of white supremacy. Of course it is.

>> No.15323650

Low IQ people can't

>> No.15323658

Based. Just bring back the pre-1995 SAT and call it a day. The last 25 years have been an experiment in constantly making education and testing less difficult. That experiment has failed. Time to go back to the shit that worked.

>> No.15323677
File: 40 KB, 640x439, aDN5uaWqDGAl_-rPObfrqekw5qLZhYNu6Au-losGZ4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another /pol/brained wall of text
I think BAPs a faggot too, that's not the problem here, it's everything else in the way you post.

You're confusing minorities with white IQ. Imagine getting demoralized by a bug race known for cheating and faking their data in every facet of their lives from standardised tests to GDP figures.

If China was high IQ it wouldn't be a third world shithole with a GDP per capita lower than Poland.

>> No.15323696

When anthropologist first ventured into China, they conducted IQ tests on rural, illiterate peasants who had never seen a book in their life. Care to guess what they scored? The answer is to the right of the distribution.

You are a fag, and your cope about how everyone who does better than you is faking it is not even cope. It’s just pure delusion. Your axioms necessarily reject clearly correct critiques that western institutions indeed functions as institutions to reproduce and preserve their own supremacy and dominance.

If I was a third worldite, I would obviously welcome the abolishment of the corrupt university system in favor of race-blind standardized tests. There is not a single objective testing metric on Earth that doesn’t see East Asians as simply surpassing all others. This would inevitably lead to the much heralded Asian century.

>> No.15323738

>When anthropologist first ventured into China, they conducted IQ tests on rural, illiterate peasants who had never seen a book in their life. Care to guess what they scored? The answer is to the right of the distribution.
Did you read did on Wamo/Qoura? It's not true, even the official CCP figures show 90 IQ for most rural provinces.
>You are a fag, and your cope about how everyone who does better than you is faking it is not even cope. It’s just pure delusion. Your axioms necessarily reject clearly correct critiques that western institutions indeed functions as institutions to reproduce and preserve their own supremacy and dominance.
First of all I am a part of that "institution", and secondly we don't discriminate in my my department adcoms at all. We simply take the best students who we believe will contribute the most to humanity. Simple as.
>If I was a third worldite, I would obviously welcome the abolishment of the corrupt university system in favor of race-blind standardized tests.
Thirdies can gtfo, go home and build their own institutions. That includes Chinks. America doesn't need AA to keep thirdies out, it can simply set student visa qoutas to zero. Currently it's a massive money mill to get internationals to pay obscene amounts to do some shitty meme Masters that won't benefit them and to get slave labour doctoral students. I don't agree with the system, but it is what it is. AA is also what it is; a way to get equitable outcomes for blacks.
>This would inevitably lead to the much heralded Asian century.
Just two more decades? It's a cheap labour pool for Western goods. The GDP growth in Asia is purely population growth based, nothing per capita Western advancement. They are good at propoganda, subversion, stealing and corrupting. I definitely grant them that, and I don't understand why some retards sell their IPs and companies so cheaply. It's all for nothing in the end. The chip embargo proved where the real innovation.

>> No.15323742

A certain segment of whiteoids are clinically retarded. It'll be the year 2800 and they'll be kept next to the orangutan exhibit in an Indian zoo and they will still be talking about how poos are all just cheaters.

>> No.15323744

It's really easy to get you riled up isn't it?

>> No.15323749


>> No.15323751

Kek, Indians will still be shitting in the streets in 2100 while their aging boomer populations shrieks about how they actually invented everything while their daughters are still begging to be let into white countries.

>> No.15323754

>When anthropologist first ventured into China, they conducted IQ tests on rural, illiterate peasants who had never seen a book in their life. Care to guess what they scored? The answer is to the right of the distribution
>There is not a single objective testing metric on Earth that doesn’t see East Asians as simply surpassing all others
Enjoy your test results, meanwhile Europeans will continue to helm essentially all significant innovation as they have for the last 1500 years.

>> No.15323761
File: 204 KB, 716x290, Bildschirmfoto 2023-04-03 um 22.59.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>University is not about studying
>University is job education
I have Americans so much bros..

>> No.15323762

Scientific publications per capita (in ppm):
> United States 1875
> United Kingdom 2959
> Germany 2097
> Switzerland 5461
> Denmark 5110
> India 138

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.15323763

Sure. Meanwhile, one of them literally invented AGI. Unless Ashish Vaswani is a white guy.

>> No.15323768


>> No.15323771

This is the screeching like an autistic monkey stage. You're going to fit in the zoo very well.

>> No.15323778

Typical dumbfuck ESL streetshitter trying to white people words. AGI doesn't exist so trying to claim credit for it with some irrelevant nobody is extra hilarious.

Geoffrey Hinton is the recognised as the inventor of ANNs.

>> No.15323779
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No I just find the suggestion to be completely absurd, downright laughable even.

>> No.15323783

You are embarrassing not only yourself, but all India. Stop posting my man.

>> No.15323789
File: 118 KB, 1080x1086, IMG_20230318_162731_715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, the government statistics are never real in thirdie (literal) shitholes.

>> No.15323800

I'm not Indian. I just think it's extremely conspicuous that the most important computer science paper published in the 21st century so far was first authored by an Indian name. It really makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.15323806

Indeed. Not only are they extremely unintelligent on average, but extremely resentful and when given the opportunity they take over businesses and institute their autistic racial caste discrimination and otherwise create a hostile work environment for essentially any other group. I'm done being patient with them. They're absolutely ruinous when given essentially any authority.

>> No.15323808

No its not, theres 1.2 billion of you, I'm sure even that's sufficient to scrape together one or two good minds.

>> No.15323812

Anyone who actually works on the state of the art in STEM in industry or academia knows that the only reason whites have a chance is because they are the only ones can get cleared. Otherwise every lab would be Indian and Chinese. Actually, most are.

>> No.15323815

Again not Indian. White Americans came from the richest country in the world, with the best education system and scholastic development opportunities available to any group of people in earth with effectively limitless venture and they still seem to fall short of people who shit in the streets. It is one of those head scratchers.

>> No.15323819
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IQ is only good for hiring drones, simple as. if you want to throw bodies into a meat grinder or keep some machine running then anyone that gets a high score on an IQ test is a good bet. High IQ nerds love following rules because most of them have some kind of OCD and enjoy being told what to do, how to act, and what to think.

dumb idea, if you want innovation then give people free education. regardless of ability or any other markers of merit.

>> No.15323830

>n. White Americans came from the richest country in the world, with the best education system and scholastic development opportunities available to any group of people in earth
Gee I wonder how.
>they still seem to fall short of people who shit in the streets
Except they don't. Europeans literally lead in essentially all significant innovation. The existence of a single man who you baselessly claim 'invented AGI,' which is completely preposterous by the way, does not in any way discredit this fact. There's a reason you see everyone on Earth clamoring to move to the west and not the other way around.

>> No.15323831
File: 2.81 MB, 472x332, 1609624997038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ is only good for hiring drones, simple as. if you want to throw bodies into a meat grinder or keep some machine running then anyone that gets a high score on an IQ test is a good bet. High IQ nerds love following rules because most of them have some kind of OCD and enjoy being told what to do, how to act, and what to think.

>dumb idea, if you want innovation then give people free education. regardless of ability or any other markers of merit.

>> No.15323833

You are obviously Indian, only Indians think some guy with an h-index of 37 is relevant.

Geoffrey Hinton has an h-index of 177 and there are many Western researchers with much higher h-indices, the highest are breaching 300. Anyway see this page to get out of your delusion:


No one outside of India thinks of Indians, get that into your tiny skulls and stop trying to insert yourselves into everyone else conversations you annoying shitmonkeys.

>> No.15323842

>Universities are responsible for every single new technology and scientific breakthrough
Kek lol
Lmao even

>> No.15323849

Yes, they are like low IQ Jews basically, much worse at the subversion game, but ultimately just as much of parasite on white nations.

>> No.15323872

Biggest names in CS are those three on the Nature Deep Learning paper: Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio & Geoffrey Hinton.

All else is grifters trying to shill some application of DL.

>> No.15323878

Unless there are white Indians born in America to (4th?) generation Irish American parents, I'm probably not Indian.Anyway, the paper Attention Is All You Need proposed what is now called the transformer architecture. The T of GPT fame. It's to be the basis of all computer science investigations going forward.

Too bad a white name couldn't have been first author. Really seems kind of like a mistake that one isn't right? Like God made a mistake? Don't worry Aiden, whites have always been and always will be the best. Let's not think about these kind of things. Let's not remember the millennia of white isolation where they tried to cure the plague by whipping their sore-covered bodies in the public square. Everything as it is now is just the result of perfect, natural outcomes, and always will be :) Nothing will change :) Certainly not in your life time :) :) :)

>> No.15323887
File: 31 KB, 850x557, GDP-per-capita-by-region.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-whites have not advanced at all in the last century. Basically during Imperialism they got a small boost from getting White technologies and universities built for them. Afterwards they not only stagnated, but Africans actually went backward (see picrel GDP per capita timeline).

The word is basically returning to same state it's been in for the last 2500 years. I just wish foreign aid and free trade would stop too.

>> No.15323888

Anon you're not going to convince anyone here that you're white. This kind of blatant resentment is something that you're only ever going to see from a displaced minority with a racial inferiority complex.

>> No.15323889

>(4th?) generation Irish
no wonder you hate whites

>> No.15323893

Why lie? Post 5 more emojis, maybe your cope will then magically change the world and the history of the field. Anyway, in reality this is the actual seminal GPT paper:

>Radford, Alec; Narasimhan, Karthik; Salimans, Tim; Sutskever, Ilya (11 June 2018). "Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training" (PDF). OpenAI. p. 12. Archived (PDF) from the original on 26 January 2021. Retrieved 23 January 2021.

I literally didn't even know the name of they guy you are talking about before. Maybe it is you trying to shill yourself? No one cares, go back to India if you love Indians so much. Otherwise shutup, slave away, and don't complain when Tyrone dicks your daughter, that is the reason you manlets are allowed in here.

>> No.15323898

This kek. Trips of truth.

>> No.15323909

>This kind of blatant resentment is something that you're only ever going to see from a displaced minority with a racial inferiority complex.
he already admitted to being ir*sh

>> No.15323914

There's no resentment in my post. I obviously don't need to convince you either way, either. If I were Indian, which I am now, I would be pretty content because it appears that you don't fundamentally don't understand the situation and think you can do things like abolish the university system and replace it with a standardized test and this will not result in whites being wiped out after a few decades.

It's strange because this *already happened* in the US. US universities had to Harrison Bergeron their Asian applicants by giving them a fake "personality score" penalty to keep them from completely overtaking university demographics.

The writing is on the wall for whites honestly. And as it is traditional in white culture going back to the days of Homer, it is their own hubris that will put the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.15323917

>Let's not remember the millennia of white isolation where they tried to cure the plague by whipping their sore-covered bodies in the public square.
What era is that? Whites in "the Dark ages" had medicines that beat modern anti-biotics:

Your life cope is based on Protestant propoganda that isn't even true lol. Europe has been more advanced than any other region for the last 2500 years and before that it was Bronze age civilizations that died out.

>> No.15323919

Post hand or gtfo shitskin.

>> No.15323922

>no resentment in my post
You spammed no less than 4 smiley faces, you are seething lol.

>> No.15323942

Oh I see, you have autism. A neurotypical person reading that text would interpret it as Aiden doing what's called "whistling past the graveyard"-- this is a non-literal idiom, by the way. I'm not sure how severe your autism is. But it means to proceed forward, ignoring inconvenient facts that hint at a bad outcome.

>> No.15324038
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I fail to see at all how OP's post is relevant. Seems like a discussion for the humanities, not for STEM. Also, imagine reading this tweet, liking it, and thinking it's worthy of a screen cap; lmao, roflcopter perhaps. His grammar is terrible, the sentences make no sense, and the idea at the crux of his argument is so utterly dense with retardation that it's laughable.

>inb4 twitter has a character limit so he needs to omit articles, prepositions, and pronouns
Don't care, stop using twitter if that's the case (it's not the case, bap is just a terrible writer). Nothing meaningful can be explored in 250 characters or less.

>inb4 you still understood what he meant
I'd have understood faster if he was concise and coherent. "it might be good idea", "to pass bill", "if to receive federal funding." What a nonce. You idolise this faggot's ideas because... he has muscles? He's le epic right-wing return to traditionalism faggot despite living online and taking steroids (not very trad).

It's hilarious that he proposes a policy on the grounds that universities exist for accreditation. Let's just ignore why universities were originally established. The modern capitalist structure of universities is precisely why the education we receive is so shit. Administration doesn't care whether we learn anything, so long as we keep passing our courses and giving them money. The lectures themselves are so over-crowded that the professor has no choice but to palm you off to a grad-student to tutor you. Capitalism turned university into a money machine; it cut corners and jacked prices to give you a shitter product at a higher cost. The fix is to remove accreditations entirely and put the onus back on employers to train their workers. The alternative is to continue sending over-qualified graduates to work as unpaid interns until a higher-up dies.

>leftist sinecure economy
Lol. Does he think there aren't "right-wing" sinecures, or does he not think they are an issue?

>> No.15324372
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>When anthropologist first ventured into China, they conducted IQ tests on rural, illiterate peasants who had never seen a book in their life. Care to guess what they scored? The answer is to the right of the distribution.

Not him but despite them scoring to the right of the distribution they and even their "educated" knew fuck all about a lot scientific and industrialization principles. It took a bunch of pale skin Europeans with lower IQ averages to teach them about fucking Electricity and the primary reason their country even was able to get back off the ground as a modern society was because they gave FREE EDUCATION TO CHINESE IMMIGRANTS via Boxer Indemnity Scholarship Program. Which was literally AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR THE CHINESE.

>B..but that was just money China was getting back from their payments that caused local wars with the US and it allies.

And the US which had no reason to give back any excess money since they were wronged. Was willing to not only give it back but provide reserved seating in their own colleges to educate Chinese immigrants so they could get jobs in the US and build up the infrastructure of their own country China itself.

Imagine having the mindset of calling a university system corrupt when you literally were among the first to benefit from it.

>> No.15324481

Please please please whiteoids hire only the top scores on IQ tests. Do it do it dooooo it. I would love to see what your FAANG companies would look like then lmao

>> No.15324492

emotionally triggered

>> No.15324505


>> No.15324519
File: 35 KB, 750x581, 5de6a78efd9db209722b706a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always cracks me up that Boomers majored in the liberal arts significantly more often than later generations and that the exact period where they began to screech about the "millions" with critical studies degrees was when the humanities were actually going into a more rapid decline in terms of enrollment.

In terms of OECD nations, the US is actually on the low side of humanities degrees, and the ones at the top tend to be the best performers in quality of life, happiness, wealth, life expectancy, etc.

I think what it actually comes down to is that most Boomers, despite living in the most prosperous era in human history, saved almost nothing for retirement. Yeah, their house they bought for $80,000 is now worth $700,000, but they took out $600,000 in home equity loans on it. They are aware that they slashed their own taxes again and again during their peak earning years and just handed off $31 trillion in debt to their kids and grandkids, with another $90 trillion+ in entitlements due to themselves.

Not that I want money going to forgive student debt, but it being the biggest "wealth transfer in history," is fucking retarded. Just cash UBI to all Boomers in the US is $2 trillion a year and they get universal healthcare. We spend $38,000 per Boomer per year just in two Federal entitlement programs.

Total aside, just thought of it. Fucking Boomers. Until 2017 people 40 and under had just 0.2% of seats in Congress. There is still almost no one under 45.

Meanwhile, when the median Boomer was 37 they took the White House, keeping it for at least 32 years, likely 36-40. They became a majority in Congress shortly thereafter and have kept super majorities for decades.

. Day of the Pillow when?

>> No.15324533

Your responded to hypothetical objections before you’ve even stated and supported your own point. I don’t even disagree with you, but this is very insecure.

>> No.15324545

Do it pussy— doooooooo it

>> No.15324746

>Day of the Pillow when?
the pillow-able ones aren't the problem anymore, its the smarter ones who are still healthy enough to weekend-at-bernies their way through daily life as rich business owners and corporate executives. an even bigger problem is their gen-x sons who emulate their every behavior and are ready to take up the torch and change nothing.

>> No.15325022

Boomers also got education basically for free. And you are right, they are incredibly financially illiterate and somehow most of them never managed to build up for retirement.

But desu all of that is understandable, not as if it's concious decisions fucking over young people. They just vote for whatever they see benefits themselves at that moment. What is not understandable, however, is those (few) in CEO/board roles who sold off industry (cheaply), or convinced boomers to vote for mass immigration etc. to fuck over our wages and housing costs permanently. They act like we only have a choice between offshoring industry or importing cheap replacements. Meanwhile they used to protect lucrative positions much better (until they got into cushy upper management of course). They sold off tech for pennies as soon as they could then whined that the people they sold are killing their business and that younger people need to accept working under third world conditions.

Don't hate your father, hate the guys who sold out.

The winds of change have already become a hurricane now though. Even democrats are finally going full protectionism mode.

>> No.15325110
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>Your responded to hypothetical objections before you’ve even stated and supported your own point.
>this is very insecure.
>this is very insecure.
Woman hands typed this. Responding to hypothetical objections is the point of debate. It strengthens an argument to consider (and disprove) possible counter arguments. The reason it's in that order is so that the three points flow logically from the leading paragraph (i.e. I address his shit grammar, his shit writing, and his shit idea). I chose that order because the first two reveal him for the pseud he is, and the third strikes down his ill-conceived proposition.

No one has actually engaged in serious discussion regarding what I've said. All three replies to me have been smart phone users doing what they've been doing since 2014 (i.e. shitting up image boards and other such forums with pointless filler)

>> No.15325121

BAP intentionally wrote an entire book like a retard, that's his whole thing. Not that I think it's interesting, but you are clearly to low IQ to get it.

>> No.15325152

My IQ, in relation to your contribution, is actually quite high (Idgaf Quotient)

>> No.15325315

Americans are dumb as dogshit though so unless you are do this in conjunction with strict protectionist policies when it comes to hiring practices, all this will do is completely replace your working class with Indian and Chinese professionals lol.

>> No.15325321

If we had institutionalized IQ testing then you wouldn't need university at all. You could just take the top scorers and funnel them directly into on-the-job training.
I have one of the "good" degrees, electrical engineering, and nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, in all my years of study remotely prepared me for the job that I do. I learned everything after I was hired. There was really no reason for me to even get the degree other than assuaging the employer's concerns that I won't turn out to be a total idiot or psychopath.

>> No.15325717

Meh. I'm a Chemical Engineer and I've used 100% of what I learned in undergrad. Been in process engineer, research and management roles.

I think you just come from a shit university.

>> No.15325759

>I think you just come from a shit university.
My employer disagreed, but keep coping however you need.

>> No.15325782

That type of thing used to be common but was outlawed by the Supreme Court in the case 'Griggs v Duke Power', which declared using IQ tests for the purposes of employment was racist. That's when companies switched to requiring university degrees because at the time it was a decent proxy for IQ but now that pretty much anyone can get a university degree if they're willing to take on the debt, companies are grasping around for new ways to test intelligence without getting in trouble for racial discrimination.

>> No.15325792

Boomers had plenty of incentives for mas migration. Why do you think their $80,000 homes are now worth $800,000? How else would get Juan to remodel the place every 3 years for $10 an hour.

Now they need even more migrants to act as home health aides to wipe their asses. But they also don't want them voting or living near them or anything. Somehow they think having an underclass of poor migrants who don't identify with their states is actually HELPING their children by keeping their power in place, not setting up a fucking disaster.

Not to mention they gave us the farce that was the Orange Augustus, who lost voters under 55 by 9 and then 11 points, landslide margins (W Bush split even 18-24 voters 50/50).

Since I lean conservative (maybe a different type of conservative since my ideal is a modernized version of the state of G.W.F. Hegel, which is conservative although I don't think as fascist as people interpret it as being), Boomers destroying the conservative party might be their worst sin from my point of view. Except that they way they screech about trannies but then refuse to bring cloth bags to go shopping, helping to flood our food and water with estrogenic microplastics, is still probably the worst part. The average American consumes a credit card in plastic a week and "strong independent yeomen" throw fits at being asked to remember a fucking bag to fix this.

>> No.15325806

High IQ people will train better than low IQ people.

>> No.15325838

>There's a race with a lower average IQ score than my race? Hah, that proves they're dumb!
>There's a race with a higher average IQ score than my race? NOOOOO! Th-they must be cheating! It doesn't count!!

>> No.15325846

He's correct. The percentage of students who would pay to attend an unaccredited university whose degree no employer recognizes is negligible.

>> No.15326011

BAP is a jew though.

>> No.15326094

>Except that they way they screech about trannies but then refuse to bring cloth bags to go shopping, helping to flood our food and water with estrogenic microplastics, is still probably the worst part. The average American consumes a credit card in plastic a week and "strong independent yeomen" throw fits at being asked to remember a fucking bag to fix this.
Was with you until this. Our plastic waste pales in comparison to China and India, and even if we were the worst, most of it comes from industry rather than personal waste.
We're facing slow societal decay at best and total collapse at worst, environmentalism is of least concern.

>> No.15326109

Therefore he is wrong and Affirmative Action is good.

>> No.15326124

Unironically, that way whites can keep asians at bay. Just happens that the current system benefits nogs and jews.

>> No.15326384

>My employer disagreed
How so? You just admitted you had to be taught from scratch.

I was developing controller schemes already in my undergrad internships. My university knowledge was 1:1 applicable and useful to industry.

>> No.15326415

Hit the nail on the head with this post. Boomers in managerial positions saw their bonusses go up as they hired cheap thirdies. They unironically believe their kids are getting the same deal.

>> No.15326419

Whites don't need AA, we can just set foreign visa qoutas to zero. Which would benefit us because Asian dropout rate at MIT is higher than Whites (guess you were cheating after all).

>> No.15326421

>universities exist for one reason, people want the accreditation
MLM guru tier statement. What a fucking hack.

>> No.15327076
File: 1.52 MB, 2064x3456, woke moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is moderated by employees of the Democratic party and other similar organizations

>> No.15327785

they're smart enough not to want to. why would anyone want to qualify for something they're intellectually incapable of handling? just so they can go and do a shitty job of it once they get in?
they can't do well, because they started off unqualified

>> No.15327904

What's stopping employers from testing iq in the third world?
Iq is not the end all be all, i'd rather hire a good goy midwith over a rebellious 150iq

>> No.15328045

>How so? You just admitted you had to be taught from scratch.
They hired me.

>> No.15328486

if you know their names and contact info then you can use that as leverage to get any bans immediately reversed. just drop the mod's name and home address in the appeals form, its like a magic key

>> No.15329029


>> No.15329040

Here’s the thing. They get into school but burn out in industry. 18 months is the longest most make it in my (engineering) profession before they get wifed up or quit.

You can chug them through school all you want, doesn’t mean they’ll perform.

>> No.15329096

>What's stopping employers from testing iq in the third world?
They do. Even in first world countries like South Korea they have de facto entrance exams for big corporations, and civil service exams for the government.

>> No.15330472

original data was scrubbed from 4plebs, but not from the archive of the archives

>> No.15331040

I failed the IQ test (sub100) and still became a university professor in math.

>> No.15331044

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.15331218

>posting le sunballs Jewish glowop

>> No.15331228

It’s not that hard to get. He stole his “voice” from the Misc Bodybuilding forum wholesale. It did this to impress men whose cock he wants in his ass. Everything he does and writes about is, in his mind, part of a design to have sex with muscle men.

>> No.15331265

Those who can't do teach.

>> No.15331631
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>> No.15331632


>> No.15331997

China and India's plastic waste isn't getting into US water dumbass so how is that even relevant.

>"These third world shit holes are even more polluted so don't worry at all about your children drinking tranny juice!"

>> No.15332147
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, gretchen thunderburp loev chinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there garbage with chinkrunes on it all over usa west coast beaches?

>> No.15332645
File: 555 KB, 1200x1400, 23850 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbass, where do you think "microplastics in rain" and the pacific plastic continent comes from?