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File: 33 KB, 522x176, etizolam-vs-diazepam-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15317922 No.15317922 [Reply] [Original]

Etizolam is the best benzo to abuse, look at that time to peak plasma concentration! Hits quick and makes me black out more easily than any commonly prescribed benzo in America.

>> No.15319687

Don't touch benzos retard, they will destroy your life eventually.

>> No.15319714

you getting paid to shill your commercial product or are you doing it for free?

>> No.15321894

Why are they sold if they're so addictive? Because profits over humanity. Drug companies don't do science, they create lifelong addicts.

>> No.15323422
File: 144 KB, 577x543, Hi There.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Benzos aren't over the counter... and most ethical prescribers do their best to avoid/minimize use of them when it comes to Rx'ing for anxiety.

That being said, this class of meds has multiple extremely valuable uses outside of treatment of anxiety. We use them all the time as part of sedation regimens for procedures; for people on ventilators; high doses IV for active seizures that can't otherwise be stopped, etc. And when used very sparingly as needed for anxiety, they can safely be used as an extremely effective option that, *when used correctly/rarely* aren't gonna cause withdrawals or addiction issues in most people. When you start taking them routinely/taking excessive doses etc, that is when they quickly can become a problem.

Big pharma is evil and all, but I promise you that benzos weren't made with the intent to massively distribute and rake in billions off of addicted masses. Oxycontin on the other hand, as well as a handful of other big dollar opioids, that were AGGRESSIVELY marketed as being 'safe' and 'can't get addicted' ...on top of the associated pharma companies doing adjacent campaigns/lobby efforts to change our hospital policies/medical training to put a focus on 'pain as the 5th vital sign' and shit like that.... definitely a rock solid case to be made there re: being all about profit while knowingly putting people at risk for harm & addiction.

This. Don't mess with benzos, kids. There are better drugs to use that don't come along with the ease of addiction/difficulty of quitting. One of the reasons that benzos become hard to quit so quickly is the rebound anxiety - and so you end up in this cycle of trying to treat the anxiety with more benzos, and just perpetuate the problem. I always caution people about/try to avoid use of drugs that impact 'feedback loops' in your body & can lead to changes in your neurochemistry and such

Also, fuck ambien and similar 'sleep' medications. Stay away from that shit, too.

>> No.15323446



>> No.15323457

I personally don't like benzos, altho superior to alcohol, they make u so fucking foggy it's annoying - oxycodone is far better at achieving the so-called 'tranquil high'.

>> No.15323504
File: 302 KB, 800x870, Phenotropil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still dont get why racetams aren't more widely adopted are researched in the west. A lot of these drugs demonstrate cognitive and memory enhancement, as well as immediate stimulant and anxiolytic effects (most notably Phenylpiracetam). The cosmonauts ate this shit like candy.

>> No.15323694


interesting. sounds like a rabbit hole for me to dive down while procrastinating/avoiding shit I need to get done

>> No.15323767

Military men are expendable, they take drugs to allow them to work at peak for a few more days at the expense of a lifetime of sickness

>> No.15323792

Really? Even hard stimulants like meth don't have lasting damage when taken in moderation, yall overreacting.

>> No.15323899


>> No.15323952

The military doesnt care about moderation, if you die after your service the better for them

>> No.15323963

You're fucking stupid, stims are famously neurotoxic

>> No.15324085

No retard, unless ur taking 500mg daily, meth is actually has rlly low neurotoxicity. In fact, alcohol has the highest neurotoxicity out of any drug, due to how lipophilic it is.

>> No.15324789

As someone who has been addicted to benzos, opiates, and alcohol. I can assure you that they are horrible and will only cause suffering in the end. Most people will learn the hard way.

>> No.15324792

Hey; post more pictures of this dog.

>> No.15325349

Checked and analogues like etizolam (banned) aren't covered under the analogues act due to them being schedule iii in the US. Clonazolam and other very harmful drugs could be bought online and when they get banned a new designer drug is released in its place. It's a really shitty thing to go through, the withdrawal can last years.

>> No.15325957
File: 3.52 MB, 3024x4032, TVG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this? Hoodie edition

>> No.15326099

Prove it.

>> No.15326116
File: 1.52 MB, 4032x3024, BH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, regardless, there is only so much you can do to protect people from the regulation side of things. Similar to the saying 'locks are to keep the honest people out' - if someone is determined to get high/intoxicated in some way - they are going to find a way. Some of the ways they will find will do even more harm and some will do less.

I mean, if you are willing to order substances or pills from mystery internet sources and trust you are receiving something safe/receiving what you were told would be sent... well, that is already a level of risk that most people would choose not to take - so, yeah, for those people - definitely don't expect regulation/the threat of legal consequences to get in the way of them rolling the dice on that.

Even if every medicine popular for abuse never, ever existed... people would just huff gasoline/paint or something... or as noted earlier - just drink copious amounts of ultra-healthy alcohol. The best we can do is try to prevent people from feeling they need to abuse/misuse things & educate them on the "safer" ways to achieve whatever it is they are looking to experience.

Point remains, don't play around with benzos kids, it aint worth it. All drugs have potential downsides/unintended harms/consequences - some are worse than others.

The potential harm to benefit ratio when it comes to recreational use (and excess/inappropriate Rx use) of benzos is skewed very heavily towards the 'harm' side of the scale. Instead, consider occasional THC products like your parents all did. Also, consider not doing that either. Be safe everyone.

Also, here is another anti-anxiety weenie dog for the collection.