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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15321321 No.15321321 [Reply] [Original]

>Previously on /sci/: EVERYBODY should get the COVID vaccine, just follow the science!

So should we NOT be vaxxing our kids, now that science has updated? Is the science settled?

>> No.15321323

They realized they over-did their global depopulation agenda, now too many kids are vaxxed and fucked up to sustain their country's growth and GDP.

>> No.15321326
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The science is settled. Vaccines cause covid.

>> No.15321328

/sci/ and 4chan in general was filled with covid shills for months and now they're all gone. i wonder if they were actual paid shills or just idiots who are now too embarrassed to defend their previous claims

>> No.15321337

>"You do not need a mask."
>"You do need a mask, but N95 is overkill."
>"Your kid does not need a mask."
>"You and your kids need masks."
>"You need two masks and your kid needs one."
>"You need three masks and your kid needs two."
>"You need an N95 and your kid needs 2 regular masks."
>"Regular masks don't work at all, only N95 does."
>"N95 does not work, and wearing a mask has destroyed your kid's ability to learn language."
>"You never needed a mask."
I get so fucking confused about which science I'm supposed to be believing.

>> No.15321347
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>. i wonder if they were actual paid shills
Mostly yes. >>15321328
>or just idiots who are now too embarrassed to defend their previous claims
a few of those, but most were government-paid shills.

>> No.15321367

They will be moving on is all. Next thing will be nasal covid vaxes(being pushed by gates already) and pharma moving into drugs to treat the all the problems the vax caused.

>> No.15321370
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surely just a coincidence

>> No.15321373

The Who hasn't been let by science since the first statement during covid. It was obvious to anyone that they are just politically and socially driven

>> No.15321376

A little of both.

>> No.15321385

Deaths are related to patients in ICU, which are related to new cases. The doses of vaccines are related to new cases by new variants and fear so the doses rise. All of these are just related to higher counts of cases, what a surprise. Please normalize to that appropriately
Similarly, all of this is related to the issue of overpopulation by having too many counts of people

>> No.15321388

English. Do you fucking speak it? Are you ESL or a retarded new A.I.?

>> No.15321446
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>> No.15321457
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The kids that survived the first few waves already have immunity. Any kid that was not vaccinated probably already died.

Can't believe this has to be explained. It's obvious this is for /pol/tards, you should go back faggot. Remain within your containment zone and cry about pussy.

>> No.15321464

I don't even find them fun to fuck with anymore. It's either trolling or genuine retardation to such a degree we're better off with more of them dying.

>> No.15321465

didn't 0.000000% of kids die from covid since it only kills old or fat adults?

>> No.15321477

>The kids that survived the first few waves already have immunity
wasn't it the same case a few months ago when "people" like you demand everyone to get vaccinated asap?

>> No.15321510

shouldn't you be jerking to loli porn or something?

>> No.15321518

Money issue, they'll get "vaxxed" by natural infection.

>> No.15321529
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so they feel as though they've sterilized enough useless eaters, eh?

>> No.15321531

>didn't 0.000000% of kids die from covid since it only kills old or fat adults?
Depends on how you set up the ratio. Using CDC data to trial some numbers to prove a point, as a proportion of total deaths associated with covid-19, ~0.139% in the U.S. for ages 0-17. As a proportion of all-cause mortality within age group (0-17) it is ~1.38% As a proportion of deaths involving pneumonia, influenza, or covid-19, within-age group 0-17, it is ~38.27%.

It doesn't really matter as any given proportion doesn't change anybody's mind. What people value, and why, has already decided which proportions people care about and why. That is also why pointing out the risk:benefit ratio of vaccination is pointless, too, as some would accept very low difference while others would demand near perfection across all measures and a free blowjob. Add to that the plethora of available studies of varying incompetence and anyone can make up any narrative they want. The idea you'd get anything useful out of arguing with antivaxxers is silly on its face. So arguing with them at all, other than for shits, is a huge waste of time.

All we can do is be thankful they died in such massive numbers and hope further boomer removers evolve to rid us of the rest. A high cost, to be sure, but of immense benefit to the sane people who would remain.

>> No.15321533

you shouldn't project whatever sick shit your doing

>> No.15321537

It was political and panic driven because obviously the core secrets that only certain people are privy to most likely knew it was a lab accident or “accident”, and not exactly known the total extent of the damage so they needed someone to find a solution as fast as possible, the drug companies attempted to provide a solution, lobbied governments and got their sale in, turned out what the companies promised wasn’t fully true
And instead of being truthful they had to restate the claims for fears of undermining confidence in the ultimate power of government
Many other leaderships went this exact same route because they didn’t want to delegimitize themselves as well or feared outside repercussions of challenging stronger governments

Then each country locally had the population react accordingly to panic and politics. In the US of course it was turned into a team red or team blue issue with most people completely falling on those lines.

Still the fact remains they did or attempted to force an extremely new drug on the population through law or social coercion. I personally see that as rash and an extreme violation of peoples rights.

So just know most people speak entirely through politics here and it has absolutely nothing to do with science or reason. A huge percentage just did what they were told because they’re cowards, that’s it. Seeing how many people were that scared and continue to be from it is all you need to know about the modern man. You are exposed to more dangerous situations every day usually, but that rational thinking went right out the window.

So just remember, tell yourself whatever you want but if you got this experimental thing, I personally view you as a massive massive pussy.

>> No.15321574

every couontry agreed to do the experiment, test how they could "cure" the emergent disease and prevent/protect/slow the spread and CURE covid
every country either did well, did CRAP(USA, CHINA did CRAP)
border controls failed to prevent spread, people PURPOSEFULLY SPREAD IT, lots of "small groups managing large populations bullshit" for bad science, propaganda, proven to be a fault across the board.

it was the "next type of flu" pandemic, hit those with old age/respitory issues, then the badly made vaccines causing blood clots because the greedy politicians and their nest eggs needed extra money/no liability testing protection

J&J leads to blood clot issues for 6month to a year, then it stops doing that issue/digestive issues. mNRA vaccines work, for a month to 3 months, then they fail to really protect you, but hey they can be made FAST, and DIRT CHEAP(which they will forever lie and say they cost thousands/hundreds a shot) in less than a couple months(amazing speed for a vaccine EVER)
and now we all KNOW how those ZOMBIE OUTBREAKS will spread, how QUICKLY they'll SPREAD, and who will be the types to spread them(politicians of the snake skin/oil type #1 spreaders, followed by idiots who believe the earth is less than a thousand years old and flat types, toilet paper fiasco anyone??)
Globalization will always lead to spread, border controls across the board CRAP the spread prevention, supply chains weak, medical weak, leaders purposefully weak(don't care about the test, we will ACTUALLY WIN in an outbreak Presidents/Ministers/Tzars will fuck us over)
just worry about "Dr. KILLZ and Nurse Betty's" they got a taste for killing people now, and practice for how to get away with it

>> No.15321654

>Any kid that was not vaccinated probably already died.
People won't even notice this is a trollpost even though you said this lol.

>> No.15321658


>> No.15321664

If you willingly got vaxxed youre a lemming fuckwit, period.

>> No.15321666

some people actually believe and say this

>> No.15321706

United States supports a massive propaganda mill, both domestic and internationally

>> No.15321733
File: 22 KB, 618x671, tts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut your penis right now you moron, is good for you!

>> No.15321741
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Eat the bug and get two covid boosters in each arm right now you idiot!

>> No.15321765
File: 905 KB, 350x272, science.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only two boosters on each side? You are a lateral phobic bigot supremacist transphobe!

There should be MANDATES that everyone, even dogs and cats and plants, all get at least 10 boosters minimum to flatten the curve and two weeks to end racisms!

It's SCIENCE! Reeeeeeeeeeee!

>> No.15321769
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Worse. The covid boosters damaged the bodies of those morons. That shit doesn't even contain the correct mRNA, and only God knows what those corporate criminals mass produced for cheap to increase profits.

>> No.15321868

covid mutates, partly because of mutant humans all around the world and natural processes
vaccines have ALWAYS had to guess at the correct VERSION to create a vaccine for, the main problem we are all facing right now is that mRNA vaccines are SOO FUCKING SHORT LIVED in effectiveness, that corporations WANT to make their money back, even if they get the wrong vaccine developed, thus all these "boosters", when they don't TELL YOU which vaccine to get, its because they fucked up their guess work and want to use up the failed attempts for money

old diseases and such had very minor mutations compared to those in the wild now, blame all the nuclear waste all over the world now for that.
the problem will be FORCING all these companies to follow ACTUAL SAFE PRACTICES and removing the emergency powers acts to prevent them from fucking up like with the J&J vaccines, which also had a slew of "panic attack" related issues(same shit happened during the infamous Small Pox vaccination program)

>> No.15321911
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>All we can do is be thankful they died in such massive numbers


>> No.15321941

wasn't the understanding that it wasn't the vaccines but the fact they reported EVERYTHING as being a COVID DEATH? car accident, COVID DID IT. gunshot to the head removing the brain? COVID DID IT. every coroner and incinerator funeral home reported everything as COVID to get money, and also charged their customers even more because they could. All those loans and such being given out, and not a one in 10,000 being used to protect jobs/employment and instead lined peoples wallets and bank accounts/new homes/investments. hospitals also getting in on the action, some purposefully spreading covid to keep numbers and money flowing in, despite knowing how to operate an ICU and such to prevent such shit.

if the records survive and don't get fucked with, we will discover only 1/1000 of those deaths will have been related to covid, the rest will be related to other diseases, health problems, lack of medication, food, clean water, etc.

now the problem will be this generation of kids/now official adults with really fucked up ego's and idea's walking around, asking their sisters and girlfriends to pretend to be their mothers and deliver their "smack down" talks and shit all over the place

>> No.15321973
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>1/1000 of those deaths will have been related to covid,
US CDC quietly revamped and removed a few million "covid deaths" when they got busted fabricating fear during the "scamdemic".

>> No.15322072 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 895x439, 1654745643543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> group (0-17) it is ~1.38% As a proportion of deaths involving pneumonia, influenza, or covid-19, within-age group 0-17, it is ~38.27%.

this information is meaningless given that you want to assess risk and decide if mass distribution of a non-standard vaccine(for covid) is necessary, you just add noise to your shitpost.
it is also impossible to estimate how many died from covid since the death determination policy has completely corrupt the statistics.

>> No.15322076
File: 157 KB, 895x439, 1654745643543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> group (0-17) it is ~1.38% As a proportion of deaths involving pneumonia, influenza, or covid-19, within-age group 0-17, it is ~38.27%.

this information is meaningless given that you want to assess risk and decide if mass distribution of a non-standard vaccine(for covid) is necessary, you just add noise to your shitpost.
it is also impossible to estimate how many died from covid since the death determination policy has completely corrupt the statistics.

>> No.15322359
File: 80 KB, 680x599, B74DCA95-DA0F-4BB5-9F7B-E173E1AC1607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up and get the vaccine before they release another variant, chuds

>> No.15322370

literally fake

>> No.15322380
File: 89 KB, 1170x1295, 1680511246487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaccines work. It's official, chud.

>> No.15322386

one google search will tell you its real

>> No.15322432


>> No.15322447

nice photoshop

>> No.15322513

>literally fake
You're fake.

I'm unironically starting to think that this board is infiltrated by government agents to gaslight us. At first I thought that was meme for banter, but it's so obvious now that some Anons are not here to discuss and laugh, but to promote some narratives and deny others. Time to leave I guess, but how can I get a hint where to go?

>> No.15322521

>vaccine advice differs at the tail end of a pandemic from during its height

>> No.15322528

>>vaccine advice differs
why? children are still advised to get a flu vaccine every year so why not this vaccine? i thought that this is the best safe and effective vaccine in the history of medicine

>> No.15322567

Archived coof threads on twitter will be as cringe and as inconceivable as freedom fries.

>> No.15322592

explain this

>> No.15322810

Underrated effortpost

>> No.15322822

>heh, it says fox
>what is this, pol?
>heh im so edgy that i could your god with my intellect

>> No.15323983

This has been our health ministry's position since the release of the vaccine.

>> No.15323998
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>fox news

>> No.15324010
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Funniest bit is the name of the expert group.

>> No.15324387

WHO, CNN, PBS, WEF, that propaganda has all the usual players.

>> No.15324729



Don't forget the Covid came from a lab leak. Faucci removed doctors many of the doctors who voiced opinions about the lab leak. Few also changed their conclusion few days after their independent findings and promptly got their research funded by Faucci.

Gains of function is illegal in the US. NHS/USAID/DoD are funding gains of function in China. Faucci knew, he promoted it, he advanced that gains of function, he benefited from it, and the cover up happened as a result.

Now that he's resigned, he thinks he can get away from getting all the benefits.

>> No.15325138

why the vaxxies change they mind? fr

>> No.15327036
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>coronavirus is total real
>t. fox news & rupert murdoch

>> No.15327142

>"COVID vaccines are not needed." Period.

>> No.15327182

>Don't forget the Covid came from a lab leak
So u'r sure that virus exist despite the fact that any control experiment disproves that with real science?

>> No.15327196

lol @ this chud echo chamber

>> No.15327203

I'm not convinced. The top doctors at CDC were convinced. So were FBI and CIA. So were the Department of Energy.

The findings were however suppressed.

>> No.15327352

I got the 2 Pfizer and 1 Pfizer booster. Did the booster give me bodily damage?

>> No.15327357

All 3 of them did. I guess you could ask for a refund right?

>> No.15327364

But aren't only the boosters bad (supposedly)? And Pfizer is supposed to be good

>> No.15327370

Where did you hear that?

>> No.15327376

It's a balancing act of not getting Covid (poison) and not getting too much Covid vaccines (potential poison)

>> No.15327378

Covid is a nothingburger though. It's just a cold and it's over in a few days. Why would anyone inject mystery gene therapy over a cold?

>> No.15327389

what the vaxcattle do to themselves and their kids is no business of mine.

>> No.15327393

>1 million dead in the US

>> No.15327395

See >>15321973 and >>15325131
It's all just fraud my guy. I guess you fell for it?

>> No.15327474

>Old boomers three steps from death beforehand die from it
COVID just did what any flu would have done and just accelerated the inevitable end of their lives. Nothing would have changed, it would’ve been another bird flu or SARS

>> No.15327530

>rupert murdoch
Co-owner of Vice.com with George Soros. Leftists lividly hate Murdoch, shows how ignorant they are