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File: 303 KB, 442x388, 001875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15320277 No.15320277 [Reply] [Original]

Special thanks to the Federal Aviation Administration for flight licensing support - edition

Previous >>15316950

>> No.15320279
File: 772 KB, 1170x1552, 1680383865609318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so back

>> No.15320280

Before this thread gets too long, does anyone know of a 4 ft tall Starship model with chopsticks, OLM, separable booster, made of stainless steel? Also I want a Starhopper trashcan.

>> No.15320281
File: 68 KB, 661x725, 1680417504710732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is sweet talking the FFA

>> No.15320283

Total FFA death

>> No.15320287

FAA you illiterate nigger.

>> No.15320295

Federal fuck ass

>> No.15320300

Federal Faviation Administration

>> No.15320303

who is this cutie?

>> No.15320306

Some retard made another /sfg/ and didn't even stage it from the last thread.

>> No.15320307
File: 70 KB, 797x805, aids reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reagan and Eisenhower are rolling in his graves.
Faggots, both of them

>> No.15320312

If they didn't help spaceflight then they weren't a good president. Simple as.

>> No.15320314
File: 1.67 MB, 2725x4096, starship at the pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are almost there bros. Just wait a little longer, everyone's saying April 10th.

>> No.15320316
File: 32 KB, 445x446, This is the space age and we are here to go wsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320319
File: 3.81 MB, 2725x4096, starship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here?

>> No.15320320

2 weeks

>> No.15320321

The Federal Flight Administration, not to be confused with the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)

>> No.15320322
File: 94 KB, 1009x805, starship 60s concept artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320325
File: 53 KB, 636x880, Soyuz VI (the RTG equipped combat version of the Soyuz) Soyuz-TM Soyuz 7K-L1 (Zond) with a Blok D and Shenzhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320326


>> No.15320327
File: 60 KB, 564x852, Lovell pre-launch gemini 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320328

Less than two weeks warning signal

>> No.15320355

What does Russian and Chinese media say about Artemis? Curious to see what they think

>> No.15320357
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>> No.15320361

Who gives a shit about Artemis? Ask what they think about SpaceX

>> No.15320363
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>> No.15320370
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Venusian cloud colony

>> No.15320373
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>> No.15320377

Venusian colonies will happen once we have an established presence on Titan, definetly not first place we go. It will be cloud colonies though, but like 100 years in the future is when we start

>> No.15320380
File: 78 KB, 782x639, titanfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an established presence on Titan
thats not happening either lol

>> No.15320382

Terraforming is gay, just have a presence there to literally be a gas pump for the rest of the solar system, and make LOx out of water-ice on different planets/systems.

>> No.15320406
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Tianlong-2 footage

>> No.15320413
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Does anyone know what the equation for how much lift a gas provides is? I want to see what the difference in lift is for hotter hydrogen to see if cloud cities on the gas giants is feasible (not smart, just feasible

>> No.15320429

she has an instagram with armpit pics

>> No.15320435
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Probability of this happening?

>> No.15320440

well, you can use dF=dP*A to generate how much force a gas applies(using it's pressure) on a surface area A
and then use newton's second law and the gravity of whatever planet to see how much mass it could hold up.

that being said, this is a weak undergrad calculation using classic thermodynamics, not sure how accurate it is but I'm sure it'll satisfy you.

>> No.15320441

Hopefully it happens and musk has a heart attack and dies

>> No.15320443

I won't believe you until I see the source.

>> No.15320447

My money is on a failure during max-q, I'm afraid the whole fullstack will bend in half like a bad KSP build under the stress. If it makes it through that and stages I expect reentry to go fine, probably.

>> No.15320452

Kys NASA nigger

>> No.15320454
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>> No.15320457

if it makes it past max q, there's a 100% chance a bunch of tiles will have fallen off and it RUDs on reentry

>> No.15320461

I will be surprised if half of the tiles stay on the ship

>> No.15320462
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>> No.15320465
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>> No.15320467
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you could probably have something buoyant in a gas giant, but the gravity is so high you can't really leave, there is also massive radiation

the dV requirements to get from the "surface" of Jupiter into some high orbit would be insane, maybe someone has a "map" or chart for different places, but there is not much sense to go graze the surface of Jupiter or start orbiting there so it might not be in a chart like that

>> No.15320469

sorry it's dF=PdA, there's no reason for pressure to 'change' much on the same height, you integrate over the area obviously, I was thinking of another equation
also the issue will be calculating the pressure, because you need to know the exact gas composition, it's density, planetary gravity and the required height as well.

>> No.15320477

doxxing is against the rules

>> No.15320478
File: 70 KB, 1162x343, 001881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 km/s to get from earth surface to jupiter roughly

>> No.15320481

Starship ENB Realism Overhaul

>> No.15320484
File: 216 KB, 1169x813, 001882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to get from a jupiter "surface" (assuming you are on a cloud city that is not orbiting) to LEO is 70 km/s
fucking 70 lmaooo

>> No.15320488

it needs zero tiles to survive reentry

>> No.15320491

Favorite startups that will ride Starship's coattails?

>> No.15320493

The one you havent heard about

>> No.15320496

??? 3mm of steel vs super-heated plasma I wonder what happens

>> No.15320504
File: 48 KB, 593x659, the well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> well dwellers
lol just lol

>> No.15320509

4mm of aerospace spacex-grade cold rolled 30X stainless steel can survive at least one reentry unprotected. they are worried about vorticies not the tiles

>> No.15320512


>> No.15320516

based vanilla ksp player

>> No.15320518

VERITAS bout to be canceled fuck yes

>> No.15320520
File: 83 KB, 1153x460, 001885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just build a cloud city on venus

>> No.15320521

inb4 Based Congress overfunds it just to fuck Biden's ass (as they did with NGGRST and Trump)

>> No.15320523


>> No.15320525


>> No.15320531

ksp 2 doesnt even have reentry physics, or any heating at all

>> No.15320532
File: 365 KB, 1125x762, DD347D8D-2914-4106-98DE-6F1B52B696AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie this shit made me emotional
I don’t want to sound like a faggot but I’ll probably cry during the real starship OFT

>> No.15320534

Why is KSP2 literally worse than KSP1

>> No.15320541

Because, like all modern games, KSP1 was released to the public years before it reached its finished state. By the time Artemis III lands on the moon KSP2 will probably be in a mostly finished state.

>> No.15320542

Because KSP1 had a ton of scope creep. It should have focused on the space aspect of it and had a relatively minimal atmospheric sim (i.e. just aeroforces, don't make a full CFD setup).

>> No.15320543

Different developers, aren't they? I thought the old team left in disgust when they had to work with the newfags. It's telling that the physics are all broken to shit but the kerbals and parts are polished-looking and shiny.

>> No.15320546

I doubt these tiles are even usable.

>> No.15320548
File: 124 KB, 652x756, sfg_dead_space_skelly_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they forgor

>> No.15320554

Hilarious that you think a passion project of yesteryear will have a comparable development path to soulless modern early access. have you not seen the last decade of the gaming industry? the MO is cash out on an unfinished project and leave it to rot.

>> No.15320559

This is /sfg/, you will literally find the most space obssessed people in the internet here, you will not be alone during OFT.

>> No.15320561
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>> No.15320562
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, phil no cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15320565

>the most space obssessed people in the internet here
lol fuck space, I'm so tired of vacuum.

>> No.15320567


>> No.15320569

>muh vanity thread

>> No.15320570

>autonomous droneship
>can't autonomously swim itself to the harbor

>> No.15320571

This. Crying during the launch is for faggots. Cumming during the launch is what men do.

>> No.15320572
File: 426 KB, 1589x1168, 52595239158_a9e9844576_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we please stop putting humans in the OP?

>> No.15320575

During SN8 launch I yelled out my window and clapped my hands one single clap. It was a really powerful clap, stung but that was the only way

>> No.15320576


>> No.15320577

This. We should put ponies in the OP.

>> No.15320583
File: 3 KB, 343x106, coomberBTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320587

No ship can. It's the law that they need a (local) pilot to guide the ship into harbor.

>> No.15320589


>> No.15320590
File: 305 KB, 800x450, diffvibes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, the lighting and atmosphere of KSP2 doesn't have the same emotional impact as KSP1. Everything about ksp2 is so bright, shiny and textured which is definitely more impressive, but the flatter lighting and dull textures of ksp1 gave it this unique liminal atmosphere. Like the first game made me genuinely feel like a lone explorer in a vast, existential universe.

>> No.15320591

I now remember the time Relativity posted ponies to their Twitter

>> No.15320594

Sorry, what?

>> No.15320596
File: 107 KB, 830x600, D2A943A60A23422D966797EF9B45325E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget, Falcon 1 had better cost per kilogram than any small launcher today

>> No.15320600

Nice photoshop. Can I commission something?

>> No.15320609
File: 30 KB, 694x206, dam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15320615


>> No.15320617

>that file name

>> No.15320626

Grand! I need a picture of a Starship executing the FAA administrator and underlings, "DRACARYS!" and King Elon giving the order

>> No.15320635

“Two more weeks” bros, its so over.

>> No.15320646


>> No.15320659

i wanna fuck jessie i wanna fuck jessie i wanna fuck jessie i wanna fuck jessie i wanna fuck jessie

>> No.15320666
File: 873 KB, 786x960, 1658913845762205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Earth is flat with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship Satan. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.

>> No.15320670

hey satan, april first was yesterday

>> No.15320672

Really makes me think

>> No.15320674
File: 83 KB, 571x776, flat earth israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo satan
>The rabbis of the Talmud believed that the world was flat, and that the sun revolved around the Earth every day. There is a debate about the length of the solar year in the Talmud, and its consequences and the rare Jewish ceremony of the Blessing of the Sun (Birkat Hahammah) are discussed. The view of the talmudic rabbis is contrasted with that of the contemporary Greek astronomers. While the rabbis of the Talmud argued about the size of the flat Earth, the Greeks had determined the Earth to be a sphere, had calculated its circumference and had moved on to consider other questions.

>> No.15320675
File: 281 KB, 1079x1229, just watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15320678
File: 1.20 MB, 4096x2356, FsohaNQXwAA9epP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320679
File: 69 KB, 546x700, 7C3DB998-15B0-49CA-9579-09F459F975E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15320688

>the flat earthers are jews
It all makes sense now

>> No.15320689

Shalom rabbi

>> No.15320693

Can we please not be /pol/?

>> No.15320696
File: 2.16 MB, 3000x2400, 9458274339_478e1b0aaa_3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15320700

What planet is this?

>> No.15320707

"not many" = two or less.

Two more weeks.

>> No.15320709

what is NSF? some new government agency?

>> No.15320712

No, the National Science Foundation has been around a while

>> No.15320716
File: 123 KB, 426x292, 666 post satan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15320718

It's Nic's Satured Fotos

>> No.15320720

For your information, all of 4Chan is /pol/

>> No.15320721
File: 23 KB, 876x167, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tianlongbros... did we get too cocky?

>> No.15320723
File: 70 KB, 799x449, BF22B73C-E771-4FF4-B433-ADFF1FE1E6FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those trips
Get tha fuck off of here

>> No.15320727

Ill spoon feed you this one, its NASA Space Flight. You can find out what they do, but first lurk moar.

>> No.15320734

Nothing ever happens

>> No.15320736

did 2nd stage (3rd) fail again?

>> No.15320743


>> No.15320747

unfortunately we barely went

>> No.15320748


>> No.15320749

I wouldn't be surprised. Upper stages are not having a good time lately, and a company getting a new rocket into orbit on the first try would be unheard of.

>> No.15320756

Seriously though whats with the streak of second stage failures this year? I expect a maiden launch like Terran 1 to have it but come on. Hopefully Starship breaks it.

>> No.15320760

there are no higher forces. If there's a streak of second stage failures it's by pure chance

>> No.15320768


>> No.15320774

Ofcourse, but still its fucking stupid how many or the space launch companies are failing on second stage.

>> No.15320777

NSF livestream going on right now.


>> No.15320781

Based, I love these guys

>> No.15320787

They've shown footage of the cubesat being deployed, so it definitely reached some high speed and high velocity. It may have underperformed tho

>> No.15320790

Foust said 3rd week of April as of March 22

>> No.15320792

Would you guys be happy if Blue Origin got over its difficulties and became a serious competitor to Starship at some point? Obviously Bezos is a seething faggot but it would be good to have actual competition for SpaceX to innovate even more.

>> No.15320795

Many others are saying April 10th on Twatter, but still this is probably more realistic.

>> No.15320797

Even Foust expects that to slip. I'd guess NET May at this point

>> No.15320798

Objectively yes, but the sfg meme answer is no

>> No.15320799

Does anyone know how many rockets NASA has launched total? I asked Bing but it only gave me current active robotic missions + total human launches, so it's not everything

>> No.15320800

They would barely even be BO at that point. Failure is a part of their identity.

>> No.15320802

Competition will come from one of the existing small launch companies, simply because BO is incapable of iterating, developing economic reuse

>> No.15320804

No, they goals are cancer to space exploration. I want Rocket Lab to fill this role instead.

>> No.15320806

I'll be happy with BO once BE-4 flies, contingent on no more stupid lawsuits

>> No.15320808

God what an ugly fucking image

>> No.15320809

Rogget Lab is also AIDS, have you seen their pathetic fucking CEO fighting on Twitter with Astra's? If you're gonna be a CEO and give the finger to your competitor, atleast be the dominant force in your industry to not look like a moron.

>> No.15320811

Looks like an Unreal Engine render, uncanny valley.

>> No.15320812
File: 58 KB, 576x768, img_4110-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Nicolas Riveau, exposed at Montargis 45208 France

>> No.15320814
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>> No.15320815

Where is /sfg/ writing from btw? I wanna know if we have jeets or something on here or if it's mostly just us burgers.
Also NSF is referencing r*ddit for evidence kill me now.

>> No.15320818

We will be happy when BO does >anything<, the company is older than SpaceX and started with far more potential, this is why they are relentlessly bullied.

>> No.15320819

I’ll be happy with ULA for bottlenecking BE-4 lol

>> No.15320821

Rocket Lab is by far the best positioned launch startup. it isnt close

>> No.15320822
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>> No.15320825
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>> No.15320826
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>> No.15320828

Oh wow nice
Maybe I just seethe at Rocket Lab then.

>> No.15320829
File: 49 KB, 576x768, img_4113-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15320831

Are you that muzzie Eastern European from earlier?

>> No.15320832

I'd like it. Blue buying out ULA would take national security launch out of the hands of old space and hand it off to newspace and almost-newspace. New Glenn has enough capability to grow into a reasonable fully reusable rocket. If they could build a few more New Shepard boosters and get their proposed Arabian launch site online they could make suborbital tourism the best it's possible for it to be. There's potential in the company. They just need to stop being spread so thin and finish a few of the projects that they start.

>> No.15320834

Nigga they lost out of both oneweb and kuiper. You know, a new rocket that’s supposed to be a dedicated ‘constellation launcher’? It’s fucking over for them save for the cargo contract NASA will probably give them for CLD or something—and even this will just be a handout so NASA can say they are still “fostering an LEO economy”

>> No.15320840

Kuiper and Oneweb will fly on Neutron

>> No.15320845
File: 25 KB, 304x468, Screenshot 2023-04-02 153219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Methalox master race

>> No.15320847
File: 690 KB, 2000x2160, 1579428736546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be a 1960s NASA astronaut living an absolute peak-boomer lifestyle (suburban ranch house, wife, kids, corvette in the garage, government pension, strong dollar, etc etc)

>> No.15320850

Never forget what they took from you

>> No.15320853


>> No.15320856


>> No.15320859

imagine the smelle

>> No.15320860

Oh a macaco, are you a Lula voter?
Ok well looks like /sfg/ is from all over. Brazilian, Bulgarian, a frenchie, and a burger

>> No.15320863
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>> No.15320868

no, I'm one of the viados who voted for Felipe d'Avila and then voted null after

>> No.15320869

>Kemp acts like a little bitch and tries to diss Neutron with the wrong payload mass
>Beck corrects Kemp numbers, proving that Neutron is (theoretically) viable
Nothing wrong there.

Also, if you think that tweeter drama makes you a bad space CEO, you must think that Musk is the worst of them all.

>> No.15320872
File: 572 KB, 816x1531, Screenshots_2023-04-02-15-50-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference

>> No.15320873

Kek, you're alright.

>> No.15320877

Holy shit Kemp on suicide watch

>> No.15320881

>Steve Aoki

He's an industry plant. His dad is/was a record industry executive. I'll let you take a swing at what ethnicity he was.

>> No.15320883
File: 760 KB, 1008x839, iguana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is bezos a cannibal?

>> No.15320887
File: 2.52 MB, 1996x3000, Ares_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anyone know how many rockets NASA has launched total?

NASA has only launched 5 different rockets in its entire history.

-Saturn I
-Saturn V
-STS/Space Shuttle
-Ares I-X

>> No.15320889

It makes him feel powerful

>> No.15320890
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>> No.15320894
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>> No.15320896


>> No.15320898

SpaceX is already building another launch pad for Starship, source is today's NSF livestream.

>> No.15320900


>> No.15320901

shut up

>> No.15320905

About -8:00 minutes from when I write this, they said that the second Starship launch site is being built at Pad 39A

>> No.15320907

KYS Bezos tranny

>> No.15320910


>> No.15320912

That's not news then

>> No.15320913

Well fuck you too pal

>> No.15320914

L2 news?

>> No.15320918
File: 97 KB, 762x600, Shuttle Into Space a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60s astronauts weren't boomers, they were born in the 20s & 30s. Boomers flew the shittle

>> No.15320921

dont expect a zoomer to know anything. they grew up on discord and tiktok

>> No.15320924

God the shuttle was such a fucking waste. I get we got some experience that was needed to lead to where we are but Jesus Christ.

>> No.15320932
File: 741 KB, 1597x1354, CF64237E-F359-4075-B78A-040CF66B636B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Russians so dumb?


>> No.15320933
File: 68 KB, 512x332, sts pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cope, NOTHING good came of the shuttle. Nothing. It was purely a waste.

>> No.15320934

I cant stop thinking about it

>> No.15320941

we got Falcon 9

>> No.15320943

None of us can, Starship is just too good to forget.

>> No.15320952

Because the Federation doesn't care about Roscosmos and as such they dont mention it anymore. Since they don't none of the propaganda from the Soviet era has been dispelled and they have an aging population, so you end up with those statistics. 2-6% is about what we have here in the US also, Qtards make a surprising portion of the population as well as retarded MIGA boomers who refuse to acknowledge that space exists because it just outright denies their religious beliefs and what they've been taught.

>> No.15320958

i.e. firmament tards or >>15320666

>> No.15320969

There hasn't been anything cool in space since the Moon landings. So much time has passed since then, that it's turning into a fucking myth. If it wasn't for SpaceX, that alone would have been the single most blackpilling shit ever.

>> No.15320973

Imagine if we didnt have SpaceX and the best we had for commercial space was fucking Blue Origin

>> No.15320974
File: 735 KB, 724x1755, 7369F563-7580-4886-8D70-1D27BBBE686F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez I found this from when crew 6 was delayed


They are so delusional

>> No.15320975

Amazon said Falcon 9 is borderline too small for Kuiper, so forget Neutron. OneWeb still could, though they've already signed on for Hard R.

>> No.15320977

Absolute niggers, I dont give a shit about the Ukro war but jesus how can you be so fucking stupid.

>> No.15320978

>Amazon said Falcon 9 is borderline too small for Kuiper
keking out loud

>> No.15320979
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, 1692335470153963.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 432 year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have ALL been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally ALL of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.

>> No.15320981

Take your AI copy paste spam somewhere else

>> No.15320983

You are now aware no boomer will ever set foot on the Moon.

>> No.15320986

We've seen you guys before, we'll see you again. You can argue about this in your containment general. (If it still exists)

>> No.15320987

This is good. Self delusion like this keeps them down. Like gravity

>> No.15320991

What a bunch of fruity skirt-wearing dorks. Faggiest goddamned thing I've ever seen.

>> No.15320992
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Amazon is coping hard if they actually said that haha

>> No.15320994


>> No.15320995

Literally every MIGA/Qtard ever. Go visit /pol/ or /x/ and you see like 3 posts about this shit every minute

>> No.15320996
File: 564 KB, 637x1549, CB1A986B-E7FC-4F8D-85B1-D893492C50C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From when new Shepard had a mishap


>> No.15321000

>frog poster
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.15321001

>Amazon Kuiper is positioning to compete with SpaceX’s Starlink broadband constellation but it would not rule out seeking launch services from its competitor given the tight deadline, Limp said. “We are open to talking to SpaceX. You’d be crazy not to, given their track record.”
>“I would say Falcon 9 is probably at the low end of the capacity that we need,” Limp said. Perhaps a better option would be Falcon Heavy or the much larger Starship, which is still in development. As Starship transitions to production readiness, “that becomes a very viable candidate for us as well.”

>> No.15321003

I was talking about the masonfags in the webm
bunch of pretentious pricks

>> No.15321005

humorless, pedantic, nerds can't into "peak-boomer lifestyle"

>> No.15321006
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>> No.15321008
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goddamn these people are an advanced form of retard

>> No.15321009

>la meme

>> No.15321011

Some poeple are just born different.

>> No.15321015
File: 549 KB, 720x720, 1622305871769.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep Seething

>> No.15321021

Oh man that old school Dreamweaver vibe

Everyone designed websites the same way

>> No.15321022
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>> No.15321033
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You will find poojeets more on places like /biz/ or whatever the AI general is right now. shilling their latest scam. They are too obsessed with money to care about space industrialization as there is no short term money in it

>> No.15321056
File: 924 KB, 847x476, Screenshot 2023-04-02 at 22-12-45 biosphere experiment - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK what is the craziest mission to do with cheap and regular 100 ton lift once starship is operational?

IMO NASA needs to start working on a self sustaining space habitat. spaceborne biospher experiment with spin gravity.

>> No.15321057
File: 1.84 MB, 4032x3024, E57F8F63-99C4-4B6F-9D54-41243D9BEDF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawaii anon here, really exited for OFT

>> No.15321068
File: 23 KB, 370x370, ass2mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spaceborne biosphere experiment with spin gravity.
No. We cannot allow spincels an inch or next thing you know L5 is full of tubes and the Faustian spirit will be lost forever

>> No.15321069

Chemical rockets to anywhere

>> No.15321071

Good, fuck em. The real ones are part of the greatest generation/silent generation, and they’re all dead or skin and bones now

>> No.15321076

I am a historylet. Were a bunch of the korean war soldiers also WW2 vets or was that pretty much a fresh batch of kids? Also I assume vietnam were the boomers?

>> No.15321079

You fags can't fathom anything more than sending naked chimps to fuck around in space, don't you?

>> No.15321080

I'm a Brazilian living in Eastern Europe.

>> No.15321081

Still nothing about tracks.

>> No.15321085

Sending orbiters to Outer Solar System planets without having to wait a decade for them to arrive.
And either big monolithic space telescopes or giant ones assembled in orbit.
Also, the Leviathan.

>> No.15321096

WW2 vets and silent gen who were too young to serve in WW2

Vietnam was boomers, the Gulf war was Gen X and Iraq/Afghanistan was millennials

>> No.15321097
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Korea was a mix of WWII guys and men too young for that conflict

>> No.15321099
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>> No.15321100
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If you want to do long space missions, it helps a lot to be able to make food in space.
If SpaceX can handle Mars then NASA should focus on pushing the science elsewhere and outer system science missions.

>> No.15321102
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>> No.15321103

Thanks. My fuck, what a good run those generations had. From WW1 to Korea there were men from every side of the conflict who unironically answered to call of duty. Most of the apollo astronauts felt guilty about not flying missions in korea when their training started

>> No.15321104
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>> No.15321109
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>> No.15321121

Why did they call it Tranche anyway? It just means slice and it sounds super akward in English

>> No.15321127

the complete constellation/system is "cut" into multiple contracts? tranche 0 is the test articles, later tranches are then partly the actual constellation

>> No.15321129

it comes up a lot in contracting, although usually with money being paid in tranches

>> No.15321133

EARTHER (derogatory)

>> No.15321135

Finally looks like Elon is paying attention to us now that the Starship launch is dead ahead.

>> No.15321137

It's more common in the Commonwealth, but it's a standard word. The more common American equivalents would be "Block" or "Mark", like SLS Block 1B or F-16 Block 70.

>> No.15321141

Sóyentists vs scientists, whats the difference /sfg/?

>> No.15321148

A good scientist knows everything is subjective and that “science” doesn’t seek to answer questions, but more specifically, just gather data to inform a hypothesis. Fags who claim to know the answer definitively get the airlock

>> No.15321153

Get the airlock, kek.

>> No.15321158

Use it (and the direct trajectory mission profiles it opens up) to ensure that there will be at least one active robotic mission around each planet. The rate-limiting factor on planetary science should be personnel/methods to build the probes and analyze the incoming seas of data, not mission slots. Dispatch additional missions on a regular basis so that only a few years pass between a project proposal getting funded and it getting sent on its way.

>> No.15321161

Oh fuck thats right tomorrow is Artemis 2 crew reveal… whos ready to see what black transbian theyre planning to have go up?

>> No.15321167

Can someone lay out what the SDA, FAA, and Space Force do in broad terms?

>> No.15321182

The Federal Aviation Administration is the regulatory body for aviation and space operations. They also provide supporting services/infrastructure like air traffic control.
The Space Development Agency is the US Defense Department's attempt at a better/faster/cheaper development and procurement component for space.
Space Force serves as the dedicated branch that provides and operates space assets for DOD combatant commands.

>> No.15321187

Ok so FAA is the regulatory body, the SDA is the civilian space branch, SF is the military space branch. Not sure if I got SDA right.

>> No.15321201

Yes, but by actually accomplishing stuff and not trying to hamstring spacex

>> No.15321208

SDA is a civilian component of the Defense Department. It directly reports to the Space Force and has a .mil address (https://www.sda.mil) but its employees are a mixture of civilians and uniformed personnel. SDA is currently working on a single specific system concept, the PWSA, and doesn't seem to have any wider responsibilities.
Besides them, NASA has their own satellites, NOAA has their own satellites, the NRO has its own, and so on.

>> No.15321212


>> No.15321213
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>> No.15321229

I can't believe Kemp has the gall to show his face in public

>> No.15321236
File: 706 KB, 1246x930, p1Rlci624185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOAA, for example, both owns its own satellites and operates satellites on behalf of other agencies. There's a decent amount of overlap and cooperation in agency space operations. NOAA's DSCOVR satellite, which primarily observes solar wind from L1, originated as/complements a NASA satellite and had its launch paid for by the US Air Force, for example.

>> No.15321242
File: 1.39 MB, 1024x1024, Kemp_Headshot_high-rez-1024x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he doesn't show his face in public how is supposed to instill a feeling of creeping wrongness in people?

>> No.15321255

>OK, success of the Tianlong 2 launch now confirmed. Space Force has cataloged 2 objects in 478 x 496 km x 9 7.4 deg, 1508 LTDN sun-sync orbit. Congrats to the Space Pioneer team.

>> No.15321257

What are the Rocket4 specs again?

>> No.15321258
File: 1.12 MB, 3024x2259, Rockets_by_the_Ocean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks totally different in this picture than in any of his public appearances

>> No.15321259

Who cares? Every single one of them will RUD or they go bankrupt before they can launch it

>> No.15321262

600kg "target payload capacity" lmao

>> No.15321267

Good god that is just pathetic. Who is giving Astra money???

>> No.15321269

>TFW no coddling tradcath gf who’s obsessed with spaceflight
Why even fucking live

>> No.15321271


>> No.15321274

>obsessed w/ spaceflight
Pick one you cant have both

>> No.15321277

Kind of excited actually

>> No.15321279

If they actually hit 600kg capacity their rocket doesn't need to be that cheap to compete pound-for-pound with Transporter missions ($6.5k/kg)

>> No.15321281
File: 75 KB, 800x533, responsive_large_Y4zdlXjUsS97PA5nuFN9WipxIRaqwdH_5XPjlkdJGvQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even at a distance I am too close
>I am attempting to become closer

>> No.15321283

There are 100% traditional men and women who come from farms and are the first to go to college in their families and end up in the aerospace sector. They are unicorns though

>> No.15321294

Yeah, most think space is fake

>> No.15321299

“Upcoming Human Spaceflight Missions!

•Ax-2, F9/Dragon, May 2, 05:00 UTC
•Shenzhou 16, LM 2F/G, NET May 25
•Starliner CFT, Atlas V N22, NET July 21
•Polaris Dawn, F9/Dragon, NET July
•Crew-7, F9/Dragon, NET August
•Soyuz MS-24, Soyuz 2.1a, NET September 15

: SpaceX” -Primal Space

“Polaris Dawn will be a human spaceflight to orbit Earth with only private citizens on board. The crew will consist of Jared Isaacman, Scott Poteet, Sarah Gillis, and Anna Menon, who will spend up to five days in orbit. Mission plans include reaching an orbit higher than any previous Dragon mission and ultimately the highest Earth orbit ever flown by a crewed spacecraft with an initial apogee of 1,400 km,[2] breaking the record set by Gemini 11.[6] The crew will conduct 38 science and research experiments to study the effects of spaceflight and space radiation on human health.[7] The crew will also attempt the first commercial extravehicular activity (EVA) with SpaceX-designed EVA spacesuits.[8] The mission will also be the first test of Starlink's communications laser for communication with another spacecraft, potentially improving connection with the spacecraft.[9]”

Well thats on my radar now, SpaceX designed EVA suits huh? Seems like it will be pretty kino.

>> No.15321304

Are the suits ready?
But to be honest, my highest interest is on the laser communication. I wish they can scale it up at least to the Moon.

>> No.15321305

what were the dates on the starship area exclusion again? april 6th to 18th?

>> No.15321310

I have a better chance of building an anime harem in a realistic timeline than of Blue Origin making it to orbit before 2025.

>> No.15321331

stack tomorrow

>> No.15321334


>> No.15321336
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>> No.15321338

2 weeks

>> No.15321340

and, two more weeks.

>> No.15321341

road closure tomorrow

>> No.15321342

Again, >>15321336

>> No.15321346

Two more weeks bros are eating good in this general holy shit.

>> No.15321349

>eating good
Not yet, they ordered food but it will arrive in two weeks

>> No.15321353


>> No.15321358

I emailed the web developer, he made a bunch of flash animations for that "Fapcon Explorer" infogame thing

>> No.15321360

I don't know who's giving them money, but I know who's giving them engines, and they kneecapped Astra to keep it at 2 max. Pretty based.

>> No.15321361


>> No.15321362

Next OP needs to be Fuck Astra edition

>> No.15321365

It will break new ground!

>> No.15321377

I hope David Saint-Jacques gets in, guy's a chad and it would make leafs seethe

>> No.15321380

>Break new ground
It won't even be touching the ground, and we've already been to the moon. This is literally only for diversity niggers like YOU to feel good about yourselves.

>> No.15321382

I wanna die

>> No.15321386

I'm assuming you're an Astra employee?

>> No.15321389
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>> No.15321393

Actually looks quite gud, then again its just a small drop test, not exactly orbital test

>> No.15321394

>black transbian
There's only a black guy, a lesbian and a few women in the candidate pool

>> No.15321397

I officially want artemis 2 to RUD.

>> No.15321398

SLS! It took 12 years to stack!

>> No.15321399

literal canadian frog lmao

>> No.15321400

Joking, but still holy shit NASA is such a joke

>> No.15321401

I meant those are the only bad options, most of the candidates are white men

>> No.15321407

Ah I see, then let's see who wins it tomorrow.

>> No.15321412

if a trans person actually makes it past psych eval, it's over for the US

>> No.15321413

Bros I hate to say it, but I feel like we already got Great Filter'd...not by fault of humanity, but we simply don't have the materials.

>> No.15321414

How can it be over when it never began?

>> No.15321418
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>> No.15321419

Whats missing? We're at the cusp of interstellar civilization right now.

>> No.15321421

Care to explain?

>> No.15321422
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>> No.15321423

>onion half-stages
what the fuuuuuuu

>> No.15321426

Shut the fuck up

>> No.15321427

Fuck off malfeasant. E*RTHERS need to be gassed, I swear!

>> No.15321428

At the timespan of humanity, we are

>> No.15321429
File: 88 KB, 790x780, rocket race 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image is from 2016
oh no no no

>> No.15321430


>> No.15321431

Fags like you need to be gassed. The low browers should stay out of the sun.

>> No.15321432
File: 72 KB, 908x687, Drawbridge Orbiter, McDonnell Douglas space, Ron Simpson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15321433

It's no longer a race.

>> No.15321434
File: 141 KB, 1920x1279, Bloostar_microlauncher_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rocket is all upper stages. You launch it from a balloon.

>> No.15321436

What if they loose their mind in space and fuck up? That would set them back so much

>> No.15321437
File: 93 KB, 1030x680, Bussard ram space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucks that these fuckers won't work

>> No.15321439

What about hydrolox first stage, balloon upper stage?

>> No.15321440

I've done this at Laythe in KSP

>> No.15321441
File: 94 KB, 600x570, corey moon 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transtronaut kills the other crew and broadcasts xir unhinged trannyfesto from space
looking forward to this tbph

>> No.15321448

I’ll be honest, I don’t think any issue that is currently recognisable is the great filter if it exists, all is way too specific. Be it ressources limitation, human society organisation, global warming, AI takeover, asteroid, some gamma ray or other interstellar or bullshit. All would need too specific conditions at every level biological, geological, historic, society, astronautical... to be a generalised great filter applicable to different intelligent life forms in different world

If it exists we don’t know about it yet

>> No.15321449

Unironically I think this has a high chance of being true. Terraforming, manned interstellar travel, Dyson sphere/swarm, they all can't be done due to how absurdly costly they are in energy and material resources.

>> No.15321450

I hope they broadcast the entire ride around the moon if they throw a tranny in.

>> No.15321451

>global warming
Fuck off.

>> No.15321452

there is still the second place waiting

>> No.15321454

I know, imagine the costs of launching a Dyson Sphere from Earth.

>> No.15321458

My friend, we are about to hit the 1492 of our time. It may seem too expensive now, but whoever gets a stranglehold on space first will become unfathomably rich just like the Spanish did. Dyson swarms are not impossible.

>> No.15321459

The most shared ideia is of turning Mercury into one, still bullshit though
I wonder if it would be feasible with a smaller star like a red dwarf

>> No.15321461

BO and ULA are fucked, my prediction of who takes that spot is Relativity until BO actually gets their shit together. Even then, Relativity may have had enough time to just pull away from BO.

>> No.15321462

Holy based. This is why games like Doom, System Shock, Minecraft etc. are timeless kino

>> No.15321463

But that means the spinhabbers win. Human extinction is preferably to that.

>> No.15321467

Unless we discover new physics that allows us to do crazy cheap and fast travel or we find some miracle material that can only be found in space and is worth the price (He3 meme lmao), nothing will happen. There is no money to be made in space.

>> No.15321468

>There is no money to be made in space.
There's more to life than profit

>> No.15321472

That's not how the real world works my fellow anon. Don't be fooled by pretty discourses, most great things that have been done were done by the sake of power and personal gain.

>> No.15321473

AI is our best shot at solving longstanding problems by total bruteforce automation of intelligence, if we can realize its full potential.

>> No.15321475

>real world
Ha he said the thing

>> No.15321476

EVERYTHING. Everything is done for power and personal gain, ESPECIALLY by governments which is all that there has been in space travel until now. There is money in space, big fucking money, it's just waiting to be discovered. Do you know what it would be like to have a stranglehold on the entire world's precious metal market?

>> No.15321479

I agree with this sentiment, but it's myopic. Profit vis-a-vis spaceflight is a means to an end. Long-term exploration and development of space is the goal, and the best way to achieve that is to make it profitable. Else you get a situation like the post-Apollo era where eventually the politicians and voters decide it's not worth continuing to spend money on something with no obvious tangible profits.

>> No.15321481

I was just listing popular ideas for a great filter. I don’t believe either is one.

>> No.15321483

What is the point of knowing there is one gorilion dollars worth of gold in space if it would take two gorilion dollars to bring it down?

>> No.15321485

so when is the first new glenn launch and landing

>> No.15321487

“is space profitable” is such a good fucking talking point that has been neglected by /sfg/

>> No.15321488

It makes the "muh colonization" fags angry when you point out any road block for their dreams

>> No.15321489
File: 28 KB, 859x480, the shining not true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> moving 100 tons of iridium to Earth is inherently prohibitively expensive

>> No.15321490


>> No.15321492

/sfg/ is Space Flight General not Star trek Fan Group.

>> No.15321493

spacex is not profitable

>> No.15321494

also the answer is no

>> No.15321496

Step 1: Set up Mars base
Step 2: Set up Ceres/Asteroid belt base going from Mars base
Step 3: Mass produce cheap mining bots (easily possible)
Step 4: Mass produce ion thrusters for cheap
Step 5: Pull the shit tons of xenon and krypton in Mars's atmosphere out for use by ion thrusters.
Step 6: Send thrusters off to Ceres base
Step 7: Attach ion thrusters to good asteroids to mine and send them towards asteroid colony to be caught
Step 8: Mine the asteroids wanted and remove the ion thrusters for later reuse.
Step 9: Send the entire mass of mined payload off to whatever planet you plan to sell on
Step 10: Profit.

Keep in mind that the launch costs are FAR less due to the gravity of these bodies.

>> No.15321497

This is easy
Is your business case about transporting something that has a mass?
If yes, it’s not profitable
If no, then it could be profitable

>> No.15321498

You are not my nigger

>> No.15321499
File: 20 KB, 703x347, american psycho space ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did aquatic life receive a return from those lungfish fucks or their deadbeat descendants?

>> No.15321502

Kek your first three steps are each very optimistic. It requires an entire self-sufficient Mars colony first… which is already a stretch right now

>> No.15321504

Repeat steps 7-9 ad infinitum, just have the ion thrusters that send it to the planet sent back to asteroid belt.

>> No.15321506

>Mass produce cheap mining bots
>Mass produce ion thrusters
Any plan where a wizard has to show up multiple times to magic into existence the vast amounts of industrial infrastructure needed to mass produce high-end technical products is not a good plan.

>> No.15321511

Two good points from the ‘not profitable’ crew

>> No.15321512

Alternative to mining bots, send Venezuelans to the asteroid belt and have them work for RS gold.

>> No.15321515

When you increase supply without increasing demand, you better hope your name is De Beers.

>> No.15321516
File: 54 KB, 1024x594, s6pxw3gqymea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to move beyond the tyranny of having to carry reaction mass with us.

We need the plasma sail, with the plasma sail we can move big things around the solar system whithout having to use an even bigger amount of fuel.

>> No.15321534

>plasma sail
/sfg/ - schizo fantasy grift

>> No.15321544

Frog posting too

>> No.15321554

>have a stranglehold on the entire world's precious metal market?
Except you wouldn't, because the mines on Earth would still be there, and their costs of production/transport would be less than yours.
And even if you could convince someone to fund you while you tried to dump and drive everyone else out of business, governments (and really anyone with a brain and a full wallet) would just subsidize their producers, while buying up your dumped production on the cheap (which is how that strategy is historically countered). Your gambit ends with you either bankrupt or with whatever market share your process naturally allows. Certainly not a 'stranglehold'.

>> No.15321558

it took falcon almost 10 years to become a steamroller

>> No.15321560

>We need to move beyond the tyranny of having to carry reaction mass with us.
This is a nice sentiment, but do you have any better suggestions that Newtonian thrusters?

>We need the plasma sail
I see that you do not

>> No.15321566

spin launch

>> No.15321578

Could you spinsects fuck off FOR ONE THREAD???

>> No.15321581

yes hello I would like to order 10 tons of osmium

>> No.15321585
File: 293 KB, 2560x1377, screenshot0007_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ISP does a cannon have? like technically isn't your reaction mass the entire planet you are firing from? surely that means a miniscule exhaust velocity...

>> No.15321598

like from what i understand it must have something to do with the expanding gas you use, hence why they use light gas guns to acheive extreme muzzle velocity.
However, how would it work with rail guns?

>> No.15321604

>I don't know who's giving them money
Nobody except retard stock gamblers. That's why their whole company is worth only 115M$ and why they can't raise money by issuing more stock. Taking a loan will most likely also be unfeasible due to the risk involved.

Unless they can find an investor that is ready to inject a huge amount of cash (good luck with that after Virgin Orbit's bankruptcy), they will go bankrupt before the end of the year.

>> No.15321613

light gas works because it combusts better and has way more energy density..

>> No.15321615

And in the scenario where there are few terrestrial producers, the market will either bring competition into existence, or develop so as to minimize the number of applications dependent upon the outcome of a single producer. Someone price-gouging or withholding production is similar to the product simply not being available, and few base their operations on unobtainable objects.

>> No.15321616

Also light molecules move faster at a given temperature.

>> No.15321619

No, let him spin. It's not a great idea, but as long as their streams are set up better than Virgin Orbit's they'll be fun to watch.

>> No.15321628

thats not relevant in a cannon situation

>> No.15321630

>is space profitable
The problem with this question is that anons immediately jump to sci-fi level ideas. It's more accurately "how profitable is space." The space economy has been growing at something like 10% per year since 2010, and will accelerate massively if/when Starship starts flying regularly at full reusability.

I would put it in 3 phases:
>1. satellite phase: 1962-2040
Purpose is to use satellites for communications and navigation on Earth, mainly provided by existing telecom companies.
>2. station/base phase: 2040-2100
Commercial stations in LEO used for research, tourists, and production. Limited applications, since in most cases it will be cheaper to do things on Earth, but it will be a notable sector on par with tech or energy.
>3. mining/colonization phase: 2100-future
Point at which companies and countries find building stuff in space desirable enough to justify creating the infrastructure in space to build more stuff in space, rather than just launching from Earth.

People here focus on (3) because it's the most fun to fantasize about, but (2) and even (1) can still be hugely profitable in their own right.

>> No.15321637

If the question is posed as "is space profitable" you instinctively omit the areas of space that are already profitable because otherwise the question doesn't really make sense.

>> No.15321643

Rolling for end of Q3

>> No.15321647 [DELETED] 

Chinese are mongolian rape babies, if we send chinese up to the Moon or Mars, will they be terran rape babies?

>> No.15321649

Hey she lost weight

>> No.15321650

>research, tourists
Kinda, basic science research has no direct application, thus it may not really be profitable in the end. Tourism will probably happen.
>and production

>> No.15321653



>> No.15321656

That supposes that the person posing the question is on the same page as you, which is a bad habit to get into on the internet. If the issue you want to focus on is "is space colonization profitable" then ask it like that; the burden is on the person bringing up the issue to make their desired parameters known.

In any case, my central point is that the futurist sci-fi stuff won't happen until there's been decades of development in more mundane areas of the space economy. Those developments will make future progress cheaper (as launch, propulsion techniques, etc. are refined) and more lucrative (as they provide a larger market for resources and services).

>> No.15321657


>> No.15321663

As a teen i fantasized about a cloud colony in the atmosphere of Jupiter, so
go fuck yourself wonderless faggot lmao

>> No.15321670

Anything that requires a vacuum to produce (i.e. microchips) or benefits from microgravity (i.e. anything involving crystals) has some potential. Though it will certainly be niche and relegated to a select few industries.

>> No.15321671

I like to fantasize, but this is a thread I prefer to discuss realistic outcomes.
I love >>15320370 picrel and it hurts me profoundly how it will never happen.

>> No.15321680

I guess it could be worth it for very specialized applications, but I don't see it happening for house electronics for the next century.

>> No.15321697

A nigger rape house

>> No.15321711

>Relativity may have had enough time to just pull away from BO
It would be extremely embarrassing for BO to lose to a former intern of theirs

>> No.15321715

But you know its possible and thats the best part

>> No.15321720

Gradatim, brother

>> No.15321736

As much as I want it, that's not gonna happen.

>> No.15321745
File: 757 KB, 1179x1980, CD72B5C5-2575-45B8-B174-72FEA71B82A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck did they stack it??

>> No.15321756

Maybe Fabian is posting an old image, idk.

>> No.15321757

>Control Sphere
Vaguely threatening

>> No.15321767

Seems like it's an old image, fake and gay

>> No.15321770
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>> No.15321772

according to wikipedia the project cost 90m, they had 5 launches, and the cost per launch was 7m

The math does not add up

>> No.15321784

Ummmm based??

>> No.15321785

>Kids watch a Falcon 9 launch and chant "USA, USA, USA..."
I'm literally in tears.

>> No.15321795

What are you a faggot? HRT really must've done a number on you huh.

>> No.15321806

the world is healing

>> No.15321819
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 1665163557933615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fedora fell for the gnostic maymay

>> No.15321833 [DELETED] 

this is evil racist terrorism to leftists

>> No.15321835

Seems like you're lost, so take this link and go back to where you came from >>>/pol/.

>> No.15321837
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>global warming

>> No.15321839
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>In any case, my central point is that the futurist sci-fi stuff won't happen until there's been decades of development in more mundane areas of the space economy.
true, got to follow those tech trees

>> No.15321841

I'm taking this.

>> No.15321844

>Blue Origin is required.
Stopped reading there.

>> No.15321848
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>> No.15321877

lmao seethe tranny

>> No.15321899

Is there a niche for bipedal machines on the moon or mars? Maybe in the craters where wheels and tracks can't get to? I need an excuse to fight earthfags in a battlemech

>> No.15321917

Walking is impractical. Jumping is the answer. Boing-bots will own the lunar battlefield.

>> No.15321921

I think spider legs are more interesting, or maybe just tanks.

>> No.15321924

It could be done as suicide mission

>> No.15321927


>> No.15321951
File: 398 KB, 644x690, 1680494129434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How easy would it be to hijack a rocketship carrying gold, hypothetically?

>> No.15321952
File: 607 KB, 960x720, Plasma-armed battle tank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?

>> No.15321972

Literally impossible, they will kill you before you get on there.

>> No.15321989

Is Proxima b really that worthless?

>> No.15322001

Every star is worthless until we’ve sent a probe and gotten actual images.

>> No.15322071

sorry, crewed

>> No.15322106
File: 539 KB, 1536x2048, 1680497061733552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes you think doesn't it

>> No.15322125

An Alexander Gerst interview? No not really.

>> No.15322127

What about Hubble?

>> No.15322145

>Rapid climate change caused by sentient activity can't be the cause of a civilization dying
It certainly doesn't look like it will kill us, only many other non-sentient species, but a slightly more extreme version probably could wipe out a less resilient intelligent race.

>> No.15322149

No, I don't think about the european space agency at all.

>> No.15322150

Kind of hope they put a tranny in

>> No.15322178

This is a good one

>> No.15322190

REMINDER: NTR and O’Neill fags are one in the same. Ignore all spincels and NTR fags unless they admit their ideas are complete fantasy

>> No.15322194

Spinning habs + plasma magnets is where its at nigga

>> No.15322200

Since no one could answer a high-school physics question on /sci I will have to step in. The buoyant force and therefore the weight of your neutrally buoyant colony would be equal to the volume of your envelope multiplied by the difference in density of the internal and external fluid.

So for your planet example, if you want to have a lifting envelope (and not care about the buoyancy of the habitat with its own atmosphere) then all you need to do is F = V×(density outer - density inner)

>> No.15322204

That's dumb as shit nigga

>> No.15322247

I would like to see 100 tons of gravel be dumped in low orbit over the course of 90 minutes so as to create millions of shooting stars visible to every person on earth, I would also like to see what an empty beer can looks like upon reentry, along with a pumpkin

>> No.15322277
File: 692 KB, 1920x1515, YlkAwi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the ultimate goal of humanity should be the construction of space habitats that replicate 1970s space utopia fantasy art work, complete with regular wine and fondue parties on the terrace with your fellow swingers/nudists

>> No.15322316

We're gonna see semiconductor fabs getting launched soon with how much the cost keeps going up each generation https://www.factoriesinspace.com/orbital-microfabrication

>> No.15322329
File: 149 KB, 637x943, 001930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol musk keeps posting these

>> No.15322334


>> No.15322361

He's praised the airliner part of FAA in the past while at the same time calling their aerospace bit complete fucking shit who can't find their ass if they use both hands.

>> No.15322366

Elon is FAA ally

>> No.15322372


>> No.15322379

if this shit doesnt launch soon....i dont know what i'll do. i cant be held responsible

>> No.15322389
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>> No.15322396

Holy kek

>> No.15322401

bros... does he actually think sucking up to the FAA will give him a launch license faster??

>> No.15322403
File: 176 KB, 1526x1428, 1680512406038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon no!

>> No.15322405

He might actually be that retarded

>> No.15322410

He's trying to make a point re control of "AI", not suck their dicks. Jesus man, try to contain your autism a little bit at least.

>> No.15322413


>> No.15322416

Because if you did, you'd understand the motives for people posting shit like that and not take everything extremely literally and only in regards to the one thing you're hyperfixated on.

>> No.15322418

holy shit what a cope, Vulcan only beats F9 when it's running 4+ boosters, and Falcon Heavy could absolutely mog it if they needed it to launch 12+ times a year

>> No.15322419

>coronal mass ejection
>gets crippling brain cancer 18 months later

also checked

>> No.15322420
File: 41 KB, 500x362, space babe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would be worth it

>> No.15322423
File: 142 KB, 3175x800, blair-lavatubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's giant lava tube ghettos on Luna or Mars

>> No.15322431

humans and their livestock account for 96% of mammal mass on the planet, leaving a mere 4% for all wild animals (half of this from massive whales and other marine mammals).

>> No.15322436
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>> No.15322439
File: 1.06 MB, 624x1009, 001932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which ones are going to be on the 4 person crew for artemis 3?

Vid is from december 20202, so not completely sure if this is still the short list


Blac Woman - either Jessica Watkins or Stephanie Wilson
Black Man- only one available is Victor Glower
White Woman - 7 possible choices, is some of them gay? The bios don't show the sexuality so hard to say which of them are if any, but no doubt that is going to be an important criterion
Wildcard - A man most likely, but is it going to be a white man and what is considered white? In DEI circles it seems to differ a bit, but it kind of has started converging on "if the ethnic group you belong to is relatively successful, you are white". This would mean some groups are actually more white than whites themselves.

Joseph Acaba is Puerto Rican
Jonny Kim both parents are from south korea
Frank Rubio has Salvadoran parents
Raja Charis father is Indian
Kjell Lindgrens mother is Taiwanese

So there are really 5 possibilities for the 4th spot

Then there are 3 turbowhites: Warren Hoburg, Matthew Dominick, Scott D. Tingle. I'm sorry to say, you are too white. Better luck next time (lmao).

>> No.15322448

Artemis 2 will have a crew member from Canada. Is it possible Artemis 3 will have someone from a partner country as well? Would be ESA or Japanese probably.

>> No.15322450

Anne McClain. Ticking both woman and bulldyke boxes.

>> No.15322455

oh its actually artemis 2 that are announced today, not sure why i thought it would be artemis 3


5h 15min to the event starting

>> No.15322459
File: 447 KB, 1280x1600, ed baldwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it Matthew Dominick as mission commander

>> No.15322461

Artemis 3 will be all American

>> No.15322462

not happening

>> No.15322465

NASA missions are going to be focused on diversity from now on until they become irrelevant as an organization that does this kind of thing

>> No.15322472

yeah, but there is also jasmin moghbeli, both parents iranian

>> No.15322476

nasa isn't that based

>> No.15322480

My bet would be black/brown man, likely Glover, then Anne McClain because conveniently ticking two boxes at once. Last two I have no idea about.

>> No.15322481

You guys might be surprised. Remember that whoever is chosen is unlikely to be selected for the actual landing, so they may actually reserve the most earthen toned crew for that and leave whitey this one.

>> No.15322484

either black woman would tick both black and woman boxes as well

>> No.15322486

No. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Blue Origin should've focused on space habitation and things more directly to the settlement of space while partnering with SpaceX to use Starship.

>> No.15322487

you don't need to leave whiteys anything

>> No.15322488

it would be so based if China with the help of Russia just sent some random brave man on a one way trip just to beat the nasa monkeys

>> No.15322489

McClain is a rugmuncher. Gotta hit those LGBTQ DEI numbers.

>> No.15322492

how do you know? and I didn't say not to take mcclain, but mclain + either of the black women + glover
then you just need one pick from them whitish men, multiple that are on the same level on "how oppressed you are" totem pole

>> No.15322494

>how do you know

How do you not know? She was made famous for that incident that outed her as married to a woman, and not for tax purposes.

>> No.15322496
File: 77 KB, 634x476, 26922672-8197287-image-a-48_1586284877731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so ok, she is a dyke
if there is no other dykes that are also white women, she seems like a sure bet

but, if you think about it, wouldn't they want somewhat diverse group on the flyby as well?
the landings are much more iconic so that needs to have optimized DEI numbers, perhaps artemis 2 isn't such a huge consideration then

>> No.15322497

They've been selling this shit as "putting the first black person and woman on the moon" for years now. Nobody gives a shit about the flyby, it's all about the landing photo ops.

>> No.15322501
File: 337 KB, 1764x2048, B1FB556A-87B9-416E-89EB-BC73BC3B87FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were the first proposed names for Ariane

Meanwhile, Arianespace was originally going to be called Transpace

>> No.15322502

>phenix :D

>> No.15322509

Vega was such a good name they used it anyway

>> No.15322512

> NASA picks a dyke
> It comes out she's a TERF

>> No.15322514


>> No.15322563

That's the girl from Logan's Run, she lives in a behavioural sink domed colony on the ruins of earth, not in a space tube

>> No.15322564

>C R A B
lmao what were they thinking?

>> No.15322571


>> No.15322590

>main water tank
knew it, same at KSC

>> No.15322595


>> No.15322604

How fast do you think chinese private rocket companies will ramp up?

Most them are following the chain of solid rocket>liquid small/medium-lift launch vehicle>more capable reusable version of said liquid small/medium-lift launch vehicle>reusable heavy lift- with most of them going for a triple core configuration like the falcon heavy for this. Most of their early rockets are going to be just for testing and to gain experience. Most of them is going for the Spacex model of having a workhorse reusable medium/heavy lift rocket.

Space pioneer has gotten to the 2nd stage, and we won't be seeing much as of the Tianlong-2 launch as the company is going to be racing for the Tianlong-3, a 15 ton to LEO reusable rocket, which is planned for a 2024 launch. Which is really optimistic to me, even an expendable version is going to be very difficult to develop in a year of launching their first rocket, let alone a reusable version.

I'm guessing a expendable version by 2025 or 2026, and another year or two to make it reusable, another year or two to optimize the rocket, engines, launch systems, ground operations, recovery, reusability to cut cost and up the launch cadence to the nearly weekly launches of Spacex. If they're developing the heavy lift version at the triple core version at the same time, it should come out around the same time as when they optimize reusability . So all in all, maybe anywhere from 5-8 years to get to the same launch capability and cadence as Spacex's faclon 9 and falcon heavy today?

I'm guessing a similar timeline for most of the chinese private space companies once they have successfully launched their first liquid fueled rocket. 4-8 years from that to Spacex tier weekly Falcon 9 launches. So thoughts? Am I too optimistic? Too negative?

>> No.15322614

nice view

>> No.15322617

It's gonna be Glover, Kim, and Koch.

>> No.15322622

for artemis 2 (flyby) or artemis 3 (landing with 4 americans)

>> No.15322636
File: 691 KB, 754x882, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full stack incoming

>> No.15322646

I'm trans btw, idk if that matters

>> No.15322656
File: 40 KB, 725x226, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off Liana

>> No.15322661

I genuinely believe that the FAA is the larger retards and will give him the loicense

>> No.15322673

Elon should buy the FAA.

>> No.15322679
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I haven't got a clue what they meant.

>> No.15322680
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>> No.15322681

Lmao definetly not the samefag but good one

>> No.15322683

Holy shit I’m hard

>> No.15322685

>theyre all this brown
Holy shit how far has our country fallen?

>> No.15322687

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15322689

She actually doesnt look bad damn

>> No.15322690

Looks like they're actually doing something with B7 and the chopsticks instead. Might be a re-seat on the mount.

>> No.15322692

Honestly I think these companies, along with the new gen CZ ramp up (CZ-5 to 8) will probably allow China to roughly m keep up with America in number of launches despite starship. However it won’t catch up in term of mass to orbit.

>> No.15322693

Lmao paragraph writoor completely ignored

>> No.15322698

>roughly m keep up with America in number of launches despite starship. However it won’t catch up in term of mass to orbit.
Then what's the point?

>> No.15322700

Launching mega constellation lol

>> No.15322711

Hah. Thats great. Kids need to watch what makes America really great.

>> No.15322715

So why do >we make fun of the SLS launch tower cost when it also cost SX $1 billion for a single tower

>> No.15322718
File: 4 KB, 272x92, crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's "CRAB"

>> No.15322724

what's the latest estimate for launch date?

>> No.15322732
File: 1.27 MB, 462x250, 16255659988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322733

I think they'll ramp up quickly in terms of size but reuse will take longer. It just doesn't seem like a priority in China, although I guess it depends on how truly private these companies are. The government would want lots of rockets produced for muh jobs and the company would want reuse for profits.

>> No.15322734

Can NASA tower stack and catch SLS?

>> No.15322742

Can SpaceX?

>> No.15322746
File: 14 KB, 587x637, 1679855939723392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is giving Astra money???

>> No.15322751

Surely he sold by now?

>> No.15322752
File: 31 KB, 1000x450, 1680530046243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322754

Can SpaceX do it with Starship? Too soon to tell.

>> No.15322757

Looks kino but starship enters at an AoA of like 70 degrees, not ~25

>> No.15322760

I like Package II

>> No.15322768

They should've just gone with L III S.

>> No.15322769

>Vid is from december 20202
Time travelers ITT

>> No.15322775

My actual opinion:
Venus will never be colonized in any way in its current state (hot, thick atmosphere).
The planet will be studied but not approached any closer than low orbit by humans for the next few hundred years, assuming rapid and exponential growth of human industry in space.
However, there will always be an incentive to figure out how to mine Venus and eventually engineer it into a more habitable world, so whoever goes there to live in orbital habitats & mine gasses from the atmosphere is eventually going to grow into the civilization which freezes Venus using sunshades and exports most of the CO2 and excess nitrogen before bringing the insolation back up to ~50% of the modern Venus, creating effectively a second Earth (but possibly more prone to catastrophic volcanism).
That said I think the Venus project will be more like an art project than an effort to expand human horizons, since by the time surface temperatures are low enough that liquid water can exist it's likely that hundreds of millions of people will be living on orbitals, and by the time the excess CO2 has been removed it's likely that hundreds of millions of orbitals will exist and house the huge majority of humanity. Plus the Moon and Mars will be mostly para-terraformed and there will be hundreds of millions living on and in orbit around the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

>> No.15322778

>there is also massive radiation
There is not, at least below 1000km altitude above the "surface". The radiation around Jupiter is not emitted from Jupiter, it is trapped and accelerated by Jupiter's magnetosphere into large donut shaped regions, just like Earth's Van Allen belts but more intense.

>> No.15322784

Orion drive is the only thing I can think of which could pull 5 gees continuously on ascent and have enough delta V to do the trip in a single stage. Remember it's gotta pull a lot of acceleration to start off because Jupiter has like 30 m/s of gravity, and alos this means the Orion drive is gonna need more like 150 km/s of delta V in a single stage, because the gravity losses at launch will be enormous.

>> No.15322789

>mass fraction 0.9997
I wonder if future meme materials would actually allow us to create vehicles that had, for example, a wet mass of 1000 tons and a dry mass of 300 kg. Yeah it'd have a shit TWR and stupid burn time to depletion, but 70km/s single stage with chemical engines would be neato.

>> No.15322796
File: 187 KB, 513x700, not a Belkan on the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They obviously pretend there are no Germans on the moon by framing this interview in a LEO background.

It's clear that the 50 years since the 'first' moon landings in teh late 60s were just to give the Nazis tioem to evacuate to their bases in the asteroid belt.

>> No.15322797
File: 104 KB, 1256x659, space colony 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's likely that hundreds of millions of orbitals will exist and house the huge majority of humanity
This is the way and planetcucks can just cry about it

>> No.15322798

Prembroke Ontario Canada, yes I have had sex with a relative

>> No.15322802

what happens when the spinhabs start competing for resources anon? If two spinhabs show up at the same asteroid, what happens?

>> No.15322803

Second cousin or…

>> No.15322807

Rules of engagement, bud. Spin-off.

>> No.15322811

You beam a signal to the other vessel depicting them as a spinjak

>> No.15322813

details please, preferably greentext

>> No.15322815
File: 36 KB, 536x621, interstellar space colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If two spinhabs show up at the same asteroid, what happens?
The Solar Emperor adjudicates shit like that. Don't like it? - fuck off to Tau Ceti

>> No.15322816

you attach katanas to the outside and duke it out like beyblades

>> No.15322823

Five bucks says all 3 niggers and the dyke are the ones that are chosen.

>> No.15322824

No bet here.

>> No.15322825

>looks like no water this month boys, we were too slow.
>you'll have to give up your backyards so we can requisition the water.
>oh, and we'll need to dump some mass too since we use hydrologgs and we're low on prop.
>seems like you lost the lottery anon, sadly you won't ever be having kids. yeah, we fucked up the navigation so we'll have to slim our population down for a little while.

>> No.15322826

What? No. Hopefully it will be Glover and Kate Rubins. After that I don’t give a shit

>> No.15322827

>they all can't be done due to how absurdly costly they are in energy and material resources.
Only true if you're trying to do it from Earth, like a retard. This is why we need to focus our efforts on getting industrial civilization set up and growing on the Moon and Mars. When you are separated from orbit by a mere 5000 m/s or less, everything in space gets vastly easier and cheaper. If you're living on an orbital in the asteroid belt, mining asteroids is as easy as scooping up material, moving it to your habitat with a delta V of less than 10 meters per second total, then refining it down into metals & materials inside spin-gravity. Once you are doing everything in a very low gravity environment with continuous unfiltered sunlight exposure for energy, everything gets extremely easy to do.

>> No.15322833

No one’s gonna want to spend the initial money to set up refining infrastructure. Even with a best-case-scenario Starship, the intro costs are going to be absurdly high. It will be cheaper to mine on Earth for a long time to come

>> No.15322837

SpaceX makes money to get to Mars. They aren't trying to get to Mars to make money. This is how space colonization will start off (people who own companies with huge assets and a personal drive to flex those assets on improving space settlements, people with money who want to live in space paying for transport, etc). Once colonies exist in space, they will have their own economies and will therefore being to produce and trade and grow among themselves, independent of Earth. That will go on for a while until space industry becomes big and powerful enough that Earth entities will want to buy resources and services. The Earth economy will become a two way street with the space economy. Finally, the space economy will vastly outgrow the Earth economy, in every aspect.

>> No.15322842
File: 548 KB, 1300x764, 001948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


crew announcement just about to start

>> No.15322843
File: 178 KB, 1377x1061, 52780861916_4991284cd0_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe that the first chinese private liquid fueled rocket got so little attention. You guys are sleeping chinese space news. There's a bunch of super crazy shit that they are going to try out on their new space station. Like this robot specifically designed for use in microgravity that they're gonna launch in a year from now.

>> No.15322846

Yes it is, as the gasses have to expand down the barrel to push the projectile. Light gas guns achieve huge muzzle velocities because the speed of sound in the light gas is very high.

>> No.15322848
File: 626 KB, 1261x581, 001949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322849

Oh god the chinese have gotten to the "what if we try humanoid robots?" phase of NASA's past development? At least they're speedrunning through what they're copying, and appear to have skipped the Shuttle phase entirely (a wise decision)

>> No.15322851

>star sailers
Planet fairers you dumb nigger

>> No.15322853

Here's hoping they have the class of not trying to sell it from a racial angle. I don't wanna see 'This will be the first black/female/muslim/ect astronaut on the moon'.

>> No.15322854
File: 1.98 MB, 1564x1018, 001951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck

>> No.15322855

thats what the walking corpse said nigger
are you listening?

they are 100% going to do that, what the fuck do you think?
they have been droning about first black and woman on the moon for like 10 years now and it has only ramped up
they mention it in any press briefing that has anything to do with artemis or sls

>> No.15322857

Im literally not listening, I already know who theyre gonna pick whats the point.

>> No.15322858
File: 205 KB, 1400x1700, Just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I used hope. I know they will, but I choose to hope for the impossible.

>> No.15322860

Megan McArthur my beloved

>> No.15322861

If I was a minority, that would feel so demeaning. "We picked this dude because he'll be the first black guy on the moon, not because he's the most qualified", like what the fuck

>> No.15322863
File: 3.43 MB, 1906x1140, 001952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the crew members are already here in the room

>> No.15322866

Just land on the side facing away from the star and enjoy your limitless volatile ices, views of the disks of other planets nearby in the sky, and limitless solar power collected on the daytime side and transported to the night side via high voltage transmission lines.
You can do this on any tidally locked planet orbiting very close around a red dwarf star by the way, as long as it doesn't have an atmosphere to trap the heat.

>> No.15322867

Does the crew know who is picked? Or will they know when it is announced and all the astronauts are waiting to see if they are on Artemis II?

>> No.15322869
File: 1.29 MB, 1385x961, 001953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322870
File: 381 KB, 769x439, gridfins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Road was closed and SpaceX tested gridfins

>> No.15322871
File: 647 KB, 1170x644, 045E14B8-42A4-44E9-BC45-9D1F77336BA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnny Kim bros… not like this

>> No.15322872

Launching """"soon"""", in two years

>> No.15322873
File: 954 KB, 2560x1440, firex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And FireX

>> No.15322874

That man is active
ready to strike
Dominates the room

>> No.15322875

he's demoralized. He's definitely the most qualified there, but he expects that it won't matter.

>> No.15322876

They will put him on III, guaranteed

>> No.15322877

Okay but selection for this flight probably means you’re not landing on the Moon, so would you really want to be selected if you were standing there in your blue jumpsuit right now?

>> No.15322878
File: 348 KB, 1184x657, 17.10.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger is there

>> No.15322879

>coronal mass ejection occurs
>the habitat is designed to protect against GCRs, and the CME particles don't manage to penetrate more than 5% of the thickness of the rad shielding

>> No.15322881
File: 2.56 MB, 1851x1026, 001954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these events seems so fucking cringe
why are they talking about random politicians?
this organization should be about science, not this gay ass shit

>> No.15322882

Have any tubes of this size been discovered or even hinted at?

>> No.15322883

Somebody tell me what the picks are, I can't keep watching empty words being wasted for minutes at a time.

>> No.15322884

Who do you think controls the purse anon

>> No.15322885

Needs government funds, and it's traditional to give thanks and recognition to the people who let you do shit. It's a small enough nod.

>> No.15322887
File: 3.15 MB, 1929x1016, 001955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322886

When will they get to the fucking announcement

>> No.15322889
File: 22 KB, 177x266, pleased to be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322890


>> No.15322891


>> No.15322892
File: 732 KB, 598x901, 001956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the leaf gets in and starts talking french right away

>> No.15322893

So whos going

>> No.15322894


>> No.15322895
File: 1.13 MB, 3200x4000, C3E87139-8DD9-4211-B1B3-E015C1EC7A17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15322896


>> No.15322897
File: 2.80 MB, 1903x1145, 001957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE MOOOON + canadarm 3

>> No.15322900

Canadians, gimme the rundown on this dude. He any good?

>> No.15322901

Did they bring any Apollo astronauts there?

>> No.15322902


>> No.15322903
File: 49 KB, 500x565, canada anal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, buddy!

>> No.15322904

we don't care
we don't care
we don't care

>> No.15322905
File: 2.15 MB, 1836x835, 001959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the corpses responsible for this shitshow

>> No.15322906
File: 109 KB, 491x558, 17.17.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going

>> No.15322907

Oh god Ballast Bill is rambling like Biden up there

>> No.15322910

this guy is so fucking old

>> No.15322911

Shut the fuck up unless youre posting whos going.

>> No.15322913

not feeling this """muh together""" already setting off red flags

>> No.15322915

I'm going to the moon.
I'm stealing that rocket and no one can stop me!

>> No.15322916

Your mom is going with the niggers

>> No.15322917
File: 574 KB, 1920x1080, V6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322919
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck off haha

>> No.15322920

We are going, there is no individual anymore, just the hive

>> No.15322921
File: 776 KB, 683x750, 001960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322922
File: 99 KB, 663x654, lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15322924

Artemis II is going to be ready to launch by the time Bill finished his monologue

>> No.15322925


>> No.15322928
File: 5 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based first choice lets go she's cute

>> No.15322929


>> No.15322930
File: 1.09 MB, 966x861, 001961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mission specialist Christine Koch

>> No.15322931


>> No.15322932
File: 258 KB, 1182x658, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a man

>> No.15322933

the white man marches on

>> No.15322934

A canadian

>> No.15322935
File: 180 KB, 804x703, 17.24.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our nigga Victor is going too

>> No.15322936
File: 463 KB, 497x700, 001962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeremy Hanson

>> No.15322937


>> No.15322938


>> No.15322939

War, duh. Got a problem with it?

>> No.15322940

muh nigga finna be fucking space bithces fr fr

>> No.15322941
File: 7 KB, 250x248, 78A4B334-B878-4DAD-82A6-6B095E12E254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We knew they were gonna choose a nigger, atleast its a man

>> No.15322942


>> No.15322943

More like Jeremy Handsome

>> No.15322944
File: 158 KB, 730x553, com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322945
File: 556 KB, 697x946, 001963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victor Glover

>> No.15322947

>most important positions are cool men
>canadian and female delegated to mission specialist
We are so back

>> No.15322948

Thoughts on the line up?

>> No.15322949

announce Artemis 3

>> No.15322950

This was actually a better selection than I thought it would be.

>> No.15322951
File: 586 KB, 554x685, 001964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis Commander, Reid Wiseman
so I guess the dude that guessed Artemis 2 would have more whites was right
I guess the moon landing is for more diversity then

2 white men duude
3 men
this is not good

>> No.15322952

Don't worry, Artemis III will be more diverse.

>> No.15322955

they robbed my man johnny.

>> No.15322956
File: 571 KB, 600x580, laughing_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sfg/ wrong again

>> No.15322957

kino choices

>> No.15322958

Good, but having a big dramatic press conference for something that SHOULD have been normalized 50 years ago is dumb

>> No.15322959

A fucking leaf.

>> No.15322962
File: 1.28 MB, 1406x907, 001965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what Glover thinks being the token black person, isn't he quite competent as well?

>> No.15322963


>> No.15322964

>NASA hates SpaceX
>Bill hates SpaceX
>Artemins astronaut will be diversity team

It's like people here are desperate to be angry.

>> No.15322965

he's gonna land bro

>> No.15322968

he's based navy pilot that bombed terrorists

>> No.15322969

as will glover on artemis 4

>> No.15322970

That has to feel the worst. I promise the news is gonna paint it as 'He's the first black man going around the moon!'. Feel bad for the guy.

>> No.15322971

that is for artemis 3
this is artemis 2, a flyby

>> No.15322972

He doesn't like that identity politic crap, from what I gather. That's enough for me to like him.

>> No.15322973

No, we just expect the worst. Very cynical general, thanks in no part to allot of memelaunch companies, ASTRA.

>> No.15322974

Honestly though Glover would be on III. Who will be first non-white on the moon?

>> No.15322975

Kamala tried baiting him into it during an ISS interview and he completely skirted her question lmao

>> No.15322977

>NASA hates SpaceX
the admins do
>Bill hates SpaceX
yes he does, they would not use starship if it wasnt too embarrassing to switch now
>Artemins astronaut will be diversity team
but it is?
artemis 3 will be even more of a diversity thing

>> No.15322979

Just have it be Glover again, who cares. Is there some rule saying you can only fly on ONE Artemis mission?

>> No.15322981
File: 238 KB, 1200x1200, FszLu-lXgAo84Xe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official photo

>> No.15322982

It's probably worse when he's actually competent, media making a big deal just because of your skin colour.

>> No.15322983 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1170x1140, 92DB96F7-BA42-49AA-8442-A66ACA0F4F02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15322984

so they did know beforehand
kind of weird song and dance

>> No.15322985

They still have the Indian dude and Asian commando.

>> No.15322986

Holy kino

>> No.15322987

yeah, but I guess you do get to go to space lel

>> No.15322988

Astronauts never fly back to back missions, too much training to do. Maybe that changes with the one mission a year plan.

>> No.15322989

We have the same great grandparents (ie my grandma is her grandma's sister)
It's not really greentext formattable. It's the classic childhood tomboy friend turned very pretty teenage tomboy crush story, except we're relatives and we both knew it since grade 5 or 6 and we decided to date openly in highschool anyway because we didn't give a fuck lol. Had sex a bunch of times and it was cash. Ended up breaking up at the end of highschool but we hooked up again a few times afterwards anyway. These days we are just friends again and neither of us regret it, would recommend.

>> No.15322991

Duh first blac peepo in spays!!

>> No.15322992


>> No.15322993

yeah I'm thinking based but not sure why they got the most chad looking crew just for flyby, at least send some of them to Mars first.

>> No.15322994
File: 292 KB, 700x700, 1646254408133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX can not stack and catch SLS.

>> No.15322997

We can't go without starship working first

>> No.15322996

Bros can Starship FLY ALREADY FUCK

>> No.15322999

FAA needs two more weeks to think about it. So sorry, small indie company plz understand

>> No.15323000
File: 1.13 MB, 1133x1055, 001967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what his IQ is
something like 120?

>> No.15323002

Yes, it can. Becky has to finish printing the license and fax it to FAA HQ.

>> No.15323003

Based speech by Glover.

>> No.15323005

very, very based. Many anons would be extremely envious.

>> No.15323006
File: 3.03 MB, 996x556, 1675956154930248.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15323008

>Skylab mentioned
We keep winning

>> No.15323009
File: 445 KB, 561x541, 001968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15323010


>> No.15323012


>> No.15323014

did apollo astronauts sound like politicians?

>> No.15323015
File: 52 KB, 680x680, 1445602730548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see they've already got the diversity backdrop brown poster children ready.

>> No.15323016
File: 311 KB, 273x752, 001969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323018
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, space_cute.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they re-create this shot?

>> No.15323019


>> No.15323020

feels like Mars is only 10-15 years away for real now

we just keep winning god bless USA

>> No.15323021

>most powerful rocket that NASA’s ever made

>> No.15323023
File: 233 KB, 1290x1101, IMG_3962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine living life like this

>> No.15323024
File: 3.20 MB, 3600x2400, ahmed&#039;s fanclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323025
File: 35 KB, 640x480, q8pph3bow1571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TJ was my favorite power ranger glad to see him back in space on Artemis 2 after all this time

>> No.15323027
File: 850 KB, 300x225, 1525701172269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHITEY ON THE... er, WHITEY AROUND THE MOON protests incoming

>> No.15323028

>Doesn't count the canadian male as white

>> No.15323029

This man is egalitarian, he just hates all -ales

>> No.15323031


>> No.15323032
File: 31 KB, 481x300, 1370093500212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one mission a year plan
>implying they can build SLS that fast

>> No.15323033


>> No.15323034


>> No.15323036

imagine this in lunar gravity

>> No.15323037

yeah 3 whiteys, thats too much
also 3 men, lol

>> No.15323038

What’s the name of the capsule going to be, /sfg/?

>> No.15323041

General Lee

>> No.15323043
File: 1.43 MB, 480x368, that&#039;s the joke 1664120562670950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that the joke?

>> No.15323046
File: 890 KB, 1151x403, 001973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15323048

Peppermint Patty

>> No.15323049
File: 844 KB, 1015x755, 112414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should set up a gofund me to get a plaque sent to the moon with /sfg/ written on it would be funny

>> No.15323050

Space Launch System (the rocket) (that’s the name of the rocket) (the rocket’s name is actually space launch system)

>> No.15323051
File: 195 KB, 425x614, 001974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if you saw this on a dark alleway

>> No.15323054

Stand perfectly still, his vision is based on movement.

>> No.15323055

So do you think the general public is going to start caring more about space in general after the flyby?

>> No.15323057


>> No.15323058
File: 45 KB, 885x681, space votes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323059

If the starship tower does cost that much, the fixed cost will still be devided over a larger number of flights. The SLS may never reach even 1 flight per year, and the tower they have now is only good until they upgrade to block 1B, at which point they need a new tower.

>> No.15323060
File: 1.41 MB, 1180x617, 001975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323064 [DELETED] 

embed doesn't work.

>> No.15323066
File: 923 KB, 1005x602, 001976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this we design an entirely new rocket, the SLS. The most powerful rocket

>> No.15323070

Not a chance. Maybe once we get an astronaut in an extended mission on the moon in a moon base or something, but until then not much of a chance.
Needs something to spark the hope of the American people.

>> No.15323071

They are trying to shill gateway, isnt that basically a lie? Gateway is pointless

>> No.15323073

God forbid we talk about Starship. Just pretend like it doesn’t exist!

>> No.15323074

not even mentioned, they talked about reusable landers but then started shilling gatway right away after lmao

>> No.15323077

I think spacex managing to catch starship would generate much more interest

>> No.15323078

The general public will care about whatever they are instructed to care about and nothing more. There's no good angle for the media to capitalize on so they probably won't make it "NEXT BIG THING".

>> No.15323083

Flyby? Nope. Landing? Yes.

>> No.15323085

Gateway is a necessary evil because otherwise artemis program would probably end after they land black man and woman on the moon.

>> No.15323090

How is the space shuttle STILL getting shilled years after retirement? WHY DO YOU KEEP SHOWING THE FUCKING SPACE SHUTTLE AND MARS

>> No.15323102
File: 733 KB, 3400x2611, cost-space-launches-low-earth-orbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I had no idea Saturn V was so cheap.

>> No.15323103

Wiseman did briefly mention SpaceX building the lander. I was surprised to hear it.

>> No.15323104

SpaceX is already planning to do it, and (I shudder to say the name) Blue Origin has developed some neat molten oxide electrolysis cells which allow direct refining of any silicate mineral into its constituent metals plus silicon and oxygen gas, consuming only regolith and electricity.
The refining infrastructure sent from Earth doesn't need to be xboxhueg. It needs to be modular and robust enough to survive several years of operation on the Moon (Mars is easier for many reasons, Moon makes a good design gauntlet/testing ground). Being robust is going to mean it's heavy relative to its productivity output: not a problem for Starship.
I think the reason people mistakenly think that space colonization must be extremely expensive is because they're looking at the legacy of spaceflight and assuming that every module we build for a Moon colony or every digger or excavator for Mars is going to be some ISS module or Perserverence rover type of machine, with incredible autism baked into one-off designs. It's not gonna be like that. Surface modules for a colony sent from Earth will be one-size-fits-all cans shitted off of an assembly line, with life support provided by a rectangular pallet of equipment standard across all variants, which is installed with an electrical cord and some flex air ducting. Equipment for doing earthworks and mining and so forth will look like mobile brick shithouses, and aesthetically will look more like 50's dragline excavators and bulldozers than modern equipment.

>> No.15323105

They seem to be doing some cryo testing on the OLM. I wonder if it is related to the new shielding, making sure gasses don't build up inside and the like.

>> No.15323115

Where is Starship?

>> No.15323116

its going to be kino

>> No.15323117

does not exist yet

>> No.15323121

2nd landing? Nope

>> No.15323125

"An oft-beaten dog will growl if you attempt to pet it"

>> No.15323127
File: 161 KB, 934x1525, Orbiting Jupiter .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323131

Me flying Jeb, Bill and Bob on every mission (valentina stays home)

>> No.15323132
File: 332 KB, 1276x728, 18.18.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Booster is getting frosty

>> No.15323133

her hands look more rugged than mine and I was a masonry laborer, wtf

>> No.15323136

notice the bit at the bottom that says "year of first successful launch"?

>> No.15323139

They actually were perfectly representative of the US here. 25% white men, 25% white women, 25% brown/black, and throw in the canadian why not. I thought they were going to pick an all black crew but they surprisingly completely avoided the diversity quota.

>> No.15323148
File: 1.36 MB, 3200x4000, Thomas_Pesquet_2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/our frog/ will be 50 by the time he's even got the possibility of orbiting the moon.

>> No.15323150


>> No.15323153

EVA gloves?

>> No.15323157

She's just old.

>> No.15323158

Diversi-sisters... did we get too cocky?

>> No.15323163

wtf every astronaut on Artemis is a highly educated westerner with teamwork skills and competency in following complex procedures, this is so racist

>> No.15323166

You have to be sub 95s to sign up for this

>> No.15323167

Are you from /lgbt/? Also, this is literally saying that they DIDNT choose solely on race for Artemis II. Get out of your own way

>> No.15323169
File: 589 KB, 1179x1135, EA031404-B11B-4656-AD3F-5223B8D9359D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propellant load test going on, methane tank is frosted.


>> No.15323170

Since it seems like the 4th seat will be auctioned off to other countries, where will the token foreigner on Artemis III be from?

>> No.15323172
File: 1.70 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very nice reference book with a LOT of pretty pictures.
However most of its content has already been uploaded to capcomespace.net

>> No.15323173

>they DIDNT choose solely on race for Artemis II
I expected them to and am pleasantly surprised that they didn't.

>> No.15323174


>> No.15323176

have you guys seen that O'neill cylinder thread on /tg/? kind of interesting.

>> No.15323177

DESU even with them not choosing based on race, I still don't care as much as I care about Starship
Me too! I'm glad they didn't. Hopefully this is the start of them getting back on track and just focusing on space instead of quotas.

>> No.15323180

Go back to /tg/ spincel.

>> No.15323181

Japan, just like in my anime

>> No.15323190
File: 153 KB, 568x290, Screenshot 2023-04-03 124455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323191

wen pop?

>> No.15323194

>Canadian male = woke
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15323195

Victor Glover is based. I hope you have see Soichi fly again on Artemis though

>> No.15323196

fuck. If it were me I would have married her.

>> No.15323197

>next few hundred years
you have no clue how long that is in the real world, do you?

>> No.15323198

ESA said that their first astronaut won't be going to Gateway until Artemis IV.

>> No.15323200

I would follow them to the end of the galaxy

>> No.15323201

Do I need to put quotation marks around everything and have an /s at the end for you to get the joke?

>> No.15323206

Why are they testing this again? Or is this a different booster

>> No.15323214

Wait, I thought Artemis III wasn't using the gateway

>> No.15323223

Nope same booster, idk why theyre testing they just are.

>> No.15323230

>qualified astronauts selected
>that can't possibly be
>no, wokeism at play

What a fucking retard.

>> No.15323233

I don't even count Canadians as human

>> No.15323235

This is why I’m slowly starting to hate the right. I am aligned with almost all their beliefs bur jesus fuck are they retarded. Most are insufferable faggots that parrot the same shit over and over, same as the left.

>> No.15323240
File: 68 KB, 665x515, von-braun-married-his-cousin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lucky bastard, I wish my cousin was interested in me :(

>> No.15323244

You and me both. Can't believe they used to be the science and facts party.

>> No.15323246
File: 169 KB, 744x661, 73362218-AF4C-49C3-99BB-E796DD941816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes me hate the right is that a lot of conservative Americans actively cheer on the destruction of the United States.

>> No.15323253

The entire urf political spectrum is shit

>> No.15323256
File: 23 KB, 638x360, birth of flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ancestors are smiling on me, Imperial. Can you say the same?

>> No.15323258

Do people really get mad over a woman and a black dude - both of which are incredibly qualified - flying to the moon?
Are people trying to get themselves angry? What the fuck. Who gives a shit that Victor is black he’s a combat veteran and an astronaut

>> No.15323259

find me a Democratic politician who can say what a woman is anon

>> No.15323260
File: 426 KB, 4000x2250, IMG_3965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will join next?

>> No.15323263

This is what it's like to have useful idiots. It's up to you to figure out how to use them to your benefit.

>> No.15323264

Most republicans believe that climate change is a NASA hoax to support electric cars (but Elon is cool tho) and that Trump lost the election because of cheating, and not because he alienated middle class independents

>> No.15323265

Why didn't you marry her?

>> No.15323266

We both hate Ds and Rs, again that anon you replied to was referring to Ds as science and facts party so you are fighting us for no reason, which again proves the point that shit tons of Rs are literal retards.

>> No.15323267

fuck off homos

>> No.15323268


>> No.15323269

So you can't find one and only deflect? Cool

>> No.15323271
File: 53 KB, 512x512, Jef Bezzose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it pretty interesting, myself.

>> No.15323272

>second cousins
nothingburger yawn, cute story tho

>> No.15323273

space flight can hang on for a moment here anon, I want to talk about >>15322989 for a bit.

>> No.15323274

>No you have to love a political party and can’t realize it’s all bullshit

>> No.15323275

Ok I’ll stop talking politics. Lets get back to space flight, are we thinking Starship 24 gets stacked tomorrow?

>> No.15323277
File: 48 KB, 648x164, Ad Astra per Aspergia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323280

>Implying the culture war is in any way relevant and not just a distraction for brainlets

>> No.15323282

Trump stole the fucking show, this was supposed to be NASA's day

What a fucking cunt

>> No.15323283

the less normies and mutts that concentrate on spaceflight the better, anon. It has always been this way.

>> No.15323284


>> No.15323285

Everyone shut the fuck up or go to >>>/pol/ we are going back to spaceflight.

>> No.15323291

Training for what? Starship flies itself.

>> No.15323294

What did he do now?

>> No.15323295

>this was supposed to be NASA's day

>> No.15323297


>> No.15323303

>About to go on
>Next planned launch date is Nov 2024

>> No.15323308
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>> No.15323313

What are you even talking about?

>> No.15323316

why is the t*itter logo the doge meme?

>> No.15323317
File: 10 KB, 566x503, 19.42.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323320

We are SO going!

>> No.15323322

racist clear o_o

>> No.15323326

Is it true that it's a man using a voice generator?

>> No.15323327

Media cycle

>> No.15323329


>> No.15323331


>> No.15323336


>> No.15323341

Depends what you mean. Identity? see >>15323331
Assigned at birth? see >>15323331

>> No.15323342

Japan most likely

>> No.15323343

What am I looking for?

>> No.15323344

Did you know that youre a nigger? I certainly do.

>> No.15323345

Clear wants the big black capsule?

>> No.15323347

Nothing, its an ironic yes

>> No.15323351
File: 1.09 MB, 2080x1179, 52E365FB-6F0E-4785-A47E-A189E8F96576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shid, ice falling off

>> No.15323354

Holy fuck that did not just happen

>> No.15323355

it's over

>> No.15323356

Its only just began

>> No.15323357

What are they doing with Booster 7? Is this a WDR?

>> No.15323358
File: 575 KB, 1179x1075, E2E6F247-D79C-4A1A-B955-0D73CD879AAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full prop loading test COMPLETE!

>> No.15323359

The beginning of the end.

>> No.15323361


>> No.15323362

I love the smell of an icy booster in the morning.

>> No.15323365

I really like how booster filling up looks like loading bar.

>> No.15323366

Nigger no it didnt.

>> No.15323368

2 more years

>> No.15323370

booster just flew over my house

>> No.15323371

Just so we're clear, I'm arguing that within the next few hundred years, human activity and industrial capacity in space will have grown to the point that Venus has been engineered to the point that it isn't literally hell, and some permanent human presences exist either above the surface or on the ground, mostly performing research on the planet to support further environmental engineering efforts.
I'm not sure if you're saying several hundred years is too short a time frame to have reached that point, or if you're saying we would have made much more progress by that time in the future.

>> No.15323374

that font sucks and I hate looking at it, fire that graphics design guy instantly

>> No.15323376
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, Superheavy charging.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323377

It began for Starshipcels

>> No.15323384
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>> No.15323386

Cuz we broke up lol.
I found out much later it was because her mom was being really shitty to her for dating me, which I mean I guess is understandable, but still shitty. I was pretty torn up about it at the time but got past the oneitis and now I'm happy just being friends with her :)
It would have ended eventually anyway because I want kids and she is 100% certain that she doesn't want kids (not just with me but with anyone, she just doesn't like em, plus she's 5 foot 1 and is terrified that she'd die if she had to give birth)

>> No.15323388

This is so ridiculously unsafe

>> No.15323394

It wouldn't be the first time

>> No.15323395

They were loading LN2 into CH4 tank so it dont blow up.

>> No.15323398
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>> No.15323399

Detanking the prop now. Is it really this month bros?

>> No.15323400

Could Lunar Gateway be visible from Earth?

>> No.15323403
File: 78 KB, 420x600, 1B931CCF-A1A7-4586-AADC-8AFC1321D68E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this image so much

>> No.15323405

Is an ant visible from across a football field?

>> No.15323413

If you have a good enough telescope.

>> No.15323416

I imagined the solar panels could make it shine bright enough.

>> No.15323418

>forgets the atmosphere exists

>> No.15323424

That'd actually be really neat. It'd look like the moon got it's own star.

>> No.15323425

Literally would require Hubble to see it.

>> No.15323427

THAT fucking thing

>> No.15323428

Can Elon at least pretend he cares about Artemis II damn

>> No.15323429
File: 85 KB, 1024x726, Boca-Chica-Starhopper-fit-test-010818-NSF-bocachicagal-9c-1024x726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have come a long way remember when it was a pathetic tin can now it is a cool silver rocket, hope it doesn't blow up

>> No.15323430

artemis huh?

>> No.15323431

Yes because spacex will be using their falc- uhhhh because spacex will be sending starsh- uhhhh because dragon XL will be resulting gatewa- uhhhhhh

>> No.15323433

Just bend the mirror, bro.

>> No.15323434

Hey I said I got over it

>> No.15323436

It would be difficult to spot an O'Neill cylinder in Lunar orbit from Earth, much less a cuck crucible

>> No.15323438
File: 1.28 MB, 1284x770, 001978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would he?

btw if someone missed the announcement, here is an official "meet the crew" video

>> No.15323439
File: 848 KB, 1170x1286, 091D59E4-E9A7-4352-A2A1-A6AE025F2D25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I’m forced to talk to the pr*sident

>> No.15323441

There are telescopes that can see James Webb. Is gateway going to be any harder?

>> No.15323442
File: 130 KB, 600x632, A7512910-D986-4534-83F3-1C108627D9EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please make this into an its over meme

>> No.15323448
File: 1.01 MB, 3902x2338, nhq201808030008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me It's Victor Glover as Mars mission commander 2035 launch window

>> No.15323451

He’s a big guy

>> No.15323455

Big Black Commander

>> No.15323456
File: 5 KB, 450x177, futura book font sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring back Futura, it's got kino and SOVL

>> No.15323458
File: 478 KB, 1010x626, 0AE5B43C-4B51-498C-A70B-5C003F05B1CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis II suffers a tragic parachute anomaly upon landing back on Earth
I am posting from the future

>> No.15323461

I enjoy

>> No.15323462


>> No.15323464

To pump doge by 20%.

>> No.15323465

2033 (mars flyby) >:)

>> No.15323468 [DELETED] 

talked to a spaceflight guy who nearly vomited in his mouth when I mentioned shuttle hardware, good to see not everyone is complacent there

>> No.15323470


>> No.15323474

interplanetary crewed flyby missions are evil

>> No.15323476

>WEF member
Never heard of him before but he's probably shit. Although I like his enthusiasm and that he speaks French for no reason

>> No.15323477

Venus landing NOW

>> No.15323479

Give it to me straight doc. What's a reasonable estimate for earliest date of a human landing on Ceres?

>> No.15323480

Somewhere between tomorrow and never

>> No.15323481

to think that NASA would be happy with a manned Mars flyby, and some anons still shill a manned Venus flyby

>> No.15323482

As far as I am concerned, if you aren't landing, you shouldn't be going. Robots get a pass.

>> No.15323483
File: 10 KB, 307x164, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top ten most scary images number 5

>> No.15323484

Make sure you put every tranny on the planet to Venus. The god of love and beauty, I’m sure they’d love going there since they always say they look good.

>> No.15323486
File: 105 KB, 1600x900, 6DF2F3CE-4832-4915-8C5F-3BC6947EDA29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Number 1

>> No.15323487

It depends on if a Mars-chad hijacks a fueled Starship to go there. Hijack scenario, maybe as early as 2035.

>> No.15323488
File: 426 KB, 621x710, Screenshot621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis II is going to be pure sovl, 24/7 nasa stream and sitting on /sfg/ all day when I can is going to be incredibly comfy.

>> No.15323490

I can't hold it in my heart to hate this. I love retarded alternative launch mechanisms, they hold a special place in my heart.

>> No.15323491
File: 243 KB, 960x956, 1538926031076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've added a picture.

>> No.15323492

It's a mostly peaceful climate.

>> No.15323494
File: 595 KB, 2048x2048, FszNPgcWYAAoB6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is looking like a chad a requirement for being a successful astronaut? All of them have such chiseled jawlines, even the lady

>> No.15323495

>she's 5 foot 1 and is terrified that she'd die if she had to give birth
She's retarded so you probably dodged a bullet

>> No.15323497
File: 937 KB, 1317x865, 20141119_mars-lander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, get scared

>> No.15323500

Such an exciting announcement for humankind and canadians

>> No.15323503
File: 1.04 MB, 2086x1179, 1AE5499F-63C0-4C0D-957E-C41AE6295EB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detanking is about half way done.

>> No.15323506


>> No.15323507

imagine when they announce canadarm forma del mars

>> No.15323511
File: 310 KB, 1057x745, smBLDxVF66VYbPMJuHBJqY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take full advantage of U.S. Capabilities and Investments!

>> No.15323513

Koch has a very painting-esque face. Also some of that Elon upside down smile

>> No.15323514

imagine spending 501 days in the cygnus. I mean I would but damn that's sad

>> No.15323515

That was a lot of quicker than last time

>> No.15323516

Three bajillion plus tip

>> No.15323517

Kill flyby proposers. Behead flyby proposers. Roundhouse kick a crewed flyby mission proposal into the concrete. Slam dunk a flyby proposal into the trashcan. Crucify filthy flyby advocates. Defecate in a flyby advocate's food. Launch flyby proposals into the sun. Stir fry flyby vehicle designs in a wok. Toss flyby mission studies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a flyby spacecraft's helium tank. Judo throw flyby crews into a wood chipper. Twist flyby mission planner's heads off. Report flyby designers to the IRS. Karate chop flyby advocates in half. Curb stomp pregnant flyby mission advocate spouses. Trap flyby advocates in quicksand. Crush flyby mission designs in the trash compactor. Liquefy flyby modules in a vat of acid. Eat flyby mission budgets. Dissect flyby studies. Exterminate flyby designers in the gas chamber. Stomp flyby designer skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate flyby enthusiasts in the oven. Lobotomize flyby designers. Mandatory abortions for flyby supporters. Grind flyby spacecraft prototypes in the garbage disposal. Drown flyby advocates in microwaved ration paste. Vaporize flyby crew recruiters with a cosmic ray gun. Kick old flyby shills down the stairs. Feed flyby training teams to alligators. Slice flyby approvals with a katana.

>> No.15323519

Good lord, maybe if it's a solo trip but even then.

>> No.15323520

The video that broke Real Engineering's credibility.
Then his Helion video shattered it completely.

>> No.15323521

If they could design a toilet that’s pretty much 100% guaranteed not to break it would be way more enjoyable

>> No.15323528

>token white guy
>token woman
>token black guy
>token foreigner
how can such an obviously designed-by-committee crew look so kino?

>> No.15323534


>> No.15323535

because despite all of the dog and pony show, the entire crew was chosen by a white man.

>> No.15323537

You get about 19m3 in Cygnus for your habitat, and then another 9m3 in the Orion-looking part. 30m3, if we're being generous, for about seventeen months.

Probably more like five billion and change. There's an SLS, so that's about $2B, and there's an Orion like reentry capsule which is probably another $2B even without the Euro service module. I refuse to believe that NASA/JPL could design a long-duration Cygnus habitat for less than a billion. And then apparently you need to shuttle crew up to this monster on a Starliner. At least they can get this one done with only one SLS launch.

>> No.15323541

That and I have no reason not to expect all four to be professional and do their jobs well.

>> No.15323543

I approve this message

>> No.15323546

man if this was any program but artemis I'd be getting hyped

>> No.15323550

For some reason I started losing interest in his videos quite a while before that
Too general/normie friendly, meaning fluff to actual info ratio is getting worse and worse

>> No.15323553

Well that makes you a shuttle cuck

>> No.15323555
File: 210 KB, 1273x1024, 1612868847199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one flight every two years
Why is Artemis so disappointing? Saturn V flew every few months.

>> No.15323556

artemis is a shuttle cuck program

>> No.15323561

Nasa is slowly losing its competent workforce

>> No.15323563

She's intelligent enough to have gone to university for engineering and got through it with good grades, but yeah. Personally I think that the fear of being pregnant/giving birth was mostly a cope story to tell to others for the real reason, which is just that she doesn't want kids because she doesn't wanna deal with them, which is fine

>> No.15323571
File: 217 KB, 1500x898, BEA74436-4924-465F-8198-D9BFCC2DB800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 years; nothing more than a few measly photos. What is the interior supposed to look like?

>> No.15323572

Actually, I need to correct myself on those volume figures.

I looked at some estimates for long-term mission planning to figure out the volume you need to store enough food for three crew members for 500 days, and it comes to about 18m3, which just happens to be the same volume as the Cygnus. So it's not three crew living in a Cygnus habitat for a year and a half, it's three crew living in an Orion capsule for a year and a half while they slowly eat their way through a Cygnus' volume of microwave dinners.

But you do get a nice view of Mars out the window as you zoom by.

>> No.15323577

You could also tell he was getting a more and more shaky understanding of the subject matter involved.
Anyone who knows anything about rockets understands that spinlaunch has ZERO benefit. None. It's worse than launching from a plane, it's worse than launching with an expendable booster, it's incomparably worse than launching with a reusable booster.
And anyone who knows anything about the physics of fusion knows that Helion is not going to achieve a self sustaining fusion reactor.

>> No.15323579

Spinchads have evolved beyond the need for petty conflicts

>> No.15323580

That looks like a lot of fun

>> No.15323581


> .
just released a new planetary defense strategy that will help our nation more effectively detect, prepare for, and thwart near-Earth object hazards.

>Learn more about our work to advance leadership and international cooperation in space.


>> No.15323582

>What is the interior supposed to look like?
Whatever they want it to look like. It's not a mission critical thing. The airlocks matter, the elevators matter, the actual interior of the crew compartment can be slapped in place based on a single survey of opinions of the two astronauts who are gonna get to hang out in it.

>> No.15323587

Spaceflight should be more fun, fun is good.

>> No.15323588

>wake up
>check out whats going on
>a fucking pressure test

>> No.15323592

The US has just declared war on space roggs

>> No.15323593

They did a similar test shortly before SN15 flight.

>> No.15323594

Not wanting kids for some vague emotional reason is always a sign of trauma, or immaturity, in a woman.

>> No.15323596

They also put liquid into the tanks :)

>> No.15323598

Only thing that matters is starship actually working.

>> No.15323599

Some of this stuff means there is going to be a permanent increase to needed launch capacity, mainly the regular testing of deflection capability

>> No.15323600

Is that Ted Cruz?

>> No.15323611 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 1170x606, 72707105-D747-497E-95F4-63C8C48B444C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323612

Yes. Her mom was emotionally abusive towards her, and now she doesn't want kids. Many such cases, sad!

>> No.15323623



>> No.15323624

This clearly isn't Starship.

>> No.15323628

>the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
>are you listening? i said

>> No.15323631
File: 97 KB, 1200x678, BF62AEB1-C7B4-4365-B0E7-82CF47E46825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now remember Dennis Tito has purchased his own Starship flight around the Moon

>> No.15323634

he did?

>> No.15323637


>> No.15323641
File: 645 KB, 1169x3077, 3E2A78D7-1453-44FA-83E1-8414E84AF6D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323643

>he bought?

>> No.15323646

Omg he’s going to be in a coffin by then. He’s so old already

>> No.15323653

>exports most of the CO2 and excess nitrogen before bringing the insolation back up to ~50% of the modern Venus, creating effectively a second Earth
so you think Venus having an atmosphere with 50 times the mass of the Earth's atmosphere will make it Earth like? I don't think people realize how much atmosphere Venus has, it has a hundred times the mass of the Earth's atmosphere, if you got rid of 99% of it you would still have a substantial atmosphere, and if you were able to transport just 1% of it to Mars you would go a long way towards making Mars "Earthlike" (not going to bother getting in to composition in this post, yes we're really just talking about CO2 here)

>> No.15323656

holy shit
what a jaw

>> No.15323662

why's our guy victor the only one facing the camera

>> No.15323663

Has it got any nitrogen?

>> No.15323664

NASA went through all the effort to make sure they say "AROUND the moon" but people still don't get that it's not a landing

>> No.15323665

>exports most of the CO2
Most meaning most, as in nearly all. I think you read 50% insulation, instead of 50% insolation.
Insolation means solar flux, aka giving Venus an Earthlike solar flux instead of a Venuslike solar flux. If you remove >99.9% of the CO2, a good chunk of the nitrogen, add water, and add oxygen, you have a comfortable Earthlike Venus.

>> No.15323668

Yeah, wonder if SpaceX will launch his corpse

>> No.15323670

It has a 93 bar atmosphere which is 3.5% nitrogen. That's over 3 bar of nitrogen, compared to Earth's roughly 0.78 bar nitrogen.

>> No.15323672
File: 128 KB, 1279x707, 1625357562874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we could call it FFR, fact to fluff ratio.

>> No.15323673

Just looked it up, 3.5%, that's loads of nitrogen. There's an export product for your cloud city. Even in star wars cloud city was an export hub for a mining operation, not a whole colonization thing. They were extracting some special gas.

>> No.15323680

>What if two cars showed up at the same oil well?
I love 1880s posting

>> No.15323681

You don't want a cloud city to extract atmospheric gasses, you want orbiting collection scoops. If you're going for nitrogen you're in luck because the upper atmosphere should be naturally enriched in the lighter N2 gas vs the heavy CO2.

>> No.15323683
File: 173 KB, 958x916, 1608349469334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will be cheaper to mine on Earth for a long time to come

>> No.15323685

They still call Falcon9/Dragon space shuttle so

>> No.15323686

Sound understanding of supply and demand.

>> No.15323687
File: 435 KB, 2164x972, VideoCapture_20221222-172508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323688

You might be able to combine a scooping operation with a flyby. Scoop the payload then loop right back out. But maybe a longer collection period is more practical

>> No.15323690

Okay? The entire planet of Mercury could be strip mined for a bazillion dollars. But no ones done it yet? And no one wants to do it, even though it’s just sitting out there waiting?? Curious.

>> No.15323691
File: 40 KB, 640x640, 1470450121254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that the clock boy?? Are does he get a free trip to the moon for all the oppressing he suffered?

>> No.15323693

Lmao at the curious

>> No.15323700

Yep. He is a major space ally

>> No.15323702

did you know the earths core has $1 billion quintillion gorrillion worth of iron and nickel? we can just mine that right now to make everyone trillionaires.

>> No.15323703

soon we will have our very own gaynigger in outer space

>> No.15323707


>> No.15323710

Flyby wouldn't be enough, but you're kinda on the right track. What you'd want is a nice big heavy spacecraft dragging the collection system behind it, on a nice long elliptical orbit. The periapsis is in the high upper atmosphere, the apoapsis is just far away. During each scooping operation the vehicle collects a few hundred kgs of gasses, cooled by a system that dumps the heat of the gas into a block of ice (ice acts as mass ballast too). On the coast away from periapsis, the vehicle refreezes its ice ballast and cryocools its collected gasses to store as liquid. At apoapsis the vehicle bumps its periapsis out of the atmosphere, then at periapsis it bumps its apoapsis back up to the starting altitude, and finally at apoapsis it bumps its periapsis back down into the atmosphere, so the cycle can repeat. Every time the vehicle's liquid storage tanks fill up it transfers the payload off to a tug which will carry it to a depot storage in Venus orbit. Your two options for increasing productivity is to spam collector vehicles, and to make each collector larger. The more mass a single collector has the more momentum it will have, which means the less its orbit will be affected by every scooping pass for a given kilogram of material collected.

>> No.15323711

guys I just found out there's a few milligrams of lithium per ton of rock and soil under my house, I'm rich

>> No.15323713
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>> No.15323726


>> No.15323734

Considering the history one must have to be qualified for that, this is essentially the case.

>> No.15323787

Actually perfect… holy shit

>> No.15323790


>> No.15323793

We are so black

>> No.15323805


>> No.15323809

Back in black

>> No.15323814
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>> No.15323818

Glover deserves a biopic starring Dwayne Johnson

>> No.15323821
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Chopsticks are down, looks like this may be all they do today.

>> No.15323828

Someone bake a new thread, we’re at 988 replies. AND SAY YOURE MAKING IT SO WE DONT GET DUPLICATES.

>> No.15323837

Well, that's the O.J. role filled, at least.

>> No.15323847
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>> No.15323858

Even when launching from a moon?

>> No.15323866

>Oh my god how people DARE not want to live like me

>> No.15324317

fucking jurvetson get imprisoned already for torturing infants or whatever people like him do

>> No.15324399

launches rockets, vultures capital, holds sex parties, and isn't afraid of anything