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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15307880 No.15307880 [Reply] [Original]

is morally wrong and transphobic

Hear me out: psychologists and others advise us to reverse our scrotums in what they call "sex reassignment surgery" and expect us to be happy about it.

What we need is the ability to really become the opposite sex, but obsolete laws and bigoted beliefs prevent us from becoming our true selves.

What we need is a new method that allows us to change our genes, our sex organs and, since people keep complaining, our bone structure.

But the legal system and big pharma don't allow us to do research on these things! If it were voluntary, I would sign up immediately! Why can't I have the female body I want!

>> No.15307891

>cure for homosexuality
>hell no!!! thats muh eugenics!!!
>womb transplants for trannies and technology to alter their chromossomes
>hecking cute and valid!!

>> No.15308054

ooooooh boy
oh boy

>> No.15308126

She hot as fuck, bruh. Faaaaarrrkk. The titties though, bruh. Fuckin I'd slap the shit out of em, bruh. Imagine me slappin em, bruh. Could you imagine that? I'd roundhouse slap titty all night bruh faaarrrk

>> No.15310184


>> No.15310239

I'd like to do some experiments on her.

>> No.15310243

which kind?

>> No.15310256

Poke each of her boobs to find out which one I like most.

>> No.15311279

Homosexuality is not a genetic problem. You can choose to not be a faggot.

>> No.15311286

Stfu bruhhhhhhhh genz pewdoeie faggot.

>> No.15311660
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>prevent us from becoming our true selves

>> No.15311674
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how about gender dysphorics are quarantined from the normal population so they can pursue their degeneracy without destroying the moral fabric of a healthy society?

>> No.15311797

You are sick in the head. Herbed

>> No.15311903

You need soma cloning and brain transplants to get what you actually want. The majority will want this deregulated, because it enables significant life extension and repair, but its probably still a long way off. Swapping a Y for an X chromosome in the build will be one of many options that come with it, but that's not how you persuade people to pursue the tech. You go for the "fountain of youth" angle, then add sex change as an option.
You could easily do both, in fact one enables the other. Once you have the ability to completely change someone's physical sex at the chromosome level, you will also have data on the genetics of people who pick that option. So you can give people the option to make sure their children don't have those genetics. Same goes for all the other letters in LGBTQ+ etc. You'll be able to prevent the sexual misalignment before it happens.

>> No.15312692

She's right

>> No.15312708 [DELETED] 

tranny with retarded soience fiction fantasy life if got out of a comic book

>> No.15312846

Lol! You won't do shit. You'll just be a bystander that unfortunately happens to be a fucking tranny yearning for the day to become a woman. Longevity is the top priority at the moment, not trying to prevent some tranny from going ack!

>> No.15312853

Genetic engineering is going to be used on humans to reverse sexual size dimorphism, and make human males 130cm and super athletic, and human females 200cm and super fecund, who gestate small litters of 3 or 4 babies each pregnancy.

>> No.15312921 [DELETED] 


>> No.15312960
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>> No.15312969

I want to cover her in genetic material, purely for scientific reasons.

>> No.15313037

I kind of want to fill her with genetic material for scientific reasons.

>> No.15313078

One wonders if the guy in the spiderman costume remained sitting whilst his boner was still active.

>> No.15313196

holy shit, I thought that was Uncle Fester

>> No.15314393
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>> No.15314561

You have an engineering degree, don't you?

>> No.15315280

What does degenerate persons have to do with genetic engeneering?

>> No.15315293
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> Trannies as the battering ram to remove the retarded obsolete regulations
I never thought of you faggots this way, but now when I do, more power to you, gals.
You may even argue that acceptance of freaks is making extraterrastrial creatures more likely to contact us (because imagine how queer those things must be!)

>> No.15315566

>all that enjiposting itt
it's /sci/

>> No.15315637

According to genetic research, homosexuality doesn’t seem to be caused by genes.

>> No.15315688

idk about OP but i just want to be a girl lol. i'd be more than willing to undergo mental and physical changes to achieve that goal

>You'll just be a bystander
i don't want to be just a bystander

>Longevity is the top priority at the moment,
progress is progress. just don't want to be stuck as myself forever

>> No.15315695
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You need to catch up to the cutting edge of Science to learn why it would be wrong.

You DO read about Genetics, right, Anon?

>> No.15317884


>> No.15318222

someone give source already

>> No.15318256

Literal fucking schizo larping as a scientist, this is amusing<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15318269
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Post Library, you will be Judge, HARD.

>> No.15318272

16 books each about 15% read...
So like, you've read like 2.5 books in your life?
Great library faggot

>> No.15318277


>> No.15318280

That marker is where its left off, not progress.

Take the L...your library of Ego is shit.

>> No.15318288
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>> No.15318304
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Six books on Genetics and Evolutionary Biology. Ive actually listened to Tangled Tree more than once, kind of blew me away with lateral transfers, made a bunch of things click.

Please....post some books. They reveal much and if you do....I will be able to TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE.

>> No.15318311

Genetic engineering and organic computers are the real future of humanity

>> No.15318313

>being against human experimentation and genetic engineering

Welcome to class.
Do your research or flunk life.

>> No.15318486

What is this dude saying in dumb terms? Idk what the fuck homostatis is

>> No.15318496

Meaning Genetics are not the only thing that effects what an organism is or becomes and can alter it without genetic changes. Related to electrical voltage and that being "the spark of divinity" that seperates molecules interactions (DNA) and a living organism.

>> No.15318500

How can I change a genetic trait such as alcoholism then?

>> No.15318510
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>genetic trait such as alcoholism
By activating your own genes through self indunced suffering until you awaken. You seek a pill to fix you but that doesnt exist. YOU are the pill, your own biochemistry is powerful but it does not express under idle wasting and indulgence.

>> No.15318513

You mean I can change anything through the power of thought?

>> No.15318522

>change anything
Not "anything", but you are looking at this from a too specific of a view.

More like; Become in such a way that the old you that was alcoholic is no longer you...because you are borne again.

Its like shocking your central nervous system into becoming online for the first time (if you actually went whole hearted into it AND did it right AND it happens.) Even if all three dont happen, simply experiencing a far deeper reality of existence (willfully enduring hardships) makes other hardships like withdrawls or addiction literally feel less powerful.

The world didnt change but you did. A valley girl thinking she "lives in oppression" changes her views real quick when she actually does. Same for you.

>> No.15318529

But how can I do that? There is no cure of alcoholism...once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic

>> No.15318543
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>But how can I do that?
Quiting smoking was easy in the Army...because you literally have no choice. If you camt quit while you always have access, then maybe a long trip to a place where you simply will not have access at all. "Spirit walk". "Wander the desert for 40 days." These are metaphores but also not...because a spirit walk is literally walking into the woods with nothing and not returning until you have a Revelation.

The Revelation would be so profound you returned a new person...

>once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic
Youre literally brainwashing yourself with this thinking, as your repeated thoughts become for concrete in your brain Physiology, connecting more to those nodes and becoming more difficult to overright.

When I quit opioids I would set the bottle on the mantle and just not touch it. Was easy. But smoking....I could quit but I live a hardcore kifestyle with tons and TONS of existential stress so I wiuld often break down and smoke at some point. I should be on my last go, Im using snus, so the craving for smoke is gone, just the nicotine now.

In a couple months Im planning a hiking trip through Afghanistan where I wont have those and by the time I leave I should be free of it for good. I will suck...but hiking in nountains in a far off land will take my mind of such little things.

>> No.15318599

They don't want to keep homosexually uncured because "muh eugenics", it's because more research would reveal that it has no genetic basis and is thus either a choice or the product of early childhood sexual exploitation (molestation, pornography exposure, etc)

>> No.15318603

Homosexuality is caused by prenatal environmental disturbance

>> No.15318619

What kind of environmental disturbance?

>> No.15318637

Homosexual uncles that lust after the flesh of their kin.

>> No.15318639

Not that anon, but IIRC something about the mother flooding the baby with extreme number of estrogen hormones, or something like that.

>> No.15318644

third option, scarcity of resources causes tight-knit family populations to withdraw inwards and devote all resources towards a smaller clutch of offspring
your fun gay uncle isn't the result of choice or trauma, he just realizes this world is a shitty place to raise a kid so he'll pay for his brother's kid's education instead
now go ahead and spread whatever lies you want

>> No.15318648
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>> No.15318654

>you don't like diddlers? What are you, some kind of diddler?

>> No.15318724

Read about the Fraternal Birth Order Effect

>> No.15318912

This is exactly what transpired.
Actually, this is the perfect mental test to sniff out whether someone is truly a male or just pretending to be. Just pose them the question why spiderman remained sitting.

>> No.15319731

Enji Night. now get lost.

>> No.15319740

That's bullshit and a hypothesis at best. Just like they can't determine the reasoning behind autism, then blame a "flood of hormones in utero". They've gone through progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone with each being a possibility, yet no one's nailed down anything.

>> No.15320021

transgenders don't exist. suppose perfect genetic engineering existed and you could swap genders, and you did, you wouldn't be a transgender, you would just turn into a women. matter of fact you when a transgender before hand either, because you where just a man. If you are a man that believes you are a women you are not a 'transgender' you are mentally ill. the funny thing is if perfect genetic engineering did exist, it would not help trannies because their issue is they are mentally ill, not that they have anything wrong with their bodies.

>> No.15320024

And that's a good thing!

>> No.15320066
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I found similarly related things in my research with siblings, logically by nature it makes sense to not just "redo the same version as the first" incase that version turned out to be the wrong evolutionary direction to the environment. Cast the seeds, not plant them all in one spot, so to speak.

Sometimes...sometimes they just want to see the mountain tops and not the sea like the rest.

>> No.15320081

Homosexuality us caused by the lack of mercury. The only likely genetic component is if you get first fat, or gay.

>> No.15320159

The FBOE has no evolutionary sense or advantage. Its an error

>> No.15320619

I don't think you get it anon. Big Pharma wishes it could try out the most deranged experiments, patents are their actual golden goose. market differentiation means profits for everybody who chooses to be the only fish in a decently-sized pond.
I'd even go as far as to say that they're probably pushing trans rights because they know they can get this result and that it's a goldmine for them.

>> No.15322454


>> No.15322491

Even the GPT bot can see through you.