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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15315593 No.15315593 [Reply] [Original]

Some believe they can tame non linear systems, but all we have is probabilities and statistical mathematics.

There is more hidden variables in the chaotic system that is possible to observe.

Anyone that claims a chaotic system can be tamed is a deranged schizo needing medical help.

Even the best supercomputers get weather prediction wrong. Biological systems can not be interpreted by humans it’s too complex. AI is nothing more than prediction. Quantum computers and nuclear fusion will never exist.

Enough with the hype

>> No.15315606
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>> No.15315608

Stop being a downer

>> No.15315609

>all we have is probabilities and statistical mathematics.
thats just your imprecise measurement tools
world doesnt work that way

>> No.15315624

So why isn’t there consistently precise weather predictions.

You seem like the delusional, sheep that believe in this nonsense

>> No.15315634

Downer? I’m being realistic, humans try to much to play god.

I had to learn this lesson the hard way. They best course of action is let nature be. Fighting nature is a no win battle

>> No.15315800

are you the schizo who thinks we "might as well" have free will just because the world is nonlinear?

smart people are still going to try to formulate a hidden variables theory to move beyond the flawed qm. opposing this effort would just be bucket-crabbing.

>> No.15315826


>> No.15315829
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>Some believe they can tame non linear systems
Maybe...maybe not...start with a broken buck...THEN ride the bull.

>> No.15315837

>So why isn’t there consistently precise weather predictions.
Simple. Make a 1:1 scale Quantum Computer of the Solar System accounting for every atom. Now...this will need some tuning from time to time to account for the rest of the universe...but hey, a clock that needs a windup? Not bad for a mortal.

>> No.15315846
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>Fighting nature is a no win battle
Invention of fire, tilling the land, infection fighting medicine...these are all "fighting nature".

Your very existence is "fighting nature". Your gut biome fights nature every second of your life. Cutting down trees for a shelter, is a war against nature.

>> No.15315853
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>There is more hidden variables in the chaotic system that is possible to observe.
But Axioms of Reality are the metrics of Physics itself. Humans use a type of heiroglyphs, I use Physics or Biology based math (not the kind you use.)

>Subatomic, Atomic and Celestial scales all following the same pricipals.

>> No.15315856
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Look!!!! another deterministic weirdo. Like Darwin and schizo cosmologist. If life is so deterministic as you people claim , the go ahead

Create another earth!!!!
Create the sun!!!
Or make a fire ant from scratch!!

Oh wait, you can’t lmao. That means you should shut the fuck up. Because you don’t know what your talking about.

>> No.15315861

Physical simulations on quantum computers increase as a square of the input

>> No.15315862
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>humans try to much to play god.
Anon, I...

>> No.15315863

>if determinism is true then you must be able to create stars and planets
i don't think you know what determinism means.

>> No.15315866
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I dont know how many qbits they need for which ever computation, just that *in theory*...well...MAKE IT BIGGER! Go GOMAD and LIFT!

>> No.15315869
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>> No.15315877
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>Because you don’t know what your talking about.
Just read the damn book I posted if you THINK you want to tango with "Chaos". Its Electrical Engineering/Computer Chaos Theory....so its "baby chaos" compared to TRUE CHAOS.

>> No.15315901

Explain baryon asymmetry you idiot. Look what we have another egomaniac who thinks he understands the world.

Be gone devil. Be gone

>> No.15315912
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No. You have proven to be ignorant on EVERY POST YOU MAKE.
You are EGO. You are VAIN.

>i don't think you know what determinism means.
You dont.
>Because you don’t know what your talking about.
Take your own advice.

>> No.15315930

>baryon asymmetry
*cracks knuckles* A bit outside my field but I'll take a shot.

Positive particle and Neutral particle makes 2/3rds, with Negative being a 1/3rd. This gives the universe directionality and movement unceasing and eternally.

Idk...I just made that up on the spot. Not even bringing standard model into this with positrons and what not.

>> No.15315934
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Im more of a Gravity and Spacetime Physicist.


>> No.15315971

>Positive particle and Neutral particle makes 2/3rds, with Negative being a 1/3rd. This gives the universe directionality and movement unceasing and eternally.
I believe this is related to why things spiral is the same direction, in that it is "falling" in a hyper-dimensional direction. Explains symetry for many things to me, and if "discovered" would give us a definitive metric of gravity, time and probably a bunch of othet stuff.

>electron orbitals, why masses "orbit" and not simply collect together etc

>> No.15315973

They should call that the "I walk with a limp 'cause my nuts are heavy attractor."

>> No.15315978

Galactic north and south...why not universal?

>> No.15315980

Expands at the top, contracts at the bottom.

>> No.15315981

I don’t have time for childish outbursts

The spirit of sigma Freud has let me know, I GOT YOU ON THE ROPES!!!!!

>> No.15315983
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>> No.15316675

But seriously chaos cannot be mathematically solved

>> No.15316784

because you cant measure all of earth completely, retard

>> No.15316807

Thank you idiot for making my point. What do you think hidden variables are pajeet?

>> No.15317715
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>chaos cannot be mathematically solved
Thats a guess...stop guessing.
>hidden variables
Hidden in plains sight...

What have you learned since you put on the name tag?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15317739

>he affirms hidden variables
so you are a based determinist after all. i'm not sure then, why you earlier spoke out against determinism. you seem to be in this weird position where you reluctantly admit detetminism whilst trying to subtly discredit it. very odd.

>> No.15317836

All complex systems go through alternating regimes of linear and nonlinear behavior.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15317844

which book? The Wiener one?

>> No.15317847

>3 name fag schizophreniacs wannabe mathematicians pretend to understand what the fuck and how things work

>> No.15317863
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>Stop guessing start learning
Post book, give a review, be tested.
Dont...and you reveal you never knew anything at all.

>A book about a charlatan believing the "Academics" were on his side...but none were.
Academics, please respond.

>> No.15317877

>Schizophreniac pretending to be an academic

>> No.15317880

No point in arguing with schizophreniac delusions, see few posts above

>> No.15317881
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>pretending to be an academic
>Academics, please respond.
You're are a shit researcher. Name your field, I will destroy you in it.

Any field, name it...let's duel, son.

>> No.15317882
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Because I stomp everyone that tries to dust.


>> No.15317883

Literal delusions of grandeur, treat yourself worthless schizophreniac piece of shit and stop shitting up the board

>> No.15317886
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Its not a delusion when its a fact.

Stick to memes, kid...youre not a Doctor or a Scientist of any kind...

>> No.15317889
File: 207 KB, 538x720, 2022-10-20_19.59.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>treat yourself
..........you have no idea how hard that is for me to do................

>> No.15318088

Are you the same account talking to yourself? What is going on here?

>> No.15318098

I learned this is a duplicate account of the same guy spamming all the comments<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15318108
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Newfag, begone.
Newfag, begone.

>This is not your House, it is mine. So said the Lord, your God.