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File: 436 KB, 658x884, scientists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15313838 No.15313838 [Reply] [Original]

scientists invent dirty aquariums, say something nice about them
>Scientists create Liquid Trees; a tank full of water and micro-algae that could be an alternative to trees in urban areas

>> No.15313862

Should just start cultivating some nice mosses.

>> No.15313868

I give these approximately 1 week before chimps start smashing them with tire irons.

>> No.15313875

"Hey dawg there be some Brawdo to loot!"
"Nawz nigah, dat be the new Krokodil bruh!"

>> No.15313952

Now why would they do that?

>> No.15313961

Funny shiny green tank go smashy smash, water come out. Make chimp look very strong. Make other chimp impress, show dumb human who strongest boss on street. Eek eek.

>> No.15313967

they are in siberia, they dont have chimp problems there like the west does

>> No.15313970


>> No.15313976

Serbia. Not Siberia. It would be a block of green ice.

>> No.15313992

I'm a slav and I'd smash those aquariums

>> No.15313996

My brother in Christ, both Serbia and Russia have their share of street tards that break things and light them on fire for the sake of breaking and burning.

>> No.15314011

You fucking mongos. I corrected him on the location. A slab of microalgae icee pop wouldn't fucking make it in Siberia right now.

>> No.15314021

And I responded to the corrected post as well, saying it doesn't matter which location it is because it would still probably get busted by some retard with a pipe.

>> No.15314467

What's the fucking point? Algae generates oxygen, yes, but they need to cover huge surfaces, like in seas and oceans. This tank won't produce shit. We put trees inside the city not to produce oxygen but to look pretty.

>> No.15314469

And to change the albedo of the city. Trees cover up asphalt and reduce the urban island effect, which is the #1 driver of apparent extreme climate change for cityfolk.

>> No.15314472

Because algae will be the currency of the NWO

>> No.15314479

Could dying asphalt white help? Having it reflect light there by cooling areas off.

>> No.15314487

Yes it would help a huge amount! Reversing the colors of all roadways (white road with black lines) would cool cities by several degrees at ground level. Though the mass of concrete in the buildings and roads still helps retain heat.

>> No.15314489

>cover huge surfaces, like in seas and oceans
or the vertical walls of skyscrapers, which are pretty hard to plant and safely adhere trees on. It's the same as this "green roof" or "green wall" thing going up fucking *everywhere,* except presumably easier to maintain (no roots, no pollinators, algae is pretty hardy and doesn't have many widespread pathogens), and it's probably more surface area and faster action for a given rectangle of wall because of all the smallscale filaments and pores and shit.

>> No.15314501

And the reflected sun light would burn everyone walking in the street

>> No.15314504

It isn't really a problem. Cement and Macadam roads are white or grey and rarely cause trouble like that.

>> No.15314509

I think it is more about blinding drivers (and residents, and pedestrians/bikers), when the sun's angle against that white reflector is just where you don't want it to be.

>> No.15314690

It certainly is a problem in sunny places

This is also a problem

>> No.15314696

>It certainly is a problem in sunny places
Nowhere I've been has had this problem.

>> No.15314702

Australia cities genuinely have a reflectivity problem in summer.
The reflected sun light off of glass buildings that's angled incorrectly reflects into pedestrians.
Now imagine a white rode or foot path that's reflecting at an angle to the sun, into people's eyes amd faces, and whilst reflecting into glass on buildings that also reflects it back.
Just thinking about this in summer time gives me a headache.

>> No.15314706

I knew it was Serbia, my phone changed it or I mistyped it

>> No.15314710

>A slab of microalgae icee pop wouldn't fucking make it in Siberia right now
It wouldnt be hard to outfit it with a heating unit

>> No.15314712 [DELETED] 

this is a fine example of the kind of idiocy that contemporary science produces in lieu of being able to produce anything of legitimate value

>> No.15314719
File: 161 KB, 1242x810, 1680240983916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what a normal tree looks like in a 15-minute city
>perfectly compact and efficient to be placed between the pod house and the bug farm
>what do you mean, "not a real tree"? It identifies as a tree. Stop being treephobic
>no, you're not allowed to leave the 15-minute city and see the forest

>> No.15314722

idk if it can produce oxygen and energy it seems pretty useful to me. what is the problem with it? I'd like to see figures on how much co2 it scrubs in comparison to the average tree. If there was one on every corner in a every city, or hell even on rooftops of buildings if people dont want to look at them, it could do a substantial amount of carbon reduction

>> No.15314739
File: 882 KB, 840x1024, 1680243069673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are city slickers so scared of trees?

>> No.15314742

Nature reminds them of the glory of God.

>> No.15314754 [DELETED] 

Its an unneeded, but no doubt expensive and profitable solution for a problem which does not exist. Same as windmills. Who is selling them, is it Nancy Pelosi's kid or Mitt Romney's kid? They've both already made off with over $100 million each in solar subsidies without producing anything, isn't that enough? Apparently not

>> No.15314759

Just to mindlessly destroy anything wypippo build because they can't create anything themselves.

>> No.15314771

Even the trees must move to the pods now anon.

>> No.15314773 [DELETED] 

oceans don't sit on the sidewalk serving as a propaganda piece

>> No.15314776

to add to this, it may be useful in space travel as a co2 scrubber

>> No.15314859

>lodge an aquarium full of water, of 10cm thickness, on all sides of an exciting building

What could go wrong?

>> No.15314968

No we mostly use trees for shade and that box doesn't look like a good source of shade.

>> No.15314978 [DELETED] 

They already have superior solutions available. seeking out an inferior, but unique solution to a problem which has already been solved is a tipoff of mental illness, there has been a lot written about the craving for special snowflake status.


Ernest Jones was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

Remember that next time you see someone offering a solution in search of a problem and avoid putting the cart before the horse yourself.

>> No.15315101

I would too, these things are fucking satanic
give me trees or give me death

>> No.15315106

Then don't be so extreme with black/white and just use shades of green like nature does for plants.

>> No.15315139

No, it reminds people of entropy, rot, and decay because you can't help but stumbling on broken branches and dead animals when in nature.

>> No.15315158 [DELETED] 

yeah, people say niggers are too stupid to graduate from ZOG school too, but the truth is that niggers are too smart to waste the prime years of the lives memorizing holocaust "facts" in exchange for goodboy points from teacher

>> No.15315281

>green roads
Honestly why not? We could go one step further and use blue roads so the reflected blue light increased levels of awareness

>> No.15315361

great, it's a more expensive, much uglier, less energy efficient tree

we reinvented the wheel, but made it square

>> No.15315401

There's not reason to have this outside of a spaceship. You need energy to pump air through it. It can break, doesn't grow by itself, expensive, needs servicing etc.

>> No.15315404

And what is the economic advantage of this shit? Does it make my workers more productive? Does it make me more money? Then what does it produce? Some resource that is already too available to be monetized? Then why should I buy it?

>> No.15315407

It's in Belgrade, only Slavnigs there, they are problematic, but usually don't destroy their own areas.

>> No.15315408

Why would I want to cover the walls of skyscrapers with green shit when I can cover them with advertisement and get paid for it?

>> No.15315803

ironic you would mention mental illness when this post reeks of it. are you clinically retarded? wtf is wrong with you? you have no iidea what the possibilities for this are. Obviously it does something because people fucking paid to develop it and I doubt they did it because they thought it looked cool. Spergy fucking retard, you are probably schizo anon

>> No.15315820

>lodge an aquarium full of water, of 10cm thickness
I think they use a gel like silicone, or some kind of foam with structure. It has to have a lot of surface area exposed to air.

>> No.15315824

You could cover them in advertisements made of dyed algae, and get both, and also a huge grant or tax writeoff from your city.

>> No.15315958

Their chimps are the same thing, just white

>> No.15315992

That's very funny

>> No.15316219

as opposed to normal algae? the word micro lets you know that they're doing science.

>> No.15316223

Because they see a thing that looks expensive, or that had some care or thought put into it, and they get angry and jealous. So they smash it for being "uppity".

>> No.15316230

>Could dying asphalt white help?
It would be massively expensive. You have to keep in mind the shear surface area involved, and how much white die you'd need to turn TAR white.

>> No.15316232

Just make roads from concrete instead.

>> No.15316239

Concrete roads are absolute shit in regions with freeze-thaw cycles. And furthermore, they're massively more expensive than asphalt. Particularly repaving them, very expensive since you have to truck in new concrete instead of melting and relaying the asphalt that is already there.

The cost to replace all those roads with concrete cannot be justified by the municipalities which are responsible for their creation and upkeep.

>> No.15316273

>TAR white.
IIRC modern low-absorbtion pavements use lighter-colored gravel or tailings, mixed in with the petrochem. One big source is actually recycled asphalt millings, which bleaches to grey over time as road. That doesn't cost too much more or completely obliterate the mechanical properties. The reduction in heat island and thus required cooling would probably offset added cost a little too.

>> No.15316277

I'm pretty sure all asphalt bleaches light gray over time, although I'm not sure if it's truly bleaching or merely local dust/dirt/etc attaching to and impregnating the surface o the asphalt over time. Either way, only fresh asphalt roads are truly black.

>> No.15316278

>Concrete roads are absolute shit in regions with freeze-thaw cycles.
Why don't they use the Roman method for making self-healing concrete? It's been figured out for a little while now; they intentionally included bits of lime that weren't fully slaked so whenever microscopic cracks formed and water seeped in, the quicklime would basically turn in to more mortar and fill the crack.

>> No.15316288

>>Why don't they use the Roman method for making self-healing concrete?
Aka adding pozzolines like fly ash? Because it's expensive than regular concrete, which is already much more expensive than asphalt, and because it doesn't help as much as you think. Freeze thaw cycles still wreck it. Furthermore the apparent superiority of Roman concrete has a strong survivor bias. The Roman concrete you see is that which lasted. A lot of it didn't.

>> No.15316290

read the post, dumbass

>> No.15316291

You read mine. "Roman concrete" is characterized by the use of volcanic ash. There are various specialized concretes in use today, we have more advanced concrete than the Romans. But it all comes at a cost and cost is the dominant consideration when building roads.

>> No.15316299

>bleaches light gray over time
yeah, but you get the color even lighter by milling and polishing it a little afterward

>truly bleaching
yes I believe it's mostly solar, just like shingles and clothes that don't get shit driven into them all the time.

>> No.15316306
File: 129 KB, 1060x818, WEF goo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are growing ze goo you must eat when zey take away ze bugs if you don't become ze troon.

>> No.15316310

You're literally retarded. Your information is years out of date. "uhhh.. it's because volcanic ash...." was the old theory based on not knowing what made Roman concrete better.

>> No.15316910

some algae are multicellular therefore it's justified

>> No.15316943

Yeah the great and infinite uses of the public dirty water box. How about we don't need a big concrete jungle for a bunch of office chimps.

>> No.15316947

>if the matter isn't alive then it's not worth paying attention to

>> No.15316965

Solutions that involve reducing our need for ridiculous, expensive high tech infrastructure works that employ contractors, engineers and scientists don't stimulate the economy, sorry. What, did you think this was about the environment or something?
Christ next you're going to suggest that we should focus on economic self-sufficiency and shortening supply chains, instead of making them even bigger and making the world even more dependent on a few easily controlled centers of production, with the whole population crammed in to hive cities of 100 million service industry workers servicing the needs of all the other service industry workers

>> No.15316974

Haha I'm a bit of a bleeding heart I know

>> No.15317473

The story of that insane Rabbitor is even sadder. It's actually a FTM tranny that sewed her cunt shut. I am not making this up. She had female genital mutilation and only a piss hole there right now.

>> No.15317801

>be black
>hate ytpipo
>See ytpipo thing
>engage chimping out at it

>> No.15319917

>Sun comes out
>Everyone crashes because they've been blinded by the powerful scattered light

>> No.15319930
File: 18 KB, 423x383, penis envy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wishes she was born with a penis, classic penis envy, common to all women.

>> No.15321661

Glow in the dark algae just uses more resources than adapting building and city planning to accommodate the local ecosystem. If you got rid of the ugly ass steel and glass buildings, have some greenroofs and turn shitty unused streets into wildlife corridors, you would have much more environmentally sound and biodiverse city. If you just gave a little thought to the area.
Everyone insisting on keeping the failed societal uplift experiments around also hurts

>> No.15321710 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, fake enviromental concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in liberal city, usa, i grow lots of plants on my roof, tomatoes, lettuce, trees, raspberries, flowers, kale in winter. when i go on my roof and look around, nobody else is doing this, nobody in the whole city. everyone in the city will complain about "the planet is dying", "global warming gonna kill us all". they are all too lazy to lift a finger to do anything about the problems they complain of. they also complain that food is too expensive. mine is free, saves me money on air conditioning too.

>> No.15321712

Why not just plant fucking trees?

>> No.15321722

Trees take a lot time to grow and its maintenance is reliant on other factors that are difficult to control.

>> No.15321724

Trees are beneficial for the human soul, whereas algae pods are oppressive and dehumanizing.

>> No.15321725 [DELETED] 

doesn't make money for corrupt politicians, they demand a more expensive solution

>> No.15321862

This. I'm still surprised no hippy faggot hasn't tried pushing greenhouse skyscrapers. It sounds perfect on paper. Food security for a city, jobs for the retard, siphon for the CO2, and look pretty. Probably has a shit load of problems but no one thinks ahead.

>> No.15322063

that explains the vast stretches of forested wilderness around the world

>> No.15322155

People are starting to realize farm arcologies are never a match for all the free sunlight and the economy of scale of a farm. Growlights only make any economic sense when growing weed

>> No.15322166



>> No.15322215 [DELETED] 

right, if you want your food to cost several hundred dollars a pound, grow it indoors under lamps. the average pound of weed has a about 1.5 megawatt hours devoted to it. urbanite environmentalists smoke tons of that stuff and then complain out the other sides of their mouths about how everyone else is destroying the planet.
where do they get their massively outsize sense of entitlement?
is it all powered by their drug addiction?

>> No.15322219

It's powered by their messiah complexes, which may be caused by their psychedelic drug addiction.

>> No.15322224

>suns out
>car crashes up 10000%
>sun sets

I do like the idea of blinding drivers.

>> No.15322235

>where do they get their massively outsize sense of entitlement?
It's a mix of the detachment from consequences of reality brought by affluence, and the middle class desire for power
There's a reason the ruling class always targets the middle

>> No.15322266 [DELETED] 


>> No.15322659

>60 floor greenhouse filled with weed
That'll still help the cities out.

>> No.15322736

Imagine the joggers

>> No.15322748
File: 87 KB, 948x960, liquid-h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now, hear me out

>> No.15322758

>Urban hivemind
Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty sick

>> No.15322772

Would it feel pain or pleasure?

>> No.15322799

You people of the city enjoy your treeslop, I'll stick to my countryside.

>> No.15322836

Give it internet and I'm in

>> No.15322923
File: 230 KB, 1484x828, hellraiser_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15325184
File: 342 KB, 1356x1500, biotech_house_by_sedeptra_de5snuv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, solarpunk then? >>>/wg/7963374

>Algae generates oxygen, yes, but they need to cover huge surfaces, like in seas and oceans.
That, or permit iron salting.

>Because algae will be the currency of the NWO
Morelike the anti-currency they fear. Iron salting would eat the CO2 and increase fish catches. That would end their insane plans and is therefore made illegal.

They have.

>> No.15325308

>Iron salting
They tried that like 20 years ago and IIRC it provided a temporary algae bloom to eat the CO2 but in the long term there wasn't a significant net benefit

>> No.15326349
File: 58 KB, 403x720, 3fc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15326624

Much of the results were destroyed, in the style of medieval book burning. Still, some claim that the subsequent year the fisheries had a record haul.

>> No.15326631

jesus this is sad if true, anyone have a link to this?

>> No.15327042

>banned from youtube for being truthful

>> No.15328115

>Iron salting
I tried searching for articles using Google. I only got garbage back. Is this censored by Google?

>> No.15329999

Trees also need servicing in populated areas by arborists. They also have the propensity to spread their roots into things like water mains and septic tanks. Algae tanks are interesting in concept, but I think densely populated city blocks with zero green space and ecological reserves for miles are more of a problem. Living in a way where we can avoid negative impacts on nature and by nature on human cities while maintaining most of our convenience would be a better use of time.

>> No.15330006

It has problems because it artificially can inflate the ecosystem where it takes place, stop the iron fertilization and the whole ecosystem could collapse which creates a larger problem. Maybe if there is someway to use it to only kickstart some growth it would be a viable method of geoengineering but that remains to be proven.
It is iron fertilization, maybe try using some creativity when searching for things instead of paranoia.

>> No.15330017

>have some greenroofs
These hold a shitload of water and it makes things extremely difficult to build. Not really practical for larger buildings.

>> No.15330106


>> No.15330107

>scientists invent dirty aquariums
Hearty Kek

>> No.15330559

This is in belgrade serbia, across our biggest newspaper hq - politika.

Fun fact - i passed by it the other week. Its completely black now. The bench part is missing.

I took a moment to observe it and to... Imagine the fragnance it would emit if opened.

Just like anything in my country, it takes attrition damage just by existing within our borders. The depressive slav atmosphere corrodes anything like this. A freshly built child park takes only one month to lose its colors and that most of its contents get stolen or just rusts and stops working. And the filth and garbage and soot settles in. Then the gypsies salvage whats left and then football hooligans trash it, vandalise it.
A child park, this tank, a scate park, a phone recharging station, a art exhibit.. Like putting something into acid - the opressive slav atmosphere destroys it via attrition damage, until it dissolves into pure dust that gets into our eyes and makes us cry and gives us irreparable lung damage - and then people complain in confusion : why is our capital so dirty and polluted and drab and depressing??

I wish i was joking, alas, such is life in the zone, mamu mu jebem u picku više emigriraću gdegod koliko je depra od okruženja ovde..

>> No.15330574

>Fun fact - i passed by it the other week. Its completely black now. The bench part is missing.
send pic next time you go

>> No.15330580

eat the bugs, live in the pod, breathe the aquarium gas

>> No.15330769


>> No.15332967
File: 176 KB, 1600x1067, Dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, very modern

>> No.15333052
File: 15 KB, 480x480, 1625001635303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking reddti

>> No.15333055

Irrelevant, it has no mouth.