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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15313161 No.15313161 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the best ways to annoy a scientist? How do you really get under their skin good?

>> No.15313208

The most effective way is to come off as an undergrad with some technical knowledge and start calling established research 'bs', as a 'skeptic', using niave undergrad arguments which your targets probably had (this REALLY gets under their skin). This works especially well for hard, quantitative sciences and engineering fields because they probably had the same thoughts early on.

>> No.15313235

Get into a good discussion and in the middle of it just when it gets good reveal yourself to be a fucking unhinged psycho that thinks he's a genius and then refuse to stay on topic and not allow others to pick it up
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss

>> No.15313252

I intentionally mispronounce certain technical terms while talking about them with full confidence

>> No.15313298

they hate it when you redpill them about the kikes, that triggers them real good
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>> No.15313423

I don't know but there's a small group of people here that constantly try and fail

>> No.15313517

Ask about test method validation.

>> No.15313946


Tell them the truth - that the only thing we can ever know as real is our own present experience.

>> No.15313972

>What are some of the best ways to annoy a scien
Question their theories. Enjoy the Reeeee!

>> No.15313995
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There's a couple ways.

1. Outsmart them on a subject where they profess to be an expert. Make sure you don't have a formal education in the subject. This will drive them mad
2.Say science shouldn't be funded if it can't produce results. Again, they go monkey flinging poop mad if you do this
3. Mention godel's theorem. (most scientists don't understand them but they hate when lay people try to invoke them)
4. Criticize naturalism. Helps if you actually have some philosophical understanding of the criticisms of naturalism. Only works on 50-60% of scientists
5. Say you believe in Free will. See #5 for tips
6. Bring up the covid-19 vaccine crisis
7. Criticize quantum computers. bring up the fact they haven't done anything useful yet. Say Scott Locklin is right
8. Criticize Fusion Reactors. Mention Qplasma
9. Mention Sabine Hossenfelder and how you think she's right and a genius
10. Say there's no reason to believe in string theory since there's no evidence.
11. Say Abiogenesis is impossible.
12. Bring up the failures of cancer research. (This really pisses off people in biomedicine)

All I can think of right now

>> No.15314314

>1. Outsmart them on a subject where they profess to be an expert. Make sure you don't have a formal education in the subject. This will drive them mad
kary mullis died doing that

>> No.15315299
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This list is fantastic
#5 is the standout

>> No.15315313

Learn all the Evangelical anti science arguments because they were designed to be annoying.

>> No.15315967

It's worth it, dealing a big blow to a scientist's ego is one of the most delectable experiences in this world.

>> No.15316257

To the people saying free will doesn't exist what does this imply? I shouldn't bother trying to improve myself? We shouldn't punish criminals?

>> No.15317045

No free will is the natural conclusion from materialism. But it's also a demoralization tactic from people like Sam Harris because telling yourself you have no free will will make you more complacent. It's the same way he tells you to meditate and think about nothing instead of actually studying how to improve your life.

>> No.15317063

It's effective bait because the only people who believe in free will are either religious schizos whose fairytale book says free will exists, or people too dumb to understand why it both makes no sense and makes no difference. Go ahead and live and make choices, whether it could have possibly turned out any other way is an immaterial concept for pseudo-intellectuals to sit in their armchairs and jerk off about

>> No.15317067

Well if I assume I have no free will and just sit back and wait for things to happen and it never does, what then?

>> No.15317069


>> No.15317074

Well if I have no free will it doesn't matter if I decide to get out of bed or not it just happens. So I can just stop trying to accomplish anything and it will happen automatically without my thinking anything. I can just get drunk and switch off.

>> No.15317079

how does impossibility of abiogenesis supposed to make a scientist angry

>> No.15317433

Indulging in the illusion of free will is a god given right. Use it how you like and don't take shit from anyone about it.

>> No.15317450

Bring up the replication crisis and the ineffectiveness of peer review.

>> No.15317496

Stop being retarded.

>> No.15317592
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>How do you really get under their skin good?
usually they take a lot of pride in their research field (they assume it is a very important field of science which deserves lots of taxpayer finding) and their own contributions to the research field (they want to think their work matters and they have invested lots of time and effort in it so they must believe it matters). So you can target those. seething guaranteed

>> No.15317608

Scientists are notoriously paranoid creatures. If you start spying on them they eventually flip their shit from just losing it.

>> No.15317628
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Just remind them that most scientists are nerds who don't get laid. The best thing about this is that it's true. This is how the majority of the population thinks about scientists. Scientists can act all pseudointellectual as long as they are in their university, but outside of academia only street smarts are real smarts. Girls don't want a boring nerd, they want the tall muscular guy with the Bugatti. Deal with it.

>> No.15317630
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>ascii shit
what are you 12?
the truth

>> No.15317637

>5. See #5 for tips

>> No.15317643

This thread reveals the state of mind of the filth which now infests this board. Fuck /pol/, fuck /x/, fuck "philosophers". You will never have any relevance outside of this shithole.

>> No.15317649
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/sci/ was never better

>> No.15317650

/sci/ was best in 2022

>> No.15317663

>This thread reveals the state of mind of the filth which now infests this board.

>> No.15317767
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the idea that "the rules don't apply to me" is a classic tipoff of a narcissistic personality. announcing a sage is a rule violation, it is meant to be used only politely