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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15312765 No.15312765 [Reply] [Original]

says here that vaxxxies have a 500% increased risk of death by cardiac arrest

>> No.15312781

Source: Made the fuck up.

>> No.15312789

did the vaccine work though?

>> No.15312798

Self evidently. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination

>> No.15312802

This guy's been spamming /sci/ nonstop for quite literally years now. He's mentally ill, just ignore or report. I mean like 3 threads per day. It is spam at this point.

>> No.15312809

Oh I know I just like to poke the crazies from time to time

>> No.15313028

not yet apparently

>> No.15313112

hopefully soon

>> No.15313152
File: 442 KB, 455x500, 1345912640136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's actually infinity. Simple as:
1) No vaccine: can't die of vaccine disease
2) With vaccine: one guy dies

>> No.15313170

I am vaxxed (both doses), recently I got sick, high fever that lasted for 2-3 days, my resting pulse rate had increased to 120bpm, when I went to the hospital they had to put me on drip because of my fever, during the night I got it again anyway, and for some reason, I also got Acid reflux because I hadn't eaten anything for the whole day, I had palpitations and very high anxiety, for the first time in my life I was actually scared that I am going to die, my pulse rate had increased to 150bpm, I couldn't sleep the whole night, I finally slept in the morning, around 5:30am, my pulse rate was down to around 115, for next 5 days I was told to rest and given a lot of meds, my pulse rate went to my normal of around 66-67 from the next day. The doctor said to me my pulse rate was likely high due to the viral fever, and the cough that I had spread in my lungs (X-ray) was done, he even said that after vaccination, there have been many cases of high pulse rate/blood pressure in otherwise healthy people (he asked me about my covid vaccine status).

>> No.15313174

> two retards talking

>> No.15313305

with extreme prejudice

>> No.15313725

>Anonymous is 1 person

The delusion levels are off the charts. Vaxxies are now coping that all anti-vaxxers on /sci/ are 1 person.

It's not surprising at this point. Next thing you know they're going to develop a rare autoimmune disease and it will all be because of 1 /sci/ schizo.

>> No.15313730
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Can't have it happen to fast.

I have to admit, it is WAY funnier this way. Watching them desperately shut their eyes to the red and green right in front of their faces.

Oh well.

>> No.15313824
File: 260 KB, 2648x1404, increased myocarditis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says here that vaxxxies have a 500% increased risk of death by cardiac arrest
It varies according to the individual, some have over 10,000% if vaxxed, some only have like 5% increased risk.
But everyone who got the "vax" has at least some increased risk to dying over the un-vaxxed.
Most cases occur soon after vaccination, though some are showing up months later.

>> No.15313832

Holy shit that is damning evidence of the dangers of the vaccines! No wonder the news keeps talking about record level increases in death rates akin to World World 2 now! Oddly enough, Germany seems to be getting the worst of it once again.

>> No.15313847

>Your chance of dying of a heart attack from that vaccine, according to their own studies, is 500% greater than if you're unvaccinated.
It's actually much more than that, you can't die from a vaccine if you're not vaccinated, so it cannot be 500% more, it's infinitely more.
Anti-vaxx can't into basic math...

>> No.15313853

>No wonder the news keeps talking about record level increases in death rates akin to World World 2 now!

Of course they won't talk about it. The same way they exaggerated the threat of covid, they are making sure people forget about it now so as all of this continues to accelerate they're less likely to connect it to something that happened 'forever ago'.

>> No.15313856


>> No.15313861

Yes of course "they" are everywhere, "they" control everything, "they" are under my bed right now, "they" talk into my head

>> No.15313872
File: 128 KB, 1670x983, CovidIFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 5 fucking years and you cannot think of anything new to try to discredit your opponents.

>using 'they' to refer to a group of people is mental illness


The media is a group of people, and they collude to deceive. You're likely a rat being paid to post because your life has no other meaning.

>> No.15313884

scared to name names huh
There's a reckoning coming.

>> No.15314274
File: 121 KB, 1242x908, vaxxies pwnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15314295

How many vaccinations have you received? Should i get 4 doses? Is that the safe and effective amount idk sers.

>> No.15315303

Probably mostly only if you're already unhealthy, in which case Covid could easily kill you. So shit out of luck

>> No.15315318

Do this people get heat attack when they realize that 1 promile chance of dying of dissease after being infected isn't much of a deal?

>> No.15316049

Which is why Republicans, who refused to get vaxxed died at 2x the rate of Democrats who got vaxxed?

Your misinformation fails the facts dude.

>> No.15316178

>jewish "statistics"
You know where you can shove 'em, dude.

>> No.15316191

What do you mean by vaccine? Are you using the pre-2021 definition or the current tortured one?

>> No.15316197

>Schwartz and Yale coauthors Jacob Wallace, PhD, assistant professor of public health, and Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, PhD, assistant professor of finance, examined 2017 voter registration records from Ohio and Florida, along with 577,659 deaths of people who died aged 25 years or older from January 2018 to December 2021.
LOL! Talk about shitty methodology. This is what passes as science these days? At least Neil deGrasse Tyson finally admitted that he made up his claims about more Republicans dying because "it sounded right".

>> No.15316199

You see why nobody engages with you anymore. You just cannot accept a fair contradiction. You're stuck in your bubble of delusion, just like the main character in Shutter Island. Everything that might pull you out of your chosen narrative you find instantly a reason to reject it, probably without even looking at it.

>> No.15316203

>You're stuck in your bubble of delusion
Ironic projection. See >>15316197 and maybe you'll leave yours.

>> No.15316206

hilarious train of replies. It's literally a textbook example of jewish statistics. More republicans died because more republicans are crusty old farts, which is obvious to everyone without a political agenda

>> No.15316211

Also the highest rates of refusal were among blacks, who are D voters.

>> No.15316236

Can I expect the heightened clot risk to be over if more than a year has passed since I foolishly decided to get vaxxed (2 shots total, no boosters)?

>> No.15316246

It depends on how long spike production lasts. No study has ever found a definitive stopping point, it was always present through the entire duration.

>> No.15316296

Good thing I'm not an obese fuck who can't get up one set of stairs

>> No.15316317
File: 71 KB, 1077x391, statistics vaccines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good thing I'm not an obese fuck who can't get up one set of stairs
Most people dying from the clot shots are skinny to average weight (15-25 BMI) and young to middle age.

Males tend to die sooner after the shot, while females tend to be slightly later.

>> No.15316396

>Males tend to die sooner after the shot, while females tend to be slightly later.
Interesting. Males are much more susceptible to heart disease more than females, but on the other hand they should be better able to handle and eliminate toxins like the vaxx, though I guess the way it replicates makes it different to a typical toxin.

>> No.15316490
File: 130 KB, 640x480, manlet gets owned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Males are much more susceptible to heart disease
only holds true for manlets
>For a person who is 2.5 inches shorter than average, the risk of heart disease increases by about 13.5%. The shorter a person is, the greater the effect.

>> No.15316606
File: 5 KB, 220x168, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Le Kek!
The same uni that was behind funding and creating not only the Covid-19 man-made virus, but the "vaccines".


>> No.15316635

90% of the anti-vaxxers here are /pol/ "operatives".

fuck off back, as they say.

>> No.15316648

you are not succeeding in manufacturing the illusion that everyone agrees with you

>> No.15316682

shills in this thread are obvious. Can't even reply to them because it is pay-per-(You). Everyone with an IQ over 150 reject the jab outright. This whole board is ranked 170 minimum. Shills die in a fire.

>> No.15316690

>Everyone with an IQ over 150 reject the jab outright.
Shit, even midwits and tards rejected that obvious psyop. It was designed to eliminate the weak, though not fast enough to alert them.

>> No.15316695

>X-ray of my lungs was done

Why? X-rays aren't for soft tissue.

>> No.15316707

You do chest x-rays for lung diseases since the contrast between infected or inflamed tissue and healthy tissue are apparent. TB infections show up very clearly.

>> No.15317544
File: 53 KB, 460x500, scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone with an IQ over 150 reject the jab outright
Africa had the lowest vaccination rate

>> No.15317553

Tards and geniuses often come to the same conclusions, run of the mill average midwits are the majority and so they're the ones targeted by manipulation tactics.

>> No.15317578
File: 288 KB, 795x739, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sedentary lifestyles, vaping, poor sleep, and chronic health conditions might be behind the trend.

>> No.15317580

That doesn't refute or contradict his statement. Holy shit I thought this was/sci/

>> No.15317582

Actually it's global warming and winter vagina

>> No.15317588

Yes it's /sci/ not /pol/, so why don't you fuck off<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15317589

rent free

>> No.15317613 [DELETED] 

>age: 40
>background disease: brain cancer
>vaccination status: negative
>covid status: positive
>caused of death: covid
>age: 16
>background disease: none
>vaccination status: positive
>covid status: negative
>caused of death: cardiac arrest(not the vaccine!)

all the statistics around covid/vaccine is fake its all dogshit fake people who believe this are hopeless

>> No.15317614

>age: 40
>background disease: brain cancer
>vaccination status: negative
>covid status: positive
>caused of death: covid
>age: 16
>background disease: none
>vaccination status: positive
>covid status: negative
>caused of death: cardiac arrest(not the vaccine!)

all the statistics around covid/vaccine is fake its all dogshit fake people who believe this are hopeless

>> No.15317617

Africa is based