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File: 136 KB, 1200x800, klaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15312198 No.15312198 [Reply] [Original]

You realize bugs will most likely never be part of our standard diet? And that the
>eat ze bugs
meme is the sole reason for it?
Just think about how big and influental the enterprise behind this agenda is...it just got destroyed by 1 meme.

>> No.15312201

It's not though. They'll try to push it again after 5 years and they'll keep trying till they succeed
Just like how they normalized faggotry, dick mutilation, pedophilia, genocide calls and so on

>> No.15312204

Raised in sterile conditions, then chitin removed from the paste they are ground into, it'll be just basic protein paste.
With processing it'll be just as good tasting as anything from taco bell

>> No.15312210

Unironically, the agenda was to take down the prospect of eating bugs. Consuming bugs would upset the hold Big Beef/Chicken has on the market. Your little memes didn't do shit. Multi-billion dollar lobbying and media-manipulation killed bug consumption.

>> No.15312219

funniest part of this entire thing is that it got shut down by just appealing to the basic
instinct of the average prole who thought the trannies would make him gobble down whole plates of earthworm. You can do this with anything which is why are fucked as a species

>> No.15312226 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 3840x3840, hitler was denied a grave because of this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genocide isn't a psyop, ridding the world of jews is a solution to the rest of the psyops.

>> No.15312227

If you eat crabs, lobster and shrimp you're basically eating bugs already

>> No.15312244 [DELETED] 

>you must give up all your traditions because of my false equivalency
whats being jewish like? is it true that you people can smell gold with those enormous noses?

>> No.15312263

>Eat Ze Bugs
Is about saving money on feeding the poor people they need to do the jobs AI can't yet so hedonist elites like this guy can spend their loves banging hookers in Davos or on their yachts. Feed waste to ze bugs, feed bugs to the poor, collect taxes and rental fees on the lives of the serfs.

>> No.15312494

I am disgusted by eating insects, spiders, etc.
I am not disgusted by eating crustaceans
I will not eat what disgusts me
Now go fuck yourself

>> No.15312507

chitin is toxic retard.

>> No.15312567


>> No.15312582

>Consuming bugs would upset the hold Big Beef/Chicken has on the market
I buy beef half a cow at a time, from less than ten miles from my house. That's not even possible with insect protein, it can only be industrially produced at scale or not at all. You're full of shit.

>> No.15312584 [DELETED] 

>Consuming bugs would upset the hold Big Beef/Chicken has on the market
You should be you sick fuck

>> No.15312585

>I am not disgusted by eating crustaceans
You should be you sick fuck.

>> No.15312602 [DELETED] 

what is like having your dick chopped off at birth, jew?

>> No.15312968
File: 204 KB, 1080x1080, proxy-image (68).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, their already approved by the EU for additives, you'll never even know your eating ze buggs without reading the fine print
probably will be called N-acetylglucosamine instead of Chitin to lol

>> No.15313499

Based elites changing the modes to production to return society the feudal past
Your traditions are retarded and contrary to ethics. Give up on eating mammal, pisces and aves based meat, or face the inevitable consequences of your own immoral actions. No one will make you suffer but you will face the guilt of being an unethical blob of shame :(

>> No.15313576

We will all be eating artificially cultured meats that are molecularly identical to meat actually taken from animals, but grown in factories where we don't need to kill any animals and which take less energy and material to grow.

>> No.15313578 [DELETED] 


>> No.15313586

Why would they waste resources feeding you something molecularly identical to meat?

>> No.15313613

It's not a waste of resources you moron. Atoms and molecules can't be created or destroyed. Farming insects ironically takes more resources than just mass producing labgrown meat.
Why can't you pull your midwit head out of your /pol/tard ass?

>> No.15313633

>the only resources necessary to create a molecule are the atoms in that molecule
You're a retard.

>> No.15313706
File: 214 KB, 954x1280, 1680208216804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificially cultured meats that are molecularly identical to meat
Retard alert. You probably also think the molecules in supplements are the same as the real nutrients?

>> No.15313711

Producing 1 pound of cultured meat in a lab will use fewer resources, have a lower energy space and carbon footprint than the same amount grown and cut from the animal
You are a SUPREME retard

>> No.15313719

>"le nerd virgin fiddling around in lab has figured out nature and beat evolution and natural cycles"
>calls others supreme retard

>> No.15313738

The meat grown in labs is taken from the animal. You take some of the cells of the meat off the animal's body and then place it in a culture where it has access to nutrients that the cells eat and it grows. It's genetically, biologically, and atomically identical to the stuff that you'd get from killing the animal altogether and eating the meat.
Vitamin pills are created by people just blending up a lot of vegetables and shit and then extracting the vitamins from the liquid.

>> No.15313764

But it's not the same, it will never be the same. It's artificially created in a highly unnatural environment. So it will always differ from the real meat. It will be completely void of essential micro-nutrients. And it will have no SOUL.

Meat is LIFE, don't you understand that? It was a living organism. Taking a cell and growing it in a lab means it was always DEATH. It's not that single cell that defined the living being, it is whatever emerged from all the cells combined. That means you miss that, so it has no point in eating it, it is junk food by any possible definition.

>> No.15313779
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Mmmmm laboratory meat!

>> No.15313791

You are wrong. There is no difference between the molecular composition, it is physically identical and wouldn't lack micro nor macro nutrients. There is no difference between two identical molecules, whether they're made in a lab or found in nature there is no difference. Its the same atoms in the same arrangement. This is called the law of constant composition.
Otherwise I think you're trolling me right now. Are you the femanon who freaks out when I talk about genetically engineering humans to reverse size dimorphism?

>> No.15313801
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>There is no difference between two identical molecules, whether they're made in a lab or found in nature there is no difference.
Some reason this sounds familiar.

>> No.15313822

It will NOT be identical, who told you that's possible? You have a very one-dimensional thinking.
If I go to where you are now and stand on the exact same spot, I don't replicate your experience. So no matter how hard they try, it will never have the same qualities as real meat, it will differ on every level, they will also not be able to replicate the molecules perfectly.

>> No.15313827

I live in the EU and they've already started putting bugs into our food. They just don't tell us.

>> No.15313828

Don't eat processed garbage

>> No.15313833

>Consuming bugs would upset the hold Big Beef/Chicken has on the market.
Both the beef and chicken (meat in general) industries are major contributers towards climate change and are likely to be banned or at least religated to a form of moderation at some point in the not so distant future. Most food companies have their hands in multiple pots, and so they will win regardless of whatever happens. For example meat companies are selling vegan products so when vegans buy said vegan products they are still indirectly supporting the muder of animals.
Its not much of a stretch to assume that at some point we will eat some shitty bug paste sausages or burgers that taste identical (just as the plant based stuff tastes similar to meat because most of the taste is just in the processing).
This is our future and we will just embrace it. The pandemic showed how little people whill actually push back on stuff and accept whatever is happening. This is our modern life :)

>> No.15313836
File: 198 KB, 510x370, B0102-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat the bugs was a false flag by existing food industries

>> No.15313849

you're trolling me

>> No.15313857

Show proof that someone was able to identically and indistinguishably replicate meat

>> No.15313887

There's that guy doing it with chicken, the company is called Good Meat. It's grown from cultured chicken cells so it is literal chicken meat. It's not like those vegan meat substitutes, it is LITERALLY meat from a chicken but grown in a dish rather than on the body of the chicken. Rather than killing chickens we can just mass produce chicken meat in this fashion. We don't have to go vegan but we don't need to kill animals.

>> No.15313896

>climate change
doesn't exist. You have been duped, and probably already have the cult-mentality.

>> No.15313901

>This is our future and we will just embrace it.
No we won't. As long as people are armed, they will eat meat.
I'd rather eat humans than become a vegitarian or bug eater.

>> No.15313902

>Both the beef and chicken (meat in general) industries are major contributes towards climate change
This is mostly a crock of shit pushed by anti-meat groups like PETA. For example lamb and chicken meat production is carbon neutral in Australia and that's with a consistent INCREASE in production.


>> No.15313907
File: 141 KB, 970x1070, Losers Today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The overused and incorrectly used word of the mentally ill, the leftist, the troon, and the Jew, who were programmed by social media.

>> No.15313913

I am more intelligent than you

>> No.15313915

>bout a third of human-caused methane emissions come from livestock, mostly from beef and dairy cattle, produced in the digestive process that allows ruminants (hoofed animals including cows, sheep and goats with four-part stomachs) to absorb plants. Cows and other farm animals produce about 14% of human-induced climate emissions, and it is methane from their burps and manure that is seen as both the biggest concern and best opportunity for tackling global heating.
How much "human-caused" methane did those million+ herds of bison burp and fart out for 1000's of years? Should be thanking those lilniggahs for ending the last ice age?

>> No.15313921

>I am more intelligent than you
ahhhh the mating call of the midwit.

>> No.15313922

No, I'm gonna be eating meat from the butcher
Because I hate you

>> No.15313923

My IQ is at least 30 points greater than yours
Cry about it as much as you want /pol/tard but you're not bright and you're not special

>> No.15313924

>No, I'm gonna be eating meat from the butcher
We will make that illegal in a year or two

>> No.15313933

>Extremely cheap and efficient at turning literal rotten garbage in to protein
>processing the bugs in to something (theoretically) acceptable for people to eat however requires a complex high tech operation totally out of reach for normal people
It's literally the ideal globohomo slave chow. Basically free to raise yet impossible for Cletus and Joe to get in to on their own terms, they'll have to bend the knee to whatever the protein processors demand of them.
As long as we live in globohomo world with elderly jewish billionaires and elderly jewish politicians jerking each other off, they're going to keep pushing for us to eat the bugs and simultaneously engage in legislative offenses against things that might allow little people to enter in to competition with them. Like eggs, which absolutely anyone with half a brain could produce and sell if there wasn't government bullshit running interference for the rich.

>> No.15313969

synthetic food centralizes the food supply which centralizes control in the few private equity and venture capital firms (owned by large banks) who are invested in the synthetic food companies. its not unreasonable to imagine an authoritarian dictator then using the environment of a centralized food supply, social credit score and carbon credit score through central bank digital currencies, to block anyone who criticizes govt policy.
in other words synthetic products are part of the authoritarian infrastructure through which technocratic feudalism will be implemented at best and absolute authoritarianism at worse.
i suspect you will respond with ad hominem attacks bc u are likely an intellectually dishonest shill.

>> No.15313973
File: 175 KB, 1078x1863, 1680214102538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked their website
KEK good look with all the plant oil, sugar and sòy.
It's the same company behind Just Eggs LMAO

Btw they also say on the website that they use 3d printing. Oh and there's also no mention that it has the exakt same molecular structure as real meat, because...guess what, it has not. You just made it up.

>> No.15313975


>> No.15313977

then enjoy your consensual tumor consumption anon. i hope it ruminates and foments in your stomach.

>> No.15313985

This is the same shit that chickens eat
You do not understand what you're talking about

>> No.15313994

Soaking some extracted cells in sòy and 3d printing the shapes is not how chickens work.

Btw chickens love meat, especially rotten/fermented meat. They are basically vultures. Of course they also eat grains, sòy and shit, but the quality of the meat and eggs decrease. You have no idea how fucking good the eggs or the meat tastes when a chicken lived naturally and ate mainly (rotten) meat.

>> No.15314006

To add to that, not only do chickens eat meat, chickens eat other chickens. Just imagine what a chicken would tell you if it could talk and saw that you eat some highly processed wannabe meat product from Singapore lmao. It would laugh in your face and call you a faggot. Then it would kill and eat you.

>> No.15314008

Meanwhile friendly chicken bros will eat the bugs for you and produce healthy meat and eggs.

>> No.15314020

I don't. I'm just saying OP is wrong, the meme is reality.

>> No.15314040

>My IQ is at least 30 points greater than yours

>> No.15314043
File: 139 KB, 1250x423, Eggs Market.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like eggs, which absolutely anyone with half a brain could produce and sell if there wasn't government bullshit running interference for the rich.

>> No.15314044

I like eating bugs

>> No.15314049
File: 208 KB, 640x406, 9049756645_884587391f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs are tasty if raised and prepared well. My mentor prepared some roasted mealworm larvae (we feed the ants with sliced raw ones). Tastes like some kind of nut, a bit crunchy on the outside due to roasting.
We eat crabs, lobsters and shellfish and that's just fine, but not bugs? Why?
Isn't there much more icky things we just accept is good food? Like bone marrow and brains?


>> No.15314060

Again I will have to state it for, I think, the third time.
There is no difference between identical molecules. There is no difference between chicken meat grown on the chicken body vs meat grown in the lab in the way that that company grows it. The Law of Constant Composition is a law of nature.

>> No.15314078

Yeah cool you could totally produce chicken proteins in some dystopian nightmare facility and be 0.5% more efficient (mr shekelberg will of course pass the savings on to you, you can trust him. not that you'll have a choice once all the food options other than his are banned) Or you could just raise chickens, in a barely fenced in coop, and not need billions of dollars worth of facilities and a bunch of lab techs

>> No.15314082

Damn I wasn't convinced until you brought Mr Shekelberg into it

>> No.15314084
File: 95 KB, 553x413, 1572470384689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no I was inflammatory on 4chan, what a social faux pas

>> No.15314093
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1659371300999172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh what? what does that have to do with jews and trannies? and niggers

>> No.15314113

>And that the
>>eat ze bugs
>meme is the sole reason for it?
dumbass /pol/tard thinks white people weren't disgusted by the idea of eating a fucking cricket until an epic maymay told them to be

>> No.15314126

>My mentor
shizo government A.I. bot speaks of its "mentor"

>> No.15314152

It was never going to happen because mushrooms and algae are way cheaper and more efficient.

>> No.15314157

It's not about cost or efficiency, it's about humiliating you and making you sick.

>> No.15314159


>> No.15314164

No it isn't. It's about making money because the investors pushing this are apes like you and me who get rock fucking hard at "number go up". If people don't want it, the number doesn't go up and the ape gets sad.

>> No.15314165

dont ignore my previous response you intellectually dishonest idiot:

synthetic food centralizes the food supply which centralizes control in the few private equity and venture capital firms (owned by large banks) who are invested in the synthetic food companies. its not unreasonable to imagine an authoritarian dictator then using the environment of a centralized food supply, social credit score and carbon credit score through central bank digital currencies, to block anyone who criticizes govt policy.
in other words synthetic products are part of the authoritarian infrastructure through which technocratic feudalism will be implemented at best and absolute authoritarianism at worse.
i suspect you will respond with ad hominem attacks bc u are likely an intellectually dishonest shill.

>> No.15314172

So why do they spend billions trying to make people want a product they constantly lose money producing?

>> No.15314178

given your sole reliance on ad hominem attacks, repeating dishonest logic and false equivalence, you are one of the most intellectual dishonest rats ive ever communicated with on 4chan. you have to be a payed shill. you arent convincing anyone here by being so dishonest.
synthetic eggs are produced through unnatural means with different compounds compared to natural eggs.

>> No.15314179
File: 26 KB, 576x407, cba86cb3ff0be2efef628291632e7e51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are in different classification, go take some biology classes if you don't know.
Insect is insect and crustacean are crustacean.

>> No.15314187
File: 69 KB, 880x480, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read >>15314179

They are in different classification.
Are you some ops to convince 4channers to eat bugs?

>> No.15314198

>nooooo you can't just... keep backyard chickens to eat your scraps and lay eggs.... because you just can't ok!!!
The reeeing of mainstream media over backyard chickens was quite unsettling tbqh senpai. They'll come for the veggie gardens next.

>> No.15314207 [DELETED] 

not science
not math
fuck yourself
post science, faggot

>> No.15314210
File: 41 KB, 768x384, WEF Key People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you eat crabs, lobster and shrimp you're basically eating bugs already
So you eat the shells of those creatures? That's where the Chitin is at, which is le bad.
Try to de-shell crickets. Not feasable on a mass production scale.

>> No.15314215

>It's about making money
No. They can make all the money they want by just printing it.

It is now about CONTROL over the masses.
Money is about control also.

>> No.15314233
File: 251 KB, 1920x1080, 20201215185140_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? Cyberpunk 2077?
Maybe that's why the game is under-rated, they portray weird people who proposed eating lab-grown meat.

>> No.15314234

I don't think you realize that you buying 100 burgers once a week every week as your only food source from your local McDonald's is not the type of gotcha moment you think it is

>> No.15314254

even if you aren't just shitposting, it's the height of hubris to think we even understand the biochemistry of eggs well enough to replicate them. We can't even produce chicken feed that results in full flavored chickens, the difference between battery farmed chicken and farm raised chicken is immediately noticeable from taste alone, which indicates significant difference in chemical composition

>> No.15314266

They'll make bank when every alternative to their bug protein factories is banned for our safety/to save the planet from the deadly toxin CO2 and prevent the climate from ever changing again, something that never happened before we came along.
>see normal people engaging in gainful, self-sufficient economic activity
>pretend there is a horrible horrible problem that is inextricably linked to that activity
>purely coincidentally, the solution is something you sell or a process that requires some resource you control
>legislate legislate legislate
>shrug your shoulders and whistle innocently when the dire problem turns out to be nothing
>legislation supporting your monopoly stays in place
They did this with dairy, they did this with eggs, they're trying to do it with cars, it's the single most common billionaire grift of the modern era.

>> No.15314282

>it's the height of hubris to think we even understand the biochemistry of eggs well enough to replicate them.
The words of wisdom.

>> No.15314290

I don't think you're as stupid as you're pretending to be, but half a cow lasts my family about ten months.

>> No.15314355

Some of us love eating meat that is not from fast food. Have you tried home-cooked meals? They're awesome.

>> No.15314380

I never mentioned eggs, I was talking about synthesized meat, which has been perfected.
I have nothing against egg farms or people buying free range eggs and eating eggs. I do not see any reason to allow people to kill animals for meat when we can synthesize the identical produce without killing the animal

>> No.15314391

My post still applies to synthetic meat. We can't even come up with a proper synthetic chicken feed, forget synthetic meat.

>> No.15314417

In that case, address my original point in relation to synthetic meat regarding the negative social impacts of centralized foods supplies. My point still stands. Stop avoiding my previous articulation. It is intellectually dishonest.

>> No.15314436

>I do not see any reason to allow people to kill animals for meat when we can synthesize the identical produce without killing the animal
Are you old enough to be on this website?
First of all, who the fuck do you think you are to allow or disallow anyone to do anything?
Second, everything that lives dies. Most life lives by killing and consuming other life. Treating it as a sin is fucking retarded. And while chicken battery farms are some of the most awful places on earth, a chicken raised on a normal farm allowed to live its chicken life in a fenced in area and then beheaded when it either turns in to a violent retarded rooster or gets too old to lay eggs still has it much, much better than 99% of things that live. Do you want to stop predators from ripping things limb from limb too because it's cruel and horrible? Do you want to turn the whole world in to a giant petting zoo?

>> No.15314448

I'm a biologist bro
Classification is just a heuristic
They are all philogeneticly related
What proteins, fats and carbs are fundamentally different between the food made out of the two?

>> No.15314451

first, define fundamentally different
second, demonstrate that such 'fundamental differences' between proteins, fats and carbs are the only things that make different foods different from each other

>> No.15314457 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 600x368, greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First of all, who the fuck do you think you are to allow or disallow anyone to do anything?
Thats a big savior complex tip off, when someone says something like that they're telling you all about their inner fantasy life, that they spent a lot of time thinking about what they would do if they were king of all humanity, that they feel that they should be sole commander of the planet

>> No.15314459

Most animals don't really distinguish tastes that much, anon. They also don't have colored vision usually.
The reason primates do is because it's usefull when foraging berries and fruits in the wild to distinguish when something is ripe and not yet rotten.
They do have a much better sense of smell though, but since we use vision as our primary way of navigation and hearing as secondary (makes sense, otherwise why even stand up on two legs if you can sniff stuff. Actually one of the reasons we stood up is because when foraging you need free hands to carry what you gathered)

So what I'm saying is color vision, smell and taste are all tools for choosing the most nutritious and safe food for consumption.

As for the definition of fundamentally different I mean significantly different in the way we taste and process the food in our body.

>> No.15314461

Can you post some other pic please? It's getting monotonous

>> No.15314470

What if they feed the bugs to our food? You will eat meat but it will be bug-fed.

>> No.15314474

I would rather my chicken was bug-fed than corn-fed. But the elites seem to hate chicken farming.

>> No.15314497

thanks for telling me all those things I already knew but how about answering my questions.
>As for the definition of fundamentally different I mean significantly different in the way we taste and process the food in our body.
Then I guess proteins, fats and carbs ARE fundamentally different from each other because flour and sugar don't taste very similar to me

>> No.15314515

I think you misunderstood me
I meant that those 3 are not so different between insects and shellfish
I doubt you would be able to tell a difference in a stew or something like that

>> No.15314519

>significantly different in the way we taste and process the food in our body
nonsense. Amino acids (vitamins) are assembled directly into cellular machinery, proteins are generally broken up for these amines (or assembled functional groups of them). Fiber isn't digested at all. Some larger molecules are broken down in your stomach, but others outright require sympathetic bacteria in your gut to do the hard parts for you.

>> No.15314533

You still have yet to demonstrate that fundamental differences between proteins, fats and carbs are what make different foods different, don't move on to hypothetical examples. Especially ones as dumb as that one, shellfish taste like shellfish and by all accounts bugs taste like dirt (or 'nutty' by people who want to describe them charitably). Anyone with a tongue would absolutely be able to taste the difference between shellfish chowder and cricket chowder.

>> No.15314570
File: 70 KB, 415x277, food-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't disagree anon, I was providing the definition of different to say that they are not so different
I think we are in the realm of subjective opinion on taste anon, and here I must check out because as intesting it might be to study how taste differs between cultures and if there is a genetic component to it (like with alcohol tolerance in different ethnic groups), that's not my area of expertise.

From where I'm from horse meat (Qazi) and fermented horse milk (Kymis) are considered tasty. I quite like them myself, thought I mostly make Beshbarmak and Plov myself. Kinda on and of on Kashk.
Samsa and Belash is pretty good, but I prefer Chebureki.
You can Google and try to decide whether you would want to eat this or not

>> No.15314574
File: 145 KB, 900x600, kazakh-laghman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot about Lagman, Although this is Yigur food.
Fun fact, Lagman shares it's roots with Ramen

>> No.15314717

>Classification is just a heuristic They are all philogeneticly related
Then why is it separate ANYWAY? It is because they are can't produce an offspring if they interbreed, which make each of the classification a significantly different animal.

>What proteins, fats and carbs are fundamentally different between the food made out of the two?
1) Most humans adapt to eating crustacean, except for Jews, because their culture forbids them (correct me if I'm wrong) and people who lives on coastal areas, people who haven't live in modern life like tribal people lives by eating sea life, but hardly insects.
2) We are not adapted to eat insects. Otherwise we would eat them as part of our daily diet, but it isn't. Our guts don't want it because insects are lacking in iron, proteins, nutrition due its small size, also, many insects are poisonous and venomous, also they have a significant amount of chitin or basically non-digestable parts.

Show me a paper that says it's rich in protein, not the ones that are produced by some onions companies, if you please.

- I'm also biologist bro

>> No.15314724

*onions companies
I mean by some "onions" companies, why does it appear as onions...

>> No.15314726

I mean "onions" companies not "onion"

>> No.15314729

Why does it kept saying "onions" I mean
Oh man what's happening

>> No.15314730

I'm trying to write "onions" but when I post it, it changes to "onions", anyone have this problem?

>> No.15314733

Ok guys, I'm trying to write the word
But it kept changing to "onions" did anyone else have this problem?

>> No.15314737

the string s o y is wordfiltered on 4chan in order to prevent people from discussing the deliterious health impacts of having so much of that special censored legume forced into your diet.
there is no other reasonable explanation for the censorship

>> No.15314744
File: 35 KB, 600x482, oh-no-not-this-again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dang

>> No.15314746

It's only filtered on some boards too.

>> No.15314747
File: 1019 KB, 270x277, morphball acquired.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic protein paste.
This is what they're going to call blended bugs.

Its just a word filter newfren, we know what you meany and we know the ONIONS role in the game. Even that is a case in point of how they will hide it in plain site, plenty of people still drink/eat that shit despite knowing it's shit.

>We eat crabs, lobsters and shellfish and that's just fine, but not bugs? Why?
Underwater bugs aren't subject to the sheer amount of viruses/parasites of land bugs, in fact some of them are the longest living creatures that walk the earth because of it. About the only harm you can get is vibrio, but that doesn't happen if you cook/store it like any other meat.They eat fish eggs and other fish, sometimes each other, but that's not so bad if the others eat majority fish. Bugs eat leaves, wood, flowers and other plant material. Think of it like trying to eat a vegan vs a meat eater, only one is actually going to have something worth the effort to catch/farm for meat. Bugs will not be able to be "processed" without some heinous chemical treatment to separate what little proteins they have. Otherwise you may as well just chug a can of shellac and call it a "protein shake" because that's basically what it is.

>> No.15314812

Shellfish are not the same as land insects. They're different organisms with different anatomy and lifestyles.

>> No.15315244

jesus christ you're new

>> No.15316918

>dick mutilation
Got normalized like a hundred years ago. Blame parents that didn't push back against that one puritan cunt's bullshit.

>> No.15316923

>You can do this with anything which is why we are blessed as a species

>> No.15316930

We will genocide (((you))) soon after.

>> No.15316939

Holy based. I'm gonna think back to this every time I'm doubtful or demoralized.

>> No.15317023

(((They))) don't like backyard chicken farming? I must have missed this. I had 5 chickens in my backyard in about 20 square metres, they gave us enough eggs for a family of four to have eggs for breakfast every morning and enough surplus to make fresh pasta/ quiche/ cake with. They mostly ate leftovers which wouldn't have been compostable anyhow. Hell, they ate their own crushed up eggshells. My chickens were essentially carbon neutral and lived happier lives than any 95% of farmed chickens. I really can't see what issue TPTB would have with backyard chickens other than threatening the hegemony.

>> No.15317034

Food prices in North America have skyrocketed and aren't going to back down because (((reasons))). An increase in people looking to raise backyard chickens led to the usual crowd of jokers screaming about how that's evil/will spread chicken diseases/eggs are coming out malformed and we don't know why! ban chickens! But they failed to get any smoothbrains on board with their artificial outcry and it died away.

>> No.15317057

a) North American poultry standards are pretty terrible IIRC, even a chicken in a tiny pen will still have more space and welfare than one raised on a poultry farm with 20k birds to a shed
b) How will isolated populations of small numbers of chickens be more likely to spread disease than factory farms with hundreds of thousands of birds crammed together?
c) It's totally normal for the occasional weird egg to come out, though if your chickens are healthy it'll be extremely rare (weirdest we ever got was a run of huge eggs that were routinely double yolkers)

Anyhow pretty sure I'm preaching to the converted here. We had to get rid of our chickens when we needed to move 4000kms, but I'll be getting more as soon as I can.

Chickens, Herbs, Tomatoes, Eggplants, Cucumbers, Sweet potatoes and Zucchini are all in my "holy shit this stuff is extremely easy to do even with a busy lifestyle and hardly any space" category. There's no excuse not to if you have the right climate, and even then Tomatoes etc will grow well in a northern latitude summer.

>> No.15317071

Quails for meat is the other one, apparently a Quail reaches maturity in 20 days and they lay big clutches of eggs that have a short incubation period. I've never done it but I'm told once you have an established flock of Quails it's like, infinite quail meat. Guess you'd just roast them individually. Get some goats for milk/ cheese and you have your trash eating farm right there, and the food is gourmet goats cheese and tomato tartlets with roast quail, not processed bug burgers with artificial everything.

>> No.15317073

>Food prices in North America have skyrocketed and aren't going to back down because (((reasons)))
Can anyone give a good reason? I can buy eggs going up -- bird flu took out some flocks and it takes 5-7 months for the new ones to reach maturity-- but we throw away thousands of tons of food a year. There's no way there's a shortage of anything. So what gives with the price increases/shrinkflation?

>> No.15317081

Once grocers have gotten away with raising prices, why the fuck would they ever drop them?

>> No.15317088
File: 85 KB, 571x680, Government Organized Crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oncethe government and government contracted SUPPLIERS have gotten away with raising prices,


>> No.15317097

>bird flu took out some flocks and it takes 5-7 months for the new ones to reach maturity
The government forced those birds to be killed to "stop bird flu." They didn't die of it.

>> No.15317098

Farmland being bought up to either be developed or left to do nothing with (Bill Gates is one of the largest owners of farmland in America)

Biodiesel (scam that reduces food production in favour of "carbon neutral" (though actually not really) fuel production)

Focus on maize production at expense of other crops due to corn lobby and HFCS

Most food sold by supermarkets that can act as a cartel and avoid competitive pricing

Fuel costs rising making logistics more difficult

Government policies do not favour farming as an industry and young people are discouraged from being in that profession

>> No.15317774
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>anon doesnt know what a molecule is

>> No.15318944

I don't think meat comes in meat molecules. You can't have meat vapor for eg. It's more of a mixture of things.

>> No.15318989

The only reason the WEF wants you to eat the bugs is because China's unsustainable meat consumption with 1 billion mouths.

Either start WW3 or eat the bugs
Your choice anons.

>> No.15318998

humans cannot properly digest bug protein. The society should be genetically engineered for that to work and nobody on this planet is intelligent enough to pull that one off.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15319013

>Either start WW3 or eat the bugs

>> No.15319015
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The problems are morons with more money than brain. They are the stupid idiots who push for retarded shit like socialism and woke crap.

>> No.15319076

meat vapor lmao

>> No.15319209

They intend to add unneeded derivatives by stealth, in fact this is already happening in Europe. It will take decades before anyone accepts it. Because insects are naturally repulsive for a reason, they are not part of a normal human diet.
Flashback to the covid panic, my entire supermarket was wiped out while the fake meat and alcohol free beer was untouched. People are not going to outright accept insect food without massive social engineering from a young age. This whole thing is stupid but these guys have poured so much investment into it<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.15319219

These crustaceans have very delicious and delicate meat, not much else.
They are not made of disgusting goo.
This angle of trying to compare a lobster tail to a maggot sausage or ground up cockroaches is not going to work

>> No.15319446

then eat the bugs
Food Inflation isnt due to the fake ukie war. That's all a charade.
Food Inflation is due to the increasing living standards in the 3rd world pricing you out in this globalized economy.
This is your new normal.
Meat is now a luxury good.
You will eat the bugs.

>> No.15319475

>then eat the bugs
>You will eat the bugs
Now shoo!

>> No.15319523

If crustaceans are bugs, how come they have ten legs
Not six like an insect, nor eight like a spider

>> No.15319527


>> No.15319662
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Natural Red 4, or E120

You already eat ze bugs.

Deal with it.

>> No.15319672

Italy has already banned it. More countries will soon ban it as populist politicians learn it's an easy way to win votes.

>> No.15319678

Chickens are much cheaper to raise than any of that industrial-chemical infrastructure. Your plan is retarded. There is literally no sane reason to make chicken meat like that.

>> No.15319735

Even if you're living in a space station or a colony on Mars, it's more reliable and less annoying to raise chickens for meat rather than this rigmarole.

>> No.15319806

you can just let time take care of china, they don't fuck enough to keep up their 1bil population

>> No.15320942

Space Chicken! Finally!

>> No.15321026
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>> No.15321077

in ze end we VILL make you sufferr!

>> No.15321278

>in ze end we VILL make you sufferr!
Jokes on you Klaus, we are into kink.

>> No.15321285

Now eat the lobster shell good little goy, same as the cricket shell.
Bugs are not Kosher. Abraham even says cannibalism is acceptable before eating bugs.

>> No.15321787

>There is literally no sane reason to make chicken meat like that.
Who said sanity has anything to do with it?

These are the same rich 1% left-wing elites who are pushing the mental illness with the troons and fags.

>> No.15321807

It makes sense for chicken feed given it's less resource intensive, they love it and has more protein than grain feed. these meme foods only make sense when trying to recycle biomass for food production
Seafood is delicious and i'll gladly eat bluecrab, hushpuppies and steak fries while you kikes kill yourselves for following retarded ruled that you forgot the context for

>> No.15321810

>i'll gladly eat
You eat crab shells and lobster shells? freak.

>> No.15321864

Soft shelled crab is normal desu. But it's completely different from eating bugs. Nobody had to impose eating crabs and lobsters on people; those get eaten because people want to eat them. It's the coercion in the "you will eat ze bug" narrative which is the most offensive aspect of it. They plan on banning all other forms of meat, or at least pricing common people out of them. They're not offering a product to people who might want it, they're promising to ban the competition so you're left with only ze bug. Fuck that shit.

inb4 the meme narrative
>but people thought lobster was gross
If you do your research, you'll find that lobster and crab have been considered delicacies by coastal European communities for literally thousands of years. The Romans thought lobster was delicious and Med people never stopped eating them at any point. The only kernel of truth in this meme narrative is that people in early New England in America didn't think lobster was good. Do you want to know why? Because they were immigrants from inland regions of Europe where they didn't have lobster. They didn't know how to prepare it well, and when prepared incorrectly, lobster and crab are gross as hell. They figured out how to cook lobster well before too long anyway. This narrative is a huge reddit meme.

>> No.15322043

Anon, these people fund artists like Cleon Peterson. The most influential, wealthy and otherwise powerful people in the world will strong arm whatever they want on the little people regardless of how long it takes.

>> No.15322143

fuck off German scumbag.

>> No.15322218 [DELETED] 

are those blue crabs still doing ok? last time i was by the chesapeake they were hard to come by and expensive. my chicken necks on a rope weren't catching too many either.

>> No.15322377
File: 734 KB, 1727x839, NPCuckservatives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how they normalized faggotry, (...) pedophilia
Please take me to your alternate timeline

>> No.15322384

I'm afraid I'm polish among other things

>> No.15322452

I thought all of you German Poles were expelled after the war? I guess they missed some.

>> No.15322457
File: 19 KB, 496x486, norf steamed up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yer a fookin nonce

>> No.15322458

I'm a Russian-Jewish pole

>> No.15322573

>I really can't see what issue TPTB would have with backyard chickens
Too healthy, you have to eat ze goyslop

>> No.15323554

This is the sort of person who denies AI takeover lol

>> No.15323602

Drooling retard take. Bill Gates is worth more than the entire Western beef market.

>> No.15323635
File: 17 KB, 600x286, Italy-Rome-Giorgia-Meloni-at-the-swearing-ceremony-of-the-Undersecretaries-of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also got nailed in the coffin by neofascists who won the culture war. Leftiechuds lost and should go live with the thirdies they love so much.

>> No.15323651

>Actually one of the reasons we stood up is because when foraging you need free hands to carry what you gathered
Hypothesis with 0 proof.
There's literally no way of knowing this, it's just blind faith, so a religion by definition.

>> No.15323655


when will you realize interspacial-foodstations are a thing, we CAN eat without killing other people.

>> No.15323675

>Multi-billion dollar lobbying and media-manipulation killed bug consumption.
wtf I love crony capitalism now

>> No.15323684

Maybe (and even hopefully) you are right. But we are much, much further away from achieving that than anyone trying to sell you slop will be able to convince you of within the next century.

>> No.15324396

>Maybe (and even hopefully) you are right.
No. Go to hell and bake.
>We will all be eating artificially cultured meats
I will eat the people that do that, before I eat the lab grown goyslop.

>> No.15325001

Consider it a hypothesis presented in the form of a statement, if that calms your autism.

>> No.15325030
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Brehs how did you get in? I wanted that job but they never told me where to apply

>> No.15325034

>You can do this with anything which is why are fucked as a species
I mean that's literally advertising though, the same thing that makes people think it's okay to eat corn syrup simulacra of blueberries in their muffins instead of actual blueberries

>> No.15325050

yeah it was totally that and nothing to do with humans finding insects naturally repulsive.
Once again, I remind about the refusal of fake meats that was blaringly exposed during covid

>> No.15325109

Enjoy eating misfolded protein midwit

>> No.15325214

What difference would that make? It's chemically identical. Is this some schizo /pol/ shit?

>> No.15325303

Oh look, an overthinking vegan.

>> No.15325511

the real reason is that you cant make a meta ironic thread about bugs on /ck/ without it getting deleted

>> No.15325554

Cringe LARPer. You are already eating slop if your meat is from domesticated animals with their fattened tissue.

As a hunter who eats game meat exclusively I would absolutely eat meat that is magically 100% identical to real meat without needing to slaughter real animals.

The truth is we are unlikely to ever produce that.

>> No.15325641

>It's chemically identical.
Why do you repeat that? Show us proof. Show the real chemical composition under a microscope and then the goyslop one.

>> No.15326077
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>It's chemically identical to salt so Sodium fluoroacetate is good for you!

Reminder your coping mechanism is just you trying hard to imitate meat eaters. We don't go to you, nobody makes imitation plants that are purposefully meant to be eaten.

>> No.15326108

meant to quote
>This is called the law of constant composition.
It's a stupid atomist argument and a fallacy of composition. You assume that just because there are equivalent masses of the same types of atoms that it's going to be the same product.
>Its the same atoms in the same arrangement.
They aren't in the same arrangement otherwise it would taste the same. It comes nowhere close to replicating actual structural tissue growth that only the brain of the animal knows how to grow.

>> No.15326137

they aren't being literal, son.
it's nanomachines :p

>> No.15326850
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Is it true that "4chan" and "white supremacists" are saying "WEF wants people to eat bugs"?

Also, if you dont like eating bugs, then you're a racist white cis colonizer.

>> No.15326863

hes just a time wasting shill.
hes either a trolling loser rotting in his mothers basement or unironically a paid shill trying to shift board sentiment on meat consumption lol.

>> No.15327063

this is the most disturbing anon I've ever met, a far leftists transhumanist troon that has fantasies about reverse dimorphism(short men tall women), bugs food, and climate change noose this fag before its too late. He was banned before who undid this fags ban?

>> No.15327201

Troon Faggot detected. YWNBAW
And real humans raise their own food.

I'd still eat your brain after cage-feeding you quality meat to make you healthy first and get your vaccines out of you with leeches. Greasy junk-food is good.

>> No.15327205

people have been eating insects since forever

>> No.15327255
File: 22 KB, 450x310, BugPeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people have been eating insects since forever

>> No.15327480

>Troon Faggot detected. YWNBAW
>And real humans raise their own food
Be quiet farm gened basedboy. Your grain eating manlet ancestors knew their place. You're acting like your part of the elite steppe hunter-warrior class that conquered them. Stop LARPing.

>> No.15327575

Not me

>> No.15327699

Did schwab ever actually tell people they should eat bugs?

>> No.15327840

Their site did

>> No.15328098

Big if there.
Otherwise enjoy Helicobacter Pylori.

>> No.15328107

>Puberty blockers for autistic kids

>> No.15328683
File: 199 KB, 1283x1509, wef bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're actively promoting it


Read >>15326850