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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15306266 No.15306266 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question: why are there so many schizophrenics on this board?

>> No.15306271
File: 30 KB, 712x561, wp-1556989871281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a Psychologist or just play one on the internet?

>> No.15306278

>i hate /sci/
why are you here if the board causes emotional distress for you?

>> No.15306283

Highly intelligent people are often mistaken for schizophrenics by midwits that are unable to comprehend their higher thought, and reflexively label it as crazy so as to avoid feeling stupid.

>> No.15306290

1 in a 1000, OP
There are a lot of them everywhere

>> No.15306337

This is a safe place for schizophrenics

>> No.15306338
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>> No.15306355

>le dictionary: a dsm-5 classification for metaphysical idealists.
Thanks for clearing that up. They need to confirm eachother's biases to dissolve the stressful cognitive dissonance inflicted by psychiatrists disagreeing with their worldview. Ironically so, as if they can't put mind over matter.

>> No.15306367

Are the achiIohfenies in the room with you right now?

>> No.15306452

gay ops and trolling. There are a surprising number of people rather motivated to discredit science as an endeavor for all kinds of reasons. Especially if they blame it for their problems instead of what's really to blame.

>> No.15306489

>giving a fuck what a psychiatrists "world view is"
Why would anyone give a fuck what a psychiatrists worldview is and how is that relevant to anything? You took a wrong turn off redit and you are an idiot. You are likely the actual schizo who posts here since you your post is a non-sequitur and a very moronic one at that. You can't ever hide from me schizo, I can smell your brand of crazy the moment I enter a thread

>> No.15306494

Sorry I didnt mean to insult the schizos who post here. You are a fucking psycho

>> No.15306495

>butthurt idealist
Daily reminder that idealists can't answer the question: how do you drive a car that is an appearance of consciousness differently from a material car?

>> No.15306498

imagine being stupid enough to post this and think anyone who reads it doesnt instantly think "holy shit what a fucking moron"

Why in the fuck are you on the science board? You have an IQ of about 90 at the most

>> No.15306521

What is schizophrenia?
I mean, how can u tell from their messages. They may talk about conspiracy theories but that doesn't constitute schizophrenic, hmm?

>> No.15306545
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x4235, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can u tell from their messages
Inability to reason or hold a conversation. Mirroring, spastic meltdowns and aggressive behavior for no reason, projection etc. Be soundly defeated in an argument yet continuing arguing the point infinitely because they are incapable of understanding when they are wrong and have been proven wrong.

They are fairly easy to spot when you know what to look for. The above schizo I can spot in every thread instantly in a in a single post by how retarded and off topic his post is ie non-sequitur.

>> No.15306546

this is their safe space

>> No.15306550

They think their crazy ideas are scientific

>> No.15306553
File: 66 KB, 720x405, The-distance-between-insanity-and-genius-is-measured-only-by-success-3118707352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Highly intelligent people are often mistaken for schizophrenics

I think it's comparable to autism. Many highly intelligent people fall somewhere on the schizoid spectrum.
pic related The successful schizo's are busy working hard proving to the world how how much of a genius they are.
The unsuccessful ones have lots of free time and waste it on 4chan.

Much like autism, society isn't geared to deal with schizoids. So it's sink of swim in most cases.

>> No.15306555

No there are plenty of smart normal people

>> No.15306558

People were having open and honest discourse about the vaccine so they had to poison the well

>> No.15306562

pseudointellectuals who tried psychedelics and ended up schizophrenics

>> No.15306565


>> No.15306571

Non insane people get jobs and/or go to school and study instead of posting on 4chan's /sci/ board.

>> No.15306573
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>> No.15306610

The reason people invent these narratives is it helps satisfy their just-world fallacy. "No, there can't just be people who are just better than me, they have to have defects to offset it". While definitely not a CONSCIOUS thought, that is the vein of it in spirit.

>> No.15306613

Well... what brought you here?

>> No.15306615

Everyone shuts us out of any real conversation about the nature of mind and reality, so we go anon and troll science boards so we can talk about why the electrons in our brains can transmit waves to the electrons in inanimate objects and give us extrasensory perception about it.

>> No.15306621

Nonya business tranny lmao
“My sheep know my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:27, 28)

>> No.15306624

What a shame it is when people who can't replicate their theories don't agree.

>> No.15306639

oops link was broken, my bad

>> No.15306686

How does it feel to get completely stumped by someone with a 90 IQ at most?

>> No.15306698

How would I know? It has never happened schizo

>> No.15306709

I still don't see an answer to the question which means you are still stumped and just waiting for someone else to come up with a better answer than you ever could.

>> No.15306723

Hey guess what mate? You are fucking stupid. No one cares about stupid questions from stupid people. Go to /tv/. It is a better board for you

>> No.15306727

Do you always lash out like this when you get stumped without realizing that is exactly what stupid people do or are you in a mood today and just don't care?

>> No.15306731

You are shitting your pants and eating right now because you are stumped and dont know what else to do

>> No.15306735

What were you saying earlier about stupid people mirroring others while being unnecessarily spastic and aggressive when they get defeated in an argument again?

>> No.15306737

You are eating piles and piles of shit right now

>> No.15306740

How bizarre, is that what you are doing when you just got stumped or something?

>> No.15306743

Massive turds with chunks of corn and peanuts are dripping off your chin while you lick your lips and say "ummmmmmmm"

>> No.15306748

What vivid information you got from the reflection in your screen.

>> No.15306749

You cant get enough so you just\ keep shitting and scooping to fill your belly as you empty it to eat more shit

>> No.15306752

Cool blog is journaling your morning like a little girl helping you cope with and get over being stumped?

>> No.15306775 [DELETED] 


>> No.15307714

You are so hungry you must consume ever larger piles of massive loaves

>> No.15308062

they think technobabble and fringe science legitimize delusions

>> No.15308151

What if the 4chan ones don't care about proving to the world how successful they are and instead improve the world by using 4chan to gain and share important knowledge?

>> No.15309085

What you classify as "fringe" is simply your opinion and is a meaningless classification. The fact that you would even use this terminology shows you are a pseud. Real life isnt redit. upvotes dont make something true and downvotes dont make it false

>> No.15309119

Did you really just wait 12 hours for another shit to form so you could blog about eating your own shit again?

>> No.15309121

>I am going to classify fringe as something because classification is meaningless

>> No.15309132

Your stomach is growling again because it wants pints of diarrhea to consume

>> No.15309134

Perception is more important than reality.
Truth is in the eye of the beholder.
Thats why Trump & Putin hired me to post lies on /sci/, just look at all the stupid crap ppl think is true now.

>> No.15309135

Do you always journal your inner monologue after waiting 12 hours to eat your own shit?

>> No.15309138

You ate so much shit you are now projecting eating shit because you are a shit eating schizo

>> No.15309146

You are the one who started this line of reasoning with your vivid description of exactly what it is like to eat shit and necrobumped threads after 12 hours just to talk about eating shit some more because you are clearly the expert on shit eating who is projecting your fetish onto others.

>> No.15309150

You have consumed gallons now and barfed it up then licked it off the floor

>> No.15309153
File: 156 KB, 800x450, free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a schizophrenic, I'm a sadist. I only pretend to be a schizophrenic because I know how angry it makes /sci/ posters. When they get angry, I get happy.

>> No.15309156

cool journal entry but this isn't the place to blog the mundane details of your evening

>> No.15309158

Insanely based.

>> No.15309172
File: 29 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is based on the old meme of only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.15309178

this topic seems to make you emotional, judging by how you use invective.

>> No.15309184

I made that meme in order to dissuade ppl from biting my style. Thanks for saving my OC on your drive space, I have nothing of yours saved on mine.
t. influential poster

>> No.15309185

Not at all, >>15309153 is a 1:1 copy of the meme replacing general retardation with a specific type of retardation, sorry if you didn't have the pattern recognization ability to notice.

>> No.15309189

I didn't save anything either, I just used the URL from knowyourmeme to upload and if that counts, you downloaded the text I wrote too, so you are obviously wrong, you have saved things of mine on your computer.

>> No.15309194

are you just pretending too?

>> No.15309199

No, >>15309153 really is based on >>15309172 and while it is quite obvious on its own, >>15309184 confirmed it.

>> No.15309210

You seem upset

>> No.15309214

Nope you are just projecting your own emotional state from being BTFO again like usual which is apparent in the fact you aren't even trying to make a counterargument anymore, just speculating about emotions after you got proven wrong.

>> No.15309229

You are scooping piles of shit out of the toilet and scarfing it down

>> No.15309259


>> No.15309264

You seem emotionally invested in the concept of winning an argument on the internet.

>> No.15309269

it's because of all the fecal matter he consumes

>> No.15309281

No, you are the one constantly deflecting and interrupting with emotional appeals because you can't handle being wrong and would rather devolve into an emotional outburst rather than have a logical conversation that you don't fully control, I just present the facts and let them take us where they will.

>> No.15309284

OK I will take your word for it since it takes one to know one and fecal consumption is well outside of my areas of expertise, but you seem quite attuned to the idea.

>> No.15309292

The fact that trolling /sci/ users is fun? We've already proven that.

>> No.15309297

I know all about your shit eating fetish cocksucker

>> No.15309299

Thanks for confirming it is entirely emotional for you because you are a very emotional person, nice lady.

>> No.15309302

You're getting a little better, but you need to stop trying so hard. People will get wise to you too easily if you get that invested in your gimmick. Start on /co/ or /pol/ and work your way up to more challenging boards.

>> No.15309304

Yes you have spent days making us all very aware that you are deeply into the scat fetish and the boards utmost shit eating expert.

>> No.15309309

That is clearly just your hormones talking, lady.

>> No.15309319

Yes you have spent days munching on shit while you told us all about it in this thread

>> No.15309323

Since you are the one actually telling the thread all about it and you are the only one ITT vividly describing what it is like to eat shit, we all know what you are doing right now.

>> No.15309343

Yes we all know you are eating piles of shit

>> No.15309348

Except you base your assumption on the fact that your breath stinks and we base it on the fact that you are openly obsessed with eating shit and can describe the process of doing it vividly.

>> No.15309362

Yes we all know if there is a bowl full of shit you will kill your own mother to get to it and chow down

>> No.15309371

Just because you know for an absolute 100% fact that is your first instinct when seeing a bowl full of shit doesn't mean you know it is the first instinct of other people as well even if you are the one who is confused about whether you are the only person that exists or not.

>> No.15309375

I dont keep bowls full of shit around my house, that is what you do because of your voracious appetite to consume stacks of shit

>> No.15309380

Why is it fun to troll lolcows like bodhi, scientifically speaking?

>> No.15309381

>I dont keep bowls full of shit around my house
Only because they don't last a minute once you have seen that there is a bowl full of shit that needs to be eaten immediately because you are the one describing it in vivid detail so everyone knows its what you like to do.

>> No.15309384

You eat stacks of shit and call other people a lolcow schizo?

>> No.15309388

A minute? That is Child's play compared to how fast a bowl of shit will disappear in your vicinity

>> No.15309393

Yes because a toilet only takes 3 seconds to flush, but your mouth takes at least a minute to savor it all in such a way that you can come up with such vivid descriptions to blog about.

>> No.15309395

They don't make a timer fast enough to clock how fast you will empty a bowl of shit

>> No.15309398

I see with all that time spent eating shit, you haven't learned how atomic clocks work.

>> No.15309403

Atoms dont spin fast enough to measure how fast you scarf down a double stack of shit

>> No.15309416

So you really think that only a literal superhuman flash like being can eat more shit than you do in an average day?

>> No.15309449

Superman could only get 2 spoonfuls down before he heard your empty owl clinking on the counter

>> No.15309450

So that is a yes, you need to appeal to comic book physics to find someone that could eat more shit than you.

>> No.15309453

>Inability to reason or hold a conversation. Mirroring, spastic meltdowns and aggressive behavior for no reason, projection etc. Be soundly defeated in an argument yet continuing arguing the point infinitely because they are incapable of understanding when they are wrong and have been proven wrong.
That describes a totally average normie.

>> No.15309457

True to an extent, but schizos are aggressive and retarded about it. It isnt that a schizos symptoms are unique to a schizo it is the degree to which they exhibit them and the psychotic element

>> No.15309460

So you admit only a fictional character in a made up Universe could possibly ever hope to eat shit faster than you?

>> No.15309462

>are aggressive and retarded about it.
You mean like by aggressively talking about eating shit for hours on end and appealing to comic book physics to justify their claims?

>> No.15309464

Same reason there are so many schizos on every other board. 4chan's low barrier for entry means it has an attracting function to people who are unable to function in normal places, which in turn is a repelling function for people who'd like to have a normal conversation about something away from screeching schizos. Everyone here has something wrong with them.

>> No.15309465

Yes that is exactly what have you done

>> No.15309466

I think virtually all are, except those who obviously cash out on it or otherwise gain in some way.

>> No.15309470

>True to an extent, but schizos are aggressive and retarded about it.
All normies are.

>> No.15309471

No I simply pointed out that is what you did when you realized you don't understand clocks.

You first brought it up.

>> No.15309476

You have eaten shit for hours on end, yes. You ever notice how I can pick you out every post you make though you think you are anonymous here? Why do you think that is? It is because you have shit dripping all down your face

>> No.15309485

No, I only see that you are a self proclaimed expert on eating shit, you can't even pick out which post was mine in that >>15308645 thread.

>> No.15309490

I became an expert by watching you eat so much shit

>> No.15309516

You watched the reflection in your screen and called it someone else.

>> No.15309567

shit eater

>> No.15309603

Yes you are and while it was very clear, thanks for confirming by tagging yourself as such one more time.

>> No.15309619

Psychotic people often have big ideas or make big discoveries. They'll understand and perceive things that noone else see and will begin to question a lot of things and develop conspiracy theories. Those are delusions of course.

/sci/ and /x/ are schizo safe spaces and echo-chambers for people who think like that.
/pol/ too when those beliefs and persecutory delusions become political.

>> No.15309638 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 320x320, twilight-zone-1959___if_i_ignore_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delusions of grandiosity are extraordinarily common amongst scientists, thats why they avoid researching the topic

>> No.15309753
File: 92 KB, 768x1023, 042c12c64bddded8f12fa1c362be44d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delusions of grandiosity
So being Grand among common is...a symptom of delusion?

Look at this guy....Fucking Deluded! Doesnt he know he is no one special and everyone deserve a chance to be the champion.

#HerTurn #Representation

>> No.15310706

eating nothing but shit for 2 days straight, impressive, very nice

>> No.15311708

this board is such a shithole nowadays compared to 10 years ago it's a fucking disgrace

>> No.15311734

>why are there so many schizophrenics on this board?

How do you know there isn't just one?

>> No.15311735

There is not schizophrenia on sci

>> No.15311740
File: 355 KB, 220x171, black sweet science man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thought he would enjoy being heavyweight champ, but he hated it and ditched the job as soon as his sunk cost fallacy wore off. He was happier as a contender because he got to fight regularly, which is what he really wanted out of life.

>> No.15311744

>i hate /sci/
why are you still here?